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Agoo, La Union

Test Standardization Project in the Basic Education



Item Stem Options

(highlight the answer)
1. “Biag ni Lam-ang” and “Sulayman at A Epic
Indarapatra” are examples of a/n B Metrical Romance
______________ ? C Ballad
D Short stories
Publisher: Date: Page:
Item Writer’s Name: John Mark Lachica
Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of: pre-colonial Philippine literature as a means of
connecting to the past;
Performance Standard: The learner transfers learning by: showing appreciation for the literature of the past;
Cognitive Level:
O Remembering O Understanding O Applying O Analyzing O Evaluating O Creating
Item Stem Options
(highlight the answer)
2. . These are used to express lessons in which people A riddles
must learn by heart? B proverbs
C folksong
D folk tales
Publisher: Date: Page:
Item Writer’s Name: John Mark Lachica
Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of: pre-colonial Philippine literature as a means of
connecting to the past;
Performance Standard: The learner transfers learning by: showing appreciation for the literature of the past;
Cognitive Level:
O Remembering O Understanding O Applying O Analyzing O Evaluating O Creating

Item Stem Options

(highlight the answer)
3. Which of the following is defined as a story about A Legend
the past that is considered to be true but is usually a B. epic
combination of both fact and fiction? C myth
D Fairy tale
Publisher: Date: Page:
Item Writer’s Name: John Mark Lachica
Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of: pre-colonial Philippine literature as a means of
connecting to the past;
Performance Standard: The learner transfers learning by: showing appreciation for the literature of the past;
Cognitive Level:
O Remembering O Understanding O Applying O Analyzing O Evaluating O Creating
Item Stem Options
(highlight the answer)
4. These are witty and puzzling questions in which A riddles
answers are mostly objects, animals and fruits in the B proverbs
Philippines. There are usually used for entertainment, C folksong
mental exercises and amusement that would give D folk tales
anyone a peek at the richness of a particular culture.

Publisher: Date: Page:
Item Writer’s Name: John Mark Lachica
Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of: pre-colonial Philippine literature as a means of
connecting to the past;
Performance Standard: The learner transfers learning by: showing appreciation for the literature of the past;
Cognitive Level:
O Remembering O Understanding O Applying O Analyzing O Evaluating O Creating

Item Stem Options

(highlight the answer)
5. Lacay is an Iloko term that addresses an elderly A regionalism
man. This use of regional details in a literary and artistic B. colloquialism
work is called _________________. C Local color
D idiomatic expression
Publisher: Date: Page:
Item Writer’s Name: John Mark Lachica
Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of: pre-colonial Philippine literature as a means of
connecting to the past;
Performance Standard: The learner transfers learning by: showing appreciation for the literature of the past;
Cognitive Level:
O Remembering O Understanding O Applying O Analyzing O Evaluating O Creating
Item Stem Options
(highlight the answer)
6. How My Brother Leon Brought Home a Wife won first A Arguilla framed the story through Baldo’s eyes.
prize in the Commonwealth Literary Contest of 1940 B Arguilla let Maria introduce herself to Leon’s family.
and became Arguilla’s most well-known work. What did C . Arguilla used third person point of view in narrating the
Arguilla use to let the readers observe Maria events
assimilating to her new life with the family of Leon? D Arguilla described Maria through Leon’s statements.
Publisher: Date: Page:
Item Writer’s Name: John Mark Lachica
Content Standard:

Performance Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of: pre-colonial Philippine literature as a means of
connecting to the past;
Cognitive Level: The learner transfers learning by: showing appreciation for the literature of the past;
O Remembering O Understanding O Applying O Analyzing O Evaluating O Creating
Item Stem Options
(highlight the answer)
7. Which of the following parts of the plot A exposition
introduces the conflict which is needed to be B rising action
solved in a literary piece? C climax
D denoument
Publisher: Date: Page:
Item Writer’s Name: John Mark Lachica
Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of: pre-colonial Philippine literature as a means of
connecting to the past;
Performance Standard: The learner transfers learning by: showing appreciation for the literature of the past;
Cognitive Level:
O Remembering O Understanding O Applying O Analyzing O Evaluating O Creating
Item Stem Options
(highlight the answer)
8. “An alcoholic struggling to abstain from liquor” A man vs. man
is an example of what type of conflict?? B. man vs. nature
C man vs. society
D man vs. himself
Publisher: Date: Page:
Item Writer’s Name: John Mark Lachica
Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of: pre-colonial Philippine literature as a means of
connecting to the past;
Performance Standard: The learner transfers learning by: showing appreciation for the literature of the past;
Cognitive Level:
O Remembering O Understanding O Applying O Analyzing O Evaluating O Creating

