Instructions For Wie Code-2K19

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The registration process is very simple. All you need to do is visit
wiecode and register yourself in a group of maximum 4 students or minimum 2 students
(compulsory of 2 girls in a team).

1. Submission dates to be strictly followed. No exceptions will be made.
2. Submission is to be done on in the prescribed format.
(Available on the website).
3. There are several domains listed on the webpage.
4. You are required to go through the domain and prepare an abstract on how you are
going to solve a particular problem related to that domain.
5. There is a specific format of the abstract. You need to follow it strictly.
6. Each team can submit their solutions to multiple problem statements.
7. We encourage students to submit solutions for multiple problem statement. This would
increase the chances of you selection for final event.
8. However, a team if selected will be selected for the one best solution out of the all
solutions they have proposed.
9. Entries to be sent only in the prescribed format, otherwise they are bound to get
10. Selected teams will be informed 3 days prior to the start of hackathon.

Prizes for the winning teams-
1st Prize Rs. 15000/-
2nd Prize Rs. 10000/-
Best women team Rs. 5000/-
1. The hackathon is of 12 hours.
2. Online registrations will be closed on 7th October.
3. Team should have minimum of 2 and maximum of 4 members(compulsory of 2 girls
in a team).
4. Each member should provide their details at the time of registration.
5. An abstract of about 500 words must be submitted by each team.
6. A team is allowed to submit solutions to multiple problems; however, a team if
selected will be selected for the one best solution out of the all solutions they have
7. A mentor for renowned industries will be allotted to each team who will guide them
throughout the competition.
8. Teams must present their ideas to respective mentors every 2 hours and progress will
be evaluated based on that presentation.
9. Every team must disclose their team name as well as team leader’s name (girl team
leader) at the time of registration. No hardware kit will be provided.
10. There will be a limit on the number of entries accepted for each problem statement.
11. We would consider the first 6 entries for each problem statements for the first round
of screening. The WiE Code will begin on 12th October 2019 8:00 AM and will end at
12th October 2019 8:00 PM. Internet facility will be provided for 12 hours.
12. Reporting time will be 7:00 am.
13. All communication will be sent to your primary email submitted at the time of
registration. Certificate for participation will be provided to all participants.
14. Clearly specify the email ids and mobile numbers of all team members.
15. You are expected to come up with innovative ideas. Any idea that has been copied
from somewhere will be disqualified.
16. Only 30% of pre-cooked code is permissible.
17. Food, snacks and games facility will be provided.

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