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Scene 1

Narrator : One day at the kingdom,was held a big party to celebrate the birth of a beautifull princess
that name Aurora.Every fairy from throughout the kingdom was invited to that party.

King : “Welcome at this party”

Queen :”Thank you on your arrival.This kingdom really will be colorful by birth Aurora”

King :”Please fairies give blessing for Aurora!”

Narrator : There are 12 fairies that give blessing for Aurora. Every fairies give a blessing to make
Aurora be a good princess. And then the 3 last fairies give their blessing .

Fairy Flora :” I give her a beauty”

Fairy Fauna : “I give you a nice voice”

Fairy Merryweather :”Aurora,accept blessing from me”

Narrator : Suddenly an angry fairy appeared in a flash of green fire. She is Maleficent a fairy that
king and queen forget to invite because their so long not see her throughout the kingdom.

Maleficent :”Ha Ha ha!Why do I not invite to this party?”

Queen :”I am so sorry.I thought you had died”

Maleficent :”( Maleficent angry)”I will curse your Aurora!Your child will stuck a needle and she
will be die”
Narrator : Everyone is scared and Queen was crying.

Queen :”Oh no!What will happen with my child?”

Fairy Merryweather :”Keep calm Queen! I cant cancel that curse.But I can give my blessing to your
princess. Your child will asleep if she get stabbed a needle until 100 years.All that curse will be lose if
a prince save the princess by giving her a true love sign.

King :”Thank you fairy Merryweather , you help us so much”

Scence 2

Narrator : One day,when the princess was 18 years old and the King and queen was go out from
the kingdom, she decide to walking around the palace. She saw an old woman who was loomed.

Princess :“What is this mrs?”

Old woman :”This is a loom,princess”

Princess :”My first time to see a tool like this.Mrs, may I try it?”

Old woman :”With my pleasure,Princess!”(The old woman accidentally jabbed the needle into the
finger of Princess)

Narrator : The princess fell down.She didn’t realize that old woman was Maleficent in disguised.
And then Maleficent evil laugh.

Maleficent :”Ha ha ha!That’s curse come true”

Narrator : After King and Queen back.They didin’t find the Princess.They and all the servant look
for the Princess.

Queen :”Im afraid with my daughter.I am afraid there is something”

King :”You must be positive thinking my wife!”

Queen :”Oh my God!What happen with you my princess? Come here my husband look!(Queen
was crying)

King :”Oh no! Maleficent’s curse come true!”

Queen :”What should we doing?”

King :”We must call fairy Merryweather”

Narrator : Than,King sent a letter about that’s incident to fairy Merryweather.

Queen :”Fairy Merryweather, please help my daughhter!”

Fairy Merryweather :”Im sorry I can’t help.That’s curse is come true”

King :”Then what?”

Fairy Merryweather :”I will make all of kingdom occupants fall asleep too”

Queen :” if it was for my daughter's best, then do it”

Narrator : After that Aurora and all of kingdom occupants felt asleep.

Scene 3

Narrator : After 100 years.Cames a prince who happened to be hunting near the kingdom.And on
his way,he meet fairy Merryweather.

Fairy Merryweather y :”Prince..prince..”

Prince :”Who are you?”

Fairy Merryweather :”Im fairy Merryweather.Prince please help a cursed princess !”

Prince :”What?”

Fairy Merryweather :”Please help her !At country east kingdom there is a pretty Princes that felt
asleep because a curse of a Maleficent.You are the chosen prince,that is you,Prince Andrea”

Prince :”Me?But I don’t know about it”

Fairy Merryweather y :”Yes you.Please help the princess.Only you can lose that’s curse”

Prince :”Ok fairy.I shall come to east kingdom and I will struck that princess form that curse”

Fairy Merryweather :”Thank you so much. But you must be careful. Maleficent certain will try to
frustrate your effort.”

Scene 4

Narrator : Next morning prince leaves his kingdom to wake up princess of aurora. At arrival at
east kingdom. Maleficent has been waited for him.

