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J UNE 2017, N O 9

Cryptacus Newsletter

June’17 Cryptacus Newsletter

Welcome to the latest edition of the monthly newsletter, offering a glimpse into re-
cent developments in the IoT cryptanalysis and
related areas. We’d love to receive more of your
contributions, comments & feedback at crypta-

News from the Chair A Management Committee meet- research results.

by G ILDAS AVOINE ing will also take place jointly with
these two events. Best regards,
A web page will be set up soon
to provide information about Ni- Recommended reading
jmegen’s workshop. Each Manage-
ment Committee member will re-
ceive his/her official invitation letter
before the summer break.

Dear Cryptacus Members, It is worth noting that the Ni-

jmegen’s event will be a 3-day work- This month we will briefly cover
I am glad to tell you that the new shop instead of the 2-day workshops an important paper just uploaded
yearly Grant Period is now open, and we ran in the past. We aim to provide to e-print titled State of the Art in
STSMs can consequently be carried more free time to Cryptacus’ partici- Lightweight Symmetric Cryptography
out again. pants for collaboration. by Alex Biryukov and Leo Perrin from
the Luxembourg Security Group.
Cryptacus’ Management Com- Activities to encourage and fa-
mittee approved the organization cilitate collaboration will be set up. You can read a preliminary ver-
of two events during this Grant Pe- Do not hesitate to contact me if you sion of it at https://eprint.iacr.
riod, namely a workshop on Nov. would like to share thoughts about org/2017/511.pdf.
16-18, 2017 in Nijmegen (Nether- such activities.
lands) organized by Lejla Batina, The authors present an extensive
and a training school on April 16-20, As we did in Sutomore (Montene- survey of all lightweight symmetric
2018 (tentative dates that might be gro), the workshop will mostly (but primitives they could get their hands
modified) in Sao Miguel Island (Por- not only) consist of submitted pre- on, including designs from the aca-
tugal) organized by Ricardo Chaves. sentations. The expenditures of the demic community, government agen-
selected speakers will be fully reim- cies and even proprietary algorithms
Thanks to both of them for their bursed, which is a great opportunity which were reverse-engineered or
involvement in Cryptacus. - especially for young researchers - to leaked.
attend a workshop and present their

Cryptacus Newsletter
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More controversially, they argue Although off-putting in size, these Zealand - Faculty of Science,
that lightweight cryptography is too documents outline all the calls, bud- Department of Computer Sci-
large a field that should be split into gets and deadlines for the next three ence. Deadline of 25th May
two related but distinct areas: ultra- years: 2018-2021 (with the exception 2017. They are particularly in-
lightweight and IoT cryptography. of the ERC that publishes annually). terested in experts on digital
forensics, security testing, or
They propose the former to deal We cannot share these documents software obfuscation, security
only with the smallest of devices, publicly, but will be happy to answer or privacy for mobile devices,
for which a lower security level may your questions on particular calls if cyber-physical systems (esp. In-
be justified by the very harsh design you send them to me by email. ternet of Things), machine-to-
constraints. They envision the lat- machine systems, and big data
ter to focus on low-power embedded Use this opportunity to check calls systems. More information at
processors for which the AES and in your area of interest and buy your-
modern hash function are too costly self months of extra time before the
but which have nevertheless to pro- calls are published later in the year • Senior Lecturer in Secure Sys-
vide a high level of security due to or in coming years. tems University of Surrey -
their greater connectivity. Department of Computer Sci-
As a brief taster, the areas most ence. Deadline is the 25th
Perhaps not all readers will agree relevant to the Cryptacus aims are May. Salary is from £39,324 to
with this proposal, but their division perhaps those covered in the Se- £57,674 per year. Two priority
makes sense and provides good food cure Societies. in particular we want areas are security through hard-
for though. to highlight the following calls: SU- ware and applied cryptography
INFRA02-2019 on ’Security for Smart and secure systems and applica-
As the authors say ’connecting a Cities and soft targets in Smart cities’. tions
family of devices to a global network Interestingly, subtopic 3 on ’Under- There is a similar position at the
and protecting them with an 80-bit standing the drivers of cybercriminal- Lecturer level in the same in-
key is not a desirable situation, and ity and new methods to prevent, in- stitution with the same dead-
yet it is what may happen if an ultra- vestigate and mitigate cybercriminal line, you can get more info at
lightweight algorithm is used where behaviour’ has a description around
an IoT one is needed’. Indeed. IoT and how it is an increasingly in-
• Hamilton Professorships in
terested target for cybercriminals.
Computer Science at Maynooth
Funding News University. The areas of interest
Open Positions cover, between others, Cyber-
security and Privacy. Plenty of
time to decide whether to ap-
ply, with a deadline on Friday
20th of October. Salary could
be e110,060 to e139,501 p.a.
for Professor A and e80,650
Please send us any employment op- to e106,655 p.a. for the Pro-
portunity you want to publicize in fessor B range. More info at
the newsletter.

