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Module Five Paper

Christina M. Jones

March 8, 2019

OGL 320

Objective: The readings, video clips, and slideshow offer several examples of how to

build high performing teams, deal with conflict, manage virtual or cross-cultural teams, and

foster successful team communication. Citing specific examples from the course content

(including the clips about Steve Jobs), discuss the points that most resonated with you. Did you

experience any “a ha” moments? Do you have any personal experiences in seeing any of these

strategies in action (either as an observer or implementer)? Do you have any plans to implement

any of these strategies in your present job or in the future?

With review of module five materials there were many epiphany moments as there was

coverage over a wide range of topics. First was the video from the project management Devon

Dean when he was explain how to build high preforming teams, he mentions how to build a

better you to strengthen the team and have high energy (, 2011). This

resonated with me as I could remember when I was a team leader with my strong positive

attitude and energy. This made everyone enjoy coming to work and create a positive work

environment as many employees expressed they like my leadership style. The team I worked on

was one of the highest producing sales team in Arizona at the time. Reflecting on my behavior in

my current team made me realize what kind of effect if could have with performance and culture.

I want to set a goal to be more positive in my environment and help motivate my team. I

definitely plan on using this strategey further in my career and ensure I am a better version of my

current self to help us succeed.

The next video that stuck a cord with me was Steve Jobs and his explanation of how he

ensures his teams are high producing and effective. My major a-ha moment was when Jobs

explained that “"If you want to hire great people and have them stay working for you, you have

to let them make a lot of decisions and you have to be run by ideas not hierarchy. The best ideas

have to win, otherwise good people don't stay." (YouTube, 2010). This was inspirational to me

as it is what I currently experience in my work environment, the hierarchy takes control without

letting the great ideas move forward. Many of my ideas that were almost implemented were shot

down by the hierarchy although many lines of businesses felt it would be beneficial. Thus, one of

the reasons why I left that company this year. Great people will not stay if they do not have input

and recognition. When I am in a leadership role I want to implement this to my team so we can

collaborate and use other ideas to keep the environment motivating and retain strong leaders.

New ideas can improve moral and the work environment so there would be no reason not to hear

someone’s suggestions/opinions.

What I learned from Module Five helped me take away key points when launching a

team project. First, Harvard Business essentials mentioned to have a communication plan in

effect at the front end of a project. Communication plans are great for larger projects with many

people at various locations (Harvard Business Essentials, 2004). The communication plans help

organization and coordinate communications so that everyone is communicating effective and all

participants aware of project status when needed. This was the first I have heard of a

communication plan and felt it would be very effective in larger projects I will encounter in my

career. Although I have not seen this in action as an observer I hope to implement it in the future.

Second take away was conducting launch meetings, I did not understand the importance

of these until reading chapter ten and viewing on myself. These lay the foreground to introduce

the charter and explain the purpose/goal of the project (Harvard Business Essentials, 2004). I

recently observed a launch meeting and review of a charter to a furniture summit last week for a

project of redesigning administrative offices. At first I had no clue what the project was about or

the purpose, was not sure for the brief meeting and was not privy to any information prior to the

thirty minutes meeting. After this meeting I had a clear view of what was going to be

accomplished, why they had the meeting, the purpose, and the agenda for the 2 day visit. This

launch meeting was very effective and I plan on having a launch meeting for my future projects

when necessary.

The largest a-ha moment for module five was managing conflicts. This has been a

learning epiphany for me as I needed more skills to effectively handle conflict management in

my current and future work environment. A project manager must address conflict early and in

private, most projects will encounter some form of conflict big or small. Harvard Business

explains to let all the issues out even if they are difficult (Harvard Business Essentials, 2004).

Hidden issues cause atomicity amongst partners or other team members and they must be

confronted as soon as possible. Also the importance of facilitating the discussion, being mindful

and do not blame are key take away to have when managing conflict (Harvard Business

Essentials, 2004). Move toward a solution that continues the project’s success and if conflict still

continues to follow normal procedures. Conflict resolution is not one I have been able to view or

manager on my own accord, however using these techniques to resolve conflict are necessary to

the success of all project managers and how they want to work with their team.

Project managers have many seats to fill in their role to ensure the project they working

on is a success. If you do not have a high preforming, motivated, recognized, positive, and

empowered team then the project may be unsuccessful. It is important to put forth high energy

and positive attitude, get people who are right for the job, and empower them to make decisions

as Devon explains in module five video(, 2011). All of these key aspects

throughout this week’s learning I would like to implement in my career. I believe many will

beneficial in my future projects and having a successful project team.



Harvard Business Essentials, .. (2004). Managing Projects Large and Small: The Fundamental

Skills for Delivering on Budget and on Time. Boston: Harvard Business School

Publishing. (Producer), & (Director). (2011). How to Build

Project Management Teams [Motion Picture].

YouTube (Director). (2010). Managing People Interview with Steve Jobs [Motion Picture].

Retrieved from

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