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The Black Death – Inquiry project

Year 8 Global Studies

Topic: The Black Death Date Released: 07/05/2019
Assessment Type: Inquiry project Checkpoint Date/s: 17/05/2019
Weighting: 25% Final Due Date: 31/5/2019

Task Description:

The Black Death was an infamous plague causing an estimated 20 million deaths in Europe. Its spread and impact is
disputed, but it does give an insight into a medieval way of life. The Black Death had a significant impact culturally,
socially, economically and politically.

Within Global Studies students have begun looking at The Black Death, to further develop their knowledge and
understanding of the topic they will complete a study surrounding as aspect of the topic that interests them.

Individually or in pairs, students will complete an inquiry project based on an area of interest surrounding The Black
Death. Students will be required to brainstorm a “big idea” which will be answered with a variety of guiding

Students will spend 3 weeks developing questions, researching and producing an outcome that reflects what they
have learnt about their chosen “big idea”.

Students outcomes will be represented in a multimodal form of their choice including:

• Google Slide
• Prezi
• Screencast
• Poster
• Brochure


• Your product identifies the question within an introduction.
• Your product addresses the question(s) with appropriate explanation and information.
• Your product uses a range of primary and secondary sources to inform your answers.
• Your product includes a conclusion that finalises your findings.
• Your product is well set out and is easy to follow.
• Your product includes APA referencing that informs the reader where your information has been sourced from.


Students can access a variety of resources through the cover page and lessons on SEQTA including videos, websites,
textbooks, and PDF files. This is a starting point for students, however; further investigation of resources is required!

Requirements and Format:
Word Count /Length 4-5 minutes , 5-7 slides, or 600 words (dependent on your chosen presentation

Format/Text Type Multimodal/Choices

Curriculum Links
The Black Death – Inquiry project
Year 8 Global Studies
Content Descriptor The Black Death in Asia, Europe and Africa (14th century plague)
The role of expanding trade between Europe and Asia in the Black Death, including the origin
and spread of the disease (ACDSEH069 - Scootle )

Causes and symptoms of the Black Death and the responses of different groups in society to
the spread of the disease, such as the flagellants and monasteries (ACDSEH070 - Scootle )

The immediate- and long-term effects of the Black Death on Asian, European and African
populations, and conflicting theories about the impact of the
plague (ACDSEH071 - Scootle )

Historical questions and research
Identify a range of questions about the past to inform a historical inquiry (ACHHS150 -
Scootle )

Identify and locate relevant sources, using ICT and other methods (ACHHS151 - Scootle )

Analysis and use of sources
Locate, compare, select and use information from a range of sources as evidence (ACHHS153 -
Scootle )

Explanation and communication
Develop texts, particularly descriptions and explanations that use evidence from a range of
sources that are acknowledged (ACHHS156 - Scootle )

Explanation and communication
Develop texts, particularly descriptions and explanations that use evidence from a range of
sources that are acknowledged (ACHHS156 - Scootle )

Performance / Achievement Standard Task Specific Clarification
What you will be assessed on To meet the level descriptors make sure you:
When researching, students develop questions to • Within this task you need to create a question that
frame a historical inquiry focuses on a “big idea” about the black death. This will
help form a historical inquiry that will supported by
smaller questions.

In developing, organising and presenting these texts, • Throughout your writing you need to use correct historical
they use historical terms and concepts. terms and concepts. This includes content specific
terminology and key dates.

Evidence identified in sources, and acknowledge their • Within your inquiry project you will need to source, select,
sources of information. organise and analyse a range of primary and secondary
They analyse, select and organise information from sources that help to answer your inquiry question(s).
primary and secondary sources and use it as evidence • Use APA referencing throughout, where information has
to answer inquiry questions. been used from a source.
Students develop texts, particularly descriptions and • Your information should be clearly displayed and
explanations, incorporating analysis explained throughout your assignment. You need to
analyse your information which will require you to be
critical and use relevant information to answer your
question(s) directly.

The Black Death – Inquiry project
Year 8 Global Studies
Achievement (AC) Standards/Marking Rubric
The English curriculum is built around the three interrelated strands of language, literature and literacy.
Teaching and learning programs should balance and integrate all three strands. Together, the strands focus on
developing students’ knowledge, understanding and skills in listening, reading, viewing, speaking, writing and
creating. Learning in English builds on concepts, skills and processes developed in earlier years, and teachers
will revisit and strengthen these as needed.

Productive Modes (Speaking, Writing
and Creating)

When researching, students develop

questions to frame a historical inquiry

In developing, organising and presenting

these texts, they use historical terms and

Evidence identified in sources, and

acknowledge their sources of information.

They analyse, select and organise

information from primary and secondary
sources and use it as evidence to answer

inquiry questions.
Students develop texts, particularly
descriptions and explanations, incorporating

Total /25

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