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Forty-First Annual Convention & Exhibition, May 2017



Ahmad Faizal Amin*

Irsyam Widiyoko*
Didit Hadi Barianto*


As one of productive reservoirs in North East Java The Ngrayong formation is one of the main reservoir
Basin, Ngrayong Sandstone has significant meaning in North East Java Basin (NEJB). It produced 150
in stratigraphic study. A lot of stratigraphic study has MMBO hydrocarbon or 75% of total basin
been conducted both of surface and subsurface in this production. This formation is dominated by quartz-
area with excellent stratigraphic outcrops found along rich sandstone. The high quality of reservoir formed
Rembang Anticlinorium. This research was due to high porosity and permeability is implication
conducted on several outcrops in sandstone quarries in of high content of quartz grain and low content of
Polaman, Sedan, and Jiken Areas. By comparing matrix (Ardhana, 1993).
stratigraphic outcrops in these areas, we can observe
the characteristic of upper part of Ngrayong formation Good to excellent stratigraphic outcrop of the
that represents last stage deposition of this formation. Ngrayong formation can be found in several quarries
Several lithofacies found are shale, quartz sandstone, in Rembang Anticlinorium. This research took place
carbonaceous sandy shale, lignite coal, shaly in Jiken, Polaman, and Sedan Area where located in
sandstone, calcareous shaly sandstone, and Jamprong, Pakel, and Lodan anticlines, respectively
foraminiferal limestone. Sedimentary structures found (Figure 1). This research aimed to observe the
in the sandstone body are cross-bedding, ripple marks, characteristics of the upper part of Ngrayong
cross-lamination, and vertical burrows that indicate formation to determine the change of depositional
high energy environment in open marine conditions. environment in the late phase of deposition of the
Several lignite coal and carbonaceous shales found in Ngrayong formation.
several sections indicate transitional environment.  
From the data, we find that these facies were deposited GEOLOGIC SETTINGS
in terrestrial (marsh) to open marine (sand flat/shore
face) condition as part of a deltaic succession. The North East Java Basin located in the back arc
Vertically upward, facies changed from deltaic setting of Java active continental margin (Hall and
product represented by shale, calcareous muddy Morley, in Husein et al., 2016). This basin has long
sandstone, and quartz sandstone into deeper marine tectonic history since Mesozoic due to the collision
that is represented by foraminiferal limestone. of East Java microcontinent originating from
Foraminiferal limestone dominated by larger Gondwanaland with Southeast Margin of Sundaland
foraminifera such as Cycloclypeus sp. (Cyclocypeus (Hall, 2014; Husein and Nukman, 2015).
indopacificus, Katacycloclypeus annulatus, and
Katacycloclypeus martini) and Lepidocyclina sp. (L. The North East Java Basin is divided into several
oneataensis, L. decilata, etc). These fossils indicate physiographic units: Kendeng zone, Randublatung
deeper marine condition at middle Miocene. From zone, and Rembang zone (Van Bemmelen, 1949).
these conditions, we conclude that Ngrayong Rembang zone is controlled by basement faulting
formation was deposited in lagoon and deltaic until with NE-SW trend and N-S tectonic compression.
open marine environment, and ended by transgression This basement fault controlling folding mechanism
process at middle Miocene. of Rembang zone and forming en echelon fold
pattern along Rembang anticlinorium (Husein et al,
Keywords: depositional environment, Ngrayong 2015). Satyana (2004) interpreted that this structures
formation, lithofacies, transgression. lies from Rembang in the west trough Madura,

