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Overview of Metal cxp onrl abl o thermoplast ic binder and other

additives, Those polymeric additions often

comprise as much as 40 \'01% of the feedstock.

Injection Moulding A review of the literature (1) indicates that

polyethylene or polypropylene arc typical
ingredients. In practice. feedstocks are
multl-cornponont systems. composed of a
J R Merhar ( E I du Pont de Nemours & Co (Inc), Remington number of 'bindor-llkc' additions. II is these
Arms Co, Wilmington, DE 19B9B, USA) proprietary systems which are most commonly
employed, The one notable exception is a
Metal injection moulding (MIM) is a metalworking technology binder sy stem based on methyl cellulose (2).
for cost-effectively producing small, complex, precision metal This is associated with the Rivers process and
parts in high run volumes. An overview is given of both the is licensed by Hayn es lntornatlnnal., For this
process and the industry. The process steps will be reviewed overview of the pro cess, however, a
and, where appropriate, compared with the conventional thermoplastic binder system will he assumed.
A now chart illustrating the steps of the MIM
powder metallurgy. The overview includes a review ofselected
process is shown in Fig . 1. The blend of
design parameters and their limits ofapplicability, the relative a pp ro p riate powders and polymeric binders is
economics of the process, and the competitive position ofMIM granulated, and then is fed into a st andard
in relation to other metalworking technologies. Market injection moulding machine. Under moderate
segments that are presently being served will be identified, and temperatures and pressures (less than 500F
the present and projected size of the US industry will be (260C) and less than 10,000 psi/u9 Ml'a}, the
indicated. The overview is based primarily on the feedstock achieves a toothpaste-like
manufacturing and marketing experiences of the Remington consistency and can be injected into mould
Arms Co in producing parts both for firearms and the cavities to form precision components. As
commercial market using the MIM process. with pla st ic injection moulding. multiple
cavity tooling can be used to reduce
manufacturing costs. Gen erally. it is not
necessary to design draft angles into parts to
facilitate release from the mould.
After removal from the mould. the parts have
ex cellent green strength and exhibit a
Metal injection moulding (MIM) is a THE MIM PROCESS crayon-like consistency. The binders and
metalworking te chnology that is currently additives used in the moulding step are now
receiving a great de al of attention, As an The metal injection moulding process begins removed by processing which has come to be
industry. MIM has evolved from its embryonic with very fine metal powders. typically less known as debinderizing. Most commonly. this
stago and has entered tho grnwth port ion of the than 20 microns in d iameter. For comparison. consists of a solvent extraction or a low
business life cycle. The process wa s first no led compaction grade powders for conventionnl temperature thermal treatment 10 break down
in th e ea rly 1970s. and is generally attributed PM can range up to about 200 microns. While and vaporise the polymers. Binders nrc
to the Parrnatcch Corporation of Potaluma, CA. there arc serious efforts underway to use designed to como off sequentially so as not to
Parrnatcch continuos today as a producer of coarser powder. material of less than 10 disturb the geometry of the part. leaving just
MIM parts. From this heginning. th e industry mi crons is presently preferred by mo st 1\1111.1 enough binder to hold the metal sha pe
has grown to a S30mill ion to 535 million a year Iabr icators. For ferrous c om pos it ions. where together. Finally, the component is sintcrcd,
business in 1989. which is national in s cope. the alloy will be formed through el em ental hut at snrnewhat higher tornporaturcs and
In May 1987. the Metal Injection Moulding additions. carbonyl iron powder is commonly longer times than for conventional powder
Association (MIMA) was formed. under the used, metallurgy.
auspices of the Metal Powder Industries In order to form a feedstock. the metal powders Initially, parts were slntorcd in batch furnaces
Federation (MPIF). Currently. eighteen nrc mixed in precise proportions with or retorts; today. most fahricators are using
cornpanlos are memb er s. including both
in -plant and contract fabrlcators.
This is an overview of 1'.1111.1 as seen by Du Pont. Fine Binders
both as an in-house fabricator of firearm parts Metal &
for its Remington Arms Division in Ilion. NY Powders Additives
and as a producer for the merchant market. Du
Pont/Remington Arms has been involved with
MIM since 1981. and is now in its sixth year of
high volume production.
Metal injection moulding is a marriage of
thermoplastic injection moulding and
conventional powder metallurgy Solvent Thermal
technologies. It provides an alternative for the Extraction Degradation
manufacture of small, complex. precision of Binder of Binder
metal parts. which can be produced
cost-cffectlvcly in high run volumes, Like nil
processes. MIM has certain advantages and
disadvantages, The limits of selected design
parameters will be reviewed. along with the
general process and MIM's competitive
po sition relative to other metalworking
technologies. This is not intended to be a
technical treatment of metal injection
moulding. but an overview. Comparisons will
be focused primarily on conventional powder FIG. 1 FIOII' diagram of the .\11.\1 pro cess

