Pagepack™ Center 1.4: User Guide

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PagePack™ Center 1.4

User Guide
© 2011 Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.

XEROX®, XEROX and Design®, and PagePack™ are trademarks or trademarks of Xerox Corporation in the US and/or other

Document Version: 1.4 (February 2011).

Table of Contents
1  System Requirements ................................................................................ 1 
2  Getting Started ............................................................................................. 2 
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................. 2 
Additional Fleet Management Tools ............................................................................................ 3 
Navigation ................................................................................................................................................ 4 
3  Printers ............................................................................................................. 9 
Printers Tab .............................................................................................................................................. 9 
Printer Details .......................................................................................................................................... 9 
Actions..................................................................................................................................................... 22 
4  View Supply Orders .................................................................................. 26 
View Supply Orders Tab ................................................................................................................... 26 
Supply Orders Details........................................................................................................................ 27 
Update Orders and Service Requests......................................................................................... 28 
5  View Service Requests ............................................................................. 29 
View Service Requests Tab ............................................................................................................. 29 
Service Requests Details .................................................................................................................. 30 
Update Orders and Service Requests......................................................................................... 31 
6  Index .............................................................................................................. 33 

PagePack Center User Guide Xerox Confidential iii

1 System Requirements
Before you can start using the application the following requirements must be met.
• Internet connection: Required
• Browser: Internet Explorer 7 or Internet Explorer 8
• Minimum resolution: 1024x768

PagePack Center User Guide Xerox Confidential 1

2 Getting Started

This application supplies basic fleet management information. It allows you to access detailed
information about the printers you manage as well as remotely resolve printer issues.

Use the links in the header to do the following.

• Account: Visible to users who manage multiple accounts. This field identifies the
account whose portal you are accessing. To select a different account click . The
Change Account pop-up window will open, allowing you to search for and select a
different account whose portal you would like to access.
• Home: Click to return to the home page.
• Settings: This is a configurable option and may not be available. If visible, click
Settings to select the notifications to which you wish to subscribe. The notifications
are for service request and supply order updates. If configured, external links to other
applications may appear here for convenient access. Depending on your account
configuration, links to device management applications may be available for
• Help: Opens help for the application in a separate window.
• Sign Out: Click to log out of the application.

PagePack Center User Guide Xerox Confidential 2

PagePack™ Center 1.4 Getting Started

On the home page use the tabs at the top to navigate within the application. These tabs are
always available within the application for ease navigation:
• Printers
• View Supply Orders
• View Service Requests

In addition to the tabs, there are links in the body of the page that will take you to the same
parts of the application. The Supply Orders and Service Requests links in the body of the home
page also allow you to launch new incidents. There are also links to the following fleet
management tools:
• Reports
• Customer Links
• Contracts Administration
• External Links

Additional Fleet Management Tools

PagePack™ Center provides a centralized landing page to direct you to a number of Xerox and
third party websites that will help you manage your printer fleet.

View My Reports

Follow this link to the My Reports page. From here you may view reports, export them in a
variety of formats, and, where applicable, change their parameters.

There is also a View My Reports button on the top right of the page that will take you to XRM
to see your reports.

Customer Links

This section provides links to order supplies, make service requests, or enter meter reads.

Contracts Administration

Follow this link to create new and manage existing contracts. A new window opens and you
will need to enter your login credentials for Service Contract Ordering Tool (SCOT). This option
is not available with all accounts. For help with SCOT contact your PagePack™ team

PagePack Center User Guide Xerox Confidential 3

Getting Started PagePack™ Center 1.4

External Links

If enabled by an administrator there may be an additional, custom section of external links.

Paging Controls
Display Settings

Pages that contain lists of reports or other items include controls for paging through the list
and adjusting display settings.

Click to jump to the beginning or end of a list.

Move forward or backward through each page in the list.

Enter a page number to jump to a specific page.

Click to refresh the table content.

Enter the number of rows to display on each page.

Click to expand and collapse the groups in the table.

Other Controls

Depending on the action you are performing, you may also see these paging controls:

Next> - to proceed to the next page in a sequence of pages.

< Back - to return to the previous page in a sequence of pages.

Apply - to accept the changes on the current page or sequence of pages.

Close - to leave the current window and return to the launch page.

Reset or Cancel - to reset any changes on the current page and return to the previous page.

OK - to confirm that the information from the current page or sequence of pages has been
submitted to the application.

