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DA 1:- Internal Combustion Engine

Addition Of Nanoparticles With

Diesel Fuel For Improving The
Performance Of Engine

Name :-Vishwas M Aithal

Reg no :-17BME0050
Paper 1

 Type and name of the nanoparticles

addition of cerium oxide nanoparticles are investigated to evaluate the emission
reduction potential on the single cylinder CI engine.

Weight/vol. Percentage of nanoparticles in fuel

Jojoba oil received from Egyptian Natural Oil Company.

Methanol supplied by a local company with Purity > 99.8%, most commonly used due to availability, low cost,
and its chem- ical and physical advantages (polar and shortest chain alcohol). Potassium hydroxide (KOH) with
Purity > 85%. It is a base cata-

lyst which is widely used in the transesterification process.

The production process of Jojoba oil was carried out according to the conditions summarized in Table 7.

Consequently, the transesterification process was conducted according to the following procedures:

•  One liter of raw Jojoba oil was slowly heated with water bath up to 100 C, while the mechanical
stirring was used at a speed of 600 rpm to remove the moisture content in the oil as shown in Fig. 3(a). 

•  A constant fraction of the KOH catalyst (0.5% by weight) from the raw oil was dissolved carefully
with methanol to form potassium methoxide. 

•  The prepared potassium methoxide was added to the heated oil with stirring at a speed of 600 rpm. The
addition process was performed in two stages starting with 75% of the solvent while the remaining
potassium methoxide was added after 10 min to get the best reaction rate. At the same time, the reaction
tem- perature was kept at 60 ± 1 C for all ranges of the reaction time (2 h). 

•  After that, the product was left in a separating funnel for 12 h. During this period, the product was
separated into two layers as shown in Fig. 3(b), the upper layer contains JME and the lower contains
glyceride with a remaining impurity of the catalyst. 

•  As shown in Fig. 3(b), the separation process was not com- pleted. To force the separation process to
be accomplished, the product was washed with warm water 4–5 times until clean water was observed.
The separation process is shown
in Fig. 3(c). 

Type of Engine used for inves1ga1on

The GUNT experimental test rig Model CT100.22 which consists of a single cylinder direct injection diesel
engine of the technical specifications summarized in Table 1 was employed as the test engine in the present
work. The whole experimental layout equipped with the necessary instruments to measure the different engine
parameters is shown in Fig. 1. Asynchronous motor Model TFCP 132SB-2 with a maximum electric power
output of 7.5 kW is coupled directly to the test engine and mounted on floating bear- ings to measure the engine
brake torque. The brake torque is mea- sured using force sensor of Model FLINTEC ZLB-200Kg-C3. The out-
put power of the asynchronous motor is consumed in return power unit existing in the CT100.22 control unit

Iden1fica1on of the performance in terms of Brake Power, Thermal Efficiency,

Emission characteris1cs
The thermal analysis, mechanical performance and the emis- sion characteristics of a diesel engine using
different fuels; includ- ing diesel and JB20D fuel blend with and without nanoparticle additives (according to
the test program in Table 3) are discussed here. Based on the combustion data, cylinder pressure, pressure rise
rate, gross heat release rate, cylinder temperature, and mass fraction of burned fuel were plotted against crank
angle. The mechanical performance parameters, such as bsfc, brake thermal efficiency and EGT as well as the
emission concentrations of NOx, CO, and UHC were plotted against the engine load.

The combustion analysis, performance, and emission character- istics of a direct injection compression ignition
engine fueled with the JB20D mixture with and without the addition of MWCNTs were investigated at different
engine speeds and loads. The present work recommended the use of nanoparticles that enhanced the overall
performance of engine fueled by biodiesel-diesel mixture fuels. This enhancement justified the nano-additive-
blending into the biodiesel-diesel mixture and minimized the energy and environ- mental problems resulting
from the use of petroleum fuels. Based on the experimental investigations, the following conclusions were

The addition of MWCNTs into the JB20D advanced the occur- rence of peak heat release rate. The addition of
MWCNTs also decreased the ignition delay and accelerated initiation of combustion, which resulted in higher
gross heat release rate and advancement of the peak gross heat release rate.

The brake thermal efficiency increased with the addition of MWCNTs into the JB20D up to 16%. The brake
specific fuel con- sumption also significantly decreased with the addition of MWCNTs into the JB20D up to

The NOx, UHC, and CO emissions were remarkably reduced with the addition of MWCNTs into the JB20D.
The NOx was reduced by 35%, CO by 50%, and UHC by 60% at a nanoparticle concentra- tion of 20 mg/l.

