Smith 1992 Life History and The Evolution of Human Maturation

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134 Evolutionary Anthropology ARTICLES

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life History and the Evolution of Human Maturation


The Taung child, like fossils of other individuals who died before reaching adult-
hood, is a piece of the puzzle of the evolution of human growth and development,
the puzzle of when, how, and why human “life history”evolved into its modern form.
With regard to Taung, interest focuses on both its rate of growth (maturation of the
child in relation to its age) and its pattern of growth (synchrony of the elements of
maturation). The meaning of rates and patterns of growth, as well as the interpre-
tation of maturation of Taung or any other fossil mammal, are best understood
through the broad perspectives provided by comparative study of mammalian life
history and the techniques of allornetry.

The Taung child, type specimen of

B. Holly Smith is Associate Research the fossil species Australopithecus ufri-
Scientist at the University of Michigan cunus, died more than a million years
Museum of Anthropology. Her research
has focused on diet and dental attrition, ago (Fig. 1). Death came just at the
allometry of tooth and body size, time of eruption of the first permanent
development of the dentition,the evolution molar. At death, was the Taung child
of human growth and development, and
recently, life history. She has also worked
on a number of field projects in the United Key words: Allometry, allochrony, dental
States and Egypt dealing with the early development, sexual maturation, skeletal
evolution of primates and whales. Figure 1. Skull oftheTaungchild,typeofAustra-
growth, primates, Hominidae, Ausfralopithecus. lopithecusafricanw.(Photo credit to University
Homo of the Witwatersrand.)
ARTICLES EvolutionaryAnthropology 135

tion as a function of scale.6-9 Imagine

Size, Time, and Terms a series of data describing the timing
“Allometry” in its broad sense is the study of proportion and scale: although of critical events in the maturation of
its most familiar aspect is the narrower one of the study of size and shape. Here a hundred primate species. Now imag-
the term “allochrony”, defined as the study of rate and pattern in timed events, ine approaching these data as a prob-
is used simply to emphasize that it is also legitimate to study time versus time, lem in allometry. Many of us know
with size considered a secondary explanatory variable. allometry in a narrower sense as the
Time and size are two major and perhaps equally important vectors in animal study of size and shape, where we
life. “Life history” is usually taken to include both, for example, intervals such as compare an array of size measures
gestation length and life span plus variables like birth weight, litter size, and body (e.g., limb length, tooth area, and body
eight.^.^ Analysis of life history has often focused on the relationship of all these weight) among different species. In
variables to body weight?,* although this is changing.9 Sometimes it is helpful to the present case, however, we have an
begin with eithersize or time. For example, horses have long forelegs and long array of the timing of events in life his-
hindlegs. Is this because horses take a long time to grow up? No, it is because tory (e.g., gestation length, age of sex-
horses are large and because a successful animal has body parts that function ual maturation, and life span). To
together. Similarly, horses erupt their teeth late and have long lives. This is not emphasize this point, I will use the
merely because horses are large, but because horses live on a protracted time word “allochrony” as a parallel term
scale and successful life plans must be integrated. That large mammals like the for the study of proportion and scale
horse live on protracted time scales is an enormously interesting area of biol- in time (see box). In comparing al-
lochrony to allometry, rate is analo-
gous to size, and pattern is analogous
Huxley et al.lo intended “allometry” as a covering term for the study of size
to shape.
and time in growth, intending further that it replace the ungainly “heterauxesis.”
The elegance of the Huxley term won over students of relative growth. “Al-
lochrony” should be considered a special case within allometry, indicating that RATE VERSUS PATTERN
both variates are timed events. For this purpose it has an advantage over “het- Rate of growth a n d pattern of
erochrony,” a term with the same literal meaning (other or different timing). growth are not the same. One cannot
Heterochrony, Haeckel’s term meant to illuminate his principle that ontogeny argue otherwise given their funda-
recapitulatesphylogeny, carries with it more than one hundred years of special- mental definition^.^)'^,'^ I n reality,
ized interpretations.ll Heterochrony and its suite of subdivisions-acceleration, however, there is much to be learned
neotony, progenesis, proportionalgiantism, proportional dwarfism, pre-displace- from the way the two co-vary. Rate
ment, post-displacement, and hypermorphosis12-are most often used to des- and pattern of growth are both of in-
ignate hypothetical ontogenetic processes accounting for change in size or terest in allochrony, just as size and
shape, in other words, change in size versus size. The study of size versus time, shape are both of interest in allometry.
time versus size, and time versus time are equally important to the comparative An elephant faces life on a different
method in biology. scale than a mouse does. It would be
remarkable if the two species were iso-
three years oldl.2 o r nearly twice pattern (proportion) of maturation metric, maintaining the same propor-
that?3-5Did the events in its life follow employs widely known allometric tions. Indeed, proportions do not hold
a pattern resembling that of great models. Three case studies investigate across mammals of all ~ i z e s . ~
J ex-
apes’s2or human^?^,^ The answers to relationships between the scale and ample, the elephant devotes 27% of its
these questions lie at the heart of proportion of events in mammalian body mass to the skeleton, whereas
broader ones: Why do humans take life: (1) sexual versus somatic matura- the mouse spends only 4 5 % of its
tion in primates and other mammals, mass this way.8J5 An elephant whose
about twice as long as great apes to
(2) tooth eruption and replacement in skeleton had the proportions of a
grow up? Why do humans live about
primates, and (3) patterns of dental mouse would be a structural disaster.
twice as long as great apes? How hu-
development in Taung, great apes, and Scale is a n equally important problem
man were early human ancestors?
humans. in life history, which involves the allo-
Taung’s bones and teeth can contrib- cation of the organism’s energy to-
ute toward answering such questions wards food acquisition, growth,
because they record a moment in the ALLOMETRY AND maintenance, predator avoidance,
growth and development of an earlier “ALLOCHRONY” mating, reproduction, and raising off-
hominid species. However, if we are to When t o be b o r n , when t o be spring to independence. It is unlikely
interpret this record correctly,it must be weaned, when to stop growing, when that life histories are “isochronic” be-
against a background of knowledge to reproduce, and when to die are ba- cause strategies that work for rapidly
about the lives of mammals and with sic elements of mammalian life his- growing mammals do not necessarily
an understanding of rates and pat- tory, and species vary in both absolute work for mammals that grow slowly.
terns of growth and development. and relative timing of these events. Imagine, for example, an elephant (or
My purpose is to provide some of Timed events are perfect candidates a human for that matter) trying to give
this background. for analysis with the techniques of al- birth to and raise a series of litters, as
Here, study of the rate (scale) and lometry, the study of relative propor- does the mouse. An elephant whose
136 EvolutionaryAnthropology ARTICLES