Item Stem Options

(highlight the answer)
9. “Juan fighting to win the nod and yes of Maria” A man vs. man
is an example of what type of conflict? B man vs nature
C man vs society
D. man vs. himself
Publisher: Date: Page:
Item Writer’s Name: John Mark Lachica
Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of: pre-colonial Philippine literature as a means of
connecting to the past;
Performance Standard: The learner transfers learning by: showing appreciation for the literature of the past;
Cognitive Level:
O Remembering O Understanding O Applying O Analyzing O Evaluating O Creating
Item Stem Options
(highlight the answer)
10. “Surfers waiting for a perfect wave to do an A man vs. man
exhibition” is an example of what type of B. man vs. nature
conflict? C man vs. society
D man vs. himself
Publisher: Date: Page:
Item Writer’s Name: John Mark Lachica
Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of: pre-colonial Philippine literature as a means of
connecting to the past;
Performance Standard: The learner transfers learning by: showing appreciation for the literature of the past;
Cognitive Level:
O Remembering O Understanding O Applying O Analyzing O Evaluating O Creating

Item Stem Options

(highlight the answer)
1. Which is the best order of the sentences to form a A. They encouraged him to sing in class and to join amateur
short paragraph? singing contest.
B. Peter, as a child, lived and studied in Agoo, La Union.
C. His teachers in grade school noted that she could sing
very well
D. When she was teenager, she moved to Manila where his
talent was discovered and he eventually became
known as golden voiced superstar.
Publisher: Date: Page:
Item Writer’s Name: Lailani Viduya
Content Standard:
Performance Standard:
Cognitive Level:
O Remembering O Understanding O Applying O Analyzing O Evaluating O Creating
Item Stem Options
(highlight the answer)
2. Which is the topic sentence in the selection? A Sentence 1
(1)The early Filipinos had songs of great B Sentence 2
variety. (2) Each tribe or group of people has C Sentence 3
their own songs so that many of the folksongs D Sentence 4
are also tribal songs. (3)There are different
types that are either sung or chanted on every
occasion. (4)They are cycle songs, work and
activity songs, ritual and religious songs,
battle songs, love songs and street songs.
(5)These songs make the Philippine literature
Publisher: Date: Page:
Item Writer’s Name: Lailani Viduya
Content Standard:
Performance Standard:
Cognitive Level:
O Remembering O Understanding O Applying O Analyzing O Evaluating O Creating

Item Stem Options

(highlight the answer)
3.What is the main purpose of the writer in writing the A. to entertain
informative text/selection? B. to persuade motivate
D. to inform
Publisher: Date: Page:
Item Writer’s Name: Lailani Viduya
Content Standard:
Performance Standard:
Cognitive Level:
O Remembering O Understanding O Applying O Analyzing O Evaluating O Creating
Item Stem Options
(highlight the answer)
4 – 7 Read the paragraph and answer the questions that A agree with the expressed opinions of others
follow. B be tolerant of the opinions and desires of others
There are many ways in which we can be C avoid arguments
peacemakers. One way is to tolerate the opinions D be tolerant towards quarrels
and desires of others. Many quarrels result from
arguments in which men become angry with the
opinions others express. Many religious wars have
arisen because one party would not tolerate the
belief of others. Every man has a right to his
Quarrels arise because our desires conflict
with those of others. At home two children
sometimes desire the same thing, and neither will
give way to the other. We should be willing to give
in to many of the desires of others. Unselfishness
promotes peace. If all of us are willing to let others
have their fair share of things, and their own place
in games at home and at school, we can live in

______4. One of the many ways to be a peacemaker is

to _______.
Publisher: Date: Page:
Item Writer’s Name: Lailani Viduya
Content Standard:
Performance Standard:
Cognitive Level:
O Remembering O Understanding O Applying O Analyzing O Evaluating O Creating

Item Stem Options

(highlight the answer)
5 Which of the following statements is true? a. be a peacemaker .
b. be unwilling to tolerate other’s beliefs
c. . be tolerant
d. differ from another’s opinion
Publisher: Date: Page:
Item Writer’s Name: Lailani Viduya
Content Standard:
Performance Standard:
Cognitive Level:
O Remembering O Understanding O Applying O Analyzing O Evaluating O Creating
Item Stem Options
(highlight the answer)
_____ 6. According to the author, it is wrong to A be a peacemaker
________. B be unwilling to tolerate other’s beliefs
C be tolerant
D differ from another’s opinion
Publisher: Date: Page:
Item Writer’s Name: Lailani Viduya
Content Standard:
Performance Standard:
Cognitive Level:
O Remembering O Understanding O Applying O Analyzing O Evaluating O Creating

Item Stem Options

(highlight the answer)
7. The best title for this selection is________. a.Arguments
b Religious Wars
c. Keeping the Peace
d. Tolerance: A Sign of Education
Publisher: Date: Page:
Item Writer’s Name: Lailani Viduya
Content Standard:
Performance Standard:
Cognitive Level:
O Remembering O Understanding O Applying O Analyzing O Evaluating O Creating
Item Stem Options
(highlight the answer)
8. Which sentences best support the underlined topic A (A, B, D)
sentence?________. B (B, C, D)
Nature offers great beauty and man has a lot learn from C (A,B, D)
it. D (A, B, C)

A. My friends and I take delight in

observing birds.
B. Bird watching is a hobby that gives much
enjoyment and pleasure.
C. We also love to do picnic in nature parks.
D. My parents got mad at me when we
went to the park.

