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Quark matter equation of state and stellar properties

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2013 EPL 101 42003


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February 2013
EPL, 101 (2013) 42003
doi: 10.1209/0295-5075/101/42003

Quark matter equation of state and stellar properties

J. R. Torres and D. P. Menezes

Departamento de Fisica CFM, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina Florianpolis

CP 476, CEP 88.040-900 Florianpolis, SC Brazil

received 7 November 2012; accepted in final form 5 February 2013

published online 4 March 2013

PACS 21.65.Qr – Quark matter

PACS 12.39.Ki – Relativistic quark model

Abstract – In this paper we study strange matter by investigating the stability window within
one version of the QMDD model which suffers a thermodynamic inconsistency at zero temperature
and check that it can explain the very massive pulsar recently detected. We compare our results
with the ones obtained within the MIT bag model and see that this version of the QMDD model
can explain larger masses, due to the stiffening of the equation of state.

c EPLA, 2013

Introduction. – Neutron star is a very dense object an incorrect thermodynamical treatment of the problem
believed to be the remnant of a supernova explosion. Its and recalculated the equation of state showing that an
estimated mass lies around (1–2M ), its radius is of the extra term is present in the energy density and pressure of
order 10 km and its temperature of the order of 1011 K the system. This extra term results from the dependence
at birth, cooling rapidly to about 1010 K by emitting of the quark masses on the baryonic density.
neutrinos. In most physical models for neutron stars, the An important ingredient in the SM hypothesis is the
star is composed only of hadrons and leptons, whose stability window, identified with the constant values of
stellar matter is a mixture of degenerate neutrons, protons the model that are consistent with the fact that two-
and electrons. In all stellar models, the structure matter flavor quark matter (2QM) must be unstable (i.e., its
depends on the assumed equation of state (EoS), which energy per baryon has to be larger than 930 MeV, which
is derived from effective models. One of the uncertainties is the iron binding energy) and SM (three-flavor quark
related to neutron star properties is the ground state of matter) must be stable, i.e., its energy per baryon must
nuclear matter. In most models, hadrons are assumed to be be lower than 930 MeV. It was also shown in [7] that
the true ground state of the strong interaction. Since the the zero-pressure density does not correspond to the
proposal by Witten [1] that strange matter (SM) may be minimum of the energy per baryon, as is normally the
the actual ground state of baryon matter at high densities, case, because of the quark mass density dependence. In [8],
many investigations have been conducted to verify the the author has shown that the pressure at the density
veracity of this hypothesis and the implications in several corresponding to the minimum of the energy density can
areas of physics, astrophysics and cosmology with possible be zero if it is calculated in a self-consistent way along the
consequences in the QCD phase diagram. SM was first energy density. That calculation requires another extra
considered in calculations obtained within the MIT bag term in the grand-canonical thermodynamical potential,
model framework [2]. More sophisticated treatments for which mimics the MIT bag constant, but instead of being
SM, based on the Nanbu-Jona-Lasinio [3] and the color constant, it increases with the increase of the density.
flavor-locked phase models [3,4] also exist in the literature. Still another calculation of the equation of state based
In [5], a confinement mechanism was introduced by on thermodynamics and also on the general ensemble
assuming that the quark masses are density dependent. theory was obtained in [9]. The authors claim that the
This model, named QMDD, was then applied to describe extra term reported in [7] is correct in the expression of the
SM and the related quark star properties in [6]. In the pressure, but should not be present in the energy density
very same paper, the authors pointed out that the results equation. Similar kinds of density dependence are found in
obtained with the QMDD model were quite different from hadronic models [10,11] and used to describe protoneutron
the ones obtained with the MIT model. Subsequently, star properties in [12,13]. Specifically, in [11,13], the
in [7], the authors claimed that this difference was due to hadronic masses are density dependent while in [10,12] the

