Isha Forest Flower Oct 2019

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Volume 8 / Issue 10 October 2019

Inviting ripple of the
Blue waters hold intrigues
of unfathomable sort.
Its profound depths have
been flirting with me but
I remained aloof to
its wooing not knowing
if I can grasp what is
hidden in its pristine blue
or could become absorbed
into its allure and depths.
The tease of the unknown
is magnetic, but am I dealing
with the Unknown or the Unknowable.

Grace & Blessings

October 2019 ISHA FOREST FLOWER | b


Dear Readers,
When faced with an issue, what is your which aims to create a replicable model for
first thought? Do you, like many other river and soil revitalization. The Karnataka
people, try to figure out who was at fault, leg of the campaign saw Sadhguru and
other than you? In “How to Stop Being his bevy of bikers traverse the Cauvery
a Victim,” Sadhguru analyzes the blame belt from its origin at Talacauvery to
game, and how to get out of it. Since Bengaluru, with many events along the
the responsibility for our life and the key way. Follow their journey in our News &
to success are ours, what can we do to Events section, as people from all ages and
ensure that our plans materialize? In the strata of society stand up for the cause.
article of the same name, Sadhguru delves
A couple of months earlier, over eight
into “Why Timing is Everything.”
hundred mostly young participants
Taking the right kind of action at the embarked on seven months of
right time is most essential, but why not Sadhanapada. In this issue, a few of
also get a little help from the Divine if it is them share their first experiences of a
available? In the article, “Does Devi Know potentially life-transforming journey
What You Want?” Sadhguru explains of sadhana and seva in the conducive
how Devi makes things happen in our ambience of the Isha Yoga Center. When
lives. Deities, temples, ashram, residential one thinks about the epic of Mahabharat,
buildings, even mountains – consecrated one imagines the grandiose setting in the
spaces and entities are of many kinds. northern parts of the country. This time in
Kailash is one such sacred mountain the Mahabharat series, Sadhguru provides
that has drawn spiritual seekers from various anecdotes of southern influences
time immemorial. This year’s Kailash playing an integral role in this timeless
Manasarovar Sacred Walks saw Sadhguru saga, and how they eventually sealed the
lead yatris through a powerful spiritual outcome of the war.
sojourn, including intense meditative Each month, one of our Isha Brahmacharis
processes on the banks of Manasarovar or Sanyasis shares their experiences of
and experiencing the vibrant mysticism what it means for them to walk On the
of Mount Kailash. Get glimpses of Path of the Divine. In this edition, Swami
outstanding moments of their pilgrimage Suyagna takes us through his life’s
in our photo story. Participant Nikhil trajectory from a skeptic to one who is
Ailawadi shares his pilgrimage experience totally committed to whatever activity
in “What I Left Behind.” he is put in, burning for the sacred path of
The monsoons ushered in Sadhguru’s Sanyas. Enjoy the read!
mega motorcycle ride for Cauvery Calling, The Editorial Team

Contact the Editorial Team:

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2 | ISHA FOREST FLOWER October 2019



How to Stop Being a Victim 07 Does Devi Know What You Want? 04
Does Devi Know What You Want? 4
Why Timing is Everything 5

How to Stop Being a Victim 7

Part 59: Little-Known Southern Influences  9


Swami Suyagna10
Good Yagna1


Kailash Manasarovar 2019 with Sadhguru 13
Cauvery Calling: The Karnataka Leg16

Kailash – What I Left Behind 15
Life in Sadhanapada:
Moving Beyond Likes and Dislikes 19


Isha – Program & Event Highlights 20

Beetroot Lemon Salad 21

The Swordless Sword 23

A certain process which is for everyone’s wellbeing

3 | ISHA FOREST FLOWER October 2019

Does Devi Know What You Want?

Sadhguru says, “All that human beings consider as wellbeing will be theirs, if only they earn the Grace of
Bhairavi.” This naturally brings us to the question: how does Devi make this happen? Does she know our
deepest desires and wants? Sadhguru explains how things manifest in our lives with Devi’s Grace.

Questioner: In our daily lives, we have many 

aspirations, many efforts going on. Does Devi
automatically know what we want, and where we "Bhairavi need not know where you are
are heading? going – she just enhances your ability to go."
Sadhguru: If you buy yourself a bicycle or a boat, 
will the bicycle or boat decide where you should But she is not calibrated in one direction. Bhairavi
go? Wherever you want to go, it will enhance your will just enhance what you want – she does not
journey. Bhairavi is not interested where the hell decide. It is very important that once you enhance
you are going. Bhairavi need not know where you your ability to move, you must make it clear within
are going – she just enhances your ability to go. You yourself where you want to go. If you keep changing
can go wherever you want. That is why I am saying your destination every day, then the mistakes
she is a machine. If we calibrate Bhairavi in such a that you make are big, because the machine has
way that she takes you in one particular direction – enhanced you. If you are walking and you are
let us say to your mukti – then no matter where taking a wrong direction, you can turn around. If
you want to go, she will drag you and take you only you are flying an aircraft, you cannot suddenly turn
there. But even though she takes you towards the around – it will take a long turn. Once you have an
highest possibility, if you go unwillingly, it will be a enhanced level of capability, it is very important to
miserable life for you.

