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AlhumduliAllah ..

Wasalaatuwasalamu Ala rasulilaalh wa ala aali wasabihi ajmeeeen


Aauzubillahi minshaytaam nirajeem Bismilialhi rhamana nir raheem

Ud'u ilaa sabeeli Rabbika bilhikmati walmaw 'izatil hasanati wa jaadilhum billatee hiya ahsan;
inna Rabbaka huwa a'almu biman dalla 'an sabeelihee wa Huwa a'lamu bilmuhtadeen

Rabsihrahli sadri wayassir li amri wahlul uqdatam millisani yafqahu quali..

The respected elders and my dear brothers and sisters..I welcome all of you with the Islamic
greeting “Asalamualiku warehmatuAllahi Wabarakatuhu”

May Peace , mercy , blessings of Allah swt the Almighty God be on all of you ..

The topic of my talk for today is “the importance of Dawah and its necessity upon every individual
muslim “

This topic is something that has been taken so lightly by us muslims , and majority feel that the
importance and the necessity of this act of dawah , its benefits , its importance is something not so
crucial to do .

Dawah the word means to invite , to call . So this word dawah is used to call muslims also to the non-
muslims.The reference to this can be taken from a hadith of sahih Al Bukhari Hadith no 614 . It is a dua
that we recite after the azaan is given “Allhumma Rabba haazihi daawatid daamah..” we used the word
Dawah in it, O Allah! Lord of this perfect call… the azaan has been described as “dawatid daamah” to
call/invite for muslims. Generally and most of the times the word Dawah is used to call the non-muslims
to Islam. And when we used the word “dawah” in the context of muslims it means the call made for the
muslims due to their misunderstanding and misinterpretation of Quran and Hadith and the spoiled
muslim umah and when we try to call them for removing these and when we do “Islah” to them its
called dawah for muslims.

There might be some muslims

The topic specifically relates to specifically that dawah that is given to non-muslims.

Its’ important for each and every muslim .yes….you allll there…. Have this responsibility to let know our
non-muslim brothers and sisters the innate religion that they have born in which is Islam .. .. counsel
them over the misconceptions they have regarding islam … there is much islamophobia that’s spread
due to misconceptualization and misinterpretation of Quranic verses , the Hadith , the life of Prophet
Mohammad PBUH etc..

But le me remind you all there , that in today’s world all sought of allegations made over our creator ,
our prophets , all the mocking and scoffing of the the sharial laws of Islam and our prophet Mohammad
pbuh ‘s way of life (nauzubillah) ,all those desecrate acts being done with the Quran (nauzubilah), le me
remind you that it is me and you who are responsible for such situations … its we both … me and you …
Allah Hu Akbar .

It is because we are the ones who haven’t introduced Islam, its beauty, to the non-muslims , only if they
had known that Allah swt is also their true God why would they mock or scoff islam ..if they had known
that Prophet Mohammad PBUH was not just send for the muslims or the arabs but was send as a mercy
to the whole of humanity as stated in surah ambiya chp 21 verse 107 … why would there be so called
“islamophobia / hatred and mockery of our religion Islam “ ??? think ….it is we who are responsible for
such ……

We observe today that all the Christians have clearly spread their message to all the non-christians that
“Jesus pbuh loves you “ .this message has been spread widly by them .. that Jesus pbuh was a
personality that loved you all ..he wanted to show you the path to jannah … they are performing their
duties in accordance to what perception they have about their religion … but we msulims we know
AlhumduliAllah undoubtedly how correct , true is our religion islam ….. but unfortunately we are not
propogating it to others .. how shameful …. ??

We are unable to propogate with hikamh that what sacrifices our prophet Mohammad PBUH have done
for his ummah ….for his community , … that he has shared the message of peace with the humanity ….
Are we spreading the same with the non-msulism around today ??? are we good with our duties and
responsibilities ??

We haven’t invited people to this !!!!!!! due to which all such mockery and scoffing , cartoons of our
prophet (nauzubillah) , desecration of Quran (nauzbillah) , etc is taking place …so all these are the
incapabilities our us muslims to spread the message of Islam and Peace to the world today .

