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Legal reasoning and legal method

Assignment -1

Law and its relationship with religious, ethics and morality?

Law- law is defined as the codification will of people or set of rules and regulations to maintain
peace in the society.

Law and ethics relationship

law and ethics are intimately related to each other. Law represent the minimum standard of human
behaviour, that is ethics. In another word both terms are based on system of society that prevent
people from doing violation however law and ethics have some difference between them. Ethics
based on social interest a people awareness what is right or wrong. However, law sometime conflict
with ethics values.

For example- in 1959 mizo hills area declare themselves independent and refuse to join Indian
territory. In 1966 after war they surrender to Indian army. the mizo hills people ethics interfered by

Law and morality relationship

Law and morality are intimately related to each other. Law represent the moral values of people.
Morality values evolved from inside they are not fixed can be changed time to time. law needs legal
principles and morality is more flexible. Sometime law interferes in moral value

For ex- situation: person A kidnap a girl and try to take advantage of her and person B somehow the
killed the person A to save the girl. So, the moral intention of B is good but by his action he violate
the law.

Law and religion relationship

Law and religion have some intimate relationship. Because religion is continuously followed from
long time. This value cannot be changed, on the other hand law come to exits when kingdom and
countries formed. However, these both terms are still followed, even there are some conflict
between law and religion

For example- triple talaq case or babri masjid case.

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