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Fundamental amplifier configurations

& Elementary R forms

Sedra & Smith Sec. 5.6

(S&S 5th Ed: Sec. 4.7)

ECE 102, Fall 2012, F. Najmabadi

Voltage Amplifier Model

Input Resistance: Ri = vi/ii

Voltage gain: Av = vo/vi with load
Open-loop gain: Avo = vo/vi with no load
Output resistance: Ro (resistance seen between
output terminals with vi= 0 )

vi Ri
vsig Ri + Rsig
vo RL
= Av = Avo ⋅
vi RL + Ro
vo Ri RL
= ⋅ Avo ⋅
vsig Ri + Rsig RL + Ro
F. Najmabadi, ECE102, Fall 2012 (2/23)
MOS Amplifier Configurations

 We are considering only signal circuit here!

 There are only FOUR single-transistor MOS Amplifier

F. Najmabadi, ECE102, Fall 2012 (3/23)

Possible MOS amplifier configurations

Common-Source Common-Gate Common-Drain

Same as Common Gate

Common-Source with Rs (vi does not change) Not Useful
F. Najmabadi, ECE102, Fall 2012 (4/23)
PMOS configurations are the same as NMOS

Common-Source Common-Gate

Since PMOS has the same signal model, configurations and results are exactly the same

F. Najmabadi, ECE102, Fall 2012 (5/23)

Textbook includes RD in its analysis

Small Signal Circuit for a Common Source Amplifier

 Textbook is inconsistent. It
includes RD for common source
and common gate but does not
include RS in common drain.
 Note RD is parallel to RL.

 To avoid confusion, I am using
only one resistor, R’L, which is
the equivalent of all resistors in
the drain circuit (e.g., for the
above circuit, R’L = R L || RD )

F. Najmabadi, ECE102, Fall 2012 (6/23)

Common Source Configuration (Gain)
Signal Circuit:
vo = − g m v gs (ro || RL′ )
Av = = − g m (ro || RL′ )
Avo = − g m ro

Small Signal Circuit Relevant circuit for

with MOS SSM Gain calculation

F. Najmabadi, ECE102, Fall 2012 (7/23) By KCL

Common Source Configuration (Ri)

Small Signal Circuit

with MOS SSM

Relevant circuit for

Ri calculation

ii = 0
Ri = =∞

F. Najmabadi, ECE102, Fall 2012 (8/23)

Common Source Configuration (Ro)

Small Signal Circuit

with MOS SSM

Relevant circuit for

Ro calculation (set vi = 0)

Current source becomes open circuit

Ro = ro

F. Najmabadi, ECE102, Fall 2012 (9/23)

Common Source with Source Resistor

Signal Circuit:

Small Signal Circuit

with MOS SSM

Input Resistance ii = 0 ⇒ Ri = =∞
F. Najmabadi, ECE102, Fall 2012 (10/23)
Common Source with Source Resistor (Gain*)

Relevant circuit for

Gain calculation

Node voltage method:

v gs = vi − vS vo g m ro RL′
Av = =−
Node vS vS vS − vo vi ro + (1 + g m ro ) R S + RL′
+ − g m (vi − vS ) = 0
RS ro g m RL′
vo vo − vS Av ≈ −
Node vo + + g m (vi − vS ) = 0 1 + g m R S + RL′ / ro
RL′ ro
Avo = − g m ro
F. Najmabadi, ECE102, Fall 2012 (11/23) * Text book ignore ro
Common Source with Source Resistor (Ro*)
 set vi = 0
 Attach vx and compute ix
 Ro = vx /ix

Node voltage method:

v gs = −vS
vS vS − v x
Node vS + − g m ( −vS ) = 0
RS ro
vS vx
= 1 i 1
RS ro + (1 + g m ro ) RS ≡ x =
Ro v x ro + (1 + g m ro ) RS
vS vx
ix = =
RS ro + (1 + g m ro ) RS
Ro = ro + (1 + g m ro ) RS

F. Najmabadi, ECE102, Fall 2012 (12/23) * Text book ignore ro

Common Gate Configuration

Signal Circuit:

Small Signal Circuit

with MOS SSM

F. Najmabadi, ECE102, Fall 2012 (13/23)

Common Gate Configuration (Gain*)

Node voltage method:

v gs = −vi
vo 1 + g m ro
vo vo − vi Av = = (ro || RL′ )
Node vo + + g m (−vi ) = 0 vi ro

RL ro
vo 1 + g m ro Av ≈ g m (ro || RL′ )
= vi
ro || RL′ ro Avo ≈ g m ro

F. Najmabadi, ECE102, Fall 2012 (14/23)

Common Gate Configuration (Ri and Ro*)
Input Resistance KVL: vi = (ii +g m v gs )ro + ii RL′
vi (1 + g m ro ) = ii (ro + RL′ )

vi ro + RL′
Ri = =
ii 1 + g m ro
1 R′
Ri ≈ + L
g m g m ro

Output Resistance (set vi = 0)

Current source becomes open circuit

Ro = ro

F. Najmabadi, ECE102, Fall 2012 (15/23) * Text book ignore ro

Common Drain Configuration (Source Follower)

Node voltage method:
v gs = vi − vo
vo vo
Node vo + − g m (vi − vo ) = 0
RL′ ro
g m vi = + g m vo
ro || RL′

g m (ro || RL′ )
Av =
1 + g m (ro || RL′ )
g m ro
Avo = ≈1
1 + g m ro

F. Najmabadi, ECE102, Fall 2012 (16/23)

Common Drain Configuration (Source Follower)
Input Resistance
ii = 0
Ri = =∞

Output Resistance (set vi = 0)

vx v v
ix = − g m v gs = x + x
ro ro 1 / g m

1 1
Ro = || ro ≈
gm gm

F. Najmabadi, ECE102, Fall 2012 (17/23)

MOS Fundamental Amplifier Configurations
(PMOS circuits are identical)
Common Source Common Gate

Av = − g m (ro || RL′ ) Av = g m (ro || RL′ )

Common Source with RS Common Drain/Source Follower

g m RL′ g m (ro || RL′ )

Av = − Av =
1 + g m R S + RL′ / ro 1 + g m (ro || RL′ )
F. Najmabadi, ECE102, Fall 2012 (18/23)
Elementary R Forms

F. Najmabadi, ECE102, Fall 2012 (19/23)

A Transistor can be configured to act as a
resistor for small signals!
Ex: Output resistance of a CS Amplifier


Set vi = 0, current source becomes open circuit
ro is the small-signal resistance
Ro = ro between the point and ground

 If we connect any two terminals of a MOS, we get a two-terminal device.

o For Small Signals, this two terminal device can be replaced with its
Thevenin equivalent circuit.
o As there is NO independent sources present, the Thevenin
equivalent circuit is reduced to a resistor.
F. Najmabadi, ECE102, Fall 2012 (20/23)
A Transistor can be configured to act as a
resistor for small signals!
 But, MOS should be in saturation for small signal model to work!
o Connection between MOS terminals are, therefore, made through ground for
o In fact, one or two MOS terminals have to be connected to bias power supply
to ensure that MOS is in saturation (there is an exception, see next page)

Real Circuit Signal Circuit


B) No Signal circuit
MOS is NOT in saturation

F. Najmabadi, ECE102, Fall 2012 (21/23)

MOS Elementary R Forms
(PMOS circuits are identical)
ro (1 +g m R ) + R
≈ ro (1 +g m R ) ∞

ro +R 1 R
≈ +
1 + g m ro g m g m ro

Output resistance Input resistance Input resistance

of CS Amp with Rs of CG Amp of CS Amp

ro Diode-connected
1 1
|| ro ≈ Transistor
gm gm Always in saturation!

Above configurations are for Small Signal. Typically one or both grounds
are connected to bias voltage sources to ensure that MOS is in saturation!
F. Najmabadi, ECE102, Fall 2012 (22/23)
Gain, input, and output resistances of
MOS amplifiers can be found
fundamental amplifiers configurations
and elementary R forms

F. Najmabadi, ECE102, Fall 2012 (23/23)

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