4 | ISHA FOREST FLOWER October 2019

clearly determine where you want to go. Changing the way to exist. Asking is a very rudimentary way
directions every day would just waste life. to exist. There are better, more profound ways to
exist. The same with me – I do not sit and decide
Do not think in terms of, “She’s going to give me
anything. I take Shiva as my fifty percent partner
something.” Just connect with devotion. She need
not because he does anything. He does nothing. I
not do anything. You just take care of her. What
do all the work. But he puts on the indicator which
has to happen will happen. The best way is not to
way to turn. The driving is all mine, but just for
ask for anything. The best way is to simply see how
giving that simple direction, he gets fifty percent.
profoundly you can connect with that dimension. If
Where the blinkers are on, that is the direction I go.
you ask, you will only ask from what you know. You
I do not turn on the blinkers – the blinkers simply
cannot ask for what you do not know. Asking for
turn on. Once the blinkers turn on, I know I need
what you know may look like development for now,
to turn that way. This is an arrangement made for
but it is actually a backward step.
dumb drivers.
For what you do not know to happen, you should

stop asking. If you simply connect with that energy,
things will happen. Whichever way it happens, it "Should you drive the Divine, or should the
is fine with us. For all these things to happen, you
should have established yourself in such a way that
Divine drive you?"
what happens around you does not determine 
the quality of your life. What happens around you So, do not become anxious about whether
determines the quality of your work and what something is going to happen or not. If it happens –
you do in the world – it should not determine good. If it does not happen – very good. “Then, why
the quality of who and what you are. Once this is Bhairavi? Am I wasting my time with her?” Should
established, then you will see asking for something you drive the Divine, or should the Divine drive you?
is silly, because you are only asking for things that If you understand that, then there is no issue. But
you already know. right now, you are trying to drive the Divine, which
For something beyond what you know to happen, is a silly way to exist.
the best thing is to understand that asking is not

Why Timing is Everything

Questioner: Sadhguru, at times, I see myself
relentlessly pursuing goals, with a kind of a go-
getter’s attitude. At other times, I am deliberately
very patient, and I wait for things to unfold in their
own unique and beautiful way. According to you,
what is the better approach?
Sadhguru: In terms of doing anything in the world,
we should know what we are doing. Capability,
intelligence, all these things are needed. But one
important aspect that people tend to miss, especially
when they are young, is timing. If you do not time
your actions right, even the best actions will go
waste. Those who do not know how to time their life,
will look at the astrological chart and say, “This is a
We all want our actions to yield favorable results. good time, bad time, auspicious time, or inauspicious
But this isn’t always the case, despite putting time.” There is no standard chart for this.
maximum effort into our ventures. So, in addition 
to intention, involvement, and intensity in action,
what determines the outcome of our endeavors? "If the timing is right, even a small action
Sadhguru explains. will produce a huge impact."

October 2019 ISHA FOREST FLOWER | 5
Timing is most important. This is something I Just pay the same attention to everything, and
am constantly striving for people around me to apply yourself with the same level of intensity. If
understand – the significance of timing. They God comes, same intensity; if an ant comes, same
understand the significance of action. But most of intensity of attention and involvement. If you just
the time, they do not understand the significance of do this, everything will sort itself out.
timing. If the timing is right, even a small action will
Right now, the biggest problem with human
produce a huge impact. If the timing is wrong, even
beings is they think, “This is important – that’s not
if you push hard, only little will happen. How do you
important.” “This person is great – that person is
arrive at the timing? This is a complex affair. One
no good.” “This is okay – that is not okay.” “This is
aspect is, you as a human being are not in the same
God – that is the devil.” In this, they are becoming
state of physical and mental competence 24 hours
half alive. Because half the time, they are not there
a day. It is fluctuating all the time. When you want
(with what they are doing), because they think it is
to hit an important shot, you must be at your best.
not important. You are breathing right now. Is it not
You have to take care of this timing. It takes a lot of
important? You must do it with total involvement
experience and wisdom to get the timing with the
and intensity. Then we will call you a yogi.
world. But at least with you, you time it. When you
are at your best, you do important things. When 
you are not so good, you do not do it.
"Just pay the same attention to everything,
Recently, someone told someone else about his and apply yourself with the same level
experience of driving with me, many years ago. He
still remembered it since it so terrified him, because
of intensity."
my right leg is heavy. He said, “The way Sadhguru 
was driving that day, I said, ‘Sadhguru, don’t drive Just do this one thing – there is no such thing as
like this.’” On a particular day when I’m on, I know important and not important. Whether you look at
today I can do anything, and I will do it right. On your friend or at someone you do not like, whether
another day, when I’m a little not there, then I know you are doing something that is socially important
today I step back and go a little more cautiously, like or not so important, as far as you are concerned as a
everyone else. There is also timing with the rest of life, every moment of your life is equally important.
the world, with outside situations. To hit the right Everything that you do is important. What is not
thing at the right time in outside situations takes important, just do not do it. Why are you investing
much more experience and observation. But at least your life in something that you think is not important?
the timing with yourself must happen, that you are Let’s say you are doing something silly. It does not
at your best when you want to do important things. matter if I think it is not important. But you think it
 is important. Only if you think it is important, you
must invest your life in it. Otherwise, why? If you
"On a particular day when I’m on, do this, you will arrive at the timing. It will take a
I know today I can do anything, and little time, but you will arrive at the timing, and that
I will do it right." timing is extremely important.