How regretful it is that today we do business with non-msulism , we share the partnerships with them ,
we sometimes teach them or the teach us in schools , we work with them as colleagues in offices , we
have many non-msulim neighbours with whom we share dishes on festivals BUT UNFORTUNATLEY
never ever have we made an efford to share with them the message of Islam …never … all sought of
discussions take place except the message of Islam …you talk about the profits that you will have in so n
so business but you will never speak about the profits that non-muslim man or woman will have in the
hereafter after he/she accepts islam ……

We say that … “ary no no … I feel shy , if that person gets upset with me .. or angry with me ….. or breaks
the partnership in business or breaks the friendship ..etc…… “ My dear bro and sister le me tell you ….
You are concerned about that non-msulim being upset with you ,,,then le me remind you that what will
you do when Allah the supreme and the only God gets upset with you or angry with you on the day fo
judgement … ??? is your importance on that person being upset is more than Allah’s anger or upset
??(nzubillah) …Allah hu akbar ..think my brother and sister ..think ……ponder upon what I just said ..

The mockery made on beard , parduh , a muslim man marrying 4 wives , jihad and so many other
aspects of islam being attacked … in many ways it is again me and you who is responsible … for not
doing dawah …to non-muslims …. If you think that you a sweeeet muslim ..offering ur 5 daily pryers , v
good to your parents , giving charity , performing hajj , reciting Quran daily … and you will be entering
jannah ?? do u think so ???? Am sorry to say …. You will be surely asked on the day of judgement how
much have you strggled to spread the knowledge u had about islam .. to other non-muslims around you
….. you will be caught by your collar ….. and dragged to jahanam if u haven’t strived in the path of allah
for [sreading the message of truth ….allah will question you on the day of judgement that …so and so
non-muslim was with you day and night in work have you given him dawah to islam ??? have u tried ur
best to convey the message of peace and haq tohim ….?? If not .. …then u have tobear its consequnces
on the day of judgement …. Be prepared for it bro and sister …

But le me remind you .. if u say just say to the non-muslim “ hey believe in Allah …. He is true god “ do u
think he is gonna accept this invitation ??? no obsvisly need to have HIKMAH .. to do dawah …
knowledge of our Quran and hadith and then the knowledge of their scriptures that is necessary to do
dawah …. Allah says in the Quran in surah Nahal chpt 16 verse 125(READ IN ARABIC )

Ud'u ilaa sabeeli Rabbika bilhikmati walmaw 'izatil hasanati wa jaadilhum billatee hiya ahsan;
inna Rabbaka huwa a'almu biman dalla 'an sabeelihee wa Huwa a'lamu bilmuhtadeen

Allah says “ Invite to the way of your Lord with wisdom and beautiful preachings and reason with them
and argue with them in the ways that are best and the most gracious “ … this verse tells us what must be
our strategies to do dawah ….. and allah swt also says in surah fussilat chap 41 verse 33 Allah says “ And
who is better in speech than the one who invites to Allah and does righteousness and says “ Indeed am
of the muslims “ ….

SubhanAllah this is enough proof for us all that Allah expects from each and everyone of us to spread his
message of Islam …

The situation of today is so bad that there are some non-msulims who are so deeply against islam due to
no knowledge of it that if the have to check if they possess the right to freedom of speech then what
they do ?? …they try to talk rubbish about our Prophet (nazubiallah) and checks if the muslim world
remains silent then they think that yeaa they do have the right to freedom of speech … if no …then they
raise their voices saying that we humans have to right to speech …. Wow … this si the world we r living
in….. and we msulims are still sleeping even after knowing such rubbish … that’s happening ……

The main problem lies that we muslisms aren’t playing any role in propogating the messageof islam to
others ….. are we really waiting for such a historical moment to happen when Allah spread the ababeel
over the mushriks of makkah ….to throw pebbles over them ?? no …such things will not happen these
days … the ababeel the protectors are we … both you and me for answering such people with hikmah ..

Allah in real doesn’t require you and me for his deen to prevail … it is we who require Allah swt ….
There are many ayats … in the Quran where Allahs says “ Qul …say …qul ya aayul han naas … say to the
mankind..…. “ to whom do we need to say ?? we already who is Allah … Allah says “Qul “ kehdo … say to
the disbelievers ..spread the message of islam … me and you knows it already ….we have to say “Qul hu
Allahu ahad ..” that say that he is Allah the one and only …to the non-muslims and pread the message of
peace…we have limited it to ourselves ..but the message of Islam and Quran is for the whole of
humanity ….Allah says in the first ayat of the first surah of the Quran ..surah fathiha surah no 1 ayat no 1
Allah says … “ Alhumduliallahi rabbil alameen “ ..”All praise is to Allah who is the lord of the worlds ..” he
is not a local god (nzuubillah) … is the lord of the heavens and the earth … He is the lord of the muslims
and the non-muslims … then why we muslims haven’t spread this message that this book the Quran is a
message for the entire humanity ..

