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Using the blockchain for key management in the Internet of Things

Sophie Dramé-Maigné Maryline Laurent

Gemalto SA, 6 rue de la Verrerie, SAMOVAR, Télécom SudParis, CNRS,
92190, Meudon, France Université Paris-Saclay,
and 9 rue Charles Fourier, 91011, Evry, France
SAMOVAR, Télécom SudParis, CNRS, Email:
Université Paris-Saclay,
9 rue Charles Fourier, 91011, Evry, France

Abstract—The blockchain, distributed and unalterable ledger, more cumbersome. The lower cost, increased usability and
has lowered the cost of ownership records. This mechanism transparency make this method suitable for IoT devices.
that required the involvement of notaries and was once re- Additionally, we propose to use the basic ownership
served for expensive items can now be used for every type of recording mechanism to exchange device-related secrets,
assets. We propose to use it to keep track of the ownership thus enabling remote configuration of the devices and fa-
of IoT (Internet of Things) devices. By registering devices cilitating the management of multiple device-related secret
and their transfer into the blockchain, we build a chain of for a single owner.
ownership that can be used to prove ownership before a sale Ownership tracking via a blockchain has already been
and transfer ownership after a purchase, or to track and warn implemented. On the Bitcoin blockchain, Colored Coins [5]
owners of security threats faced by their devices. can be used to track asset exchanges. On the Ethereum
The blockchain produces a recording system that does not blockchain [6], smart contracts [7] can be programmed
depend on the storing infrastructure of a third party, nor does
to do similar things. Other blockchains such as NXT [8]
provide a native asset exchange. These implementations are
it require trust while the infrastructure cost is divided amongst
not IoT-specific but their general-purpose tokens are IoT-
users. Additionally, the proof of ownership is pseudonymous
compatible. They are however only focused on ownership
and ownership changes are publicly advertized. This last
record and cannot be used for key management or to share
aspects can lead to the automation of access right revocation
when a device changes hands.
In the academic literature, the transfer of ownership in
An extension is proposed that facilitates remote configura- the IoT is addressed at the device level [9], [10]. Ownership
tion and key management. Indeed, when a single owner must transfer is defined [11] as “the capability to pass ownership
configure a great number of devices, the same mechanism can of a tag to a third party without compromising backward
be used to register an ownership change and communicate untraceability for the said party or forward untraceability
secrets needed for remote device configuration. Once the new for the previous owner.” The focus is on key management
owner has set up its IoT devices, the blockchain can be used and domain boundaries. The devices that are concerned by
to store and manage device-related secret. these protocols are RFID tags. No record is kept of past
owners. Our solution precisely focuses on these ownership
1. Introduction Section 2 presents the bases of our blockchain-based
ownership record mechanism. Section 3 enables remote
In 2008, Bitcoin [1], the decentralized, digital currency, configuration and secret management. Finally, section 4
first cryptocurrency, introduced the blockchain to the world. concludes this document.
Public ledger that enables the decentralized and persistent
recording of transactions, the blockchain has since found 2. Asset Ownership
applications outside of the financial world. We can cite for
instance voting [2], online games [3], ride sharing [4], etc. Motivations. Asset ownership is a common
One of the most immediate application of the blockchain blockchain application. It is usually applied to expensive
is the recording of asset ownership. We propose to apply this assets such as houses, art work or cars, assets which
principle to IoT devices. The blockchain offers a cheaper ownership would otherwise be recorded using traditional
alternative to classic ownership recording methods that in- means i.e. notaries. The blockchain lowers the cost and
volve a third party (e.g. notaries for land titles) and are administrative hassle associated to these transactions, thus
Figure 2. Proof of ownership and ownership transfer
Figure 1. Ownership records expressed as blockchain transactions