4 Xerox Confidential PagePack Center User Guide

PagePack™ Center 1.4 Getting Started

Grid Preferences
The content and appearance of the grid may use system defaults or may be customized. To
change the grid, hover over the column headers to see the available options for the grid in
general and that column in particular. Depending on where you are in the application, you
may have the following options.
• Sorting
• Columns
• Grouping
• Searching


Columns may be sorted in ascending or descending order. To sort a column:

1. Hover your mouse over the column by which you want to sort.
2. Click the down arrow to expand the grid and column options.
3. Click either Sort Ascending or Sort Descending.


You may elect to use the defaults set by the Operations Center or to choose your own. To
change which columns appear on the grid:
1. In the column headers, click the down arrow to expand the grid and column options.
2. Hover over the arrow next to Columns.
3. In the drop menu, check the columns you wish to show in the grid and uncheck the
columns you wish to hide.

PagePack Center User Guide Xerox Confidential 5

Getting Started PagePack™ Center 1.4


Grouping functionality allows you to arrange the grid by column content. You may set
grouping in a couple of ways.
1. In a column header, click the down arrow to expand the grid and column options.
2. Click one of the following options:
ƒ Group By This Field: Allows you to change the column by which the grid content is
ƒ Show in Groups: The grid will group content by the column in which you set the
3. To remove grouping from a grid, click on any column header and uncheck Show in


Searching in the grid is available above the table using the Find field and within certain
columns as well.

To search from the Find field:

1. Enter a text string in the Find field.
2. You can specify which columns to search by choosing a column from the drop-down
3. Click Go.

To clear the search results, click Clear Filter.

Filters allow to you to refine what information displays in a grid. The filter criteria vary by
screen. Your settings will be retained across sessions.

Printer Filters
• Scope
• Newly Discovered Devices, if enabled
Note: Newly discovered devices will be listed in italics.
• Printer Status

6 Xerox Confidential PagePack Center User Guide

PagePack™ Center 1.4 Getting Started

• Responsibility for Action, if enabled

• Customer
• Incident, if enabled

View Supply Orders and View Service Requests Filters

• Status
• Responsibility for Action, if enabled
• By Customer

Set Filters

Decide the criteria by which you want to filter a list. Choose these options in the left pane and
click Apply.

To clear filters click Reset.

PagePack Center User Guide Xerox Confidential 7

Getting Started PagePack™ Center 1.4

Switch Operations Center or Account

This feature enables those with permission to switch their current operations center and
account. It is only available to those users who manage multiple accounts.
1. In the header, click the change account icon.

2. To change the Operation Center, select the Operation Center you want from the drop
down list.
3. To change the Account, click the radio button for the Account that you want.
4. Click Save to keep changes and return to the application.

8 Xerox Confidential PagePack Center User Guide

3 Printers

Printers Tab
This page displays a list of printers. You can customize which printers display in the list and
how they are displayed by using the filter, find, grouping, and sorting options. The list provides
information about printer identification, status, and impressions. Click on a device to see
extensive details about the data presented in list form here.

From the Actions menu you may:

• Set Scope
• Get Printer Status
• Reset Printer
• Print Test Page
• Update Location
• Order Supplies
• View Meters
• Request Service

These actions are described in greater detail in the following sections.

Note: The available actions and displayed data depend upon how the printer and account are

Printer Details
The Printer Details tabs include all of the information available in the list view and more. In the
details view, the device information is organized into tabbed sub-topics and divided into
sections of related information. There is additional data presented for each sub-topic that is
not captured on the list view.

PagePack Center User Guide Xerox Confidential 9

Printers PagePack™ Center 1.4

Actions and Links

The same actions and tabs links are available in the Printer Details screen as are available from
the Action menu of the Printer tab.

Note: The available actions and displayed data depend upon how the printer and account are
configured, as well as the role of the user.

