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Alcatel−Lucent Alerts

Alcatel−Lucent has issued the following Proprietary Alert. Further communication to customers is the responsibility of the customer facing

16−0322 Switch fabric throughput capacity alarms

Type: Informational
Urgency: Medium
Publish Date: 15 Apr 2016
Region: ALL
Expiration: NA
Product category: Carrier Ethernet IP/MPLS & ATM Networks
Product line: Multiservice Core Switching Products
Product: 7450 ESS (Ethernet Service Switch)
Sub−product: ALL
Model: 7450 ESS−12, 7450 ESS−7
Version: 12.0, 13.0, 14.0
Product category: Carrier Ethernet IP/MPLS & ATM Networks
Product line: Multiservice Core Switching Products
Product: 7750 SR (Service Router)
Sub−product: IP, IP Mobile Backhaul, MG − Combo S/PGW, MG − PGW, MG − SGW, MG − WLAN GW
Model: 7750 SR−12, 7750 SR−7
Version: 12.0, 13.0, 14.0

SR7/SR12 systems equipped with SFM5 Switch Fabric cards running at 6 Gig Fabric Speed can report switch fabric throughput capacity
The alarms are triggered by Switch Fabric Link errors attributed to a sub optimal configuration of the Switch Fabric.

In SROS 12.0R.17, 13.0.R8 and 14.0.R2, a new command is available to optimize the configuration of the Switch Fabric.

This command is exclusively for SFM5 cards running at 6 Gig Fabric Speed.

7950 XRS, 7750 SR−12e (with SFM5) or SR7/12 systems running fabric−speed−b (10 Gig Fabric speed) are not affected.

The new CLI command is: "tools perform system set−trim−mode trim−mode−a(default) or trim−mode−b".

After this command is executed, both SFM5's must be cleared according to the procedure below.

Although the alarms are generated, there is no traffic impact unless the line card throughput exceeds the available fabric capacity.

Action To Be Taken:
1) Confirm that the Switch Fabric is running in fabric−speed−a (6 Gig) mode:

*A:IBC−01# show chassis


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Alcatel−Lucent Alerts

System Information
Name : ABC−01
Type : 7750 SR−12
−−−− SNIP −−−−
Fabric Speed : 6 Gig <=== Switch Fabric Mode


2) Verify the state of the Switch Fabric Capacity log events:

show log event−control "chassis" | match Fabric

2104 tmnxEqLowSwitchFabricCap MA sup 0 12

2105 tmnxEqLowSwitchFabricCapClear MA sup 0 12

3) Enable Switch Fabric Capacity logging:

configure log event−control "chassis" 2104 generate

configure log event−control "chassis" 2105 generate

4) Determine which SFM5 has experienced the most degradation.

It should be the first one to be cleared:

show system switch−fabric exclude−sfm 1/or/2

Switch Fabric
Slot/Mda Min. Forwarding Capacity Max. Forwarding Capacity
1/[1..2] 54% 54%
2/[1..2] 54% 54%
3/[1..2] 54% 54%
4/[1..2] 54% 54%
A 100% 100%
B 100% 100%

5) CLI command to be executed:

tools perform system set−trim−mode trim−mode−b

clear sfm 1

show sfm and wait until sfm 1 is back in service

clear sfm 2

show sfm and wait until sfm 2 is back in service.

tools dump system trim−mode to verify that the system is in trim−mode−b

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Alcatel−Lucent Alerts

Example of the cli Commands:

A:ABC−01# tools perform system set−trim−mode trim−mode−b

WARNING: CLI Cards and/or SFMs must be cleared for new trim mode to take effect.

*A:ABC−01# /clear sfm 1

*A:ABC−01# show sfm

SFM Summary
Slot Provisioned Type Admin Operational Comments
Equipped Type (if different) State State
1 m−sfm5−12 up provisioned <== Wait for the SFM to be back in service.
(not equipped)
2 m−sfm5−12 up up

*A:ABC−01# show sfm

SFM Summary
Slot Provisioned Type Admin Operational Comments
Equipped Type (if different) State State
1 m−sfm5−12 up up
2 m−sfm5−12 up up

clear sfm 2

After the SFM is up, verify that the correct trim−mode is enabled:

*A:ABC−01# tools dump system trim−mode

System is set to trim−mode−b

Current trim mode of in service FP3 cards:
Slot Card Type Trim Mode
1 imm−2pac−fp3 trim−mode−b
2 imm−2pac−fp3 trim−mode−b
3 imm−2pac−fp3 trim−mode−b
4 imm−2pac−fp3 trim−mode−b
A cpm5 trim−mode−b
B cpm5 trim−mode−b

Solution Availability:
This issue is resolved in SROS 14.0.R2, 13.0.R8, 12.0R.17 and MG 8.0.R4, 7.0.R13

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Alcatel−Lucent Alerts

Nokia Technical Support
Please contact the technical support team for your country.

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