sold to Company C . The ownership change is recorded with

enabling ownership tracking to be applied to other types of a transfer transaction.
assets like, in our case, IoT devices. Genesis transactions create the link between an asset
There are different reasons why an IoT device might and its digital counterpart. Transactions that mark a change
change hands. Smart home devices, as all household items, in ownership are transfer transactions. Transactions follow
can be bought second-hand to lower their cost. They can be the Bitcoin [1] model of input/output, meaning that each
sold to be replaced by a newer version or simply because transaction uses previous transaction outputs as inputs. For
they are no longer of use. Within a company, devices can an input to be valid, it must be signed with the private key
be re-affected to new projects and therefore change owners. corresponding to the output’s destination address. Outputs
Benefits. Keeping the ownership records on the are sent to blockchain addresses. Such addresses are ob-
blockchain presents many advantages: the process does tained by hashing a public key. So if A is a blockchain
not involve trusted third parties, the architecture (i.e. the user with keys (privA , pubA ), we have the following :
blockchain network) is shared with other users, the in- addrA = Hash(pubA ), where addrA is the blockchain
formation is stored in a decentralized fashion and with address of A.
great availability, the process is simpler, more transparent Because outputs only carry blockchain addresses, and
and lower-cost, ownership records can be traced back as because hashes are irreversible, the public key pubA is
far as the original owner of a device, ownership can be needed for the signature validation. Each output in a trans-
proven to a prospective buyer, this proof and the records are action corresponds to a different asset. A genesis-type trans-
pseudonymous. When an ownership change occurs, clients action has no input. Its outputs however must include an id
of the device can see this change in the blockchain and field. This field uses a device’s serial number and therefore
revoked their access rights, thus enhancing security and strongly binds a physical IoT device and its digital counter-
privacy for the previous owner’s network and data. Finally, part.
when an incident affecting a large number of devices occurs, Going back to our example, illustrated by Figure 2, M
ownership records can be used to track and warn device issues a genesis transaction, tx0 , with a single output sent to
owners that would otherwise not follow best security prac- addrM , her own blockchain address, and carrying D’s serial
tices. number, thus creating device D’s digital representation and
Assumptions. In the following we assume that all registering herself as the original owner. Before a sale can
actors have a pair of private and public keys linked to a take place, M must produce a valid proof of ownership
Bitcoin-like blockchain address that are securely handled. to C . To this effect, C sends a challenge message, m
All actors also have the means to publish transactions to and to M . Because the challenge is chosen by C , M cannot
read from the blockchain. We assume that the cryptographic reproduce an intercepted message. M signs m with privM ,
premises that underlie our blockchain (i.e. hashes, signature, its blockchain private key. The response to C includes a
etc) cannot be broken. We also assume that the blockchain pointer to the genesis transaction tx0 , the index of the output
is consistent amongst nodes and over time, meaning that to be considered (here 0 as tx0 only has one output, the
the transaction history cannot be overwritten. Finally, we signature of m with privM and the corresponding public
assume that each device has a unique identifier, or serial key pubM . Using the transaction’s pointer, C can check for
number that will be denoted by idD , where D is the device. herself the corresponding transaction in the blockchain and
Proposal. We consider the following scenario : A the designated output, here the 0t h. She validates that the
company C wishes to acquire a device D manufactured by output has not been spent, meaning that it has not been
a manufacturer M . The general idea is to link the asset’s used as input in another transaction, and was addressed to
exchange to a blockchain transaction. For that, we consider M . C then verifies the provided signature. If the signature
two types of transactions: genesis and transfer. Figure 1 is valid, the proof of ownership is accepted. It is interesting
illustrates the way these transactions are used to create to note that providing such a proof does not compromise
ownership records. In this example, Manufacturers M and the owner’s pseudonymity. If the proof is deemed invalid,
M 0 create ownership records for their respective devices (D the device will not be sold.
for M , D2 and D3 for M 0). Devices D and D3 are then Now that M has proven he is the rightful owner of
D, the sale can proceed. When C purchases the device,
M issues a second transaction of type transfer. Figure 1
presents a transaction that is cosigned by both M and
M 0 for illustrative purposes. Figure 2 simply considers the
interactions between M and C . The transfer transaction
issued by M is tx1 . Transaction tx1 has one input, out00 ,
output of index 0 in transaction tx0 , signed with privM ,
and one output, out10 sent to addrC . This second transaction
transfers the ownership of D to C .