Note: The actions under remote commands and the Remote Diagnostics tab are only available
if the device manager allows remote management.
• Set Scope
• Get Printer Status
• Reset Printer
• Print Test Page
• Update Location
• Order Supplies
• View Meters for this Printer
• Request Service for this Printer


The printer properties window contains the following tabs:

• Status
• Consumables
• Information
• Usage Counter
• Features
• Remote Diagnostics
• Incidents

10 Xerox Confidential PagePack Center User Guide

PagePack™ Center 1.4 Printers

The Status tab provides information about the device’s functional status. It contains the
following sections:
• Identity
• Threshold Supply Control
• Printer Status
• Front Panel/Console Message
• Usage Overview
• Alert Details

Feature Description

Model The name of the printer

Serial Number Unique identity assigned by the manufacturer of the printer

PagePack Center User Guide Xerox Confidential 11

Printers PagePack™ Center 1.4

Feature Description

Printer Location The physical location of the printer

System Name Typically used to expose a friendly name for the printer

IP Address Either the IPv4 or IPv6 network address depending upon which is used by
the printer

In Scope If yes, the printer has an invoiced meter. If no, the printer meter is out of

Program Identifies any applicable pricing plans for services and supplies (e.g.
PagePack NX, or PagePack FM).

Threshold Supply Control

Feature Description

Supply Hold Shows the XSM supplies status for the device if it has reached its threshold-
for supply control functionality.

Hold Reason Displays the reason why the device has a supply hold status in XSM.

Meter Read Status Displays the meter read status from XSM.

Notifications If enabled then at least one missing meter notification is configured in the
Enabled XSM price plan.

Printer Status
Feature Description

General Status The current status of the printer. Options include:

up and running

functioning but with warning(s)

error or no answer from the device

status unavailable

Supplies Status The percentage of supplies available

Discovery Date Shows when the device manager initially found the device.

Status Age How long since the last status was retrieved from the printer

Status Date The date and time (the format may change depending on your printer’s
geographic location) when the printer recorded the current status

Last Status Attempt The date and time that the application attempted to retrieve the printer

12 Xerox Confidential PagePack Center User Guide

PagePack™ Center 1.4 Printers

Feature Description

Machine Up Time The date and time when the printer began running

Analog Fax Status The current state of the analog fax

Scanner Status The current state of the scanner

Front Panel/Console Message

Feature Description

Display The text displayed on the local console of the printer

Console Locked The printer cannot be configured using the local console screens
without administrator-equivalent privileges

Console Language The language in which the console message is displayed

Usage Overview
Feature Description

Page Count The total number of pages printed by this device.

Black Impressions The total number of black impressions printed by this device

Color Impressions The total number of color impressions printed by this device

Alert Details
Feature Description

Status Icon The severity of each alert condition (i.e., warning, critical, ok, etc.)

Skill Level The level of knowledge required to resolve the current alert condition

Time (Age) When the alert condition actually occurred within the printer as well as
the duration of that alert condition (time value enclosed within

Description Details about the current alert condition within the printer and, for
most Xerox printers, may include a status code, a description of the
alert condition, a repair action required to eliminate that alert
condition, and the state of printing and other services available within
the printer.

PagePack Center User Guide Xerox Confidential 13

Printers PagePack™ Center 1.4

The Consumables tab provides details about the current level and type of supplies used by the
printer. It contains the following sections:
• Imaging Related Consumables
• Finisher Related Consumables
• Paper Trays
• Output Bins

Imaging Related Consumables

Feature Description

Replaceable Unit The name of an imaging-related consumable that can be replaced

within the printer

Max Capacity The maximum amount of impressions that may be generated with
the available consumable

Level The current amount of the consumable that is left in the printer

14 Xerox Confidential PagePack Center User Guide

PagePack™ Center 1.4 Printers

Finisher Related Consumables

Feature Description

Replaceable Unit The name of a finisher-related consumable that can be replaced

within the printer

Max Capacity The maximum amount of the consumable that is available

Level The current level of consumable

Paper Trays
Feature Description

Tray The name of the tray which contains paper

Size The size of the paper contained within the paper tray

Media The type of medium currently loaded within the paper tray

Max Capacity The maximum amount of a medium that the paper tray can hold

Level The current level of paper contained by the paper tray

Output Bins
Feature Description

Bin The name of the output tray

Max Capacity The maximum amount of paper that the output tray can hold

Level The current level of paper contained by the output tray

The Information tab provides more details about the printer and network-related information.
It contains the following sections:
• Printer Information
• Network Information
• Multinational
• IPv4
• IPv6

PagePack Center User Guide Xerox Confidential 15

Printers PagePack™ Center 1.4

Printer Information
Feature Description

Type A classification for the network printer

Manufacturer The vendor that produced the printer

Printer Model The name of the printer

Firmware Level The version of the software modules and sometimes the hardware
modules contained within the printer

Serial Number A unique identity assigned by the manufacturer of the printer – you can
copy and paste the number from this field