* University of Gadjah Mada

© IPA, 2017 – 41st Annual Convention Proceedings, 2017

Kangean, and Sakala Islands in the east and named it sandstone with cross-bedding, wavy structures, and
as Rembang-Madura-Kangean-Sakala (RMKS) fault several shale intercalations. Facies could be divided
zone. into cross-bedded quartz sandstone, shale
intercalated quartz sandstone, wavy-cross bedded
The Ngrayong formation as the main reservoir in the quartz sandstone, and calcareous sandstone (Figure
Rembang zone is characterized by domination of 2).
quartz-rich sandstone with carbonate and shale
intercalation. This formation was deposited in a wide Cross bedding and erosional structure in cross-
range depositional environment. Extensive study bedded quartz sandstone facies shows fluvial process
about Ngrayong formation has been published by domination in a distributary channel. The thickening
Ardhana (1993) who divided Ngrayong formation and coarsening upward of shale intercalated quartz
into three depositional units: Lower Unit I, Lower sandstone shows delta propagation in the delta
Unit II, and Upper Unit III. mouthbar environment. Wavy structures in wavy-
cross bedded quartz sandstone shows tidal flat in
The lower unit I is characterized by clean sandstone delta-front environment. Carbonate materials found
with hemipelagic mud intercalation deposited in in calcareous sandstone indicate open marine
shelf to upper-slope. It could be observed by condition where carbonate rocks start to be
sedimentary structures which dominated with cross- developed.
bedding structures. Lower unit II is characterized by
deep marine sediment with turbidite facies
The thickening and coarsening upward in the shale
developed in southern part of Rembang zone. Both
intercalated quartz shows the increase of both
units developed in regressive stage of Ngrayong
sediment supply and accommodation space. Within
formation during Early Middle Miocene.
stable conditions of the sedimentary basin during
deposition of the Ngrayong formation, it could be
The upper unit III shows trasgressive succession
inferred that accommodation space increase is
overlying both of Lower Unit I and Lower Unit II.
controlled by increasing mean sea level
This transgressive deposit is characterized by
(transgression). This transgression process lead to a
hemipelagic mudstone, sandy turbidite, counturite,
deepening process of the basin and thus depositional
and carbonate deposits. Reefal carbonate is
environment changed from distributary channel into
developed in the top of Ngrayong formation and is
delta mouthbar, delta-front, and open marine
known as the Bulu formation (Ardana, 1993).
Limestone lenses in the calcareous sandstone facies
Surface outcrops observation is the main data to containing larger foraminifera such as
determine the depositional environment and Katacyclocypeus annulatus, Lepidocyclina
sedimentation of Upper Ngrayong Formation. Detail nephrolepidina, and Eulepidina sp.
outcrop description includes facies and sedimentary
structure may help us in determining the depositional
Field 2
environment. The upper-part of Ngrayong formation
is characterized by transgressive deposits that show
deepening of depositional environment from Field 2 is located in Polaman area, particularly in the
transitional and open marine into deeper marine northern flank of the Pakel anticline. The facies
conditions. Field stratigraphic measurements were developed in this location are: Carbonaceous shale,
conducted to determine depositional environment by laminated shale-sandstone interbed, shale
looking for lithological characteristics and attributes intercalated sandstone, carbonaceous sandstone, and
which were subsequently confirmed by facies model foraminiferal limestone (Figure 3).
and paleontological data using larger foraminifera.
  The carbonaceous shale which is rich in organic
RESULT AND ANALYSIS matter and gypsum minerals shows reductive
terrestrial conditions (marsh/mud flat). The
Field 1 laminated shale-sandstone interbed indicate the
environmental change into tidal flat. Increasing sand
Field 1 is located in Jiken area, particularly in the content in shale intercalated sandstone facies shows
southern flank of the Jamprong anticline. Lithofacies deeper condition in open marine condition
developed in this area is dominated with quartz (sandflat/shoreface) environment. The succession of

© IPA, 2017 – 41st Annual Convention Proceedings, 2017
calcareous sandstone and foraminiferal limestone in 1. Several lithofacies show similar characteristics
the upper part shows deeper marine condition in the that can be interpreted as deltaic sequence
upper part of Ngrayong formation. deposits.

The foraminiferal limestone facies in the upper part 2. All of the sections show deepening process
of this section containing larger foraminifera such as (transgression) from transitional environment
Katacycloclypeus martini and Lepidocyclina sp. (L. into open marine and deeper marine condition.
stillafera, L. decilata, L. oneataensis, and L.
nephrolepidina). 3. Transgression process in the upper part of
Ngrayong formation occurred in Middle
Field 3 Miocene.