 If you watch games like cricket or golf, you will see

they always talk about the timing of hitting the ball.
Once you understand this, you will realize it is
It is not about the strength. One person hits the ball
extremely important to keep yourself at your best,
wasting energy. Another person just flicks it, and it
every moment of your life. Because every little
goes to the same place. This is timing! That is true
thing that you do, if you learn to do it with as much
in your life too. Timing is the most important thing,
attention as the so-called big things, then you will
because the time and the energy you have in your
see the cumulative impact of those little things you
life are limited resources. No one has endless energy.
do, over a period of time, will be so big. These little
No one has endless time. So, you have to time it
things add up to something phenomenal, simply
right. First thing is to start observing yourself. When
because you took care to do them with absolute
you are at your best, you must do things. And if you
intention, attention, and intensity of expression.
observe yourself sufficiently, you will see you have
Before you realize all these things properly to be at your best every moment.
within yourself and around yourself, one simple,
fundamental thing you can do is this: Do not
decide what is important, what is not important.

6 | ISHA FOREST FLOWER October 2019

How to Stop Being a Victim

Suffering, although seemingly inevitable, is optional and self-inflicted, is what Sadhguru explains in this
piece. While we may not have absolute control over the situations around us, do we have the power to
choose how we experience and respond to them? Read to find out.

Questioner: I come from a family with a stream of this: “I’m not the body; I’m not even the mind.” If
incredible disasters. How to help people who only you sit here, and there is a little space between you
suffer? and your body, between you and your mind – this is
the end of suffering.
Sadhguru: Whoever is suffering – this may not
sound compassionate to you, but you must You have only two kinds of sufferings: physical
understand this – do you want solace, or do you suffering and mental suffering. If you maintain
want a solution? If you want a solution, there is a a little distance between you and your mind, this
certain way to handle it. If you want solace, I can say is the end of suffering. This mind is a tremendous
comforting, nice things, but that is not a solution. possibility, but most human beings are using it as
It makes you comfortable for a moment; the next a misery manufacturing machine. I even see that
moment, it will be the same thing again. If you want today, for whatever reasons, suffering seems to be
a solution, you need to understand, you are only popular. When someone talks about pain, people
suffering your memories. You are not suffering life. clap their hands; when someone talks about joy,
people laugh at them.
Your memories exist in two places – one is
your body, another one is your mind. Both are 
accumulations that you created over a period of
time. It is like with the clothing you wear… Right "Whether you are miserable or joyful
now, I am wearing lose clothing, so I am constantly right now is entirely your choice."
aware of it. Suppose I was wearing very tight nylon 
clothes; after some time, I would not know which
my skin is and which my clothing. That is all that Even when you were children, this happened to you.
has happened to you – you do not know which is Your parents were doing this to you unknowingly.
you, which is your body, which is your mind – it has Probably you are doing this to your children. If
all become like you, because you are wearing it so your children are jumping with joy and screaming,
tight. If you have done Isha Kriya, you will know you will tell them to shut up. But if they sit in one

October 2019 ISHA FOREST FLOWER | 7

corner, you will ask them what happened. From
that time, they learn that suffering brings benefits. "Whatever you are right now and whatever you
But whatever benefits you get, if you are suffering, are not, is fundamentally your responsibility."
what is the point? If you are joyful, you do not get a
damn thing – so what? 

So do not romanticize your suffering – it is not a It is like you were going on the street, and someone
great thing. And you are doing it yourself. Whether called you names; let us say they called you an idiot.
you are miserable or joyful right now is entirely You would boil within you, “Who is this fool who
your choice. Other people can create comfortable calls me an idiot. He is a big idiot; he is…” whatever.
or uncomfortable situations only on the outside. At 2:00 in the morning, you are lying in your bed,
Suffering is entirely your making. Other people can twisting and turning, still thinking about this guy
create situations; they cannot make you or me suffer. who called you an idiot. He said just one word and
went away, and it has such an impact on you. Then
Suffering is your choice. You have heard the word what he said must be true. Just about anyone can
Buddha. When I say Buddha, most of you will think cause misery to you. And if none of them are there,
of Gautama, the Buddha. Gautama is not the only you do it to yourself. Please, stop this. There is no
Buddha. There have been thousands before him and romance in misery. If you like a tragic life, then enjoy
thousands after him, and still are. Buddha means it; do not complain. Some people like romantic
just this: Bu means buddhi or “intellect,” dha means movies; some people like comedy; some people like
“one who is above.” One who is above his intellect horror movies.
is a Buddha. One who is in his intellect, is a non-
stop suffering human being. If something happens, If you like misery, do it, but you must enjoy it. People
they will suffer; if nothing happens, they will suffer. go to watch a Shakespearean tragedy because they
They know how to make everything into suffering. enjoy someone else’s suffering. If you like your own
If you were below the mind, you would not suffer suffering, enjoy it – that is left to you; that is not my
so much. way. If you like it, it is up to you, but do not create
suffering and think someone else is doing it to you.
Other creatures do not suffer as much as you. For In today’s world, if someone is physically harming
them, if their physical needs are taken care of, they you, you know what to do. Do not think someone
are quite fine. If the stomach is full, they are good. is mentally harming you. No one is mentally harming
But you are not like that – hunger, you suffer one you. They are doing what they know best. You are
way; indigestion, you suffer another way. Please do harming yourself. Suppose I know only abuse. I will
not romanticize your suffering. You are not anyone’s stand here and abuse you endlessly. The filth is in
victim; you are a victim of your own making. This my mouth, not in your mind.
may not sound very compassionate to you, but if
you want a solution, you must understand the So do not get this victim syndrome. You are not a
source of your suffering is you, and you alone. Other victim of anyone except yourself. It is entirely your
people can only create situations. They may say or own making. Until you see that, there is no way out
do something, but whether you suffer that or not is of it. This is the most fundamental thing you need
left to you. to see: Whatever you are right now and whatever
you are not, is fundamentally your responsibility.
Please make that happen.

