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Introduction to Speech Communication

Syllabus Sections




· You are required to successfully complete two graded oral presentations.

· Your instructor may require more than two oral presentations.

· Present an oral presentation from two of the following three areas:

1. Interpersonal Communication– e.g., employment interview, listening skills

demonstration, positive communication climate demonstration

2. Public Speaking– e.g., speech to inform, speech to persuade

3. Small Group Discussion– e.g., task groups, learning groups, or problem-solving groups


· You are required to successfully complete two written and/or oral exams

· Your instructor may require more than two exams

Credit Options

· You are required to successfully complete any other projects as assigned

· Your instructor may require assignments such as:

1. Speech preparation assignments

2. Analysis of written, videotaped, and live speaking performances

3. Written self-assessments of own & other students’ performances

4. Analysis of communication concepts in film or television programming

5. Participation during in-class activities

6. Papers or journal entries

7. Group assignments

8. Instructor’s choice


Detailed Description:4

These exams will be administered in the classroom and must be taken on the scheduled date. The exams
cannot be given prior to the scheduled exam time.

Exam #1 Chapters 1-3, 5, Culture Handout

Exam #2 Chapters 4, 6, 11-12, 14

Exam #3 Chapters 7-10; plus cumulative questions

Speeches and Assignments:

Speech #1: Self-Introduction

The first speech is a self-introduction speech. The main purpose of this speech is to give you an opportunity to
speak in front of a group. You should demonstrate evidence of planning and preparation; and develop a
clearly identifiable thesis, introduction, body, and conclusion.

Time Requirement: 3-4 minutes

Point Value: CR/-15 points

Speech #2: Persuasive

The second speech is a speech to persuade. A persuasive speech seeks to influence a particular audience to
change their beliefs, attitudes, values, and/or behaviors (we will focus on behavior). For Speech #3 you should
demonstrate evidence of forming and developing an argument; research; development of a clear thesis,
purpose, introduction, body, and conclusion; and analysis/adaptation to a particular audience.

Time Requirement: 5-7 minutes

Speech #2 Outline:speaking outline, with source citation

Research: research assignment

References: sources listed according to APA publication style (min. of 4)

Point Value: speech = 100 points; research = 10 points

Speech #3: Interpersonal/Small Group Issue – Group Presentation

The purpose of Speech #3 is to raise awareness of an interpersonal or small group issue. You should
demonstrate evidence of research (min. of 4 in APA format), argument development, problem-solving, and an
understanding of ethics and diversity.

Time Requirement: 12-15 minutes

Speech #3 Outline: speaking outline, with source citation

Research: research assignment

References: sources listed according to APA publication style (min. of 4)

Point Value: presentation = 100 points; research = 10 points

Final Reflection

This analysis paper provides an opportunity for each of you to examine what you’ve learned over the course of
the summer, and what that means for you as a communicator.


There may be quiz questions, minute exercises, in-class activities, mini-presentations, etc. that will allow us to
creatively examine course issues, teach each other course material, and get practical experience in using
appropriate and effective communication. These will all add up to the total of 60 points for your
attendance/participation. If you are absent for more than 20% of class, you may not pass the course.


Required Text

Adler, R. B., Rodman, G., & Hutchinson, C. C. (2011). Understanding human communication (11th ed.).
New York: Oxford University Press.


SPCH 1311: Introduction to Speech Communication

Course Schedule

Week Date Topic Assignment Due

1 S 1/21 Syllabus/Introduction of Speech 1 Expectations

2 S 1/28 Speech 1 Self-Intro Speech

3 S 2/5 Human Communication Ch. 1

The Changing World of Communication Ch. 2

4 S 2/11 Interpersonal and Organizational Culture Handout & Ch. 3

5 S 2/18 Listening Ch. 5

Exam 1 Exam 1

6 S 2/25 Preparing Speeches Ch. 11

Supporting and Organizing Your Speech Ch. 12

7 S 3/3 Persuasive Speaking Ch. 14

Discuss Speech 2 & Research Assignment Handout

8 S 3/10 Research Day Research Due

9 S 3/24 Speech 2 Persuasive Speech

10 S 3/31 Verbal & Nonverbal Communication Chs. 4 & 6

11 S 4/7 Exam 2 Exam 2

12 S 4/14 Discuss Speech 3 & Research Assignment Handout

Understanding Interpersonal Relationships Ch. 7

Improving Interpersonal Relationships Ch. 8

13 S 4/21 Communicating in Groups Ch. 9

Solving Group Problems Ch. 10

14 S 4/28 Speech 3 Workshop Research Due

15 S 5/5 Speech 3 Group Speech

16 S 5/12 Exam 3 Exam 3

Final Reflection Essays Reflections Due

***Schedule is subject to change at Instructor’s discretion***


Course Description

Introduction to Speech Communication explores the theories and practice of speech communication behavior
to promote communication competence in interpersonal, small group, and public speaking situations. The
course also examines the influence of communication technologies on human interaction. Skills:


· To understand the communication process and characteristics of competence

· Demonstrate an understanding of the role of perception in communication

· Recognize the power of language and adapt verbal messages appropriately

· Evaluate listening habits and practice effective listening skills

· Send and interpret nonverbal messages with accuracy and effectiveness

· Understand the role of communication in interpersonal relationships

· Recognize own conflict style & demonstrate effective conflict management

· Contribute to effective group problem-solving and practice role flexibility

· Use effective delivery style in informal or formal public speaking situations

· Recognize the need to self-monitor personal communication competence

· Develop skill in selecting and using a variety of communication strategies and responses based on
situational context, goals, and human needs

· To foster a better understanding of cultural and ethnic diversity

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