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Michael Fodero
Michael Martins
 What is Virtual Reality?
Virtual Reality refers to a high-end user interface that
involves real-time simulation and interactions through
multiple sensorial channels. Virtual Reality is often
used to describe a wide variety of
applications, commonly associated with its
immersive, highly visual, 3D environments. The
development of CAD software, graphics hardware
acceleration, head mounted displays, database gloves
and miniaturization have helped popularize the
Brief History
 Cinerama Widescreen film format (originally called vitarama)
invented in 1939 by Fred Waller and Ralph Walker. This system
was used by The Army Air Corps during WWII for anti aircraft

 In 1950s, Flight simulators were built by the US Air Force to

train student pilots.

 Sesorama simulator was built by Morton Heilig in 1962.

Simulation that contained Stereoscopic images, motion
chair, audio, temperature changes, odours, and blown air. One
could see, hear, feel motion and smell during the simulation.

 In 1965, Ivan Sutherland led a research program for computer

graphics and developed a VR system called “The Ultimate
Display”. This was a virtual environment seen through an HMD
(head-mounted display). Users could manipulate objects in a
realistic way.

 In 1988, commercial development of VR began.

 In 1991, first commercial entertainment VR system "Virtuality"

was released.

 In 1992 a method of the showing and testing of scientific

visualizations called the CAVE was created.

By Virtuality

 Movies - Virtual reality is applied in 3-D movies to try and
immerse the viewer into the movie and/or virtual setting and

 Video Games - Virtual reality is evident in video games. Now you

can physically interact with a game by using your body and
motions to control characters and other elements of the game
that years ago people would only imagine.

 Education and training – Training and education is done through

virtual reality because it can prepare you for many dangerous
jobs and put the worker in real scenarios without the risk of them
being hurt. Doing this enables them to fully train and educate
themselves in almost any situation possible so that they’re ready
and well equipped for the job. Virtual reality can give them the
experience they need without actually putting them or others in
 Education & Training
- Driving simulator
- Flight simulator
- Ship simulator
- Shooting simulator
Types of VR Technology's
Project Natal
Its a new piece of technology that is under going
development now for the Xbox 360. Project Natal
proposes a new way of interacting with games, and
indeed with computer systems in general. They propose
that there system will not require any keyboards or
controller. It will function by the use of the user's voice
and motions as the method for interacting with the
Cave Automatic Virtual Environment

 The term “CAVE" refers to any virtual reality system

that uses multiple walls with multiple projectors to
immerse users in a virtual world. The CAVE is used for
visualizing data, demonstrating 3D environments, and
virtually testing component parts of newly developed
engineering projects.
The Nintendo Wii
 The controller is basically a simplified version of the
"virtual reality glove." Both the Wiimote and the Wii
Fit offer users another way of interacting with their
virtual environment without having to wear any bulky
Virtual Reality Experience in
Future of Virtual Reality
 The future of virtual reality is hard to predict but
one thing’s for sure the world of entertainment is
going to see a lot more of it. Virtual reality is
starting to evolve into video games and movies.
The Nintendo Wii and Project Natal are great
examples because the user is performing
physical movements to interact with the game.
Also many more 3-D movies are being made and
maybe in the near future they will all become
more immersive than the “Experience in Rome”
movie. Only time will tell.
 "virtual reality (VR)." Encyclopædia Britannica. 2009. Encyclopædia Britannica Online. 11 Dec. 2009

 Strickland, Jonathan. "How Virtual Reality Works." N.p., n.d.

Web. 9 Dec. 2009. <>.

 "Exorex, the Video Game by Virtuality." Arcade History. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Dec.
2009. <>.

 "Dactyl Nightmare SP, the Video Game by Virtuality." Arcade History. N.p., n.d.
Web. 10 Dec. 2009. <


APPLICATIONS." University of Illinois at Chicago. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Dec.
2009. <

 Wilson, Mark. "Testing Project Natal: We Touched the Intangible." Gizmodo. N.p.,
n.d. Web. 11 Dec. 2009. <

 Brain, Marshall. "How the Wii Works ." N.p., n.d. Web. 11
Dec. 2009. <>.
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