Customer Asset The unique number used to track the printer as an asset

Xerox Asset Number The unique number used by Xerox to track the printer as an asset

System Name Typically used to expose a friendly name for the printer

MAC Address The physical address of the printer at the hardware level

Site The location name or other identifier of the printer

Device Location The physical location of the printer

System Contact Typically indicates the person responsible for the printer

Discovery Date The date and time when the printer was first detected by the application

Protocol Version The protocol and version of that protocol used to search for the printer

16 Xerox Confidential PagePack Center User Guide

PagePack™ Center 1.4 Printers

Network Information
Feature Description

DNS Name The identity of the printer when using the Domain Name Services
portion of the TCP/IP protocol suite

IP Address Shows either the IPv4 or IPv6 network address depending upon which is

Feature Description

Printer MIB Language Text language for the printer’s implementation of RFC 3805 - The
Printer MIB v2

Console Language Text language displayed on the local console of the printer

Feature Description

Subnet Address The subnet portion of the printer’s IP address

Subnet Mask The portion of the printer’s IP address that should be considered the
printer identifier and which portion should be considered as the subnet

IP Default Gateway The network address of the default router connected to the local
subnet to which the printer is connected

Last Known Address The last IP address used by the printer

Feature Description

Address The printer’s IP address

Network Address The portion of the printer’s IP address that should be considered the
printer identifier and which portion should be considered as the subnet

Prefix Length The routing prefix for the address

Last Known Address The last IP address used by the printer

PagePack Center User Guide Xerox Confidential 17

Printers PagePack™ Center 1.4

Usage Counters
The Usage Counters tab contains the usage meter counters of the device. It contains the
following sections:
• Usage Statistics
• Usage Summary
• Usage Details

Usage Statistics
Feature Description

2 Sided Percentage The percentage of pages generated by the printer that have been
imaged on both sides of a sheet of paper

Average Black Coverage The percentage of pages generated by the printer that have used
black ink.

Average Cyan Coverage The percentage of pages generated by the printer that have used
cyan ink.

Average Magenta The percentage of pages generated by the printer that have used
Coverage magenta ink.

Average Yellow The percentage of pages generated by the printer that have used
Coverage yellow ink.

18 Xerox Confidential PagePack Center User Guide

PagePack™ Center 1.4 Printers

Usage Summary
Feature Description

Page Count The number of pages that have been produced by the printer

Page Count since Power The number of pages that have been produced by the printer since it
On was last powered on

Total Impressions The total volume generated by the printer based upon color and

Usage Details

This section contains secondary information about meters. The data captured varies with the
type of printer, but may include data about printed, copied, and faxed impressions.

The Features tab provides a list of the device’s capabilities. It contains the following sections:
• Device Capabilities
• Services

PagePack Center User Guide Xerox Confidential 19

Printers PagePack™ Center 1.4

Device Capabilities
Feature Description

Technology The type of technology contained within the printer to generate marks on paper
(e.g. laser, solid ink, etc.)

Color Capable If yes, the a printer supports color printing

Duplex Capable The printer is configured to generate prints on both sides of the paper

Black Rated PPM Pages per minute a printer can produce in black ink

Color Rated PPM Pages per minute a printer can produce in color ink

Advanced Finishing If yes, the printer contains finishing capabilities


Finishing Options The type of finishing capabilities supported by the printer such as staple, bind,
fold, punch, stack, insert, etc.

Analog Fax Modem An Analog Fax Modem is installed on the printer


Analog Fax Capable The Analog Fax services is enabled on the printer

Analog Fax More hardware-related details about the Analog Fax Modem

Analog Fax Status The status of the Analog Fax service and related hardware

Analog Fax Phone The phone number used by the Analog Fax Modem

Scanner Installed A Scanner module is installed in the printer

Scanner Description More hardware-related details about the Scanner module installed within the

Scanner Status The status of the Scanner module

Scan to File Capable The Scan-to-File service is enabled for use within the printer

Scan to Server Fax The Scan-to-Server Fax service is enabled for use within the printer

Scan to E-mail The Scan-to-E-mail service is enabled for use within the printer

Scan to Internet Fax The Scan-to-Internet Fax service is enabled for use within the printer

Physical Memory The amount of physical memory installed on the network controller printer

Hard Disk Presented A hard disk has been installed in the printer

20 Xerox Confidential PagePack Center User Guide

PagePack™ Center 1.4 Printers

Feature Description

Hard Disk Size The size of the hard disk installed in the printer

Device Web Server The embedded Web server feature of the printer is enabled


If there are supported services they are detailed in this section of the details tab. Each can
include the following information.
Feature Description

Name The name of a service supported on the printer

Configured The service is configured or not configured for use on the printer

Status The current status of a service on the printer; also indicates the impact that
alert conditions have on a service

Remote Diagnostics
The Remote Diagnostics tab displays a list of any remote printer actions, such as print test
page, and gives details about when the request was made and its current status. To cancel a
remote diagnostic action, check the request you wish to cancel and select Cancel from the
Action menu.

