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New General Aapropritions Unreleased sograpetation for Hook buogetry Asutneres) ranger(s) fran Besson and Gratuity Fard Teal avaiable Appropriations Used topropriations rreleasespropristion Reonal Allocation obligatsontused )—_( cash-sased ) 207 218 ana 25,600) 25,600) pe QrTURE PROG (Un pesos) Conigartonsnces )—_(Cash-boset 9 40,242, 676,000 _3,498,252,009 _34,298,651,000 [APEIOLTURE PROGRAM BY CENTRAL / REGIONAL ALLOCATION, 2018 cash-BASAd ) (in paso) SPECIAL PRovStON(S) Malate te Malciplicies. The mero See lion Sw Made Fare len Om Med Thirty Tree priority projects of miiciplzeats and silocotd based on eal shares fiscal apa, per copstashre, ae sare Tega perormanee neat The Assstance to wunicipalities sell fund projects culdeé out fromthe Local Oeveloprent tnvertnant Prograne of sets at Th neo yea nen et ice rata ats so tng eae Wa Ue covplisne co Deu standards: (ii). local Gridgey (Alt) pateoe mater system projects: (Su) evocation cetar and ‘Bisester Risk eductionrelated equipment; (0) stall water Smpounding projects (el) ran water eateent Toc ities (uly Sonteation ane health Tocca” ond (LA) munichpl grup retbitittion fallsty felease of funds tothe municipalities shail be subject 0 their compliance with the following: (2) DIL seal ot Scot Financial tooreagping! (Si) te reqirorents. ofthe bILG"Leeal” evelopre."Couneli functionality” (iit) Seanane of Public Futonclal. Hanoanent (PFN) systens an adoption ef the corresponding PA inproverent assis? Satin) otoriaed certificstien ‘prapared by tw Waicipel Engineer and iunelgel’ Plaine ad DeveloamentCorainetoe (Me), signed ty the Local Ouet Executive (LE) attesting het of the project nas pa land caership and Ripht-of hey (ROH) problens/issues: (&) the project is mat located in the "No. Build Zone" and hazard prone ares as determined by the tines and eoseences Brena tard tas ard () for voter supply, the water source has been validated by the tunicpol Engineer ang found to be feasible to suis mater" ne “itd “ttt gatas Tor incng or itgting mtr ave et lod 1 Duly acradited civid Society Organizations are encouraged to actively purticipate in he inpenentation by ay of (jyvserving ae cbserver” inthe, precirenent proces” (41) municipal Development CootiT roject nontoring and (44) {Red'poreymonstoring| ond creistion. eltssene are slr0 eeouraged to proviae feedback on te ipleneneion of the projects IMplanentation of this provision shall be subject Co guidelines to be issueé for the purpose 2. Assistance to cities, The amunt of Five Billion Seven Manéred Eighty One Million Wie Minded Fifty Thousand Fesos (@Ectst"5,000) goraprioted herein ot fasiatence te ieier shall be ilocatec to Lals based on eal sharing ad Seoulation and sll be used to fund the construction, rehsallseatian, reper” inrovenent of Pubic open spaces Iplanentetion of ths provision shal be subject to guléeins to be issued for the purpose, 3, condition etching. Grant to Provinces for Road Raper, RehsDLIIEation and Inprovenent, The anunt of Eiphe Billion ‘ho Hundred Twenty Tse Mllson sin, hundred” forty Fave Thvsans esos (B,203,64500%) appropriate herein Tor the Emeeltansl utahing erent, 0 Provinese™ for Sosd Repast. Rehabilitation and Ierovenent. (CHP) stall be Used to Sport provinces nich “are ‘compliant "with DILG+s Senl of Good Funancial Hovsebeeping. and) cvaliaced PW ‘The selé_onount_shall_te-allocoted ss follows: (1) aio shire - 204 (11) percentage share based on Land ares « tow tilt) percentage shire based on unpaved and poor ta bed goved core rons.» 20% (av) sbsorptive capacity base on The portororce sszesonent of the saplenntation of 2007 Ch Projects = 30%: (0) performance on the Achivetent Sniv'covernance Seforn Targets") 10K" and. (vi) conllance nth 2018 Or snission of fund velesse requirenents the boeticiary province shall comply with the following in the anplenntation of this provision (e) Detail Engineering Designs end Program of Marks of CG Projects (©) Local oad vonaganane Aszessnenefepare with Inprovenent Plan ané such other ‘het piseline seeved by the DILE an D8 sirenents 2: my be provided in (e) subassion tothe IM of the PRI Inprovennt. Plan and such other requirements 14 may be provide in the puiselines taued by 091 (4) compliance With the procirenent rules wnder R.A. NO. 988, i¢5 TBR and GPPB guideline (ey ebservince ofthe design, plan, specifications and such other standards ant policies of Nationa Goverment; ané ty certification fssued_ by the province's Local Finance Cnmitte thatthe 2ocal road ainterance bulge tor the seem par eich aii tered pren Vm) of Fst a Fons opera ch ed Po 4. Provision for Potable Woter Sopoly (SALIMNRIG). The amount af One