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FBM KLCI 1564.12 10.78 KLCI FUTURES 1560.00 13.00 STI 3087.97 15.48 RM/USD 4.1860 CPO RM2136.00 5.00 OIL US$57.56 0.13 GOLD US$1506.90 2.80
PP 9974/08/2013 (032820)

FRIDAY OCTOBER 4, 2019 ISSUE 2981/2019

FINANCIAL Grab stunned by

RM87m proposed
MAKE fine for abusive

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Maxis seals 5G
deal with Huawei,
readies for
2020 roll-out GST U-TURN

No risk of
recession next
year — Principal
The current tax regime is sufficient
Witness Ken Tai to cover the government’s operational and
‘disgusted’ by way development spending — tax experts.
boss John Soh Wong Ee Lin has the story on Page 3.
treated closest allies

Moody’s revises Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs poised

Press Metal’s
outlook to negative to lead Airbnb’s listing — sources 9 P R O P E RT Y

For breaking news updates go to

Axiata’s tower unit seeking
deals to enter new markets
‘If there’s a need to invest significantly, we might consider some of the offers'
BY KR ISHNA N DAS Reuters reported this week that
Axiata had received offers for its
KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysian tel- 66.4%-owned Indonesian unit PT
ecoms firm Axiata Group Bhd has XL Axiata Tbk as well for edotco
asked its edotco towers unit to seek Group Sdn Bhd (edotco).
deals to enter new markets or ex- Investors love edotco and
“Investors love edotco and we
pand in Southeast Asia and South we continue to receive calls
continue to receive calls from com-
Asia, and may consider selling a from companies that want a
panies that want a piece of it,” he
stake if attractive large investment piece of it — Jamaludin.
said, adding that there was no hur-
opportunities arise. The Edge file photo
ry for a sale.
Axiata last month pulled the “Having said that, edotco has
plug on a planned non-cash merger been encouraged to take an active
with Norway’s Telenor ASA citing mergers and acquisitions stance
The Edge Communications Sdn Bhd unspecified complexities. in terms of expansion into new
Level 3, Menara KLK, No 1 Jalan PJU 7/6, Axiata chief executive Tan Sri Ja- markets or increasing their tow-
Mutiara Damansara, 47810 Petaling Jaya, maludin Ibrahim told Reuters yester- er portfolio within the Asean and
Selangor, Malaysia day his company did not see chances South Asia regions. So if there’s a
for another group-level deal. A tie- “Apart from the Telenor deal, there for unit-level deals that would result need for edotco or for that matter
up with Telenor would have created is no equivalent group deal that will in in-country consolidation because as Axiata Group, to invest signifi-
Publisher and Group CEO Ho Kay Tat Southeast Asia’s largest telecoms op- bring the same level of benefits,” Ja- in most cases, we believe in signifi- cantly, we might consider some of
erator with 300 million subscribers. maludin said. “However, we are open cant synergies as a result.” the offers.” — Reuters
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Tel: 03-7721 8219 Fax: 03-7721 8038

Editor-in-Chief Azam Aris

Executive Editors Ooi Inn Leong, Anwar confident of smooth US jobless
claims edge up
power transition
Kathy Fong, Jenny Ng, Diana Khoo
Senior Editors Cindy Yeap,
Jose Barrock, Kang Siew Li, Joyce Goh
Associate Editors R B Bhattacharjee, BY K AT IA D MIT R IE VA
Vasantha Ganesan, Adeline Paul Raj
Deputy Editor Tan Choe Choe THE EDGE FILE PHOTO WASHINGTON: Filings for US
Assistant Editors Khairie Hisyam SHAH ALAM: The president of Parti discussions [on power transition] unemployment benefits rose
Aliman, Kanagaraju S Sithambaram
Chief Copy Editor Felyx Teoh Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) Datuk Seri ... I think overall, consistently, Dr to a four-week high, another
Assistant Chief Copy Editor Anwar Ibrahim (pic) is confident Mahathir will honour the agree- sign of potential labour market
Melanie Proctor that there would not be any prob- ment and his promise. I view that weakness in today’s monthly
Associate Copy Editor Teoh Hock Siew lem in the process of the transition positively because we should not jobs report. Claims remain near
Copy Editors Tham Kid Cheng,
Tham Yek Lee of power later, as Prime Minister Tun publicly state the time, that would historically low levels.
Art Director Sharon Khoh Dr Mahathir Mohamad has given render the rule of the present PM Jobless claims rose 4,000 to
Chief Graphic Designer Cheryl Loh his assurance to keep his promise. as quite ineffective,” he said. 219,000 in the week ended Sept
Design Team Valerie Chin, Anwar said the confidence came Nevertheless, Anwar said the ac- 28, according to Labor Depart-
Mohd Yusry, Aaron Boudville,
Aminullah Abdul Karim, about following his weekly meetings tual date of the transition of power ment figures released yesterday
Noorain Duasa, Tun Mohd Zafian with Dr Mahathir and he was sat- would be discussed later. that exceeded the estimate in
Mohd Za’abah isfied at the continuous assurance Last week, the media reported Bloomberg’s survey of econo-
made by the prime minister (PM). that at the dialogue session organ- mists. The four-week average,
Manager Katherine Tan “I guarantee he (Dr Mahathir) ised by the Council of Foreign Rela- a less-volatile measure, held at
Senior Coordinator Maryani Hassan will honour his promise of sur- On the query that discussions on tions in New York, Dr Mahathir said the lowest in about two months
rendering power but the promise the period of power transition had he would step down from his post while continuing claims fell to
CORPORATE is predicated upon a consensus of never been discussed prior to this, before the 15th general election or the lowest in almost a year.
Chief Operating Officer
Lim Shiew Yuin Pakatan Harapan (PH) and PH has Anwar, who is also Port Dickson three years at the most. The third-straight rise in
decided prior to the election,” An- member of Parliament, regarded The media also reported that claims shows that a slowdown
ADVERTISING & MARKETING war told reporters after becoming it as inaccurate. Anwar had told Bloomberg Televi- in manufacturing amid lower
To advertise contact a guest of a dialogue session with “I think it’s always a problem sion that he expected to take over global demand and investment
GL: (03) 7721 8000
Fax: (03) 7721 8288 Universiti Teknologi Mara students when we have to pick and choose the national administration next may be spreading into the la-
Chief Commercial Officer here yesterday. what [the] PM said. There were year. — Bernama bour market. At the same time,
Sharon Teh (012) 313 9056 claims remain at tight enough
General Manager levels to indicate still-solid em-
Fong Lai Kuan (012) 386 2831
ployment, and the strike by
Senior Sales Manager
Gregory Thu (012) 376 0614 Umno postpones general assembly General Motors Co (GM) work-
Head of Marketing Support & Ad Traffic ers may have played a role.
Lorraine Chan (03) 7721 8001 KUALA LUMPUR: The 2019 Umno by-election would be on Nov 2 while 20,731 votes while Nordin, 2,962 votes. The GM strike, which began
general assembly, scheduled on Nov early polling would be held on Nov Ahmad Zahid, who is also BN Sept 15, may have pushed up
OPERATIONS 13 to 16 has been postponed to Dec 12. The by-election would be held chairman, said BN had decided to the number of people seeking
To order copy 4 to 7 to make way for the Tanjung following the death of incumbent contest at the by-election but the an- benefits. Striking workers are
Tel: 03-7721 8052 / 8050 / 8037 Piai parliamentary by-election. Datuk Dr Md Farid Md Rafiq, 42, nouncement of the candidate to rep- generally not entitled to receive
Fax: 03-7721 8282
Email: Umno president Datuk Seri Ah- who was also deputy minister in resent the party would only be made unemployment benefits, but
mad Zahid Hamidi said the deci- the Prime Minister’s Department on after all consultations with the com- still may file to receive them.
sion was agreed to by the Umno Sept 21 due to heart complication. ponent parties had been finalised. Related industries and firms
Supreme Council which met yes- At the 14th general election “I have held discussions with may have also felt the impact
Managing Director/Editor-in-Chief terday following the overlapping (GE14), Dr Md Farid, an anaes- MCA president Datuk Seri Dr Wee with about 46,000 union em-
Au Foong Yee
Executive Editor Sharon Kam
of the scheduled dates with the thesiologist, represented Pakatan Ka Siong and will announce the can- ployees are on strike across
Assistant Editor Tan Ai Leng by-election’s polling day on Nov 16. Harapan-Parti Pribumi Bersatu didate as soon as possible,” he said. several states.
“We will ensure all the machin- Malaysia (Bersatu) to win the seat In the meantime, Ahmad Zahid The Labor Department’s
MARKETING & ADVERTISING ery of Umno and Barisan Nasional with a majority of 524 votes. confirmed that Umno had received September jobs report due
Associate Account Director,
Advertising & Marketing
(BN) will be focused in Tanjung The late Dr Md Farid, who was also an invitation from the organisers today is forecast to show hir-
Heidee Ahmad (019) 388 1880 Piai,” he told a media conference Tanjung Piai Bersatu division deputy of the Malay Dignity Congress ing rose in the month, though
after chairing the Umno Supreme chief obtained 21,255 votes to beat Da- addressed to him and members overall continues to trend
& CUSTOMER ADVISORY Council meeting here yesterday. tuk Seri Wee Jeck Seng (BN-MCA) and of the Umno Supreme Council. down amid slower global de-
Senior Manager Elizabeth Lay The nomination date for the Nordin Othman (PAS). Wee secured — Bernama mand. — Bloomberg

GST U-turn unnecessary, FMM: Now is a good time to

reintroduce GST

but SST can be improved BY WO NG S W E E MAY


tion of Malaysian Manufacturers
(FMM) says this is a good time
○ Zero-rate all essential goods
and services;
○ Reduce tax compliance burden
by increasing the GST registra-
tion threshold to RM1 million;
to reintroduce the goods and ○ Minimise delays in refunds for
services tax (GST) as Malaysia’s exporters and businesses with
Current tax regime can cover govt spending — experts export industry could use some zero-rated supplies;
help amid a weak external en- ○ Include the provision of interest
vironment. The federation said on late payments and refunds
BY WO N G EE L I N Edge Financial Daily. In an immediate response, Dep- Malaysian exports can become in the GST legislation to ensure
If the government was worried uty International Trade and Industry more competitive internationally strict compliance with the cli-
KUALA LUMPUR: The prime min- about its spending needs amid its Minister Dr Ong Kian Ming said con- as no GST is imposed on export- ent charter and integrity of the
ister’s statement yesterday that the RM1 trillion worth of total debt and li- ducting a study on the reintroduction ed goods and services, while the system.
government will study if there is a abilities, the current tax regime shows of the GST does not mean the system GST incurred on inputs can be FMM added it would not be dif-
need to reintroduce the scrapped revenue collection would be enough will be brought back for certain. recovered along the supply chain. ficult for manufacturers to switch
goods and services tax (GST) — to cover its operating and develop- The context of the Dr Mahathir’s “Given the weak external envi- back to the previous automated
the removal of which was one of ment expenditures without having comments also needs to be under- ronment and amid current global model under the GST taxpayers
Pakatan Harapan’s key pledges in to revert back to the GST, according stood, Ong said. “In response to an tensions, we believe that priori- access point system as the com-
the 14th general election (GE14) — to Affin Hwang Investment Bank Bhd economist’s suggestion that we should ty should be given to strengthen pliance system already exists.
is unlikely to gain traction among chief economist Alan Tan. perhaps study it, Tun Dr Mahathir the economy and restore more “We look forward to be en-
the rakyat. “The current government’s reve- said we could study it if the people favourable business conditions. gaged in the study proposed by
Doing so may also lead to price nue collection is substantial, [so] even want the GST to be reinstated. How- Therefore, this will be the oppor- the government in order to pro-
increases and profiteering again without the implementation of the ever, if the people do not want a re- tune time to reintroduce the GST vide manufacturers’ views on the
on top of the government being GST, the government is still on track turn to the old system, the people’s system,” it said in a statement. possible reintroduction of the GST
accused of flip-flopping on its pol- to achieve the fiscal deficit of 3.4% voice will be heard and it will not be FMM also suggested the gov- system,” it said. FMM added that
icies and causing the loss of busi- this year and 3.2% next year,” Tan said. brought back,” Ong reportedly said ernment make the tax more the GST is a more transparent and
ness confidence, tax experts told The government expects RM22 bil- at an event in Ipoh. friendly for consumers and busi- effective tax regime compared to
The Edge Financial Daily. lion from the SST to be collected this The GST, which was implement- nesses by taking these five steps: the sales and service tax, with over
Instead of doing a U-turn, the year. Up to June 30, it had collected ed by the previous Barisan Nasional ○ Cut the GST rate from 6% to 170 countries using this “infallible
government should instead look RM13.3 billion, based on Bank Nega- (BN) administration at a 6% rate, came 3%; and fair tax structure”.
into ways to make the sales and ra Malaysia data. In contrast, the GST into effect on April 1, 2015. It was ze-
service tax (SST) it reintroduced to collected RM20.24 billion in January ro-rated for three months from June 1
replace the GST more efficient, or to May 31, 2018. last year, following Pakatan’s historic also be addressed, he said, citing as Malaysia more competitive. And the
incorporate some attributes of the victory against BN in GE14, before example the RM19 billion worth of GST would not result in a tax cascad-
GST into the SST regime to make ‘Context of Dr M’s comments being replaced by the SST on Sept 1. tax refunds that were not returned, ing impact that could lead to higher
it a more robust one, with better needs to be understood’ On Tuesday, the Malaysian Insti- which had shaken businesses’ con- prices, he said.
enforcement, said tax consultant Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mo- tute of Economic Research suggested fidence in the government’s 14-day And given that businesses have
Dr Veerinderjeet Singh, who is the hamad was reported as saying at an that the GST be brought back in its tax refund promise. implemented the GST before, com-
chairman of Axcelasia Inc. event yesterday that the government Budget 2020 wish list, saying it was “No tax system is perfect, [like pliance cost will be a lot lower than
“One reason the SST revenue would look at the reintroduction of more effective and fairer than the SST. laws], so that’s why there are laws when it was first introduced in 2015.
is lower than what was generat- the GST if the people want it back. that have to be changed,” said Chung. The government’s administrative
ed by the GST is that the scope of “If people believe it is better, we will ‘No tax system is perfect’ Though he did not indicate whether cost will likewise be lower, said Tan.
items covered by the SST is much study it. We will study if it (the GST) Should the government be serious he was for or against the reintroduc- The issue is whether doing this
lower than what was covered by is better than the SST,” he was quoted about reintroducing the GST, a holis- tion of the GST, he noted: “What the U-turn is “politically acceptable”,
the GST. If we can enhance and as saying. When asked if the govern- tic consultation with all stakeholders people want is [a tax regime] that said United Overseas Bank (M) Bhd
widen the scope and tax base of ment could announce the reintro- — including tax agents, businesses, reduces the cost of living, which is senior economist Julia Goh. But ex-
the SST and enforce it well as well, duction of GST in Budget 2020, he manufacturers and investors — has unrealistic.” Affin Hwang’s Tan said panding the indirect tax base with
as tweak it into ensuring that cas- said that would be difficult, as the to be done, said Grant Thornton Ma- the reintroduction of the GST is more the GST “will solve the problem of
cading of prices is curtailed, then federal budget would be tabled next laysia executive director of indirect about shifting the dependence on being reliant on the small percentage
we should see an increase in tax week, on Oct 11. “Maybe we can do tax and GST Alan Chung. direct tax to indirect tax, and bring who pay taxes, which discourages
revenue,” Veerinderjeet told The it later,” he said. Weaknesses in the old system must down corporate income tax to make productivity”, she added.

Maxis seals 5G deal with Huawei, readies for 2020 roll-out

KUALA LUMPUR: Maxis Bhd, which variety of price options and services. supplying Maxis with 4G/LTE and
has sealed an agreement with Huawei The agreement was inked by 5G radio equipment and services un-
Technologies Malaysia to get access Ogut on behalf of Maxis, while Hua- der the deal, according to Bernama,
to the latter’s fifth-generation (5G) wei was represented by its CEO, quoting Maxis chairman Raja Tan Sri
network technologies, is ready to roll- Michael Yuan. Arshad Raja Tun Uda.
out the service next year, as soon as According to the newswire, “Leveraging on existing Maxis’
the spectrum is set for release in the Malaysian Communications and investments and footprint, it (this
second half of that same year. Multimedia Commission chair- agreement) will be able to facili-
“Our ambition is to be the first man Al-Ishsal Ishak, who was also tate a faster roll-out of 5G services
operator and chosen partner [of present at the event, said the final when the spectrum is available,”
Huawei] for 5G. As the 5G spectrum report on Malaysia’s 5G mobile Arshad said.
release [is expected] in the second technology implementation will The collaboration follows a mem-
half of next year, we are ready for likely be completed next month. orandum of understanding inked
the next step. The interim report by the Na- between the two groups in February
“As soon as we launch [the 5G ser- tional 5G Special Task Force would to cooperate on full-fledged 5G trials,
vices], mobile plans will be available,” be submitted to Communications after which Maxis started the first 5G
Bernama wrote Maxis chief executive and Multimedia Minister Gobind live trials in Malaysia, where it record-
officer (CEO) Gokhan Ogut as saying Singh Deo, he said.” Hopefully, by ed close to 3Gbps download speeds.
to reporters after the group signed the the third quarter [of next year] the In a statement released at the
agreement with Huawei yesterday [5G] spectrum will [be] allocated,” event, Dr Mahathir said collab-
in a ceremony that was witnessed Al-Ishsal was quoted as saying. orations between global players
by Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir The agreement Maxis inked with and local vendors are important to
Mohamad in Putrajaya yesterday. Huawei yesterday will allow Maxis support a thriving technology eco-
While Ogut said Maxis has yet to to have access to Huawei’s insights, system in Malaysia. “I am pleased
(From left) Al-Ishsal, Arshad, Ogut, Dr Mahathir, Yuan, Huawei executive director of the decide on the pricing as the 5G ser- standards, products and solutions to see Maxis and Huawei taking
board and president (Southern Pacific Region) Ryan Ding, and Deputy Communications vice network is still on trial, he said that will make 5G easier to adopt, advantage of this environment and
and Multimedia Minister Eddin Syazlee Shith at the signing ceremony between Maxis the group will opt for a pricing strat- operate and introduce new use cases supporting the growth of Malaysia’s
and Huawei yesterday. egy that provides customers with a in Malaysia. Huawei would also be digital economy,” he said.

No risk of recession

next year — Principal

Resumption of a growth trajectory is possible after the current slowdown
BY TAN XU E Y I N G ing on a day-to-day basis. Risk ve-
locity refers to risks that are not just
KUALA LUMPUR: While there challenging themselves, but move
are legitimate concerns over the from peripheral threats to portfolio
strength of the global economic impacts at an elevated pace.
recovery, an investment manager Cheong said now is possibly the
says investors should not be pre-
paring for a recession in 2020.
most challenging time for the mar-
kets since the global financial crisis,
Principal Portfolio Strategies given the uncertainties resulting veteran Shahar
chief investment officer Todd from the US-China trade war and
Jablonski said indicators are show- Jablonski says recession the situation in the Middle East and Noor dies
ing that the current economic slow- risks are not overplayed, North Korea, and on top of that,
down could level off with potential but instead, reasons for other issues such as impacts of KUALA LUMPUR : Shahar
increases thereafter. optimism are ‘under-blown’. technology advancement on indus- Noor (pic), 71, an iconic fig-
“We have seen three separate Photo by Bloomberg tries as well as demographic shifts. ure of the local advertising
slowdowns since the global finan- The key to navigating the current and communications indus-
cial crisis,” Jablonski told reporters market conditions, according to try, passed away early yester-
on the sidelines of the Principal According to Jablonski, reces- that give us optimism for the future. Principal Asset Management Ma- day morning at his residence
Asia Summit here yesterday. “Since sion risks are not overplayed, but “Those things should be trum- laysia chief investment officer of in Bukit Bandaraya, Bangsar.
March 2009, we have first had the instead, reasons for optimism are peted a bit more loudly — as well equities Patrick Chang, is diversi- Shahar was prominent in
European sovereign debt crisis that “under-blown”. as the strength of the consumer fication and a focus on structuring the advertising world where
was approximately a 20-month “I do not see the current slow- and service sectors — to give in- portfolios with much higher yields. he played an active role in lev-
slowdown, secondly we had noise down ending in crisis. There are al- vestors some comfort that it’s not These include global diversified elling the playing field in the
in 2017 around commodities and ways exogenous ‘shock risks’, and I necessarily a recession they should income strategies, looking at global industry that was once dom-
that was a 17-month slowdown. would say that those risks are more be preparing for, it could just be a real estate investment trusts, as well inated by multinationals and
“The current [and third] slow- pronounced than usual, particular- slowdown that resumes to a growth as at relatively defensive markets ensuring greater profession-
down is sitting at 20 months now. ly around what I call ‘tweet risks’ or trajectory,” he said. such as Singapore, he said. alism of the industry players.
Based on the macroeconomic data other ‘trade risks’ that can actual- The Kuala Lumpur stop of the Meanwhile, Jablonski encour- He was formerly the presi-
that we see, particularly around the ly affect the market. And with risk annual Principal Asia Summit was aged investors in Malaysia to re- dent of the Malaysian Adver-
Organisation for Economic Co-op- velocity increasing, those events organised by Principal Asset Man- turn to strategic asset allocations tisers Association, and after
eration and Development (OECD) can be priced into the event more agement Bhd, and focused on how by assessing their risk appetite, retiring from Panasonic Ma-
indicators in Asia, it gives us a per- quickly,” he said. investors can navigate and find op- before making tactical deviations, laysia Sdn Bhd as its associate
spective that says we see a flatten- Noting that China has stopped portunities in an environment of and to adopt a defensive posture by director of corporate commu-
ing in that negative trend, and that tightening its lending standards, uncertainty, volatility and height- reducing the standard deviation of nications, he joined Friends
gives an opportunity in the fourth Jablonski said: “We have seen a re- ened risk velocity. returns, with a focus on large-cap- Advertising & Communica-
quarter of 2019 into the early 2020 bound in the OECD indicators for our At the summit, Principal Asia italisation stocks, stable quality tions Sdn Bhd in 2006 as its
for the economic landscape to im- five key Asian countries (China, India, president Thomas Cheong pointed firms, and emphasising the better executive chairman.
prove,” he added. South Korea, Japan and Indonesia) out that the risk velocity is now grow- quality ends of fixed income. Among the prominent
members in his family include
his elder brother Tan Sri Hai-
dar Mohd Noor, former chief
Govt investment in childcare could add to GDP — KRI justice of Malaya and chair-
man of Bumiputera-Com-
merce Bank Bhd.
His nephew Syed Mohamad
BY A R J U NA CHA ND RA N SHANKAR KRI has proposed for a childcare employer to social insurance. Idid when contacted by Ber-
& WO N G SWEE MAY allowance to be distributed among Another policy proposal would nama said his uncle was pro-
eligible parents. Upon receiving see a set of minimum care stand- nounced dead by emergency
KUALA LUMPUR: Government the allowance, parents would have ards that have to be met by informal medical responders following
investment in the childcare sec- to place their children in the Wel- childcare providers. a fall in the bathroom around
tor could add as much as 0.4% to fare Department’s day care centres Nazihah said a balance has to be 3am before the incident was
real gross domestic product (GDP) (Taman Asuhan Kanak Kanak). struck between ensuring children realised by his wife, Kalsom Is-
growth, and also prompt greater KRI research associate Nazihah placed in these informal care centres mail, at 5.45am. Shahar leaves
female participation in the labour Muhamad Noor said a monthly are safe, and ensuring the compli- behind two daughters.
force, as well as the creation of some RM100 allowance [for childcare] ance cost of of these informal child- His remains was taken to
3,380 jobs annually, according to could contribute to 0.4% GDP care centres are reasonable. This is as the Saidina Abu Bakar Mosque
Khazanah Research Institute (KRI). growth annually, while female la- most Malaysian parents utilise these in Bangsar and laid to rest at
The issue of care work is becom- bour force participation would in- centres, which are usually cheaper the Bukit Kiara Muslim ceme-
ing an urgent matter as Malaysia’s crease by an estimated 1.6% within than their formal counterparts, as tery after Zohor prayers.
life expectancy has increased while a year, to reach 63% in the next five the latter are government registered. Bernama chairman Datuk
the total fertility rate had declined, years from 55.8% at present. The study reviews how Malay- Seri Azman Ujang, a long time
thus translating into a higher care Choong said the proposed allow- sians allocate their time for different friend of Shahar, said; “His
burden, KRI deputy director of re- ance was for children below four activities based on a TUS. Therefore, sudden death came as a shock
search Christopher Choong said years old, and based on KRI’s sim- Choong: The sheer scale of unpaid care the study uses time as a barometer to me as I have always regard-
at the launch of the think tank’s ulations would cost RM100 million. also worsens gender inequalities both for the value of the activities stated, ed him as an iconic figure in
pilot study “Time to Care: Gender The think tank was also of the view in the workplace and the household. as unpaid care work does not have the Malaysian public relations
Inequality, Unpaid Care, Work and that paid parental leave should be Photo by Suhaimi Yusuf a market value. and advertising industry.
Time Use Survey (TUS)” yesterday. increased, KRI in full support of the The study’s sample was 125 re- “He was the second prom-
“The sheer scale of unpaid care government’s plan to raise paid ma- contributing to unpaid care work,” spondents, comprising 63 males inent figure in the commu-
also worsens gender inequalities ternity leave to 90 days, from 60 days. she said, adding that paid paren- and 62 females. Top 20% earners ac- nication world who left us
both in the workplace and the house- “We need to have paid paternity tal leave would enable families to counted for 10% of the respondents, in the last five months. In
hold since women bear most of the leave, not just in the public sector more equally take on care respon- with the middle 40% and bottom May, Kamaruzaman Tambu,
burden of care. Moreover, current but also in the private sector. As we sibilities, and make Malaysia more 40% segments accounting for 20% a towering public relations
measures of poverty and inequality have seen [from] the global popu- gender-inclusive. each. The respondents were aged 20 practitioner died of cancer.
do not factor in unpaid care, so we lation and our sample population, On the added cost, Nazihah said to 64, representing the working-age It's indeed a huge loss to the
do not have a true picture of house- women are contributing more to the one option was to shift the cost of population who are more likely to industry within such a short
hold living standards,” Choong said. market work, more than men are parental leave for instance from the be net caregivers. period.” — Bernama