J. R. Torres and D. P. Menezes

coupling constants of the model are density dependent. In The QMDD model is based on a phenomenological
both approaches, the pressure also carries a rearrangement approach [7] where the dynamical masses of the three
term that appears due to the density dependence, while lightest quarks scale inversely with the baryon number
such a term cancels out in the energy density expressions. density [6], what mimics an interaction among the quarks:
In [9], due to quark confinement and asymptotic freedom,
another prescription for the quark masses is used and the m∗u,u = m∗d,d = , m∗s,s = m0s,s + , (1)
values for the quark current masses are somewhat different 3nB 3nB
from the standard ones. Normally m0u = m0d = 5 MeV where C is an energy density constant in the zero quark
and m0s is of the order of 150 MeV. In [9], m0u = 5 MeV, density limit, nB = (ρu + ρd + ρs ) /3 is the baryon number
m0d = 10 MeV and m0s = 80 or 90 MeV. Depending on the density and m0s,s is the current mass of the s quark. The
parametrization used, SM is completely stable or becomes energy density, the pressure and the quark density are,
metastable. respectively, given by
More recently, the QMDD model was again revis-
ited [14]. As already explained in this introduction, the  γq  ∞ p2  p2 
C  ∗ 

p= 2 ∗ (p)
− fq+ + fq− dp, (2)
grand-canonical thermodynamical potential is not only a 2π 0 E q 3 3n B
function of T, V and the chemical potential µ, but also
depends explicitly on the quark (or related baryon) density  γq  ∞ p2  
C  ∗ 
∗2 ∗
through its mass and this fact caused all the different ε= 2 ∗
E q (p) + fq+ + fq− dp,
2π 0 Eq (p) 3nB
treatments described below in the previous papers. As
pointed out in [14], the extra terms for the different treat- ∞  
γq 2 ∗ ∗
ments contradict each other and tackling thermodynam- ρq = 2 p fq+ − fq− dp, (4)
ics self-consistently in the QMDD model seems to be a 2π 0

real problem. Another recipe is then proposed, consider- where q = u, d, s, and m∗q is the effective quark
ing an ideal quasi-particle system, where the mass can be mass. The distribution functions for quarks and
both density and temperature dependent, but is taken as anti-quarks
 are the Fermi-Dirac
constant at fixed values of T0 and ρ0 . In this case, the fq∓ = 1/ 1 + exp Eq∗ (p) ∓ µq /T , with the chem-
standard ideal gas expressions are recovered and the extra ical potential for quarks (upper
sign) and anti-quarks
terms do not appear. Moreover, the pressure of the system (lower sign) and Eq∗ (p) = p2 + m∗2 q . For T = 0, there
is always positive and this poses a problem related to the are no anti-particles, the chemical potential is equal to
stability of SM. In order to circumvent this difficulty, the the Fermi energy, and the distribution function for the
authors have to consider the physical vacuum. particles is the usual step function: fq∓ = Θq (p2f − p2 ).
In 2010, a measurement of the Shapiro delay in the radio In the description of compact stars, both charge neutral-
pulsar PSR J1614-2230 yielded a mass of 1.97 ± 0.04M , ity and β equilibrium conditions have to be imposed [3]:
the highest mass of a compact object ever measured. It is
well known that the stellar mass that can be supported 2ρu = ρd + ρs + 3 (ρe + ρµ ) ; (5)
against gravitational collapse depends on the equation of µs = µd = µu + µe , µe = µµ . (6)
state used to describe it. According to [15], very massive
stars, with masses 2M  M  2.73M can be interpreted For the electron and muon pressure, energy density and
as compact stars composed entirely of deconfined quarks densities we just replace q → l in eqs. (2), (3) and (4),
and would be quark stars. where l = e, µ and γl = 2. For leptons, all terms depending
The aim of the present work is to check whether this on C are ignored and their vacuum masses are used.
high mass pulsar can be described by the QMDD model. We next summarise the main formulae at T = 0 for both
A necessary investigation that precedes the use of the models used in this paper, the QMDD model [7] and MIT
equation of state as input to the TOV equations [16] bag model [2]. The energy density, the pressure, the quark
is the detailed consideration of the stability window. density and the baryonic density given in eqs. (2), (3)
In the present paper we consider quarks with equal and (4) can be rewritten respectively, as
chemical potentials, closer to the situation in 56 Fe where  γq m∗4    
F x∗q − B C, m∗q ,
matter is almost symmetric, than to the situation of q
p= (7)
charge neutrality usually analysed, where electrons, not q
48π 2
present in nuclei, are included. Whenever possible, our
results are compared with the MIT model. In face of  γq m∗4    
3H x∗q + B C, m∗q ,
ε= (8)
all the discussions on the thermodynamical consistency
48π 2
of different versions of the QMDD model, we restrict
γq ∗3 3
ourselves to the version obtained in [7]. ρq = m x , (9)
6π 2 q q
Quark matter. – In this section we summarise the 1  γq ∗3 3
nB = m x , (10)
models we use to describe the properties of quark matter. 3 q 6π 2 q q