APPROXIMATE AGES OF SOME LIFE PERIODS study human growth and develop-

ment often convert to post-conception
ADULT PERIOD to end of mean longevity .,..... age, but those who study mammalian
REPRODUCTIVE PERIOD in females life history usually do not, preferring
JUVENILE PERIOD to last permanent teeth I I I I I to study gestation length separately.
INFANTILE PERIODto first permanent teeth xxxx) Here, time is counted from birth.
PRENATAL PERIOD Isochrony is defined as a slope of
1.O between variables, meaning that
every change of 1 proportional unit in
xis accompanied by a change of 1 pro-
portional unit in y. Operating in pro-
portional units means that the
question of interest is, for example,
“When age of sexual maturation dou-
bles, does interbirth interval also dou-
ble?” The parallel question in time as
we commonly count it is, “When age
of sexual maturation increases by five
years, does life span also increase by
five years?” It is quickly apparent that
mammalian life history cannot be iso-
chronic in the latter respect because
life history variables have such differ-
ent ranges. Whereas life span ranges
up to one hundred years in mammals,
sexual maturity occurs before the age
of twenty years, and gestation length
is never more than two years.’b It is
possible, however, that mammalian
life is isochronic in proportional time,
at least in some of its aspects. Recall
Schultz’s classic diagram17 of the
length of “life periods” in primates
(Fig. 2). In it, the post-natal lives of
primates appear to be approximately
proportionately isochronic.


