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Al Madrasa-tus-Saifiya-tul-Burhaniyah
Upper Primary Secondary - Shabbirabad
1st Assessment 2019-20

Name: ________________________________________________ Class: VII/ ____

Subject: General Science Duration: 60 minutes

Date: 30-9-19 Marks: _____ /40

 Read the paper carefully.
 Ink remover, white-o etc. are not allowed.
 Spare the last five minutes for revision.
 Strict disciplinary action will be taken if any student is found turning back or forth, cheating,
talking or using unfair means in any way what so ever, will have his/her paper cancelled and it
will be further decided whether he/she will be allowed to appear in the remaining papers.

Objectives Max. Marks Marks


1. Describe the characteristics of living organisms. 4

2. Label and define the functions of the different

parts of flowers/ process of pollination.

3. Locate the major organs in a human body and

explain their major functions.

4. Label the different parts of a microscope /

explain the functions of the different organelles 10
of animal and plant cells.

5. Describe the properties of the three states of

matter in terms of arrangement of their 6

Total Marks 40


Teacher’s Signature

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Q1a. Complete the table: (3)

Seven characteristics function

1. Movement 1.

2. Sensitivity 2. responds to changes in the world around it.

3. Growth 3.

4. 4.must make or take in food(fuel)

5. Reproduction 5.

6. 6. makes and removes waste products

7. Respiration 7.

Q1b. Animals can move from place to place. This movement is called __________________. (1)

Q2a. Label the different parts of a flower. (3)




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Q2b. Explain any five different parts of the flower labeled in the box above. (5)

Parts of the
flower function

Q3a. What is Pollination? (2)






Q3b. Mention two ways of Pollination in plants. (1)

a) ____________________________________________________________________________

b) ____________________________________________________________________________

Q4. Write the two main features of stem. (1)

1) ___________________________________________________________________________

2) ___________________________________________________________________________

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Q5a. What does the term MRI stands for? Why do scientists use this machine? (1)




Q5bi. Label the major organs in the given diagram of a human body. (3)



Q5bii. Write function of any two major organs along with their system. (4)

Name of Organ Organ system Function



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Q6. Label any 8 different parts of a microscope. (4)

Q7. Complete the given table: (6)

Organelles Animal/Plant Function

1. 1. plant 1.

2. Cell membrane 2. both 2.

3. 3. 3. This is the central control centre.

4. Cytoplasm 4. 4.

5. Chloroplast 5. 5.

6. Vacuole 6. both 6. It stores food, water and waste materials.

7. 7. 7.Produces protein

8. Mitochondria animal

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Q8. State 4 properties of the each of the followings:

Solid state (2)

1. ___________________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________________________

4. ___________________________________________________________________

Liquid state (2)

1. ___________________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________________________

4. ___________________________________________________________________

Gaseous state (2)





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