GDP has to reach 8% to

Grab stunned by achieve Shared Prosperity
RM87m proposed fine Vision — MIER

for abusive practices

BY AZ LE E N O R MA H MUD you rise, failure is a lesson, instead
you just give up,” he said.
KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia has Kamal said some Malaysians
to reach economic growth of 8% have given up on the country, and
in order to attain the Shared Pros- they went overseas and thrived.
perity Vision 2030, the Malaysian “This trust deficit in govern-
Institute of Economic Research ment is a big thing, and the young-
(MIER) said. er generation couldn’t care less,
Firm insists it has fully complied with Competition Act Its chairman Tan Sri Kamal as they will do their thing and
Salih said according to his calcu- hope that they can be success-
lations, the gross domestic prod- ful,” he said.
BY A H M AD NAQ I B I D RI S uct (GDP) growth rate has to be Kamal said the early period of
& NAZUIN ZULAIKHA KAMARULZAMAN somewhere between 6% and 8% the New Economic Policy pro-
and it could not be between 4% duced quite of a lot of good people,
KUALA LUMPUR: Insisting that and 5%. both bumiputera and non-bumi-
it has fully complied with the law, “It is not enough, it will be a putera.
Grab Holdings Inc yesterday ex- slow rise. In the meantime, other “They have been successful, they
pressed surprise at the Malaysia countries will jump over us. To are what that have kept this econo-
Competition Commission’s (MyCC) achieve over 6%, we have to do my afloat. But there is an increasing
proposed decision to fine the com- a leapfrog strategy and focus on number of those who have given up,
pany RM86.77 million for abusing key sectors,” he told Bernama in and wait for more handouts from
its dominant position by imposing an interview. the government, and the govern-
restrictive clauses on its drivers. Kamal said Malaysia has to ment not having enough money
“We maintain our position that be wary of anomalies that are to hand out.
we have complied fully with the happening outside of the coun- “When the government had the
Competition Act 2010,” said the try and not be complacent the money to hand out, it handed out
ride-hailing firm. “We are surprised moment oil prices go up, as it to cronies, and it is not spread out
by the proposed decision.” generates momentary boost of enough, not inclusive enough,” he
MyCC had earlier in the day ac- Iskandar speaking at a press conference in Kuala Lumpur yesterday. He says the income. added.
cused Grab of imposing clauses re- investigation into Grab was prompted by numerous complaints made against the He said instead, Malaysia Kamal said the country also
stricting its drivers from using their company. Photo by Suhaimi Yusuf needs to divert its resources and needs to pare down its over-reli-
vehicles to promote and advertise invest in the structural change of ance on foreign investment as it
other e-hailing platforms, which it with a penalty of RM15,000 per day competition in the market. It was also long- to medium-term growth. is the reason why Malaysia cannot
said would distort the market and starting yesterday, for as long as found that ride fares were increased “We may spend a lot more industrialise faster.
create barriers to entry for other Grab fails to take remedial actions following the merger. money, we may even try to re- “In fact, we have gone through
existing and future competitors of to address competition concerns. Meanwhile, the Philippine Com- structure the debt, but even- the process of deindustrialisation
the dominant player. Grab said it is working with its petition Commission fined Grab tually we must continue to for the last 20 years,” he said.
The competition watchdog’s lawyers and will file its written rep- eight million pesos (RM646,600) expand in infrastructure, new He said Malaysia has also shift-
chief executive officer, Iskandar resentations to MyCC by Nov 27. for its failure to maintain pricing industries, technology, agricul- ed to services and has become a
Ismail, said the investigation into “Whilst our legal counsels are policies, rider promotions, driver ture, to produce more food and consuming country instead of a
Grab — which includes GrabCar now studying the proposed decision, incentives and service quality fol- train more skilled people, as producing country, while it still
Sdn Bhd and MyTeksi Sdn Bhd — we believe that it is common practice lowing the merger. all these are already in place,” produces in the traditional areas
was prompted by numerous com- for businesses to decide upon the Asked if Malaysia was slow in he said. of resource-based economy.
plaints made against the company. availability and type of third-party taking action against Grab, Iskandar Kamal said the elements of “Although diversified, we are
“The drivers are not their em- advertising on their respective plat- pointed out that the law in Malaysia the Shared Prosperity Vision still in [the] palm oil and rubber
ployees. They merely use the Grab forms, tailored according to con- currently does not provide MyCC 2030 was already incorporated industries but no longer as the
app [to find passengers]. The drivers sumers’ needs and feedback,” the powers over mergers, so it cannot in Vision 2020, under previous leading producers as Thailand
own their own car, so they should company said in a statement. “unscramble the egg”. predecessors. and Indonesia have taken over
be able to do whatever they want It is understood that this is the “Singapore and the Philippines He said, however, the last re- the roles.
with their own car. largest fine issued by MyCC against took action earlier because they have gime had become greedier, as “We are also depended very
“This restriction from promot- a single company to date. merger powers, as provided by their the whole setup of “what’s in it much on our oil and gas. When
ing others will distort the market, Iskandar, however, emphasised laws. MyCC can only investigate the for me and not for the country” oil prices go down, we get into trou-
as it creates barriers to entry and that this is a proposed decision and situation post-merger, so we investi- attitude had taken root. ble,” he said, adding that the funds
expansion of Grab’s existing and that Grab has 30 working days to gated Grab after the merger. “We lack that kind of men- government raised from taxes were
future competitors,” Iskandar told present their defence. “We have plans to amend the tality and people do the sim- mainly used for operations.
a press conference. Other countries in the region also law to include merger powers. I pler things, they follow the line Going forward, Kamal said we
He said the restrictive claus- took action against Grab last year. think the time is right for us to have of least resistance, and stay in should promote local inventors
es only became an issue after the Last year, the Competition and merger powers so we can respond their comfort zone, as they don’t and research and development, as
merger between Grab and Uber’s Consumer Commission of Singapore efficiently to similar cases in the know how to venture, and they well as commercialise innovations
Southeast Asian operations in late imposed a S$6.42 million (RM19.45 future,” he said. fear of failure. from universities.
March last year, which turned the million) fine against Grab and a Iskandar also said that MyCC has “Whereas entrepreneurship, “We are weak in commercialisa-
e-hailing company into a dominant S$6.58 million fine against Uber over received complaints on other issues technology, investment, inno- tion. When people have ideas, the
player in the market. the merger, as the commission said besides third-party advertising, but vation, all are experimental, you bureaucracy tend to be an obstacle,”
The RM86.77 million fine comes the deal had significantly reduced declined to comment further. just need to keep at it, if you fail he added. — Bernama

Hibiscus to participate in offshore Gippsland Basin project

BY C H EST E R TAY up 50% interest in the exploration date has produced over one billion processed 3D seismic data to pro- substantial interest in the permit
permit there. barrels of oil. gress geological and geophysical that will require drilling a well or
KUALA LUMPUR: Hibiscus Pe- The 1,006 sq km exploration per- In conjunction with the above, studies in order to fine-tune re- wells by the farmee, the farmee
troleum Bhd is participating in an mit, dubbed VIC/P74, was awarded Hibiscus said CHPL will enter into source assessments and enable due will become the operator instead
oil exploration project previously to Australian Stock Exchange-list- a conditional farm-in agreement prospect ranking,” it said. for all operations.
awarded to its 11.7%-owned Aus- ed 3D Oil in July by the National with 3D Oil at a later date, of which “It has been agreed between the “Upon completion of CHPL’s
tralian associate 3D Oil Ltd in the Offshore Petroleum Titles Admin- an agreed term is that 3D Oil shall parties that if it is required that a acquisition of the interest, CHPL
offshore Gippsland Basin, Australia. istrator. remain as the operator of the per- well or wells be drilled after the First and 3D Oil will enter into a joint
In a filing with Bursa Malaysia The permit is located on the mit through the first three years Phase, CHPL shall be the operator operating agreement,” it added.
yesterday, Hibiscus said its indi- southern side of the Gippsland of the prospect generation phase of the permit but 3D Oil shall con- Hibiscus’ share price slipped
rect wholly-owned subsidiary Car- Basin, adjacent to the world-class (First Phase). tinue to be the operator for geolog- 0.5 sen or 0.5% to 95 sen yester-
narvon Hibiscus Pty Ltd (CHPL) Kingfish oilfield — the largest ever “This work programme con- ical and geophysical operations, day, with a market capitalisation
has exercised an option to take discovered in Australia which to sists primarily of purchasing re- however, if there is a farm-in for a of RM1.5 billion.

Witness Ken Tai ‘disgusted’ by way

boss John Soh treated closest allies
‘He had a habit of pushing blame to his guys, causing them to declare bankruptcy’
BY BENJAMIN CHER feed” his guys to keep them loy- disgusting,” said Tai. months’ jail after pleading guilty
al. Tai also learnt how Soh had JOHN SOH’S In the subsequent cross-exam- to two of six charges for his role
SINGAPORE: John Soh Chee Wen,
the alleged mastermind of the
unfriended Dick Gwee Yow Pin,
who had taken the bullet for Soh TRIAL ination by Soh’s defence coun-
sel N Sreenivasan of K&L Gates
in manipulating the penny stocks.
Sreenivasan also questioned Tai
2013 penny stock crash, was a boss after the Mid-Continental scandal. IN SINGAPORE Straits Law, Tai admitted to a link on whether he had been granted
who did not treat closest members Gwee was among the parties between him and Roger Tan, the immunity, to which Tai replied
of his market-rolling gang well. who once threatened to sue The chief executive officer of Voyage that while his lawyer has made
This was revealed in court yes- Edge Singapore for publishing the Soh’s son sold his block of In- Research, formerly SIAS Research. verbal requests to officers from
terday as the prosecution com- story under the headline “Hunt- nopac shares shortly after, causing Tan’s father, was revealed to be the CAD and the Monetary Au-
pleted its examination-in-chief of ing for the truth” (Issue 641, Sept Lau to take a S$32 million loss. Tai’s godfather. thority of Singapore, he did not
prosecution witness Ken Tai Chee 1, 2014). Both Gwee and Tai believed it was Tai also admitted he had lied get a response.
Ming, who was once part of Soh’s “After Dick was released from Soh who issued the instruction to to the prosecution and the Com- Sreenivasan followed it up by
“inner circle”. prison, [Soh] didn’t treat him like sell the block of shares. mercial Affairs Department (CAD), asking why Goh was charged but
In one instance, Tai revealed a friend, meaning even if he saw “Only [Soh] could have done saying the trades in Algo Capi- not him, to which Tai replied he
how some S$40 million from an [Gwee] on the street, Soh would it with a large block of shares. If tal’s Interactive Brokers account did not know why.
acquisition deal of Sino Construc- treat him as transparent,” said Tai. [Soh] had told me he was the one were “fat finger trades” when these Tai also said that he was un-
tion Ltd — one he helped Soh bro- Gwee also told Tai how Soh’s who orchestrated the lawsuits, I were, in fact, keyed in by him per- aware of the margin call by
ker with Edward Lee Ewe Ming — son Han Quan, had caused trad- might have remained loyal, but sonally. Goldman Sachs on Oct 1, which
had been transferred to another er Leroy Lau Chee Heong to lose he lied to me,” said Tai. Sreenivasan asked Tai about sparked a fall in prices. All he knew
account belonging to the mother S$32 million while helping Soh The way Soh treated other trad- why he had lied to the CAD and was that his buy orders were get-
of Soh’s alleged co-conspirator and Quah roll Innopac Holdings ers like Wong Xue Yu and even the prosecution, to which Tai re- ting fulfilled very fast after being
and girlfriend Quah Su-Ling. Tai Ltd shares. Peter Chen Hing Woon, someone plied he did not want to incrimi- told to support the share price
had been informed of this by the Recounting the incident be- who had been friends with Soh for nate himself any further. on Oct 3, with the market filling
then chairman of Sino Construc- tween him and Soh’s son which over a decade, also outraged Tai. “If you look at the things I did his one million shares buy order
tion, Andy Chee. happened in the Dubai room, Gwee “It feels disgusted when my for [Soh], I think I’ll go to jail longer 10 times.
Chee told Tai that Soh had a said he had just bought a block of own boss gave instructions to fin- than Goh Hin Calm,” said Tai. The trial resumes today when
habit of pushing the blame to Innopac shares and was monitoring ish off his own friends. The way Goh, former interim IPCO In- Sreenivasan will continue his
his guys, causing them to declare the counter when Soh’s son asked he skinned Leroy over S$30 mil- ternational Ltd chief executive, cross-examination. — The Edge
bankruptcy. Soh would also “drip him why he was monitoring it. lion in one shot, I feel that’s very was sentenced in March to 36 Singapore

Sedania Innovator ventures

Moody’s revises Press Metal’s into e-sports business
outlook to negative

KUALA LUMPUR: Sedania Innova-

tor Bhd is venturing into the elec-
KUALA LUMPUR: Moody’s In- Given the negative times for an extended period.” tronic sports or e-sports space via
vestors Service has revised the Meanwhile, Moody’s af- a special-purpose vehicle (SPV) to
outlook on Press Metal Alumin- outlook, upward firmed Press Metal’s corporate launch a global e-sports tourna-
ium Holdings Bhd’s and Press pressure on the family rating of Ba3. It also af- ment and media network.
Metal (Labuan) Ltd’s ratings to firmed the backed senior un- The technology company, which
negative from stable. rating is unlikely. secured rating of Ba3 for Press is presently involved in fintech,
In a statement yesterday, the Metal (Labuan). greentech, the Internet of things and
rating agency said the nega- The agency said the rating big data analytics, has inked a share
tive rating outlook is reflec- could be downgraded if there is subscription agreement with iCandy
tive of its expectation of weak- carbon regulation and air pol- a material erosion in its profita- Interactive Ltd and the former chief
er credit metrics over the next lution,” it added. bility, driven by extended oper- of AG, Michael Broda,
12-18 months as Press Metal Nevertheless, Moody’s point- ational shutdowns, an increase to take part in the joint venture.
pursues growth and increasing ed out that Press Metal uses hy- in power costs, delays in the Sedania Innovator and iCandy respectively,” Sedania said.
raw material security through dropower, which is a more en- execution of planned invest- will each have a 42.55% stake in the Sedania group managing direc-
debt-funded acquisitions and vironmentally-friendly source ments or extended tightening in SPV — Esports Pte Ltd (ESPL), which tor Datuk Azrin Mohd Noor (pic)
capacity expansion in a weak of energy. The company also alumina-to-aluminium pricing. was incorporated in Singapore — is confident that the partners’ col-
aluminium price environment. procures carbon anodes with “It could also be downgrad- while Broda will own the remaining lective expertise and experience —
Press Metal announced the less than 2% sulphur content ed if the company’s leverage 14.9%. The e-sports tournament and iCandy has been involved in mobile
expansion of its smelting capac- to regulate sulphur oxide emis- increases or its liquidity dete- media network it is working on is to games and digital entertainment
ity in Bintulu, Sarawak (Phase 3) sions. riorates. Specifically, Moody’s be called eSports Pro League, which while Broda was the chief execu-
by 320,000 tonnes on the back of Given the negative outlook, would downgrade the rating if will be launched across 16 countries, tive officer of — will
a new 15-year power purchase upward pressure on the rating the company’s: (1) Ebitda mar- covering Asia, Europe and America, enable them to build the e-sports
agreement with Sarawak Energy is unlikely, said Moody’s. gin remains below 15% for an said Sedania in a statement yesterday. industry in Malaysia and the region.
Bhd, for an additional 500mw. It added that it could change extended period; and (2) ad- “The shareholders have agreed “The proposed venture is also
Moody’s expects Press Met- the outlook to stable if Press justed debt/Ebitda rises above to make an initial contribution of in line with our group’s expansion
al’s adjusted leverage to rise Metal successfully completes 3.5 times.” S$235,000 (RM712,312) into ESPL. plan in e-sports and e-sports-related
to around 3.5 times next year, its acquisitions and expansion Press Metal’s ownership is Both Sedania and iCandy will con- business. We are planning to launch
before improving to 3.2 to 3.3 in a timely manner, resulting in concentrated in the promoter tribute S$100,000 each, while the the eSports Pro League in early 2020.
times in 2021 when the expand- lower costs and higher margins. group led by the Koon family, remaining S$35,000 will be con- ESPL is currently in its building phase
ed capacity comes onstream “Specifically, Moody’s would which held a 60% stake as of tributed by Michael. for its online tournament platform.
and the benefits of the compa- revert to a stable outlook if the June 30. This risk is partially “Sedania and iCandy are granted The first season is anticipated to take
ny’s investments are realised. company’s: (1) earnings before mitigated by Sumitomo Corp’s the option of first right of refusal to place from February to December
“In terms of environmental, interest, taxes, depreciation and ownership of 20% of the Press invest a further sum of S$300,000 next year,” Azrin added.
social and governance factors, amortisation (Ebitda) margin Metal’s subsidiaries, Press Met- each into ESPL for the next three Sedania shares ended half a sen or
the ratings reflect the elevated remains above 15% on a sus- al Bintulu Sdn Bhd and Press financing rounds, subject to terms 4% lower at 12 sen yesterday, giving
environmental risk facing alu- tained basis; and (2) adjusted Metal Sarawak Sdn Bhd, which and conditions to be mutually the group a market capitalisation of
minium producers in terms of debt/Ebitda remains below 3.5 run the smelters. agreed upon by the parties involved RM29.81 million. The stock has re-
in the next three financing rounds treated nearly 23% over the past year.

Southeast Asia’s Internet

economy to top
US$100b this year
Value of online transactions expected to triple by 2025
Edra Solar owns and operates a 50MW solar power farm in Kuala Ketil, Kedah.


SINGAPORE: Southeast Asia’s In-

ternet economy is on track to ex- OCBC Al-Amin
successfully prices
ceed US$100 billion (RM419 bil-
lion) this year before tripling by
2025, becoming one of the world’s
fastest-growing arenas for online
commerce, thanks to a youthful
population increasingly comfort-
Edra Solar’s RM245m
able with smartphones.
The value of online transac-
tions in areas from Internet retail
sustainability sukuk
to car-hailing should reach US$300
billion by 2025, fuelled by an exist- KUALA LUMPUR: OCBC Al- Pertubuhan Peladang Kuala
ing population of 360 million online Amin Bank Bhd, the lead ar- Ketil together with local farm-
users, according to a research re- ranger and joint bookrunner ers in terms of capital, risks and
port by Google, Temasek Holdings of Edra Solar Sdn Bhd’s Sus- rewards. Edra Solar will not be
Pte and Bain & Co. tainability Sustainable and Re- deriving any economic benefit
The region, home to ride-hailing sponsible Investment sukuk, has from this agriculture project.
Grab and Alibaba Group Holding successfully priced the RM245 OCBC Al-Amin said combin-
Ltd’s e-commerce site Lazada, in- million Islamic bonds. ing the plant’s design to con-
cludes four countries — Thailand, In a statement yesterday, form to Malaysia’s renewable
the Philippines, Indonesia and Ma- OCBC Bank (Malaysia) Bhd energy commitments and the
laysia — in the top 10 globally in managing director and senior social benefits of the agricul-
terms of time spent by users online, banker of client coverage and ture project, the project is an-
the study showed. US$153 billion by 2025. The bulk merce is a key driver behind the head of investment banking Tan ticipated to create both positive
Indonesia, the world’s fourth of that growth will come from In- boom in Vietnam, where home- Ai Chin (pic) said the success of environmental and social effects
most-populous country with 264 donesia, where the e-commerce grown marketplaces like Sendo the sukuk is a good example of that are also consistent with the
million people, will anchor a re- market is poised to expand from and Tiki compete with regional how focusing on the sustaina- United Nations Sustainable De-
gion that also includes Singapore US$21 billion to US$82 billion. players including Lazada and Ten- bility agenda, which combines velopment Goals.
and Vietnam. The regional ride-hailing mar- cent Holdings Ltd-backed Shopee. the social and environment fac- OCBC Al-Amin, joined by
The annual report, previously ket is projected to reach US$40 bil- Digital payments are moving tors as pillars to a project, allows Standard Chartered Saadiq Bhd
helmed by Google and Temasek, lion by 2025 from US$12.7 billion into the mainstream and expected project sponsors to derive the as lead manager/joint bookrun-
measures gross merchandise value in 2019, propelling sector leaders to exceed US$1 trillion by 2025. Of most optimal financing for their ners, announced the launch of
in e-commerce, ride-hailing, online Grab and Gojek. the 400 million adults in Southeast projects. the sukuk on Sept 10, following
media and online travel and has Both see food delivery as a key Asia, 98 million are “under-banked” “It is also worth highlighting which a series of meetings was
become a prime reference for the driver of growth and profitability. — people with bank accounts but that this is the first solar sukuk arranged with sukuk investors.
region’s Internet industry. That, in turn, intensifies compe- limited access to other services to undertake a transparent “Investors’ feedback was
Bain joined as a lead partner this tition with meal delivery companies such as credit. And another 198 price discovery process via a positive and they were very keen
year and the study encompassed such as Foodpanda and Deliveroo. million have little recourse to fi- book building mode of issu- from the outset to invest in the
digital financial services for the Vietnam is emerging as the most nance whatsoever. ance which ultimately allows first project financing sukuk for
first time. digital of all economies in the re- Those expectations of heady the project to achieve an opti- a completed solar plant and in
E-commerce remains the bright- gion, with the gross merchandise growth are helping to attract in- mal cost of funding and efficient an AA2-rated solar power plant
est spot in Southeast Asia’s Internet value of its Internet economy set vestors despite global headwinds. distribution to a wide range of sukuk — the first in the catego-
economy. Aided by online festivals to account for more than 5% of the Southeast Asia’s Internet compa- investor base,” she added. ry,” it said.
for attractive deals, in-app enter- country’s gross domestic product nies raised US$7.6 billion in the Edra Solar, the owner and OCBC Al-Amin added that
tainment and faster delivery, the in 2019. first six months of this year, up from operator of a 50MW solar pow- the book building for all eight
market is projected to quadruple That compares with the 3.7% US$7.1 billion a year earlier, the er plant in Kedah, is a subsid- tranches of the sukuk, with
from US$38.2 billion in 2019 to share for Southeast Asia. E-com- study showed. — Bloomberg iary of China General Nuclear tenors ranging between one
Power Corp. and 18 years, commenced on
“As part of Edra Group’s Sept 30.
corporate social responsibil- “Demand from high quality
PNB to relook at STRIVE-15 strategic plan 2017-2022 ity commitment towards the
social and economic develop-
investors ranging from insurance
companies, asset management
ment of the communities where companies and high net worth
KUALA LUMPUR: Permodalan Na- were going to do three years ago,” management value today stood at the group operates, Edra investors (representing their
sional Bhd (PNB) will have a relook PNB newly-appointed president RM300 billion and Malaysia’s market Solar allocated to the maiden investment into
at its STRIVE-15 Strategic Plan 2017- and group chief executive officer is just not large and deep enough. local community 40 the sector) was over-
2022 on whether there is a need to Jalil Rasheed told reporters after the “We have various roles in Malay- acres (more than whelming, with a bid-
tweak it forward, given the current final round of the PNB Investment sia which include investing in local 15% of the plant) to-cover ratio of more
landscape of weak investment re- Quiz and prize-giving ceremony companies, as well as playing a huge of the buffer zone than 11 times. Interest
turns environment globally and ge- yesterday. role developing the ecosystem, but surrounding the from investors allowed
opolitical issues. PNB STRIVE-15 comprises three we need to start looking outside. plant for farm- the sukuk to tighten
“PNB had previously set a mid- pillars, namely enhancing sustain- We have already started investing ing of pineapple overall yields and yet
term period for the STRIVE-15 pe- able returns, effective investment overseas and that will continue.” and other crops," maintain a final bid to
riod for reviews, and currently we management and driving opera- He said PNB would need to diver- said OCBC Al- cover ratio of more
are doing a mid-term review on tional excellence. sify its investments, perhaps a lot in Amin. than 11 times at
it and we’ll see what have been Asked whether PNB will contin- single-asset class and in Malaysia. The agri- the close of
agreed (upon) and what have been ue to invest in the equity markets “We need to rethink how [that culture pro- business
achieved. of advanced and emerging mar- allocation] is done and what ge- ject will be d ay ,” i t
“Basically, STRIVE-15 would be kets, Jalil said: “That’s actually very ography that makes sense for us to managed by noted.
consistent with what we said we critical for us ... PNB’s asset under invest in.” — Bernama

TDM denies AirAsia Group

allegations of open
received 16
approvals in
3Q. The Edge
file photo

burning in Indonesia Mavcom issues 31 air traffic rights

in 3Q, with AirAsia getting the most
Cause of fire yet to be ascertained by the authorities BY C H E S T E R TAY la Lumpur International Airport,
three from the Kota Kinabalu In-
KUALA LUMPUR: The Malaysian ternational Airport, and 14 from
KUALA LUMPUR: TDM Bhd has Aviation Commission (Mavcom) other Malaysian airports.
denied that a company linked to said it approved all 31 applica- The quarter also saw 19 ATR
it is involved in any open burning tions it received for air traffic rights approved in previous quarters,
in Indonesia. (ATR) in the third quarter (3Q) of which were not used by the re-
The denial follows a report by this year, and that AirAsia Group spective airlines, being returned
The Edge Financial Daily yesterday received the highest number of to Mavcom.
that the Indonesian government is approvals, at 16. “The highest number of unused
investigating fires at concessions Second in the list is Malindo Air ATR was from AirAsia Group with
belonging to six Malaysian plant- with eight approvals, and Malaysia eight, and Malindo Air with seven.
ers in the country. Airlines Bhd with five, according An additional four applications
The report quoted a statement to Mavcom in a statement on its were also voluntarily withdrawn
by the ministry of environment and 3Q ATR update yesterday, which by the airlines in that period,”
forestry dated Sept 25 as saying that details the commission’s ATR allo- Mavcom said.
the companies included Ahmad cations for the local civil aviation The latest 3Q approvals bring
Zaki Resources Bhd’s PT Ichtiar Smoke covering trees during fires next to a palm oil plantation in Kapuas regency
sector from July 1 to Sept 30. the total ATR Mavcom approved
Gusti Pudi, and Kuala Lumpur Ke- near Palangka Raya, Central Kalimantan, Indonesia on Monday. The Indonesian
Of the ATR applications ap- for the year-to-date period to 135
pong Bhd-linked PT Menteng Jaya government is investigating fires at concessions belonging to six Malaysian planters
proved, 12 or 38.7% were for do- — which is 100% of the applica-
Sawit Perdana and PT Adei Plan- in the country. Photo by Reuters
mestic routes, with the remain- tions it received during that peri-
tation and Industry. der 19 representing 61.3% being od, meaning no application was
PT Sime Indo Agro, linked to international ones — of which 10 turned away — and AirAsia Group
Sime Darby Plantation Bhd, togther It said there shall be no use of to such fire incidents. were for Asean destinations, five is also the recipient of the most
with TDM Bhd’s PT Rafi Kamajaya fire in the preparation of new plant- TDM said TP Rafi Kamajaya Aba- for China destinations, and three number of approvals, with 64 ATR.
Abadi, and Silver Investments Ltd’s ing, replanting or any other devel- di has lodged police reports on the for other Asian destinations and Of the lot, 48 were ATR for do-
PT Kebun Ganda Prima were also opments. fire incidents and full cooperation Australia, and one for a destina- mestic destinations, 45 for Asean
on the list. “Since 2016, there is neither new has been given to the authorities to tion in India. destinations, and 21 for destina-
“Legal proceedings are being development nor land clearing ac- accommodate the investigation. In terms of flight origination, tions in China, with the remaining
conducted against 55 concession tivities being carried out within our “As at today, the cause of fire 14 of the total approved were for 21 for other Asian destinations and
holder companies and one indi- area of operation,” it said. has yet to be ascertained and is flights originating from the Kua- Australia, Mavcom said.
vidual,” the daily wrote. TDM added that since the be- still under investigation by the In-
Of the six Malaysia-linked com- ginning of the dry weather in early donesian authority.
panies mentioned in the statement, August, PT Rafi Kamajaya Abadi had “As per the earlier announce-
TDM’s Rafi Kamajaya Abadi had the
largest affected area, with 600ha
accounted a few fire incidents within
its operating area and the matter had
ment, we have reported that the
fire has been extinguished.
Hearing for Semantan Estates land
identified in West Kalimantan. been reported to local authorities “We will continue to work close- dispute with govt postponed to Dec 11
In its filing with Bursa Malaysia including the police department. ly with the local authorities, fire
yesterday, TDM said it practises the It said the affected areas are ac- department and the villagers on BY E M IR Z A IN UL mantan Estates against the Fed-
Roundtable on Sustainable Palm cessible by the surrounding villag- joint operations for fire preven- eral Territory registrar of titles, the
Oil principles and is strictly gov- ers and the prolonged dry spell tion and fire-fighting purposes," KUALA LUMPUR: The hearing civil suit sought for the plaintiff
erned by the “No Burning” policy. makes it vulnerable to be exposed TDM added. for the civil suit by Semantan Es- to be registered as the proprietor
tates (1952) Sdn Bhd against the of the land free of encumbrances
Malaysian government over a dis- and liabilities.
pute involving land in Jalan Duta Semantan Estates named the

August export growth expected to be (now Jalan Tuanku Abdul Halim)

has been postponed to Dec 11.
High Court Judge Datuk Nor-
Malaysian government, Federal
Lands Commissioner, minister
charged with the responsibility

sluggish amid subdued global trade din Hassan yesterday allowed the
application by the respondent to
postpone the hearing date in or-
for land in the federal territory,
natural resources and environ-
ment minister, director-gener-
der to bide for a Court of Appeal al of the Lands and Mines De-
BY SYAHIRAH SYED JAAFAR the potential to de-tangle the “spa- said Malaysia’s trade patterns with decision. partment, director of Lands and
ghetti bowl” effect of these existing India hold the greatest potential Semantan Estates had previ- Mines (Federal Territory) and
KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia’s export overlapping free trade agreements, for change. ously appealed against the High federal territory registrar of titles
and import growth performance is by standardising rules and proce- This is because Malaysia’s average Court’s decision to allow Kenari as respondents.
expected to remain sluggish at 0.1% dures among its members. With a tariffs on India (under the Malay- Maluri Sdn Bhd, a company claim- The land, covering 106.7ha, has
and 6.4% respectively in August, in more uniform set of rules for this sia-India Comprehensive Econom- ing to represent the majority of been the subject of a long legal
the face of subdued global trade and trade deal, trade flows can be further ic Cooperation Agreement) are the Semantan Estate’s shareholders, battle since 1960 when Semantan
industrial performance, said RAM enhanced beyond any tariff tweaks highest relative to those imposed to intervene in the judicial review. Estates disputed the RM1.32 mil-
Rating Services Bhd. that may be introduced,” said RAM’s on other RCEP members (under Hence, the hearing for the case lion compensation awarded by the
This will translate to a narrower head of research Kristina Fong. their respective trade agreements). has been postponed pending the Federal government to take over
overall trade surplus of RM6.5 bil- And given that Malaysia has ex- “In particular, the stone and Court of Appeal’s decision on the ownership of the land.
lion, it said in a statement yesterday. isting trade agreements with RCEP glass, and metal industries are more matter. For the current case, the com-
Meanwhile, it said the Regional member nations, concerns about likely to face heightened competi- Kenari Maluri had sought to pany filed a judicial review on the
Comprehensive Economic Part- threats to domestic firms’ compet- tion given the comparatively high intervene in the judicial dispute grounds that the government and
nership (RCEP) — a regional trade itiveness due to potentially lower tariff currently imposed, together because it wants to provide a win- other respondents had failed, ne-
agreement which Malaysia is a part import tariffs under this new trade with India’s significant revealed win solution to the pre-Merde- glected, omitted and refused to
of — is slated to conclude negotia- agreement should be alleviated, comparative advantage measures ka dispute over the large tract of comply with a 2009 court order
tions by year end. RAM said, as under the present for these sectors. That said, the prime land. that has granted Semantan Estates
“Malaysia already has existing agreements, Malaysia’s import tar- extent of any import substitution It has also claimed it is friendly to retain beneficial interests in
trade agreements with participat- iffs are already at or near zero, thus will still boil down to the cost ef- to both the plaintiff and defend- the land, which the government
ing RCEP members in one form or limiting significant import-substi- fectiveness of this switch and the ants, namely the government and had taken unlawful possession
another. As such, the main incentive tution effects. finalised tariff structure under the six other defendants. of, meaning it had trespassed on
of being part of this trade pact lies in Among the RCEP members, RAM RCEP,” it added. Filed in February 2017 by Se- the said land.
Stocks with momentum were picked up using a proprietary algorithm by Asia Analytica Data Sdn Bhd and first appeared at
Please exercise your own judgement or seek professional advice for your specific investment needs. We are not responsible for your investment decisions.
Our shareholders, directors and employees may have positions in any of the stocks mentioned.