What is the relation between the
time of birth, weaning, skeletal matu-
ration, first reproduction and death?
Is it the same for all primates? Does it
vary regularly according to growth
rate? The effect of scale on proportion
of these events can be discovered by
Gestation 18w. 24w. 3 0 w 0 33 w, 37w.’ 38 w, comparing the age at which they oc-
Lemur Macaque Gibbon Chimp Early Modern cur across a number of species and de-
Man Man termining the slopes of relationships
between pairs of variables. Slopes ob-
Figure 2. The proportional similarity in primate lives, redrawn from Schultz.17 Schuk depicted pri-
mate life as one of near-kochrony, with life periods in similar proportions in short-lived and long- tained from such comparisons of tim-
l i e d primates. He also speculated that earlier human ancestors (“early man“) lived on a shorter ing have sharply different
time scale than living humans implications for mammalian life. As
shown in Figure 3, a slope of zero, as
life history had the proportions of a questions about size in nature. Be-
in case A, means that knowing the age
mouse would be an energetic disaster. cause of this, variables describing the of occurrence of event x gives no in-
timing of events are appropriately formation about the timing of event y.
SCALE AND PROPORTION transformed to logarithms before If event y is independent of event x
Questions about life history are fun- analysis. Time can be counted from (whether y appears to be fixed or cha-
damentally about proportion, a s are either conception or birth. Those who otic relative to x), then y a n d o r x are
ARTICLES Evolutionary Anthropology 137

/ /

/ )r a, /
/ Q) CT /
b /
/ CT
/ d CT
/ CT -
0 0
/ 0 / 0
/ 0
/ 0
/ / 0
log age x log age x log age x

A. Zero No Relation B. 1.OO --
lsochrony C. Not Zero, Not 1.00 -- Allochrony
Scale is irrelevant. Scale is irrelevant. Scale is important.
Elements of life plans are Life plans have enormous inertia; The pattern of life is related to the
shaped by conditions Mammals divide their lives into pace of life and scale moderates
unrelated to pace of life: the same proportions regardless life strategy.
Life plans could be fixed of conditions, regardless of scale.
(above), nonlinear, or
chaotic relative to scale.

Figure 3. Three models of the slopes between events in species life history and what each Implies about the lives of mammak.

not related t o scale. Circadian ration of allochrony in primate life able with some precision, has rela-
rhythms and adaptations to other as- history. Let us take a sample question tively low intrinsic variance, and is
tronomical cycles fall into category A about primate life history and see relatively resistant to environmental
because they are unrelated to the scale whether the results fit case A, B, or C: influence.2OFor those interested in the
of animal life. After all, a day is one What happens to the timing of repro- evolution of life history, one other ad-
turn of the earth for both the shrew ductive events across species as matu- vantage is that evidence of tooth erup-
and the blue whale. ration of the “physicalplant“, or soma, tion is preserved in the fossil record.
On the other hand, a slope of 1.0 slows? The dentition is notoriously conserva-
between y and x, as in case B, suggests For this example, tooth eruption is tive in its evolution and tooth develop-
that mammalian life is one of tremen- used to gauge rate of somatic matura- ment retains many common features
dous inertia- mammals are mam- tion; reproductive variables are com- in all placental mammals. In most, a
mals and all share a single “game pared to it. Tooth eruption has several set of milk teeth erupts before, at, or
plan.” In case B, it is proportions of life advantages for such a purpose. One is soon after birth and lasts through the
events that are rigid, rather than abso- that tooth eruption chronicles matu- nursing period, allowing young mam-
lute time: a mammal might respond to ration of the structural system mals to learn to eat an adult diet. The
local conditions by expanding or con- whereas most other life-history meas- larger, sturdier “permanent” dentition
tracting the game plan, but the pro- that follows includes molars and re-
ures target the reproductive system. In
portions of the plan will be preserved. placements for milk teeth (permanent
addition, tooth eruption is measur-
In case C, slopes are non-zero and non-
one. In this case, pattern of life is re-
TABLE 1. Best Allochronic Model (A, B, or C in Fig. 3)Describing Relationships in
lated to pace of liEe and scale is a n
Primate life History
important determinant of life strategy.
Proportions change, but in a regular life history Age at M1 eruption Age at weaning Best
way. variable N r Slope N r Slope model
Animals may exhibit all three pat- Estrous cycle length 12 0.28 0,09’ 24 -0.06 -0.02‘ A
terns of scaling, but we would like to Femalesexual maturity 13 0.86 LO6 30 0.87 0.90 B
know which of the three describes
Age at weaning 14 0,93 1.07 - - - B
each of the events in primate and
mammalian growth and aging. Gestation length 18 0.85 0.24’ 37 0.88 0.24‘ C
lnterblrth interval 16 0,82 0.66’ 37 0.85 0.60‘ C
SEX VERSUS SOMA Female first breeding 8 0,93 0.76’ 29 0.88 0.69’ C
Fortunately, we d o not have t o Male sexual maturity 9 0.93 0.76’ 16 0.90 0.72’ C
imagine a large data set describing N gives the number of species in each comparison, ris the correlation coefficient, and
primate life history. It exists. Recent slopes are computed as major axes of bivariate distributions. Data from Harvey and
compendia's-20 organize a vast Clutton-Brock18and Smith2’: all variables transformed to logarithms (base lo).
amount of information about the lives ’95% confidence intervaldoes not include 1 .O; confidence intervals for estrous cycle
of primates, allowing empirical explo- lengths do include zero.
138 Evolutionary Anthropology ARTICLES

