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Name:________________________________________ Score:________
Section:__________________________________ Date:

I. MATCHING TYPE: Match Column A with the Column B. Write letter of your answer on the space provided
before each number.

____1. Also known as perceptual abstraction a. Pop Art
____2. Also known as action painting b. Trompe-l‘oeil
____3.Art that contains moving parts or depends on motion for its effect c. Jackson Pollock
____4. movement attack the established values in art. d. Optical Art
____5. is the world's best-known Surrealist artist. e. Kinetic Art
____6. produced many murals, tapestries, and sculptures for public spaces. f. Pablo Ruiz Picasso
____7. He is often called as father of modern art. g. Minimal Art
____8. He was one of the most recognized figures in 20th century h. Abstract Expressionism
____9. Used intense pure colors in a totally non-naturalistic way. i. Paul Cezanne
____10. Art movement inspired by scientific research. j. Surrealism
____11. Founded the surrealism movement in 1924. k. Fauvism
____12. often called the father of modern art l. André Breton
____13. He used sticks, trowels or knives in his art works. m. Salvador Dali
____14. an art technique involving extremely realistic imagery in order to n. Dadaism
create the optical illusion. o. Joan Miro
____15. focused on everyday objects rendered through an adoption of p. Cubism
commercial art techniques.

II. MULTIPLE CHOICES: Write the letter of your answer on the space provided before number.
____1. What art movement claimed to be anti-art?
a. Dadaism c. Surrealism
b. Cubism d. Fauvism
____2. With which art movement was Picasso most associated?
a. Impressionism c. Surrealism
b. Cubism d. Dadaism
____3. This kind of art gives more important to the process of making the art rather than the output.
a. Cubism c. Impressionism
b. Abstract Expressionism d. Dadaism
____4. One of the contemporary arts that focused on everyday objects rendered through an adoption of
commercial art techniques.
a. Pop Art c. Minimalism
b. Abstract Expressionism d. Op Art
____5. He was a French fauvist, expressionist painter, and printmaker in lithography and etching.
a. Salvador Dali c. Henri Matisse
b. Paul Cezanne d. Georges Rouault
____6. Which DOES NOT belong to the group?
a. Minimalism c. Kinetic Art
b. Abstract Expressionism d. Dadaism

____7. What is the title of the modern sculpture made by Alberto Giacometti’s that was sold for
150 000 dollars in 1970 in New York?
a. Man Walking c. Femme de Vanise VIII
b. The Fountain d. none from the choices
____8. It is the most radical, innovative, and influential ism of twentieth-century art.
a. Cubism c. Fauvism
b. Abstract Expressionism d. Dadaism
____9. He is known as the commanding figure of the Abstract Expressionist movement.
a. Salvador Dali c. Henri Matisse
b. Paul Cezanne d. Jockson Pollock
____10. It is an art piece made up of mediums assembled together and designed for a specific space.
a. Assemblage c. Happenings
b. Installation d. Mobiles

1-4. Other terms for minimalism
5-6. Give at least 2 titles of artwork made by Henri Matisse
7. Artwork made by Pablo Picasso
8. Artwork made by Georges Braque
9-10. Give at least 2 titles of artwork made by Salvador Dali
V. Give the title of the artworks below:

1. ____________________________ 2. ____________________________
3. ____________________________ 4. ____________________________

5. ____________________________ 6. ____________________________

VI. DISCUSSION: Explain the following briefly and substantially. (5 points each)

1. Differentiate Modern Artist and Traditional Artist

“Intelligence plus character - that is the goal of true education.”

― Martin Luther King Jr.

 Good luck!!! 

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