Aierqing Et Al., 2019 Comp Juego Becerros

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Received: 10 March 2019    Revised: 14 July 2019    Accepted: 19 July 2019

DOI: 10.1111/asj.13283


Sex, age, or genetic differences related to play behaviors in

Japanese Black calves

Sarengaowa Aierqing | Akiko Nakagawa | Miki Okita | Takashi Bungo

Graduate School of Biosphere Science,

Hiroshima University, Higashi‐Hiroshima, Abstract
Japan Play behavior in young animals has been used to evaluate the condition (health) of
Correspondence livestock. We investigated age, sex, and genetic differences of Japanese Black calves
Takashi Bungo, Laboratory of Animal in relation to frequency of play behaviors (galloping, leaping, turning, bucking, head
Behavior and Physiology, Graduate School
of Biosphere Science, Hiroshima University, butting objects, and head shaking) and examined how these relationships might af‐
Higashi‐Hiroshima, Japan. fect growth during the suckling stage. Locomotor play behaviors (galloping, leaping,
turning, and bucking) and head butting objects gradually declined with the age for
Funding information both sexes. The frequency of head butting was significantly higher in males than
Hiroshima University; Japan Society for
the Promotion of Science, Grant/Award females. We found that significant interaction effects (age × MAOA polymorphism) in
Number: 17K08064 play behaviors (except head shaking) and the frequencies of locomotor play in calves
without the wild‐type allele were significantly higher than those in younger calves (2
and 6 weeks of age). Weight gain was significantly correlated with the frequency of
locomotor play in females, but not in males. This study suggests that play in Japanese
Black calves gradually declines as they mature and that play may be controlled by
variations in the MAOA gene. In addition, the frequency of locomotor play may be an
indicator of health in female calves.

calves, MAOA, play behavior, polymorphism, welfare

1 |  I NTRO D U C TI O N Špinka, 2011) because early studies demonstrated that play typically
occurs in enriched environments (Brownlee, 1954; Fagen, 1981). For
Young animals often play, but the definition of play is wide ranging. example, play has been shown to be related to a calf's feeding envi‐
Play would superficially appear to be pointless and unnecessary for ronment (Duve, Weary, Halekoh, & Jensen, 2012; Krachun, Rushen,
survival (Fagen, 1981; Muller‐Schwarze, Stagge, & Muller‐Schwarze, & Passillé, 2010; Rushen & de Passillé, 2012), fear (de Passillé,
1982). However, most researchers now recognize that play is im‐ Rushen, & Martin, 1995), and health (Mintline et al., 2013). However,
portant for acquiring physical and/or cognitive life skills (Burghardt, basic information on play behavior is lacking for Japanese Black cat‐
1998; Fagen, 1981). Studies have approached play from a variety of tle, even how play varies with maturity or sex.
perspectives, and there are many reports on play behavior in various Locomotor play stimulates synapse formation in the cerebellum
points of view, such as function or structure (Jensen, Vestergaard, and tweaks specialization between fast and slow skeletal muscle
& Krohn, 1998; Napolitano, Knierim, Grasso, & Rosa, 2009; Sachs & fibers (Byers & Walker, 1995). Several studies have described the
Harris, 1978). Although play is not as well as studies as other animal involvement of the monoaminergic nervous system on play behavior
behaviors, it has always been a recognized as an important behav‐ in vertebrates, indicating the possibility that the noradrenalin and
ioral characteristic of domestic animals (Brownlee, 1954). In partic‐ serotonin nervous system play important roles in regulating play
ular, play is recognized as an indicator of livestock welfare (Held & (Siviy, 1998). Because it is difficult to investigate the relationship

Anim Sci J. 2019;00:1–7. © 2019 Japanese Society of Animal Science |  1  
2       AIERQING et al.