incisors, canines, and premolars). The

first permanent tooth to emerge is Urotrichus <b? M 3 P P 1
usually the first permanent molar.20
This tooth is used here as a baseline
measure of somatic maturation.
In the first set of results in Table 1,
variables describing the timing of re-
Tupaia 0.1? PI 41
productive events in primate species
are compared to the age a t which the
first permanent molar emerges. Ex- Lemur 0.33 3P
amples of all three theoretical cases
(A-C) can be found in the most basic
events in primate life. The primate es-
trous cycle appears to be adapted t o Aotus 0.36
the lunar calendar.18 Thus, its length
holds fairly steady across all rates of
life; it is an example of case A in the Saimiri 0.37 I I I P P P
variables examined here. It alone ap-
pears to be essentially unrelated to age
at first molar eruption. In other cases,
the correlation between reproductive Alouatta 0.6?
events and eruption of first molars is
high, suggesting that the elements of
life history are often tightly integrated.
In terms of slopes, few reproductive Cebus 1.14
variables approach isochrony (case Macaca 1.36 I t 1 bfl2 P P n13
B). The age of female sexual maturity I I I y 2 P P 923
nears it, but the age at which females
Papio 1.67
actually begin to reproduce falls below Pan 3.26 I I I
it. One variable, age at weaning, shows
both a high correlation ( ~ 0 . 9and
) iso-
chrony with age of first molar erup-
tion. Indeed, age at weaning is more
Homo 8 6.36 II hl I
than isochronic with age at eruption Figure.4. Sequence of emergence of mandibular teeth in primates and insectivores, with genera
of the first permanent molar: these listed in order by age at emergence of the first permanent molar (at left): <b?.indicates that first
two variables are, in fact, approxi- molars probably erupt before birth. Schulfz's originol idea17,27 is updated here with on entirely
new data set (Smith. unpublished). Molars (Ml-M3) are in boldface; replacement teeth (I, P) are
mately equal?' It seems reasonable shown in outline. Teeth are collapsed to the seven shared by humans, with others (extra premolars
that weaning to an adult diet might be and incisors) lumped with tooth nearest in time. Canines. which may erupt in different sequence
timed to coincide with appearance of in males and females, are omitted here for simplicity. As Schuliz noted. molors drii back in se-
quence as the rate of development increases.
the first permanent molar, for this
tooth should enhance a juvenile's abil- face and teeth mature more slowly common condition of primate life.
ity to process food. Few other relation- and infants are weaned later and later, Thus, the pattern of life events con-
ships between life history variables the periods of reproductive events tains information about the rate or
appear to be so simple. The remaining scale of life.
tend to shrink in proportion. Appar-
variables-gestat ion length ,int erbirth ently, primate species that take longer
interval, age of females a t first breed-
to develop their teeth-longer to ma- SEX VERSUS SOMA REVISITED
ing, and age of male sexual maturity-
ture the soma-are proportionately
appear to be allochronic with age of Systematic change in sexual versus
first molar eruption, resembling case younger a t first reproduction, and
somatic maturation can also be seen
C. have proportionately short gestation
in simple data describing only the
Because the sample size is so small lengths and interbirth intervals. Some gross sequence of events. Shigehara22
for age at first molar eruption, Table 1 slopes are, in fact, far below iso- assembled data on the sequence in
includes a second set of comparisons chrony: consider values of only 0.24 which mammals complete eruption of
in which age at first molar eruption for gestation length and 0.60for inter- the dentition (D), complete their
has been replaced with its near equiva- birth interval. All reproductive vari- skeletal growth by fusing bony
lent, age at weaning. It is evident that ables do not respond in the same way epiphyses (E),and attain sexual matu-
weaning works well as a proxy for first to scale. Age at weaning stays in step ration (S). His data for wild (nondo-
molar emergence and, despite the with somatic rather than sexual devel- mestic) placental mammals, with
much enlarged sample, slopes are lit- opment and estrous cycles follow the some additions, appear in Table 2.
tle altered. Table 1 suggests that as the moon, but all in all, allochrony is a What Table 2 shows is that completion
ARTICLES Evolutionary Anthropology 139

