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JANUARY 2018, N O 15

Cryptacus Newsletter

January 2018
Cryptacus Newsletter
Welcome to the January 2018 edition of the
monthly newsletter, offering a glimpse
into recent developments in the cryptanalysis of
IoT & related areas. Send your contributions, com-
ments & feedback at

News from the Chair tocols (co-organization by COST Ac- available for trainees (e.g. PhD stu-
by G ILDAS AVOINE tion CRYPTACUS & ERC POPSTAR). dents, ECIs, etc.).

The workshop is free and open to More information is available on

every one. Both theory and practice the websites of the respective events:
of distance-bounding protocols will
be considered. - Workshop on Distance Bound-
ing Protocols (co-organization
Several great speakers already CRYPTACUS & ERC POPSTAR):
accepted the invitation, including Please
Dear Cryptacus Members, S. Capkun (ETHZ, Switzerland), G. contact Gildas (,
Hancke (University of Hong Kong), Ioana (,
Let me first of all wish you a and M. Kuhn (University of Cam- Stephanie (,
happy new year 2018! bridge, UK), just to name a few. or Cristina (

The year 2018 will actually be *** Monday 16th: Working ses- - Training School (also in-
important for Cryptacus, with two sion on the CRYPTACUS’ book. This formation on Book session and
major events, in April and Septem- session is free, open to everyone MC Meeting):
ber, respectively. although mostly dedicated to peo- w52ThM. Contact Ricardo Chaves
ple who submitted a chapter to the (
Also, we are on the home stretch CRYPTACUS’ book (if you plan to
now, given that Cryptacus will finish submit, but not done yet, let me
Finally, I would like to remind
in December 2018. know asap). Please, check the Crypta-
you that the current grant period will
cus website if you are not aware of
finish on April 30th, 2018.
In the meanwhile, let’s meet in the call for chapters.
Sao Miguel island, Azores (Portugal)
in April, where several Cryptacus’ *** Tuesday 17th: MC Meeting You still have time to apply for
events are colocated. This is a brief (8:30–10:00 am). For MC Members an STSM but you should send your
schedule: only. request very soon.

*** Saturday 14th / Sunday 15th: *** From Monday 16th to Friday Best regards,
Workshop on Distance Bounding Pro- 20th: Training School. Grants are Gildas Avoine

Cryptacus Newsletter
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Recommended reading: above, that includes the very rele- Funding News
On the dangers of specu- vant disclosure process and some SMI2G
lation other interesting queries.

Meltdown and Spectre are cer-

tainly the vulnerabilities of the year
so far, and can easily become those
of the decade.

They have been widely reported

I was lucky enough to attend the on the media.
Real World Crypto in Zurich, Switzer-
land on January 10-12, 2018. They exploit critical vulnerabili-
ties in modern processors, allowing
This highly recommended event malicious programs to steal data that The Security Mission Information
took place in an amazing venue, the should be beyond their reach. & Innovation Group (SMI2G) is or-
Volkshaus Zurich, which is normally
ganising a two-day event in Brussels
a concert venue. This allows to get hold of secrets to exchange information on the 2018
stored in the memory of other run- Secure Societies calls and to stimu-
RWC2018 has been, by far, the ning programs including passwords late networking for the creation of
largest event ever organised by the stored in a password manager or potential ideas and consortia.
IACR, with more than 600 partici- browser, photos, emails, or business-
pants despite having a very average critical documents. This will take place on the 1st and
36 presentation slots.
2nd of February 2018 at the Central
It is particularly damaging that Auditorium (Pierre Lacroix), of the
Meltdown and Spectre affect per- Universite Catholique de Louvain
sonal computers, mobile devices, and (UCL) in Brussels.
cloud servers, allowing an attacker
to steal data from other cloud cus- This is heavily recommended to
tomers. make contacts, meet colleagues, and
start discussing ideas and building
An additional worry is that the consortia for the security calls of
available patches as of writing seem this summer. More info at https:
to seriously degrade the processor’s //
If you plan to attend, drop me an
More info about the at- email to meet there!
tacks can be found at https:
There was a lot of buzz in twit- //
Open Positions
ter, most of it under the hashtag
#realworldcrypto, including a nice It is really a pity that this event
effort by @durumcrustulum to live will only come to Europe every third
tweet the event. year, as it alternates between Eu-
rope/East and West USA.
I enjoyed the event enormously,
despite having been allocated only I have not run a proper poll on
5 minutes for my presentation, and the topic, but my impression (though
some illness during day 2. I may be suffering from confirmation
bias) is that an increasingly large
One of the cherries on the top number of security researchers are
was the invited talk by Jann Horn reluctant to travel to the USA under Please send us any employment
of Project Zero on the Meltdown the current political climate. opportunities you may want to publi-
and Specter bugs, that is recorded at cize in the newsletter. In addition, a TSA encounter of
the third kind is not featured promi-
Particularly interesting is the Q&A nently in our bucket lits. • Professor in Secure Systems
session, also accessible in the link at the University of Surrey,