Interesting opportunities are • Senior Lecturer / Associate Pro-

We have been given early access lately arising in computer security fessor in Security at The Uni-
to the next set of EU Horizon2020 with the transparent aim to attract versity of Sydney - School of
draft work programmes. talent willing to leave the UK af- Information Technologies, Fac-
ter Brexit. New Zealand, Australia, ulty of Engineering and Infor-
These are important documents - Canada, China and Ireland are some mation Technologies. Appar-
describing all the EU research fund- of the firsts moving in this direction, ently housing prices in Sydney
ing calls that will happen between as shown in the list below. When will are astronomical, but the salary
2018 and 2021. France, the Netherlands and Ger- for the position, ranging from
many follow? Asking for a friend... £88,332.30 to £117,175.50
This is a great opportunity to get may be good enough to cover
ahead of the game, plan early and for that. Deadline for applica-
start talking to collaborators. • Lecturer in Digital Security. tions is the 14th May. More info
University of Auckland, New at

Cryptacus Newsletter
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• There is also an exceptional and not enough demand. All over the news in recent times
opportunity at the increasingly here in the UK has been a study
active and prestigious secu- Until somebody sends more pro- by University of Twente that claims
rity group at the Vrije Univer- posals, we will repeat the STSM of- that smart meters are producing in
siteit Amsterdam. The post is fers of the past, including that of some case readings that wrongly try
for an Assistant or Associate Aurélien Francillon and mine. to charge customers up to six times
Professor position in Systems their right consumption.
Security, with a salary from
e3605 to e6438. More info at • “At Eurecom we are actively An example of this, covered working on analyzing em- in The Telegraph, is at https:
bedded devices software and // This is, of course,
building methodologies and not great for smart meter adoption
In addition, there are a good
tools for this. An example of and by extension also could affect
number of positions on the
that is ourvopen source Avatar other smart devices.
wrong side of the channel:
Framework (see http://s3. This is particularly worrisome in
• Assistant/Associate Professor in which is aimed to reverse en- the uK, as the government is push-
Computer Science at Durham gineer devices and search for ing for putting smart meters in every
University. Deadline is the 30th vulnerabilities. We are happy household by 2020, claiming it will
May, salary up to £55,998. to receive visitors interested in improve the accuracy of people’s en-
They mention in the job de- the topic, for example to get ergy bills.
scription both computer secu- help to start using the Avatar
rity and cryptographic analysis, framework on a given device.” The study points this is not always
whatever that may be. Apply at the case, and gives conspiracy theo- rists too worried about their privacy
impact fur-
• Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Cy- ther fuel to vigorously oppose these
ber Security at De Montfort measures.
University - Faculty of Technol-
ogy. De Montfort is recruiting
Apparently the main culprits are
heavily in recent times, and
’green devices such as energy saving
clearly is trying to attract talent
light bulbs, heaters, LED bulbs and
and build a good cybersecurity • I will be happy to receive any- dimmers that change the shape of
team. Deadline for applications one interested in investigating electric currents which can result in
is the 2nd of July. More info at the many limitations and pit- a distorted reading’. Interesting but falls of the PRNGs and the very troubling.
TRNGs currently in use on IoT
For other interesting positions
all across Europe, please check the Blogs, posts and other
recently revamped “Researchers in good reads
Motion” portal https://euraxess.

Proposals for STSMs

Another interesting piece of news

is the publication of a very damming
By now, you should be already report by F-Secure regarding Chinese
familiar with what Short Term Scien- manufacturer Foscam.
tific Missions (or STSMs, for short)
are, but we have a healthy budget for The security cameras produced by
them within the Cryptacus project Foscam are so plagued with security

Cryptacus Newsletter
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issues that they can be easily com-
promised remotely so that attackers
can get total control over them and
heir video feeds.

Even worse, they responsibly dis-

closed their findings to the manufac- The 16th IMA International Con-
turer months ago and they basically ference on Cryptography and Coding
sit on them. More worrying, these will take place in St Catherine’s Col-
Event calendar
serious vulnerabilities seem to exist lege, University of Oxford from 12-
in many other camera models man- The 17th Smart Card Research 14 December. The deadline for sub-
ufactured by Foscam for other makes. and Advanced Application (CARDIS) mission is the 14th of July. This is a
Conference will be held in Lugano, prestigious and venerable conference
Switzerland, from November 13th to with an excellent Program Commit-
15th 2017. The deadline is the 21st tee. More info at
Hard-coded passwords that can’t of July. KejTXB.
be changed by the user are just one
of many issues. Foscam manufactures
cameras for, between many others,
Chacon, Thomson, 7links, Opticam,
Netis, Turbox, Novodio, Ambientcam,
Nexxt, etc.

Indocrypt is this year in Chennai, See you all very soon!

with a paper submission deadline of
More info here August 20th and notification on the Best,
YveuS2. 5th of October. The conference will be Julio Hernandez-Castro
from 10-13 December.

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