TABLE 2. Order of Dental (D), Skeletal- the sequence D-E-S. Mammals that nal weight within orders of mam-
Epiphyseal (E), and Sexual (S) “liveslow and die o l d do the opposite, mals).26This great difference between
Maturation in Placental Mammals,
attaining sexual maturity before the maternal and offspring size may allow
skeleton or even the dentition is com- large females to reproduce early in re-
Listed in Order of Life Span
plete; their sequence is S-D-E. Ursus lation to the time at which they attain
Maximum amen’canus, the American black bear, final adult skeletal size. One other
life Maturation the only mammal so far identified that piece of evidence supports this expla-
(yrs) ’ Genus order
follows the sequence D-S-E, is inter-
mediate in both pattern and position
nation. Shigehara22 had data for one
marsupial, Didelphis virginianus, the
LIVE FAST. DIE YOUNG on the life-history spectrum.Shige- Virginia opossum. These opossums
2 Suncus D-S hara found that, in contrast to wild mature in the order S-D-E despite liv-
4 RattuS D-E-S species, domestic species of all sizes ing and dying in the fast lane (figura-
(including Canis familiaris) appear to tively and literally), dying before age
6 Mus D-E-S
share early sexual maturation: S-D-E. three in the wild and age five in cap-
8 Cavia D-E-S As yet, these observations cover a lim- tivity.I6 Marsupial mothers, however,
12 Tupaia D-E-S ited range of mammals and more ex- are vastly larger than their offspring
14 Canis D-E-S amples are needed to determine if are at birth, a particular advantage for
rnesornelas sequences regularly shift within mam- a small mammal that begins giving
16 Canis lupus D-E-S
malian orders. Given the present data, birth before its skeleton is full grown.
however, neither body size alone (al- According to this interpretation,
18 Saguinus D-E-S though clearly related to this spec- mammals of every size may reproduce
20 Suimiri D-E-S trum of events) or phylogeny alone as soon as they can, but small placen-
26 Ursus D-S-E accounts for the pattern quite as well tal mammals are forced to wait until
americanus as does pace of life. they reach full skeletal size. Whatever
35 Equus burchelli S-D the explanation, fast-living and slow-
SLOWING DOWN BY living placental mammals experience
36 Ceratotherium S-D
SPEEDING UP life on a different scale and experience
37 MOCaca S-D-E some life events in a different order.
48 Gorilla S-D-E These simple sequences and nu-
meric analyses agree in showing that
50 Pongo S-D-E
sexual maturity occurs relatively early TOOTH VERSUS TOOTH
53 Pan S-D-E in slow growing, long-lived species. For a different sort of “allochrony,”
100 Homo S-D-E This seems paradoxical. Everyone to consider the scaling of eruption of dif-
whom I have posed the question has ferent teeth. Do fast-living and slow-
predicted the opposite: that when life living primates have identical patterns
is short mammals should put sex be- of tooth eruption or are adjustments
Data for Ursus, Equus, and Ceratotherium fore soma. Recent advances in life his- made over the range of growth rates?
are new; other cases from Shigehara.22 tory theory can resolve the paradox. Years ago, S c h ~ l t z *pointed
~ , * ~ out that
E Is omitted if it is unknown, but Suncus
As Charn0v,~4Harvey and others23t25 in higher primates, molars erupt later
may never complete its skeleton; major
epiphrjes “lapse.” remainingopen. have explained, mammals that grow in sequence than they do in more
up slowly are at great risk of dying be- primitive primates (his evidence is u p
fore they can reproduce and raise off- dated in Fig. 4). “There can be little
spring to independence. Perhaps such doubt”, Schultz17 explained, that this
of the dentition always precedes com- mammals “afford” slow growth by represents “necessary adaptations to
pletion of the skeleton-the order D-E shortening the relative time to repro- the gradual prolongation of the period
is rigid-but that sexual maturation duction and the time between reproduc- of post-natal growth” (p. 13).
can precede, intervene in, or follow tive events. Thus, the high cost of total The pattern of tooth eruption can be
maturation of the hard tissues: S-D-E, mortality might prevent a slow-growing seen in a simple sequence of events, as
D-S-E, or D-E-S. species from maintaining the propor- in Figure 4, or a pattern can be ex-
Table 2 presents Shigehara’s find- tion of life-history events that charac- tracted from the timing of events. Al-
ings in relation to current life history terize fast-growing species. If so, one though Schultz had access to few data
theory, which views the lives of mam- might say that these mammals survive about the actual time of tooth erup-
mals as arranged on a simple but criti- becoming slower by becoming faster. tion, such data have become available
A drop in relative time to sexual in the intervening years. We now know
cal spectrum-ranging from “livefast,
maturation in slow-growing species the precise mean age of tooth emer-
die young” to “live slow, die 0ld.”*~-25 might also be related to the scaling of gence (when a tooth cuts through the
When mammals are ranked on this neonatal size to maternal size. Slow gum) of all mandibular permanent
spectrum, a pattern emerges. Mam- growing mammals are large, and large teeth in seven of the genera seen in
mals that “livefast and die young” put mammals have neonates that a r e Figure 4?O These are Lemur, Aotus,
off sexual maturation until after the small in proportion to maternal body Saimiri, Macaca, Papio, Pan, a n d
“physical plant” is mature, following weight (scaling at about 0.8 to mater- Homo, and in the following analysis,
140 Evolutionary Anthropology AhTTlCf €5