Allah say sin the Quran in surah Araf chp 7 verse 158 .. “Qul ya ayyu hannasu inna rasoolullahi ilaykum
jamee’aaaa” say “Oh Muhammad PBUH Indeed am the messenger of Allah to you all ….”

Our job is to deliver the message … whether they accept or not is in Allah’s will … but delivering the
message with hikmah …. In today’s world we have amazing scholars like Dr Zakir NAik , Bro Imran , who
are specialists in Islam and Comparative religion … let’s make an effort to learn from them .. memroise
the verses that could help us in dawah activities .. verses from bot Quran and other scriptures of non-
muslims … so that we are able to deliver the message with hikmah …. if u think u cannot memorise the
least you could do is to share the youtube links of the videos of dr zakir naik with them .. undouvetedly
there are many availbale online .. can’t u make an effort to this level for the sake of Allah .. to please
Allah ?? can’t you ??

Don’t you want Allah swt to be pleased with you on the day of Judgement ??

I would like to spread a message to all those parents out there …to encourage their children to take part
in Islamic activities , dawah activities from their tender age itself …. Until and unless parents don’t
change their mentalities to what is presently required .. they will not find themselves and their children
to be successful and pleasing to Allah on the day of judgement ….


SURAH GHASHIYA chapt 88:21-22


“So remind, [O Muhammad]; you are only a reminder.

You are not over them a controller.”

Similarly there are muslims who say “dawah is not necessary “!!!

They quote the ayat of Surah Kafiroon 109:6


“For you is your religion, and for me is my religion."


“Deaf, dumb and blind - so they will not return [to the right path].”

So le me remind them plz do not play the way the critics of Islam do … they take a verse out of
context and blow it out of proportion….

Let’s not be among them … that ayat of surah kafiroon chapt 109 verse no 6..we gotta touch the
context .. where we see that the mushriks of makkah came to Prophet Mohammad PBUH and
said lets make a compromise that for one complete year we shall worship your God Allah and for
another year you shall worship our God those idols is when that ayat was revealed lakum
deenukum waliyadden …. That these mushriks of makkah upon knowing the truth about one true
god have denied the truth .. and not accepting islam .. and making such weird compromises then
that ayat was revelad .. that ““For you is your religion, and for me is my religion."

Was this ayat revealed in the beginning ? if it was so ?then there is no need of our prophet
Muhammad PBUH to stand firm and spread the message of islam …. Write letters to kings to
accept islam … our prophet’s entire life was a struggle to spread the message of peace ….

Baqarah 2:18

Ayat this ayat was revelaed when those mushkriks of that time … knew what islam was knew
how apt and on haq the quran was .. knew that prophet Mohammad PBUH was the last and final
prophet BUTT STILL THEY DEBIED THE TRUTH .. and it is when that verse was revelead “
sum mun buk mum um yun fa hum layarjioon” …

“Deaf, dumb and blind - so they will not return [to the right path].”

The ayat of surah Al-ASR chpt 103 verse 1-3

Are enough of proof that Allah says “By the token of time ….indeed makind is at a loss ..
Except for those who have believed and done righteous deeds and advised each other
to truth and advised each other to patience.”
So in the last verse it covers both of those muslims who belived in allah , did
righteous deeds , and escorted people to truth and perceverence .. which includes
both daawah to the non-msulims and islah for the muslims ..…

Todaywe muslims are suffering ..everywhere u see most of the countries in the
word that u see are oppressing muslims .. .. the blood of our muslims has become
cheaper than anything in this world …. Do u know why ??

It is bcoz we muslims have forgotten our duties our responsibilities , our distance
from the Quran and sunnah , widespread apathy among us muslims in knowing the
responsibilities to do dawah , to call people to truth and perseverance …

All the non-msulims out there have grabbed a chance to spill the mud on us by
making a joke (nuzbillah) out of Quran and hadith … we have given them a chance
to do so …we are the biggest culprits … yes it is me and you who have shun our
duties ,….we are so deluded in this world of amusement , diversion , adornment
….we just in a competition to increase wealth , children , a happy life and a good
job …. That’s it …………… u think u r going jannah by these acts of urs ??? NO
MY BROTHER ND SISTER ….. we aren’t …. Stay connected to Allah …hold on
to the rope of Allah and be not be divided …. Stay strongly connected to authentic
hadith too….. you shall soon be questioned on the day of judgement .. of what and
how have u spread the message of Allah swt to your fellow non-muslim bro or
sister …. Do it now …. Before it’s too late … before it’s too late ..before it’s too
late ……

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