The best combustion characteristics of the engine was obtained at a nano-additive dose level of 50 mg/l (pmax
was increased by 7%, dp/dhmax by 4%, and dQg/dhmax. by 4%) , while the appropriate environmental
characteristics were recorded at a dose level of 20 mg/l (NOx emission was decreased by 35%, CO by 50%, and
UHC by 60%). The recommended dose level to obtain the significant improvement in engine performance was
40 mg/l (pmax was increased by 5%, bsfc was reduced by 15%, NO emission was decreased by 10%, CO by
25%, and x UHC by 40%). During the present experimental study, which lasted approxi- mately six weeks, the
carbon depositions on the walls of injection diesel engine were not observed. Also, the engine was operated
smoothly without any effects on its performance. However, long- term examinations on the life of the engine
components are required to determine such effects.

Paper 2
Title:-Experimental Study of Effect of Nanoparticles Addition on Combustion
Phasing In Diesel Engine

 Type and name of the nanoparticles

Nano fuels is prepared by adding Al2O3 or TiO2, both with particle size less 45nm to
diesel fuel.The Nano fuels are (DF+Al2O3) and (DF+TiO2).

Weight/vol. Percentage of nanoparticles in fuel

Saraee et al. (7), reduced the emission and consumption in the diesel in C.I engine, the nanoparticle
could help the fuel droplets furthers penetrate in the compressed air during the spraying. Nano
particle which was used is cerium and aluminum with different dose. Decreasing in UHC, CO and
NOx28%, 20.5% and 13% respectively. The brake specific fuel consumption reduces to
6%.Karthikeyan et al. (8) examined experimentally the effect of mixing of (ZnO) zine oxide with
biodiesel fuel (canola oil methyl ester) on combustion, performance and emission characteristics.
Three doses of ZnO were used namely 50, 80 & 100 ppm. The diesel fuel was mixed with 20%
biodiesel. Brake thermal efficiency is increased, while BSFC is decrease. There was a reduction in
concentration of UHC, CO and smoke, but NOx concentration. The maximum cylinder pressure is
higher with (ZnO). The highest heat release rate is observed as 95.93kJ/m3 .deg for ZnO Nano
additive (100ppm) blend. Jeryajkumar et al (9), study for improving the performance on
compression ignition diesel engine by the addition of nanoparticles such as cobalt oxide(Co3O4)
and titanium oxide(TiO2) with 50mg/l nanoparticles dosing to calophyllurn iodophile biodiesel.
Brake specific fuel consumption (BSFC) with the cobalt oxide (Co3O4) and the titanium oxide
(TiO2) resulted in 4%, 2% reduction respectively. Also (Co3O4) blended with biodiesel shows 7%
increase in Brake thermal efficiency (BTE) as compared to pure biodiesel. By adding cobalt oxide
(Co3O4) and (TiO2) there was 30% and 25% reduction in CO. There was a reduction in (UHC)
with (Co3O4) and (TiO2) resulted in 80%, 70% respectively.

Type of Engine used for inves1ga1on

The compression ignition engines are widely used due to its reliable operation and economy. As the
petroleum reserves are depleting at a faster rate due to the growth of population and the subsequent
energy utilization, engine performance, heat release pattern engine emission characteristic need to
be improved.

Iden1fica1on of the performance in terms of Brake Power, Thermal Efficiency,

Emission characteris1cs

The influence of nanoparticles addition is very clear on the delay period and the heat release
fractioning (premix and diffusion). The results show that the delay period decreased with increasing
of nanoparticles addition. The maximum reduction is with 25ppm TiO2 is around (0.55CA) at full
load. The reduction in the delay period means reducing the heat release in the premix stage of
combustion and increasing the heat release in the diffusion stage combustion. The heat released
decreased in premix combustion stage with both nanoparticles particularly in 25ppm as compared to
pure diesel. Also the heat release decreased in diffusion combustion with both of them as compared
to pure diesel. The reduction in premix fraction with Nano fuels(DF+Al2O3) and (DF+TiO2) is
(0.3367%) and(4.125%) respectively for 25ppm at 25% load, while the increasing in diffusion
fraction for Al2O3 and TiO2 for 25ppm and 25% load is(0.1422%) and(1.742%) respectively. Index
Term-- Delay period, Premix, Diffusion, Nano fuel
Paper 3
Title:-Combustion characteristics of biodiesel blended with Al2O3 and SiO2

Type and name of the nanoparticles

This experiment study the effect of nanoparticles blended in biodiesel on
combustion characteristic of single-cylinder four-stroke diesel engine. Biodiesel
used in this experiment was palm oil methyl ester (POME) and nanoparticles
used was aluminum oxide (Al2O3) and silicon dioxide (SiO2). Both
nanoparticles was dispersed in POME by using an ultrasonicator with the dosage
of 50 ppm

