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Table of Contents
Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 2
Discussion ....................................................................................................................................... 2
Conclusion ...................................................................................................................................... 7
References ....................................................................................................................................... 8


The assignment is based on a patient’s case study who suffered from severe sepsis. It explains

the role of ambulance service dealing this matter in regards to the protocol and procedures

provided. The patient's complex illness and the changes in the pathophysiology along with their

vital signs have been discussed (Dellinger, et al., 2013). The most appropriate treatment and how

patients recover from sepsis will be mentioned within the assignment. Sepsis is life-threatening

and can lead a patient to death if it's not dealt with properly. Sepsis is to be dealt with urgently. It

can lead to patients’ organs failing which is fatal, a medical emergency (Healthline, 2019).


The overview is of a 91-year-old female who lives at home dependent on her career. The patient

has a history of atrial fibrillation and a transient ischemic attack. The patient's carer stated that

the patient started to feel slightly confused, high temperature and not very well coping with her.

The carer has tried to give one gram of paracetamol to help with the patient’s temperature but the

patient was not very responsive. When the crew arrived on the scene, the patient was sitting on

the lounge on their couch. Her vital signs were out of its normal ranges. She had a blood pressure

of 192/101. High blood pressure can cause the patient to have a bleed in the brain which then

leads to stroke (MAYO CLINIC, 2019). Her temperature was 39.1. Her oxygen saturation level

was 91%. Her blood glucose levels were 7.1. Her heart was beating at 111 irregularly with a

respiration rate of 29 breathes per minute (Medline, 2019).

Prior to ambulance arrival, her carers noticed a difficulty in breathing, palpitation together with

chills and weakness. Carers tried to reassure the patient until the ambulance crew arrived. On

arrival, the patient was found sitting up in a chair struggling to breathe. These are signs that the

patient's health is deteriorating, these are signs of an infection inside the body. In a normal

patient, the vital signs for heart rate are 60-100 beats per minute. The respiration rate is between

12-20. The blood pressure is 120/80. The saturation levels are between 96-100%. Normal blood

glucose is between 4-7. A normal temperature is approximately 37.5 (Medline, 2019). Therefore,

this is a clear sign the patient is ill. The paramedics would normally use an assessment tool such

as NEWS 2 (National Early Warning Sign) to assess how much the patient's health is decorating.

This is a common assessment tool used by professionals in the national healthcare service

(RCPLondon, 2019).

If the patients' health is deteriorating, it is the paramedics’ duty to transport them to the hospital

to be seen urgently. The patient was alert but unable to respond in full sentences. The paramedics

completed a Glasgow Coma Scale for the patient. The purpose of this assessment tool is for

paramedics to be able to assess and evaluate the patient’s level of consciousness. The patient was

a GCS of 15. The patient's eyes opened to sound which gave 3 points in eye-opening. The patient

spoke random words which gave 3 points in verbal response. The patient obeys commands

which gave 6 points in motor response (GeelyMedics, 2019). This is not concerning in this case.

Before the patients attempted any procedures, they gained consent from the patient otherwise

acted in the patient’s best interest. The patient lives with husband and they are married.

According to her husband, she is normally spontaneous, however, he’s noticed changes in her

health then decided to call out for help. Her husband was her next of kin who’d make decisions

in her best interest if need be (Dellinger, et al., 2013).

The patient was already on medication, the patient was taking ceftriaxone, which is an anti-

bacterial drug for infections, it stops bacteria from growing (WebMD, 2019). The paramedics

provided the patient with oxygen supplements due to the pathophysiology of the patient. The

patient's body was suffering from an inflammatory response due to the infection. The changes in

the patient's respiratory system lead to a reduced level of oxygen in the patient's tissue, therefore,

additional oxygen supplements are provided to maintain their oxygen levels (National Guideline

Centre (UK), n.d.). In order to find the diagnostic for sepsis, there is a variety of tools

paramedics can use to rule out the infection. Such as the results in an AVPU scale which stands

for Alert, Voice, Pain, and Unresponsive. A change in response can be quite alarming, this

indicates the patient has acutely deteriorated. The National Early Warning Score in comparison

to AVPU gives more depth in knowledge. According to the Royal College of physicians, AVPU

is the not the most effective assessment tool when trying to detect changes in the patients' health

for the reasons that a patient may seem alert, however, may also be massively confused (Bryan

Williams, 2019 ).

ABCDE is an effective approach to assessing sepsis because it provides a full head to toe

assessment with all vital signs included. In regards to the pathophysiology within the patient's

body, inflammation is present inside the patient's body due to foreign particles. Sepsis is a

conceivably perilous condition brought about by the body's reaction to contamination. The body

ordinarily discharges synthetic compounds into the circulatory system to battle a disease. Sepsis

happens when the body's reaction to these synthetic concoctions is out of parity, activating

changes that can harm different organ frameworks (Sun, et al., 2019). Sepsis can advance to

septic stun when certain adjustments in the circulatory framework, the body's cells and how the

body utilizes vitality become progressively anomalous. Septic stun is bound to cause demise than

sepsis is. To be determined to have septic stun following the requirement for a prescription to

keep up circulatory strain more prominent than or equivalent to 65 millimeters of mercury (mm

Hg). Elevated amounts of lactic corrosive in the patient's blood (serum lactate) after it had gotten

sufficient liquid substitution. Having a lot of lactic corrosive in individual blood implies that

patient cells are not utilizing oxygen appropriately (Goonewardene, et al., 2019).