PagePack Center User Guide Xerox Confidential 21

Printers PagePack™ Center 1.4

Depending on the configured settings, the Incidents tab shows either all open incidents or all
incidents for the past 90 days regardless of status. If more than one service is configured, then
the incidents will be grouped by the service.

To refresh incident status, select those printers you want to refresh and then click Update in
the Action drop down.

Set Scope
The availability of the set scope action depends upon the program to which the printer
belongs. The set scope action may be performed on an asset regardless of its status. In
addition, you may change the scope for multiple printers at one time.

In scope printers are managed and have invoiced meters that drive reporting.

Users may not access printer details nor send remote commands for printers that are out of

22 Xerox Confidential PagePack Center User Guide

PagePack™ Center 1.4 Printers

If you select Set In Scope be sure to also choose a plan from the program drop down list.

Note: Setting a printer to In Scope may result in monitoring fees.

Get Printer Status

This action may be performed on multiple devices at one time.

Refreshing the status only updates the data in the application; it does not update the printer
information. If printer status is updated in the database and that information is newer than
five minutes, the application assumes the database is correct and does not retrieve the more
recent information from the printer. To ensure you see the latest printer information on the
Printer Properties page, let five minutes elapse after retrieving the status, re-open the Printers
Detail page and check the Status Age field on the Status tab.

Reset Printer
This action may only be performed on one printer at a time. When you select Reset Printer the
Reset Printer pop-up appears. Confirm that you want to reset the printer to continue.

Note: When you reset a printer any pending jobs will be deleted.

Print Test Page

When troubleshooting or installing a device, it may prove beneficial to print a test page. You
may only print a test page for one device at a time.

This action is available to all printers regardless of their status. In the Print Test Page pop-up
window, click OK to confirm you want to print the page.

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Printers PagePack™ Center 1.4

Update Location
This action allows you to add or edit details about the physical location and identification of
the printer. You may only perform this action on one printer at a time. Click OK to save your

Order Supplies
The order supplies action may be performed for any in scope asset regardless of its status, if
configured for the device.

You may only order supplies for one printer at a time. When you click Order Supplies from the
drop down menu or left pane you are routed to the order page.

View Meters
The view meters action may be performed for any in scope asset regardless of its status.

You may only view meters for one printer at a time. Follow the steps below to view meter
information for a device.
1. Click View Meters from the drop down menu or left pane.
Note: If you are in the printer grid, first select a device and then click View Meters
from the Actions menu.
2. The next window shows the meter read and read date by page count and impression

24 Xerox Confidential PagePack Center User Guide

PagePack™ Center 1.4 Printers

3. Click Close to return to the grid or click Find Another Device to review another meter.

Request Service
The request service action may be performed for any in scope asset regardless of its status, if

You may only request services for one printer at a time. When you click Request Service from
the drop down menu or left pane you are routed to the service page.

PagePack Center User Guide Xerox Confidential 25

4 View Supply Orders

View Supply Orders Tab

The Supply Orders tab shows details about an order, including who placed the order, when it
was placed, its status, and the machine associated with the order. On the View Supply Orders
tab you may filter your orders by the following criteria:
• Status
• Customer

From the Actions menu you may perform the following actions on an order:
• View: Clicking a supply order also open the details tab.
• Update: You may also update the order status from the details tab.

PagePack Center User Guide Xerox Confidential 26

PagePack™ Center 1.4 View Supply Orders

Supply Orders Details

When you click on a supply order or select it and click View, the Supply Orders Details window

The window is divided into two panes. In the left pane you can click to update the status,
review the supply order status details, and see original and latest activity descriptions for the

The right pane has two tabs:

• Details
• Activities

Details Tab

The Details tab is divided into subsections of information pertinent to the order.
• Supply Items: Shows part and quantity information for the order.
• Customer: Shows contact and location information for the customer who ordered the
• Ship To: Shows the mailing address and contact information.
• Printer: Shows identification and location information for the printer for which the
supplies were ordered. You may also link to the Printer Details tab from here.
• General: Shows who last updated the order and when. Also may provide a description
of the activity and show who is responsible for any actions.