life needs teeth that will last twice as

TABLE 3. Best Allochronic Model (A, B, or C in Figure 3) Describing Relationship
long. Slow growth and long life pre-
in Eruption of Primate Teeth
sent a particular probiem with regard
Age at eruption of first molar to milk teeth, because in placental
Age at eruption of Correlation Slope Best model mammals these small teeth are
First incisor 0.99 0.79' C formed in utero and often are already
Second incisor 0.99 0.80' C erupting at birth. Thus, greatly enlarg-
ing these teeth might be problematic
Canine 0.98 0.84 ?
given the small size of the neonatal
Third premolar 1 .oo 0.82' C face. Schultz thought that long-lived
Fourih premolar 0.99 OB6' C primates do something far simpler,
Second molar 0.99 1,08 B which is to replace their milk teeth
relatively earlier. This, in turn, gives
Third molar 0.99 1.03 B
rise to sequences of eruption of per-
Total period of tooth erup 0.98 1 .oo B manent teeth in which the replace-
tion (without canines) ment teeth (incisors, canines, and
Slopes are computed as major axes of bivariate distribution. Data are complete premolars) appear early in compari-
for seven primates-Lemur c., Aotus t., Soimiri s., Macaca m., Papio c., Pan f., son to molars. Schultz's explanation
Homo s.. Sources in Smithz0;all variables transformed to logarithms (base 10). continues to hold up today, even under
'95%confidence intervaldoes not include 1.O the weight of new data (Fig. 4).

