Math002 Reviewer

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The public key is available for others to use when

MATH 002 REVIEWER (Midterms) encrypting information that will be sent to an individual.
People can use that individual's public key to decrypt
Cryptography is a method of protecting information information sent by him.
and communications through the use of codes so that
only those for whom the information is intended can The private key, on the other hand, is accessible only to
read and process the individual. The individual can use his private key to
decrypt any message encrypted with his public key.
In cryptography, a cipher (or cypher) is an algorithm for Or he can use his private key to encrypt messages, so
performing encryption or decryption—a series of well- that the messages can only be decrypted with his
defined steps that can be followed as a procedure. corresponding public key.
When using a cipher the original information is known
ASCII - American Standard Code for Information
as plaintext, and the encrypted form as ciphertext.
Interchange; is a character set which uses just 8 bits (1
byte) for each character. These characters are letters,
Encryption (to encrypt or encipher) is the process of
punctuations, graphics symbols,
using an algorithm to transform information into a
mathematical symbols, etc.
format that cannot be read.
Modular arithmetic - is the mathematical statement
Decryption (to decrypt, decode or decipher) is the
a ≡ b (mod n) which means that the difference a – b is
process of using another algorithm to transform
divisible by the integer n. (think b as a remainder)
encrypted information back into a readable format.
Example: 23 ≡ b (mod 12)
The goal of Cryptography:
Answer: b = 11 since, 23 = (12)(1) + 11
54 ≡ b (mod 19)
The sender (let us call her Alice) and receiver (let us call
Answer: b = 16 since, 54 = (19)(2) + 16
him Bob) can be assured that no third party can read
the message.
Modular arithmetic properties:
a ≡ a (mod n) Example:
23 ≡ 23 (mod 12)
Alice and Bob can be sure that no third party can make
changes in the message.
If a ≡ b (mod n), Example:
AUTHENTICITY then b ≡ a (mod n) If 23 ≡ 11 (mod 12)
Bob can be sure that it is Alice who sent the message. then 11 ≡ 23 (mod 12)

NON-REPUDIATION (non-deniable) If a ≡ b (mod n) Example:

Bob can prove to any third party that Alice sent the and b ≡ c (mod n), 35 ≡ 11 (mod 12)
message. then a ≡ c (mod n) 11 ≡ 23 (mod 12)
35 ≡ 23(mod 12)
Substitution Ciphers - are monoalphabetic cipher
systems wherein there is a one to one correspondence. Note: There can be more Example:
Example of this is the Caesar’s Cipher. than one solution for 23 ≡ b (mod 12)
a ≡ b (mod n). b = { …, 11, 23, 35, 47,…}
Symmetric encryption- only one key (public key) is used Since, a - b = nt for some
to encrypt and decrypt a message. integer t
Example is the Vigenere Cipher. 23 - 11 = 12(1)
23 -23 = 12(0)
Asymmetric encryption - two keys are used, public key 23 - 35 = 12(-1)
for encryption, and private key for decryption. Example 23 - 47 = 12(-2)
of this is the RSA cipher system.
Population - is the set of all possible values of the A box and whisker plot is a five-point summary of a set
variable; it refers to the entire group being studied. of data measured on an interval scale. It is often used in
explanatory data analysis.
Sample – is a subset of the population.

Sampling– the process in which information obtained is

only a part of the population.

Parameter – is a value calculated using the data from

the population. Example: population mean µ. Z-score - also called standard score, is the signed
fractional number of standard deviations by which the
Statistic – is a value calculated using the data from the value of an observation or data point is above
sample. Example: sample mean x̄ the mean value of what is being observed or measured.
If the population mean and population standard
Sampling bias – a sampling method is bias if not all deviation are known, the standard score of a raw
members of the population has equal likelihood of score x is calculated as
being in the sample

Variable – is a characteristic observed or measured on

every unit of the universe.

Quantitative variable – provide information in which a

where: μ is the mean of the population.
count or quantity is most important (e.g. weight, height,
systolic blood pressure) σ is the standard deviation of the population.
The absolute value of z represents the distance
Qualitative variable – yield observations by which between the raw score and the population mean in
individuals can be categorized according to some units of the standard deviation. z is negative when the
characteristic or quality. (e.g., gender, marital status raw score is below the mean, positive when above.
and blood type)

Arithmetic mean or simply the mean –is a sum of a set

of measurements divided by number of measurements
in the set.

