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Deceptive Appeals Script by Nold’s Girlfriend

[Jeric is walking, walking,walking, and then he sees Nold. Their eyes meet.]
Jeric: Nold?
Nold: Wait… Jeric?
Jeric: Aaaye! [high fives nold] I see you already came back from Spain. How was life there?
Nold: Oh.. Very different from here in the Philippines.
Jeric: Really? Why?
Nold: We talked a lot about school and they kept saying that all the Filipinos here are uneducated. They
want me to leave our country and go to college there.
Jeric: Wow, that’s a very sweeping generalization they did there.
Nold: Yeah.. Also, they’ve heard from a friend that education in Spain is always put into good use unlike
here in the Philippines. I was told that all the Filipino youths are more into dating than studying.
Jeric: What a fallacy! If only they knew that Filipino students can do a lot better than what they’ve heard.
Nold: Right?… How about you, Jeric? How’s vacation?
Jeric: Oh.. I was reprimanded a lot about the course I chose.
Nold: Why? What course did you take?
Jeric: Nursing.
Nold: That’s not bad.
Jeric: I know... but they told me I should’ve taken a military course instead. All the manly boys in my high
school took that course. Then a survey from my school concluded that Filipino boys are more likely to take
military courses. They said it made me belong to the girls when I took nursing.
Nold: Now that’s a hasty generalization. Every student is free to choose whatever course they like. They
also did an incorrect sampling because that’s only true for the boys in your school, how about other
schools? Not all Filipino boys want to take military courses.
Jeric: [sighs] This vacation month hasn’t really been kind to me. My girlfriend and I broke up.
Nold: No way?! The girl you’ve been with for almost 5 years now?
Jeric: Yes…
Nold: Why so?
Jeric: My parents… they forced me to break up with her. They told me she’s bad for me and might be part
of a fraternity now because she shaved all her hair off and is often seen wearing baggy clothes.
Nold: That’s so lame! They made a false analogy. Everyone can have a change in their style but their
personality will remain the same.
Jeric: I know.. I could never have her back. Well… at least I’m not the only one having a bad month. Look
at Gerald Anderson, being bashed because he cheated once again. He will never know how to treat a girl
Nold: Well, you’re saying an ad hominem there. Change is constant. Maybe Gerald will, soon, learn how to
treat his woman better.
Jeric: Hmm… you have a point. By the way, I have to catch the next bus. See you again soon, Nold!
Nold: Alright, see ya!

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