Psychosocial stress is accepted to significantly influence standard wellbeing and has been related

to the beginning and movement of maladies, for example, cardiovascular sickness, immune

system illnesses, and respiratory tract infections. The transaction among stress and the

invulnerable framework is mind-boggling, with various sorts of stressors clarifying shifted

regular and explicit responses. This is relevant to sepsis, as down-guideline of cell or humoral

invulnerability could possibly prompt expanded contamination helplessness, yet up-guideline of

professional provocative cells and cytokines could prompt a condition of uplifted inflammation

(Dellinger, et al., 2013). Current proof shows a connection between psychosocial stress and

perpetual, second rate irritation, which might be in charge of watched pressure ailment

affiliations that are not completely clarified by hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal pivot and

thoughtful sensory system alteration. The pressure sepsis relationship could speak to such a

relationship, with earlier work exhibiting a solid connection between interminable aggravations

and expanded the danger of sepsis (Bryan Williams, 2019 ).

While various examinations have portrayed the course of intense sepsis scenes, few

investigations have evaluated the relationship of pattern apparent worry with future sepsis

scenes. Stress has conceivable connections with transient wellbeing impacts, yet there is

additional proof of its more drawn out term wellbeing impacts. Research describes that youth

physical and sexual maltreatment was related to poor current physical health. In this

investigation which has looked to decide the relationship of saw worry with the short-and long-

haul rate of sepsis occasions in the Reasons for Geographic and Racial Differences in Stroke

(REGARDS) study, one of the country's biggest populace based associates of network abiding

people in the US. Furthermore, in light of the fact that pressure could prompt discouragement,

along these lines bringing about the expanded frequency of sepsis, we additionally looked to

decide whether the nearness of burdensome side effects clarified the relationship among stress

and sepsis (WebMD, 2019).

The anticipation of patients with sepsis is identified with the seriousness or phase of sepsis just

as to the fundamental wellbeing status of the patient. For instance, patients with sepsis and no

continuous indication of organ disappointment at the season of determination have about a 15%-

30% shot of death. Patients with serious sepsis or septic stun have a mortality (death) pace of

about 40%-60%, with the old having the most elevated death rates. Babies and pediatric patients

with sepsis have about a 9%-36% death rate. Examiners have built up a scoring framework

(MEDS score) in view of the patient's indications to appraise guess. There were 750,000

instances of sepsis for every annum broadly, which is proportional to a national frequency pace

of 3 of every 1000 people. The occurrence rate per 1000 dependent on age extended between

5/1000 for 60–64 years old and 26/1000 for people more prominent than 85 years old. The

consequences of this information investigation propose that the general number of instances of

sepsis has expanded quicker than the foreseen populace development. Angus and associates

remarked on a 1.5% expansion in the instances of sepsis per annum, which is identical to

900,000 of every 2010 and 1.10 million out of 2020 (Dellinger, et al., 2013).

The level of instances of serious sepsis ceaselessly expanded consistently, running from 25% in

1993 to 44% in 2003. The age-balanced pace of hospitalization with extreme sepsis additionally

relentlessly expanded yearly by 9% (p < 0.001). Wang and partners broke down information

from the National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey somewhere in the range of 2001

and 2004. There were around 2.3 million instances of suspected extreme sepsis, representing

570,000 yearly. Martin and associates likewise remarked on the yearly increment in the

occurrence of sepsis. This was an audit of release information over a 22-year time frame which

included information on 10 million instances of sepsis (Dellinger, et al., 2013). Mortality

identified with sepsis was up to 140% higher contrasted with yearly gauges of mortality from

different causes. The aftereffects of their audit of information from the National Hospital

Discharge Survey. The normal length of remain for septic patients was 75% longer contrasted

with those hospitalized for different conditions, and septic patients were multiple times bound to

kick the bucket during hospitalization. There were 17% in-clinic deaths among patients treated

for septicemia contrasted with 2% of those treated for different conditions. This was like the 4-

year epidemiological patterns from the 2010 US enumeration, which portrayed a decline in the

general mortality gauge from 22% to 17% more than 4 years (National Guideline Centre (UK),



The paramedics were able to successfully rule out sepsis using the assessment tools provided to

them by the National Health Service such as AVPU, the National Early Warning Score, Glasgow

Coma Scale and the ABCDE approach. Although the patient was GCS 15, she had her husband

alongside her to help make decisions in her best interest due to not being to give appropriate

words. As sepsis is life-threatening illness and needs emergency medical attention, the

paramedics used minimal interruption when dealing with the patient and quickly transported

them to the hospital. Overall, it is vital for paramedics to use the national early warning score to

rule out sepsis. The sooner has been identified the sooner the matter can be treated.

Bryan Williams, 2019 . The National Early Warning Score and the acutely confused patient. Clin
Med, p. 19:261.
Dellinger, R. et al., 2013. Surviving Sepsis Campaign: international guidelines for management
of severe sepsis and septic shock, 2012. Intensive care medicine, pp. 165-228..
GeelyMedics, 2019. GLASGOW COMA SCALE (GCS). [Online]
Available at:
Goonewardene, S., Pietrzak, P. & Albala, D., 2019. Management of TRUS Biopsy Sepsis. In
Basic Urological Management , pp. 29-30.
Healthline, 2019. Sepsis. [Online]
Available at:
Medline, 2019. Vital signs. [Online]
Available at:
National Guideline Centre (UK), n.d. Sepsis: Recognition, Assessment and Early Management.,
s.l.: NICE Guideline, No. 51..
RCPLondon, 2019. Projects. [Online]
Available at:
Sun, Y., Cai, Y. & Zang, Q., 2019. Cardiac autophagy in sepsis. Cells, p. 141.
WebMD, 2019. Ceftriaxone Vial. [Online]
Available at:

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