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Assignment 2

Table: Societal Values of Entrepreneurship

in Egypt and GEM Countries (2017)
Egypt Global

Rank/54 % %
Entrepreneurship as a good career choice 7 75.9 61.6

High status to successful entrepreneurship 3 82.0 68.4

Media attention to entrepreneurship 17 68.7 60.5

Societal Values of Entrepreneurship
in Egypt and GEM Countries (2017)
Sources: The Authors; GEM Global Report 2017/18
Definitions: We measure societal values through three indicators
Entrepreneurship as a good career choice: indicates the percentage of adults aged 18-64
who are neither nascent entrepreneurs nor existing business owners/managers, who
expressed an opinion and agreed with the statement that starting a new business is a desirable
career choice.
High status of successful entrepreneurs: indicates the percentage of adults aged 18-64
who are neither nascent entrepreneurs nor existing business owners/managers, who
expressed an opinion and agreed with the statement that those who succeeded in starting new
businesses have a high level of social status and respect.
Media attention to entrepreneurship: indicates the percentage of adults aged 18-64 who are
neither nascent entrepreneurs nor existing business owners/managers, who expressed an
opinion and agreed with the statement about how often people see stories in the public media
and/or internet about successful new businesses.
Societal values and attitudes provide an indicator on how
entrepreneurship is perceived in a country. A society’s culture,
history, policy and business environment along with other
factors can influence its view toward entrepreneurship, which
can, in turn, affect entrepreneurial ambitions and the extent to
which startup companies are supported. GEM assesses the
extent to which people think entrepreneurship is a good career
choice, whether they feel entrepreneurs are perceived in high
status and if there are positive representations of
entrepreneurship in the media.
Entrepreneurship as a good career choice

Entrepreneurship as a good career choice: Entrepreneurship is perceived

as a good career choice by 75.9% of Egyptians. While the positive
perception has fluctuated slightly over the past 5 years, it has generally
remained high, between 73-83%. This demonstrates a consistent pattern
of positive perception of entrepreneurship as a career choice in Egypt.
This rate is generally high compared to the global average of 61.6%,
ranking 7th among GEM countries. This high rate is a positive indicator of
the growth of the entrepreneurial culture, especially within youth. It also
represents a growing perception among youth that entrepreneurship is a
way forward towards economic independence in a high unemployment
Entrepreneurship as a good career choice

High status associated with successful entrepreneurship: Successful

entrepreneurs are perceived as having high social status by 82.0% of
Egyptians. Again, while the number has fluctuated slightly between
2012-2017, it has generally remained within an 8% range –
demonstrating a consistent pattern of a favorable status associated
with successful entrepreneurs in Egypt. Among GEM countries, Egypt
ranks very high in this area (3rd of 52), and places well above the
global average of 68.4%. This high rate highlights the growing role
model stature of the “successful entrepreneur”, especially among
Media attention to entrepreneurship:
Media attention to entrepreneurship: Media attention towards
entrepreneurship is perceived as favorable by 68.7% of
respondents. This figure is higher than the global average of
60.5%, with an improved ranking (16th of 52). It also represents
a noticeable improvement from previous years (ranging
between 58%-63% over the period of 2012 to 2016), This
increase indicates a noticeable change in how entrepreneurship
is covered in the media in Egypt, where several radio and
television talk shows are starting to present positive stories of
successful entrepreneurs.

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