Billion Five Hundred Forty Wine Million Six Hunted Forty Oe Thousand Pesos, "CP, 549-6400) appropriated herein shal be Use exclusively for the SALINTUBIG projets and shell be inplenetss Sxlusively’ nthe Cie idorestied in his Act. thn case shall sad antunt be Used Feease of fund shall be made sirectiy to he Beeticiary Las subject to compince with the followin (2) O16 Sea} of God Financial Honseeeping (&) the requirements of BIL Loc Drvelapaen Couns Functionality Ausssnnt Ce) srsearent of PF Systane and adoption of the correspnking PA inproveent assures and (4 rotatzed certification prepared ty ‘coordinate, and signed by the LCE setestng eh engineer and city/municipl planing and develope 1 The mater source has been vaidated by the city/mmnicipal engineer and ha been found to be: 2, Fesiole for spplying water to the intended benefLlarse and eft SNS or eierngicgton mores te ben ected inh sg 0 a he me 2, Te site of the project has mo land cmership and AO probens/isues: an (e) groject_ inlenentation schesule, sncluding procurement timelines, prepares by the cty/manicips engineer and approved by the (CE uly accredited civil Society Organizations are encouraged to actively pareLipate 9 the inplonentation by way of: (a) ssf Se oserver in the” procurenre racees (Li) unilpal Oeelopent Conell project monitoring: m8 (3) GRld'poreyauntaring and evelustion. elvizene are also ercaurged fo provide feeoack on the hrgleentan of te projects ‘he snplenntatin of this provision shalL te mbjact to the guidelines co be issued by the OIL. ther Financial Assistance to Local Goverrmene Units, The aneun of Seven Billion Thirty Willion Tho Hundred Eighty ‘wo thousand Pesce (P,00;288/000)"spprapanted nerein under ter Finaetal Aosistance to Ls shall be uste for ‘one assestce 1 Labs to soporte follwing priority prograns and projects of Ls (a) testatance to ina rt patients either conned or eutpattent (Including pratessiona fees) and purchase of ) taststance_ to. indigent individuel or fonlies sn any of the follonng forns: (2) medical ‘ranportation fin) foo tesstone! (0) eaoh for morc ond vl) educations) ssistance! G69 burial: Lu (eo Purcase of mint dure trucks: (1 Purchase of mlteabs: (e canstrction, conereting, resbilitacion, repair of snprovenent of ary ofthe folloning: (2) local cous and/or vetgees Ti) pelle. market; Nay slaghternases (hv) mleipurpoce buildings /nolls; (0) multi-purpose pvermts CeeSfaunage Cons; Uwoid ste wall/iver wally (esi) water spstn projects including Level 1/stnd aloe wer fence NE sentient "Zenetse (a) phic purka! (Ad) fh portst snd (asi) post-harvest aCLities corpored of ce lane tod coud storage facilites: Sn (Purchase and instellaton of barangy strettighing, Distursenent_ené utilization by the LGUs shall be subject t the pertinent provisions of R.A No. 818, applicable saccoutings oigeing on baditing flee sn regulation, and such ther uldeies tsued for the purse leased ting che lstal_yenr tobe gepested in 2 erst fund até shall be Purpose spcitied tne becnber 31, 200, Acar the end of ality peri, an urease sppropritions sll lapse, whe undisbrsed fonds shall vee tthe arspropatedsuplas ot te Gnera rnd in accréone mith Section 26, Chapter &y Book VE OF 60. Re. 282 irect Release. of Funds ChergeabteAgpnst the Local Goverment Suppere Fund. Tne LG shal subse qurcery reports Gn the uesleation of the Lg) stare, through the Tolling (a) Local Goverment tits Maparting Sten (WOES) or other electrante means for repures nat covered by the LOS () Lats website ‘he LG shall sand weittennutice shen ssid reports Nave bean stmiteed of posted on its website to the OBL, House of Roreeecsties, “Sete af "the “Philippines. House Comittee an Aporepraciens, senate Comittee o Finance, Stor eteer mre he ssion hot eee ie eating ms ules dregs, The eof New topropriatons, by Purpose ( Casheesed ) ng enti Persone Sperating capital orz00e0085000 aLloction to Local Bade er cqnodoanco2009 Assistance to Mneipalities 74,133,000 44020400005009. Conditional agening Grant fev Provinces for Ros Rept, Rehabilitation Sa nprovenent 223,645,009 423,645,000 aac20400007000. Provision of Potable Water ply coatusig) 159,641,000 1 59,641,000 ototooot0ed0 oxter Financia assistance 12 Local Government Ones 27,030,242,000 otigations, by object of Expenditures peed) Cash asad ) stntnance and other operating Expenses Traveling Expenses 21782 {rating td Sera omnes we Fears and asintenance aH Fiance Resiscine Sines 420,876 39,908,828 36,299,681 bene taineeance and Operating _Sxpenses i ‘einige nihicaten Gere 2 TOTAL AMIATEUNCE AO OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES suze nos. 0 Tora. sonar __ ua. _ 34.29.68

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