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1. What are the Concepts of OOPs May/Jun 2006 May/Jun 2007

2. Differentiate Procedure Oriented Programming(POP) and Object Oriented Programming(OOP)
3. How does a main ( ) function in C++ differ from Main( ) in C ? Nov/Dec 2007
4. Define Tokens
5. Are Constant better than # define ? Justify? Nov/Dec 2007
6. What are the Data Types in C++
7. Write the Block Structure of C++
8. What are the Operators in C++
9. What is the application of the scope resolution operator :: in C++?
10. What is expression? What are the expressions in C++?
11. What is meant by Data Hiding? APRIL/MAY 2011 Nov/Dec 2010
12. What is Polymorphism? What the are the types of Polymorphism.
13. Differentiate Constructor and Destructors.
14. What is function? What are the types of Function in C++?
15. What are the Features of Iline Function?
16. What are the Components of Functions.?
17. What is Default Arguments
18. What is Function Overloading?
19. What are the parameter passing in C++.
20. Define Class? Nov/Dec 2012 Nov/Dec 2007
21. Define Object Based Language.
22. What are the Access Specifiers in C++.
23. What is Static Variables and static data member ? Nov/Dec 2007
24. Define Constructor. Nov/Dec 2007
25. Define Destructor. APRIL/MAY 2011 May/Jun 2012
26. Define Constructor Overloading.
27. What is order of Constructor and Destructor
28. What is meant by Parameterized constructors. May/Jun 2007
29. What is meant by Copy Constructors? Nov/Dec 2010 Nov/Dec 2011


1. Define Friend Function. Nov/Dec 2011

2. What is meant by Friend Class? Nov/Dec 2012
3. What are the Special Characteristics of Friend Function?
4. Define Operator Overloading? Nov/Dec 2007
5. What are the Operators of C++ that cannot be overloaded? APRIL/MAY 2011
6. Define Inheritance. Nov/Dec 2007
7. What are types of Inheritance? Nov/Dec 2007
8. What are visibility modes of Inheritance? Nov/Dec 2007
9. How can you define member functions in c++?
10. What is meant by Abstract Class? Nov/Dec 2011
11. What is meant by intermediate base class?
12. What is meant by Automatic Initialization of objects.
13 . What is meant by Hybrid Inheritance? Nov/Dec 2007
14. What is meant by Multipath Inheritance?
15. Define Virtual Base Class. Nov/Dec 2011
16. Define Virtual Function? APRIL/MAY 2011 Nov/Dec 2010
17. How can you access the virtual functions.
18. What is operator overloading? Nov/Dec 2006
19. Why is it necessary to overload an operator?
20. What is a conversion function? How it is created? Explain its syntax
21. When is a friend function compulsory? Give an eg.

1. What is containership?
2. What is meant by pure virtual function? APRIL/MAY 2011 May/Jun 2012
3. What are rules for virtual function.
4. What is meant by Streams? Nov/Dec 2010
5. Differentiate input and output stream. Nov/Dec 2010
6. How can you access private members?
7. What is meant by empty class?
8. What are the benefits of inheritance?
9. What are the Unformatted I/O Operations?
10. Differentiate Get() and Put() member functions.
11. Differentiate Getline() and Putline() member functions.
12. What is meant by pure abstract class?
13. What is meant by Concreate Class.
14. What are the ios format functions.?
15. What is meant by manipulators Nov/Dec 2011
16. What are manipulators in C++? Nov/Dec 2011
17. Define file.
18. Differentiate file input stream and file output stream?
19. What are operations on file?
20. What are the file stream class?
21. What is meant by Static binding.
22.What is meant by Dynamic binding? Nov/Dec 2007
23. What is meant by Reusability?
24. What is meant by instance of classes?
25. What is STL? Nov/Dec 2010
26. What are three components of STL Nov/Dec 2010
27. Define containers..
28. What is iterators? What is its characteristic?
29. What are the best situations for the use of the associative containers
30. Compare the performance characteristics of the 3 containers.


1. What is meant by Java?

2. What is meant by Platform?
3. Java is platform independent language. Justify.
4. What is meant by Java Application?
5. What is meant by Java Applet?
6. Define JDK.
7. What are the JDK Tools
8. What are features of java
9. What are features does not supported by java?
10. What are features supported by java
11. Define Java Character Set.
12. What is meant by Java Class Defintion?
13. What is meant by bytecode in java? APRIL/MAY 2011 May/Jun 2012
14. Define JVM. Nov/Dec 2006 May/Jun 2007
15. Define API.
16. Define Garbage Collection in Java?
17. How multiple inheritance is achieved in java?
18. State the use of super keyword in java Nov/Dec 2011
19. Mention the various access levels supported in java
20. Define method overloading.

1. Define Method Overriding.
2. Write about Access Control in Java?
3. What is use of Final keyword in java? Nov/Dec 2011
4. List the Classes that represent strings in java
5. What is package? Nov/Dec 2006 May/Jun 2012
6. What are the package of Java?
7. Write about API Packages?
8.Java does not support multiple inheritance. Why?
9. What is meant by Nested Class?
10. What is meant by inner class?
11. What is meant by Wrapper Classes? Nov/Dec 2011
12. Define “ Instance of Operator “ in java?
13. Define Interface. APRIL/MAY 2011 May/Jun 2012 Nov/Dec 2012
14. What is meant by Exception? Nov/Dec 2006 May/Jun 2012 Apr/May 2011 May/Jun 2007
15. Define Sub classing.
16. Mention some of the important classes present in package.
17. What is the Significance of class path.
18. Define Multithreading?.. May/Jun 2007
19. What is life cycle of thread? APRIL/MAY 2011 May/Jun 2012
20. Define Synchronization..
21. What is meant by Deadlock?
22. Derived class is usually larger than the base class. Why?