TRADING of shares in Mega First Corp Bhd lion a year ago. Quarterly revenue also dipped
(fundamental: 1.05/3, valuation: 0.8/3) trig- 27.4% year-on-year (y-o-y) to RM159.05 mil-
gered our momentum algorithm yesterday lion. The group attributed the lower revenue
for the fourth time this year. to a lower recognition from its construction
The counter closed two sen or 0.48% segment, while its net profit was also weighed
higher at RM4.18 yesterday, with a market down by the absence of the RM1.4 million dis-
capitalisation of RM1.78 billion. It saw 2.53 posal gain on property, plant and equipment
million shares traded, exceeding its 200-day in 2QFY18 and a lower foreign exchange gain.
average trading volume of 254,157.5 shares. For the cumulative six months ended June 30,
For the second quarter ended June 30, 2019 2019, net profit declined 6.79% to RM55.87 mil-
(2QFY19), the group saw its net profit decline lion, from RM59.94 million a year ago. Half-year
21.9% to RM22.21 million, from RM28.44 mil- revenue fell 12.26% y-o-y to RM380.89 million.

MEGA FIRST CORP BHD Valuation score* 0.80

Fundamental score** 1.05
TTM P/E (x) 13.46
TTM PEG (x) 4.44
P/NAV (x) 1.20
TTM Dividend yield (%) 0.47
Market capitalisation (mil) 1,685.05
Shares outstanding (ex-treasury) mil 405.06
Beta 0.67
12-month price range 3.01-4.19 Airbnb was valued at US$31 billion in its most recent private fundraising round, according to data
provider PitchBook. Photo by Reuters
*Valuation score - Composite measure of historical return & valuation
**Fundamental score - Composite measure of balance sheet strength

Morgan Stanley, Goldman

& profitability
Note: A score of 3.0 is the best to have and 0.0 is the worst to have


TRADING of shares in MMAG Holdings RM5.92 million, from RM3.66 million a
Sachs poised to lead
Bhd (fundamental: 1.25/3, valuation: 0/3)
triggered our momentum algorithm yes-
terday for the fourth time this year.
year ago. Quarterly revenue, however, grew
to RM34.39 million from RM8.19 million.
It attributed the higher quarterly revenue
Airbnb’s listing — sources
The counter closed 2.5 sen or 7.46% to its mobile and fulfilment division, which
higher at 36 sen yesterday, with a mar- generated higher revenue from its mobile BY J O S HUA FRANK LI N & A N IR B A N S E N market at a price that values Airbnb
ket capitalisation of RM256.04 million. It devices distribution business. The wider at around US$46 billion, sources said,
saw 6.42 million shares traded, exceed- net loss was blamed on higher operation- NEW YORK/BENGALURU: Short-term cautioning that such thin trading vol-
ing its 200-day average trading volume of al expenses incurred for the expansion of home rental company Airbnb Inc is set umes can inflate the price.
233,413.5 shares. new branches, the purchase of additional to hire Morgan Stanley and Goldman By comparison, Hilton Worldwide
For the first financial quarter ended June new vehicles and new hires in its courier Sachs Group Inc as joint lead advisers Holdings Inc and Marriott Internation-
30, 2019, the group widened its net loss to and logistics services segment’s expansion. on its planned stock market flotation al Inc have market capitalisations of
next year, people familiar with the mat- around US$26 billion and US$40 bil-
MMAG HOLDINGS BHD Valuation score* 0.00 ter said on Wednesday. lion, respectively.
Fundamental score** 1.25 The appointments would represent With a direct listing, Airbnb would
TTM P/E (x) - another high-profile assignment for the follow the route taken by music stream-
TTM PEG (x) - storied investment banks, albeit po- ing company Spotify Technology SA
P/NAV (x) 2.03
tentially less lucrative than usual. This and workplace messaging firm Slack
is because Airbnb is leaning towards Technologies Inc in 2018 and 2019, re-
TTM Dividend yield (%) -
going public through a direct listing, spectively. Shares in Spotify and Slack
Market capitalisation (mil) 238.26 rather than an initial public off ering have traded down around 23% and 39%,
Shares outstanding (ex-treasury) mil 711.22 (IPO), sources have said. respectively, since going public.
Beta 0.93 In an IPO, shares are sold by the Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs, and
12-month price range 0.21-0.34 company or its investors in a process Allen & Co were the three investment
*Valuation score - Composite measure of historical return & valuation
managed by the investment banks as banks that advised on both the Spotify
**Fundamental score - Composite measure of balance sheet strength underwriters. In a direct listing, how- and Slack listings.
& profitability ever, no new shares are sold, and the Slack expected to pay US$22.1 million
Note: A score of 3.0 is the best to have and 0.0 is the worst to have role of the investment banks is more in fees to its three financial advisers. By
of one advising on market conditions, comparison, the more than two doz-
as opposed to underwriting. en banks on the 2017 IPO of Snap Inc,
PROLEXUS BHD (-ve) As a result, companies can save on
the investment banking fees they pay
which was worth about US$31 billion at
the time of its public listing, earned a
TRADING of shares in Prolexus Bhd (funda- to RM7.22 million from RM794,000 a year through a direct listing. total of US$85 million in commissions.
mental: 1.15/3, valuation: 1.4/3) triggered our ago. Quarterly revenue grew 36.1% year-on- Airbnb is considering going public An Airbnb listing next year would fol-
momentum algorithm yesterday for the third year (y-o-y) to RM111.93 million. The group around the middle of 2020, one of the low a mixed 2019 for tech listings, with
time this year and the second time this month. attributed the higher quarterly earnings to sources said, a timeline that would help the likes of Uber Technologies Inc and
The counter closed one sen or 1.23% high- higher capacity utilisation in the apparel it avoid any stock market volatility in the Lyft Inc struggling since going public.
er at 82 sen yesterday, valuing it at RM148.38 division, which improved its profit margin. run-up to the US presidential election Earlier this week, WeWork’s parent, The
million. It saw 2.13 million shares traded, However, net profit for the full financial year in November of next year. We Company, also fi led to withdraw
versus its 200-day average trading volume 2019 (FY19) declined 24.85% y-o-y to RM6.01 The sources requested anonymity its IPO after investors raised concerns
of 170,572 shares. million from RM8 million in FY18, despite rev- to speak about the deal and cautioned about its burgeoning losses and the tight
For the fourth financial quarter ended enue rising 20.3% to RM364.01 million from that the plans are still subject to change. grip of its co-founder on its governance.
July 31, 2019, the group’s net profit surged RM302.69 million in the previous year. Airbnb, Morgan Stanley, and Goldman Airbnb took in more than US$1 bil-
Sachs declined to comment. lion in revenue for the second quarter
PROLEXUS BHD Valuation score* 1.40 Airbnb said last month it planned of 2019, the second time it exceeded
Fundamental score** 1.15 to become a publicly listed company that level in its decade-plus history,
TTM P/E (x) 23.94 in 2020, marking it out as one of the the company said last month. It gave
TTM PEG (x) (0.96) biggest names to pursue a stock market no details on profitability.
P/NAV (x) 0.63
float next year. Last month, Airbnb said that as of
Airbnb was valued at US$31 billion Sept 15, its hosts had earned more than
TTM Dividend yield (%) 0.62
(RM129.89 billion) in its most recent US$80 billion by sharing their homes
Market capitalisation (mil) 144.03 private fundraising round, according to and spaces on the app, and as of June
Shares outstanding (ex-treasury) mil 177.82 data provider PitchBook. The company 1, it had collected over US$1.6 billion
Beta 0.60 sold shares in the private market earlier in transient occupancy taxes.
12-month price range 0.43-0.81 this year at a valuation of roughly US$35 It also said it passed a milestone of
*Valuation score - Composite measure of historical return & valuation
billion around the time it purchased having more than seven million Airbnb
**Fundamental score - Composite measure of balance sheet strength HotelTonight, Vox reported. listings in over 100,000 cities around the
& profitability Shares are trading in the private world. — Reuters
Note: A score of 3.0 is the best to have and 0.0 is the worst to have

Bersatu and the IN BRIEF

Dr Mahathir: Difficult to
set date for leadership

Malay Dignity Congress

PUTRAJAYA: Prime Minister Tun
Dr Mahathir Mohamad said it
was difficult to set a date for the
country’s leadership transition.
“We have to study the situation.
In figures, specific date ... if work
is half done, or not done, it will be
Organisers are saying that the congress is a ‘response to challenges against Malays’ difficult,” he said, when asked if
there is a fixed date for the lead-
ership change so that the people
BY M O H SI N A B D U L L A H gramme’s goal is unity, to ensure congress, and he has agreed to do so. This brings me back to specu- do not have to worry too much
people of different races can live But the organisers said Dr Ma- lations which Zaid spoke about in about it. During a dialogue or-
KUALA LUMPUR: It is said that together as Malaysians. Ultimately hathir is attending in his capacity saying why Dr Mahathir should not ganised by the Council on For-
non-Malays are asking if Sunday’s Malaysia should be defined by the as a Malay leader and not as prime officiate the congress. Zaid said the eign Relations, a think tank in
Malay Dignity Congress is a regres- Federal Constitution, he said. minister. Bersatu supreme coun- final speculation would be: “People New York, last week, Dr Mahathir
sive step in the multiracial, multire- The congress is organised by cil member Dr Muhammad Faiz will say Pakatan Harapan which Dr was reported as saying that he
ligious Malaysia. There are concerns Pusat Kecemerlangan Melayu, Na’aman said Dr Mahathir intends Mahathir represents has lost it and is would step down as prime min-
about and even fear of the further Akademi Pengajian Melayu, Uni- to deliver “a final message in the desperately clutching at racial issues.” ister before the 15th general elec-
strengthening of the so-called “Ket- versiti Malaya in collaboration with face of hypocrites sowing slander I do not know about Pakatan but tion. — Bernama
uanan Melayu” (Malay supremacy) Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Uni- and provocation that threatens to Bersatu will surely be accused of do-
narrative. versiti Putra Malaysia and the Sultan undermine national unity”. ing just that. The “strengthening of Mahfuz: Avoid playing
But the organisers are saying that Idris Education University. Based Nonetheless, as Zaid sees it, Dr Ketuanan Melayu” perhaps? up racial issues in
the congress is a “response to chal- on this, it can be seen as an event Mahathir should not launch the Equally interesting, PKR presi- Tanjung Piai by-election
lenges against Malays”. Professor Da- put together by academics and ac- event as there would be speculation dent Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim will POKOK SENA: Everyone should
tuk Dr Zainal Kling, who heads the cording to Zainal, issues will be ad- that it is his brainchild and “this is not be attending the congress. It is avoid playing up racial issues
event’s secretariat, reportedly said dressed in “an intellectual manner, not good for the prime minister”. reported that Anwar did not get an during the Tanjung Piai par-
there are many questions which not not emotionally”. Ahmad Fauzi puts one specu- invitation, whatever the reasons. liamentary seat by-election in
only belittle Malays but also ques- However, it is widely speculated lation like this: “Influenced by the In Ahmad Fauzi’s view: “Again November in order to preserve
tion the Malays’ bumiputera rights, that Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia impression that the Umno-PAS alli- the suspicion of Tun [Dr] Mahathir’s racial harmony in the coun-
the position of the royalty as well as is somehow involved in organising ance has caught the imagination of mistrust of Anwar Ibrahim arises. If try, said Parti Amanah Negara
question Islam and cultural issues the event, adding a political twist to the Malays, Dr Mahathir is striving not why is Anwar not invited or given vice-president Datuk Mahfuz
such as the national language. it. Former federal minister Datuk to gain the upper hand in the battle the same honour accorded to [Ab- Omar yesterday. He said politics
“This is why we are organising the Zaid Ibrahim feels “it is probably a of perceptions.” dul] Hadi to address the congress? that was based on racism could
congress. Because all the questions Bersatu-initiated move to counter He went on to say: “Malays, after Is Anwar not Malay enough? disrupt national unity that has
have challenged Malay dignity so the recent Umno–PAS collaboration”. all, form the majority of the elector- “He is the PM in waiting — or been building all this while. “To
much so that they (Malays) do not Political analyst Professor Dr Ah- ate. Long-term legitimacy of a prime are the Bersatu elements sending me, there’s no problem if there
only feel challenged but also played mad Fauzi Abdul Hamid concurs. minister will very much depend on signals that [Dr] Mahathir is about are people siding with the op-
out, belittled and underestimated,” “Despite the public announcement his ability to acquire the backing of to outfox Anwar yet again?” says position [in the by-election] as
said Zainal at a press conference in that four universities are the or- the Malays.” Ahmad Fauzi. the current government is still
Kuala Lumpur. ganisers, Bersatu elements, if not Interestingly, PAS president Datuk To Zaid, if Anwar is not to be ruling the country.” — Bernama
However, according to Malaysi- the party itself, are its anchor — for Seri Abdul Hadi Awang will attend prime minister then “for God’s sake
akini, Zainal did not say who was example, ex-cabinet minister Datuk the congress. Earlier reports had it say it as dignity requires us to speak Muhyiddin to chair
doing the questioning. When con- Hamzah Zainuddin”. that Umno was not invited but a cou- sincerely and not hide subterfuge”. Pakatan meeting on
tacted later, Zainal said he was re- Adding to the Bersatu involve- ple of days ago, Zainal was quoted Come Sunday, when the con- Tanjung Piai by-election
ferring to “certain non-Malays”, the ment narrative is the fact that party as saying that Umno members may gress convenes, more questions will PUTRAJAYA: Pakatan Harapan
news portal reported. chairman Tun Dr Mahathir Moham- attend “but as for the Umno leader- surface. And will continue for days will convene a meeting in Muar,
But he insisted that the pro- ad has been invited to launch the ship, we can’t confirm yet”. after that. Johor, today to discuss prepara-
tions for the Tanjung Piai parlia-
mentary by-election to be held
next month. Parti Pribumi Ber-

PM launches policy ensuring security of people satu Malaysia president Tan Sri
Muhyiddin Yassin said he would
chair the meeting which would
involve Pakatan election ma-
KUALA LUMPUR: Tun Dr Mahathir well-being of the people,” he said. chinery from all levels. “We have
Mohamad yesterday launched a pol- The prime minister said the world also looked at many candidates,
icy aimed at making people feel safe is now facing various complex secu- but there is still time, it (candi-
in the country. rity challenges. “These threats give a date list) will be fine-tuned in
The prime minister said the Secu- major challenge to any government the best possible way so that the
rity and Public Order Policy (DKKA) in the world to ensure the security candidate that we select will be
will also ensure that Malaysia remains of the nation and people is assured,” accepted by voters in the constit-
a sovereign, peaceful, prosperous and he said. uency,” he told a media confer-
respected nation in the world arena Dr Mahathir said security and ence here yesterday. — Bernama
while keeping the people united and public order encompass all aspects,
safeguarding national interests. from upholding the constitution and ‘Combating illegals the
He said that although Malaysia institutions of religion, race and coun- priority despite negative
can take pride in being the 16th out try; strengthening border security; comments against PSS‘
of 163 countries in the Global Peace ensuring security and public order; KOTA KINABALU: Negative
Index 2019, what is more important combating drug threat and safe- comments at the issuance of
is the reduction in criminal cases in guarding the country’s assets and the Sabah Temporary Pass (PSS)
the country so that the people can installations. from June 1, 2020 will not affect
feel safe. He said it is hoped that the policy the focus of the state govern-
“This policy is designed to be a will resolve the issue of overlapping ment in overcoming the prob-
guide and reference to address var- policies and help streamline them. lem of illegal immigrants in the
ious challenging issues in the secu- He also said that the economy state. Chief Minister Datuk Seri
rity and public order sector,” he said needs a stable and peaceful envi- Mohd Shafie Apdal said at least
when launching the policy. ronment to grow and this growth the present government tried to
Dr Mahathir said DKKA is very will be made difficult if the country settle the problem compared
important as the country is facing is in turmoil. with the previous government
complex security threats which are He said the government drafted a which only talked about it. “The
difficult to handle through conven- Shared Prosperity Vision and it would previous government had no
tional methods. be the foundation of development effort to solve the problem by
“The government has the re- under the 12th Malaysia Plan so it is ensuring that the illegals, who
sponsibility to guarantee the se- important for all policies to be for- were registered or otherwise,
curity of the country and people. mulated including security policy could be well managed,” he told
A safe and peaceful country will in line with the primary aspirations reporters at his office here yes-
contribute to the prosperity and of the country. — Bernama terday. — Bernama
B R O K E R S’ C A L L 11

AEON Credit tie-up seen

boosting Takaful’s sales
Syarikat Takaful Malaysia Syarikat Takaful Malaysia Keluarga Bhd peer comparison We leave our forecasts unchanged
Keluarga Bhd as: i) the new income stream from
(Oct 3, RM6) STOCK MKT CAP PRICE TARGET RATING FYE P/E P/B ROE YIELD AEON Credit is not expected to be
(RM MIL) (RM) (RM) (X) (X) (%) (%)
Maintain hold with an unchanged FY19 FY20 FY19 FY20 FY20 FY20
material; ii) tie-up renewal with RHB
target price (TP) of RM6.30: We Islamic was already taken into ac-
Allianz Malaysia 2,445 13.82 - N.Rated Dec 8.5 8.0 1.4 1.3 11.5 3.3
met the management last week to count; and iii) we did not factor in
obtain some operational updates. LPI Capital 6,239 15.66 - N.Rated Dec 18.1 17.1 2.9 2.8 15.2 4.7 further management expense ratio
Overall, the outlook for Syarikat Tune Protect 440 0.59 - N.Rated Dec 7.0 6.6 0.8 0.8 11.2 6.7 improvement. We retain “hold” and
Takaful Malaysia Keluarga Bhd STMB 4,878 5.90 6.30 Hold Dec 13.7 12.8 4.1 3.5 29.3 3.3 our TP of RM6.30, based on 3.69 times
(STMB) remains mixed, in our Simple average 11.8 11.1 2.3 2.1 16.8 4.5 FY20 price-to-book ratio with as-
opinion. Sources: Hong Leong Investment Bank Research, Bloomberg sumptions of a 29.3% return on eq-
To our positive surprise, STMB uity (ROE), 10.1% cost of equity and
has secured AEON Credit Service 3% long-term-growth. This is above
(M) Bhd as another preferred RHB Islamic Bank is due for expi- their small agency force is not a threat reduce overreliance on single premi- its five-year mean of 3.59 times and
bancatakaful partner in August, ration next year and we gathered as the family takaful business demands um credit-related products (which the sector’s 2.29 times. The premi-
bringing the total tie-up under this that STMB is still negotiating for high interaction with customers in or- accounts for more than 90% of its fam- um is fair, considering: i) it is one of
model to seven. Similar to the ar- an extension. We believe there is a der to be successful; and iii) without a ily takaful business), ahead of the im- the leaders in the Islamic insurance
rangement made with Bank Rakyat strong possibility of renewal since general takaful licence, it does not have plementation of Malaysian Financial industry; ii) it is the only pure listed
last year, this is expected to boost its RHB Islamic does not have its own cross-selling opportunities. Reporting Standards 17 in 2022. For takaful operator on Bursa Malaysia;
credit-related product sales (riding takaful unit to carry out the busi- Personnel cost is expected to inch starters, STMB will first leverage the and iii) it generates a strong ROE (13
mainly on Islamic personal financ- ness. Although FWD Takaful has up faster on the back of more hiring to network of its preferred bancatakaful percentage points over the industry
ing) in the family segment. Based been pushing hard on market- lift regular premium investment-linked partners to control cost from rising average). — Hong Leong Investment
on the management’s broad-level ing activities recently (in attempt product sales — part of the strategy to too quickly. Bank Research, Oct 2
guidance, we estimate that AEON to steal market share away from
Credit could potentially add an peers), STMB is unperturbed given
additional RM15 million to RM20 that: i) FWD’s digital strategy for its
million per quarter to the gross distribution channel and product
earned contribution (immaterial offering has not proven to be able
at less than 5% of top line). to take off strongly in other oper-
The preferred partnership with ating countries like Indonesia; ii)

Mynews’ ROE
expected to improve
on asset turnover
Mynews Holdings Bhd in 2QFY19, from under provi-
(Oct 3, RM1.35) sion of tax last year) was due to
Maintain outperform with an un-claimable expenses relating
unchanged target price (TP) of to the FPC and it expects to reg-
RM1.55: Mynews Holdings Bhd’s ister an average effective tax rate
food production centre (FPC) of about 22% for FY19.
has been operating for four full Competitively priced and fresh
months since the launch of ready- (with a shelf life that ranges from
to-eat (RTE) commercial sales in one day to three) food offerings of
June. Based on our back-of-the a wide range that fit the local palate
envelope calculation, we estimate are the main reasons why we think
a start-up operating loss at around Mynews’ venture into convenient
RM1.5 million for its third quarter RTE food stands a good chance
of financial year 2019 (3QFY19) of succeeding. This new product
results operating at 33% capacity. range and revamping stores to in-
The management is re-strategis- crease sales are keys to raising asset
ing RTE sales to reduce wastage turnover and hence we are likely
and raise sales volume. to see improvements in return on
Note that monthly RTE sales equity (ROE) going forward.
were steady at RM3 million with We maintain “outperform” with
wastage having been reduced an unchanged TP of RM1.55 based
from 40% initially to 20% cur- on 27 times estimated FY20 earn-
rently, and we expect to see a ings per share, at -1 standard de-
gradual improvement in its op- viation of its three-year historical
erating efficiencies in the up- mean price-earnings ratio (PER),
coming quarters. If the FPC is also in line with its regional peers’
able to reach its break-even level average PER. We like Mynews for
at about 75% capacity (with the its: i) double-digit earnings growth
timeline undisclosed), it could (about 20% versus 7-Eleven Ma-
potentially account for close to laysia Holdings Bhd’s [SEM] of
RM80 million annually in sales about 7%); and ii) above-industry
with better asset turnover. On earnings margin (about 7% versus
the other hand, during a 3QFY19 SEM’s of about 2%). Key risks to our
analysts’ briefing, the manage- call include lower–than-expected
ment disclosed that the one-off sales and higher than-expected
high effective tax rate in 3QFY19 operating expenses. — Kenanga
(at 30.7% compared with 20.7% Research, Oct 3

Stable demand seen

for Kerjaya Prospek’s
property building jobs
Kerjaya Prospek Group Bhd worth about RM800 million, a bridge er of 3.1 times its FY18 construc-
(Oct 3, RM1.29) worth RM200 million, and high-rise tion revenue. Key jobs include con-
Maintain buy with a target price residential blocks in Kuala Lumpur tracts from HCK Capital Group Bhd
(TP) of RM1.64: Kerjaya Prospek for RM300 million. Separately, we (RM435 million), Kerjaya Prospek
Group Bhd has secured a contract understand the property building Property Sdn Bhd (RM439 million)
from Bintang Holdings Sdn Bhd, jobs secured by Kerjaya Prospek are and Vertu Resort, Penang (RM300
a member of the Low Yat Group, expected to see stable demand due million).
worth RM23 million to undertake to their strategic locations and close There is no change to our FY19
construction of a basement and proximity to amenities. Meanwhile, to FY21 earnings forecasts as we as-
earthworks for a proposed 23-storey we expect several high-rise residen- sume a RM1.5 billion annual order
hotel in George Town, Penang. The tial projects to be rolled out in the book replenishment in FY19, and
project is expected to be completed near term as developers continue to RM1.3 billion annually in FY20 to
within 15 months. monetise their strategic land banks. FY21. Our TP of RM1.64 is based on
With the latest contract, Kerjaya Presently, Kerjaya Prospek’s tender 14 times FY20 forecast price-earn-
Prospek has surpassed its internal book stands at RM1.5 billion, com- ings (PE). We opine the higher-than-
replenishment target for financial prising mainly high-rise residential peers PE is justified due to Kerjaya
year 2019 (FY19). Year-to-date, it buildings. Prospek’s zero reliance on govern- M Oscar is expected to be well received given its affordable pricing and
has secured new job wins worth The latest project is expected to ment-related projects and its ability strategic location.
RM1.3 billion versus its internal contribute RM2.3 million profit for to clinch building jobs (driven by the
target of RM1.2 billion. We main- FY19 and FY20. Assuming a 10% private sector) despite uncertainties
tain our job replenishment target of
RM1.5 billion this year, largely driv-
net margin, we estimate the pro-
ject would contribute RM700,000
in the construction space. We like
Kerjaya Prospek for: i) its superior
Mah Sing’s long-term outlook
en by building works in the Klang and RM1.6 million in net profit for margins; ii) its high order book cov- remains positive on strong sales
Valley. Kerjaya Prospek is eyeing to FY19 and FY20 respectively. er; iii) net cash of RM191 million as
secure at least one work contract, The new job lifts the group’s out- at March 2019; and iv) its ability to Mah Sing Group Bhd concepts — Canyons, Stars and
which includes the construction standing order book to about RM3.4 clinch new contracts, given its strong (Oct 3, 75.5 sen) Water — the development takes
of a mixed development project billion, implying an order book cov- track record. — UOB Kay Hian, Oct 3 Maintain buy with an unchanged pride in a grand double-volume
fair value of RM1.13: We made no entrance statement, star-lit po-
changes to our financial year 2019 dium deck and meandering river
(FY19) to FY21 numbers. streams respectively.