between play behavior and the monoaminergic nervous system by cantering), leaping (including jumping), turning, bucking (including
administering drugs, little is known about the relationship between buck kicking), head butting (objects), and head shaking.
play behavior and monoaminergic nervous system in cattle. In the
last several decades, many studies have been conducted to deter‐
2.3 | Sampling and genotyping
mine how genes influence behavior in both humans and domestic
animals (Adamczyk, Pokorska, Makulska, Earley, & Mazurek, 2013). After weaning calves at the 3 months of age, we obtained blood
It is likely that this line of inquiry can be applied in determining how samples from their cervical veins and stored the samples at –20°C
genes of the monoaminergic nervous system are related to play until we could extract DNA. We isolated genomic DNA from whole
behavior. blood using a commercial DNA isolation kit (Takara Bio Inc.) and
The monoamine oxidase A (MAOA) is an enzyme that breaks measured the purified DNA with a spectrophotometer (NanoDrop
down monoamine neurotransmitters, mainly serotonin, into their ND‐2000c: Thermo Scientific, Inc.) at the 260/280 nm absorbance
constituent molecular compounds (Raine, 2008; Buckholtz & Mayer‐ ratio. Calves were genotyped for the monoamine oxidase A (MAOA)
Lindenberg, 2008). Some reports suggest that MAOA is involved gene with PCR‐RFLP, as outlined by Lühken, Glenske, Brandt,
with aggression in cattle (Brunner, Nelson, Breakefield, Ropers, & and Erhardt (2010), using the following primers: forward (5′‐ CCT
Oost, 1993; Karere et al., 2009; Popova et al., 2001). The aim of this GAA GCT GAA GTA AGT TTG GTA GC ‐3′) and reverse (5′‐ CTG
study was to investigate how growth, sex, and genetic variation in ATT GCA CGG CTG TTC TAT G ‐3′). A fragment that included the
the enzyme MAOA are related to play behavior in Japanese Black polymorphic nucleotide position was amplified and digested with
calves during suckling stage. In addition, we attempt to determine endonuclease Mnl I (Takara Bio Inc.). Digested DNA fragments
the relationship between play and growth in calves. were separated on a 1.5% agarose gel and visualized after stain‐
ing with ethidium bromide. The nucleotide substitution in exon
XV of bovine MAOA (NC_007331.3:g.80340C>T) causes an amino
2 |  M ATE R I A L S A N D M E TH O DS acid substitution (proline to leucine) at position 488 of the protein
(Lühken et al., 2010).
We handled calves following regulations established by the Animal
Experiment Committee of Hiroshima University and Japanese Law
2.4 | Statistical analysis
No. 105 and Notification No. 6.
Data were analyzed using the commercially available package,
StatView (Version 5, SAS Institute, 1998). We applied logarithemic
2.1 | Animals and housing
and square root transformations on skewed distributions (Bolhuis
We studied 12 male Japanese Black calves (birth weight 32.6 ± 1.5 kg) et al., 2009). Because they were diachronic data with individual dif‐
and 10 female calves (birth weight 26.7 ± 1.3 kg) born at the experi‐ ference, data were analyzed by the repeated measured two‐way
mental farm of Hiroshima University. The calves were kept with their ANOVA relative to age and sex or age and genetic method. When
mothers in a calving pen, which had a 5.1 × 4.9 m bedding area (wood significant interaction effects were found, a post‐hoc test was done
shavings) and a 5.1 × 1.8 m concrete floor raised 30 cm above the using the Mann–Whitney U test to compare group differences for
bedded area. All calves were allowed to suckle freely and were pro‐ each age category. We analyzed correlation between body weight
vided concentrates and hay ad libitum during the experimental pe‐ gain (from birth to 4 months of age) and the frequency of play be‐
riod. Mothers were fed a total mixed ration ad libitum and allocated havior using Spearman's rannk order correlation. Differences were
fresh feed. Pens were provided with straw twice daily (at 09:00 and deemed significant at p < .05. Observation number in each graph
16:30 h). was the average values for the 2 days.

2.2 | Recording behavior 3 | R E S U LT S

We observed the behavior of calves and videotaped them for two
3.1 | Sex difference relative to play behaviors
consecutive days, between 15:00 and 18:00 h, when the calves were
about 2, 4, and 6 weeks old. Data on play behavior for each individ‐ There were significant effects of age (i.e., week) in all elements
ual calf were recorded continuously during the observation periods. of play behavior except for head shaking (Figure 1). The exhibited
Observation periods based on prior observations and the results of numbers gradually decreased as calves aged. However, the only sig‐
a study by Vitale, Tenucci, Papini, and Lovari (1986) that determined nificant difference in play behavior between sexes was that head
that play behavior in calves commonly occurs before noon and near butting was more frequent in males than females (p < .01). A signifi‐
sunset. We grouped play behavior activities into the following cate‐ cant interaction effect of sex and age was detected in bucking play,
gories established by Jensen et al. (1998) and determined frequency but based on our post hoc analysis, there was no difference between
of play for each category: galloping (including running, trotting, and the sexes at each age category.
AIERQING et al. |

