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Increasing the width of the spool when using

ALV List
By Aafaque Husain, YASH Technologies

Whenever an ALV report (with more number of columns) is scheduled in background, the output
will be displayed in a zigzag fashion as shown below:

If we try to download the output from the spool or try to view the output, then we observe that
the output is not in an appropriate fashion.

To get the right format of output in the spool we generally increase the “no. of columns field” in
the Format types”. Have a look at the following screenshot:

Sometimes even when we change this field, we get the output truncated at the end, like last few
columns are not displayed. There is certain limitation for this field, so that even if increase this
value again, we find no change in the output display in spool.
This value is effective only when we check the check box “Number of columns from list display
format” in the SPAD transaction.

Ø GO to SPAD Transaction code

Ø In the menu Settings -> Spool System as shown below…

Ø In the others tab check the first check box in the Output Controller block, SAVE and exit.

Now Schedule the ALV report again by providing the output device and format, and then we get
the full output in the spool as shown below:

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