High Concept Scorecard WD

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Test your Story Idea

The best way to ensure you have a long, successful screenwriting career is
to create High Concept scripts.

What is High Concept?

High Concept = Money for Producers and Studios

It is NOT:
 A high budget film
 A studio tent pole film
 A character driven story

It MUST contain all the following:

 Unique and original premise that is fascinating!
 Appeals to a wide audience
 Men, women, teens, old, young
 Can be explained/pitched in one sentence
 LIAR LIAR: A lawyer who lies for a living is forced to tell the truth for a day.
 Can instantly visualize the entire movie
 THE GREY: After a plane crash in the wilds of Alaska, a pack of wolves hunt the
survivors down one by one.
 Obvious box-office potential
 Both domestic and international sales
 The perfect title
Has Universal Theme:
 Love
 Greed
 Vengeance
 Hope
 Family
 Coming of age
 Confinement
 Escape
 Death

Has Creative Twist:

High Concept turns that something or someone on its head or gives it a creative twist (the
same, but different).
 Make something or someone unique that has never been done before.
 Contains an element of the unexpected.

How to Push Your Low Concept Idea to a High Concept Idea:

 Keep asking “what if…?” Take the characters and the events and keep asking, “What
if..?” until you have successfully twisted them into something original.
 Opposites: Take two characters who would normally never be together and put them
 Fascination: Work with a concept that fascinates you. Your interest will elevate the
 Brainstorm ways to make your original premise more unique

Contains a Known Quantity:

 Someone recognizable
 Something recognizable (example: ABRAHAM LINCOLN: VAMPIRE HUNTER)

Bonus Pitching Tip: When you pitch, always have at least two or three other High Concept
ideas, even if you haven’t written them yet. Producers, agents and managers that can plainly
see you have a handle on High Concept will have faith in your ability to keep creating High
Concept specs that can sell.
Still need help identifying if your story idea is High Concept enough?

Sign up for Screenwriters University Online Course


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