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In partial fulfillment of the requirements

For the subject
ENTREP3 - Entrepreneurship



Subject Teacher


September 27, 2019

• Description of the proposed business and business model
• Description of the market opportunity to capture, or market problem the
business solves
• Reasons for why this is an attractive business opportunity
• Key distinctions or differentiators of the business versus competitors
• Overview of the sales, marketing and operations strategy and plan
• Description of the execution plan and timeline
• Overview of projected financials containing revenues, costs, profits and


• Company Name, Logo and Address
• Vision and Mission Statements
• Key personnel
• Workforce and Support personnel
• Organizational chart
• Ownership, Capitalization, Compensation and incentives
• External and Management Support

• Purpose of the product/service
Our product wafull makes quality and fresh homemade waffle that provides people with
new experiences by mixing and matching toppings and flavors
• Product’s unique features
Our unique features includes your own capacity to choose and select any types of flavor
or toppings at your liking in an affordabble price range. As you know there are only few
stalls in the province that sells freshly made waffle , Meaning that our waffle is unique
on its own
• Material requirements and source of supply
Our material came from buying ingridients from Fluor Daniel, Inc. - Philippines provides
the delivery of our ingridients and Materials
• Process and equipment that will be used to manufacture the
product/render the service
Nothing fancy. For equipment:

Waffle iron
Large spoon
Measuring spoons
Measuring cups or (even better) Kitchen scale
The procedure in making waffles
While the waffle mixture is being prepared, heat the waffle iron. Grease waffle iron
thoroughly on both sides with a cloth pad dipped in fat, being careful that there is no
excess fat, as it will run out when the iron is turned over.
With the iron properly greased and sufficiently hot, place a few spoonfuls of the batter in
the center and close the iron. By doing so, the batter will be pressed out to cover the
entire surface.
The amount of batter put into the heated iron depends on size of the iron. Remember,
when pouring the batter, do not cover the entire surface of the iron with batter nor place
any near the outside edge, for it is liable to run out when the iron is closed. In case this
happens, be sure to put in less batter the next time.
Allow the waffle to brown on the side near the heat and then turn the iron, so as to
brown the other side.
When the waffle is sufficiently brown, remove it; then grease the iron and repeat the
• Production/Service Process and Controls
All operations in the receiving, inspecting, transporting, segregating, preparing,
manufacturing, packaging, and storing of food shall be conducted in accordance with
adequate sanitation principles. Appropriate quality control operations shall be employed
to ensure that food is suitable for human consumption and that food-packaging
materials are safe and suitable. Overall sanitation of the plant shall be under the
supervision of one or more competent individuals assigned responsibility for this
function. All reasonable precautions shall be taken to ensure that production procedures
do not contribute contamination from any source. Chemical, microbial, or extraneous-
material testing procedures shall be used where necessary to identify sanitation failures
or possible food contamination. All food that has become contaminated to the extent
that it is adulterated within the meaning of the act shall be rejected, or if permissible,
treated or processed to eliminate the contamination.
• Distribution logistics
Our the distribution logistics are
• Regulatory and other compliance issues
The reasons a customer decides to purchase a product correspond to various factors.
Maybe the customer is drawn to the packaging, or the customer is already familiar with
the product, and is convinced of its quality or simply curious. Studies from the 2017
nutritional report issued by the Ministry for Consumer Protection, Food and Agriculture
have found that 89 percent of all Germans place heavy value on a healthy diet. Hence,
it is understandable that they are often looking at the nutritional information and reading
the ingredients on packaging to determine which product they will put in their shopping
carts and will end up on their dining room table. A steadily increasing number of
consumers today want to know what their food is made of, when it was produced and
how long it will last.

• Market analysis which includes demand and supply vis-à-vis competitors
• Marketing and Sales Strategies
• Product/Service Characteristics or features
• Pricing policy
• Sales projections
• Start-up Costs requirements
• Financial Projections
• Projected Costs (in Philippine Peso)
• Projected Profits
• Projected Income Statements (Year 1 to Year 5)



Deadline of Submission:
September 27, 2019( much better of earlier this September)

Format (MSword .docx):

• Font -Arial / size- 12
• Spacing -Double
• Avoid typographical errors, spelling, grammar and sentence structure
• Page Layout: Margins - Left 1.5, the rest is 1" margins
Paper size: 8 ½ X 11 inches

Compile in Long white Folder (with fastener/round head fastener)

For Presentation (.pptx)

• Use the institutional Powerpoint Template

• Don’t use size of font lower than 24.
Group Names: __________________________________

Name of Business :


Scoring Rubric for Oral Presentations of Business Plan

Category Scoring Criteria Points Score
The type of presentation is appropriate for the topic and
Organization 10
Information is presented in a logical sequence.
(10 points)
Presentation appropriately cites requisite number of
Introduction is attention-getting, lays out the problem well,
and establishes a framework for the rest of the
Technical terms are well-defined in language appropriate 10
for the target audience.
Presentation contains accurate information.
(15 points)
Material included is relevant to the overall
Appropriate amount of material is prepared, and points
made reflect well their relative importance.
There is an obvious conclusion summarizing the
Speaker maintains good eye contact with the audience and 5
is appropriately animated (e.g., gestures, moving around,
Speaker uses a clear, audible voice. 5
Delivery is poised, controlled, and smooth. 5
(35 points)
Good language skills and pronunciation are used. 5

Visual aids are well prepared, informative, effective, and not 5

Length of presentation is within the assigned time limits. 5

Information was well communicated. 5

Score Total Points 65

Teacher’s Signature

Rubric for Business Plan

CRITERIA Exemplary Good Acceptable Unacceptable Score
10 8 6 2
PURPOSE The writer’s The writing The central The purpose or
central has a clear purpose or argument is
purpose or purpose or argument is generally
argument is argument, not unclear.
readily but may consistently
apparent to sometimes clear
the reader. digress from throughout
it. the paper.
CONTENT Balanced Information Information Central
presentation provides supports a purpose or
of relevant reasonable central argument is not
and support for a purpose or clearly
legitimate central argument at identified.
information purpose or times. Analysis is
that clearly argument Analysis is vague or not
supports a and displays basis or evident.
central evidence of general. Reader is
purpose or a basic Reader gains confused or
argument analysis of few insights. may be
and shows a significant misinformed.
thoughtful, in- topic.
analysis of a
topic. Reader
ORGANIZATION The ideas The ideas In general, The writing is
are arranged are arranged the writing is not logically
logically to logically to arranged organized.
support the support the logically, Frequently,
central central although ideas fail to
purpose or purpose or occasionally make sense
argument. argument. ideas fail to together. The
They flow They are make sense reader cannot
smoothly usually together. The identify a line of
from one to clearly linked reader is fairly reasoning and
another and to each clear about loses interest.
are clearly other. For what writer
linked to the most intends.
each other. part, the
The reader reader can
can follow follow the
the line of line of
reasoning. reasoning.
FEEL The writing is The writing The writing is The writing has
compelling. It is generally dull and little
hooks the engaging, unengaging. personality.
reader and but has Though the The reader
sustains some dry paper has quickly loses
interest spots. In some interest and
throughout. general, it is interesting stops reading.
focused and parts, the
keeps the reader finds it
reader’s difficult to
attention. maintain


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