Quark matter EoS and stellar properties

where the dynamic term of confinement is given by Therefore, SM is stable in the shaded region shown in

fig. 1, for the QMDD model and in fig. 2 for the MIT
   γq m∗4 q C 4  
B C, m∗q = 2 ∗
G x∗q , (11) model. The lower limit, vertical straight line, is due to the
48π nB mq requirement that two-flavor quark matter is not absolutely
stable. In both figures one can see that we have allowed the
and the functions
   1/2  ∗2  strange quark mass to vary considerably. We have checked
F x∗q = x∗q x∗2q +1 2xq − 3 that the results are slightly different if we consider matter
 1/2 with identical quark chemical potentials, corresponding to
+3 ln x∗2q + 1 + x∗
q , (12) symmetric matter in the 2QM or charge neutral matter in
   1/2  ∗2  β-equilibrium, as expected in stars. For both models, the
H x∗q = x∗q x∗2
q +1 2xq + 1 stable region is larger if the conditions given in eqs. (5)
− ln x∗2q + 1 + x∗
q , (13) and (6) are imposed. This is the situation which is usually
analysed in the literature, but one has to bear in mind
   1/2  1/2 that stable nuclear matter (as in iron) does not obey
G x∗q = x∗q x∗2
q +1 − ln x∗2
q +1 + x∗q , (14) these conditions and no electrons are present. Actually,
its proton fraction is Yp = 0.46, very close to symmetric
2 matter and this is the reason why we have chosen to
x∗q = −1 . (15) analyse matter with equal quark chemical potentials. If we
m∗q consider finite-size effects and take m0s = 150 MeV, both
windows become a little smaller: the left border of the
Note that the term B(C, m∗q ) arises from the derivatives
stability line moves from C = 75 to 76.5 MeV/fm3 in the
of the grand-canonical thermodynamical potential of a
QMDD model and from B 1/4 = 147 to 147.7 in the MIT
Fermi gas with respect to m∗ [15]. This density-dependent
term leads to a thermodynamical inconsistency, because
In fig. 3(a), we plot the equations of state (EoS)
the fundamental relation of thermodynamics Ω = −pV is
obtained for two constants in the MIT model and one
violated. Although the model has this problem, we note
situation in the QMDD model, chosen from the values
that this density-dependent term leads to an empirical
which satisfy the SM stability condition. For these choices
model incorporation of the quark confinement at the low-
of parameters, the QMDD EoS is reasonably stiffer. The
density regime and to asymptotic freedom at very high
MIT bag model presents a linear dependence of the
densities, as already emphasized in the introduction.
pressure against the energy density as shown in fig. 3.
For the usual MIT bag model [2] the quark masses
The parameter B is just a linear parameter in the EoS
are fixed as mu = md = 5 MeV, ms = 150 MeV and its
∗ for the MIT case. This is not true for the QMDD model,
expressions are
 (7), (8), (9) where m is simply replaced
∗ because the pressure as a function of the energy density
by m and B C, mq by a bag constant B.
is more complicated, as seen in fig. 3. This non-trivial
Results and conclusions. – We now want to establish behavior is due to B(C, m∗q ) in eq. (11). If we consider
the conditions under which SM is the true ground state the thermodynamic treatment used in [9], where the
[1,7]. In principle, the theory of the strong interaction zero-pressure point corresponds to the minimum of the
should contain the answer to the question of whether energy per baryon, the stability window moves to larger
strange matter is stable. Unfortunately, as we all know, parameters, as seen in fig. 3(b) and the EoS become softer.
QCD is still far from being completely solved. We need As stated in the introduction, in order to study
to rely on effective models to test the idea of SM. Hence, hydrostatic equilibrium of a family of quark stars we
we next study strange matter via two different effective have to solve numerically the Tholman-Oppenheimer-
models and find a sizeable region of parameter space for Volkoff (TOV) equations [16]. The mass-radius relation
which strange matter is stable. For the QMDD case, these is obtained from the solution of these coupled differential
parameters are C and the current strange quark mass m0s equations. The determination of small radii as the
(see eq. (1)). For the MIT bag model, these parameters ones expected in pulsars from observations based on
are the well-known B 1/4 and the current strange quark luminosity and temperature is full of uncertainties [17].
mass m0s . Strange matter is stable at zero pressure if Hence, although X-ray astronomy has provided some
its energy density per baryon density is lower than the simultaneous determination of masses and radii from
energy per baryon of 56 Fe, ( nεB = E
A )SM ≤ 930 MeV while X-ray bursters [18], they have to be taken with care. The
the two-flavor quark matter must be unstable (i.e., its integration of the TOV equations gives quark stars whose
energy per baryon has to be larger than 930 MeV). Notice mass-radius relation is shown in fig. 4. In this figure the
that, if finite-size effects are taken into account, this horizontal lines are the masses of some well-known pulsars
value is around 4 MeV lower, i.e., 934 MeV [2], but the extracted from [19,20]. The lower and upper limits of the
final stability window remains practically unchanged. The masses and radii of EXO 0748-676 and 4U 1608-52 are
numbers are discussed below. The energy per nucleon has also displayed. The shaded clouds refer to the 1σ and
been calculated numerically for 2QM and SM, respectively. 2σ confidence ellipse of the results obtained in [18] for

