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Unit 7: Methods

Extension activity
Research the scientific method using a popular search engine or video sharing platform.

Task 2 Develop a research project

Work in pairs. Think of a research topic related to your discipline. This could be a current
Step 1
project you are working on, or another topic of which you already have some knowledge.

Examples of possible topics include the ‘wireless indoor positioning system’ or ‘obstacle detection
mechanism for robots’ described in Unit 6: Processes.

Develop a precise hypothesis and research question related to the topic from Step 1.
Step 2
What would you like to improve, and how do you think it could be improved?

Suggest a suitable methodology for testing the hypothesis. Consider all or some of the
Step 3

 Data to be collected
 Comparisons to be made
 Research procedures to be used
 The controls / baselines / benchmarks you will use
 Scientific instruments and / or software to be employed
 Initial observations / simulations / lab experiments / field trials to be conducted

Write a project outline including a full title and a single-sentence purpose statement.
Step 4
Use bullet points and simple headings for the rest of your outline.

Post-Task Feedback activity

Your teacher will provide language-focused feedback.

Task 3 Present a research project

Take it in turns with another student to present your research projects.

Step 1


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