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PUBLIC CORPORATIONS (2019) the PNRC during the meeting of the PNRC board of

I. General Principles
 Petitioners contend that Respondent, by accepting
A. Corporation
the chairmanship of PNRC board of governors, he has
1. Definition: An artificial being created b operation
ceased to be a member of the senate as provided in
of law having the right of succession and powers,
Section 13, Article VI of the constitution.
attributes and properties expressly authorized by
 Responded contends that PNRC is not a GOCC and that
law or incident to its existence.
the prohibition in Section 13, Article VI does not apply
2. Classification: Public, Private and Quasi-Public
in the present case since volunteer service to the
(i) Public- Organized for the government of
PNRC is neither an office nor an employment.
a portion of the state
(ii) Private- Formed for some private Issue: Whether or not PNRC is a GOCC
purpose, benefit, aim or end
(iii) Quasi-public- Private corporation that Ruling and Ratio:
renders public service or supplies public NO. PNRC is a private organization performing public functions.
wants. The Republic of the Philippines, adhering to the Geneva
3. Criterion to Determine Public Corporation: The Conventions, established PNRC as a voluntary organization for
relationship of the corporation to the state, that the purpose contemplated in the Geneva Convention of July 27,
is, if created by the state as its own agency to help 1929.
the state in carrying out its governmental
functions then it is public, otherwise, it is private. To ensure and maintain its autonomy, neutrality and
4. Classes of Public Corporations: Quasi Corporation independence, the PNRC cannot be owned or controlled by the
and Municipal Corporations government. Indeed the Philippine government does not own
(i) Quasi-Corporation- Created by the state the PNRC. The PNRC does not have government assets and
for narrow or limited purpose does not receive any appropriation from the Philippines
(ii) Municipal Corporations- Body politic and Congress. It is finance primarily by contributions from private
corporate constituted by the individuals and private entities obtained through solicitation.
incorporation of the inhabitants for the
The president does not appoint the chairman of the PNRC.
purpose of local government.
Neither does the head of any department, agency commission
Notes: or board appoint the PNRC chairman thus the PNRC chairman
is not an official employee of the Executive branch since his
Elements of Municipal Corporations: appointment does not fall under section 16, Article VII of the
1. Legal Creation or Incorporation- There must be a law Constitution. Not being a government official or employee the
creating/authorizing the creation or incorporation of a PNRC, as such does not hold a government office or
municipal corporation employment.
2. Corporate Name- Name by which the corporation is **The court further held that the PNRC charter is void insofar
known as it creates the PNRC as a private corporation. The PNRC
3. Inhabitants- People residing in the territory of the should incorporate under the corporation code and register
corporation with the SEC if it wants to be a private corporation.
4. Territory- land mass where the inhabitants reside
together with internal and external waters and air Boy Scouts of the Philippines v. COA (2011)
space above the land and waters.
 COA issued Resolution No. 99-011 stating among
Liban v. Gordon (2011) others that BSP was created as a public corporation
under CA 111 as amended by PD 460 and RA 7278 and
Facts: that in BSP v. NLRC, the SC ruled that BSP as
 Liban et. al. (Petitioners) filed with the Supreme Court constituted under its charter was a GOCC.
a petition to declare Richard Gordon (Respondent) as  BSP sought reconsideration of said resolution stating
having forfeited his seat in the senate. the ff. grounds: The cited case has been superseded
 During Gordon’s incumbency as a member of the by RA 7278 which eliminated the substantial
senate of the Philippines, he was elected chairman of government participation in the national executive
board by removing the President, and executive
secretaries (except for the Education Secretary) and
the appointment and confirmation power of the and incorporation. And (2) EO 63 deprived the
President as chief scout over the members of the petitioner of the power to make arrests and they
board. therefore lost its operational fundings and that it
exercises no governmental functions. In fine the
government itself by its overt acts confirmed PSPCA’s
Whether or not BSP falls under the COA’s audit jurisdiction status as a private juridical entity.

Ruling and Ratio: Issue:

YES. BSP is a public corporation and its fund are subject to Whether or not PSPCA qualifies as a government agency that
COA’’s audit jurisdiction. It is a public corporation under Par. 2, may be subject to audit by COA.
Art. 44 of the Civil Code:
Ratio and Ruling:
“The following are juridical persons:
1. The state and its political subdivision
First, the charter test cannot be applied because it is predicated
2. Other corporations, institutions and entities for public
on the 1935 constitution, Section 7, Article XIII and it cannot
interest or purpose created by law; their personality
apply to PSPCA which was incorporated by virtue of Act 1285
begins as soon as they have been constituted
on January 19, 1905.
according to law
3. Corporations, partnerships and associations for Charter test is as follows:
private interest or purpose to which the law grants a
“Is it created by its own charter for the exercise of a public
juridical personality, separate and distinct from that of
function, or by incorporation under the general corporation
each shareholder, partner or member. “
law? Those with special charters are government corporations
Under the Administrative Code of 1987 recognizes the public subject to its provisions….” (Baluyot v. Holganza;
character of BSP by the fact that, along with the girl scouts of Camporedondo v. NLRC)
the Philippines, it is classified as an attached agency of the DECS
Second, The charter of PSPCA how that it is not subject to
under EO 292 or the Administrative Code of 1987. It is an
control or supervision by any agency of the state unlike GOCCs.
attached agency of DECS/DepEd
No government representative sits on the board of trustees of
As an attached agency of DECS it enjoys operational autonomy PSPCA. Like all private corporations, the successors of its
as long as policy and program coordination is achieved by members are determined voluntarily and solely by the
having at least one representative of government in its petitioner in accordance with its by-laws, and may exercise
governing board. those powers generally accorded to private corporations such
as the power to sue, be sued, use a common seal and etc.
PSPCA v. COA (2007)
Third, the employees of PSPCA are registered by the SSS and
not by the GSIS.
 PSPCA was incorporated as a juridical entity by virtue Fourth, the contention of COA that PSPCA is a body politic
of Act No. 1285 (January 19, 1905), by the Philippine because its primary purpose is to secure protection and
Commission. welfare of animals which, in tur, redounds to the public good is
 At the time of its enactment, the corporation law and specious at best. It does not by that lone circumstance make
the SEC was not yet in existence. the entity a public corporation.
 To enhance its power in promoting animal welfare,
and enforcing laws for the protection of animals, **Criterion to determine whether a corporation is public is
petitioner was imbued through its charter the power cited in this case.
to apprehend violators of animal welfare laws. They
Province of North Cotabato v. RP Peace Panel (2008)
also get ½ of the fines imposed and collected. Later
this power was recalled by CA 148 enacted by EO 63 Facts:
 Petitioners content that (1) although they were
created by special legislation, this came about prior to
the enactment of the corporation law or any other
general law under which it may be organized nor an
SEC which would have passed upon its organization

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