8 | ISHA FOREST FLOWER October 2019

PART 59 Little-Known Southern Influences
In this part of our Mahabharat series, Sadhguru points out a number of examples how influences from the
South played a significant role in this immortal saga.

Questioner: Sadhguru, you said Barbarik1 came factor in the war. There are stories about how
from the South, and that the southern mysticism Ghatotkacha’s mother Hidimbi was worshipping a
had a big influence in the war. Could you elaborate goddess and even doing human sacrifice to acquire
on that? powers, which is part of her culture. She was from
the South.
Sadhguru: Barbarik showed his skill. But fortunately
for the Pandavas, he could not use his skill in the war. And the food was supplied by the Udupi king. There
Krishna immediately recognized that this guy can was a lot of support from the south, but the battle
destroy. Barbarik came with such confidence, only was essentially about the northern kings. It was
carrying three arrows, because he was dead sure they who were fighting. But the southern warriors
these three could handle the whole world. And he did not want to miss the action. They wanted to
was not willing to fight for just anyone – he would see it; if not fight at least see how it happens. Even
fight for the losing side. He liked the game of war, after Barbarik took off his own head, with Krishna’s
because he was sure he would win. blessing, he still saw the whole war, had a perfect
understanding of what happened there, and spoke
Southern mysticism played out big time. Because of
about it. Southern influences quietly played a role.
Ghatotkacha’s2 occult power, Karna lost the Shakti3.
Had Karna still had the Shakti, for sure Arjuna would To be continued.
have died. Krishna actually said Karna could even 1
 reat warrior whom Krishna asked to give his head as Guru Dakshina
kill him. So southern mysticism was the deciding 2
Powerful warrior; Bhima's son and Barbarik's father
Powerful magic weapon that Karna could only use once

October 2019 ISHA FOREST FLOWER | 9


Swami Suyagna
Good Yagna1

In this series, each month, one of our Isha Brahmacharis or Sanyasis shares their individual background,
observations, and experiences of what it means for them to walk this sacred “Path of the Divine.”
Here, Swami Suyagna retraces his journey with Sadhguru, from a hardcore skeptic to a full-time volunteer,
flute player, Isha Yoga teacher, ashram administrator, and Isha Brahmachari.

A Lure “Isha is organizing a tour of the Himalayas, but only

an Isha meditator can register for it,” he told me
It happened in 1996. I was having lunch with one of sometime in early May. I had always fancied visiting
my colleagues in my office canteen. At some point the Himalayas, so this “Dhyan Yatra” seemed like a
during the conversation he asked, “Hey! There is a good enough reason for me to give it a go, as I sat
new yoga program in town from someone called for the 13-day class in June 1996. I liked the class,
Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev. Want to try it?” “To hell but didn’t think too much about it. Later, again
with all these yoga programs; I have done enough!” upon my colleague’s insistence, I came to do Bhava
I said. However, my colleague decided to give it Spandana in the ashram in September – just before
a try, and joined the 13-day class by Sadhguru. I we were going to leave for the Dhyan Yatra. It was
noticed a shift in him after the program. “You must the first time I realized that there could be more
do this program,” he started to tell me afterwards. to life than I understood. Something phenomenal
He was a hardcore cynic otherwise and critical happened within me. That was the first time my
of everything, and perhaps this was why he was logic was totally blown.
my friend. His appreciating the program so much
definitely intrigued me about Isha Yoga. But not Within the next 10 days, we went for the Dhyan
enough! Later, he found another way to entice me Yatra with Sadhguru. We were 216, travelling
to do the class. sleeper class in a train from Coimbatore to
Delhi. I was assigned to be in the compartment
A certain process which is for everyone’s wellbeing with Sadhguru and Vijji Maa, and a few other

