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Scientist: ___________

Fall 2019 Honors Contract

Ms. Meghan’s Objectives:

1. SWBAT feel challenged with adult world biology and environmental science
concepts, science and engineering practices, and cross connecting concepts
2. SWBAT conduct field research with professionals and peer scientists
3. SWBAT practice and gain confidence for the SAT2/AP Biology and ACT science
section exams
4. SWBAT lead biology and environmental science outreach volunteering
opportunities for our community

HTHCV Honors Policy

Juniors at High Tech High Chula Vista are eligible to opt in for Honors credit in a
course if they choose to complete the additional or alternative assignments. All content
discussed will be rigorous and will be used to strengthen your understanding of key
biological concepts. To be eligible for honors credit, please see the requirements below.

1. Read, annotate, and answer questions on Google Classroom to assigned scientific
journals, articles, and novels weekly
2. Complete 1 Chapter of Khan Academy SAT 2 lesson questions and screenshot
progress on Google Classroom weekly
3. Come prepared to lead 1 and participate in all monthly socratic seminar discussion
of the month’s reading by bringing in questions and Google Classroom responses
4. Must submit your research poster to a scientific conference and a research
proposal to the Genes in Space competition
5. Must attend all 4 socratic seminars
6. Volunteer at least 3 biology/environmental science volunteer events and write a
reflection with pictures about each experience
7. For each event take a leadership role in our Space Exhibition
8. Complete 2 full Biology SAT2/AP Biology Practice Tests
9. Must complete an end of the semester Honors Reflection on your growth

Readings, Documentaries, and Blog Posts on Google Classroom

● Ask an Astronaut by Tim Peake
● Origins by Neil De Grasse Tyson
● Astrophysics for People in a Hurry by Neil De Grasse Tyson
● Rocket Girls by Nathalia Holt
● Hidden Figures by Margot Lee Shetterly
Scientist: ___________

● The Space Barons by Christian Davenport

● HBO Vice: New Space Race
● Scientific Journal Articles from NASA and SALK scientists

Monthly Socratic Seminars

● Each seminar will have a different topic and discussion question focused on a
scientific journal, scientific journal, and/or science fiction novel
● Your will lead at least 1 seminar will be responsible for keeping the discussion
moving, providing questions to guide the discussion, and inviting others to

● Weekly Reading and Responses to Scientific Journals/Novels/Documentaries (15
points each)
● Monthly Socratic Seminar Participation (50 points each)
● Leading Socratic Seminar (50 points each)
● Volunteer 3 times and Reflection (50 per 150 points) Due December 13th!
● Space Exhibition Lead Role (Must be discussed and approved by Ms. Meghan) (50
● Refinement and Submission of Research Poster to a Scientific Conference (50
● ACT/SAT2/and/or Khan Academy Weekly Assignments (15 Points each)
● 2 SAT2 Practice Tests and Reflection (25 Points Each)
● End of the Semester Reflection (50 points) Due December 13th!

Socratic Seminar Dates and Topics during Lunch

Socratic Seminar Dates at Lunch Topic being discussed

Thursday, September 19th Ask an Astronaut by Tim Peake

Thursday, October 17th Origins and Astrophysics for People in a Hurry by Neil de Grasse Tyson

Thursday, November 14th Rocket Girls and Hidden Figures

Thursday, December 12th Space Barons and HBO Vice: Space Race

Volunteer Opportunities
9/21/2019- I love a Clean SD Border Field at Monument Mesa Parking Lot Clean-up 9AM-
10/5/2019- Monument Mesa Clean-up 9AM-12PM
Scientist: ___________

10/19/2019-Beautify Chula Vista Clean-up 8:30AM-12PM

*More Events to come!
Any of the Climate 350, Environmental Health Coalition, City of Chula Vista

Honors Student and Parent Agreement

Scientist Name: _______________________

This signed honors contract is due Friday, September 6th.

I ______________________ have reviewed this document and wish to sign up for

honors credit for Biology/Environmental Science. I understand that if I do not satisfy the
requirements my grades will be impacted and that I may not drop out of the honors option.

_______________________ ______________________
Scientist Signature Parent/Guardian Signature

______________________ ______________________
Advisor Signature Ms. Meghan’s Signature

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