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The robbers den has changed to the temple of God where people come to the temple humbly to seek

God has given up on the fig tree (Israel), the Kingdom of God is given to the Gentiles.

We are praying to do the will of God.

21:28 The Parable of the Two Sons

Believe in the message of God, repent and serve God

21:33 The Tenants

The tenants are the people that doesn’t bear fruit

22 The parable of the Wedding Feast

The wedding is the wedding of Jesus with His church.

The wedding garment is a transformation to action when we believe in the Gospel – clothed in the
righteousness of God (Pslams-132)

Commandments to the Followers on This Life on Earth 22:15-46

22:15-22 Paying Taxes to Caesar (The Kingdom of God is in the Heaven)
Jesus rebuked the Pharisees as they intend to trap Jesus into admitting that He is the King of the earthly
Kingdom – no tax to pay the Roman Empire as He is King, yet Jesus is wise to their tricks and clarify that
His Kingdom is not on earth, nor is Jesus coming to establish a ruling Kingdom.

22:23-33 Sadducees Ask About the Resurrection (There is a Life After Death / Do Not
Hold on to This World & This Life)
Sadducees who doesn’t believe the resurrection, are asking about the resurrection. What they know is
the Old Testament Law. They hold on to the Pentateuch (5 Books of Moses). Pharisees believe in
resurrection, but Sadducees don’t. They focus on this life, not the next, therefore they live the best in
their life. No life after death, but they are focused in this life

Do not focus on this life, but rather, focus on the life after death, the new world.

22:41-46 Whose Son is the Christ (If Jesus is Christ, Start Follow Him like God)
The Pharisees were afraid as they are familiar with this Psalm quoted by Jesus, what if He is the
22: 42   Psalms 118
f“‘The stone that the builders rejected
has become the cornerstone;
this was the Lord's doing, 4
and it is marvelous in our eyes’?

In OT, the stone that the builders rejected is referring to “Israel” as a small country where this country
has been looked down upon by other nation

In NT, the stone that the builders rejected is referring to Jesus which is used in Matthew, Mark, Luke,

Builders Other Nation Gentiles
The Stone Israel Jesus

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