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Tacloban City

Biology 14
Exercise 6 Animal Epithelial Tissues

1. To be acquainted with the different types of epithelial tissues.
2. To be able to relate the function for each type of epithelial tissue to the body of the animal.

Light Compound Microscope
Prepared Slides:

Tissue Type Organ (example)

1 Simple
S. Squamous lung, inner cheek lining
S. Cuboidal kidney
S. Columnar stomach, intestine
2 Stratified
Squamous skin
Transitional urinary bladder
Glandular skin
3 Pseudo-stratified trachea

A. Focus the microscope starting with the scanner (or the LPO if the former is absent).
B. Allocate a page for each tissue type following the sequence as presented in the table above.
C. All slides are supposed to be focused by your other classmates. Look for them by going over the
name of the tissue/organ. Illustrate only the tissue being considered under LPO and HPO (do not
forget the total magnification for each illustration). Adjust only the fine adjustment knob.



Label (example)


D. After each observation and illustration, let the slide remain on the microscope, properly focused if
possible. Transfer to another microscope to start on another tissue. These are measures being
considered to minimize slide breakage. For any breakage, the whole class will be held accountable.

E. Research on the function(s) of the tissue type; NOT that of the organ. List these on the last page of
your exercise, to be followed by your list of references. Cite your references CORRECTLY.

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