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Laos international college


Teacher: Sackda SOUKHAVONG
Present by: Miss Pavina PHOMKHAMHUEANG

1. Who is the beggar?

2. What area in Laos the beggars live?
3. why we have to solve and modify problem?
4. How to solve this problem?
5. Concluding.
1. Who is the beggar?
In the big cities or business cities We will see
people dressed with old clothes it looks dirty and old
these people always carry a can which use to receive
money from people who passed along the roadside
and these people were called Beggar.
The beggar is a person who is poor or very
poor and homeless they have to survive by begging
from others people for earn a living which now there
was a noticeable increase or Almost call is the
business process

This is the beggar

➢ We can divide the beggar into two kind
• person are real beggars; some person is pitiable such as disabled legs or arm or
eyes sitting by the roadside for made sympathy from other people
• person are not real beggars some person to used sympathize of other people as a
way to make money. Most of these people have perfect body but they are lazy
and they want to make money with simple methods.


Real beggar Not real beggar

➢ Cause of beggars:
• Begging is a simple task: no need for
knowledge, earn easy money and
spend less time.
• Poverty causes many families come to
live and meet problems in the capital.
In addition, poverty causes
people to become socially disadvantaged
such as lack of educational opportunities,
lack of career opportunities, so begging
is one of their choices. Another cause the
body is not perfect.
2. What area in Laos the beggars live?
We know that Laos is undeveloped country in addition to academic or educational
problems, Laos also have beggar’s problem as important problem although it is a small
We will meet beggars from many public place and a center of people for example
Morning market, CHAOANOUVONG park, festivals and roadside etc

The beggars at
3. why we have to solve and modify problem?
Beggar is a social problem, which leads to the despair in society,
make the country look in the wrong way and it will make increase the rate
of beggar when many people find that begging is an easy job just sit and act
miserably will be earn money from someone else into own pocket. Such
problem could be lead to crimes when there are more beggars.
For example:
When a family is beggar include parents and child. Parents will
use the child as a beggar since young. Child won’t have education, they
won’t have knowledge when child grow up they tend to be lazy and find
out how to earn easy money from others people. Finally became a thief
causing the society to suffer.
So, we see that this problem should be solve and take leave in the
country, we should modify lazy thinking of people to make a living by their
own, for stop and reduce crimes in the future, for keep the image of the
country on the international eye and foreigner.
4. How to solve this problem?
Because of the moment the beggars have tend to
increase, we can see from 5 years ago, beggar have little in
society but currently we see a lot of beggars so, in my opinion
we should to solve like this:
1) The government should create the right livelihood give their,
teach them to find the right career, motivate to know the
importance of labor to produce food and goods to sell and
make money for develop family have a better life step by
- An orphan and disabled who have no address or cousin,
government should build orphan house and disabled people
foundation by receiving donation money, equipment and
other help from the private sector or the people who will want
to helper, let them be educated to pursue a career and let them
be leave from this place based on appropriate age criteria.
1) The people related or seen don’t have to give
money to their (if can post the poster it will be
better) to do not be an example to people who
want make money this way.
2) Make a law for control beggars, people who see
the beggar must notify the authorities and let the
authorities take them to thought training.

❖ We will see in Thailand there are lot of the beggars

but Thailand has a lot of this foundation as well.
5. Concluding.
Through this presentation I can concluded that the beggar is an
important problem, it’s social problem we can common sight it’s
hard problem to solve. So everyone should be help to solve it for
develop social make a nice society and more interest of foreigners.

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