F I G U R E 1   Effects of age and sex on

play behaviors in Japanese Black calves.
Box plots show the median (center line)
and the interquartile range from the 25th
to the 75th percentile. Whiskers above
and below the box plots indicate the 10th
and the 90th percentiles, whereas circles
indicate outliers

2 week 4 week 6 week 2 week 4 week 6 week

leaping play (at 2, 4, and 6 weeks), and turning play (at 6 weeks)
3.2 | Genetic differences related to play behavior
(Table 1). In addition, there were no significant relationships be‐
The MAOA gene (located on the X chromosome) and allele frequen‐ tween body weight gain and any play behaviors at any age in male
cies of MAOA in calves were 0.62 for C and 0.38 for T respectively. calves (data were not shown).
Allele frequencies did not significantly differ by sex. Numbers of
calves, by genotype, were CC (n = 4), CT (n = 4), TT (n = 2), C (n = 8),
and T (n = 4), which comprised two different groups (CC, CT, and 4 | D I S CU S S I O N
C vs. TT and T). There were no significant differences in genetic
effects on play behavior, but there were significant interaction ef‐ Our results agree with prior studies showing locomotor play behav‐
fects relative to all play behaviors (except head shaking) (Figure 2). ior in young bovines soon after birth, reaching peak frequency at
An examination of our post hoc results showed that the frequency the second week after birth and diminishing thereafter (Gomendio,
of galloping, leaping, turning, and bucking (at 2 and 6 weeks of age) 1988; Jensen et al., 1998; Napolitano et al., 2009). Because play be‐
and head butting (at 2 and 4 weeks of age) were significantly higher havior is often induced by novel stimuli (Phillips, 2002), it is possible
in calves with TT and T alleles than in calves with CC, CT, and C that the decline in play behavior with age is due to calves becoming
alleles. more accustomed to their environment over time. In contrast with
play involved limbs, there was a similar trend in head shaking play
in that they were weaker than those in other locomotor play. This
3.3 | Association between play behavior and body
result implies that head shaking play may be related to both play be‐
weight gain
havior and some type of factor. Sandem, Braastad, and Boe (2002)
Mean weight at the fourth month of age (weaning) was 150.4 ± 7.3 reported that the frequency of head shaking increases in dairy cow
for males and 129.7 ± 4.8 for females. Body weight gain in female when they become frustrated and so head shaking might be a dis‐
calves correlated significantly with galloping play (at 2 and 6 weeks), placement behavior. Although there have been no studies focused
4       AIERQING et al.

F I G U R E 2   Effects of age and MAOA

gene mutations on play behaviors in
Japanese Black calves. Box plots show the
median (center line) and the interquartile
range from the 25th to the 75th
percentile. Whiskers above and below
the box plots indicate the 10th and the
90th percentiles, whereas circles indicate
outliers. *p < .05, **p < .01, compared with
groups for each age class

2 week 4 week 6 week 2 week 4 week 6 week

TA B L E 1   Spearman rank correlations between play behavior associated with age any more so than the other types of locomotor
and body weight gain in female calves
play behavior we examined.
Behavior Age (week) r (p) Social play first develops at 2 weeks of age and peaks at

Gallop 2 0.79 (<.01) 6 months of age (Napolitano et al., 2009). Furthermore, social play
appears to decline later than locomotor play in calves (Jansen et
4 0.56 (>.05)
al., 1998). However, we found that the frequency of head butting,
6 0.58 (<.05)
classified as social play, declined with age in a manner similar to lo‐
Leap 2 0.80 (<.01)
comotor play. Previous studies have defined head butting as social
4 0.69 (<.05)
play (Jansen et al., 1998; Napolitano et al., 2009), mainly recorded
6 0.54 (<.05)
as head butting with other calves. In our study, head butting did
Turn 2 0.55 (>.05) not occur in the presence of other calves because calves were
4 –0.01 (>.05) separated from one another. Thus, we feel that it is appropriate
6 0.62 (<.05) to call head butting solitary object play rather than social play.
Hall (1998) suggested that object play helps juveniles develop be‐
haviors and that are structurally similar to adult behaviors. When
on the relationship between frustration and head shaking in young grown, head butting is mostly associated with aggression or court‐
animals, it is possible that head shaking in our study might also have ship in males (Fraser & Broom, 1990a, 1990b; Phillips, 2002). In
been a response to frustration (e.g., an insufficient amount of milk fact, we found that head butting in males was significantly more
being provided). That may be why head shaking behavior was not frequent than in females.
AIERQING et al. |

