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Sigit apriyanto/15202241069/PBI

Action research

Chapter 1


A. Background of the study

Improving Listening Skill Through Songs in Senior High School 1 Pundong, Bantul

Nowadays, English is one of the international languages that already spread overseas. According
to the Encyclopedia of Microsoft Encarta (2009), the amount of English native is in the fourth position
with 341 million natives. English is the first language for several countries like the United States of America,
Canada, Australia. moreover, English also stand to the second language in India, Nigeria, Pakistan, South
Africa, Singapore, and Malaysia. English dominates because of the huge influence in advanced technology
and information. This caused almost all of the people in the world to have to master in English so they can
communicate in the universal area.

Indonesia as a multilingual country. English is turning just as foreign language, although English is
taught from elementary school, many Indonesian still face the difficulties in mastery. Of course, there is a
way to figure out it, to consideration the importance of English. Consequently, in English learning and
teaching, the precise methods and techniques have to develop. Bearing in mind the importance of English
especially in education. This language is taught in Senior High School. It is a compulsory subject to be
taught for three years at Senior High Schools.

B. Identification of the problems

Teaching and learning method of listening is prejudiced by some features for instance students,
teacher, resources, and teaching technique. Based on the primary observation class at XII F of SMA N 1
Pundong, there remained a problem that can be recognized. The problem arises from the schoolchildren.

There were glitches associated with the students’ vocabulary mastery. The students had
difficulties in learning vocabulary. They were indolent and uninterested when the teacher questioned
them to commit to memory the meanings of unacquainted English words. They were still confused in
understanding the meanings of those words while listening. The allocation period of listening also was not
sufficient for students in this lesson. Listening was taught by a teacher just twice in a month. Many
students only used up their time by daydreaming and doing rather unrelated to the English class. They did
not listen to the teacher’s enlightenment. Their attitudes during the teaching-learning of English were

C. Limitation of the problem

Based on the identification of the problem, there is a problem faced by the students of class XII of
SMA N 1 Pundong. The researcher focuses on the effort that helps the students improve their listening
comprehension. Based on the discussion with the English teacher, the researcher chooses listening
comprehension through the use of Songs. The choice of this technique based on three reasons. Firstly,
the song is an audio media that provides fun, and entertain. Secondly, most of the students like listening
to songs so they will pay attention to this activity. Thirdly, the students can increase their vocabulary
mastery when the new words are repeated several times in different song listening. They also can learn
many words from the songs, and then they apply it in learning English at school or in daily life. The use of
the song in listening comprehension can help the teacher present many English words in interesting ways.
That is why the students’ class of XII SMA N 1 Pundong need interesting activity using audio learning,
which will improve their listening comprehension.

The researcher chooses students’ class of XII SMA N 1Pundong as the population in this research.
This school has some achievement not only in academic but also nonacademic field.

D. Formulation of the problem

Based on the limitation of the problems, the problem of this research is framed as follows: How can
song improve students’ listening comprehension at Class XII of SMA N 1 Pundong?

E. Objectives of the study

Matched with the formulation of the problems, the objective of this study is to improve students’ listening
comprehension at Grade XII of SMA N 1 Pundong through the use of the song.
F. Significances of the research

These significances of the research are divided into:

1. Theoretical Significance
The result of the study may give more evidence about improving listening comprehension over
the use of the song. This study can enhance acquaintance on applying song which is appropriate
for students’ needs.
2. Practical Significance:
This study is expected to be beneficial for:
a. The English teachers
This research can be respectable information and an opportunity to improve their quality of
teaching. In other beneficial, this method can be used as a variation of teaching listening.
b. The students of the English Department
It will give a contribution for them as a sample in language teaching and it can be used as a
reference action research particularly in improving students’ listening skill.
c. For the other researchers
This research will give inspiration and references in conducting similar research that deals with
the same strategy, and with the same research design to improve the quality of teaching listening
comprehension through the use of the song.