Median is the middle value of a set of observations

arranged in increasing or decreasing order of
magnitude. It is the middle value when the number of
observations is odd, or the arithmetic mean of the two
middle values when the number of observations is
even. It is the value that has half of the observations
above it and half the observations below it. It is also
the value unaffected by outliers or extreme values.

Mode is the value that appears the most number of

times or that value with the greatest frequency. The
mode may not exist, and even if it does exist it may not
be unique.
Answer the following: b) What is the child’s percentile rank (corresponding
(Answers to these problems are provided in the last percentage on the z-table, plus 50%)?
12. The average IQ of students in a particular class is
1. Solve for x: 110, with a standard deviation of 5. The distribution is
a) 19 ≡ x (mod 7) roughly bell-shaped.
b) x ≡ 41 (mod 13) a) Find the IQ that correspond to z = 2.5.
c) 15 ≡ x (mod 23) b) What percentage of students with an IQ above
d) 50 ≡ x (mod 9) the z = 2.5?

2. Convert the hexadecimal number F6 to binary. 13. An environmentalist collects a liter of water from 45
3. What is the hexadecimal representation of 11010? different locations along the banks of a stream. He
4. Convert the decimal number 29 to hexadecimal. measures the amount of dissolved oxygen in each
5. Convert the hexadecimal number 5B to decimal. specimen. The mean oxygen level is 4.62 mg, with the
overall standard deviation of 0.92. A water purifying
6. Identify the population and the sample: company claims that the mean level of oxygen in the
a) A survey of 1353 American households found that water is 5 mg. You conducted a hypothesis test with
18% of the households own a computer. alpha=0.01 to determine whether the mean oxygen
b) A recent survey of 2625 elementary school level is less than 5 mg. The result is as follows: t-test
children found that 28% of the children could be statistic = -2.7708; the one-tailed t-test critical value is
classified obese. -2.4141. The correct conclusion _________.

7. Determine whether the numerical value is a A. is to reject Ho; there is evidence that the true
parameter or a statistic: mean amount is less than 5 mg.
a) A recent survey by the alumni of a major B. is not to reject Ho, there is no significant
university indicated that the average salary of 10,000 of difference between the hypothesized mean 5
its 300,000 graduates was 125,000. mg and the sample mean 4.62 mg.
b) The average salary of all assembly-line employees C. cannot be determined.
at a certain car manufacturer is $33,000.
14. If skills in Math is correlated to aptitude in Science,
8. Identify whether the statement describes inferential what is the predicted correlation between these two
statistics or descriptive statistics: variables?
a) The average age of the students in a statistics A. 1 B. -1
class is 21 years. C. 0 D. Impossible to say for sure
b) The chances of winning the California Lottery are
one chance in twenty-two million.
15. Use the prime numbers p=9 and q=7 (so that
9. Determine whether the data are qualitative or n=pq=63) in creating an RSA cryptosystem with public
quantitative: key (n,e) with e=5.
a) the colors of automobiles on a used car lot
b) the ages of a sample of 350 employees of a large a. If A = 00, B = 01, … Z = 25, encrypt the message
hospital “KEY” using the encryption key (n, e) = (63, 5).
Encryption equation: C = Pe mod n
10. Given the following set of grades:
78 81 83 83 83 85 85 92 b. Using the private key (n, d) = (63, 29) decrypt the
a) Compute for the mean. cipher packet you came up with in (a).
b) What is the median? Decryption equation: P = Cd mod n
c) What is the mode?

11. A fifth grader takes a standardized achievement

test (mean = 125, standard deviation = 15) and scores a
a) Calculate the corresponding z-value his score.

1. a) x = 5
b) x = 2
c) x = 15
d) x = 5

2. F6 = 1111 0110
3. 11010 = 1A
4. 29 = 1D
5. 5B = 91

6. a) population: all American households

sample: 1353 American households
c) population: all elementary school children
sample: 2625 elementary school children

7. a) statistic
b) parameter

8. a) descriptive
b) descriptive

9. a) qualitative
b) quantitative

10. a) 83.75
b) 84
c) 85

11. a) z = 1.533
b) 93.7%

12. a) 122.5
b) 0.62%

13. A. reject Ho; there is evidence that the true mean

amount is less than 5 mg. (because t-test is within
critical region.)

14. A. 1 (perfect positive correlation)

15. a. C = {18 16 54}

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