Telekom’s ‘Pay Nothing’ promotion We attended the launching of M

Oscar this week at its sales office
at Seri Gembira Avenue, Taman
In addition, the development
comes with a wide array of facili-
ties such as multi-tiered security, a

reflects tighter competition Gembira in Kuala Lumpur. M Os-

car sits on a 4.63-acre (1.87ha)
freehold land which Mah Sing
swimming pool, gymnasium, yoga
deck, private theatre, game room,
garden, jogging park and central-
Group Bhd acquired in March ised garbage disposal system.
Telekom Malaysia Bhd a two-year contract) is more than the waiver promotion could still exert 2019 for RM78 million. The pro- We expect M Oscar to be well
(Oct 3, RM3.48) one month normally given to new some downward pressure on the ject is located in the vicinity of Old received given its affordable pric-
Maintain reduce with an un- subscribers, and the promotion is unifi business’ average revenue per Klang Road, Sri Petaling, Bukit Jalil ing and strategic location as the
changed target price of RM3.70: applicable to existing subscribers user (Arpu) in the coming quarters. and Salak South, and is within a New Pantai Expressway and the
Telekom Malaysia Bhd (TM) under contracts if they sign on and We await the release of more data 10km radius of Kuala Lumpur City Kajang Dispersal Link Express-
launched its “Pay Nothing” promo- renew their two-year contracts. This points in its upcoming third quarter Centre (KLCC), Cheras, Ampang, way are just 1.1km away, while the
tion on Tuesday, whereby new and may suggest that TM is trying to re- of financial year 2019 (3QFY19) re- Petaling Jaya and Seri Kembangan. Kesas Highway, the Kuala Lum-
existing unifi broadband subscribers vive unifi subscriber growth (after sults. We currently assume overall The M Oscar project comprises pur-Seremban Highway, the Maju
who sign up will enjoy monthly fee a soft first half of 2019) and lock unifi Arpu declines by about 21% 910 residential units with a gross Expressway and the Smart Tunnel
waivers upon activation until Dec 31 in existing subscribers, in the face from RM191 for FY18 to RM150 development value of RM500 are all within 4.8km. The proposed
(up to three months). This is appli- of more intense competition. Our for FY23. Assuming Arpu drops by million. It will be developed Taman Naga Emas Mass Rapid
cable across TM’s unifi 30-300Mbps checks with TM’s customer service 15%/25% over the same period, our over four to five years. Targeted Transit (MRT) station will be lo-
(RM89 to RM199 per month), Home reveal that existing subscribers can FY19 to FY21 core earnings per share at the middle-income segment, cated 800m from M Oscar. Accord-
Fibre plans (except unifi Basic [RM79 downgrade to other unifi plans and forecasts would be raised or reduced M Oscar’s selling price starts from ing to Mah Sing, the property’s
per month for 30Mbps and a 60Gb still enjoy this promotion. Hence, we by 1% to 7% and our discounted cash RM428,000 per unit for the 700 sq management will provide private
quota], Lite [RM69 per month for believe this offer is not intended to flow-based fair value would be 15% ft unit with two bedrooms and shuttle service to the MRT station.
8Mbps] and Air [RM79 per month prevent downgrading. higher or 12% lower at RM4.25 and two parking bays, while the 1,200 We believe the long-term out-
for 20Mbps]), as well as all of its TM’s new unifi business broad- RM3.25 respectively. TM currently sq ft four-bedroom unit with four look for Mah Sing remains posi-
business plans. The latter also saw band plan revisions bring it in trades at a forecast FY20 (FY20F) parking bays costs RM800,000 and tive on strong sales in the past few
eight to 10 times speed upgrades to line with Maxis Bhd in terms of enterprise value/operating free cash above. quarters. We expect recent acqui-
100/300/800Mbps, with the price 100/800Mbps plans but the for- flow of 8.6 times, which is at a 40% M Oscar is touted as an under- sitions to be strong sellers on stra-
of the base plan (100Mbps) cut by mer’s 300/500Mbps plans are still discount to the Asean telecommu- stated luxury, with an impressive tegic locations and attractive pric-
22% to RM139 per month. 25%/11% more expensive. This nications average, and offers FY19F grand lobby. Featuring three key ing. — AmInvestment Bank, Oct 3
While TM has run promotions comes about a year after the launch to FY21F dividend yields of 4.2% to
towards year end in the past to drive by Maxis. Although small and me- 4.5%. Key upside/downside risks Mah Sing Group Bhd
subscriber acquisition, we think its dium enterprises are less likely to are unifi mobile turning profitable
current offer is quite aggressive as downgrade versus retail customers, sooner than expected and keener
FYE DEC (RM MIL) 2018 2019F 2020F 2021F
the up-to-three-month fee waiver the speed upgrades, 100Mbps price broadband price competition. —
(equivalent to a 12.5% discount over cut and the up-to-three-month fee CGS-CIMB Research, Oct 2 Revenue 2,192.9 2,139.6 2,410.4 2,537.8
* Core net profit 189.5 137.1 166.7 190.4
Comparison of new unifi business plans versus Maxis’ comparable plans FD core EPS (sen) 7.8 5.6 6.9 7.8
FD core EPS growth (%) (37.2) (27.9) 21.6 14.3
BIZ LITE BIZ ADVANCE BIZ PRO 100MBPS 300MBPS 500MBPS 800MBPS Consensus net profit - 214.4 208.7 231.2
Monthly fee (RM) 139 249 349 139 199 269 349 DPS (sen) 4.5 3.8 4.3 4.7
Download speed (Mbps)* 100 300 800 100 300 500 800 PE (x) 9.7 13.5 11.1 9.7
Voice RM30 local & Free fixed-to- 1 unlimited IP voice line EV/Ebitda (x) 3.1 2.9 3.7 3.8
national calls fixed line calls Dividend yield (%) 5.9 5.0 5.6 6.1
Benefits Free DECT telephone Free two mesh Wi-Fi units & Internet security ROE (%) 4.0 2.8 3.4 3.8
*After free turbo upgrade for unifi plans *after distribution to perpetual sukuk/securities holders
Sources: CGS-CIMB Research, unifi, Maxis Source: AmInvestment Bank

China will not save the

world economy this time
Beijing played a pivotal role in reviving global growth in 2001 and 2008 but things are very different now
BY DA N I EL MOSS crisis escalated, Beijing opened a US$14 trillion (RM58.66 trillion),

floodgate of credit and cut interest compared with barely more than
S recession indi- rates, which stoked demand for US$1 trillion in 2001 and about
cators are grow- everything from Australian coal to US$4 trillion in 2007. Chinese firms
ing stronger and German cars. continue to plough investment in
there is one big- We are unlikely to see anything neighbouring countries and Bei-
ger-than-usual rea- like that this time. Beijing has jing-funded lenders like the Asian
son why the world shown little appetite for another Infrastructure Investment Bank
should be worried: China is not round of massive fiscal stimulus may well step up to provide cash
coming to the rescue this time. as it atones for the profligacy of to struggling economies.
In the past week alone, a gauge the last decade, which left a mas- Let’s keep things in perspec-
of US manufacturing unexpect- sive build-up of debt and fuelled tive, though. China is now record-
edly fell to its weakest reading in asset bubbles. ing quarterly economic growth of
a decade and payrolls at private While Chinese authorities have about 6%, not the 15% notched in
companies grew less than forecast. been juicing the economy the past 2007 or the roughly 10% in 2001.
Economists are starting to wonder year, they have been very careful The executives and politicians who
whether the US has approached about how they go about it. Econ- tripped over themselves to praise
so-called stall speed, the slowest omists keep predicting cuts in the China’s model of development are
pace of growth without careening benchmark interest rate, but those ly well for the prospects of a global Trump sitting in the White House, noticeably quieter now.
into a recession. The International have not been forthcoming, as my recovery. The financial crisis saw not very. Then again, Trump has Not every recession is like 2007,
Monetary Fund, meanwhile, will Bloomberg Opinion colleague Shu- the world’s most consequential already likened Fed chairman Je- nor are they always accompanied
likely downgrade global growth li Ren wrote recently. The People’s central banks coordinate rate cuts, rome Powell to Chinese President by a financial collapse. The next
estimates this month. Bank of China (PBoC) has preferred with China’s participation. Beijing’s Xi Jinping. Desperation has been slump, whenever it comes, will still
One of the engines that drove a trims to lenders’ reserve require- involvement made China a serious known to make odd bedfellows in be painful, so the US might want to
global economic recovery after the ments, as officials focus on the player in the global monetary order. pursuit of shared short-term goals. start casting about for an enthusias-
last two downdrafts in America — best way to channel credit to cer- How likely is it that the PBoC The good news is that any steps tic partner. It is probably a mistake
the relatively shallow one in 2001 tain sectors of the business world. will happily sign off on something China does take will have ripple to expect that will be China this
and the catastrophe that began in Open-slather easing, it is not. with the US Federal Reserve once effects given its sheer size. Gross time around — it is not only less
2007 — was China. As the financial That does not augur particular- again? With US President Donald domestic product is now about willing, but less able. — Bloomberg

Preventing digital feudalism

BY biases, and can be manipulated for their dominant positions to stifle to go further, embracing concepts any other platform that relies on
MA R I AN A M A ZZU CATO profit or political gain. While we all competition, by controlling which such as co-creation. Governments taxpayer-funded technologies —
benefit immensely from digital ser- products users see and favouring can and should be shaping markets should be used to improve public
vices such as Google Search, we did their own brands (many of which to ensure that collectively created transportation and other services,
not sign up to have our behaviour have seemingly independent value serves collective ends. rather than simply becoming pri-
THE use and abuse of data by Face- cataloged, shaped and sold. names). Meanwhile, companies Likewise, competition policy vate profits.
book and other tech companies are To change this will require fo- that do not advertise on these plat- should not be focused solely on Of course, some will argue that
finally garnering the official atten- cusing directly on the prevailing forms find themselves at a severe the question of size. Breaking up regulating the platform economy
tion they deserve. With personal business model, and specifically on disadvantage. As Tim O’Reilly has large companies would not solve will impede market-driven value
data becoming the world’s most the source of economic rents. Just argued, over time, such rent-seeking the problems of value extraction or creation. But they should go back
valuable commodity, will users be as landowners in the seventeenth weakens the ecosystem of suppliers abuses of individual rights. There and read their Adam Smith, whose
the platform economy’s masters or century extracted rents from land that the platforms were originally is no reason to assume that many ideal of a “free market” was one
its slaves? price inflation, and just as robber created to serve. smaller Googles or Facebooks free from rents, not from the state.
Prospects for democratising the barons profited from the scarcity Rather than simply assuming would operate differently or develop Algorithms and Big Data could
platform economy remain dim. Al- of oil, today’s platform firms are that economic rents are all the same, new, less exploitative algorithms. be used to improve public services,
gorithms are developing in ways extracting value through the mo- economic policymakers should be Creating an environment that working conditions and the well-
that allow companies to profit from nopolisation of search and e-com- trying to understand how platform rewards genuine value creation being of all people. But these tech-
our past, present and future behav- merce services. algorithms allocate value among and punishes value extraction is the nologies are currently being used
iour — or what Shoshana Zuboff To be sure, it is predictable that consumers, suppliers and the plat- fundamental economic challenge of to undermine public services, pro-
of Harvard Business School de- sectors with high network exter- form itself. While some allocations our time. Fortunately, governments, mote zero-hour contracts, violate
scribes as our “behavioural surplus”. nalities — where the benefits to may reflect real competition, others too, are now creating platforms to individual privacy and destabilise
In many cases, digital platforms al- individual users increase as a func- are being driven by value extraction identify citizens, collect taxes and the world’s democracies — all in
ready know our preferences better tion of the total number of users rather than value creation. provide public services. Owing to the interest of personal gain.
than we do, and can nudge us to — will produce large companies. Thus, we need to develop a new concerns in the early days of the Innovation does not just have
behave in ways that produce still That was why telephone compa- governance structure, which starts Internet about official misuse of a rate of progression; it also has a
more value. Do we really want to nies grew so massive in the past. with creating a new vocabulary. For data, much of the current data ar- direction. The threat posed by ar-
live in a society where our inner- The problem is not size, but how example, calling platform compa- chitecture was built by private com- tificial intelligence and other tech-
most desires and manifestations network-based companies wield nies “tech giants” implies they have panies. But government platforms nologies lies not in the pace of their
of personal agency are up for sale? their market power. invested in the technologies from now have enormous potential to development, but in how they are
Capitalism has always excelled at Today’s tech companies origi- which they are profiting, when it improve the efficiency of the pub- being designed and deployed. Our
creating new desires and cravings. nally used their broad networks to was really taxpayers who funded lic sector and to democratise the challenge is to set a new course. —
But with Big Data and algorithms, bring in diverse suppliers, much to the key underlying technologies — platform economy. Project Syndicate
tech companies have both accel- the benefit of consumers. Amazon from the Internet to GPS. To realise that potential, we will
erated and inverted this process. allowed small publishers to sell ti- Moreover, the widespread use need to rethink the governance
Rather than just creating new goods tles (including my first book) that of tax arbitrage and contract work- of data, develop new institutions Mariana Mazzucato is professor of
and services in anticipation of what otherwise would not have made ers (to avoid the costs of providing and, given the dynamics of the plat- Economics of Innovation and Pub-
people might want, they already it to the display shelf at your local health insurance and other bene- form economy, experiment with lic Value and director of the UCL
know what we will want, and are bookstore. Google’s search engine fits) is eroding the markets and in- alternative forms of ownership. To Institute for Innovation and Public
selling our future selves. Worse, the used to return a diverse array of pro- stitutions upon which the platform take just one of many examples, the Purpose (IIPP). She is the author of
algorithmic processes being used viders, goods and services. economy relies. Rather than talking data that one generates when using The Value of Everything: Making
often perpetuate gender and racial But now, both companies use about regulation, then, we need Google Maps or Citymapper — or and Taking in the Global Economy.

Singapore has not Jokowi: Indonesia

to open up to

entered recession yet

more foreign

JAKARTA: Indonesian Presi-

dent Joko Widodo said he will
The government will step in with support measures if needed — minister introduce sweeping changes
to labour rules by year end and
open up more sectors of the
BY MICHELLE JAMRISKO will have to step in.” economy to foreign investment,
The economic strain through- delivering on some of the ma-
SINGAPORE: Singapore’s economy out the region is not likely to keep jor reforms investors have been
has probably not slid into reces- governments from accelerating demanding.
sion yet, though the government is Rajah says the plans to address massive infrastruc- Jokowi, as the president is
monitoring conditions closely and economic strain ture needs, Rajah said. Singapore known, said planned chang-
will step in with support measures throughout the is moving forward with efforts to es to the labour law will now
if needed, said Indranee Rajah, a region is not standardise language around pro- only apply to new employees,
minister in the Prime Minister’s likely to keep ject financing and to help train gov- proposals he will discuss with
Office. ernment officials on how to draw labour unions before taking
“We’re not new to difficult eco- from in private sector support for such them to parliament. By restrict-
nomic situations; we’re not new accelerating deals, she announced this week ing the rules to new jobs only,
to recession,” Rajah, who is also plans to address at Singapore’s Asia Infrastructure Jokowi can attract businesses
Singapore’s second minister for massive Forum. wanting to set up shop in In-
finance and for education, said infrastructure “In a global environment like donesia or looking to expand,
in an interview yesterday with needs. Photo by this, you would be looking for while defusing opposition from
Bloomberg Television. “We don’t Bloomberg something you can put your mon- labour groups.
think we’ve gone into a recession ey into, which hopefully isn’t af- Speaking from his home-
yet, but we’re keeping a very close fected by trade wars and where town of Solo in Central Java,
eye on it.” you can get your returns,” she Jokowi told Bloomberg edi-
Export-reliant Singapore has said. tor-in-chief John Micklethwait
acutely felt the pressures of the Singapore is finding its niche that it is his “first priority” to
US-China trade war, with officials the second quarter from the pre- government needs to step in with as a legal hub to help build infra- reform the labour rules. Busi-
lowering 2019 growth forecasts vious three months. Third-quar- assistance, we will do so,” Rajah structure deals as “bankable” and nesses have long complained
to almost zero after the economy ter figures are due this month. said. “If we need some safety nets win more private sector support. that generous severance pack-
contracted an annualised 3.3% in “If there is a need to and the and buffers, then our agencies — Bloomberg ages, a complex minimum
wage system, and restrictions
on hiring and firing workers
make it difficult for them to ex-
Retailers help
heat up IPO Duty-free job cuts expose pand operations. — Bloomberg

activity in
Southeast Asia
Singapore’s sensitivity Up to US$4b
moved from HK
BY KYUNGHEE PAR K ending over the next several months
— the company said yesterday in re-
now adjusting its approach and tak-
ing appropriate steps to address the
to Singapore
& C A RO L ZH ON G SINGAPORE: DFS Group Ltd’s job sponse to Bloomberg queries. concerns of the affected employees.” — Goldman
cuts in Singapore have prompted The move sparked complaints DFS will work with the govern-
HONG KONG: Retail has a rebuke from the city state’s au- about the severance packages of- ment and local labour groups to pro- BY A L F R E D L IU
been one of the hottest sec- thorities, shining a spotlight on fered and how the LVMH-backed vide support, such as personalised
tors among recent Southeast how handling retrenchments is a travel retailer could have handled career coaching, job-matching and HONG KONG: The potential
Asian initial public offerings delicate matter in the country that the retrenchments better in com- job fairs for affected staff, the compa- benefit to Singapore from the
(IPOs), as investors look to cash is anticipating elections soon. municating with the workers. It also ny said in a statement. Better sever- turmoil in Hong Kong: US$4
in on consumers’ increasing The duty-free operator last week prompted a weigh-in by the city ance packages were also offered on billion (RM16.76 billion).
spending power in the region. formally terminated jobs of its airport state’s manpower minister. Wednesday to retrenched employees, That is the upper end of an
“The domestic consumption workers, effective in June when it exits “Retrenchment is never easy, but which numbered at around 60 peo- estimate by Goldman Sachs
growth story in Southeast Asia selling alcohol and cigarettes at Sin- handling it sensitively and respon- ple, according to Channel NewsAsia. Group Inc of the money in-
remains an attractive thematic gapore’s Changi Airport. DFS also told sibly can go a long way in helping DFS, in addition to being vestors have moved to Singa-
for equity investors,” said Ho some of its employees at other outlets employees through the transition,” Changi’s largest tenant, is also its pore amid escalating political
Cheun Hon, head of Southeast that they would no longer have jobs Josephine Teo said in a Facebook oldest, having operated for nearly protests in the former British
Asia equity capital markets at — some effective immediately, some post on Saturday. “The company is 40 years. — Bloomberg colony.
Credit Suisse. The New York-based bank
Home supplies retailer All- estimated that there had been
Home Corp raised US$248 a maximum outflow of Hong
million (RM1.04 billion) in Kong dollar deposits totalling
an IPO last week, just the third US$3 billion to US$4 billion
new listing in the Philippines to Singapore, an alternative
this year. Home improvement Filepic of a financial centre for the region,
company Dohome PCL raised DFS duty-free as of August.
US$113.3 million in a Thai IPO store at Changi Local-currency deposits de-
in July. Airport in clined in August by 1.6% from
Central Group, one of Thai- Singapore. DFS, the previous month, the biggest
land’s biggest conglomerates, in addition to drop in more than a year, to
is planning an IPO of its retail being Changi’s about HK$6.84 trillion (RM3.65
arm in the first quarter of next largest tenant, trillion), the Hong Kong Mon-
year that could raise as much is also its etary Authority said earlier this
as US$2 billion, people famil- oldest, having week. Its chief attributed that
iar with the matter previously operated for slump to a dearth of initial pub-
told Bloomberg. nearly 40 lic offerings and said there had
“Specialised retail is typ- years. Photo by been a slight increase in the
ically considered more at- Bloomberg first three weeks of Septem-
tractive than general retail as ber. That was before further
it’s less susceptible to e-com- escalation of violence in the
merce disruption,” he said. — city. — Bloomberg
W O R L D B U S I N E S S 15

Hong Kong
recession means
stocks may fall US widens trade IN BRIEF

Three-year-old start-up
snags US$585m from

war with tariffs on

25% — Oreana BANGALORE: Udaan, an Indian
e-commerce marketplace for
BY E L E N A POPI NA businesses, has raised US$585
million (RM2.45 billion) from

European goods
NEW YORK: Hong Kong stocks investors including Tencent
still are not cheap enough despite Holdings Ltd, Altimeter Capi-
just finishing their worst quarter tal, GGV Capital and Citi Ven-
in four years. tures. The Bangalore-based start-
So contends Oreana Finan- up sources directly from small
cial Services Ltd’s Isaac Poole. manufacturers, farmers and
The company’s chief investment mill owners to supply to neigh-
officer, who last September cor- bourhood stores, restaurants,
rectly predicted a rally in Chinese This comes as a punishment for illegal EU aircraft subsidies offices and even street vendors.
stocks, told Bloomberg TV there The fundraising brings the total
is an economic recession under- capital raised since its incep-
way in Hong Kong that investors tion in 2016 to US$870 million.
have not priced in. He sees the Udaan’s logistics, payments and
Hang Seng Index (HSI) losing as fulfilment platform currently
much as 25% by the end of 2020, connects 20,000 sellers across
according to emailed comments. the country to three million re-
The HSI is trading near where tailers in categories from fruits
it began the year. But the trade and vegetables to electronics,
war, global growth concerns and apparel and toys. — Bloomberg
ongoing street protests in the city
mean stocks are still too expen- Thailand gives CP Group
sive, Poole said. The index trades Oct 15 deadline to sign
at about 9.9 times its members’ US$7b rail deal
projected earnings, 11% cheaper BANGKOK: Thailand has given
than its five-year average. the agro-industrial conglomer-
“This is a bad outlook that’s ate Charoen Pokphand Group
not being priced in properly into (CP Group) until Oct 15 to sign
equities at the moment,” said an investment agreement for
Poole. “That’s not a technical re- the 225 billion baht (US$7.36
cession, that’s an absolute reces- billion/RM30.83 billion) high-
sion. We look at the equity market speed train project, a senior offi-
here in Hong Kong and seeing The US says it would slap 10% tariffs on European-made Airbus planes and 25% duties on French wine, Scotch and Irish whiskies, cial said. Deputy Prime Minister
it probably 15% to 20%, maybe and cheese from across the continent. Photo by Reuters Anutin Charnvirakul announced
25%, overvalued right now.” — the deadline yesterday, adding
Bloomberg that CP’s bid for the project was
BY TIM HEP HER, P HILI P The measures would follow tar- termeasures in response to the EU’s 60 billion baht lower than com-
BLENKINSOP & DAV ID LAWDE R iffs levied by the US and China on illegal subsidies,” US Trade Repre- petitors. CP Group and 12 oth-
hundreds of billions of dollars of sentative Robert Lighthizer said in er companies won the bid for
TON: The US on Wednesday said it
each other’s goods in their more
than year-old trade war.
a statement.
“We expect to enter into nego-
the project in May, beating out
a consortium led by mass transit
of intensifying would slap 10% tariffs on Europe- The US Trade Representative’s tiations with the European Un- operator, BTS Group Holdings
an-made Airbus planes and 25% target list for EU tariffs, set to take ion aimed at resolving this issue Pcl. — Reuters
global risks duties on French wine, Scotch and effect on Oct 18, includes large Air- in a way that will benefit American
Irish whiskies, and cheese from bus planes made in France, Britain, workers,” Lighthizer added. Topsports expected
BY T ET S U S HI K A JI MOTO across the continent as punish- Germany and Spain — the four The tariffs heavily target the four to raise US$1b in HK IPO
ment for illegal European Union Airbus consortium countries. But Airbus consortium countries, in- SYDNEY: Chinese sportswear
MATSUE, Japan: Bank of Japan (EU) aircraft subsidies. no tariffs will be imposed on EU- cluding Spanish olives, British manufacturer Topsports Interna-
(BoJ) board member Yukitoshi The announcement came af- made aircraft parts used in Airbus’ sweaters and woollens, and Ger- tional Holdings Ltd is on course
Funo yesterday warned against ter the World Trade Organization Alabama assembly operations or man tools and coffee, as well as to raise US$1 billion (RM4.19 bil-
intensifying economic pressure (WTO) gave Washington a green those used by rival US plane-maker British whiskey and French wine. lion) with its shares expected to
from slowing global growth, and light to impose tariffs on US$7.5 bil- Boeing Co, safeguarding US man- Cheese from nearly every EU coun- price at HK$8.50 (RM4.54) in an
reiterated the central bank’s read- lion (RM31.42 billion) worth of EU ufacturing jobs. try will be hit with the 25% tariffs, Hong Kong initial public offering
iness to respond to the broaden- goods annually in the long-running “Finally, after 15 years of litiga- but Italian wine and olive oil were (IPO), people with knowledge of
ing hazards. case, a move that threatens to ignite tion, the WTO has confirmed that spared, along with European cho- the matter said yesterday. The
Funo repeated the BoJ’s view a tit-for-tat transatlantic trade war. the US is entitled to impose coun- colate. — Reuters final pricing guidance given to
in July that it would act “without investors is towards the lower
hesitation” if risks to achieving its end of the HK$8.30 to HK$10.10

Australian shares lose

2% inflation target grew. range disclosed ahead of the
Market expectations of immi- deal. Topsports’ US$1 billion
nent easing grew after the BoJ raising comes with the ability

nearly US$30b in value

pledged in July to act pre-emp- to exercise a so-called overal-
tively. lotment option which could al-
“For additional easing meas- low the company to raise up to
ures, various possibilities exist US$1.2 billion. — Reuters
such as cutting short-term and
long-term interest rates, boost- BY NIKHIL KUR IAN NAINAN trade war as global markets grap- world economy led to a broad sell- Tokio Marine to buy Pure
ing asset purchases and accel- ple with the more than year-long off in Australia, with gold stocks the Group for about US$3.1b
erating base money expansion,” BENGALURU: Australian shares US-China trade tussle. only bright spot as investors sought TOKYO: Tokio Marine Hold-
Funo said in a speech to business dropped more than 2% yester- Also originating from the US was safe havens. ings Inc will buy insurer Pure
leaders in Matsue, western Japan. day, losing about A$44 billion two straight days of weak data — in Just 15 out of the 200 stocks on Group for about US$3.1 billion
At its latest policy review last (US$29.52 billion/RM123.85 bil- the form of manufacturing and pri- the benchmark ended the session (RM13 billion), it said yester-
month, the central bank stood lion) in value, as Washington’s vate jobs figures — with investors in positive territory, with financial day, marking its fourth sizeable
pat but signalled the chance of move to slap tariffs on Europe and now awaiting today’s non-farm pay- stocks dominating losses. acquisition in the US in a little
expanding stimulus as early as weak US data added to escalating rolls for further clues about the health The Big Four banks were among over a decade. Japanese finan-
its next policy meeting in Octo- fears over slowing global econom- of the world’s largest economy. the top drags, with National Aus- cial firms have been forced to
ber by issuing a stronger warning ic growth. “Numbers out of the US need tralia Bank (NAB) losing 3.5%. The look abroad for growth amid
against overseas risks. The S&P/ASX 200 index dived to improve in the next couple of other three closed between 2.4% an ageing, shrinking popula-
Funo flagged rising risks from 2.2%, or 146.9 points, to 6,493, its months for investors to feel more and 2.8% lower. tion at home. Tokio Marine,
overseas, such as US economic lowest close in over a month. confident that a recession is not Morgan Stanley downgraded the world’s fourth-largest prop-
policy and its impact on global Overnight, the US said it will slap around the corner,” said Michael NAB, and warned that all the ma- erty-and-casualty insurer by
markets, the Sino-US trade war, tariffs on US$7.5 billion worth of Gable, the managing director at jor banks should lower their pay- revenue, has pushed into both
Brexit, and geopolitical risks. — goods from the European Union, Sydney-based Fairmont Equities. out ratios and target higher capital emerging markets and the US.
Reuters threatening to spark a transatlantic Concerns about the state of the levels instead. — Reuters — Reuters

