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Thesis/Dissertation Style/Format

1. Monograph-style thesis/dissertation, traditional style thesis/dissertation

2. Journal-format (following format of certain journals)
3. Article-style, article-based, manuscript-based, multiple-project, multiple-manuscript ,
dissertation by publication, compilation thesis/dissertation, article theses/dissertations [For
SLU: Program-based]

"The U.S. model trains the candidate in exactly the type of writing that journals do not want.
Dissertation committees take a very inclusive approach, asking students to explain everything. In
contrast, scholarly articles are very exclusive, excluding everything that isn't germane to the core
topic. Some institutions are turning away from this traditional model, allowing students to write
several publishable articles that they then tie together with an overarching introduction and
- Gary VandenBos, PhD, APA's publisher

"The entire organization and thrust of the manuscript must be reconceptualized."

- Robert Pollard Jr., PhD, University of Rochester Medical Center,

"I believe that the ultimate goal of publishing should be kept in mind so that the transformation
from a dissertation format to a publishable piece is not a huge rewrite but a modest revision."
- Steven Yantis, PhD, director of graduate studies in Johns Hopkins University's
department of psychological and brain sciences

“It's OK to pitch the idea of a short, pithy dissertation to your committee.”

- Steve Lindsay, PhD, University of Victoria, editor of the Journal of Experimental
Psychology: General.

Program-based dissertation format:

Chapter 1 - Introduction and literature review

Chapter 2 - Manuscript # 1
Chapter 3 - Manuscript # 2
Chapter 4 - Manuscript # 3
Chapter 5 - Conclusion


Chapter 1 - Introduction
Chapter 2 - Critical literature review (journal quality)
Chapter 3 - Manuscript # 1
Chapter 4 - Manuscript # 2
Chapter 5 - Conclusion


Multi-modal type

Collection of 2-3 projects with scope similar to the journal article dissertations except that part of the
research is presented in a mode other than expository text, such as video, computer programming
language, audio, 3-D physical objects, development of a new instructional or research computer
software; development of video/pod-cast teaching materials; research using public video records (e.g.
You Tube) as data and analyzing results via text and video; research that includes mapping and/or 3-
D modeling of data, etc.

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