J. R. Torres and D. P. Menezes

Fig. 1: SM stability window obtained with the QMDD model at T = 0. The points in the figures show the maximum values for
C when m0s = 150 MeV is fixed.


Fig. 2: SM stability window obtained with the MIT model at T = 0. The points in the figures show the maximum values for
B1/4 when m0s = 150 MeV is fixed.

Fig. 3: In (a) we show SM EoS for 3 parameter choices and in (b) we compare the stability window for two different versions of
the QMDD model.

Quark matter EoS and stellar properties

Fig. 4: (Colour on-line) Mass-radius relations for different strange stars.


Fig. 5: Inside the flags we show the maximum masses (M/M ) for the corresponding parameter sets inside the stability window
for the QMDD (a) and the MIT (b) models, respectively. The EoS were obtained for neutral matter in β-equilibrium.

the EXO 1745-248. We notice that the QMDD model All the EoS obtained for the QMDD model discussed in
can certainly describe compact objects which are more the introduction rely on derivatives of the grand-canonical
massive than the MIT model, as already expected from its thermodynamical potential, which are truncated at differ-
harder EoS. Nevertheless, it fails to describe pulsars with ent arbitrary points. To obtain the correct expressions,
low radii, which can be described by the MIT model. One, an alternative calculation can be done via the energy-
however, has to bear in mind the uncertainties discussed momentum tensor as in refs.[10,12,13]. This work is in
in [17]. In fig. 5, we show the maximum masses obtained progress. In a forthcoming paper, we will analyse care-
in different points of the stability window for both models. fully the stability window for protoquark stars described
They increase with the decrease of the strange quark mass by quark matter at finite-temperature (or fixed entropy).
and change vary little for the parameters on the right The choice of appropriate parameters in the search for
border line. Note that, although the points are marked in stable SM at finite-temperature systems requires, in addi-
the diagrams from where they were chosen, the EoS with tion to the investigation presented in this paper, a careful
neutral matter in β-equilibrium was used as input to the study of the free energy per baryon (F = ε − T S, where S
TOV equations. For the present EoS, the QMDD model is the entropy density of the system), in contrast to previ-
yields systematically larger maximum masses than the ous works [21–24], where the energy density per baryon
MIT model. was used. Of course, the lower limits, given by the straight

J. R. Torres and D. P. Menezes

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