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S EPTEMBER 2016, N O 1

Cryptacus Newsletter

First Newsletter

Welcome to this first edition of the monthly Crypta-
cus Newsletter, bringing you a quick glimpse into
the latest developments in the IoT cryptanalysis
area. There are not a lot of contributors to this first
edition of the newsletter, for obvious reasons, but
we’d love you to send us your contributions for in-
coming issues, comments and feedback to

News from the Chair Castro accepted to be the editor of This month we recommend to
by G ILDAS AVOINE this newsletter. Thanks, Julio! I hope read the paper Lock It and Still Lose
you will keep this newsletter excit- It - On the (In)Security of Automo-
ing by regularly sending your news to tive Remote Keyless Entry Systems,
Julio. published in the 25th USENIX Se-
During Haifa’s meeting, we also curity Symposium (USENIX Security
discussed the third grand period. 2016).
Cryptacus encountered several diffi- This brilliant piece of work, by
culties to launch the third grant pe- our colleague and WG4 leader
riod, but this issue should be fixed Flavio Garcia (with David Os-
soon. Note that the scientific commit- wald, Timo Kasper and Pierre
tee, chaired by Bart Preneel, will pro- Pavlidès) which you can enjoy at
pose in the coming days the location, has been all
Cryptacus’ Management Committee of the next meeting. Right after, the over the news recently, being covered
Meeting organised in Haifa, Israel, MC will vote on the grant agreement, at news sites such as The Guardian,
was really interesting and useful which is a mandatory step before the Daiy Mail, WIRED, The Register, Busi-
(Thanks, Orr!) for the current and next period starts. Short-term scien- ness Insider, Daily Tech, Ars Tech-
future activities of our COST Ac- tific missions will then be able to be nica, etc. showing once more why
tion. The Management Committee organised again. the work we do can potentially have
(MC) decided there to make collab- an enormous societal impact. Con-
orations in Cryptacus’ even stronger, gratulations Flavio et al., nice work!
and to spread the information bet- Funding News
Recommended reading
ter among the members of the Ac-
tion, and more generally in the sci-
entific community. Among the dis-
cussed issues, the MC decided to pub-
lish a monthly newsletter that in-
cludes recent activities of the Action,
as well as news from the field (call
for papers, open positions, significant
publications, etc.). Julio Hernandez- There are a number of interesting

Cryptacus Newsletter
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European calls for H2020 projects • Lectureship in the Founda-
in our (or closely related) areas in tion of Pervasive Data Sci-
• DS-08-2017 explicitly mentions
2017. We will cover in more detail ence at Lancaster University.
Privacy Enhancing Technolo-
in future editions of this newsletter They mention areas such as
gies in its description, ’to pro-
some of these opportunities, but for ’Internet of Things, smart
vide users with the functional-
now let’s list the most obvious ones: cities/spaces and pervasive
ity they require without expos-
computing’. It helps of you
ing any more information than
have interest or, preferably,
• DS-06-2017 has a deadline of necessary, and without losing
a track record as a data sci-
25 April 2017 and its topic control over their data, to any
entist. Salaries from £33,574
(Cryptography) is spot on. The third parties.’ but also requests
to £46,414. Permanent posi-
call is open to proposals ad- contributions in the area of ’Se-
tion. Call closing on the 18th
vancing in areas such as ho- cure Digital Identities’. More
September 2016. More info
momorphic encryption, data info at
at The
leakage, authenticated encryp- same folks at Lancaster offer
tion, post-quantum, automated There are other interesting calls an additional position as a Lec-
proofs for crypto protocols, etc. we will mention in future issues, turer in Cybersecurity (closing
But they also explicitly request where we will also provide with more on the 30th September 2016)
proposals dealing with the ’In- details on the ones briefly shown
ternet of Things, implantable above. We will try to encourage
medical devices and sensor • Research Associate or Senior
and support consortia build-up from
nodes that harvest energy from Research Associate in Cryp-
within Cryptacus, involving as many
the environment’ acknowledg- tography at Bristol. This is a
MC members as possible. Incoming
ing that ’there is a need for rolling call with only a nominal
MC and WG meetings will include
ultra-lightweight cryptology’ deadline of 18th of December.
opportunities to create consortia and
and that ’additional means They’re interested in hiring for
exchange know-how to competitively
to protect privacy in these their prestigious Cryptography
apply to H2020 calls.
applications (e.g. anonymity group in Multi-Party Compu-
in communications) should tation, the evaluation of the
Open Positions security of cryptographic im-
be developed.’ More info at plementations, cryptography
resiliency against real world
attacks, design and implemen-
• DS-07-2017 belongs to the tation tools, etc. Salaries from
group of EU call with an un- £31,656 to £40,082. More info
godly deadline in August. I at
imagine many of you have suf-
fered this in the past, and how
badly it can impact your hol- Proposals for STSMs
We would like to include in future
idays and relations. For this
newsletters open positions related to
and the next, the deadline is
our are of interest, so please send
24 August 2017. The topic cov-
us any employment opportunity you
ered is closer to cybersecurity,
want to publicize. For the time being,
in particular Addressing Ad-
we have these:
vanced Cyber Security Threats
and Threat Actors, and they
seek the ’development of novel • Lecturer/Associate Professor at
approaches for providing or- the University of Southamp-
ganizations the appropriate ton. They explicitly mention
situational awareness in rela- Internet of Things as one of
tion to cyber security threats’ the areas of expertise they’ll
with solutions including ’tech- be happy to appoint a candi- By now, you should be already
niques such as anomaly de- date. Call closes on the 20th familiar with what Short Term Scien-
tection, visualization tools, big September 2016. Salaries from tific Missions (or STSMs, for Short)
data analysis, threat analysis, £36,672 to £60,081 per year. are, but we have a healthy budget for
deep-packet inspection, proto- Permanent position. More info them within the Cryptacus project
col analysis, etc’. More details at and not enough demand.

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This section could be used by any, We surely have to mention the
of our readers to encourage visitors where you can find multiple blog imminent deadline of RFIDSec2016
to their group or lab. For that, please entries with description of their ac- (venue will be Hong Kong) on 12
send us a very brief description of tivities, and a variety of other inter- September (
your profile and that of the intended esting topics, from their musings to as one of the yearly highlights for
visitor, and we’ll publicize it in here their live blogging of some of the our community, but the Mycrypt (on
to foster international cooperation main events in the Crypto calendar. the 15th) and Eurocrypt (on Octo-
within the COST project. ber 1st), together with ASIACCS (on
Event calendar November 1st), Finantial Cryptogra-
Blogs and posts to read phy (4th of November) and the FSE
(23rd of November) will make for a
busy end of the year for most of us.

This month, I will highly recom-

mend you to actively follow the
blog of Bristol Crypto Group at

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