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Flash To the Past and Present

Education from the 1600-2000’s

Jasmine Vazquez


Table of Contents
1600s 3
1700s 4
1800s 5
1900s 6
200s 7

Date – Name of event.
Information about
event. My reason.

1661 – Evening School. In New 3
Amsterdam (New york City) an
evening school for working children
is established. This is helpful for the
children who are of low income and
want an education as well.

1698 – The First

Publically Supported
Library. This was the
1636 – Harvard was
first Library in Charles
founded. Harvard is one of Town (South Carolina).
the prestigious schools in
It encourages many to be
the United States. Many wish 1690 – John Locke publishes his involved in the education
to be accepted here. Essay Concerning Human of others.
Understanding. Which contains
his belief that at birth the human
mind is a blank state, and
knowledge is derived by
experience. This is the first time
many will be able to understand
1635 – Boston Latin his thinking.
School was 1642 – The Massachusetts Bay
established; The First School Law. Requiring the parents
public school in the to teach their children to read and
United States for males understand their religion and the
of destined leadership laws of their country. It is like the
1693 – John Locke
positions. This is big first type of homeschooling.
publishes Some
part of our educational Thoughts Concerning
history and one of the 1647 – The Massachusetts Law of
Education. His views on
oldest schools to this 1647. If a town has at least 50
how male should be
day. families they will hire a
acting. Locke shows how
schoolmaster to teach the children
ethics should be part of
to read and write. Town of at least
education as well.
100 families will hire a Latin
schoolmaster to prepare students
to attend Harvard. This allows for
more kids to get an education.

1727 – The Ursuline Academy of New Orleans.

One of the oldest catholic schools fro girls in the
1700 – Quaker Unites States. This shows how much religion was
School. A school part of out history, because many believed that a 1743 – The American Philosophical Society. This was
for black formed by Benjamin Franklin to bring ideas of the
school revolving our religion was necessary.
students is European Enlightenment (like secularism, science,
established in human reason) to the colonial America. This was a
Philadelphia. controversial since it went against many religious beliefs.
This is the first
sign of change in
our country’s 1783-1785 – A Grammatical
education Institute of the English. Noah
system. Webster writes a textbook of 3
1782 – St. Mary’s School. One of the first
volumes in spelling, grammar,
1751 – First “English Academy”. It had a Parochial school in Philadelphia. To this and reader. During that time these
classical and modern curriculum (history, day many belief that students should be
3 volumes were used to teach all
geography, navigation, surveying, and classical taught about religion at their school.
students and this is where our
languages). Now known as the University of basic comes from.
Pennsylvania. This is just like Harvard many
want to be accepted at this university.

1787 – Young Ladies Academy.

First school fro girls. School was
meant mostly for males during this
time but this academy let girls
attend and teach more than just
math, writing and reading.
1790 – First Public School for poor
families. The Pennsylvania state
constitution call for free public schooling
for poor families and he wealthy families
are expected to pay for their children’s’
education. Equal education for everyone
no matter his or her income.
1856 – First Kindergarten.
Margarethe Schurz founded the first
kindergarten in Watertown,
Wisconsin. I want to teach
Kindergarten and found this
1867 – The Department
of Education is created.
This helps states
establish effective school
systems. We still have a
1821 – Boston English High School.
department of education
First public high school opens. It is a
it is where we get the
free public high school and many took
standards to teach the
the chance to go there.
1857 – The National Teachers students.

Association (National Education
Association) was founded. We still have
this to this day.

1817 - The
American Asylum,
At Hartford, For 1837 – Mount Holyoke Female
The Education And Seminary. The First College for
Instruction Of The women in the United States. This is
Deaf And Dumb, an improvement and it shows that
was founded and many wish for women to have an
opened. This is one education.
of the first instances 1859 – Elizabeth Peabody opened
when having equal another kindergarten facility. She
education without wanted to teach and train educators. She
discriminating is an important figure in our history of
people because of Kindergarten figures.
their abilities.
1852 – Compulsory School Law.
Children ages eight through fourteen is
mandatory to attend school for 3
moths in a row. The importance of

1925 – Tennessee vs. John Scope (“Monkey Trials”).

Scope was found teaching the theory of evolution
and this caused many concerns in the curriculum of
education, many questioned if they should teach 1926 – SAT. Scholastic Aptitude testing
this theory. This was an argument between founded by Edward Lee Thorndike and
1911 – Montessori education and religion. Dewey, a standardize test to see where
School. This is a students fit in academically. We still use this
nonreligious private testing but it is mostly used in the Ivy League
school founded by 1958 – Science Math and
schools (Harvard, Yale, and Pennsylvania.)
Language. The National Defense
Maria Montessori. She
Education Act increased
lets the students be
funding in science, math, and
free, and have active
foreign language, Due to the
interactions with their 1959 – ACT. American College testing a
surroundings. This belief that Sputnik was superior
competitor to the SAT was introduced. We
in technology. This is why we are
shows how she teaches usually do our ACT.
always trying to advance our
and it can also be the
1956 – Brown vs. Board technology, because of fear. 1965 – Elementary and
type of teacher she was.
of Education. This case Secondary Education Act.
ended segregation in This provides federal
schools. This is helped funds to help low-income
end the segregation and students. This also created
this is why we don’t allow “Title 1” and bilingual
discrimination at schools. educations students. This
act is useful and there are
many students who are
under the “Title 1” act.
1974 – Equal Education Opportunities
Act. This prohibits discrimination and
requires school to take action to
overcome barriers, which prevent equal
protection. This helps stop discrimination
at school’s

2013 - The School District of
Philadelphia announces they will cut
nearly 4000 employees, including 676
teachers as well as many administrators
and guidance counselors. Many teachers
are losing their jobs.

2009 – Common Core State

Standards. This is a new way
to teach and learn the
progress of students. States 2015 – States
Collaborate to develop
are changing their standards
common assessment
and this is why.
aligned to the common
core standards.
2013 – Forty-five states submit plans
for ESEA Flexibility. Forty-five stats
adopt common core standard.
Nevada was one of those states.
2002 – No Child Left
Behind Act. George W.
Bush signs this and asks
for students to make 2010 – A Blueprint for Reform schools
will no longer be singled out for not
yearly progress. This is
to encourage children making “adequate yearly progress.”
and have them see
progress in their
education. 2014 - A demographic milestone
is reached: minority students
enrolled in K-12 public school
classrooms outnumber non-
Hispanic Caucasians. No more
2011 - Barack Obama announces discrimination.
that the US department of
education is inviting each state
agency to request flexibility
regarding some requirement of the
no child left behind act.

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