Critical Thinking and Media

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Critical Thinking
The Ultimate Media Filter

Rod Gustafson
Critical Thinking
The Ultimate Media Filter

Today We Will Discuss and Better Understand...

n The definition of Critical Thinking

n What Media Literacy means
n How Critical Thinking and Media Literacy enable children to...
n Make WISE media choices

n THINK about media – not just react

n Consequences of ANY media use
Don’t forget YOU are the EXPERT
Critical Thinking Process

Check Facts

Take Action Alternative
Critical Thinking Process
For Teens…
Media Literacy??


Cultural Numerical
Literacy Literacy

Traditional Computer
Literacy Literacy
Why Should I Care About
Media Literacy?
Real Life

Promotes Develops
Individual Critical
Learning Thinking

Creative Use
of Encourages
Multimedia Citizenship
Why Should I Care About
Media Literacy?
Why We Want Our Children…
To Become Critical Thinking Media Consumers
Benefits of Teaching Critical Media
Skills to our Children
n Kids will…
n Be more selective. This can be FUN!
Many kids love being a critic.
n Will find their “critical”
n Seek beyond their usual
tastes – perhaps go outside!

n Parents will…
n Have better tools to help
kids understand concerns.
n Gain cooperation.
n Make better media choices.
The Media Is Biased…
And so are we!

n Audience Bias n Media Bias

n Nationality n Political
n Regional Association nMany US media openly state
nMay be very defined! affiliations.
n Ethnicity n Economic
n Political n CBS President says Trump is
good for business.
n Gender
nHow does Calgary media
n Income
depend on energy industry?
n Religion n Personal – They are like us.
n Body Shape & “Language”
n ß Everything applies…
n Speech
+ n Newspapers are laying off journalists.
n Postmedia lays off 90 journalists.
Investigative n Calgary, Vancouver, Edmonton and
Ottawa newsrooms combined.
Journalism is Dying
n Company owns many major
newspapers in big and small cities.

n Broadcast TV also reducing newsrooms.

n Large cities still somewhat served by
three stations.
n Mid-size and small cities often have
no local TV news.

n Radio is struggling.
n Never recovered from iPod.
n Streaming, podcasts.
n CBC is only source of investigative
reporting on radio in Canada.
Learning to think for
… is an essential component of humanism.

n It doesn't contradict the role of


n It doesn't invalidate "expert"


n It doesn't override faith.

How To Teach Our Children…
To Become Critical Thinking Media Consumers
Begin with the end in mind…
Promote critical thought when using ALL media.

n Encourage age and comprehension appropriate media.

n Blocking of inappropriate content with technology is increasingly
n Sex and violence triggers highly emotional responses from
children and retards their ability to think critically.
n Purely escapist entertainment can still hold great opportunities
for critical examination.
Practice at home…
… where you can encourage discussion.

n Use the PVR or pre-record TV and

use the Pause button.

n Encourage kids to vocalize during

commercials. (Yes, ads can be

n Be encouraging!
n Ask for opinions. Share yours.
Ask what they think.
n Ask how they FEEL (emotional
n Help each other recognize
personal bias.
Time to practice!

n Young children – pick a favourite movie.

n Why did the bad guy/girl do that?
n Would you make the same decision? Why?
n How did it make you feel?
n What “tricks” did the movie use to make you feel that way?
n How would you change the story?
Time to practice!
Time to practice!

n Advertising is a perfect media source

n Most people are fine talking during commercials.
n It’s short.
n It’s meant to manipulate.
n Easy to find examples on YouTube (ideal for teachers).
n Deals with many real world issues:
n Consumerism

n Politics
n Social Issues
n Body Image / Sex Role Portrayals
Time to practice!
Time to practice!
Time to practice!
Time to practice!
Fake News

n Many websites exist to sell advertisements surrounding “fake

news” stories. (Example:,
n If news sounds unbelievable, it most often is.
n Check the website URL. Does it match the “real” news source?
n Do the links go to reputable news outlets?
n People are often baited to these sites through social networking.
Time to practice!
News Story: Home Break In
Time to practice!
News Story: Clothing Bins
Helping Children Recognize Consequences of
Media Use.
n ALL media use consumes time.
n Screen time has increased dramatically.
n Track your family screen time over a week or month.
(Don’t include work or school screen-time.)
n Ask your children (and yourselves), ”If I had that time back, what
would I choose to do with it?”
n What activities have been displaced by this increase in screen
Helping Children Recognize Consequences of
Media Use.
Helping Children Recognize Consequences of
Media Use.
n Children experience emotional responses from media.
n After using a media device, ask your child how he/she feels.
n (Happy, sad, tired, frustrated, grumpy, angry.)
n Note what types of media improve their mood – and vice-versa.
n Help them become self aware of how different media affects
their emotions.
n Encourage self-regulation of media use dependent on their

Critical Thinking
The Ultimate Media Filter
Rod Gustafson

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