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Student not yet show up set the current material


Cannot add the student

Cannot enter on QQ/skype Others
/equipment issue

self checking first (mic,

speaker, camera,
connection, software

the student/tutor
the student/tutor can't
cannot see the the class audio is
hear student/tutor
student/tutor when the lagged
camera is on

a. If it's a QQ/Skype class, the tutor MUST test his/her connection and equipment via
the Test link, and send the link to the student as well.
b. If the class did not finish properly due to connection/equipment issues, the tutor
MUST NOT mark the class as finished, as CS will update the class status 24 hours
after the class.
student not yet shown up

the student not yet the student is not replying

when you call the student,
entered the to your QQ/Skype
no answer
classIn/Eclassroom messages

a. Only use this button if the student did not show up 2 min after class, and you need to wait for at least
15min in Classin or on QQ/Skype, before you can leave the class and mark the student absent.
b. Only use this button, if you and the student already added each other as contacts. If you cannot add
him/her yet, please use "Cannot add student on QQ/Skype"
c. Use this button no later than 10min after the class starts! Otherwise you may receive complaints
from CS department, as the delay in reporting student absence leads to the delay in notifying the
a. This button is mostly used for trial class
only, if your VIP class needs to set
no material material, you can do that yourself on
highlighted in your tutor page. (Consult your DS if you
yellow don’t know how to do it).
b. If it's a Class-in class, please always
remember to download the material on
your tutor page, and then upload it to
the current set no material
Classin before the class, so that you and
your student can see the material.
lessons have
all been current in the class
c. In case there’s no book at all assigned to
the student, please ask the student
material which book he/she wants to follow (请问
本教材合适,请联系客服), and then click
student CS assistance and note which book the
reports that student prefer for CS to change it
the material is quickly.
not right d. If you really need to click "Set current
material", please use the following
format in notes:
for example:
Class time: Dec 11, 7pm
Material name: Learn and Talk 2
Class name: Lesson 12
Cannot enter

When the class

already started and
the tutor can't entered
the classroom

Eclassroom is loading There is error Eclassroom/classIn

too long messages kicks the tutor out

a. Use this button no later than 10m after the class starts. Otherwise you may
receive complaints from CS department, as the delay in reporting student
absence leads to the delay in notifying the student.
b. If you cannot upload the material properly, please do NOT use this one, but
2.set current material.
Cannot add the student
on QQ/skype

the student's QQ
The student hasn't
requires the right the student's QQ or
accepted the friend's
answer to the skype is not found
verification questions

Note: a. Use this button no later than 10m after the class starts. Otherwise you
may receive complaints from CS department, as the delay in reporting student
absence leads to the delay in notifying the student.
b. You may also use this one, if your QQ is not working well.

Others: Only use this one in case if the tutor wants to cancel the classes.

Please note that, the CS will prioritize to help the tutors who have clicked the
first 5 buttons, take good use of them

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