‘Trump to keep thumb on

Airbus plant in
Alabama spared
fallout from

China’s access to markets’

US tariffs

abama aerospace workers won
Capital wars are likely should goods to tariff run out — analyst an unexpected reprieve from
escalating trade tensions on
Wednesday when the US spared
BY F E L I CE MA RA N Z an Airbus plant in the state from
the impact of tariffs against the
NEW YORK: Trump administration European planemaker — at least
pressure on China’s access to US for now.
capital markets is likely to intensify, While Airbus aircraft built in
according to several analysts. Europe will be hit with a tariff of
“The current political environ- 10% after the World Trade Or-
ment means these efforts will like- ganization allowed Washington
ly gather steam,” Raymond James to impose sanctions on Europe-
‘The US-China
analyst Ed Mills wrote in a note af- an Union goods, semi-finished
capital wars are a
ter conversations with Washington fuselages and wings are exempt-
potential new front
sources. “The US-China capital wars ed, an official list showed.
should we run out
are a potential new front should we That means large parts
of goods to tariff,’
run out of goods to tariff,” Cowen an- shipped to the deep-sea Ala-
an analyst wrote.
alyst Chris Krueger wrote separately. bama port of Mobile from plants
Photo by Reuters
Cowen’s Krueger advises watch- in Europe will not be hit by the
ing for potential moves from three duties, allowing Airbus to con-
places: Congress, which could take tinue to supply US-based air-
action by making amendments to lines with a limited number of
the annual National Defense Au- locally assembled aircraft.
thorization Act; the administration, “Earlier today (Wednesday),
which could take unilateral action, we received confirmation from
but not before talks later this month Airbus of very positive news that
in Washington DC, and the Secu- parts and components used at
rities and Exchange Commission. the final assembly plant in Mo-
One issue the administration may bile will not be subject to tariffs,”
seek to move quickly on, according to na-linked firms that are viewed allow independent auditors access argued that the MSCI-ACWI index said George Talbot, a spokesman
Mills, is a 2017 decision by the Federal as acting counter to the national to company financials on national allows federal workers’ retirement for the city of Mobile.
Retirement Thrift Investment Board, security interests of the US,” Mills security grounds may limit “inves- funds to support “enterprises Bei- “There is a great sense of
to transition to the Morgan Stanley said, while several have “violated US tors’ ability to make sound invest- jing uses to undermine American relief and gratitude about the
Capital International All Country sanctions and are under scrutiny by ment decisions,” he said. workers,” and that are involved in outcome.” France-based Air-
World Index (MSCI ACWI) ex-US the federal government for human Mills noted that lawmakers from “military, espionage, human rights bus opened the Mobile plant in
as a benchmark. rights abuses.” There are also con- both parties, primarily Senators Mar- abuses, and the ‘made in China 2025’ 2015, widening its international
That index lists “many Chi- cerns about how China’s refusal to co Rubio and Jeanne Shaheen, have industrial policy.” — Bloomberg footprint from existing assem-
bly lines in Europe and China.
The Alabama plant produces
four A320-family jets a month, a
Uber launches
app aimed at
US-Asia oil freight rate hits record relatively small part of the Airbus
total, but is seen as important
to the company’s plans to raise
connecting with
business owners
high amid Chinese tanker sanctions output globally. US rival Boeing
Co has large manufacturing op-
erations in the north of the state.
Mobile city leaders and Al-
BY COLLIN EATON matter said. SK could not be reached Earlier this week, suggested rates abama lawmakers had lobbied
BY K A N I SHKA SI N GH & DEV IKA KRISHNA KU M AR for comment. for VLCCs, which can carry around hard for exemptions from the
The US last week imposed sanc- two million barrels, from the US Gulf tariffs, arguing they could jeop-
BENGALURU: Ride-hailing firm HOUSTON/NEW YORK: Freight tions on two units of China’s Cosco Coast to China vaulted to US$9.8 ardise some 1,000 jobs.
Uber Technologies Inc said it rates for US crude tankers bound for for alleged involvement in ferry- million, up from US$6.2 million in Alabama’s largely conserva-
launched an app called Uber Asia hit an all-time high on Wednes- ing crude out of Iran. That action early September, according to ship tive voters supported US Presi-
Works to connect temporary day as US sanctions on a Chinese prompted US Gulf Coast exporters to broker McQuilling Services. dent Donald Trump in the 2016
workers looking to work shifts transport giant cut vessel availa- hold back chartering Cosco-linked Last Friday’s highest quote was presidential election, and he
with businesses trying to plug bility, traders and shipbrokers said. vessels, traders and shipbrokers said. at US$9.5 million for charterer continues to poll very strongly
gaps in their rosters. South Korea’s top refiner SK En- One of the units — Cosco Ship- Atlantic Trading & Marketing, a in the state.
The app, made available only ergy (SK) chartered a supertanker, ping Tanker (Dalian) — owns and unit of Total SA, to book a VLCC The surprise decision to omit
in Chicago for now, will show Maxim, to ship US crude to South manages at least 36 tankers for crude from the US Gulf Coast to China, imported aircraft sections came
workers the available shifts in a Korea in November for US$10 mil- and refined products, including 18 shipbrokers said. The deal did not in a list of tariffs that was small-
certain area and help businesses lion (RM41.9 million), the highest supertankers or very large crude car- go through, the brokers said, and er in percentage terms and in
that struggle to staff up during price for a US Gulf-to-Asia shipment riers (VLCCs), according to shipping Atlantic Trading declined to com- scope than initially signalled by
peak demand, and with missed ever, two sources familiar with the sources and Refinitiv data. ment. — Reuters Washington. — Reuters
shifts and high turnover, Uber
said in a blog.
“Uber Works has a business
dashboard and we connect di-
rectly with businesses, includ-
US committee seeks to interview Boeing engineer on safety of 737 MAX
ing restaurants and others, to
assist them with filling empty BY DAV ID SHEPARD S O N, The engineer said in the com- according to the report. Boeing said it would continue to
shifts,” a company spokesman R AM A V ENKAT & SATHV I K N plaint filed this year that during the “All of this information is critical cooperate with Congress and reg-
told Reuters. development of the 737 MAX, Boe- to have as we prepare for our Com- ulatory authorities as it focuses on
The move to diversify its core WASHINGTON/BENGALURU: A US ing had rejected a safety system to mittee’s Oct 30th hearing with Boe- safely returning the MAX to service.
business comes at a time when panel has asked Boeing Co to make minimise costs, The New York Times ing’s CEO (chief executive officer), as The committee has been por-
Uber’s main ride-hailing oper- an engineer available for an inter- had reported. The engineer, who well as Boeing’s chief engineer of its ing over hundreds of thousands
ations face competition in Asia, view after reports that the worker worked on cockpit instruments and commercial airplanes division, and of pages of documents and emails
while the US company is also fac- filed an internal ethics complaint controls, felt the safety system could the chief pilot for the 737,” said Peter from Boeing and the Federal Avia-
ing regulatory scrutiny for classi- on 737 MAX’s safety and that the have reduced risks that contributed DeFazio, chairman of the US House tion Administration, but it was not
fying its drivers as independent planemaker convinced the regulator to two fatal crashes that killed 346 Transportation and Infrastructure aware of the engineer’s complaint,
contractors. — Reuters to relax safety standards. people in Ethiopia and Indonesia, Committee. he said. — Reuters
W O R L D 19

Trudeau goes on
attack in debate
as he seeks to
Johnson’s Brexit offer
revive campaign
can’t fly — EU official
OTTAWA: Canadian Prime
Minister Justin Trudeau, try-
ing to revive his electoral for-
tunes after the emergence of
It is an unworkable move backwards that leaves Britain and the EU far apart
embarrassing photographs,
used the first televised cam- BY JOHN CHALM ER S before the bloc’s leaders meet in
paign debate on Wednesday & GABRIELA BACZYNSKA Brussels in two weeks for a make-
to launch repeated attacks on or-break Brexit summit on Oct 17-
his main rival. BRUSSELS: UK Prime Minister Bo- 18.
Polls suggest Trudeau’s ris Johnson’s last-ditch Brexit pro- In Dublin, which is crucial to
left-leaning Liberals could lose posal “can’t fly” because it is an any deal, Junior Finance Minister
power to the opposition Con- unworkable move backwards that Patrick O’Donovan said Johnson’s
servatives of Andrew Scheer leaves Britain and the European offer was the basis for discussions
on Oct 21 amid voter unhap- Union (EU) far apart, a senior EU but not of an agreement.
piness with images of Trudeau official said yesterday. Johnson made what he said was
in blackface, as well as other Just 27 days before the UK is his final Brexit pitch to the EU on
scandals. due to leave the EU, both sides are Wednesday, offering a possible
Trudeau, variously inter- positioning themselves for a delay compromise on the Irish border
rupting and talking over Scheer, or else a disorderly no-deal Brexit. that initially drew a cautious wel-
took the offensive from the start Johnson says he wants a deal but come by the EU.
during the French-language insists there can be no delay to Johnson went further than many
debate in the politically im- Brexit beyond Oct 31. expected on the most contentious
portant province of Quebec. The cool reception from Brussels issue — the border between Brit-
He first suggested Scheer to Johnson’s proposal indicates just Johnson giving a closing speech at the Conservative Party’s annual conference in ish-ruled Northern Ireland and EU
would be open to reviving the how far apart the two sides are on Manchester, Britain on Wednesday. He says he wants a deal but insists there can be no member Ireland — with a proposal
debate on abortion. the first departure of a sovereign delay to Brexit beyond Oct 31. Photo by Reuters for an all-island regulatory zone to
“Do you — as a party leader, state from the EU project, which cover all goods, replacing the so-
as a father and a husband — was forged from Europe’s ruins called backstop arrangement he
believe women should have a after World War Two. Separately, a senior EU official “It does not contain any decent says he cannot accept.
choice?’ Trudeau asked Scheer. A European Parliament Brexit said Johnson’s proposal “can’t fly”, solution for customs. And it erects Besides the concession, howev-
There are few restrictions group believes that Johnson’s pro- largely because it did not offer a a hard border on the island of Ire- er, Johnson proposed giving North-
on abortion in Canada and the posals “do not represent a basis for solution for the border between land,” said the senior EU official. ern Ireland institutions the ongoing
Conservatives have tradition- an agreement”, according to the Northern Ireland and Ireland once “It would have to be fundamen- power to abide by or exit the regula-
ally steered clear of the topic, draft of a statement seen by Reuters the UK province has left the EU’s tally reworked,” an EU diplomat tory zone — a possible step too far
fearing they could alienate pro- ahead of release later in the day. customs union. said, adding that time was short for Ireland and the EU. — Reuters
gressive voters.
“Quebecers can be confi-
dent that a Conservative gov-
ernment led by me will not
reopen this debate,” Scheer
responded. — Reuters
Any errors in arrest of Huawei CFO EU to consider
new supervisor
were technical, Canadian court told in fight against
money laundering
whistle-blower VANCOUVER: Any errors in the ar-
rest of Huawei Technologies Co Ltd
BRUSSELS: Banking scandals
and growing crypto currency
over impeachment chief financial officer (CFO) Meng use have prompted European
Wanzhou in Canada last December Union (EU) finance ministers to
BY ST E VE HOL L were technical in nature and do not consider setting up a bloc-wide
& PAT R I C IA ZEN GERL E meet the requirements to suspend supervisor on money launder-
her extradition proceedings to the ing at a meeting next week.
WASHINGTON: US President US, government lawyers said in EU regulators were caught
Donald Trump kept up his as- court on Wednesday. off guard last year by one of the
saults on the Democratic law- Meng, 47, is charged in the US largest money-laundering scan-
makers leading impeachment with bank fraud and she is accused dals ever, involving some €200
proceedings on Wednesday, of misleading HSBC Holdings plc billion in suspicious payments,
accusing House Intelligence bank about Huawei’s business in between 2007 and 2015, through
Committee chairman Adam Iran, which is under US sanctions. Danske Bank’s tiny Estonian
Schiff of treason, as well as at- Meng has said she is innocent and branch.
tacking the unidentified whis- is fighting extradition. Despite several anti-money
tle-blower who reported con- Lawyers for Canada’s attorney laundering overhauls, the bloc
cerns about his behaviour. general wrapped up their oral remains vulnerable, mostly be-
The Republican president arguments on behalf of the US Meng (centre) returning to the British Columbia Supreme Court after a lunch break cause rules are applied less
has lashed out repeatedly at the in a British Columbia courtroom during a hearing in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada on Monday. She is charged in strictly in some of the 28 EU
impeachment inquiry, which on Wednesday. Meng’s lawyers, the US with bank fraud. Photo by Reuters states, the European Commis-
was prompted by his phone who made their initial arguments sion, the bloc’s executive arm,
call with the Ukrainian presi- last week, were set to return to said in a report in July.
dent that sought an investiga- court yesterday to present their dition proceedings should be halted. action involving the Canadian Bor- The bloc’s finance minis-
tion that would be damaging response. Meng’s defence, in their applica- der Services Agency (CBSA) until ters will therefore discuss at
to a Democratic political op- Meng’s lawyers are demanding tion for additional disclosure, have the following day. a meeting on Oct 10 whether
ponent, former vice-president emails, notes and other records tried to create a narrative of a grand “In order to have a conspiracy, a single supervisor could be
Joe Biden. from the Canadian government, conspiracy, public prosecutor John you need to have conspirators,” a solution, a document pub-
Trump repeatedly says he arguing that they would support Gibb-Carsley said in court. Gibb-Carsley said. “You need to lished on Wednesday said.
did nothing wrong in his July their case that Meng’s rights were “Never let the truth get in the have a meeting of the minds.” “How should issues related
25 telephone call in which he violated before her arrest at a Van- way of a good story,” he added. In a document submitted to the to inadequate supervision be
asked Ukrainian President Vo- couver airport on Dec 1 at the re- Gibb-Carsley said communica- court, CBSA admitted making an addressed?” the Finnish pres-
lodymyr Zelenskiy to investi- quest of the US. tions on Nov 30 between members “error” while sharing passcodes of idency of the EU asked in the
gate Biden. — Reuters If Canadian officials abused their of the Royal Canadian Mounted phones belonging to Meng with paper that will guide the de-
authority, her lawyers say, the extra- Police show there was no plan of Canadian federal police. — Reuters bate. — Reuters

HK to enact rare emergency

judge orders
new probe of

law for mask ban — reports reporters’

‘spying’ case

PHNOM PENH: A Cambodian

The ordinance was last used in 1967 to quell riots that rocked the trading hub judge yesterday ordered a re-
investigation of the espionage
case against two former Radio
BY I AI N MA RLOW shook the city on Oct 1, as Presi- Free Asia journalists, saying he
dent Xi Jinping celebrated 70 years could not rule on their guilt
HONG KONG: Hong Kong will of Communist party rule in Beijing. or innocence without enough
use an emergency ordinance for Some pro-China lawmakers in evidence.
the first time in more than a half a Hong Kong had called on Wednes- The case has added to con-
century in order to ban face masks day for a ban on wearing masks at cerns about a crackdown on
at public gatherings, according to public gatherings to stop protest- criticism and dissent by Cam-
local media outlets including the ers from hiding their identity from bodian Prime Minister Hun
South China Morning Post and police officers. Sen, who extended his rule of
news channel TVB. The government re-evaluated more than three decades in an
The government will enact the the situation after clashes in multi- election last year after the main
Emergency Regulations Ordinance ple districts on National Day, Cable opposition party leader was
after a special meeting of the city’s TV reported, citing unidentified arrested on treason charges
Executive Council last Friday, TVB sources. Phnom Penh Municipal
reported, citing people it did not Authorities believe the an- Court Judge Im Vannak had
identify. ti-mask law can help restore order, been scheduled to deliver a
First passed by the British gov- the report said, adding that it would verdict in the two-year-old
ernment in 1922 to quell a seamen’s only target occasions like certain case against the reporters, Uon
strike in Hong Kong’s harbour, the rallies and marches. Details were A protester throwing pieces of paper at the vice chancellor of the Chinese University Chhin and Yeang Sothearin,
law was last used by the colonial still being studied, it said. of Hong Kong, Rocky Tuan, in an administrative building during a demonstration in but instead he ordered a fresh
administration to help put down Hong Kong stocks briefly jumped solidarity with a student who was shot by a police officer on Tuesday. The government investigation into hard disks
riots that rocked the trading hub on the reports in afternoon trade, will enact the Emergency Regulations Ordinance, TVB reported. Photo by Reuters seized when they were arrest-
in 1967. rapidly erasing an earlier decline. ed in 2017.
A spokesman for Chief Exec- “Now the anti-mask law at least Radio Free Asia (RFA) and
utive Carrie Lam’s office was not gives investors some hope that it tests. That’s why we see local shares search premises without warrants, rights groups said the case
immediately able to comment on could be a way to cool down the rallying, such as developers and among other measures. should be dropped.
the reports when reached by phone protests,” said Steven Leung, execu- retailers.” “Once the emergency regulations “These delays drag out an
yesterday afternoon. tive director at UOB Kay Hian Hong The ordinance could give the ordinance is invoked that would unnecessary ordeal that has
The move came shortly after Kong Ltd. “Some people could be government greater leeway to arrest give a blank check to the chief ex- unfolded for almost two years,”
a protester was shot in violent worried about being identified if citizens, censor publications, shut ecutive,” said opposition lawmaker RFA’s spokesperson, Rohit Mo-
demonstrations that once again they can’t wear masks during pro- off communications networks and Alvin Yeung. — Bloomberg hajan, told Reuters. — Reuters

N Korea says it tested Hanoi slaps

new missile launched tax on China’s
aluminium stuff
from submarine BY K H A N H V U
BY JOYC E L EE launched on a lofted trajectory.
“The successful new-type HANOI: Vietnam has imposed
SEOUL: North Korea said yes- SLBM test-firing comes to be of an anti-dumping tax on some
terday it had successfully test- great significance as it ushered aluminium products from Chi-
fired a new submarine-launched in a new phase in containing na, just months after a similar
ballistic missile (SLBM) from the the outside forces’ threat to the levy targeting steel items, as the
sea to contain external threats DPRK and further bolstering its Demonstrators dispersing as Iraqi security forces used tear gas during a protest over Southeast Asian nation looks to
and bolster self-defence, ahead military muscle for self-defence,” unemployment, corruption and poor public services in Baghdad, Iraq on Wednesday. rein in an ever-increasing trade
of fresh nuclear talks with the KCNA said. At least seven people were killed and more than 400 were injured during two days of deficit with its giant neighbour.
US. DPRK is short for the North’s nationwide anti-government protests. Photo by Reuters An investigation launched
The launch on Wednesday was official name, the Democratic in January found that Chinese
the most provocative by North People’s Republic of Korea. dumping activities had serious-
Korea since it resumed dialogue
with the US in 2018 and a remind-
The test “had no adverse im-
pact on the security of neigh-
Iraq declares curfews as gunfights ly hurt domestic producers of
aluminium, with some having
er by Pyongyang of the weapons bouring countries,” KCNA said rage and protests spread nationwide to suspend output, the Minis-
capability it has been aggres- but gave no other details about try of Industry and Trade said.
sively developing, including in- the launch. BY AHM E D RAS HE E D “All vehicles and individuals are The anti-dumping tax on
tercontinental ballistic missiles, Photos released in the North’s & AHM E D ABO U LE NE I N totally forbidden to move in Baghdad some aluminium products
analysts said. official Rodong Sinmun news- as of 5am until further notice,” Abdul from 16 Chinese companies
North Korean leader Kim paper, whose front two pag- BAGHDAD: Iraqi Prime Minister Mahdi said in a written statement. ranges from 2.49% to 35.58%
Jong-un “sent warm congratu- es featured the test, showed a Adel Abdul Mahdi on Wednesday Travellers to and from Baghdad and took effect for five years
lations” to the defence scientists black-and-white painted missile declared a curfew in Baghdad until airport, ambulances, government from Sept 28, the govern-
who conducted the test, state clearing the surface of the water, further notice after at least seven employees in hospitals, electric- ment said on its website on
news agency KCNA said, indicat- then the rocket engine igniting to people were killed and more than 400 ity, and water departments, and Wednesday.
ing he did not attend the launch propel it into the sky. were injured during two days of na- religious pilgrims are exempt from Aluminium imports from
as he has at previous tests of new North Korea rejects UN Se- tionwide anti-government protests. the curfew, the statement said. It China nearly doubled last year
weapons systems. curity Council resolutions that Curfews were imposed earlier in was up to provincial governors to to at least 62,000 tonnes, the
The new type of SLBM, called ban it from using ballistic mis- three southern cities while elite coun- decide whether to declare curfews ministry added. The figure ex-
Pukguksong-3, was “fired in ver- sile technology, saying they are ter-terrorism troops opened fire on elsewhere. cluded the amount of alumini-
tical mode” in the waters off the an infringement of its right to protesters trying to storm Baghdad Curfews were imposed in Nassiri- um that transited through Viet-
eastern city of Wonsan, KCNA self-defence. North Korea fired airport and deployed to the southern ya, Amara and Hilla as protests that nam. In June, Vietnam imposed
said, confirming an assessment the missile hours after announc- city of Nassiriya after gunfights broke began on Tuesday over unemploy- an anti-dumping tax of 3.45% to
by South Korea’s military on ing it would resume talks with out between protesters and security ment, corruption and poor public 34.27% on some Chinese steel
Wednesday that the missile was the US. — Reuters forces, police sources said. services escalated. — Reuters products. — Reuters
F E AT U R E 2 1

Investors keep their faith

in Hong Kong markets
Despite street protests, companies are forging ahead with their listing plans
BY J UL I E Z HU, N OA H SI N buying exposure to a good asset that and mostly in retail, property and Holdings, the sportswear business US$15 billion listing in Hong Kong
& M AR I U S ZA HA RI A has presence in China, and is grow- tourism,” he said. “[But] the index of Chinese footwear retailer Belle because of the political turmoil.

ing? None of those things have any mostly reflects onshore Chinese mar- International, last week launched a But such caution has not badly
S anti-government pro- correlation with the Hong Kong pro- ket and economy. Hong Kong com- Hong Kong IPO of up to US$1.2 bil- dented the demand for new and
testers fought pitched tests,” said a senior banker with a panies’ share is not that big.” lion. Companies expected to launch listed stocks.
battles with police in global investment bank. Hong Kong IPOs within a month in- In another sign of solid demand,
Hong Kong streets last “I don’t think I have received even Fundraising needs clude ESR Cayman Ltd, a developer net purchases on southbound stock
week, a group of bank- one phone call saying ‘we shouldn’t What started as protests over a and manager of logistics facilities, connect that allows mainland-based
ers in another part of be doing this IPO because of what’s now-withdrawn extradition bill that planning to raise about US$1 bil- investors to buy Hong Kong stocks
the city were busy taking in billions happening in Hong Kong’,” said the would have allowed criminal sus- lion, and a US$1 billion-plus float — reached US$8 billion in August,
for the public float of the Asia unit of banker, declining to be named due pects to be sent to mainland China of Prague-based consumer lender the most since January 2018.
the world’s largest brewer. to sensitivity of the issue. for trial have evolved into broader Home Credit. Other markets in Hong Kong are
After a freeze during months of Companies raised US$15 billion calls for greater democracy, among ESR and Home Credit declined also holding up.
sometimes violent protests, Asia’s in new listings in Hong Kong in the other demands in Hong Kong. to comment. Demand from homebuyers in
top financial hub looks to be back first nine months of 2019, second Demonstrators are frustrated at “A deal can always get done if the the world’s most expensive proper-
in business. The stock market is off only to New York, according to Re- what they see as Beijing’s tightening price is right, no matter what the mar- ty market has shown little signs of
its lows, Hong Kong’s love affair finitiv data. grip over the former British colony, ket conditions are,” said James Wang, weakening due to the protests.
with property is undimmed and While the protests have hurt tour- which returned to China in 1997 co-head of equity capital markets in Property firm Wheelock sold 80%
companies are forging ahead with ism and retail sectors, threatening to under a “one country, two systems” Asia ex-Japan, at Goldman Sachs, of its 816 flats in the development
listing plans. send Hong Kong into its first reces- formula intended to guarantee free- referring to the broader IPO market. since late August, lower than sales
Budweiser Brewing Company sion in a decade, its proximity to the doms not enjoyed on the mainland. “An IPO’s timetable is driven more at other launches this year, but “still
APAC raised about US$5 billion massive Chinese market and locally After the initial nervousness by the company’s need to raise capital good” given the current environment,
(RM20.95 billion) in its initial pub- listed firms’ presence there are more about the unrest, things are look- so in most cases, market conditions property agents said.
lic offering (IPO) on the Hong Kong important, bankers and analysts say. ing up again in the financial markets, have to be severe to override that Still, other factors including the
Stock Exchange (HKEX), making it Already, the Hong Kong stock partly aided by hopes that Beijing need and delay a deal.” US-Sino trade war and slowing global
the second largest IPO in the world market has shown signs of steadying would not take any step that would growth have been affecting financial
this year. after initial falls as equity investors imperil the prospects of its only off- Solid demand markets and asset prices in Hong
Bankers say at least three more look for bargain-hunting opportu- shore financial centre, analysts said. Investors including sovereign wealth Kong, as they have elsewhere.
major companies are set to list in nities, they said. “The question is whether people funds and large global funds that Sean Taylor, APAC chief invest-
Hong Kong this month, selling The benchmark Hang Seng Index think there is a replacement. Hong invested in recent offerings are en- ment officer at fund manager DWS
more than US$3 billion worth of rallied about 1.4% last month, but is Kong still has quite a big investor thused by the lower valuations as said Hong Kong could benefit more
new shares. still down 6.1% since mid-June when pool,” said Gary Ng, an economist well as long-term business prospects, than most if China and the US reach
Hong Kong’s status as a gateway the unrest began. at Natixis. bankers said. an agreement on trade. In the mean-
for global capital flowing into and out “I think people are getting used As many as 40 companies have Budweiser, which relaunched its time, investors needed to be patient.
of China, the world’s second-larg- to the weekly events,” Steven Leung, filed IPO applications with HKEX in IPO last month after cancelling plans “You’ve got to accept the situation
est economy, has seen many global executive director for institutional September, according to information for a bigger float in July, priced the that tourism levels are down, retail
banks and fund managers make its sales at brokerage UOB Kay Hian, available on its website, the highest offering at the low end of the indic- sales are down, property prices may
towering skyscrapers their regional said of the protests. pace of filing since March this year. ative range. come down a bit — you’re going to
homes. “The impact was seen in the initial In addition to the Budweiser E-commerce giant Alibaba Group be in a slow environment for a while,”
“How does this [unrest] affect you one to two months in share prices, APAC IPO, Topsports International in August also delayed plans for a Taylor said. — Reuters