Cryptacus Newsletter
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Department of Computer Sci-
ence. Salary from £67,970 to
£91,001 per annum. Dead-
line for applications is the 5th

Suitable areas of expertise that • Lecturer or Senior Lec-

complement current strengths turer/Professor positions in
of the group include (but are Cyber Security at the Queen’s For other interesting positions all
not limited to): anti-malware University Belfast Centre for across Europe, please check the re-
security, adversarial machine Secure Information Technolo- cently revamped “Researchers in Mo-
learning, risk management gies (CSIT). tion” portal at https://euraxess.
and threat modelling, trusted It currently has close
systems, verification, and dis- to 60 open positions in computer se-
tributed systems. These positions are based in curity and related areas, including
Belfast, with a salary of be- in Poland, the UK, Finland, Slovenia,
tween £35,550 to £64,079 per Italy, Norway, Switzerland, and even
This is a full time, permanent
annum. in Spain!
job offer. For more info, visit the
ad at
The same employer is currently The deadline for submitting
recruiting for a Senior Lecturer your application is 29th Jan- Proposals for STSMs
or Reader in Secure Systems, uary. Their priority areas are By now, you should be already
this time with a deadline of Hardware Security, Software familiar with what Short Term Scien-
23rd April. More info at https: Security, and Embedded Sys- tific Missions (or STSMs, for short)
// tems Security. More info at are.
Please make your willingness to
receive STSMs proposals known by
sending me an email. Until I do not
have any more, I’ll just publish mine:

• Associate or Assistant Professor

in Cyber Security at the Techni-
cal University of Denmark.

The submission deadline is the • Lecturer in Computer Science

1st February. This is a full time, (with a specialization in Secu-
permanent position based in rity) at King’s College London -
Lyngby. Department of Informatics. • I will be very happy to receive
anyone interested in investigat-
Topics of interest include access ing randomness generation and
This posts is based in London,
control, authentication and testing, particularly on IoT de-
with a salary of £41,212 to
identity management systems, vices.
£49,149 plus an annual Lon-
blockchains and distributed
don allowance of £2,923.
ledger technologies, malware Blogs, posts and other
analysis, digital forensics, and recommended reads
ethical hacking, privacy and The deadline for application
privacy enhancing technolo- is 17th March. This is a full-
gies, and security in pervasive time, permanent position. The
computing systems. successful candidate will be
appointed to the Cyberse-
More info at curity (CYS). More info at