10 | ISHA FOREST FLOWER October 2019

brahmacharis. Sadhguru was very friendly with to merge with the Linga to make it happen. But
everyone, and from time to time would go to each my heart says I am going to die as an old man.”
compartment to meet all the participants. Once When Sadhguru fell right in front of me after the
back from Dhyan Yatra, I continued my life as usual. consecration process, I held on to the voice of his
heart, and somehow felt that he would be with us
The April Fool for a long time. To our immense fortune – HE IS. I
In November of the same year, I came to the ashram can never forget the day Dhyanalinga opened for
to volunteer for the Indian Hockey team program, the public. It was such an overwhelming feeling to
and stayed for three weeks. We went through a see that Sadhguru’s dream had been fulfilled.
powerful process with Sadhguru during the program.
It was after this program when I actually became
The Flute Whisper
conscious that for no reason, I was helplessly drawn During my first Dhyan Yatra in 1996, on our return
to Isha and Sadhguru. I had been deeply influenced train journey, as I was about to get off at the Chennai
by J. Krishnamurti, and had never thought of finding station, Sadhguru suddenly out of the blue said to
a guru or joining an order. But suddenly my thought me – “Practice your flute properly!” When I came
process seemed to have changed. I wanted to to the ashram, he ensured that this little vocation
be at Isha full-time and walk the path, so I asked of mine was put to good use. A couple of days
Sadhguru. “Get your parents’ permission, and if they before the first Samyama in Spanda Hall, Sadhguru
are OK, be here in April,” said Sadhguru. met a few of us, and guided us about what kind of
music to play for the evening satsangs. He asked
In order to prepare my parents, I made my sisters
me to play a certain tune with my flute. I practiced
and my parents do the program. They were all
something based on his inputs but sat on the stage
touched by it. Since I am the only son in the family, I
feeling that it was nowhere near what Sadhguru
wondered what their reaction would be when they
had been expecting. However, a few minutes after I
found out that I was going to Isha for good. It was a
had been playing, I saw Sadhguru doing a “thumbs
blessing, however, that I had understanding parents,
up” to me from the dais. After the session, he again
and things happened for me rather effortlessly.
mentioned how good that piece was. I was elated
When I told them about my decision, my mother
to hear that feedback – it felt like I had received a
seemed quite fine with it. My father shared with
Grammy award!
melancholy, “I intellectually understand that this is
the biggest thing to do in life, so I don’t have the The Joy and Expansion of Teaching
heart to stop you, even though emotionally it has
not been easy to come to terms with your decision.”
I came to Isha full-time in April 1997. In May that
year, I did my first Samyama, and it was a wonderful
experience. Tears were simply flowing, and I was
bowing down to everything – from the grass
to an ant to anything that came in front of me. I
have no words to articulate the experience of my
first Samyama. I was initiated into Brahmacharya
in February 1998. Many powerful things happened
in those years around Sadhguru – from Vijji Maa’s
Mahasamadhi to the Dhyanalinga consecration.
I had always looked at Vijji Maa as somewhat
childish and intense. She was extremely attached
to Sadhguru, and I sometimes wondered how In May 1997, I went through the teachers’ training.
Sadhguru’s wife could be like that. During the We were fortunate that those days, Sadhguru used
Dhyan Yatra, I would see her at one time like a child, to be with us most of the times during the training
another time intensely devoted – totally lost in a sessions. The teachers’ training was such a powerful
different dimension. Her Mahasamadhi, therefore, process in the “un-making” of me. Like all other Isha
betrayed all my notions of spiritual evolvement. teachers, I too had the fortune to see many people
After she left her body, we saw Sadhguru struggling transforming right in front of me, within just 13
with the entire consecration process. One day I days. I saw such transformations happening even
remember he mentioned to us, “Looking at what among hardcore prisoners. In fact, prisoners usually
we have in hand, logically I see no other option but resisted the yoga classes a lot more initially, but

October 2019 ISHA FOREST FLOWER | 11

once they got involved, the transformation was also that I got to work very closely with Sadhguru and see
far more palpable. the multi-dimensional person in him. I was in awe of
his intensity, his undivided focus, his tireless tenacity,
In terms of activity, teaching 13-day classes was the
and out-of-the-box approach to many situations.
best time of my life. In those 10 years of teaching,
not even once had I missed my schedule due to The Silence
ill health or otherwise. I experienced a lot of joy,
fulfillment, and expansion within me. In all these years with Isha, I had never cared to
look at what was happening to me within myself
Sadhguru’s Very Life is a Teaching or with my sadhana – the only thing that mattered
was how to make things happen for Isha. So in
The commitment with
2011, when Sadhguru asked me to go into working
which Sadhguru works is
silence for one and a half years, I found this to be a
unbelievable: He is never
true blessing for me. It gave me space to look within
late for any meeting,
and bring clarity about why I am here. I realized that
never has he canceled
it was true that at times I had been impudent and
an appointment because
stupid. This realization and introspection allowed
of his health or any
me to come out of all the conflicts and confusions I
other personal issue.
had been facing within me over the years.
Once I was travelling
with him for one of the Slowly, I became more appreciative and receptive to
conferences in Goa, and whatever Sadhguru has offered to us. For example,
I knew that he hadn’t a simple thing that Sadhguru repeatedly says – “You
eaten the previous day. are not happy because life is not happening the way
So when we arrived at you want it” – became experientially alive within me.
the venue, I wanted him A little while into the silence period, I felt at ease, and
to eat first, as his session discovered a new level of freedom within myself.
had not yet been announced. Upon my insistence, he This sadhana brought a new perspective to life, and
sat down to eat. However, within 10 minutes, they renewed my level of intensity and focus towards the
announced his session and were expecting him to be path. “…And Now, Yoga” – the first line of the Patanjali
on stage. Hearing this, Sadhguru immediately got up, Yoga Sutras – became a living reality for me.
washed his hands, and literally ran to the program
hall without a moment of hesitation. That Day – That Moment
I have never seen him behaving like an important Recently, I realized that I turned 50 – but I don’t
person. I cannot forget this one incident, probably feel I have aged. In fact, I feel much more alive
in 1998, when Sadhguru was having dinner with and vibrant than I was even in my college days.
us in the Triangle Block. After finishing his meal, he My journey with Isha and Sadhguru has been so
went to wash his plate. The sink was full of water, as enriching and fulfilling that I would never exchange
some waste food had blocked the drain. Next thing what Sadhguru has given us in the form of Sadhana
I saw, Sadhguru simply put his hands in it, cleared and Brahmacharya with anything in the world.
off the drain, and silently walked away. It was Finally, I often recall the first thing Sadhguru had
unimaginable for me to see a guru getting into all told me when I came here full-time: “You should be
these so-called trivial things. He always bows down like a stone; we will throw you wherever we want.
and leads by example. His attention to details, his Is that OK with you?” All these years, this has been
compassion and inclusiveness are mind-boggling. my guiding force – willing to be thrown in whatever,
wherever, and be fully involved.
The Lows and Highs of
My only longing is – I am waiting for that day
Administration Activity
and that moment when I become totally free
In 2007, Sadhguru asked me to coordinate from the need for any action, to simply be in
the ashram administration. When it comes to total freedom. Until then, willing to be thrown
empowering people, there is no match for Sadhguru anywhere, anytime, any number of lifetimes…
– the way he empowers us is phenomenal. I was
empowered hugely in the next four years. Many
This is an excerpt of Swami’s sharing. Read the full
good things happened because of his support and article on the Isha Blog.
encouragement, but sometimes I made mistakes
too. One of the blessings of the admin activity was