This chapter deals with literature review and conceptual framework. It is

separated into review on English teaching and learning, listening, song and
conceptual framework. Moreover, review on related research studies will be

A. Literature review
1. English teaching and Learning
a. The nature of English teaching and learning in senior high school
There are some explanations of teaching and learning. Brown (2000: 7) speaks that teaching
is guiding and helping learning, allowing the learners to learn and set the conditions for
learning. Teaching is showing or helping person to learn how to do something, giving
instruction, guiding in the study of something, providing with knowledge, causing to know or
understand. Vygotsky in Feez (2002: 26) says that learning is a collaboration between a
teacher and students with the teacher takes an authoritative role similar to that of an expert
supporting an apprentice. Teaching is making students able to learn, giving the instruction to
do the task, or setting the teaching learning process to make the students get to learn.

2. Listening
a. Definition of listening
Helgesen and Brown (2007: 3) define that listening as an active process in which listeners
select and interpret information which comes from audio visual, in order to define what is
going on and what they already know. It means that in the process of making sense of the
input, they use only part of the incoming information while interpret means that in trying to
make sense of the input, listeners use the bakcground of knowledge as well as the new
information to dicipher what is going on and to figure on what speakers intend.
According to Howatt and Dakin (1994), listening is the ability to identify and understand
what others are saying. This process involves understanding a speakers’ accent or
pronunciation, the speakers’ grammar and vocabulary, and comprehension of meaning.
Thomlison's (1998) definition of listening includes "active listening,"
which goes beyond comprehending as understanding the message content as an act of
empathetic understanding of the speaker. Furthermore, Gordon (2001) argues that empathy
is essential to listening and contends that it is more than a polite attempt to identify a
speaker's perspectives. Rather more importantly, empathetic understanding expands to
"egocentric prosocial behavior".Thus, the listener altruistically acknowledges concern for the
speaker's welfare and interests.

b. Significance of Listening
c. Nature of listening comprehension
d. The process of listening comprehension
e. Strategies of listening comprehension
f. Causal analysis of listening comprehension problems

3. Song
a. The nature of song
b. Benefit of song
c. Song application in teaching and learning English

B. Conceptual framework of the research

In senior high school, listening is basic skill and knowledge to support student’s subject
material of English teaching learning. They are required to study listening material and
references, and practice listening assignment in English. However, there are many problems
in teaching listening skills.
Based on the preliminary observation at SMA N 1 Pundong, there were some factors
influencing students’ listening comprehension. Firstly, students faced many difficulties in
mastering vocabulary. Secondly, they got limited time of English teaching learning. Listening
was taught by teacher just twice in a month. Thirdly, students were bored and unmotivated
to learn. They tended not to pay attention when the teacher explained the material. Fourthly,
from the interview with teacher, listening score of students were unsatisfied.
Based on these problems, efforts need to be done to help the students find enjoyment
and more successful in developing listening comprehension. For these purposes the teacher
needs an appropriate technique to improve students’ listening comprehension. song is one
of the suitable medias that can be used by teacher in English teaching and learning. This
technique is fun in order student can improve their English knowledge especially in listening
material. The technique is also used to stimulate their motivation and interest in the lesson.
Thus, song is suitable method that can be used at SMA N 1 Pundong to improve listening
comprehension. If the students are interested the method, they are motivated to learning
listening skill. A high motivation to practice listening improves their listening ability.
Furthermore, learning listening using video will improve students’ motivation in learning
English, especially in listening.

Research methods
1. Types of research
Quantitative , quasi-experimental, common study designs pre- and post- test design
2. Location of research
SMA N 1 Pundong Bantul
3. Duration
From July-august
4. Subjects of the research
The student class 12 SMA N 1 Bantul


Data collection techniques ( pretest, treatment and post testquestionnaires and

Data collection instrument (observation checklist , test,)
Data analysis (statistical data analysis) use t test

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