Pension funds sink billions into a whole new world of risk

BY A N C H A L EE WORRAC H AT E vestors into areas far outside of their growth, deepening the lower-for- ated a 12.7% internal rate of return At PGIM Fixed Income, which
& RUBEN MUNSTERMAN safety zone. They are fuelling a boom longer trend for interest rates. since 2011. oversees US$809 billion, senior port-
in alternative assets such as private “Growth is sub-par, and declin- A BlackRock survey of clients folio manager Michael Collins said
FOR decades Dutch pension cash equity, property and infrastructure ing,” said Jean-Jacques Barberis, overseeing US$7 trillion of assets one of his biggest overweight po-
flowed to the place most likely to that PwC estimates will jump to head of institutional client cover- published in January found just over sitions is in structured debt such
deliver steady and safe returns: gov- US$21 trillion in 2025 from US$10 age at Amundi SA. “We’re in a cycle half planning to increase their allo- as collateralised loan obligations
ernment bonds. trillion in 2016. that never seems to end, as monetary cation to alternative assets this year. (CLOs). The Total Return Bond Fund
No longer. Now the investor be- Even the Church of England is policy is being pushed and pushed “One of the biggest benefits of he helps manage has put 20% of its
hind the Netherlands’ biggest pen- getting in on the act. Its pension to limits. Interest rates are going to alternative assets is its uncorrelat- holdings into securitised debt and
sion fund is channeling retirement board is scaling back stocks in fa- stay low for a long time.” ed return to the market,” said Anne outperformed 95% of peers over the
savings to a Belgian airport, a bicycle vour of private debt including loans Gains from bonds will be general- Valentine Andrews at BlackRock past year, according to Bloomberg
parking lot in Utrecht and toll roads to small, and medium-sized com- ly close to zero in the coming years, Alternative Investors. data.
in the US and Spain. panies. In Japan, the Government according to Amundi. It expects the But the rapid dash to alternative But Collins is sticking with the
“Because of low interest rates, we Pension Investment Fund’s coping Barclays Euro Aggregate index to assets by the stewards of retirement top-rated pieces of CLOs which are
have to cast our nets far and wide to strategy for negative yields is to leave: lose 0.1% over the next three years, cash comes with risks, and it has more liquid and last to absorb losses
search for returns,” said Thijs Knaap, the world’s biggest pension fund is before returning 0.2% over the next caught the attention of regulators. from defaulting loans.
senior investment strategist at APG considering currency-hedged for- five and 0.3% over the successive They worry that in a downturn funds Knaap at APG says buying illiquid
Asset Management. “We increasing- eign bonds as part of its domestic decade. BlackRock Inc reckons that would struggle to pull cash out of il- assets needs a big balance sheet —
ly invest more away from home. It’s debt portfolio. a typical 60/40 strategy in which 60% liquid assets. While pension funds and a lot of homework. That might
where the growth is.” Central banks around the world of assets are allocated to equities typically hold debt until maturity it involving going to India to check
In a world of stuttering expansion delivered more than 700 cuts over and 40% to bonds will see average does not mean they cannot be hurt out the leaky roof of an apartment
— where yields on US$14 trillion the past decade and spent trillions returns fall to 3.5% over the next 10 by mark-to-market losses. building, for example, a “totally dif-
(RM58.66 trillion) of bonds have buying bonds. That helped to dodge years from 8.5% in the past decade. American International Group ferent” kind of due diligence than
turned negative — income is drain- a depression following the 2008 fi- Contrast that with alternative Inc, which had been the world’s what you’d undertake to buy gov-
ing away on government debt that nancial crisis, but growth has eased assets. So far they have delivered largest insurer, was bailed out in ernment bonds.
matches their long-term liabilities. after a brief rebound, and most major returns above APG’s long-term tar- 2009. Its losses on debt backed by “You just can’t buy a portfolio
So they are getting creative to meet economies undershoot policymak- get of 7% to 10%. The firm garnered defaulting subprime mortgages of houses from one day to another,
ever more elusive return targets. ers’ inflation targets. The US-China 18.6% on private equity holdings forced it to post collateral to banks in contrast to bonds,” Knaap said.
Knaap is at the vanguard of a trade war and a slew of geopoliti- since it started investing in the asset and seek an US$85 billion govern- “It’s really labour-intensive.” —
move by the most conservative in- cal risks are adding headwinds to class in 2010. Infrastructure gener- ment rescue. Bloomberg
live it!


by numbers
04.10.19 to 06.10.19
Your quick guide to rest and relaxation. By Lakshmi Sekhar

3 musical marvels
1 Dance show

One Night Only: A Bob Marley Tribute The Haydn and Handel Organ Concertos
As part of The Bee’s One Night Only tribute series, this Dewan Filharmonik Petronas’ Klais Pipe Organ will be
weekend they will be celebrating the one and only Bob accompanied by the Malaysian Philharmonic Orchestra
Marley. His music has stood the test of time and made a for The Haydn and Handel Organ Concertos. Performing
clear impression in all our music memories. Enjoy hits the concertos by these legendary musicians is the ac-
such as Three Little Birds, No Woman No Cry, Jammin complished organist Gunther Rost. The conductor Jane
and many more. The 11-piece band — featuring Bihzhu, Glover will transport you through the classical melodies,
Brendan de Cruz, Billie Blue (Billie Blue & The Nowhere including Haydn’s Organ Concerto Hob. XVIII:5 C Major,
Men) and Danielle Williams (Skies Are Red) and many Handel’s Organ Ceoncerto OP.7/1, Mozart’s Symphony No
more — will have you entertained all night long. This 36 “Linz” and Symphony No 31 “Paris”. This incredible
event takes place tomorrow at 8pm. Tickets are RM25 performance will take place tomorrow and on Sunday at
each to be purchased at the door. For more information, 8.30pm and 3pm respectively. Tickets are RM56, RM84,
visit RM113 and RM141. Dewan Filharmonik Petronas, Lev-
el Two, Tower Two, Petronas Twin Towers, KLCC, Kuala
Lumpur. To purchase tickets, visit

Yannick Bovy
To celebrate 100 years of Nat King Cole, Yannick Bovy Extravadanza
will be performing his most famed classics, including The Cempaka Voices In Concert return with their
When I Fall In Love, Mona Lisa, Let’s Face The Music popular show Extravadanza for two nights only.
and Dance, LOVE, Unforgettable, and many more. The performance includes an incredible lineup of
Known as one of the greatest crooners who lived, Cole’s dance genres, including contemporary, jazz, folk,
music has proved to be timeless. Bovy, a crooner from broadway and many more. Accompanying the danc-
Belgium, will tackle Cole’s repertoire in conjunction ers are instrumental performances, show choir, a
with his new album, Yannick Bovy Celebrates Nat King cappella and vocals. Showing today and tomorrow
Cole. With some raving reviews, the evening promises at 8pm and tickets are RM75 each. For enquries,
to be unforgettable. This performance will take place call (017) 372 8831 or email
today and tomorrow at 8.30pm. Tickets are RM80,
RM150, RM250, RM380 and RM480 at Istana Budaya,
Jalan Tun Razak, Titiwangsa, Kuala Lumpur. For more
information, visit
live it! 23


2 shows
comedy 2 percussion performances

Freddy Quinne Taksu: The Spirit of Gamelan

One of the biggest club comics from the UK is gracing the Hands Percussion Malaysia continues to preserve
Crackhouse stage for a night to remember. Freddy Quinne’s and reinvent local traditional art and music with
unique voice, powerful punchlines and amazing energy their new concert Taksu: The Spirit of Gamelan.
will have you enthralled. All the way from Manchester, They combine Chinese drums with Malay and
Quinne is a coveted comedian with a unique sense of hu- Balinese gamelan for a musical adaptation of
mour. Showing today and tomorrow at 9pm. Tickets are literary works that reflect their personal jour-
RM50 online or RM60 at the door. Crackhouse Comedy ney’s as artists. Having previously performed
Club Kuala Lumpur, 1st Floor, 24A, Lorong Rahim Kajai the gamelan at their 2011 concert Ri Yue Chu
14, Taman Tun Dr Ismail, Kuala Lumpur. For more infor- Yin, Hands Percussion is broadening their skill
mation, visit the club’s Facebook page @CrackhouseKL. under the artistic direction of one of Bali’s most
gifted musicians, I Wayan Sudirana and gifted
Malaysian actor Ghafir Akbar. Taksu is on today
at 8.30pm, tomorrow at 3pm and 8.30pm, and
on Sunday at 3pm. Tickets are RM88, RM138,
RM188 and RM238. Pentas 1, KLPAC, Sentul
Park, Jalan Strachan, Kuala Lumpur. For book-
ings, visit

Laguku 2.0
Orang Orang Drum Theatre presents its fifth
production Laguku 2.0. The core of the perfor-
mance is percussion, with additional creative
Nigel Ng elements to bring it to life. Said to be a piece
Malaysian stand-up comedian Nigel Ng visits from that everyday observations and perceptions
London for a great show. He made his TV debut in 2018 into a visual and auditory exploration, Lagu-
on Comedy Central’s Rob Delaney’s Stand Up Central ku 2.0 comes four years after its predecessor
and then was on Comedy Central’s Roast Battle. His Laguku. Catch Orang Orang Drum Theatre’s
show Culture Shocked was an incredible sellout at the creative and energetic performance at 8.30pm
Edinburgh Fringe Festival and he was nominated for today, and at 3pm and 8.30pm tomorrow and
the Best Newcomer Award. He performs tomorrow at on Sunday. Tickets are RM68 at Damansara
8.30pm. Tickets are RM50 or RM60 at the door. The Joke Performing Arts Centre (DPAC) at H-01, DPAC,
Factory, Lot 26, Level G3, Publika Shopping Gallery, Empire Damansara, Jalan PJU 8/8, Damansara
Jalan Dutamas 1, Solaris Dutamas, Kuala Lumpur. To Perdana, Petaling Jaya. For more information,
purchase tickets, visit visit or

2 creative workshops
Watercolour forest workshop
Are you a watercolour enthusiast or do you want to learn how to take up this beau-
tiful art? Try the watercolour forest workshop by The Craft Crowd. Learn how to
paint a beautiful forest scene with guidance. All materials are included and so is
lunch. The price for this workshop is RM165 per person. It will take place on Sunday
at The Craft Crowd, 16, Jalan Telawi 9, Bangsar, Kuala Lumpur. For more informa-
tion, email or visit

Natural household cleaning workshop

Learn how to make your own cleaning products at The Hive Bangsar. Your in-
structor Kim will take you through environmentally-friendly options that will
not break the bank; in fact, they save you some money. These products are also
allergen-free, so you stay safe in the process. You are encouraged to bring your
own bottles for the products you make. At the end you will go home with 250ml
of dishwashing liquid, 250ml of handwash and 250ml of a multipurpose cleanser
spray. The workshop is RM95 per person. The Hive Bulk Foods, 92A, Lorong Maarof,
Bangsar Park, Kuala Lumpur. For more information, visit

Superb Willian
strike earns UK’s Johnson-Thompson
leads heptathlon after
Chelsea victory Asher-Smith
four events
DOHA: Britain’s Katarina John-
at Lille (front) winning
the women’s son-Thompson produced two
200 metres personal bests as she made a
BY JU LI EN PRETOT during the IAAF superb start to the heptathlon
World Athletics at the world athletics champion-
LILLE: A brilliant late strike by Championships ships on Wednesday, opening
Willian earned an otherwise at the Khalifa a 96-point lead over defending
unimpressive Chelsea a 2-1 win International champion Nafissatou Thiam
at Lille in Champions League Stadium in after four events. The 26-year-
Group H on Wednesday. Doha, Qatar old Johnson-Thompson took an
The Brazilian volleyed on Wednesday. early lead after running a life-
home with 12 minutes left on Photo by Reuters time best of 13.09 seconds in the
his 300th Chelsea appearance 100m hurdles, before matching
after Tammy Abraham’s open- Thiam with a clearance of 1.95m
er had been cancelled out by in the high jump. The Belgian
Lille’s Victor Osimhen in the briefly reclaimed top spot with
first half. a 15.22-metre throw in the shot
Chelsea are third on three put, but Johnson-Thompson
points behind second-placed kept in touch with a personal

Asher-Smith seizes
Valencia who beat the Premier best of 13.86 metres. — Reuters
League side in the opening
round of matches. IOC plans boxing
Ajax Amsterdam top the qualifiers with the help
standings with a maximum of suspended Aiba

golden opportunity
six points after they claimed LAUSANNE: The Internation-
a 3-0 win at Valencia and Lille al Olympic Committee (IOC)
are bottom without a point. has been cooperating with box-
“We knew we needed to ing’s suspended international
win. I knew I would get a federation Aiba as the Olympic
chance and I took it well. Nev- body plans the sport’s qualifiers
er an easy place and Willian and tournament at next year’s
scored a worldie — no sur- Tokyo 2020 Games. The IOC
prise there,” said Abraham, as in June officially took over the
coach Frank Lampard noted British runner wins the world championship 200 metres boxing qualification and com-
that Chelsea still had a long petition for the Tokyo Games,
way to go. suspending the international
“Having lost against Valen- BY STEV E KEATING and this was the moment I did all and Jamaica’s Elaine Thompson boxing federation Aiba over is-
cia, it made this a more impor- my work for,” she added. who withdrew due to injuries. sues surrounding its finances
tant game. This is such a tough DOHA: Dina Asher-Smith seized “This is what we knew we could Shaunae Miller-Uibo of Baha- and governance. “[A lot] is still
place,” Lampard said. “They her golden opportunity to win the achieve if the season went well and mas, owner of the fastest time this going on. We have just enough
were quick on the counter-at- world championship 200 metres on the tiredness just disappeared when season, elected to race the 400m time for this project. There is a
tack and our performance was Wednesday and became the first I needed it to. It’s a different thing only due to scheduling issues. lot that needs to be done but a
really good. — Reuters British woman to claim a global with everyone saying you’re the The world 100m champi- lot has been done already,” IOC
sprint title. favourite but it’s a different thing on Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce and sports director Kit McConnell
With many of the top medal con- going and doing it.” bronze medallist Marie-Josee Ta told reporters on Wednesday.
tenders pulling out or skipping the The once mighty US, who had Lou scratched because of soreness — Reuters
Suarez double event, Asher-Smith proved the class been a non-factor in the women’s from earlier races while Nigeria’s
Liverpool fined for
as Barca act in the field, powering home in
a national record 21.88 seconds
sprints here, also benefitted from
the scratches as Brittany Brown
Blessing Okagbare, who had run
the third fastest time this season, fielding ineligible player
fight back to add gold to the silver she won
in the 100m.
grabbed the silver in 22.22.
Switzerland’s Mujinga Kambun-
was disqualified in her heat.
None of that mattered to Ash-
in League Cup victory
BENGALURU: Liverpool were
to sink Inter “You’re only the favourite if you dji completed the podium by grab- er-Smith who was focused on making fined £200,000 (RM1.32 mil-
go out and perform how people bing bronze in 22.51. history, the 23-year-old blasting out of lion) for fielding an ineligible
BY R I C H A RD MA RT I N expect you to and I was really fo- The fight for medals was blown the blocks and in command coming player in their League Cup
cused on putting together a good wide open when some of sprinting’s off the bend before cruising to victory. third-round victory over MK
BARCELONA: Luis Suarez race,” said Asher-Smith. “I dreamt biggest names withdrew during the “Whenever I finish a champi- Dons last week but avoided ex-
scored two classy goals to in- of this but now it’s real. earlier rounds. onship, I always want to be able pulsion from the competition,
spire Barcelona to a 2-1 come- “I know I was tired and woke The race was missing the reign- to look back and say I absolutely the English Football League
back win over Inter Milan in up today (Wednesday) knowing ing world and Olympic champions gave everything that I could have.” (EFL) said on Wednesday.
the Champions League on this was the last individual chance in Dutchwoman Dafne Schippers — Reuters Spaniard Pedro Chirivella, who
Wednesday and inflict a first was a second-half substitute in
defeat on Antonio Conte since the 2-0 win, did not have inter-
he took charge of the Italians. national clearance, following
Inter, who lead Serie A af-
ter winning all six domestic
games under Conte, pro-
Liverpool win seven-goal thriller the expiry of his loan agree-
ment last season with Span-
ish club Extremadura, the EFL
duced a wonderful first-half
display and took the lead in
the second minute through
after stunning Salzburg fightback said. — Reuters
Holloway glides to gold
Argentine forward Lautaro as McLeod tumbles
Martinez. BY SIM ON EVANS defeat in the Premier League or ly-worked goal from Sadio Mane. DOHA: Grant Holloway of the US
Barca had struggled to get Champions League since April The Senegalese left two defend- blazed to his first 110 metres hur-
going but looked more like LIVERPOOL: European champions 2017, there will be concern about ers in his wake as he cut in from dles world title on Wednesday in
their usual dominant selves Liverpool gave up a three-goal lead the performance of their defence, the left and then drove home af- a dramatic race in which defend-
on European nights at the to Austria’s Salzburg before recov- which was exposed by the lively ter a crisp exchange with Roberto ing champion Omar McLeod fell.
Camp Nou after the break ering to win 4-3 in an enthralling Salzburg attack. Firmino. The 21-year-old Holloway, who
and deservedly pulled level Champions League Group E match Salzburg, who beat Belgium’s Left back Andy Robertson made came into the championships
in the 58th minute through a at Anfield on Wednesday. Genk 6-2 in their opening game it 2-0 in the 25th minute, starting with the season’s fastest run of
superb swivelling volley from Mohamed Salah, who scored in the group, were applauded off the move with a burst down the 12.98 seconds, smoothly glided
Suarez. twice, grabbed the 69th-minute the field by their travelling fans, flank and then staying forward to through 10 hurdles to cross the
The win put Barca second in winner for Liverpool after Salz- recognition for their spirit and the apply a deft finish to Trent Alexan- line in 13.10, five hundredths of
Group F with four points from burg, managed by American Jesse enterprising, positive football they der-Arnold’s low cross. a second ahead of Sergey Shu-
two games, the same as leaders Marsch, had stunned Anfield with played against Juergen Klopp’s side. Salah then made it 3-0, turning benkov. “The race was a bless-
Borussia Dortmund who won three goals either side of halftime Liverpool, beaten 2-0 by Napo- the ball in after Salzburg keeper ing,” Holloway said. “My goal
2-0 at Slavia Prague. Inter have to make it 3-3. li in their opening game, quickly Cican Stankovic had pushed away was just to come out here and
one point. — Reuters While Liverpool will be relieved took charge, taking the lead in the an angled header from Firmino. execute each and every round.
to have avoided their first home ninth minute with a beautiful- — Reuters I felt like I did that.” — Reuters
Markets 2 5

Bursa Malaysia YEAR

1.300 0.565 1.030 0.910 7168 PRG 0.975 0.005 10633 0.966 — — 353.9
Sectorial Movement 0.855 0.410 0.830
0.305 0.190 0.205
0.813 23.70
0.201 7.98
0.907 0.677 0.730 0.690 7134 PWF 0.730 0.005 19 0.707 9.66 3.42 127.0
INDICES CLOSE +/- %CHG INDICES CLOSE +/- %CHG 2.140 1.319 2.110 2.100 7237 PWROOT 2.100 -0.020 348.6 2.101 26.35 3.95 848.2
FBM KLCI 1,564.12 -10.78 -0.68 CONSTRUCTION 200.91 -2.40 -1.18 7.575 5.986 7.180 7.100 7084 QL 7.100 -0.080 267.3 7.135 51.52 0.63 11,519.3
0.420 0.260 — — 9946 REX 0.280 — — — — — 69.1
FBM ACE 4,555.53 39.49 0.87 CONSUMER PRODUCTS & SERVICES 639.75 -4.02 -0.62 0.238 0.170 0.175 0.170 0037 RGB 0.170 -0.005 293.3 0.172 7.69 4.12 263.2
FBM TOP 100 10,906.60 -74.44 -0.68 ENERGY 1,091.83 -2.49 -0.23 0.845 0.652 0.735 0.660 5278 RHONEMA 0.735 0.035 89.4 0.674 14.91 4.08 134.2
FBM EMAS 11,077.29 -72.64 -0.65 FINANCIAL SERVICES 15,079.34 -143.97 -0.95 0.835 0.276 0.835 0.755 0183 SALUTE 0.830 0.060 9412.2 0.811 — 2.89 322.0
0.290 0.165 0.170 0.165 5252 SASBADI 0.165 UNCH 259.3 0.166 86.84 — 69.2
FBM MID 70 13,794.88 -91.26 -0.66 HEALTH CARE 1,249.83 -2.56 -0.20 0.400 0.260 — — 5157 SAUDEE 0.265 — — — 77.94 — 36.4
FBM MIDS CAP 14,091.26 40.02 0.28 INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS & SERVICES 152.17 -0.40 -0.26 0.675 0.592 0.640 0.630 9792 SEG 0.640 0.005 373.6 0.635 18.50 4.30 809.3
FBM SMALL CAP 13,006.21 -8.84 -0.07 PLANTATION 6,636.28 -33.05 -0.50 1.560 1.199 1.450 1.440 5250 SEM 1.440 -0.010 876.4 1.441 30.06 1.67 1,776.1
0.805 0.440 0.805 0.790 7180 SERNKOU 0.800 UNCH 1871.9 0.797 16.60 — 192.0
FBM FLEDGLING 14,116.86 20.22 0.14 PROPERTY 765.07 -3.46 -0.45 5.900 4.770 — — 5517 SHANG 5.150 — — — 36.71 2.91 2,266.0
FTSE4GOOD BURSA M’SIA 871.31 -6.00 -0.68 REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT TRUSTS 1,002.51 -1.56 -0.16 0.690 0.415 — — 7412 SHH 0.480 — — — — — 24.0
TECHNOLOGY 35.81 0.19 0.53
0.565 0.315 — — 7246 SIGN 0.475 — — — 47.50 3.16 114.1
FBM PALM OIL PLANTATION MYR 11,487.39 134.45 1.18
2.555 1.952 2.300 2.250 4197 SIME 2.290 0.010 3320.3 2.279 16.36 3.93 15,573.9
FBM EMAS SHARIAH 11,665.83 -53.55 -0.46 TELECOMMUNICATION & MEDIA 700.26 -5.16 -0.73 0.455 0.145 0.175 0.145 8532 SINOTOP 0.175 0.010 107.8 0.149 145.83 — 69.1
FBM HIJRAH SHARIAH 12,937.83 -59.02 -0.45 TRANSPORTATION & LOGISTICS 768.65 2.74 0.36 0.250 0.105 0.145 0.145 9776 SMCAP 0.145 UNCH 55.2 0.145 — — 31.0
0.295 0.210 — — 7943 SNC 0.235 — — — — — 15.5
FBM MIDS CAP SHARIAH 13,460.23 20.90 0.16 UTILITIES 974.71 -3.37 -0.34 0.345 0.200 0.335 0.300 5242 SOLID 0.335 0.025 672.8 0.324 57.76 0.60 131.5
2.400 1.965 2.240 2.110 7103 SPRITZER 2.190 UNCH 5.6 2.193 17.45 1.60 459.9
0.680 0.582 — — 0301 SUPREME 0.680 — — — 15.70 0.62 81.6