Publisher: Date: Page:
Item Writer’s Name: Lailani Viduya
Content Standard:
Performance Standard:
Cognitive Level:
O Remembering O Understanding O Applying O Analyzing O Evaluating O Creating
Item Stem Options
(highlight the answer)
a. The same day-by-day acts of some people.
A great many people I know seem to think b. The act of showing unusually great bravery
of courage as showy heroics that have c. The risks some people take to gain recognition.
something to do with taking a chance or d. The admiration one gets from people in the street.
risking one’s life, maybe once or twice in a
lifetime. In some cases these people are right.
To me, though, courage is a smaller,
quieter trait that some people exhibit every
day of their lives. Take my parents, for
instance. When I see how they stick with their
responsibilities steadily, day-by-day, even
when finances and hopes are low and the
going gets tougher and tougher, I think
admiringly, “That’s courage!” When I see the
blind man walking fearlessly down the street,
I think with awe, “That’s courage!” When I
have been really rotten to my little brother
and he still comes up to me and says, “Want
to play ball?” I think with shame, “That’s
Unknown heroes like these brighten the
dark moments of my life as stars brighten the
night sky.

________9. Based on the selection, what courageous

act appeals most to the author?

Publisher: Date: Page:
Item Writer’s Name: Lailani Viduya
Content Standard:
Performance Standard:
Cognitive Level:
O Remembering O Understanding O Applying O Analyzing O Evaluating O Creating
Item Stem Options
(highlight the answer)
_______10. Which is the best paraphrase of the A What appeals to me most are actions of people who are
underlined sentence in the selection? unknown to me.
B Common people who are courageous inspire me
C Courage is like the stars that shine in the night sky
D The dark moments of my life happened during night time.
Publisher: Date: Page:
Item Writer’s Name: Lailani Viduya
Content Standard:
Performance Standard:
Cognitive Level:
O Remembering O Understanding O Applying O Analyzing O Evaluating O Creating
Item Stem Options
(highlight the answer)
1. It refers to the level of language primarily used in a. slang
everyday speech. b. familiar
c. colloquial
d. formal
Publisher: Date: Page:
Item Writer’s Name: Lolita Quero& Mark Gavina
Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of ways of determining word meaning.
Performance Standard: The learner transfers learning by comprehending texts using appropriate reading styles.
Cognitive Level:
O Remembering O Understanding O Applying O Analyzing O Evaluating O Creating
Item Stem Options
(highlight the answer)
2. Which of the following levels of language is a. slang
characterized by intimate relationship as observed in the b. familiar
use of details and personal references in speech. c. colloquial
d. formal
Publisher: Date: Page:
Item Writer’s Name: Lolita Quero & Mark Gavina
Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of ways of determining word meaning
Performance Standard: The learner transfers learning by comprehending texts using appropriate reading styles.
Cognitive Level:
O Remembering O Understanding O Applying O Analyzing O Evaluating O Creating

Item Stem Options

(highlight the answer)
3. What do you call the language which cannot be a. slangs
understood from the meanings of its separate words, B formal
but has a separate meaning of its own? c. colloquial expression
d. idiomatic expression

Publisher: Date: Page:
Item Writer’s Name: Lolita Quero& Mark Gavina
Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of ways of determining word meaning.
Performance Standard: The learner transfers learning by comprehending texts using appropriate reading styles.
Cognitive Level:
O Remembering O Understanding O Applying O Analyzing O Evaluating O Creating
Item Stem Options
(highlight the answer)
4. . Which of the following is an example of a colloquial a. friend
word? b. comrade
c. bro
d. ally
Publisher: Date: Page:
Item Writer’s Name: Lolita Quero & Mark Gavina
Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of ways of determining word meaning
Performance Standard: The learner transfers learning by comprehending texts using appropriate reading styles.
Cognitive Level:
O Remembering O Understanding O Applying O Analyzing O Evaluating O Creating

Item Stem Options

(highlight the answer)
5 I didn’t see the car at first. It came out of nowhere. a. turn out
What is the meaning of the underlined expression? b. end up
c. appear
d. occur
Publisher: Date: Page:
Item Writer’s Name: Lolita Quero & Mark Gavina
Content Standard: The learner demonstrates understanding of ways of determining word meaning.
Performance Standard: The learner transfers learning by comprehending texts using appropriate reading styles.
Cognitive Level:
O Remembering O Understanding O Applying O Analyzing O Evaluating O Creating

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