12 | ISHA FOREST FLOWER October 2019

Kailash Manasarovar 2019
with Sadhguru NEWS & EVENTS

August saw Sadhguru embark on his annual sojourn to the Tibetan Plateau and soak in the essence of
Mount Kailash and Lake Manasarovar, both of which hold immense spiritual significance. Follow their
trek that took them from the verdant valleys of Nepal to the snow-capped Mount Kailash in Tibet.

Sadhguru at Kalopani
Sadhguru led the group of
pilgrims through Kalopani, en
route to Mount Kailash. Kalopani
is a verdant valley nestled in
rich and exuberant nature.
Reveling in these pristine natural
surroundings invigorated the
pilgrims ahead of a demanding
trek on the following day.

Lunch in the Himalayas

Trekking in the fresh mountain air
for sure stimulates the appetite.
The trekkers enjoyed their freshly
prepared food on the slopes,
appreciating both the meal as well
as the sights and sounds, in the lap
of nature.

The yatris (pilgrims) set up camp
for the day, with a Master who
knows no fatigue of the mind or
body watching over them. The
journey must be continued, and
rest is the foundation for a new
burst of activity. After a long day, a
night of restful sleep was welcome
before the yatris embarked on the
next leg of the journey.

October 2019 ISHA FOREST FLOWER | 13

Across Borders
A picture speaks a thousand
words; a child’s face is equal to
a thousand pictures. Nepalese
children offered Sadhguru a
colorful and heart-warming
welcome with flowers and

A Sense of Oneness
One with nature, one with
themselves. Nature offers
a conducive atmosphere to
turn inward. Here, the yatris
were initiated into a powerful
process on the banks of Lake
Manasarovar as the radiant
sun rose, while Mount Kailash
glowed in the distance.

Lake Manasarovar
Sadhguru has a profound connection with this absolutely pristine, still waters of the lake, as
phenomenal lake, which is palpable to those the sun illuminates the skies, making for a
in its presence. Enjoy a panorama view of the spectacular sunrise.

14 | ISHA FOREST FLOWER October 2019

Mount Kailash
The majestic peak of Mount
Kailash, often referred to as a
mystical library by Sadhguru,
stands tall in the golden sunlight.
If one has eyes to see what this
powerful mountain holds, it
unveils its various dimensions.
Kailash – What I Left Behind
Magnificent, pristine, and fantastic
in its beauty. Powerful, profound,
and intense in its presence.

Kailash – What I Left Behind

A participant of the 2019 Kailash Manasarovar Sacred Walks shares his experience.

“Nobody can go untouched by this,”

Sadhguru warned us in one of the
satsangs. And yet, the 47 of us they
fondly called A0 didn’t have a clue what
was about to hit us.
A0 [group] was a cultural confluence of
sorts, with people from all walks of life,
all ages and ethnicities clubbed together
as ONE. Forty-seven different life stories,
each with enough masala, drama, and
entertainment to be potentially made
into a Bollywood potboiler.
Despite the heads-up from the master,
we all struggled through the sojourn, like
we do through the maze of life, focused
on the mundane. “What’s for lunch
today?” “My head is hurting!” “Someone
took my place on the bus!” And so on.
All this until the first sighting of the south face of Now I know what I left behind is “me”.... There’s
Kailash. I remember how it revealed itself in all its something much bigger than you, me, and us out
glory while we waited for a change of bus on the there. The reverberations of THAT is the new me
banks of Lake Manasarovar. What followed was a since Kailash. I look at people now, and suddenly I
plethora of emotions. Tears here and smiles there. don’t see their life stories (remember, the ones that
Ecstatic chants and devotional hymns. As if for a can be made into a movie).
brief moment, like one collective being, 47 faces What I see instead is a pilgrim, a seeker, a part
mirrored one emotion each, of the many in my heart. of me....
And there it was, A0, as one pilgrim, beyond the – Nikhil Ailawadi, Isha meditator, Ludhiana, Punjab
mundane, beyond the differences, beyond the “me.”

October 2019 ISHA FOREST FLOWER | 15

Cauvery Calling: The Karnataka Leg

The past couple of weeks saw Sadhguru’s motorcycle ride across Karnataka and Tamil Nadu dominate
our timelines on social media as well as garner copious amounts of media attention. The journey focused
on spreading awareness about the campaign, aimed at planting 242 crore trees. Sadhguru’s magic on the
motorcycle directly translated to people from various strata of society converging to offer their support
to make Cauvery Calling a success!