Field 3 is located in Sedan area, in the northern flank ACKNOWLEDGEMENT

of the Lodan anticline. In this location we could find
several facies (vertically upward): Quartz sandstone We would thanks to Mr. Didit Hadi Barianto as
with coal intercalation, carbonaceous sandy shale, mentor in this research. We also want to thank to Mr.
quartz sandstone, calcareous shaly sandstone, and Agung Setianto and Department of Geological
foraminiferal limestone (Figure 4). Engineering Universitas Gadjah Mada who has held
and guide us in geological mapping and excursion
Cross-bedded sandstone with intense vertical that was encourage us to do this research.
burrows developed in the lower part of section
indicates the high energy condition in open marine REFERENCES
environment (shoreface). The presence of lignite
coal and carbonaceous sandy shale shows the Ardhana, Wayan., 1993, A Depositional Model for
environmental change into lagoon/marsh due to delta The Early Middle Miocene Ngrayong Formation and
shift. Quartz sandstone with channel structures Implication for Exploration in The East Java Basin,
shows high energy influenced both fluvial processes Proceeding of 22nd Annual Convention and
and marine processes in upper slope of delta front in Exhibition of Indonesian Petroleum Association.
delta mouthbar. Calcareous shaly sandstone shows Vol. 1, p.395- 443.
transition between mouthbar into open marine that
indicated by foraminiferal limestone. Hall, Robert., 2014, The Origin of Sundaland,
Proceedings Of Sundaland Resources 2014 Mgei
The foraminiferal limestone facies in the upper part of Annual Convention 2014, Palembang, p.1-26.
this section containing Lepidocyclina sp. and
Cycloclypeus sp. (C. indopacificus, Katacycloclypeus
annulatus, and Katacycloclypeus martini.) Husein, S. and M. Nukman, 2015, Rekonstruksi
Tektonik Mikrokontinen Pegunungan Selatan Jawa
All of sections in the observation fields show similar Timur: sebuah hipotesis berdasarkan analisis
depositional environment change. All of section kemagnetan purba. Prosiding Seminar Nasional
shows deepening process (transgression) in the end Kebumian ke-8 Jurusan Teknik Geologi Fakultas
of deposition stage of Ngrayong formation. Based on Teknik Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta,
paleontological data from larger foraminifera in the GEO42, p 235-248.
foraminiferal limestone which was dominated by
Cycloclypeus sp. (Cycloclypeus indopacificus, Husein, Salahuddin., Kret Kakda, and Hafiz Fatah
Katacycloclypeus annulatus, and Katacycloclypeus N.A., 2015, Mekanisme Perlipatan En Echelon Di
martini) and Lepidocyclina sp. (L. oneataensis, L. Antiklinorium Rembang Utara, Prosiding Seminar
decilata, L. stillafera, and L. nephrolepidina), this Nasional Kebumian ke-8 Universitas Gadjah Mada,
transgression occurred in the Middle Miocene. Yogyakarta, GEO41, p.224-234.

CONCLUSION Husein, Salahuddin., Anastasia Dewi T., Yan Restu

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From stratigraphic sections in the field, we can Ekskursi Geologi Regional 2016, Departement
observe similarities of depositional pattern. There Teknik Geologi Universitas Gadjah Mada,
are: Yogyakarta. 63 pp.

© IPA, 2017 – 41st Annual Convention Proceedings, 2017
Kadar, Darwin., and Sudijono, 1993, Geological Geological Research and Development Center,
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Satyana, A.H., E. Erwanto, and C. Prasetyadi, 2004,
Van Bemmelen, R.W. (1949) The Geology of
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Indonesia. Government Printing Office, Martinus
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1992, Geologic Map of The Jatirogo Quadrangle, Ontario, p.157-171.

© IPA, 2017 – 41st Annual Convention Proceedings, 2017

Figure 1 - Regional Geologic Maps of Research Area (modified after Kadar and Sudijono, 1993; and Situmorang et al, 1992).

© IPA, 2017 – 41st Annual Convention Proceedings, 2017

Figure 2 - Stratigraphic Column of Jiken Area.


© IPA, 2017 – 41st Annual Convention Proceedings, 2017

Figure 3 - Stratigraphic Column of Polaman Area.


© IPA, 2017 – 41st Annual Convention Proceedings, 2017

Figure 4 - Stratigraphic Column of Sedan Area.


© IPA, 2017 – 41st Annual Convention Proceedings, 2017

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