MPR May 1990 339

continuous. high temperature atmosphere
sintering furnaces similar to those used for PM. Composition
The very fine powders used for MIM provide Property' Fc·2% Hi' Fe-3% SI 316 410
a strong thermodynamic driving force and Stalnle.. Stainless
parts undergo shrinkage of as much as 20%. Heat treated
Repeatability is achieved through close control
Density (g'cc) 7.5 7.6 7.5 7.5 7.5
over the feedstock and moulding variables.
Once sintcrod, MIM parts can be given % of full density 95 99 9~ 97 97
supplementary treatments exactly like Tensile strength (xl0' psi) 55 75 68 80 160
wrought products. including heat treatment. 30 50 25 -
Yield strength (xl0' psi)
plating or machining.
Elongation (%) 25 25 35 20 4

Hardness. RB 55 85 45 65 RC20
'The above properties were obtained from moulded tensile specimens. They are considered typical, and are for
The MIM process is well suited to the high information only. Properties may vary somewhat on actual parts. dependinq on size and processing variables.
volume production of geometrically complex 'Nickel steels (Fe·2% NI) may be case hardened. Mechanical properties of the heat treated parts will depend upon
parts. Based on experience obtained in serving the depth 01the case and the cross section.
the commercial markets. MIM appears to
compete primarily with smaller investment
castings and discrete machining. It also
competes with conventional PM when TABLE 1 Typical properties oj injection moulded alloys
machining of the PM part is required to
generate additional geometry. MIM typically structural components to irou with 50% nickel However. it is expensive to customise a
will not compete with drop-off screw machine for magnetic applications. Other magnetic specific alloy composition and binder system.
components. starnpings or with die castings. applications are being satisfied with a 3% and fabricators will initially address those
Die casting. however. is generally limited to silicon steel alloy. The most common stainless requests offering high run volumes or
metals with low melting temperatures such as steel is 316, although other 300 series and some value-in-use opportunities.
aluminum and zinc. 400 series stainless compositions are available
Assemblies made by combining a number of along with 17-4 PH. DESIGN PARAMETERS
small parts can often be moulded as an integral Table 1 shows typical properties of selected
piece by MIM. The process is capable of injection moulded alloys. The information is For small, complex parts. MIM offers the
forming complex configurations. and has a based on data generated by Remington Arms. designer a freedom of geometry similar to that
degree of geometric freedom equivalent to that The presence of a high volume percent of for thermoplastic injection moulding or
of injection moulding plastics. In addition to polymeric binder. which must be completely investment casting. As with any process.
part complexity. MlM offers the capability of removed. makes close control over combined however. there arc limits of applicability. The
providing smooth surfaces. close tolerance and carbon difficult. Many fabricators process following paragraphs will establish the
thin-walled sections. The limits of these material to very low carbon levels in order to practical range for a number of design
characteristics will be defined in later sections. achieve reprodncibility. This approach is charactorist ics.
suitable for magnetic materials and stainless
MATERIALS steels. but results in lower than expected SIZE RANGE
mechanical properties for structural ferrous
With MIM. alloy compositions can be blended alloys in the as-sintorcd condition. The MIM processing is best suited for relatively
to most specific end-usc requirements. In fact. situation is being addressed through the small parts. On a volume basis. parts should
almost any metal or ceramic which can be evaluation of alternative binders and typically be smaller than a tennis ball. with the
obtained as fine particles and which can be modifications in the dcbindcrizing cycles. process being most cost effective when parts
sintercd can be injection moulded. However. Various MIM fabricators arc offering selected are smaller than a golf ball. Irregularly shaped
the compositions which are most readily compositions. such as high speed steels. which parts can be produced with a major axis up to
available from current part suppliers are the they have developed into feedstocks. It is about 4 inches (l02mm) in length.
iron-nickel alloys and stainless steels. Nickel anticipated that as the industry grows. a wide The golf ball. as illustrated in Fig. 2. was
steels range from iron with 2% nickel for range of alloys will become available. chosen for two reasons. First. it is a readily
recognisable object which will provide a
mental image of relative size for future
reference; secondly. although not truly
complex. its shape is such as to preclude
manufacture by those processes which require
straight sides and parallel surfaces.
The lower limit of the size range is determined
only by the limitations of the injection
moulding process itself. Parts as small as 0.25
x 0.10 x 0.05 inches (6.4 x 2.5 x 1.3mm) are
economically feasible. A practical example of
parts in this size range are the orthodontic
components being produced by numerous
The upper limit of part size is established by
processing economics. not technical
limitations. Larger parts can he made. but may
not be cost effective. Currently. the major
economic deterrent to larger parts is the price
of the preferred fine powders. For small parts.
labour is the primary contributor to
FIG. 2 Golfboll, representing the upper size limit oj a cost eJJectil'e MI.\1pari manufacturing cost with raw material heing
relatively insignificant. As part sizes increase.