one representative species is taken WHY CHANGE TOOTH
from each genus. As before, the age of As Mann28suggested years ago, if
first molar emergence is taken as the the rate and pattern of human growth
Primate tooth eruption is extremely evolved millions of years ago, we
baseline to which all other teeth are conservative in one respect, which is
compared. might expect to see a human growth
that the time required to complete the pattern in the fossilized teeth of Taung
In this small data set, teeth are any- permanent mandibular dentition is
thing but free to vary in time of erup- and other individuals who died as ju-
exactly proportional to the age at veniles. Unfortunately, Taung gives us
tion (Table 3). Correlationswith ageof which the process begins. Neverthe- only a fmgment of information on se-
first molar eruption approximate r = less, primates that "live slow and die quence of tooth eruption, having died
0.99; even canine eruption, an event o l d shuffle the internal sequence in after the eruption of milk teeth and
that should be influenced by within- which these teeth erupt. Why? only the first permanent molars, the
sex competition, reaches r = 0.98. De- In a recent study aimed at explain- teeth that emerge first in most mam-
spite a lock-step relationship, timing is ing anterior versus posterior tooth de- mals. However, a good deal of relevant
not necessarily isochronic. Slopes velopment in hominoids as a response information exists within Taung's jaw,
trend from low to high in the direction to face shape, Simpson, Lovejoy, and where the formation of roots and
from front to back teeth, but not Meindl13 proposed that long-faced pri- crowns of the entire permanent denti-
smoothly, jumping 22 points, from mates require long periods to form tion can be observed. Recently, Con-
0.86 to 1.08, between premolars and their anterior teeth. This is a reason- roy and Vannier' revealed these teeth,
molars. able hypothesis; indeed, almost any caught mid-growth, using computer-
These results suggest that replace- morphologist would begin with the ized tomography, allowing them to as-
ment teeth (permanent incisors, ca- idea that size or shape, rather than life sess dental maturation by means of a
nines, and premolars) are alfochronic span or length of infancy, is likely to standard method of ranked stages.
whereas molars are isochronic relative explain relative timing of tooth devel- Figure 5 compares the stages of for-
to the first molar. The canine slope opment. However, patterns in Figure 4 mation they saw in Taung's teeth to
does not differ significantly from 1.O, do not support this idea. The very those seen in (1) three great apes and
but this probably reflects its slightly short-faced species (Aotus, Cebus, and ( 2 ) three human children, all cases
higher variability (and the fact that Homo) differ greatly in sequence of matched to the same stage of forma-
this is a tiny sample). Given the coher- tooth eruption; furthermore, dog- tion of the first permanent molar (all
ence of the canine slope with those of Faced species (Tupaia and Papio) are seven individuals share first molars
adjacent teeth, the canine would prob- found near both extremes of the se- with about 314 of the root developed).
ably appear allochronic with a larger quence. The great apes (two chimpanzees and
sample. There is no doubt, however, S ~ h u l t z , 'on
~ t h e other hand, one gorilla) represent all the cases
about the best model to describe the thought the answer lay in the milk presently available at this stage of first
total period of eruption of permanent dentition (and here 1 expand on the molar formation. The human children
teeth; this scales at a perfect 1.00 rela- central point of his original explana- (South African black) were selected
tive to age of first molar eruption, in tion). Think of it this way: A primate from a large sample, randomly select-
perfect isochrony. that evolves to double the length of its ing the first three cases to match

Taung in stage of first molar forma-

tion (sampling within an equal-age
distribution unbiased toward any par-
ticular age category). Selection was
limited to three because comparisons
of range (Fig. 5 ) must be based on
equal sample sizes. It should be noted
that the assessment of stages of tooth
formation has a n accuracy of +1
EvolutionaryAnthropology 141


w’ \


In Figure 5 , stippled and plain bars /’
illustrate the difference between hu-
mans and great apes. When they are
matched for first molar development,
even in this tiny sample, the develop-
ment of anterior teeth is distinctly
more advanced in the humans than in

the great apes, although relative molar
development differs little at this stage.
According to Schultz’s explanation,
this reflects the fact that replacement
of milk teeth in slow growing, long-
lived humans occurs earlier than it
does in the faster-maturing great apes.
Apes and humans differ in just the way
one would expect, given Schultz’s in-
sights of thirty years ago, but where
does Taung fit into this picture? Taung I I I I I I i i I
shares the great ape pattern of growth
rather than the human one. For each
tooth, Taung is never more than one
stage away from the great ape median,
Figure 5. Development of Taung’s teeth (black diamonds) compared to three great apes (two
but it lags as much as six stages behind chimpanzees and one gorilla) and three human children (South African blacks). ail matched to
the human median. the same stage of formation of the first molar. Stippled bars indicate the great ape range with
It has been suggested that Taung’s medians connected by a solid line: open bars indicate the human range, with medians con-
nected by a dashed line. Stages of tooth formation are counted as distance from the great ape
maturation can be fit to a human pat- median. Thus, zero signifies a match to a typical great ape. Note that Taung is never more than
tern by supposing Taung was just at one stage from the great ape median, but strays substantiallyfrom the human one.
the extremely young end of the age
distribution for human children is, in comparison to three apes and than modern humans.30 Thus, Taung
erupting the first molar-perhaps 4.5- three humans, to 56 apes and 56 hu- apparently shared neither the rate nor
5.5 rather than six years of age-and mans, or to growth standards for apes the pattern of human maturation.
that this accounts for the stages of and for humans.*,29
maturation of Taung’s teeth.5To inves- The case that australopithecines CONCLUSION
tigate this, the two youngest children shared the life history of great apes
Three simple allometric models de-
were selected from the 56 black South while human life history has taken
scribe the possible relationships of
African subjects available who shared shape relatively recently (tens of thou-
events in the life history of mammal-
Taung’s stage of first molar formation. sands rather than millions of years
ian species: A, events are unrelated; B,
These children, aged 4.75 and 5.25 ago) does not rest on Taung alone.’- events are fixed in proportion; and C,
years, continued to follow the pattern 2,29-32 Indeed, other techniques have
proportions of events adjust with rate.
of the other human children, showing been used to estimate actual chrono- Interestingly, each of these theoretical
anterior teeth (I1,12, and C ) + 5 4 , +2- logical age of death for other australo- models applies to some important
5 , and +4 stages, respectively, in ad- pithecine children who, like Taung, events in primate life. Some life events
vance of Taung. Thus, a search within died soon after erupting first molars. are fixed in time, some are fixed in
an extreme age group does not explain Counts of incremental lines of growth proportion, and others depend on the
away Taung’sdifferences from human in hard tissues of these juveniles (lines scale of life.
children. In any case, the point is not that form in response to astronomical “Pattern of growth gives no infor-
whether we can match Taung if we cycles)find these children to have died mation about rate of growth is a poor
search through hundreds of human at about three years of age (rather than description of the universe of primate
cases, but how Taung and other fossils six), dating first molar eruption to a and mammalian growth. The €ew
fare in two-sided comparisons-that schedule matching great apes rather cases that do fit this description in-
142 Evolutionary Anthropology ARTICLES