Bursa Malaysia Main Market 0.775 0.500 0.650

0.253 0.170 0.195
0.420 0.240 —





1.702 1.294 — — 4405 TCHONG 1.350 — — — 7.06 2.96 907.2
YEAR YEAR DAY DAY CODE COUNTER CLOSING +/– VOL VWAP* PE# DY MKT CAP 1.550 0.695 — — 7439 TECGUAN 1.040 — — — 4.13 — 41.7
HIGH LOW HIGH LOW (RM) (RM) (‘000) (RM) (X) (%) (MIL) 0.335 0.210 0.245 0.235 7200 TEKSENG 0.235 -0.015 102.6 0.240 — — 81.8
CONSUMER PRODUCTS & SERVICES 1.391 0.697 1.160 1.120 7252 TEOSENG 1.160 0.030 1031.2 1.145 6.75 4.74 348.0
0.985 0.700 0.815 0.805 0012 3A 0.815 -0.005 12 0.813 11.26 2.45 401.0 1.200 0.866 — — 9369 TGL 1.150 — — — 7.45 4.35 46.9
0.315 0.160 0.165 0.160 5238 AAX 0.165 UNCH 1390.4 0.161 — — 684.4 0.588 0.440 — — 7230 TOMEI 0.475 — — — 11.31 2.11 65.8
0.490 0.335 — — 7120 ACOSTEC 0.355 — — — — — 69.1 0.460 0.300 0.310 0.310 7176 TPC 0.310 -0.010 39 0.310 5.50 — 72.5
1.881 1.345 1.530 1.490 6599 AEON 1.510 -0.010 5366.4 1.504 17.74 2.65 2,120.0 5.988 4.177 4.830 4.730 4588 UMW 4.740 -0.110 159.4 4.749 15.47 1.58 5,537.7
0.185 0.115 0.125 0.120 7315 AHB 0.120 UNCH 141.6 0.120 13.95 — 21.1 2.305 1.977 2.190 2.170 7757 UPA 2.170 UNCH 6 2.173 16.90 3.69 172.7
2.404 1.950 2.170 2.130 7090 AHEALTH 2.160 UNCH 82 2.151 18.00 1.60 1,018.8 0.970 0.770 0.900 0.885 7240 VERTICE 0.900 UNCH 59.7 0.890 — — 169.9
2.157 1.309 1.740 1.690 5099 AIRASIA 1.700 -0.040 10847.9 1.708 9.89 14.12 5,681.4 1.253 0.910 0.930 0.910 7203 WANGZNG 0.930 -0.015 19.5 0.914 13.68 4.30 148.8
21.403 16.020 16.640 16.600 2658 AJI 16.600 -0.040 8.6 16.60 17.07 2.83 1,009.3 2.268 1.960 — — 5016 WARISAN 1.960 — — — — 2.04 131.7
6.765 5.391 5.800 5.780 6351 AMWAY 5.780 -0.030 13.7 5.799 13.93 3.46 950.1 0.145 0.070 0.085 0.080 5156 XDL 0.085 UNCH 4674.9 0.080 10.24 — 153.4
0.030 0.005 0.010 0.005 5194 APFT 0.005 UNCH 200.1 0.010 0.41 — 6.7 0.520 0.320 0.365 0.365 7121 XIANLNG 0.365 -0.025 13 0.365 — — 29.2
4.050 3.550 3.840 3.830 6432 APOLLO 3.830 -0.030 6.1 3.835 18.62 5.22 306.4 2.340 1.769 — — 5584 YEELEE 2.200 — — — 13.24 1.82 421.5
0.160 0.105 0.130 0.125 1481 ASB 0.125 UNCH 325.7 0.127 — 2.00 116.1 1.206 0.924 — — 5159 YOCB 0.985 — — — 6.90 4.57 157.6
0.570 0.325 — — 7722 ASIABRN 0.510 — — — 10.85 — 118.7 3.272 2.210 2.310 2.280 7178 YSPSAH 2.280 -0.030 28.3 2.293 12.91 3.07 318.2
2.552 2.250 2.360 2.350 7129 ASIAFLE 2.350 -0.020 11.6 2.356 9.24 5.96 457.7 1.659 1.135 1.600 1.560 5131 ZHULIAN 1.580 -0.020 44.5 1.583 11.80 5.06 726.8
4.740 3.871 4.120 4.120 7048 ATLAN 4.120 -0.080 1 4.120 26.39 3.64 1,045.0 INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS & SERVICES
0.325 0.115 0.120 0.120 8885 AVI 0.120 UNCH 20 0.120 — — 113.3 0.095 0.065 0.070 0.065 7086 ABLEGRP 0.070 -0.005 450.1 0.065 — — 18.5
0.170 0.160 — — 0301 BABA 0.170 — — — 3.92 — 38.2 0.605 0.350 0.520 0.520 7191 ADVENTA 0.520 -0.030 10 0.520 — — 79.4
37.306 18.240 18.580 18.240 4162 BAT 18.300 -0.300 607.9 18.33 12.24 7.81 5,225.2 2.250 1.740 2.110 2.110 9148 ADVPKG 2.110 UNCH 9 2.110 206.8 2.84 43.3
2.780 1.659 2.290 2.260 5248 BAUTO 2.270 -0.020 2615.4 2.275 10.10 6.61 2,640.8 0.140 0.080 — — 7146 AEM 0.105 — — — — — 34.6
1.799 1.264 1.440 1.440 5196 BJFOOD 1.440 UNCH 41.3 1.440 23.26 2.78 550.3 0.710 0.385 — — 5198 AFUJIYA 0.520 — — — 19.19 — 93.6
0.305 0.150 0.205 0.190 4219 BJLAND 0.200 UNCH 6145.5 0.199 7.84 — 1,000.1 0.335 0.200 0.225 0.225 2682 AISB 0.225 -0.020 7.2 0.225 — — 32.5
2.780 1.908 2.560 2.510 1562 BJTOTO 2.560 -0.010 1402.5 2.533 19.47 6.25 3,458.6 0.630 0.395 0.400 0.395 7609 AJIYA 0.400 0.005 10 0.396 5.54 — 121.8
0.353 0.201 0.250 0.240 9288 BONIA 0.250 0.005 316.6 0.244 10.82 2.00 201.6 0.895 0.420 0.490 0.480 2674 ALCOM 0.490 -0.005 10.6 0.485 23.90 — 65.8
0.285 0.055 0.165 0.160 9474 BRAHIMS 0.165 UNCH 863.6 0.161 — — 39.0 1.293 0.920 1.100 1.100 7083 ANALABS 1.100 -0.020 160.8 1.100 31.25 1.82 132.1
0.848 0.400 0.460 0.430 7174 CAB 0.455 0.010 724.3 0.448 23.10 1.10 299.7 0.614 0.440 0.470 0.460 4758 ANCOM 0.465 -0.005 61.9 0.467 6.77 — 112.0
0.595 0.320 0.470 0.440 7154 CAELY 0.460 -0.010 478.4 0.451 73.02 1.09 75.5 1.814 1.110 1.200 1.170 6556 ANNJOO 1.200 0.010 281.8 1.191 27.84 10.00 671.9
0.295 0.210 — — 7128 CAMRES 0.250 — — — 19.38 — 49.2 0.055 0.025 0.030 0.025 9342 ANZO 0.030 UNCH 102 0.025 — — 26.4
2.300 1.500 2.010 2.010 5245 CARING 2.010 UNCH 6.4 2.010 21.09 2.99 437.6 0.835 0.495 — — 5568 APB 0.500 — — — — — 56.4
26.790 16.463 26.280 25.960 2836 CARLSBG 26.100 UNCH 149.7 26.10 27.97 3.55 7,980.0 3.342 2.310 2.320 2.310 5015 APM 2.320 0.010 2.1 2.315 11.63 5.17 467.7
2.000 1.230 — — 2925 CCB 1.390 — — — — — 140.0 0.630 0.475 — — 7214 ARANK 0.505 — — — 6.98 4.59 85.6
0.818 0.355 0.525 0.495 7035 CCK 0.520 0.020 2657.1 0.513 13.94 2.40 328.0 0.605 0.205 0.315 0.305 7181 ARBB 0.310 UNCH 1198.9 0.309 1.65 — 72.8
0.380 0.270 — — 7209 CHEETAH 0.290 — — — 90.63 1.38 37.0 0.778 0.581 — — 7162 ASTINO 0.690 — — — 7.93 1.45 189.1
1.850 1.210 1.350 1.320 2828 CIHLDG 1.320 0.030 74 1.322 11.22 7.58 213.8 1.826 1.301 1.370 1.350 8176 ATAIMS 1.370 0.030 766.2 1.354 14.88 2.40 1,650.0
0.095 0.060 0.065 0.060 5104 CNI 0.065 UNCH 171.9 0.062 — 4.62 46.8 0.810 0.410 — — 7099 ATTA 0.415 — — — 17.58 — 88.5
0.065 0.025 — — 5188 CNOUHUA 0.040 — — — — — 26.7 0.908 0.580 0.605 0.595 7579 AWC 0.600 -0.005 20.6 0.598 8.44 1.25 177.9
2.140 1.800 1.890 1.890 7205 COCOLND 1.890 0.010 3 1.890 12.86 3.17 432.4 0.387 0.255 — — 5021 AYS 0.295 — — — 10.77 6.78 112.2
0.085 0.005 0.060 0.060 0301 CRG 0.060 UNCH 1 0.060 11.11 — 48.3 1.400 1.120 1.280 1.210 8133 BHIC 1.280 -0.020 0.5 1.238 — 2.73 318.0
1.199 0.981 1.020 1.020 7202 CSCENIC 1.020 UNCH 1.2 1.020 15.79 6.86 122.9 0.515 0.260 — — 7005 BIG 0.285 — — — 14.39 — 13.7
0.540 0.400 — — 9423 CWG 0.435 — — — 10.58 3.45 54.9 0.160 0.110 0.115 0.115 6998 BINTAI 0.115 -0.005 5 0.115 2.90 — 33.3
0.040 0.025 0.030 0.025 7179 DBE 0.025 -0.005 2826.7 0.030 — — 67.0 0.325 0.225 0.235 0.225 3395 BJCORP 0.235 UNCH 10688 0.232 — — 1,225.5
1.050 0.760 1.040 1.030 7119 DEGEM 1.040 0.010 9 1.038 34.10 0.96 139.4 0.766 0.485 0.555 0.550 0168 BOILERM 0.555 UNCH 48 0.552 10.18 3.60 286.4
3.218 2.062 2.520 2.500 5908 DKSH 2.500 -0.030 43 2.510 12.81 4.00 394.1 0.060 0.040 0.050 0.045 7036 BORNOIL 0.045 UNCH 34681 0.045 — — 240.3
64.500 56.200 59.000 58.300 3026 DLADY 58.300 -1.200 1.6 58.65 32.25 1.72 3,731.2 1.350 0.865 — — 6297 BOXPAK 1.100 — — — — — 132.1
1.480 0.898 1.410 1.390 7148 DPHARMA 1.410 0.010 244.3 1.395 17.01 3.55 959.0 1.128 0.833 — — 5100 BPPLAS 0.985 — — — 8.83 5.58 184.9
2.962 1.580 2.370 2.330 1619 DRBHCOM 2.340 -0.050 3348.4 2.351 19.20 1.28 4,523.8 0.220 0.140 — — 9938 BRIGHT 0.185 — — — — — 38.0
0.150 0.075 0.085 0.085 2097 EASTLND 0.085 UNCH 240 0.085 — — 25.1 0.445 0.260 0.315 0.290 7221 BSLCORP 0.300 -0.005 5.4 0.314 15.71 — 29.4
0.652 0.512 — — 5081 EIG 0.565 — — — 14.56 5.31 134.0 1.874 0.995 1.020 1.010 2771 BSTEAD 1.020 0.010 305 1.014 — 4.90 2,067.5
0.075 0.035 — — 7182 EKA 0.045 — — — — — 14.0 0.175 0.070 0.095 0.090 7188 BTM 0.095 UNCH 197.9 0.093 — — 13.4
0.215 0.150 0.155 0.150 9091 EMICO 0.155 UNCH 22 0.155 13.25 — 16.4 3.941 1.807 3.220 3.200 5105 CANONE 3.220 0.020 24.3 3.212 4.13 1.24 618.7
0.130 0.090 — — 0302 ENEST 0.130 — — — 18.84 — 60.5 0.015 0.010 — — 5229 CAP 0.010 — — — — — 13.6
1.120 0.797 1.030 0.950 7149 ENGKAH 1.030 0.080 58.9 0.950 9.41 5.83 72.9 1.354 0.810 0.815 0.810 7076 CBIP 0.815 UNCH 17.7 0.814 22.70 4.91 438.7
0.195 0.155 — — 0302 ETH 0.190 — — — — — 46.7 2.168 1.480 — — 2879 CCM 1.710 — — — 12.79 3.51 286.8
0.200 0.080 0.095 0.090 7208 EURO 0.095 -0.005 110 0.091 — — 25.4 0.845 0.400 0.510 0.475 8435 CEPCO 0.510 0.020 18.6 0.482 — — 38.1
0.700 0.320 — — 7094 EUROSP 0.410 — — — — — 18.2 0.290 0.260 — — 0302 CETECH 0.285 — — — 17.70 0.35 98.6
37.215 28.688 34.340 33.200 3689 F&N 34.000 UNCH 455.2 33.93 29.46 1.69 12,470.5 1.360 0.900 — — 8044 CFM 1.110 — — — — — 45.5
0.959 0.620 — — 2755 FCW 0.620 — — — 43.66 16.13 155.0 0.660 0.420 — — 8052 CGB 0.525 — — — — — 47.3
0.505 0.428 0.485 0.485 6939 FIAMMA 0.485 -0.015 10 0.485 7.13 4.64 247.4 0.435 0.265 — — 7187 CHGP 0.290 — — — 42.03 — 86.2
0.523 0.277 0.385 0.360 8605 FIHB 0.385 0.025 35.4 0.360 5.00 — 42.0 0.898 0.610 0.770 0.765 5273 CHINHIN 0.770 -0.005 138.9 0.765 17.62 3.25 428.4
1.955 1.247 1.650 1.640 9172 FPI 1.640 -0.010 53 1.644 10.22 6.10 405.7 1.936 1.508 1.670 1.660 5007 CHINWEL 1.670 -0.010 27.5 1.663 8.52 4.70 500.2
3.220 0.680 3.220 3.140 7184 G3 3.190 0.010 294.3 3.169 — — 1,324.0 1.691 1.320 1.440 1.380 5797 CHOOBEE 1.440 0.060 10.8 1.381 14.02 3.47 189.6
4.380 1.998 4.380 4.120 5102 GCB 4.360 0.190 1811.4 4.286 9.39 0.69 2,198.2 0.500 0.221 0.370 0.370 7016 CHUAN 0.370 UNCH 1 0.370 6.56 2.97 62.4
0.520 0.400 — — 5592 GCE 0.470 — — — — 4.26 92.6 0.045 0.035 — — 7018 CME 0.035 — — — — — 20.4
4.784 2.604 3.020 2.980 4715 GENM 2.990 -0.040 18700 2.999 — 3.68 17,754.8 3.824 2.260 2.720 2.580 2852 CMSB 2.590 -0.150 2556.7 2.635 12.99 2.86 2,782.6
7.870 5.690 5.730 5.690 3182 GENTING 5.690 -0.050 3765.6 5.702 14.23 2.55 22,059.5 0.545 0.365 — — 7986 CNASIA 0.460 — — — 30.87 — 23.0
0.415 0.100 0.150 0.145 5079 GETS 0.150 -0.005 1268.3 0.147 — — 18.9 1.370 0.735 0.945 0.935 5071 COASTAL 0.940 UNCH 143.8 0.941 34.18 — 500.0
0.165 0.105 0.120 0.115 0136 GREENYB 0.120 UNCH 43.1 0.115 8.39 — 40.0 0.175 0.045 0.070 0.070 7195 COMCORP 0.070 -0.005 90 0.070 — — 9.8
3.736 2.110 2.260 2.210 7668 HAIO 2.250 0.010 264 2.239 14.69 5.78 675.7 0.981 0.741 0.780 0.770 2127 COMFORT 0.780 UNCH 35.7 0.773 13.71 1.92 454.7
3.780 3.227 — — 5008 HARISON 3.700 — — — 10.84 5.41 253.4 0.030 0.015 0.025 0.020 5037 COMPUGT 0.020 -0.005 416.3 0.020 — — 49.5
0.135 0.055 — — 5187 HBGLOB 0.060 — — — 1.81 — 28.1 1.194 0.939 0.995 0.985 5094 CSCSTEL 0.990 0.005 44.1 0.991 20.16 4.04 376.2
24.763 16.724 24.120 23.820 3255 HEIM 23.860 -0.260 19.9 23.89 24.24 4.02 7,208.1 0.605 0.350 — — 7157 CYL 0.380 — — — 475.0 — 38.0
11.600 8.153 10.340 10.280 3301 HLIND 10.280 -0.080 1.7 10.32 9.86 3.89 3,370.9 0.400 0.280 — — 5082 CYMAO 0.280 — — — — — 21.0
0.727 0.545 0.660 0.640 5160 HOMERIZ 0.645 -0.015 311.5 0.645 8.08 5.43 193.5 1.736 1.250 1.360 1.330 5184 CYPARK 1.350 -0.020 299.7 1.348 7.71 2.89 631.0
1.025 0.871 0.920 0.905 5024 HUPSENG 0.905 -0.015 176.3 0.907 17.21 6.63 724.0 2.370 1.550 1.850 1.800 8125 DAIBOCI 1.820 UNCH 17.6 1.818 54.65 1.84 596.8
0.375 0.235 — — 8478 HWATAI 0.240 — — — — — 18.0 0.655 0.361 0.490 0.485 5276 DANCO 0.490 UNCH 5.8 0.486 9.25 3.57 149.0
0.490 0.200 0.300 0.295 9113 ICONIC 0.300 UNCH 2333.5 0.298 — — 97.1 0.355 0.120 0.185 0.180 7212 DESTINI 0.185 -0.005 913.2 0.185 — — 213.7
0.080 0.020 0.030 0.025 7243 IMPIANA 0.030 UNCH 1596 0.030 — — 167.9 0.755 0.325 0.380 0.370 7114 DNONCE 0.380 UNCH 66 0.376 — — 99.3
1.490 0.770 — — 5107 IQGROUP 0.790 — — — — — 69.5 0.280 0.080 0.165 0.160 5835 DOLMITE 0.165 0.010 56 0.160 — — 47.0
0.070 0.030 0.055 0.055 7223 JADI 0.055 UNCH 40 0.055 11.00 — 57.0 0.170 0.070 0.095 0.090 5265 DOLPHIN 0.095 UNCH 38 0.090 — — 23.2
1.100 0.770 1.080 1.030 7152 JAYCORP 1.060 0.030 420.8 1.051 7.26 5.19 145.5 1.305 1.162 1.300 1.300 7169 DOMINAN 1.300 UNCH 3.6 1.300 9.41 5.38 214.8
0.420 0.325 — — 8931 JERASIA 0.325 — — — 11.78 3.08 26.7 2.940 1.823 2.940 2.850 7233 DUFU 2.900 0.030 2033.3 2.908 15.82 1.24 763.3
1.555 0.788 1.380 1.360 7167 JOHOTIN 1.380 UNCH 65.3 1.371 9.31 4.71 428.4 2.000 0.485 0.530 0.510 7165 DWL 0.525 -0.005 193.5 0.514 — — 122.2
0.380 0.260 0.310 0.270 8672 KAMDAR 0.310 0.050 0.3 0.297 — — 61.4 0.380 0.075 0.080 0.075 5178 DYNACIA 0.080 UNCH 250 0.078 — — 38.4
0.758 0.375 0.415 0.405 5247 KAREX 0.410 -0.005 1103.9 0.410 157.69 1.22 411.0 3.520 2.235 3.400 3.380 1368 EDGENTA 3.400 UNCH 138.4 3.397 18.54 4.12 2,827.5
2.064 1.180 1.250 1.240 7216 KAWAN 1.240 UNCH 20.3 1.240 26.22 2.02 445.8 0.260 0.165 — — 0064 EFFICEN 0.170 — — — — — 120.6
0.225 0.080 — — 8303 KFM 0.140 — — — — — 9.6 0.540 0.355 0.385 0.380 8907 EG 0.380 -0.005 102.5 0.380 7.92 — 104.5
0.656 0.165 0.265 0.245 6203 KHEESAN 0.255 UNCH 1447.9 0.254 5.72 3.92 29.2 1.565 1.158 1.350 1.350 5208 EITA 1.350 UNCH 10 1.350 8.43 4.44 175.5
1.800 1.400 — — 7062 KHIND 1.540 — — — 32.63 — 61.7 0.990 0.710 — — 9016 EKSONS 0.750 — — — — 6.67 123.2
1.940 1.566 — — 0002 KOTRA 1.840 — — — 11.42 3.26 265.1 0.565 0.340 — — 7217 EMETALL 0.360 — — — 100 — 67.8
0.995 0.295 0.995 0.985 7130 KPOWER 0.990 UNCH 4371.6 0.988 471.43 — 75.4 0.996 0.580 0.600 0.595 5056 ENGTEX 0.600 -0.010 177.4 0.600 — 1.25 266.0
0.120 0.055 0.080 0.080 5172 KSTAR 0.080 UNCH 1868 0.080 — — 34.1 0.470 0.315 — — 7773 EPMB 0.370 — — — — — 61.4
0.195 0.050 0.080 0.075 4847 KTB 0.080 UNCH 369.5 0.075 — — 32.2 0.580 0.245 0.250 0.250 5101 EVERGRN 0.250 UNCH 465.3 0.250 — 1.92 211.6
0.630 0.410 — — 1643 LANDMRK 0.480 — — — — — 253.9 1.380 1.050 1.310 1.300 2984 FACBIND 1.300 UNCH 22 1.302 98.48 — 110.7
4.065 2.850 3.130 3.000 7006 LATITUD 3.050 -0.040 197.5 3.046 15.34 1.97 296.5 2.850 2.091 2.690 2.660 7229 FAVCO 2.670 UNCH 43.1 2.672 7.23 5.06 595.6
0.654 0.325 0.425 0.420 9385 LAYHONG 0.425 UNCH 1683 0.422 32.44 1.18 280.6 0.320 0.305 — — 0302 FBBHD 0.320 — — — 26.67 — 69.1
1.051 0.575 0.580 0.575 8079 LEESK 0.575 UNCH 63.6 0.580 9.43 4.35 96.5 0.580 0.330 0.360 0.350 0149 FIBON 0.350 -0.060 20 0.355 12.11 2.06 34.3
1.161 0.702 0.890 0.850 6633 LHI 0.890 0.030 6310.7 0.875 16.24 — 3,248.5 1.886 1.630 1.740 1.730 3107 FIMACOR 1.730 -0.030 18 1.734 7.53 7.23 424.3
3.190 2.438 3.180 3.120 7089 LIIHEN 3.160 -0.030 74 3.149 7.94 4.91 568.8 0.560 0.365 0.390 0.380 9318 FITTERS 0.385 -0.005 1371 0.385 10.24 — 185.0
0.630 0.095 0.105 0.095 7126 LONBISC 0.100 -0.005 5093.6 0.100 32.26 — 29.1 1.810 1.000 1.080 1.080 5197 FLBHD 1.080 0.010 24 1.080 6.70 13.43 115.3
1.378 0.768 1.360 1.340 7085 LTKM 1.340 UNCH 15 1.353 7.47 1.49 174.3 0.420 0.199 0.410 0.380 5277 FPGROUP 0.410 0.020 9946.8 0.400 17.98 2.44 213.3
6.760 3.767 6.760 6.610 7087 MAGNI 6.740 0.050 605.4 6.710 9.87 2.08 1,096.8 1.040 0.415 — — 7197 GESHEN 0.530 — — — — — 42.4
2.880 1.659 2.740 2.670 3859 MAGNUM 2.690 -0.080 1664.3 2.697 27.99 6.32 3,867.5 0.545 0.350 0.420 0.365 5220 GLOTEC 0.400 0.025 1647.2 0.397 — — 107.6
0.140 0.110 — — 3514 MARCO 0.115 — — — 8.71 2.61 121.2 0.285 0.145 0.215 0.200 7192 GOODWAY 0.205 -0.005 873 0.209 — — 24.9
0.015 0.005 — — 5189 MAXWELL 0.010 — — — — — 4.0 0.145 0.080 — — 7096 GPA 0.105 — — — — — 103.0
1.320 0.748 1.310 1.310 5886 MBG 1.310 UNCH 14 1.310 78.44 1.15 79.6 0.259 0.160 — — 5649 GPHAROS 0.180 — — — 85.71 7.06 24.6
4.470 1.774 4.040 3.910 5983 MBMR 3.980 -0.020 533 3.985 6.74 3.77 1,555.7 0.608 0.400 0.495 0.475 3247 GUH 0.495 0.010 160.5 0.490 65.13 — 137.6
0.430 0.185 0.405 0.400 7234 MESB 0.405 0.005 88 0.401 7.69 — 33.2 10.180 8.946 9.860 9.780 3034 HAPSENG 9.800 -0.050 380.6 9.801 38.43 3.57 24,398.9
0.235 0.177 — — 0301 MFGROUP 0.235 — — — 391.6 — 75.2 6.480 4.486 5.220 5.150 5168 HARTA 5.190 -0.010 1005.5 5.198 40.74 1.58 17,438.4
0.877 0.435 0.625 0.610 3662 MFLOUR 0.615 -0.005 1918.1 0.615 14.17 3.58 617.1 7.060 4.290 4.430 4.360 4324 HENGYUAN 4.400 0.040 308.3 4.379 — — 1,320.0
0.820 0.600 — — 7935 MILUX 0.760 — — — — — 41.4 0.820 0.491 0.510 0.495 5095 HEVEA 0.495 -0.015 320.4 0.500 20.71 9.70 278.5
0.120 0.035 0.075 0.070 5166 MINDA 0.075 0.005 98 0.070 — — 93.0 1.050 0.650 0.770 0.740 5151 HEXTAR 0.770 0.015 2.7 0.744 — — 631.9
3.640 0.980 1.030 0.980 5202 MSM 0.995 0.005 1179.9 0.999 54.67 — 699.5 0.806 0.645 0.725 0.725 3298 HEXZA 0.725 -0.005 5 0.725 18.13 6.90 145.3
0.025 0.005 0.005 0.005 5150 MSPORTS 0.005 -0.005 0.1 0.005 — — 3.0 0.440 0.190 0.195 0.190 5072 HIAPTEK 0.190 -0.005 4036.2 0.191 10.05 2.63 255.4
0.255 0.145 0.195 0.190 3891 MUIIND 0.195 -0.005 244.5 0.194 — — 571.8 1.360 0.760 0.955 0.945 5199 HIBISCS 0.950 -0.005 5115.6 0.950 6.56 — 1,508.8
2.650 1.620 2.060 2.050 3905 MULPHA 2.060 -0.020 2.6 2.050 — — 658.4 1.655 1.030 — — 7033 HIGHTEC 1.040 — — — 10.69 3.37 42.2
1.519 1.311 1.350 1.340 5275 MYNEWS 1.350 UNCH 14.1 1.347 30.96 1.11 920.9 0.654 0.447 0.500 0.500 8443 HIL 0.500 -0.020 31 0.500 11.76 3.50 167.0
148.98 140.07 145.20 143.40 4707 NESTLE 144.500 -0.700 168 144.50 51.85 1.94 33,885.3 0.810 0.400 0.560 0.525 5165 HOKHENG 0.555 -0.005 76 0.544 — — 48.8
2.860 2.437 — — 7060 NHFATT 2.750 — — — 14.54 3.64 227.3 0.572 0.316 0.350 0.350 5291 HPMT 0.350 -0.005 156.5 0.350 — — 115.0
0.065 0.020 0.055 0.050 7139 NICE 0.055 UNCH 26 0.050 — — 38.6 1.290 0.735 0.835 0.815 0185 HSSEB 0.825 -0.015 560.5 0.827 — — 409.1
0.267 0.145 0.170 0.155 7215 NIHSIN 0.170 0.015 1104.1 0.166 — — 54.7 0.300 0.115 0.125 0.115 2739 HUAAN 0.125 UNCH 3881.7 0.120 14.20 — 140.3
0.583 0.385 0.450 0.440 5066 NTPM 0.445 0.005 298.4 0.444 211.9 3.60 499.8 1.690 0.456 1.100 1.030 5000 HUMEIND 1.080 0.050 490.2 1.066 — — 533.1
0.580 0.300 0.420 0.420 5533 OCB 0.420 -0.055 2 0.420 — — 43.2 0.135 0.070 0.075 0.070 9601 HWGB 0.075 UNCH 250 0.074 — — 26.8
0.567 0.395 — — 0049 OCNCASH 0.415 — — — 17.58 2.19 101.8 2.330 1.850 2.210 2.190 7222 IMASPRO 2.210 UNCH 402 2.204 104.74 1.58 176.8
0.888 0.623 0.650 0.645 7107 OFI 0.650 -0.005 220 0.646 11.97 3.08 156.0 0.650 0.380 0.385 0.385 5673 IPMUDA 0.385 UNCH 53.6 0.385 — — 27.9
0.135 0.090 0.100 0.100 3018 OLYMPIA 0.100 -0.005 40 0.100 14.49 — 102.3 0.160 0.075 0.100 0.100 7183 IRETEX 0.100 UNCH 16.2 0.100 1.37 — 18.5
6.670 5.528 6.510 6.500 4006 ORIENT 6.510 UNCH 52.1 6.507 10.11 3.07 4,038.8 1.250 0.950 1.060 1.060 7043 JADEM 1.060 -0.010 0.1 1.060 — — 134.4
0.975 0.460 0.515 0.510 5260 OWG 0.515 0.005 241.2 0.514 — — 146.8 0.125 0.100 — — 8648 JASKITA 0.100 — — — — — 45.0
5.745 3.066 3.820 3.760 7052 PADINI 3.760 -0.060 234.8 3.814 15.44 2.66 2,473.7 1.635 1.304 — — 0058 JCBNEXT 1.480 — — — 17.23 2.70 203.9
39.072 35.184 38.000 37.900 3719 PANAMY 37.900 -0.100 40.5 37.93 21.30 5.96 2,302.3 0.220 0.120 — — 9083 JETSON 0.140 — — — — — 29.6
0.460 0.291 — — 5022 PAOS 0.350 — — — 85.37 4.57 63.4 0.190 0.115 0.125 0.125 0054 KARYON 0.125 0.005 211.3 0.125 14.71 3.60 59.5
0.350 0.230 — — 9407 PARAGON 0.275 — — — — — 19.3 0.630 0.480 0.510 0.505 7199 KEINHIN 0.505 0.020 11.1 0.506 16.95 1.98 55.0
0.405 0.195 0.215 0.210 5657 PARKSON 0.215 UNCH 93.9 0.211 — — 235.2 1.707 1.337 1.610 1.570 6491 KFIMA 1.570 -0.030 123.2 1.595 7.42 5.73 443.1
0.635 0.185 0.405 0.395 6068 PCCS 0.405 0.005 1217.2 0.398 5.44 2.47 85.1 1.399 0.873 1.340 1.310 0151 KGB 1.340 0.020 220.6 1.330 18.01 1.34 417.4
0.550 0.285 0.340 0.310 5231 PELIKAN 0.340 0.020 91.2 0.328 23.61 — 206.8 0.300 0.130 — — 6211 KIALIM 0.200 — — — — — 12.4
0.590 0.300 0.400 0.300 9997 PENSONI 0.400 UNCH 103.4 0.372 93.02 — 51.9 1.360 1.030 1.070 1.040 5371 KIMHIN 1.070 0.010 4 1.063 — 4.67 166.5
0.685 0.230 0.685 0.665 7080 PERMAJU 0.675 0.010 3126.9 0.676 — — 132.3 0.010 0.005 — — 5060 KINSTEL 0.005 — — — — — 5.2
27.850 21.069 23.480 23.300 5681 PETDAG 23.440 -0.120 156.7 23.41 29.82 2.99 23,286.6 1.520 0.775 1.500 1.430 9466 KKB 1.500 0.010 136.8 1.487 16.63 2.67 386.7
0.165 0.125 0.125 0.125 4081 PMCORP 0.125 -0.005 4 0.125 — — 96.7 0.440 0.070 0.380 0.375 7164 KNM 0.380 UNCH 9791.4 0.377 — — 994.0
0.120 0.035 0.060 0.060 1287 PMHLDG 0.060 UNCH 2623.1 0.060 — — 55.7 0.800 0.350 — — 5035 KNUSFOR 0.590 — — — — — 58.8
0.555 0.431 — — 5080 POHKONG 0.500 — — — 7.92 2.00 205.2 1.730 1.180 1.550 1.550 6971 KOBAY 1.550 UNCH 12.1 1.550 8.48 — 158.2
1.600 1.250 1.530 1.520 7088 POHUAT 1.530 UNCH 193.3 1.530 5.92 2.61 369.2 0.390 0.120 0.290 0.280 7017 KOMARK 0.280 -0.005 10867 0.283 — — 51.4
19.516 16.607 18.000 17.720 4065 PPB 17.920 -0.180 552 17.86 25.76 1.56 25,493.0 4.529 3.543 4.210 4.160 7153 KOSSAN 4.180 -0.030 561 4.196 23.54 1.44 5,346.0
0.434 0.320 0.320 0.320 7190 PPG 0.320 -0.020 5 0.320 49.23 1.56 32.0 1.269 0.645 0.650 0.645 5843 KPS 0.645 -0.005 114.4 0.649 — 6.59 346.6
* Volume Weighted Average Price # PE is calculated based on latest 12 months reported Earnings Per Share
2 6 Markets FR I DAY OC TOB ER 4, 2 0 1 9 • TH EEDGE FI N AN C I AL DAI LY