Object oriented programming concepts – objects-classes- methods and messages-abstraction and

encapsulation-inheritance- abstract classes- polymorphism.Introduction to C++- objects-
classesconstructors and destructors

1. Explain the basic concept of object oriented programming Nov/Dec 2007 Nov/Dec 2006
2. Explain in detail about Class, Objects, Methods and Messages. Apr/May 2011 May/Jun 2012
3. Define polymorphism Explain the different types of polymorphism Apr/May 2007
4. Compare object oriented methodology with structure programming. NOV/DEC 2012
5. Compare and contrast the following control structures with example: Nov/Dec 2006
a. if..else statement & Switch statement and
b. do...while & the while statement.
c. if..else statement:
6. Explain the features of object oriented programming. Describe how each of these is implemented
in C++ and Java NOV/DEC 2012
7. Describe the different mechanism of accessing data members and member function in class with
suitable example. Nov/Dec 2007
8. Explain the following with eg
a. Pointer to object
b. Array of pointers
c. Pointer to object members
9. Explain the following with an eg. Nov/Dec 2007
a. copy constructor
b. parameterized constructor
c. default argument constructor
d. dynamic constructor
10.Write a C++ program to define overloaded constructor to perform string initialization, string
copy and string destruction. APRIL/MAY 2011
11.Explain how destructor is involved ? Nov/Dec 2007
12.Write a C++ program to construct student mark list for three subjects.
13. Write the pgm to display name,rollno,marks,avg and total.Use class and objects.

Operator overloading - friend functions- type conversions- templates - Inheritance – virtual

functions- runtime polymorphism.

1. Write a C++ program using operator overloading concept to add two complex numbers,
subtract two complex numbers and to print the complex numbers as real and imaginary part
Nov/Dec 2008
2. Write a program to overload the assignment operator using C++ language Apr/May 2006
3. List the rules for operator overloading Apr/May 2007
4. What is a friend function? What are the merits and demerties of using friend function?
5. Explain the usage of friend keyword with an example program Nov/Dec 2008
6. Explain with an example program the usage of Virtual function Nov/Dec 2008
7. Explain run time polymorphism with example program in C++. APRIL/MAY 2011
8. Explain virtual base classes and virtual function, pure virtual function.
9. What is meant by function overloading? Write the rules associated with
Function overloading. Give suitable example to support your answer?
10. Explain the operator overloading of Unary operators in C++.
11. Explain the operator overloading of Binary operators in C++.
12. How is type conversion implemented in C++?
13. Write a C++ program for Function Template?
12. Write a C++ program for Class Template?


Exception handling - Streams and formatted I/O – file handling – namespaces – String Objects -
standard template library.

1. Explain in detail about Exception Handling mechanism in C++?

2. Explain multiple catch statement with suitable example? Apr/May 2007
3. Explain the hierarchy of file stream classes?
4. Write a C++ program to read 2 files simultaneously Apr/May 2007
5. Explain how to rethrow an exception with an example code. Nov/Dec 2008
6. Explain the various file handling mechanisms in C++. APRIL/MAY 2011
7. Explain the different types of streams and various formatted I/O in C++. APRIL/MAY 2011
8. Write a program using get and getline member functions to explain stream input. Nov/Dec
9. What is Standard template library? State the categories of containers and explain.
10. Write a C++ program using function template for finding the maximum value in a array
Nov/Dec 2007
11. Write short notes on Namespace with suitable example

Introduction to JAVA , bytecode, virtual machines – objects – classes – Javadoc – packages –

Arrays – Strings

1. Write a java program to perform all string operations using the String class. APRIL/MAY
2. Construct the pictorial representation of Java Virtual Machine.
3. Explain the features of java. Java is platform independent programs”. Why?
4. Write a program to demonstrate how to include a class or interface in a package. Nov/Dec
5. What is the purpose of using packages? How do you create user-defined package? Give an
example. May/Jun 2006
6. Create a class student and write a JAVA program to read and display all the students in your
7. What are the different statements and its use in java?
8. Give a explanatory answer to define the difference between Java and C++, Characteristics of
Java and the concepts in java
9. Describe package concept to perform arithmetic operations. Explain how to use it?
10. Write a java program to perform all string operations using the String class APRIL/MAY
11. Write a java program to create two single dimensional arrays, initialize them and add them;
store the result in another array. APRIL/MAY 2011
12. Mention the types of comments in javadoc? Explain with a program
13. Explain Method overriding in Java with an eg.


Inheritance – interfaces and inner classes - exception handling – threads - Streams and I/O

1. Explain various forms of interface implementation with example APRIL/MAY 2011

2. Define Interfaces? Explain the extension of interfaces, implementation and accessing it.
3. Illustrate Inheritance in Java with suitable program.
4. Write a java program to throw user defined exception APRIL/MAY 2011
5. Discuss the need for exception with try, catch an throw keywords. Nov/Dec 2006
6. What is synchronization? Why is it necessary? Discuss Nov/Dec 2008
7. Explain with a program how exception handling mechanism can be used for debugging a
program Nov/Dec 2008
8. Describe the major tasks of input and output stream classes. Nov/Dec 2008
9. Explain try, catch and finally statements with eg. Nov/Dec 2008
10. What is a thread? State how synchronization is dealt while using multithreading. Nov/Dec

11. Explain the Life cycle of Thread with an eg

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