Weight/vol. Percentage of nanoparticles in fuel

The nanoparticles used in this experiment was Al2O3 with size range between 20-30 nm and SiO2
with size range between 20-30 nm supplied by Sigma-Aldrich Corporation. The nanoparticles were
blended into POME with the portion of 50 mg by weight for each nanoparticles. An ultrasonic
emulsifier model Hielscher Ultrasonic GmbH UP400S was used to mix the nanoparticles into
POME at 50% power and 0.7 seconds cycle for 30 minutes to obtain a well-blended mixture of
nanoparticle-biodiesel fuel. The test fuel were named as PS50 for SiO2 + POME blend and PA50
for Al2O3 + POME blend

Type of Engine used for inves1ga1on

In this experiment, the engine used was a single cylinder YANMAR TF120M water-cooled direct
injection diesel engine. The engine is naturally aspirated air intake and the injection timing is at 17º
before Top Dead Centre (bTDC). Detail specifications of the engine is shown in Table 1. Figure 1
shows the schematic diagram of the experiment setup, the eddy current dynamometer used from
Focus Applied Technologies model BD-15kW with the maximum power of 15 kW mounted to the
spherical bearing and was fitted directly to the test engine. An S-type load cell force sensor model
Zemic H3-C3-500kg-3B was used to measure the brake torque of the diesel engine. On the other
hand, to measure the fuel mass flow rate by recording the time required to consume a specific mass
of the fuel a digital weight scale from CAS (TCS- up to 6kg) was used. A thermocouple logger
model PicoLog TC-08 USB was used to measure the exhaust gas temperature, fuel temperature, and
the ambient air temperature. Meanwhile for combustion characteristic data DEWESOFT software
was used to record the data equipped with data acquisition (DAQ) model SIRIUSi-HS. Crankshaft
angle sensor used to obtain the crankshaft position, which determines the cylinder gas pressure as
the function of crank angle. The cylinder pressure was measured by an Optrand optic-fibre pressure
sensor model Auto-PSI C82294-Q. Meanwhile engine speed was measured using the Hall Effect
proximity sensor model AOTORO SC12-20k.
Iden1fica1on of the performance in terms of Brake Power, Thermal Efficiency,
Emission characteris1cs
peak of HRR for PA50 and PS50 fuel blend for all engine load at 1500 rpm engine operations is
documented. Both fuel shows similar trend where highest HRR recorded was during 14 N.m engine
load and the lowest HRR recorded was when there was at zero engine load. PS50 fuel blend shows
higher HRR than PA50 fuel blend at zero and 7 N.m engine load where it increase 10.28% and
2.58%. Meanwhile when 14 N.m and 21 N.m engine load applied, PA50 shows higher HRR than
PS50 where 020052-6 data recorded shows difference of 2% and 5.96% at both engine load. During
maximum engine load applied however, PS50 fuel blend show higher HRR compared to PA50 fuel
blend with small difference of 0.94%.


This experiment study the combustion characteristics of PS50 and PA50 fuels blend where the
parameters being compared was the in-cylinder pressure, heat release rate and exhaust gas
temperature. From the results obtained it can be concluded that x Combustion from PS50 fuel is
better than PA50 fuel at all load operations where peak pressure of PS50 is higher. At zero load
engine operations, the difference is about 2.89%. Meanwhile at 7 N.m and 14 N.m engine load the
difference is 1.62% and 2.1%. At 21 N.m engine load, the data recorded only shows 0.51%
differences. During maximum engine load, peak pressure of PS50 fuel increase by 2.23%.
compared to PA50 fuel. x PS50 fuel blend shows higher HRR than PA50 fuel blend at zero and 7
N.m engine load where it increase 10.28% and 2.58%. Meanwhile when 14 N.m and 21 N.m engine
load applied, PA50 shows higher HRR than PS50 where the difference was 2% and 5.96% at both
engine load. During 28 N.m engine load, PS50 fuel blend show higher HRR than PA50 fuel blend
with difference of 0.94%. x PS50 EGT is lower than PA50 EGT at all engine load. This experiment
shows that PS50 fuel operate at lower EGT than PA50 fuel. The difference of EGT for all load from
0 N.m to 28 N.m is 2.71%, 2.42%, 3.47%, 5.65% and 4.12%.