Maleficent :” Hey you are stupid prince don’t hope that you can rescue the princess because
before you are succes , I will kill you!”

Prince :”Im not afraid with stupid fairy like you! I promise to rescue her”

Maleficent :”Proud kid! You say like that to me?”

Prince :”Yes because I dare to kill you!”

Prince : “Be gone you stupid fairy”

Narrator : The prince fight the evil Maleficent, the figt is so intens. Maleficent turn into powerfull
dragon, but the prince has no fear and then he stabbed her with his mighty sword.

Maleficent : Ahhh … No !”

Narrator : Finally Maleficent dies. His primary task now will be easily to be done to cancel the

Scene 5

Narrator : Soon prince comes in to palace and aim where Aurora presents.

Prince :” My princess Aurora, heres moment that I will rescue you. Accept this rose for my love
sign to you”

Narrator : Aurora finally awake from the curse, because the love sign that the prince gift. All of
kingdom is awake too, so the king and queen say their thank you to the prince.

Princess :”Oh my prince thank you. That you free me from the curse with your courage”

King :”Prince, thank you has rescued this kingdom from long destruction”

Prince :”Don’t worship me like that. Honest I want to say that I very love your princess. Do you
want to marry with me ?”

Queen :” My princess marry him later you will be happy.”

Princess :”Thank’s father, mother. Prince actually you are the one that I wait. I love you too. So I
accept your request”

Narrator : Finally princess Aurora and prince Andrea are live happily ever after.

Scene 1

Narrator : One day at the kingdom,was held a big party to celebrate the birth of a beautifull
princess that name Aurora.Every fairy from throughout the kingdom was invited to that party.

King :”Please fairies give blessing for Aurora!”

Narrator : There are 12 fairies that give blessing for Aurora. Every fairies give a blessing to
make Aurora be a good princess. And then the 3 last fairies give their blessing .

Fairy Merryweather :”Aurora,accept blessing from me”

Narrator : Suddenly an angry fairy appeared in a flash of green fire. She is Maleficent a fairy
that king and queen forget to invite because their so long not see her throughout the kingdom.

Maleficent :”( Maleficent angry)”I will curse your Aurora!Your child will stuck a needle and she
will be die”

Narrator : Everyone is scared and Queen was crying.

Scence 2

Narrator : One day,when the princess was 18 years old and the King and queen was go out from
the kingdom, she decide to walking around the palace. She saw an old woman who was loomed.

Old woman :”With my pleasure,Princess!”(The old woman accidentally jabbed the needle into the
finger of Princess)

Narrator : The princess fell down.She didn’t realize that old woman was Maleficent in disguised.
And then Maleficent evil laugh.

Maleficent :”Ha ha ha!That’s curse come true”

Narrator : After King and Queen back.They didin’t find the Princess.They and all the servant
look for the Princess.

King :”We must call fairy Merryweather”

Narrator : Than,King sent a letter about that’s incident to fairy Merryweather.

Queen :” if it was for my daughter's best, then do it”

Narrator : After that Aurora and all of kingdom occupants felt asleep.
Scene 3

Narrator : After 100 years.Cames a prince who happened to be hunting near the kingdom.And
on his way,he meet fairy Merryweather.

Scene 4

Narrator : Next morning prince leaves his kingdom to wake up princes of aurora. At arrival at
east kingdom. Maleficent has been waited for him.

Prince : “Be gone you stupid fairy”

Narrator : The prince fight the evil Maleficent, the figt is so intens. Maleficent turn into powerfull
dragon, but the prince has no fear and then he stabbed her with his mighty sword.

Maleficent : Ahhh … No !”

Narrator : Finally Maleficent dies. His primary task now will be easily to be done to cancel the

Scene 5

Narrator : Soon prince comes in to palace and aim where Aurora presents.

Prince :” My princess Aurora, heres moment that I will rescue you. Accept this rose for my love
sign to you”

Narrator : Aurora finally awake from the curse, because the love sign that the prince gift. All of
kingdom is awake too, so the king and queen say their thank you to the prince.