3. Configuration and Key Management

Figure 3. Transferring ownership and delivering device secret
Motivations. Security rests on the sharing of secrets.
Regardless of the scheme one uses to secure IoT applica-
tions, some security bootstrap is required. When a device Di . The blockchain still supports two types of transaction,
is manufactured, initial secrets are provisioned to start the genesis and transfer.
security chain. This means that before using a factory-fresh Figure 3 illustrates the process by which ownership is
device, the initial secrets need to be retrieved from the transferred and secrets are exchanged :
manufacturer. The means currently at our disposal to do so
lead to slow and cumbersome deployment processes. What Step 1 M interacts with each Di and generates a secret si .
is needed therefore is a mean of efficiently retrieving that This secret si can be an administrative password, a
information in order to be able to remotely and efficiently private key, a pin, etc.
configure devices in an industrial context. Step 2 M retrieves {kC,i } from C . That information can
Another issue is the management of these secrets. In IoT be provided along with payment information for
scenarios, multiple devices may be owned by the same en- instance. Note that when all devices are purchased
tity. Furthermore, symmetric cryptography is often preferred from the same vendor, it is not necessary to use
due to the constrained nature of IoT devices. This is another different kC,i . We assumed {kC,i } to be a symmetric
multiplying factor for the number of keys involved. This key that needs to be provided by the buyer. If C
multiplicity implies the need for an efficient management prefers using asymmetric cryptography, the key used
of secrets over the life a device. Based on the blockchain to encrypt si can also be retrieved from a registry
ownership records, we propose a solution that both delivers a storing public key records. These keys are used for
device’s secret to its newest owner and allows her to manage applicative purposes and should differ from the keys
such secrets over the life of the device. used for the blockchain protocol. Using {kC,i } or a
single kC , M encrypts each si .
Benefits. The proposed scheme : Greatly simplifies
Step 3 M issues a genesis transaction, tx0 , with n outputs
the deployment process, reduces the associated cost, reduces
where out0i , the output of index i in tx0 , is linked
the number of secrets that need to be safeguarded and
to Di through its serial number idi and is sent to
distributes the storage of the other ones. As an extension
addrM , her own blockchain address. M issues a sec-
of the proposal from Section 2, to the benefits described
ond transaction of type transfer, tx1 , with {out0i } as
above we add the advantages described in Section 2 that
inputs, signed with privM . This transaction yields n
are inherent to the use of a blockchain as the underlying
outputs, one for each Di , sent to addrC . In addition
to addrC , each output carries EnckC,i (si ), secret
Assumptions. For the sake of this proposal, we con- corresponding to device Di and encrypted with kC,i .
sider IoT devices as black boxes exposing a number of Step 4 C retrieves {EnckC,i (si )} from the blockchain and
functions that can be activated either by physical interactions deciphers them, recovering {si }.
or via a communication channel. In both cases, a secret Step 5 Using si , C gains access to each Di . When neces-
is required to successfully invoke any function. When the sary, si is also used for configuration.
device is manufactured, an initial secret is provided. As for
any function, the generation of a new secret requires the The same process can then be repeated by the new owner
current one and can be invoked either by physical interaction to sell the device to somebody else. tx1 ’s outputs can be
or through the communication channel. separated allowing for devices to be sold separately.
Proposal. The scenario is the following: The man- This scheme involves a lot of keys and secrets but only
ufacturer M sells a batch of n devices {Di }0≤i<n to a KC and privC need to be safeguarded by C . Each si can be
company C . Each device has a unique identifier idi . Addi- recovered from KC . This greatly simplifies the management
tionally, C owns a master key KC . Used as an input for key of secrets where many devices are involved.
derivation, KC should not be shared and only be known by Furthermore, updates can be made to a device’s secret,
C . The symmetric key kC,i is derived from KC and idi . as illustrated by Figure 4. After buying a device Di , the new
Key kC,i will be used to encrypt si , secret linked to device owner should change the corresponding si as this secret is
Figure 4. Publishing a new secret to the blockchain

known to the previous owner. Using si , she can invoke any

function of Di and generates a new secret, snew
i . This secret
can now be stored in the blockchain. The owner simply fur-
thers the ownership chain by sending a transfer transaction
to herself, replacing EnckR,i (si ) by EnckR,i (snew
i ), where
Enc is the encryption algorithm. Such a transaction can also
be made to hide the link between the owner’s identity and
her blockchain address, thus hiding the number of device
belonging to a single owner. This also hides how long an
actor holds on to a device.

4. Conclusion
The blockchain has made the tracking of asset’s owner-
ship relatively inexpensive. It does not have to be reserved
for houses and boats any longer. We therefore propose to
use it to track the ownership of IoT devices. The chain of
ownership can be augmented by adding additional informa-
tion to transfer transactions. That information can be used
to help owners manage their devices and the corresponding

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