340 MPR May 1990

FIG. 3 Miscellaneous firearm component being produced for both FIG. oJ Th e photo ShOlI'S a cross section of parts produced by DuPont
Remington Arms Compan)' and the m/!rchant market. Man)' firearm Market segments represented include printers. business machines,
parts are black oxide coated: resin impn!gnation is nat required as ordnance. hand tools and controls
interconnected porosity in MI.\! parts is less than 0.5%

FIG. 5 Firearm components showing hall' cross sections ca n be reduced FIG. 6 Automoti!"e parts produced by MIM. The tubular shaped part
bl' coring to improve processing, In addition to maintaining II'QII (shown with upper and lower surfaces) repla ced a two-piece assembly.
tfrickn esses with in processing guidelin es, coring can also be used to sad n§, 17 manufacturing steps and eliminating scmp losses in excess
attain un iform 11'0 11 thicknesses. A unifortn wall thickn ess is critical 10 of20 I~ . It is produced in a 2% n ickel steel allay. heat treated. and used
minimising distortion, internal stre sses. voids, and sink marks. as a lever for the turn signal and cruise control {unctions. The tube
Variations in 11'01/ thicknesses also cause variations in shrinkage during section is hal/all'. The larger part is under development to replace an
sintering, making dimensional control difficult ass embly ofa zinc die casting and a stomping. and is part ofan onti-theft
interlock in a steering column.
the powder cost rapidly becomes a significant However, the process is most economical for interconnected porosity. the carburizlng
percentage of the overall part cost. parts in the range of 1 1025 grams. atmopshoro cannot penetrate throughout the
Photographs of representative 1'.111'.1 parts pore structure as it dons in PM.
produced by Rnmington Arms arc shown in DENSITY/POROSITY
Figs. 3 to G. TOLERANCES
Th e density of slntored 1'.111'.1 parts is typically
SECfION TIIICi<NESS greater than 9-1 % of full density. Dep ending on MIM pro cessing normally requires a
the material and pro cessing sch edule used. d imensional toleran ce of +/- 0.3%. As part s ize
Th e cro ss-sect ion or wall thickness is wh at densities approaching the oreti cal may be decreases. increasingly tight er total tolerances
ultim ately d etermine s whether it is feasible to obta ined. How ever, 1'.111'.1 is generall y not can be ach ieved as would be expected .
produce a part icular part by 1'.111'.1. The part offered as a ' full density' process. Density However. the reduction in tolerances is not
thickn ess must be kept relatively 101\' in order cnhauccmont can be achieved through directly proportional to decreasing
to remove binders efficiently. Cross sections of subsequent bot isostati c pre ssing (HIP) should dimen sions and may depend on material. part
parts should typically by held to 0.25 Inch es Irbo required, geometry and process requirements. A
(GAmm) maximum, although cross-soctions Th o converse of density is porosity. Since MIM tolerance of +/·0 .1 % can generally be held on
up to 1/2 inches (12,7mm) are being produced. parts are not at full density. sornn porosity will a small. selected dimension when the mould
Minimum wall thickness is about 0.02 inch es he present. However, it is uniqu e in that it is has been 'fino-tuned'.
(0.5mm). wh ich make s the process very almo st completely non -intorconncctcd, In It is possible to improve general tolerances
competitive for producing thin walled parts. It fact. int erconnected porosity amounts to somewhat with tighter process controls, hut
shou ld be understood that th ese are not typ ically less than 0 .2 % . regardless of the this may redu ce pro cess cfflcloncy and
absolute dimensional values. but only product's percent of full d en sity. increase costs . Extremely tight tolerances may
guidelines which arc influenced bv many 1'.111'.1 parts can be plat ed or coloure d without have to be obtained through machining.
factors. - th e need for rosln-lmprognatlon. Unlike
conventional PM parts, they cannot be SURFACE FINISH
WEIGHT RANGE oil-impregnated or copper infiltrated because
the interconnected porosity is too low. When Surface finish on 1'.111'.1 parts is approximately
Obviously, tho weight of a part is rnlalod to i1s heat trcatod. parts can bn ca se hardened to 32 rrns, significantly better than mo st
size and section thicknesses. Part weights clos ely controlled case depths equ iva lent to investment castin gs, While the surface finish
typically ran go from 0.1 grams to 150 grams. wrought material. Since there is negligible might be expected to be enhanced through the