Activities Tab

PagePack Center User Guide Xerox Confidential 27

View Supply Orders PagePack™ Center 1.4

Go to the Activities tab to see a log of status changes, when they occurred, and any
descriptions for the order.

Update Orders and Service Requests

If enabled, you may change the status of a supply order or service request from the view tabs
for Service Requests or Supply Orders or you may launch the details tab for an individual item
and update the status there.

View Tabs

This option is useful if you want to change the status of multiple items. However, only items
with the same status may be updated simultaneously.
1. On either the View Service Request or View Supply Orders tabs select the items you
want to update.
2. Select Update from the Actions menu. The Update Status / Add Activity window

Details Tab
1. Open the Details tab for one item.
2. Click Update status in the left pane. The Update Status / Add Activity window opens.

Update Status / Add Activity Window

The Update Status / Add Activity window shows how many orders or requests you are
updating. Select the appropriate status from the Status menu. The status options vary by

You must also enter a description here. Click OK to save changes.

28 Xerox Confidential PagePack Center User Guide

5 View Service Requests

View Service Requests Tab

The Service Requests tab shows details about a service request, including who placed the
request, when it was placed, its status, and the machine that is being serviced. On the View
Service Requests tab you may filter your service requests by the following criteria:
• Status
• Customer

From the Actions menu you may perform the following actions on a service:
• View: Clicking a request also open the details tab.
• Update: You may also update the service status from the details tab.

PagePack Center User Guide Xerox Confidential 29

View Service Requests PagePack™ Center 1.4

Service Requests Details

When you double click on a service request or select it and click View, the Service Request
Details window opens.

The window is divided into two panes. In the left pane you can click to update the incident
status, see the original service request details, and see original and latest activity descriptions
for the incident.

The right pane has two tabs:

• Details
• Activities

Details Tab

The Details tab is divided into subsections of information pertinent to the service request.
• Description: Shows the text describing the original issue. This information is also
available in the left pane.
• Customer: Shows contact and location information for the customer who requested
the service.
• Printer: Shows identification and location information for the printer for which the
service was requested. You may also link to the Printer Details tab from here.
30 Xerox Confidential PagePack Center User Guide
PagePack™ Center 1.4 View Service Requests

• General: Shows who last updated the request. Also may provide a description of the
activity and show who is responsible for any actions.

Activities Tab

Go to the Activities tab to see a log of status changes, when they occurred, and any
descriptions for the request.

Update Orders and Service Requests

If enabled, you may change the status of a supply order or service request from the view tabs
for Service Requests or Supply Orders or you may launch the details tab for an individual item
and update the status there.

View Tabs

This option is useful if you want to change the status of multiple items. However, only items
with the same status may be updated simultaneously.
1. On either the View Service Request or View Supply Orders tabs select the items you
want to update.
2. Select Update from the Actions menu. The Update Status / Add Activity window

Details Tab
1. Open the Details tab for one item.
2. Click Update status in the left pane. The Update Status / Add Activity window opens.

Update Status / Add Activity Window

PagePack Center User Guide Xerox Confidential 31

View Service Requests PagePack™ Center 1.4

The Update Status / Add Activity window shows how many orders or requests you are
updating. Select the appropriate status from the Status menu. The status options vary by

You must also enter a description here. Click OK to save changes.

32 Xerox Confidential PagePack Center User Guide

6 Index

A  M 
Actions 9, 23, 24, 25 Meter Reads 24

C  P 
Cancel Remote Commands 21 Printer Consumables 14
Change Account 8 Printer Features 19
Change Operations Center 8
Printer Information 15
Contracts Administration 3 Printer Status 11
Customer Links 3, 24, 25 Printer Usage Counter 18

F  R 
Filter 6 Reports 3
Reset Printer 23

Grid 5 S 
Scope 22
Service Requests 25, 28, 29, 30, 31
I  Set up Requirements 1
Incidents 22 Status 23
Supplies/Order 24
Supply Orders 26, 27, 28, 31

Location 24

Test Page 23

PagePack Center User Guide Xerox Confidential 33

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