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Teknik Sipil Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta

Yogyakarta, 4 th June 2018



Sokovoli Basutuka Odrovakavula1 Diamantino Da Silva Fernandes2

Program Studi Teknik Sipil, Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta, Jl. Babarsari No.44


The case study is at University Vertical Lift at Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta.The
two lift service a four story building including basement. The structure of the lift was
designed by a University Lecture (Yanuarius Benny Kristiawan, ST., MSc.) depicting a
monument icon for the Campus 2. The structure was constructed for the period of one and
half years on the year 2016, with a concept design of concrete structure and glass type
Geared Traction Elevators with Machine Room vertical passenger lift.

The lift is used by students, Lecturers, ancillary staff and the public at the University
during official hours and sometimes on unofficial hours. The selected area of the study is
to identify the factors on the existing design concepts that may not be appropriate which
may affect the initial construction cost and to find alternatives ways for improvements with
maintaining the function of the lift, while meeting quality, performance and reliability


The main function of the lift elevator is to safely provide universal access to its users
vertically from a lower level position to upper level and vice versa, which commonly built
in high rise buildings. Prior to this, the design of the lift at the university act as a unique
icon and serves as its primary role. It has the maximum capacity of 10 persons per lift.
Carryout its services from basement to the fourth floor of the building
Teknik Sipil Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta
Yogyakarta, 4 th June 2018


The Value Engineering Analysis further carried out derived from items below:

Figure A: Location of the lift structure – the structure is located inside of the
University Complex

Figure B : Exterior Concrete Works – the design has a variety concrete design concepts
Teknik Sipil Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta
Yogyakarta, 4 th June 2018

Figure C : The type of flooring works used (tiling) - the mixture of the ceramic high
gloss materials

Figure D : The Fish Aquarium – is located openly to the environment

Teknik Sipil Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta
Yogyakarta, 4 th June 2018

Figure E : The type of Lift Used – Transparent glass type lift - car

Figure F : Design of Waiting area at Ground Level – Design very Luxurious

Teknik Sipil Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta
Yogyakarta, 4 th June 2018

Figure G: Glass type exterior walls - clear glass wall


From the seven items above, three items are further analyses as alternative that can be
improved for future development, with criteria based on the cost involved

A. Exterior concrete design (Super - structure)

- From the initial start of the project, the construction team has to carry out
proper construction methods that have to achieve the required works. (Saves
- It may affect the initial cost of the project based on variety concrete works
- The structure still applicable and effective is the design was simple
Teknik Sipil Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta
Yogyakarta, 4 th June 2018

B. The type of lift used (Transparent glass lift)

- The University has come up with using the type mentioned above compared to
an enclosed lift.
- If using normal enclosed lift, is still workable, hence with a low cost , in terms
of specialized contractors involves in the installation of the lift.

C. Design of Waiting area at Ground Level – Design very Luxurious

- Using of luxurious type materials is seen at this part of the building, compared
if we are using normal standard building design concepts.
- Saves time and money during its construction

A. Exterior concrete design (Super - structure)

If in terms of cost wise, there has been a large amount of cost involved in concrete being
used compared if the initial proposed design was simple.


- A state unique icon for the University

- Contribute to the beautification of the building environment
- Unique high class standard design for University.


- Operationally, the cost for maintenance will be at high price compared for a simple
shape designs structure.
- It uses more space in terms of sight views from the classrooms nearby
- It uses a large amount of mixtures painting works due to its complexity in design.
- The use of extra use roof plumbing and rainstorm drainage system.
- The use of glasses at exterior wall will be much more expensive in cost, since it
contributes also to the sharing on bearing of load of the structure.
- Bare concrete structures left exposed
Teknik Sipil Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta
Yogyakarta, 4 th June 2018

B. The type of lift used (Transparent glass lift)

The university uses the vertical Geared Traction Elevators (Transparent glass type)


- The lift is transparent and users can be visible from outside

- It contributes to modern concept of building standards
- In terms of majors’ accidents, an alternative of easy access emergency routes.
- Soundproof lift compared to hydraulics type lift


- Glass type lifts are purposely designs to be used at Hotels and Malls
- Not economical in terms of cost of lifts.
- Operational and maintenance cost is more, compared to normal enclosed lifts. (AC
Usage, Cleaning Services, )
- High risk of major accidents, if glasses are broken or damages.
- Extra railing works is needed inside the lift
- Requires special monthly services

C. Waiting area at Ground Level

- The university uses luxury design concepts in terms of lightning system, flooring


- Recognized and increase standards campus

- Contribute to modern building concepts
- Contribute to the beautification look of the campus


- Uses more expensive materials

- Operational and maintenance is more high if uses normal standard materials
Teknik Sipil Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta
Yogyakarta, 4 th June 2018


The following is recommended but will involve reconstruction works, with extra cost of

A. Exterior concrete design (Super - structure)

a. Recommendation for simple design concrete exterior structure.
o Simple method of construction - during constructing
o Less cost involve during maintenance period, in terms of care,
repaint, repair to damages
B. The type of lift used (Transparent glass lift)
a. Recommended – use of enclose lift type
i. Serving the same purpose with cost is being less in the operation
and maintenance of the lift.
C. Waiting area at ground level
a. Use of simple and non-luxurious materials
i. Not that costly in terms of replacement to damages lighting and
tiling flooring systems
ii. Requires specialized contractors during initial installations
Teknik Sipil Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta
Yogyakarta, 4 th June 2018


It can be concluded that after carrying out Value Engineering job plan/ analysis, based
on site visits and personal assumptions the three factors involved has a great influence
initially in the cost of construction of the project. Cost can be minimized with maintaining
the quality and the function of the infrastructure. If the design was carried out to be simple
as possible, there would not much cost involved.

Suggestions are further to be considered while designing elevators / lifts that to be

based on the analysis above, which not to create such complexity designs.
Teknik Sipil Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta
Yogyakarta, 4 th June 2018


- Scott W. Cullen, MRICS , 2016 , Value Engineering ,World Building Design

Guide, available online at :

- FitriU Naibaho, 2017 , 3 Bangunan Unik di Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta

(UAJY) ,kompasiana, available online at
bangunan- unik-universitas-atma-jaya-yogyakarta-uajy

- Michael Noll , 2009, Archtoolbox , ARCHITECT’S TECHNICAL


- The Civil Engineering Handbook, Second Edition , Chapter 7 - Value Engineering

Methods, available online at

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