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Ryan V.

Pilapil BSBA-III

Reflection on the Movie


“You never leave your partner especially in a fire.” This is one of the many lines of the
movie Fireproof that inspired me the most. Last week, we watched the perfect movie
that sums up married life. It showed the beginning of the real married life for couples
and what it has to offer. Many of us would think that marriage is happy ever after
however the movie showed the reality of marriage. It exposed the life after marriage
including its ups and down.

There is no perfect marriage. There will always be a curved along the way. The movie is
about two young couples as they journey together in married life and towards God. In
the movie, the couples would always fight and argue which is normal thing to do.
However, due to their frequent fights and lack of commitment and passion to each
other, they decided to end their marriage. Hence, through God’s intervention and grace
they were able to surpass all their struggle and problems resulting to a stronger bond
not only with each other but also with God. In the end they were able to renew their
vows to God and live a life filled with love, sacrifice and faithfulness. Upon, watching
the movie I have realized that saying I do’s and wedding vows does not only apply in
the wedding ceremony itself but it is also lived out forever. It is a promise that should be
acted upon. It proves that marriage is indeed a permanent bond. I also realized that
being married is not only a union but also a decision and a choice. It is a series of
decision and choices that must be made by both couples because they are a team.
Nobody must be left behind no matter no hard it gets. Marriage is also about sacrifices
and commitment to one another. It involves maturity and fidelity to a long lasting
relationship. Patience is also an important factor in marriage like what the husband
showed to his wife in his 40 day challenge .It only proved that as long as there is faith,
hope and love find your way back to each other.

No matter how long or how a perfect a relationship may seem without God it will not be
a fruitful one. This is my biggest realization. You can do everything and surpass your
entire problem long as you are with God. He will never forsake nor abandon you. His
love is one of a kind and has no boundaries. That is why a life without God is like being
a lost sheep without its shepherd.

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