Paper 4
Title:-Effect of Al2O3 nanoparticles in biodiesel-diesel-ethanol blends at various
injection strategies: Performance, combustion and emission characteristics

Type and name of the nanoparticles

The current experimental work focusses on influence of Alumina (Al2O3) nanoparticle on various
injection strategies. Experiments were conducted with three different injection timings (IT) namely,
original timing (ORG IT) of 23 deg bTDC, advanced timing (ADV IT) of 27 deg bTDC and
retarded timing (RET IT) of 19 deg bTDC. The base fuel used is a blend of biodiesel (20%), diesel
(70%), and ethanol (10%) (known as BDE). Alumina nanoparticles were synthesized, characterized
by SEM and XRD analysis and blended with BDE blend at a fraction of 25 ppm using

Weight/vol. Percentage of nanoparticles in fuel

Diesel fuel employed in the tests was obtained locally from commercial petroleum reserve. The
Jatropha biodiesel was processed and obtained from Jatropha seeds. Jatropha biodiesel is prepared
by a chemical process named transesterification where the glycerin is separated from the Jatropha
oil. As a result, Jatropha oil methyl ester and glycerine is obtained. The basic thermo physical fuel
properties like density, calorific value, viscosity, flash point, cetane number along with carbon
residue content, iodine value, oxidation stability, acid value, sulphur content and sulphated ash
content were measured by standard test proceduresas per ASTM standards. Obtained Jatropha
biodiesel has high cetane number, density, viscosity and flash point and with lower sulphur content
compared to diesel and a comparative analysis of diesel and Jatropha biodiesel were given in Table
1. The ethanol used for the experiments is analysis-grade anhydrous ethanol (99.7% purity). BDE
blend composed of diesel (70% v/v), biodiesel (20% v/v) and ethanol (10% v/v) is subjected to
magnetic stirring for 2 h and ultrasonication for 15 min for avoiding phase separation. BDE + AL
blend was prepared by blending 25 ppm Al2O3 nanoparticle with BDE blend using magnetic stirrer
for 30 min followed by ultrasonication for 10 min. Main property of blending stocks were given in
Table 2 and it is clear that the fuel properties of BDE and BDE + AL were comparable with diesel
fuel and were will within the ASTM
Type of Engine used for inves1ga1on
Agricultural applications and mobile generators use Kirloskar make, single cylinder, air cooled,
direct injection diesel engine. Hence, a stationary diesel powered Kirloskar engine (Model: TAF1
Make: Kirloskar) was employed for experimentation. The specifications of test engine are given in
Table 4. The engine was coupled to eddy current dynamometer with electrical resistance followed
by a dynamometer controller. The concentrations of exhaust emissions (HC, CO2, CO, NOx and
O2) were measured with the help of Five gas analyzer (Model: QRO-402 Make: QROTECH Co
Ltd., Korea). Smoke was measured by a part-flow smoke opacimeter (AVL 437C). A high precision
flow meter was installed to measure the fuel flow every 20 s. A piezoelectric transducer (Model:
7063-A Make: Kistler) was installed for monitoring cylinder pressure which is connected with
charge amplifier (Kistler instruments AG, Switzerland). Schematic of the experimental setup is
shown in Fig. 4. Experiments were conducted in three different injection timings namely, 23 deg
bTDC (standard timing), 19 deg bTDC (retarded injection timing) and 27 deg bTDC (advanced
injection timing). Variation of injection timing was done by altering the shims present in between
the injector and fuel pump. Each shim is added/removed for advancing/retarding 2CA. Removing of
two shims from original timing was used to advance the injection to 27 deg bTDC and addition of
shims used to retard the injection timing by 19 deg bTDC.

Iden1fica1on of the performance in terms of Brake Power, Thermal Efficiency,

Emission characteris1cs

The current experimental work focusses on a novel approach of influence of Al2O3 nanoparticles in
biodiesel (20%)-diesel (70%)- ethanol (10%) blends at various injection strategies. Experiments
were conducted on a single cylinder 4 stroke diesel engine with 23 deg bTDC (standard timing), 19
deg bTDC (retarded timing) and 27 deg bTDC (advanced timing). Based on experimental results,
the following conclusions were drawn
1Advancing the injection timing with Al2O3 addition resulted in higher cylinder pressure and heat
release rate nearer to TDC. Higher combustion duration, lower ignition delay and lowest BSFC
were also observed. Emission wise, Al2O3 addition at ADV IT resulted in higher HC, CO and NOx
with lowered smoke and CO2 emissions.
2. Retarding the injection timing with Al2O3 addition resulted in lowered cylinder pressure and heat
release rate occurs away from TDC. Lower combustion duration, BSFC and higher ignition delay
were also observed. Emission wise, Al2O3 addition at RET IT resulted in lowered HC, CO, CO2,
NOx and smoke emissions with higher EGO. 3. Thus, RET IT with Al2O3 nanoparticle addition
improves the engine performance with significant emission including HC, CO, NOx and CO2.
Thus, optimizing a fuel blend to retarded injection timing with 25 ppm nanoparticle addition helps
in meeting emission norms

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