Princess :”Thank’s father, mother. Prince actually you are the one that I wait. I love you too. So I
accept your request”

Narrator : Finally princess Aurora and prince Andrea are live happily ever after.
Scence 2

Narrator : One day,when the princess was 18 years old and the King and queen was go out from
the kingdom, she decide to walking around the palace. She saw an old woman who was loomed.

Princess :“What is this mrs?”

Old man :”This is a loom,princess”

Princess :”My first time to see a tool like this.Mrs, may I try it?”

Old woman :”With my pleasure,Princess!”(The old woman accidentally jabbed the needle into the
finger of Princess)

Scene 5

Narrator : Aurora finally awake from the curse, because the love sign that the prince gift. All of
kingdom is awake too, so the king and queen say their thank you to the prince.

Princess :”Oh my prince thank you. That you free me from the curse with your courage”

Queen :” My princess marry him later you will be happy.”

Princess :”Thank’s father, mother. Prince actually you are the one that I wait. I love you too. So I
accept your request”
Scene 3

Fair Merryweather y :”Prince..prince..”

Prince :”Who are you?”

Fairy Merryweather :”Im fairy Merryweather.Prince please help a cursed princess !”

Prince :”What?”

Fairy Merryweather :”Please help her !At country east kingdom there is a pretty Princes that felt
asleep because a curse of a Maleficent.You are the chosen prince,that is you,Prince Andrea”

Prince :”Me?But I don’t know about it”

Fairy Merryweather y :”Yes you.Please help the princess.Only you can lose that’s curse”

Prince :”Ok fairy.I shall come to east kingdom and I will struck that princess form that curse”

Fairy Merryweather :”Thank you so much. But you must be careful. Maleficent certain will try to
frustrate your effort.”

Scene 4

Maleficent :” Hey you are stupid prince don’t hope that you can rescue the princess because
before you are succes , I will kill you!”

Prince :”Im not afraid with stupid fairy like you! I promise to rescue her”

Maleficent :”Proud kid! You say like that to me?”

Prince :”Yes because I dare to kill you!”

Prince : “Be gone you stupid fairy”

Scene 5

Narrator : Soon prince comes in to palace and aim where Aurora presents.

Prince :” My princess Aurora, heres moment that I will rescue you. Accept this rose for my love
sign to you”

King :”Prince, thank you has rescued this kingdom from long destruction”

Prince :”Don’t worship me like that. Honest I want to say that I very love your princess. Do you
want to marry with me ?”
Scene 1

Narrator : Suddenly an angry fairy appeared in a flash of green fire. She is Maleficent a fairy that
king and queen forget to invite because their so long not see her throughout the kingdom.

Maleficent :”Ha Ha ha!Why do I not invite to this party?”

Queen :”I am so sorry.I thought you had died”

Maleficent :”( Maleficent angry)”I will curse your Aurora!Your child will stuck a needle and
she will be die”

Scence 2

Princess :“What is this mrs?”

Old woman :”This is a loom,princess”

Princess :”My first time to see a tool like this.Mrs, may I try it?”

Old woman :”With my pleasure,Princess!”(The old woman accidentally jabbed the needle into
the finger of Princess)

Narrator : The princess fell down.She didn’t realize that old woman was Maleficent in disguised.
And then Maleficent evil laugh.

Maleficent :”Ha ha ha!That’s curse come true”

Scence 4

Narrator : Next morning prince leaves his kingdom to wake up princes of aurora. At arrival at east
kingdom. Maleficent has been waited for him.

Maleficent :” Hey you are stupid prince don’t hope that you can rescue the princess because
before you are succes , I will kill you!”

Prince :”Im not afraid with stupid fairy like you! I promise to rescue her”

Maleficent :”Proud kid! You say like that to me?”

Narrator : The prince fight the evil Maleficent, the figt is so intens. Maleficent turn into powerfull
dragon, but the prince has no fear and then he stabbed her with his mighty sword.

Maleficent : Ahhh … No !”
Scene 1

Narrator : One day at the kingdom,was held a big party to celebrate the birth of a beautifull princess
that name Aurora.Every fairy from throughout the kingdom was invited to that party.

