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Identify correct answer with respect to pointer

A :1,3 is correct
2. What is the value of array[1][2]?
A: 2
3. #define Max_num 15

A: MAX_NUM is a preprocessor macro

4. What does values testarray[2][1][0] in the sample code below contain;

5. a variable can reference another function local variable using pointer
A : 3,4,5
6. int main(){
int a=10,b;
b=a++ + ++a;
A: 22,13,13,13.
7. pc memory offset addresses are in the range from
A : 1kb to 64kb
8. which of the following is push down lists
A: 1,2 (stack and queue)
9. operations can be performed on pointers

A: 1,2

10. Pointers can be used

A: 1,3,4

11. int i=10;

float f= 7777.50f;
A: 7777.

12. #include<iostream.h>
void main(){
printf("Hello World");
A: compile with Error.
13. Features of pointers
A: 2,3,4
14. C language derived from
15. Is used to create complex data
A: Structure
16. Is a self contained program
A: Function
17. a special data store that can hold several items of a single data type consecutively
A: Array
18. structure declaration in c does not reserve any memory space
A: True
19. variable declaration of structure ‘ stud’
A: struct structure_name
data-type member-1;
data-type member-2;
data-type member-3;
data-type member-4;
20. gets function is used to accept string when blank space are included in string
A: gets()
21. What will be output if you will compile and execute the following c code?
#define max 5;
void main(){
int i=0;

(E) Compiler error


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