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Summary of findings

The aim of this study is to find out Student Athletes Time Management with Reference To

Their Sports and Academic Performances specifically, the study seeks to find out the answers to

following question:

1. What is the student athlete’s level of time management?

2. Is there a significant relationship between there level of time management and their

academic performances?

3. How are the student athlete’s performance in terms of academics?

Hypotheses and Assumption

 There is no significance relationship between the student athlete’s level of time

management and their academic performance and their academic performance.

 Being a student athlete improves time management skill and academic performance.

 Being a student athlete does not improve time management skill and academic


The first problem that was stated is “What is the student athlete’s level of time

management?” in our analysis and interpretation of data. The demographic graph shows

33.3% (10) respondents answers 2 as Fair time management skill, 60% (18) respondents

answers 3 as Very good time management skill, and 6.7% (2) answers 4 as excellent time

management skill. Surprisingly none of the student athletes answer 1 as poor time

management skill which leads us to the conclusion that sports does not hinder one’s time

management skill.
The next statement of the problem “Is there a significant relationship between there level of

time management and their academic performances?”. In order to find out the result we came up

with multiple questions the first question was about the student athlete’s academic performance

and second question is about their performance in sports but find out that it was impossible to

measure their time management level with this so we came up with a question that ask directly

“Does sports hinder your time management?”. In the analysis and the interpretation of data the

result was 96.7% (29) of the student athletes answered the question as NO and only 3.3% (1) of

the student athlete answered the question as YES.

The last statement was “How are the athlete’s performance in terms of academics”. We

figure out that most of the athletes have high academic performance not also that most of them

spend more time in studying than playing their sports resulting in a high academic performance.

The graph shows 3.3% (1) of student athletes respondents answered 1 as Poor performance in

terms of academic, 36.7% (11) of the student athletes respondents answered 2 as Fair

performance in terms of academic, 53.3% (16) of the student athletes respondents answered 3 as

Very good performance in terms of academic, and 6.7% (2) of the student athletes respondents

answered 4 as excellent performance in terms of academic.


1. “What is the student athlete’s level of time management?”. After analyzing the data, we

find out that the Silliman University student athletes had a very good time management

skill and does not focus only on sports

2. “Is there a significant relationship between their level of time management and their

academic performances?”. There is a significance relationship between the student

athlete’s level of time management and their academic performance and their academic

performance. Sports does not hinder the athletes time management skill and Silliman

University athletes had good academic performance but without the time to manage their

work it will be hard to make up and that is the time that the time management itself that

will hinder your academic performance.

3. “How are the student athlete’s performance in terms of academics?”. We conclude that

most of the Silliman University Student athletes have fair performance in their


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