King : “Welcome at this party”

Queen :”Thank you on your arrival.This kingdom really will be colorful by birth Aurora”

King :”Please fairies give blessing for Aurora!”

Fairy Merryweather :”Keep calm Queen! I cant cancel that curse.But I can give my blessing to your
princess. Your child will asleep if she get stabbed a needle until 100 years.All that curse will be lose if
a prince save the princess by giving her a true love sign.

King :”Thank you fairy Merryweather , you help us so much”

Scene 2

Queen :”Im afraid with my daughter.I am afraid there is something”

King :”You must be positive thinking my wife!”

Queen :”Oh my God!What happen with you my princess? Come here my husband look!(Queen
was crying)

King :”Oh no! Maleficent’s curse come true!”

Queen :”What should we doing?”

King :”We must call fairy Merryweather”

Fairy Merryweather :”Im sorry I can’t help.That’s curse is come true”

King :”Then what?”

Fairy Merryweather :”I will make all of kingdom occupants fall asleep too”

Scene 5

Princess :”Oh my prince thank you. That you free me from the curse with your courage”

King :”Prince, thank you has rescued this kingdom from long destruction”
Scene 1

Queen :”Thank you on your arrival.This kingdom really will be colorful by birth Aurora”

King :”Please fairies give blessing for Aurora!”

Maleficent :”Ha Ha ha!Why do I not invite to this party?”

Queen :”I am so sorry.I thought you had died”

Narrator : Everyone is scared and Queen was crying.

Queen :”Oh no!What will happen with my child?”

Scene 2

Narrator : After King and Queen back.They didin’t find the Princess.They and all the servant look
for the Princess.

Queen :”Im afraid with my daughter.I am afraid there is something”

King :”You must be positive thinking my wife!”

Queen :”Oh my God!What happen with you my princess? Come here my husband look!(Queen
was crying)

King :”Oh no! Maleficent’s curse come true!”

Queen :”What should we doing?”

Narrator : Than,King sent a letter about that’s incident to fairy Merryweather.

Queen :”Fairy Merryweather, please help my daughhter!”

Fairy Merryweather :”I will make all of kingdom occupants fall asleep too”

Queen :” if it was for my daughter's best, then do it”

Scene 5

Prince :”Don’t worship me like that. Honest I want to say that I very love your princess. Do you
want to marry with me ?”

Queen :” My princess marry him later you will be happy.”

Scene 1

Fairy Fauna : “I give you a nice voice”

Fairy Merryweather :”Aurora,accept blessing from me”

Queen :”Oh no!What will happen with my child?”

Fairy Merryweather :”Keep calm Queen! I cant cancel that curse.But I can give my blessing to
your princess. Your child will asleep if she get stabbed a needle until 100 years.All that curse will
be lose if a prince save the princess by giving her a true love sign.

Scene 2

Queen :”Fairy Merryweather, please help my daughhter!”

Fairy Merryweather :”Im sorry I can’t help.That’s curse is come true”

King :”Then what?”

Fairy Merryweather :”I will make all of kingdom occupants fall asleep too”

Queen :” if it was for my daughter's best, then do it”

Scene 3

Narrator : After 100 years.Cames a prince who happened to be hunting near the kingdom.And on
his way,he meet fairy Merryweather.

Fairy Merryweather y :”Prince..prince..”

Prince :”Who are you?”

Fairy Merryweather :”Im fairy Merryweather.Prince please help a cursed princess !”

Prince :”What?”

Fairy Merryweather :”Please help her !At country east kingdom there is a pretty Princes that felt
asleep because a curse of a Maleficent.You are the chosen prince,that is you,Prince Andrea”

Prince :”Me?But I don’t know about it”

Fairy Merryweather y :”Yes you.Please help the princess.Only you can lose that’s curse”

Prince :”Ok fairy.I shall come to east kingdom and I will struck that princess form that curse”

Fairy Merryweather :”Thank you so much. But you must be careful. Maleficent certain will try to
frustrate your effort.”

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