volve extraordinarily conservative as- children. Teryl Lynn drew Figures 2,3, Mammals of the World, fourth edition. Balti-
more: The Johns Hopkins University Press.
pects of life: estrous cycle length and 5, and Roger Lewin kindly sup- 17 Schultz AH (1960) Age changes in pri-
(which is unrelated to most other as- plied the photograph of Taung. I thank mates and their modification in man. In JM
pects of life historyI8) and develop- John Fleagle for helpful comments. Tanner(ed), H u m n Growth, pp 1-20. Oxford:
ment of one molar relative to another. This work was supported by the Na-
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Adaptations without scale effects, tional Science Foundation (BNS- history variation in primates. Evolution
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Wrangham RW, Struhsaker TT (1987) Primate
physiological responses to astronomi- REFERENCES Societies. Chicago: University of Chicago
cal cycles,recordedin tissues as dispa- 1 Conroy GC, Vannier MW ( 1 987) Dental de- Press.
rate as human teeth and tree trunks, velopment of the Taung skull from computer- 20 Smith BH (1989) Dental development as
ized tomography. Nature 32Y:625-627. a measure of life history in primates. Evolu-
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organisms, allowing us to estimate and its significance for early hominid behav- 21 SmithBH(1991)Ageofweaningapproxi-
their chronological age.30 In mam- iour. Ossa 14:63-96. mates age of emergence of first permanent
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spring near the time they erupt first maturation. Nature 333:123. common tree shrew, with reference to its sys-
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14 Conroy GC, Vannier MW (1991) Dental
give some evidence about the scale on development in South African australopithe- 31 Beynon AD, Dean MC (1988) Distinct
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ogy. Am J Phys Anthropol86:121-136. hominids. Nature 335509-514.
development comprise one line of evi- 32 Smith BH (1991) Dental development
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~ ,pattern
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example, is not characteristic of hu- 16 Nowak RM, Paradiso JL (1983) Walkerk 0 1992 Wiley-Liss
mans, but is characteristic of species
that “livefaster and die younger” than
modern humans. Or, turning the prob- In the next i5me of Evnlutioneiry Anthropology
lem around, the finding that Australo-
pithecus lived fast and died young * Functional Morphology of the Human Chin,
means that the life of Australopithecus
David J. Daegling
was not divided in proportion in the
same way as human life. With inde- Ecological Demography: A Synthetic Focus in
pendent evidence on both rate and Evolutionary Anthropology, B o b b i S. Low
pattern, something we are realizing
for early hominids, we can truly begin The Pleistocene Peopling of the Americas,
to reconstruct the life strategies of our DavidJ. Meltzer
ancestors. Book Review of The Comparative Method in
Evolutionary Biology (Paul H. Harvey and Mark
D. Pagel), William L. Jungers
I thank Robert Tompkins for pro-
viding data on South African black I-

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