Our study showed a significant difference between the sexes in implying the surplus milk in males might be less than in females, this
the frequency of head butting behavior, but not in other play be‐ question warrants further investigation.
haviors. Many studies suggest that males and females differ in how
they play (in species‐specific ways) and types of play in which they
engage. For example, male sheep exhibit less locomotor play than 5 | CO N C LU S I O N
females (Sachs & Harris, 1978), but no differences in locomotor play
occur between males and females of gazelle or swine (Gomendio, We found that play behavior gradually declines as Japanese Black
1988; Newberry, Wood‐Gush, & Hall, 1988). In several species, calves grow and that the frequency of play behavior might be af‐
males exhibit more social play than females (Sachs & Harris, 1978; fected by a gene located on the X chromosome, such as MAOA gene.
Clutton‐Block et al., 1982; Rothstein & Griswold, 1991; Holmes, We also found an association between growth rate and play behav‐
1995; Jensen & Kyhn, 2000; Phillips, 2002). Our findings that fre‐ ior in females, suggesting that the frequency of play behavior may
quency of head butting in males is higher than in females aligns with be an index of female health in Japanese Black calves. Play behavior
the notion that head butting an object can be regarded as mock in livestock has been recommended as a reliable indicator of animal
sparring, particularly considering that the locus of genes that control welfare because play often occurs under favorable energetic condi‐
head butting behavior may exist on the X chromosome. Additionally, tions (Boissy et al., 2007; Chaloupková, Illmann, Bartos, & Špinka,
because head butting is performed alone, it is reasonable to specu‐ 2007; Dudink, Simonse, Marks, Jonge, & Spruijt, 2006; Held &
late that the proposed function of head butting is to develop motor Špinka, 2011). Although it is likely that some measures of play can be
skills and strength, not to develop social skills or enhance social co‐ applied to many livestock species to indicate animal welfare, using
hesion (Miller & Byers, 1998). indicators of play to evaluate gradations in welfare should be chosen
Several studies have suggested that variations in the MAOA carefully. We speculate that genetic variations affect the expres‐
gene are associated with behavioral traits in mammals. Prior re‐ sions of behaviors, particularly mutations involved with the MAOA
search reveals that mice lacking the MAOA gene are more aggres‐ gene. Further work is needed on the association between genetic
sive and investigate their surroundings less (Cases et al., 1995). polymorphisms and expression of play behaviors in Japanese Black
Similarly, humans with a mutation of MAOA show higher levels calves to assess both welfare and productivity.
of aggression (Brunner et al., 1993). On the basis of these stud‐
ies, the MAOA gene first became known as a ‘warrior gene’, but it
was later determined that animals with variants of MAOA tend to AC K N OW L E D G M E N T S
have uncontrollable impulses that sometimes induce higher levels
The authors acknowledge the staffs of the Saijo Experimental Farm
of aggression (Chester et al., 2015, 2014; Denson, DeWall, & Finkel,
Station, Hiroshima University, for their technical support in main‐
2012). In cattle, no significant association has been detected be‐
taining the animals. This work was supported by a Grant‐in‐Aid for
tween a mutation of this gene and the scores of behavioral tests
Scientific Research from the Japan Society for the Promotion of
performed during weighing, tethering, and separating (Lühken et
Science (No. 17K08064).
al., 2010). However, we found that calves without the wild‐type
allele played more than calves with the gene. We speculate that
the MAOA polymorphism affects the frequency of locomotor play ORCID
and that increased frequency of play may be due to impulsive be‐
Takashi Bungo
haviors, similar to aggression in animals with variants of this gene.
In addition, as described above, there is a possibility that the MAOA
gene may occur on the X chromosome in calves, which controls the
motivation to head butt.
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