MPR May 1990 341

use of very fine starting powders. studies have NUMBER OF PARTS ordnance. medical and dental. cameras and
shown that the degree of surface smoothness is controls. Material compositions range from
heavily dependent on the sintering operation. MIM lends itself to high volume fabrication. nickel steel alloys for structural applications to
and is relatively independent of the powder using multiple cavity tooling and automatic compositions such as 3% silicon steel for
particle size and finish of the mould cavities. handling. Development time, which must be magnetic requirements. The process is finding
MIM has replaced both investment cast and die recovered. and tooling expense make acceptance on a part-by-part basis, and is
cast parts in situations where extensive production most cost-effective for orders of expected to penetrate almost all market
polishing was r-iquircd on the castings in order about 20.000 pieces or more. Howovor, there segments in competition with investment
to achieve an improved surface finish. are a few fabricators presently serving niche castings and discrete machining. The MIM
markets and soliciting orders in quantities as market in the United States has been
COMPLEXITY low as 500 or 1000 pieces. experiencing a growth rate approaching 50%
per year. and is forecast to continue rapid
The more complex the part. the more SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS expansion over the next five years. If this
economically advantageous the MIM process growth rate continues. domestic sales of
becomes. Because the metal-polymer Any features normally associated with the between 5200 million to 5300 million a year
feedstock will fill nearly any volume. complex injection moulding process will be found in might be expected by the end of 1995.
geometries can be created in many cases where MIM parts. Gates. parting lines and knockout The choice for manufacturing a part by MIM
discrete machining or investment casting may or ejection pin marks will be present, and will be influenced by the complexity of the part
be prohibitively expensive. While it is always design of parts should take them into account. geometry. its size, the number of pieces to be
possible to create simple parts by the MIM For example. flats can be built into parts in the produced. and the availability and cost of
process. they are much less cost-effective. areas of parting lines. particularly on contours competing methods.
Complex designs which were accomplished or external threads. If burrs caused by
through assembly of a number of components knockout pins are likely to cause problems. it REFERENCES
may now be moulded as a single. integral part. may be possible to recess the area around the
Some surfaces can be partially or completely pins. Good communication between the (1) Leander F Pease III. 'Present Status of PM
knurled. in various patterns. External threads fabricator and the customer will assure that the Injection Molding'. Progress in Powder
can be moulded directly into the part, although gate is not located on a critical surface of the Metallurgy. Vol 43. 1987. p789.
an allowance must usually be made for parting component. (2) P Crook and R D Rivers. 'Metal Injection
Molding by the Rivers Process', Progress in
lines. While internal threads can also be
Powder Metallurgy. Vol 43. 1987. p829.
directly formed. experience has shown that it SUMMARY
is often more economical to thread in a This paper was originally presented at the 1988
subsequent tapping operation. The only The potential of MIM for cost-effectively International PM Conference. Orlando,
design limitation for MIM appears to be in forming small, complex. precision metal parts Florida. and published in the conference
forming complex internal diameters orcavities is finding application in the market areas of proceedings by the MPIF. It has been updated
where undercuts prevent the tool member firearms. business machines and printers. to reflect current market figures. Reprinted
from being withdrawn. hand tools and hardware. aircraft. automotive. with permission.

The Russell Vibrasonic System -

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342 MPR May 1990

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