Ready, Set, Go!

On 31 July, Sadhguru flagged off the Cauvery Calling
vehicles that traversed over 7000 villages and touched
over 270,000 farmers in Tamil Nadu and Karnataka.
They are educating farmers in the region regarding
agroforesty and the many benefits they can derive in
terms of economic well-being. Sadhguru said, “This is
a game changer in farmers' income and at the same
time it will revitalize the entire Cauvery basin's water
holding capacity, both in terms of groundwater and
the flow of water in the Cauvery river itself.”

Birthday on the Road

While Sadhguru Jayanti calls for great celebration
and fervor among us, Sadhguru celebrated the
better part of his birthday on the road. Sadhguru
arrived at Madikeri soaked to the bone, as the rain
wreaked havoc on him and his fellow motorists.
From Talacauvery, he was joined by popular
Kannada actors Rakshit Shetty and Diganth
Manchale. “In the time of crisis, you either lead
or follow the leader. I pledge my life for Cauvery
Calling. We are with you!” said Diganth at the
event in Madikeri, as he pledged his support to
the campaign.

Making It Happen
The volunteers relentlessly reached
out to farmers over 20 days leading
up to Sadhguru’s ride across the
Cauvery basin. The interest and
enthusiasm displayed by the farmers
in the Cauvery basin towards
agroforestry has been very inspiring
and encouraging.

16 | ISHA FOREST FLOWER October 2019

Mysuru – Royalty amid Motor
In Mysuru, Sadhguru was flagged off by the
Maharaja of Mysore, Yaduveer Krishnadatta
Chamaraja. The ground thundered with a
roar as Sadhguru revved up the engine!
The heritage city of Mysuru, which also
happens to be the birthplace of our beloved
mystic, opened its doors to Sadhguru
and his cavalcade as the blue-clad bikers
roared through the streets of the gentle
city, causing quite a few heads to turn and
raising awareness along the way.

The Prime Minister of India,

Narendra Modi himself, extended
his birthday wishes to Sadhguru
and acknowledged the effort to
FREE INDIA of water crisis, with
Cauvery Calling.

Bengaluru – Creating a Stir in

the State Capital
The Honorable Chief Minister of Karnataka,
Shri B. S. Yediyurappa extended his full
support for Cauvery Calling as Sadhguru
addressed an enthused Bengaluru crowd.
In his closing remarks, Sadhguru said,
every newborn in the city should be named
Cauvery, so that her importance remains
forever etched in the minds of the people.
After the event, the CM flagged off the
In Conversation with the motorcade, as the bikers got ready to move
Mystic with Pranitha Subash on to the next leg of the campaign.
With the stunning backwaters of the
Cauvery lending the backdrop and setting
the ambience, actress Pranitha Subash sat
down for a conversation with Sadhguru.
She was so inspired after her conversation
with Sadhguru that she hopped on a bike
and joined him for the ride until Mysuru.

October 2019 ISHA FOREST FLOWER | 17

Karnataka Forest Department to Contribute 2 Crore Saplings
The most notable contribution came from the sojourn, Sadhguru enjoyed the warmth and
Karnataka government with Chief Minister hospitality of the locals and left them with the
Shri B. S. Yediyurappa announcing during the resounding message that water is life-making
culmination event of the Karnataka chapter material. Inspired by his commitment, many
in Bengaluru that the Forest Department known names joined him in the campaign.
would contribute 2 crore saplings. During his

Influencers Heeding the Call

Cauvery Calling has also been on the

national airwaves, thanks to the support
pouring in from all quarters. National
Award winning actress Kangana Ranaut
made a noteworthy contribution of A life that's much larger than us,
Rs. 42 lakh towards the Cauvery Calling A life that's been flowing for millions of years...
campaign. Her contribution will support
farmers to plant 1 lakh trees in the And we puny creatures
Cauvery basin. She also urged everyone Have brought her down to her knees
to donate as per their capabilities, in order Misfortune of our generation
to save the Cauvery river. Superstar Shah
Rukh Khan made a passionate appeal Cauvery is Calling
to the people to act before it’s too late, Do you have a heart to hear?
and Minister of Environment, Forest and
Climate Change Shri Prakash Javadekar
called upon the masses to participate in
addressing India’s ecological challenges.

18 | ISHA FOREST FLOWER October 2019

Life in Sadhanapada:
Moving beyond Likes and Dislikes SHARING

Over 800 participants from 32 countries came together to spend seven months in the consecrated space
of Isha Yoga Center for their inner growth. After an intense eight-day orientation where the participants
learned Hatha Yoga practices and revisited the fundamentals of Inner Engineering, they jumped right
into the intensity of ashram life.

Sadhanapada is an intense process of growth, carefully

crafted to constantly challenge one to grow every day.
The Sadhanapada schedule begins with a 4:30 a.m.
wake-up call and ends at 9:30 p.m. Along with the
daily yogic practices, seva (activity) is an integral
part of the Sadhanapada schedule. Involving and
immersing oneself into seva can be an enormously
transformative process, especially in the powerfully
consecrated space of Isha Yoga Center.