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IOTA: Wouldn’t touch with a analysed the total unconvincing an-
barge-pole swers to the security issues publicly
Very interesting developments
around IOTA over the past weeks.
This last point regarding security
After a highly positive report on is possibly the most enlightening, so
the cryptocurrency published on the we will reproduce it in full:
14th of December by the influen-
tial MIT Technology Review, titled "A "Once the Digital Currency Ini-
Cryptocurrency Without a Blockchain tiative published the break in IOTA’s
Has Been Built to Outperform Bit- Event calendar
curl hash function, its author, Sergey
coin" there were many voices accus- Ivancheglo, offered two conflicting ex- The 17th Annual Workshop on
ing the piece of being uncritical and planations for the vulnerability. The the Economics of Information Secu-
too rosy. first explanation was that the flaw rity (WEIS) will take place next year
was intentional - that it was meant in Innsbruck, Austria.
It certainly had a positive im- to serve as a form of ’copy protection.’
pact on the cryptocurrency mar- If anyone used this code in their own
kets, but less than a week later The submission deadline is
work, he said, the IOTA developers February 18, with a notification
Joichi Ito from the MIT Media Lab would be able to exploit the flaw and
published a very critical response of acceptance by March 31. Rainer
damage other systems that were using Böhme is the conference chair. the hash function. However, later, he
offered a conflicting explanation that
he didn’t write the curl at all, but that
an AI wrote it. We do not find either
of these explanations convincing, even
in isolation. That they contradict each
other makes them even less so."

We agree with this view. The 16th International Confer-

ence on Applied Cryptography and
Network Security (ACNS 2018) will
Despite all this, at the time of take place in Leuven, Belgium from
This response was critical of both writing IOTA is the 11th cryptocur- July 2 until July 4.
the currency and the previous bland rency for market capitalization, with
article. a worth of 8.2 billion dollars.
The submission deadline is Jan
26, 2018 AOE (Anytime on Earth).
It was an inspired and well doc-
umented rebuttal of many of the If I were you, I will keep a safe
assertions published as facts when distance from this project. I won’t
in reality they were simply reflecting be surprised if it collapses as it re-
without much analysis on claims by cently did another cryptocurrency
the IOTA developers. scam called BitConnect, which was a
classical Ponzi scheme in a thin dis-
This response highlighted a num-
ber of serious issues with the project, The 23rd Australasian Conference
notably that the much publicized on Information Security and Privacy
For further reading, I would
IOTA relationships with top-tier com- (ACISP 2018) will be held in Wollon-
recommend the early (Sept 2017)
panies such as Microsoft and Fujitsu gong, Australia on July 11-13, 2018.
post titled "Why I find IOTA deeply
were nebulous at best if not straight alarming" by Nick Johnson (an
lies. Ethereum core developer) at https: It will, unsurprisingly, be orga-
// nized by the University of Wollon-
Also, it reasoned that it is not a gong. The submission deadline is
fully decentralized project, and has the 25 February 2018 at 11:59pm
suffered from availability issues as Be careful out there! AEST and the notification will be on
a result of this. More importantly, it the 8th April.

Cryptacus Newsletter
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acceptance notification on May 11th, covering from 5G Networks to Infor-
2018. mation Hiding.

More info at Of special interest to our audience

is, possibly, the 2nd International
Workshop on Security and Forensics
of IoT.

The 3rd International Workshop

on Boolean Functions and their Ap-
plications (BFA) is organized by the
The 21st Information Security
Selmer Center of the University of
Conference (ISC 2018), will take
place in London (Guildford), from
September 9 to September 12, 2018.
It will take place at the Alexandra SecureComm 2018, the 14th EAI
Hotel, Loen, in Norway during June International Conference on Security
The submission deadline is 16
17-22, 2018. and Privacy in Communication Net-
April, with notification on the 18
June. The General Chair will be Steve works is taking place in Singapore,
The deadline for submission is Schneider. from August 8-10, 2018. Deadline
April 1st, 2018 (no kidding) and the for submissions is 16 February.
notification will be one week later, on
April 7th.

The 13th International Confer-

ence on Availability, Reliability and
Security (ARES 2018), will be held
from August 27 to August 30, 2018 at
the University of Hamburg, Germany.
This workshop occurs imme-
diately after a related one called The submission deadline is See you all back in February!
WAIFI (International Workshop on March 16, 2018. This conference is
the Arithmetic of Finite Fields 2018) quickly becoming one of the largest Best,
in Bergen, which is on June 14-16, security gatherings in Europe, with Julio Hernandez-Castro
with a deadline on April 1st, and more than 12 associated workshops

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