Before Sadhanapada, for me, sadhana just meant I resigned from my job as a doctor to come for
hatha yoga and kriyas. Without my practices, there Sadhanapada, but to my utter surprise, I was asked
was no sadhana. Now, everything has become to do the same things as seva here. I had struggles
sadhana. Whether it is cleaning my room, helping and resistance about settling into the seva, but
someone out, going through tough situations, or now, things are gradually changing. When external
even simply eating or sleeping, I try to see every situations are not favorable, I simply use the Inner
situation as a stepping stone for my growth. Engineering tools. Earlier, it used to bother me
when people would come to me with endless
– Maanasan, 21, Canada
questions anytime and anywhere, but now I am
able to answer them with patience and a smile on
I simply love the Sadhanapada schedule. This makes my face.
my day so easy and efficient. I remember in our
first session with Sadhguru, he did ask if we were – Dr. Simi Das, 29, Assam
ready to accept whatever is asked from us and do
it even though it may not make logical sense. I did I have so much gratitude towards Sadhguru and
answer “Yes” to him, and now there is no turning everyone here for letting me stay in a space like
back on that. Slowly but surely, I am beginning to this, for nurturing me, and allowing me to grow in
rise slightly above my likes and dislikes.  so many ways.
– Indu Peruri, 34, California – Vaishnavi, 26, Telangana

“Do not do what you like – do what the world needs. Doing what you like is not freedom.
Likes and dislikes are compulsive.” – Sadhguru
October 2019 ISHA FOREST FLOWER | 19

Date Program Place Contact

Isha Yoga Center,

1–4 Bhava Spandana 83000 93555
Velliangiri Foothills,
Oct 2019 (Ladies, English)
Coimbatore – India
Inner Engineering
5–6 96549 93333
Completion with Greater Noida, Delhi – India
Oct 2019
Isha Rejuvenation,
Isha Yoga Center, 0422-2515466
6 Oct 2019 Holistic Cancer Clinic
Velliangiri Foothills,
Coimbatore – India
Isha Yoga Center,
6–9 83000 93555
Shoonya Intensive Velliangiri Foothills,
Oct 2019
Coimbatore – India
Isha Rejuvenation,
6–26 Isha Yoga Center, 0422-2515464
Yoga Marga
Oct 2019 Velliangiri Foothills,
Coimbatore – India

6–26 Isha Life Health Solutions, 99626 00735

Hatha Yoga (21 Days)
Oct 2019 Chennai – India
Joint and
Isha Life Health Solutions, 70101 58845
13 Oct 2019 Musculoskeletal
Chennai – India
Disorders Treatment

Isha Yoga Center,

17–20 Inner Engineering 94890 45164
Velliangiri Foothills,
Oct 2019 Retreat
Coimbatore – India

19–20 Diabetes Management Isha Life Health Solutions, 70101 58845

Oct 2019 Program Chennai – India
Holistic Health Care
19–20 Isha Life Health Solutions, 70101 58845
for Children (including
Oct 2019 Chennai – India
Isha Rejuvenation,
28 Oct– Isha Yoga Center, 0422-2515464
Ayur Sampoorna
3 Nov 2019 Velliangiri Foothills,
Coimbatore – India

Isha Yoga Center,

31 Oct– Inner Engineering 94890 45164
Velliangiri Foothills,
3 Nov 2019 Retreat
Coimbatore – India

Isha Yoga Center,

Yantra Ceremony with 84484 47708
11 Dec 2019 Velliangiri Foothills,
Coimbatore – India
Inner Engineering AM Jain College,
21–22 83000 37000
Completion with Meenambakkam,
Dec 2019
Sadhguru Chennai – India

Current at the time of print, however subject to change. For full program schedules and updates, please visit
20 | ISHA FOREST FLOWER October 2019
Beetroot Lemon Salad


2 Beetroots – washed, peeled, finely grated 1. Keep the grated beetroot aside in a deep bowl. If
½ cup Raw groundnuts – soaked you want the salad with less liquid, put the grated
beetroot in a clean muslin cloth and lightly squeeze
3" piece Raw mango – grated to remove the juice. This juice can be reserved for
2" piece Coconut – fresh, grated later use in juices or salad dressings.
½ Lemon 2. For the seasoning, heat the oil in a small pan; add the
mustard seeds, Bengal gram, black gram and curry
2 sprigs Coriander leaves – fresh
leaves. Sauté on medium heat for half a minute, and
½ tsp. Black pepper powder as the grams begin to change color, remove from
Salt to taste heat and add this seasoning to the grated beetroot.
Toss well together.
3. Add the soaked groundnuts, mango and coconut to
For the seasoning
the beetroot.
1 tsp. Oil
4. In a separate bowl, mix the juice of the lemon with
¼ tsp. Mustard seeds salt and pepper powder. Toss this dressing with the
¼ tsp. Split Bengal gram (dhuli chana dal) salad.
¼ tsp. Split black gram, skinless (dhuli urad dal) 5. Serve immediately, garnished with chopped
7-8 Curry leaves coriander.

Tip: Add the salty lemon dressing only immediately

before serving, to keep the beetroot crisp.
October 2019 ISHA FOREST FLOWER | 21

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22 | ISHA FOREST FLOWER October 2019


Courtesy Zen Speaks

Published by: B. RAJESH CHANDER on behalf of ISHA FOUNDATION

Published from 117/50, Luz Church Road, Mylapore, Chennai – 600 004, TAMILNADU

Printed by: S. PRAKASH; at FINE DOTS, No.15, Boo Begum 3rd Street,
Anna Salai, Chennai – 600 002, TAMILNADU. Editor: K. SEKAR

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learning to serve with joy.

A man is a true Man only in

a | |ISHA
FLOWER October 2019

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