HIGH LOW HIGH LOW (RM) (RM) (‘000) (RM) (X) (%) (MIL) HIGH LOW HIGH LOW (RM) (RM) (‘000) (RM) (X) (%) (MIL)
0.565 0.470 0.475 0.475 9121 KPSCB 0.475 UNCH 22.6 0.475 9.30 — 70.2 5.950 4.517 5.720 5.610 5225 IHH 5.670 0.030 953.6 5.647 82.29 0.53 49,748.5
4.937 3.900 4.630 4.540 3476 KSENG 4.630 0.030 34.9 4.587 22.08 2.16 1,673.6 4.529 3.543 4.210 4.160 7153 KOSSAN 4.180 -0.030 561 4.196 23.54 1.44 5,346.0
0.590 0.281 0.435 0.435 5192 KSSC 0.435 -0.010 2.2 0.435 — 1.15 41.8 1.940 1.566 — — 0002 KOTRA 1.840 — — — 11.42 3.26 265.1
0.530 0.225 0.325 0.320 6874 KUB 0.320 UNCH 99.9 0.321 — 3.13 178.1 1.112 0.865 0.885 0.870 5878 KPJ 0.875 -0.005 5390.3 0.878 20.93 2.29 3,884.0
0.410 0.220 0.270 0.240 8362 KYM 0.270 UNCH 127 0.249 35.06 — 40.5 2.947 1.931 2.430 2.400 7081 PHARMA 2.430 0.010 22 2.407 13.08 6.38 634.8
4.570 1.800 2.950 2.800 3794 LAFMSIA 2.860 0.090 56.6 2.902 — — 2,430.1 0.135 0.075 0.080 0.080 0302 SMILE 0.080 UNCH 110 0.080 27.59 1.50 76.0
0.597 0.427 0.485 0.485 9326 LBALUM 0.485 -0.015 20 0.485 9.92 3.09 120.5 2.005 1.400 1.590 1.540 7106 SUPERMX 1.590 0.020 1770.9 1.580 16.84 2.28 2,162.9
4.747 2.460 2.660 2.540 5284 LCTITAN 2.620 -0.030 410.3 2.598 15.48 6.49 6,046.4 0.825 0.645 0.660 0.645 0101 TMCLIFE 0.645 -0.015 119.3 0.655 34.13 0.28 1,123.5
0.595 0.387 0.475 0.440 5232 LEONFB 0.475 0.030 2.1 0.442 7.72 3.16 147.3 6.246 4.265 4.500 4.480 7113 TOPGLOV 4.480 -0.010 1608.5 4.490 30.90 1.67 11,471.4
0.250 0.100 0.185 0.185 8745 LEWEKO 0.185 UNCH 206.2 0.185 — — 59.6 0.545 0.228 — — 0301 TOPVISN 0.545 — — — 53.43 — 139.3
0.160 0.085 0.110 0.110 7170 LFECORP 0.110 -0.005 53 0.110 — — 22.5 3.272 2.210 2.310 2.280 7178 YSPSAH 2.280 -0.030 28.3 2.293 12.91 3.07 318.2
0.775 0.375 0.395 0.385 8486 LIONFIB 0.385 -0.010 6 0.385 9.67 — 89.2 FINANCIAL SERVICES
0.960 0.375 0.385 0.380 4235 LIONIND 0.385 UNCH 675.3 0.381 — — 276.4 4.248 2.760 2.830 2.760 2488 ABMB 2.770 -0.060 2693.2 2.781 8.96 6.03 4,288.3
0.420 0.250 — — 9881 LSTEEL 0.280 — — — — — 35.8 17.114 14.000 14.960 14.720 5139 AEONCR 14.860 -0.100 139.9 14.80 13.15 3.00 3,728.4
0.100 0.065 0.070 0.065 5068 LUSTER 0.070 0.005 750 0.070 11.86 — 138.3 2.378 1.930 1.980 1.950 5185 AFFIN 1.970 -0.010 40.6 1.960 6.64 2.54 3,912.5
0.600 0.475 0.480 0.475 5143 LUXCHEM 0.480 UNCH 88 0.476 10.93 4.69 429.3 14.980 11.361 13.740 13.700 1163 ALLIANZ 13.700 -0.060 4.5 13.71 7.22 2.92 2,423.4
2.775 2.191 — — 9199 LYSAGHT 2.450 — — — 11.81 2.86 101.9 4.482 3.533 4.090 4.010 1015 AMBANK 4.020 -0.040 1249.8 4.031 7.81 4.98 12,117.0
0.620 0.340 0.380 0.370 5098 MASTEEL 0.380 -0.005 291 0.376 — — 162.5 1.215 0.780 — — 5088 APEX 0.800 — — — 15.97 — 170.9
1.480 0.560 1.360 1.310 7029 MASTER 1.360 UNCH 900.7 1.338 7.70 2.57 74.3 4.750 3.252 4.070 3.940 5258 BIMB 3.980 -0.020 72.2 3.957 9.06 3.89 7,021.8
1.400 0.873 1.200 1.170 5152 MBL 1.200 0.010 51.6 1.177 7.02 3.75 128.0 7.586 5.817 6.130 6.070 1818 BURSA 6.120 0.020 126.6 6.103 25.39 3.59 4,948.0
0.770 0.435 — — 7004 MCEHLDG 0.615 — — — — — 27.3 5.933 4.940 5.050 5.000 1023 CIMB 5.010 -0.010 6365 5.016 9.57 5.19 48,734.4
0.190 0.090 0.140 0.135 3778 MELEWAR 0.135 UNCH 13 0.136 1.62 — 48.5 0.340 0.235 — — 2143 ECM 0.250 — — — — — 120.0
0.700 0.435 — — 5223 MENTIGA 0.590 — — — — — 41.3 1.700 1.088 1.650 1.640 5228 ELKDESA 1.650 UNCH 131 1.646 14.27 4.24 490.1
1.738 1.487 — — 6149 METROD 1.520 — — — 26.30 3.95 182.4 21.497 15.880 16.060 15.880 5819 HLBANK 16.020 -0.120 993.1 16.00 12.29 3.12 34,726.8
0.405 0.220 0.270 0.265 5001 MIECO 0.265 -0.005 339.2 0.266 — — 139.1 10.100 7.327 — — 5274 HLCAP 9.600 — — — 34.04 2.29 2,370.2
0.070 0.045 0.050 0.050 7219 MINETEC 0.050 -0.005 1366.8 0.050 — — 46.1 19.819 15.940 16.100 15.980 1082 HLFG 15.980 -0.180 69.2 16.01 9.52 2.63 18,337.3
0.424 0.240 0.270 0.265 5576 MINHO 0.270 0.005 116.5 0.266 9.96 4.26 91.9 0.900 0.645 0.820 0.805 3379 INSAS 0.815 -0.005 920.6 0.813 6.60 2.45 565.1
0.998 0.780 0.800 0.785 5916 MSC 0.795 0.010 64 0.794 7.29 2.52 318.0 0.115 0.065 0.070 0.065 3441 JOHAN 0.070 0.005 213 0.070 — — 43.6
0.105 0.045 0.055 0.050 0043 MTRONIC 0.055 0.005 2922.9 0.050 — — 62.3 0.710 0.485 0.505 0.490 6483 KENANGA 0.490 -0.020 11.6 0.491 51.58 2.24 354.1
2.147 1.457 1.540 1.540 3883 MUDA 1.540 -0.010 20 1.540 6.18 2.92 469.8 2.150 1.540 1.730 1.690 2186 KUCHAI 1.690 -0.050 2.9 1.718 93.37 0.59 209.1
0.450 0.225 0.265 0.265 5087 MYCRON 0.265 UNCH 25 0.265 — — 86.7 16.422 14.641 15.540 15.500 8621 LPI 15.540 -0.060 5.2 15.51 19.12 4.44 6,190.9
0.640 0.355 0.390 0.385 7241 NGGB 0.390 0.005 765 0.389 — — 195.5 1.003 0.375 0.800 0.790 1198 MAA 0.790 -0.005 61 0.794 — 11.39 216.1
0.145 0.060 0.100 0.095 5025 NWP 0.100 -0.005 595.9 0.097 — — 42.7 2.850 2.244 2.440 2.400 1058 MANULFE 2.410 -0.090 13.4 2.425 15.63 2.90 487.7
0.709 0.555 0.605 0.600 4944 NYLEX 0.600 UNCH 70 0.601 — 3.33 116.6 9.159 8.261 8.540 8.460 1155 MAYBANK 8.480 -0.050 6568.1 8.490 11.65 6.72 95,326.7
0.783 0.539 0.645 0.635 7140 OKA 0.640 -0.005 45.6 0.637 14.19 5.78 157.1 1.025 0.820 0.830 0.820 1171 MBSB 0.820 -0.005 1173.4 0.825 12.02 6.10 5,505.0
1.171 0.858 0.905 0.900 5065 ORNA 0.900 -0.005 23.3 0.900 7.10 2.78 67.7 1.290 0.845 1.100 1.080 6459 MNRB 1.100 0.010 86.6 1.084 7.62 — 843.8
0.075 0.045 0.055 0.050 7225 PA 0.055 UNCH 112 0.050 22.00 — 102.9 1.240 0.985 1.120 1.080 5237 MPHBCAP 1.120 0.020 104.8 1.095 22.67 — 800.8
0.625 0.421 0.625 0.575 8419 PANSAR 0.580 -0.025 6844.1 0.607 45.31 1.72 268.0 0.989 0.937 0.970 0.965 6009 P&O 0.970 UNCH 38.5 0.968 — 6.01 278.4
0.591 0.391 0.490 0.485 5125 PANTECH 0.490 UNCH 550.5 0.488 8.25 4.04 367.8 24.390 19.240 19.680 19.240 1295 PBBANK 19.280 -0.420 5104.5 19.32 13.54 3.63 74,847.6
9.845 6.750 7.480 7.350 5183 PCHEM 7.470 0.010 2384.4 7.468 13.33 3.88 59,760.0 1.667 1.304 1.550 1.530 9296 RCECAP 1.540 -0.010 234.3 1.531 5.45 5.84 568.0
1.300 0.651 1.130 1.110 5271 PECCA 1.130 0.010 293.1 1.124 12.49 4.87 212.4 5.833 4.824 5.640 5.550 1066 RHBBANK 5.580 -0.060 3617.7 5.615 9.38 4.57 22,376.1
4.879 4.175 4.490 4.490 5436 PERSTIM 4.490 UNCH 2 4.490 11.00 6.68 445.9 0.665 0.537 0.635 0.625 4898 TA 0.625 -0.005 38.2 0.630 — 6.56 1,069.9
1.560 0.950 1.250 1.210 5219 PESTECH 1.240 0.020 1468.4 1.229 11.82 — 947.7 7.180 3.348 6.180 5.990 6139 TAKAFUL 6.000 -0.060 317.7 6.095 14.06 2.50 4,960.8
19.386 14.596 16.480 16.380 6033 PETGAS 16.400 -0.060 207.7 16.40 17.67 4.39 32,451.2 0.765 0.502 0.570 0.560 5230 TUNEPRO 0.565 UNCH 665.2 0.564 8.64 5.31 424.7
8.395 5.140 5.230 5.140 3042 PETRONM 5.160 -0.110 147.5 5.176 8.02 3.88 1,393.2 PROPERTY
1.200 0.925 — — 3611 PGLOBE 1.000 — — — 178.5 — 186.7 0.300 0.225 — — 7131 ACME 0.240 — — — 5.99 — 57.3
0.160 0.090 — — 7201 PICORP 0.125 — — — 69.44 4.00 82.3 0.634 0.464 0.485 0.475 1007 AMPROP 0.480 -0.010 18.2 0.480 12.37 6.25 292.9
1.703 1.070 1.400 1.290 7095 PIE 1.390 0.090 2787.6 1.361 14.15 1.73 533.8 1.280 0.870 1.010 1.010 5959 AMVERTON 1.010 UNCH 1 1.010 5.23 — 368.7
0.325 0.100 — — 7163 PJBUMI 0.175 — — — 13.67 — 14.4 0.650 0.270 — — 7007 ARK 0.270 — — — — — 13.1
4.254 3.040 3.200 3.180 7172 PMBTECH 3.190 -0.010 15.1 3.192 53.79 0.63 668.6 0.170 0.110 0.120 0.115 4057 ASIAPAC 0.115 UNCH 64.9 0.117 3.41 — 119.3
5.111 3.958 4.790 4.680 8869 PMETAL 4.690 -0.090 715.2 4.706 35.26 1.28 18,938.7 5.144 4.020 — — 2305 AYER 4.080 — — — 19.93 1.23 305.4
0.570 0.450 0.540 0.540 6637 PNEPCB 0.540 UNCH 800 0.540 — — 71.0 0.390 0.220 0.270 0.250 6602 BCB 0.260 -0.015 164 0.260 2.66 — 107.3
0.480 0.260 — — 8117 POLY 0.350 — — — 11.11 — 56.0 0.585 0.285 — — 6173 BDB 0.350 — — — — — 106.3
0.690 0.390 0.635 0.615 8273 PPHB 0.620 -0.015 144.5 0.621 5.68 — 116.9 0.300 0.110 0.180 0.130 9814 BERTAM 0.180 0.020 13.2 0.155 — — 37.2
0.778 0.410 0.420 0.410 9873 PRESTAR 0.420 UNCH 65 0.416 — 3.57 86.0 0.340 0.245 0.300 0.290 3239 BJASSET 0.300 UNCH 73 0.293 — — 767.4
0.080 0.035 0.055 0.050 7123 PWORTH 0.055 0.005 3706.5 0.050 — — 225.2 1.580 1.090 — — 5738 CHHB 1.280 — — — 3.90 — 352.9
0.850 0.710 — — 7544 QUALITY 0.800 — — — — — 46.4 1.405 1.150 1.190 1.190 6718 CRESNDO 1.190 -0.010 8 1.190 8.51 5.04 333.8
0.310 0.190 — — 7498 RALCO 0.230 — — — — — 10.6 1.590 1.108 — — 5049 CVIEW 1.320 — — — 1.74 3.79 132.0
0.520 0.165 0.190 0.190 5256 REACH 0.190 UNCH 1025.1 0.190 — — 208.3 0.565 0.220 0.405 0.395 3484 DBHD 0.395 -0.020 120.8 0.401 5.43 — 125.8
0.350 0.241 0.310 0.300 7232 RESINTC 0.310 -0.005 40 0.308 10.20 8.06 42.5 0.095 0.050 — — 7198 DPS 0.065 — — — — — 38.2
0.245 0.140 0.145 0.140 9954 RGTBHD 0.140 -0.005 705 0.141 13.33 — 80.8 1.289 0.640 0.675 0.655 3417 E&O 0.665 UNCH 365.7 0.666 17.27 4.51 968.9
1.071 0.491 0.540 0.540 9741 ROHAS 0.540 0.005 28.5 0.540 16.36 4.63 255.2 0.335 0.285 0.330 0.320 3557 ECOFIRS 0.330 0.010 172.8 0.324 11.11 — 266.8
0.575 0.412 0.525 0.520 7803 RUBEREX 0.520 -0.005 254.6 0.525 20.55 3.85 131.1 1.170 0.625 0.645 0.630 8206 ECOWLD 0.635 -0.005 7006.8 0.637 9.81 — 1,869.7
3.925 3.531 — — 5134 SAB 3.600 — — — 25.14 1.39 493.0 0.500 0.270 — — 6076 ENCORP 0.320 — — — — — 98.1
8.640 6.949 7.950 7.870 9822 SAM 7.950 0.090 14 7.938 13.58 2.19 1,074.6 1.998 0.882 — — 8613 ENRA 1.180 — — — — 2.54 160.7
0.893 0.550 0.575 0.570 5147 SAMCHEM 0.575 UNCH 58.7 0.571 7.67 5.22 156.4 0.785 0.550 0.620 0.605 6815 EUPE 0.620 -0.025 2.1 0.606 2.36 — 79.4
0.804 0.654 0.700 0.700 7811 SAPIND 0.700 UNCH 3.4 0.700 10.92 7.14 50.9 0.735 0.491 0.640 0.615 7249 EWEIN 0.625 -0.005 933.3 0.626 4.12 0.80 188.5
0.510 0.205 0.250 0.250 5170 SCABLE 0.250 UNCH 31 0.250 — — 79.3 0.985 0.600 0.650 0.640 5283 EWINT 0.640 -0.010 535.2 0.644 11.07 — 1,536.0
1.360 0.760 1.230 1.120 7247 SCGM 1.210 0.060 1711.1 1.195 — 1.03 234.3 0.400 0.325 — — 6041 FARLIM 0.340 — — — — — 57.3
1.270 0.300 1.060 1.050 9237 SCIB 1.060 UNCH 22.2 1.052 — — 91.0 0.409 0.345 0.375 0.360 5020 GLOMAC 0.360 UNCH 23.1 0.362 16.44 2.22 288.0
1.771 0.733 0.905 0.890 0099 SCICOM 0.900 0.005 894.2 0.896 15.82 6.11 319.9 0.350 0.235 — — 9962 GMUTUAL 0.270 — — — 17.20 1.85 101.4
9.269 7.998 9.040 9.000 4731 SCIENTX 9.020 -0.030 77 9.014 13.61 2.22 4,647.7 0.215 0.155 0.185 0.185 1147 GOB 0.185 UNCH 0.2 0.185 — — 84.1
0.240 0.105 0.150 0.150 7239 SCNWOLF 0.150 0.010 55 0.150 — — 14.4 0.220 0.135 0.170 0.170 7077 GSB 0.170 -0.010 50 0.170 154.5 — 93.9
0.400 0.155 0.260 0.230 7073 SEACERA 0.250 0.015 22255 0.249 — — 118.7 0.829 0.645 0.660 0.650 1503 GUOCO 0.655 -0.010 48.1 0.655 — 3.05 458.8
0.495 0.090 0.450 0.425 5145 SEALINK 0.445 UNCH 8962.6 0.440 — — 222.5 1.300 1.200 1.260 1.240 7105 HCK 1.260 0.020 212 1.249 48.28 — 533.0
0.520 0.180 0.500 0.495 5163 SEB 0.495 UNCH 97 0.498 — — 39.6 0.725 0.520 0.545 0.540 7010 HOOVER 0.545 -0.030 7 0.544 — — 21.8
0.990 0.781 0.930 0.910 5181 SIGGAS 0.930 0.005 60 0.916 83.04 0.54 174.4 0.465 0.300 0.325 0.315 5062 HUAYANG 0.320 -0.005 79.1 0.321 — — 112.6
0.690 0.410 — — 7115 SKBSHUT 0.505 — — — 6.36 — 20.2 0.471 0.280 0.290 0.280 4251 IBHD 0.280 -0.005 263.8 0.284 10.18 6.25 284.1
1.390 0.912 1.120 1.100 7155 SKPRES 1.100 -0.010 1099.3 1.110 15.38 3.49 1,375.2 0.734 0.147 0.580 0.580 5084 IBRACO 0.580 UNCH 2.7 0.580 8.90 3.88 287.9
1.420 0.809 1.330 1.330 7248 SLP 1.330 UNCH 2 1.330 16.67 4.14 421.6 1.530 0.990 1.360 1.280 9687 IDEAL 1.300 -0.030 155.4 1.304 4.00 0.77 602.8
0.530 0.330 — — 7132 SMISCOR 0.390 — — — — — 17.5 2.868 2.176 2.790 2.780 5606 IGBB 2.790 UNCH 690.2 2.790 7.85 0.36 1,924.6
1.420 0.720 0.970 0.925 5665 SSTEEL 0.965 0.030 334.8 0.942 — 3.63 418.5 1.685 1.081 1.150 1.120 5249 IOIPG 1.140 UNCH 1414 1.136 9.49 2.63 6,277.0
0.850 0.400 0.415 0.415 6904 SUBUR 0.415 -0.005 5 0.415 — — 86.7 0.280 0.175 0.190 0.190 5175 IVORY 0.190 0.010 1 0.190 — 13.16 93.1
1.053 0.489 0.940 0.910 7207 SUCCESS 0.915 -0.010 999.9 0.921 14.25 2.95 228.1 1.320 0.365 0.855 0.835 1589 IWCITY 0.845 UNCH 12539 0.846 — — 707.6
1.720 1.280 1.710 1.680 5211 SUNWAY 1.690 -0.010 2328.5 1.692 12.09 2.92 8,338.3 0.360 0.250 0.350 0.345 8923 JIANKUN 0.350 0.005 58 0.350 28.93 — 58.4
1.370 0.740 0.945 0.900 7235 SUPERLN 0.935 0.020 980.7 0.926 14.96 2.46 149.6 0.090 0.070 0.070 0.070 6769 JKGLAND 0.070 -0.005 150 0.070 63.64 1.43 159.2
2.005 1.400 1.590 1.540 7106 SUPERMX 1.590 0.020 1770.9 1.580 16.84 2.28 2,162.9 0.125 0.075 0.105 0.105 3115 KBUNAI 0.105 UNCH 2915.8 0.105 116.6 — 606.5
0.360 0.180 0.235 0.235 5149 TAS 0.235 -0.005 70.8 0.235 10.35 — 42.3 0.840 0.537 — — 7323 KEN 0.640 — — — — 2.34 122.7
6.800 4.050 — — 4448 TASEK 5.350 — — — — — 661.4 0.960 0.675 0.780 0.775 5038 KSL 0.780 UNCH 217.5 0.777 3.26 — 809.3
0.235 0.105 0.110 0.105 7097 TAWIN 0.105 -0.005 1096.2 0.107 26.92 — 37.5 0.185 0.130 0.160 0.155 3174 L&G 0.155 -0.005 595.5 0.155 10.69 6.45 460.8
0.992 0.642 0.700 0.695 5289 TECHBND 0.700 UNCH 53 0.699 22.73 — 161.0 0.784 0.416 0.645 0.640 8494 LBICAP 0.645 0.025 55.9 0.643 5.13 7.75 65.5
0.800 0.365 0.400 0.390 8702 TEXCHEM 0.400 0.015 40 0.399 — 25.00 49.6 0.799 0.485 0.495 0.490 5789 LBS 0.495 UNCH 342 0.492 11.07 3.64 775.7
2.770 2.004 2.760 2.640 7034 TGUAN 2.730 0.040 315.2 2.727 7.33 2.93 486.3 0.350 0.220 0.255 0.250 3573 LIENHOE 0.250 -0.005 21.2 0.252 — — 90.4
1.418 0.983 1.300 1.210 7374 TIENWAH 1.300 0.080 7 1.274 — 6.15 188.2 1.250 0.800 1.010 0.995 7617 MAGNA 0.995 -0.055 30 1.005 — — 333.2
0.680 0.396 0.580 0.580 7854 TIMWELL 0.580 0.020 0.1 0.580 8.63 3.45 51.6 0.997 0.745 0.760 0.755 8583 MAHSING 0.755 UNCH 382.5 0.756 12.28 5.96 1,832.9
0.740 0.430 0.515 0.505 7285 TOMYPAK 0.510 -0.010 362.2 0.512 — 0.59 214.1 0.695 0.390 0.480 0.470 6181 MALTON 0.470 -0.015 1065.1 0.473 9.23 4.26 248.2
4.066 2.470 2.510 2.500 5010 TONGHER 2.510 0.010 53 2.506 10.73 7.97 395.1 1.971 1.720 1.900 1.890 5236 MATRIX 1.900 UNCH 277.2 1.892 6.45 6.45 1,563.3
6.246 4.265 4.500 4.480 7113 TOPGLOV 4.480 -0.010 1608.5 4.490 30.90 1.67 11,471.4 1.827 1.360 — — 7189 MBWORLD 1.610 — — — 5.27 5.03 253.4
1.009 0.558 0.690 0.645 7173 TOYOINK 0.660 -0.035 14.5 0.680 18.54 3.03 70.6 0.770 0.200 0.200 0.200 5182 MCT 0.200 UNCH 167 0.200 4.23 — 291.4
0.814 0.543 0.680 0.565 5167 TURBO 0.680 0.050 15 0.614 13.93 2.94 73.4 0.480 0.290 0.340 0.310 1694 MENANG 0.325 -0.010 240.1 0.320 — — 156.3
2.973 2.303 2.830 2.800 7100 UCHITEC 2.830 0.030 11.1 2.806 17.28 4.95 1,276.1 0.420 0.065 0.080 0.070 5040 MERIDIAN 0.070 -0.005 6637.2 0.073 — — 36.7
0.800 0.385 0.480 0.480 7133 ULICORP 0.480 UNCH 91 0.480 — — 104.5 0.350 0.180 — — 8141 MJPERAK 0.185 — — — 12.25 — 47.6
2.494 1.840 — — 7137 UMS 1.990 — — — 26.25 3.02 81.0 1.410 1.110 1.200 1.200 6114 MKH 1.200 0.020 557.2 1.200 9.00 2.92 703.9
1.068 0.850 — — 7227 UMSNGB 0.880 — — — 11.52 3.41 70.4 0.220 0.160 0.165 0.160 8893 MKLAND 0.165 -0.005 283.8 0.164 31.73 — 199.2
1.450 0.905 1.260 1.260 7091 UNIMECH 1.260 -0.010 14.8 1.260 9.78 3.02 200.0 0.165 0.070 — — 6548 MPCORP 0.090 — — — — — 25.9
0.640 0.280 — — 4995 VERSATL 0.315 — — — — — 44.7 1.125 0.558 0.715 0.695 1651 MRCB 0.705 -0.005 4465.9 0.706 87.04 2.48 3,110.5
1.744 0.610 1.330 1.290 6963 VS 1.320 0.010 6404.6 1.313 14.93 2.73 2,438.0 0.540 0.350 — — 9539 MUH 0.390 — — — — — 22.0
1.150 0.595 0.615 0.600 5142 WASEONG 0.605 -0.010 69.2 0.607 8.64 — 468.8 0.280 0.160 0.170 0.165 3913 MUIPROP 0.170 UNCH 98.1 0.167 7.39 — 129.9
0.950 0.365 0.445 0.380 7226 WATTA 0.440 0.060 24.9 0.433 — — 37.2 1.440 0.430 0.860 0.840 5073 NAIM 0.855 -0.005 2695.1 0.850 2.61 — 439.3
1.277 1.068 1.150 1.140 7231 WELLCAL 1.150 UNCH 25.5 1.146 15.50 4.87 572.6 2.196 1.907 2.090 2.090 5827 OIB 2.090 -0.010 4 2.090 5.69 3.83 323.7
0.700 0.460 — — 7692 WIDETEC 0.550 — — — 17.03 — 24.6 0.990 0.792 0.960 0.950 5053 OSK 0.960 UNCH 75.3 0.952 5.11 5.21 2,011.5
0.824 0.425 — — 7050 WONG 0.440 — — — 16.06 3.41 50.4 1.752 1.261 1.360 1.340 1724 PARAMON 1.350 -0.010 198.4 1.345 10.52 4.66 819.0
0.830 0.550 — — 7025 WOODLAN 0.615 — — — 62.76 — 24.6 0.460 0.300 — — 6912 PASDEC 0.390 — — — — — 156.1
1.700 1.020 — — 5009 WTHORSE 1.140 — — — — — 273.6 0.015 0.005 0.010 0.010 4464 PHB 0.010 0.005 1100 0.010 — — 72.0
0.696 0.404 0.460 0.450 4243 WTK 0.455 UNCH 104.9 0.453 — 3.30 219.0 1.580 0.980 — — 7055 PLB 1.070 — — — 109.1 — 120.3
0.410 0.160 0.245 0.235 7245 WZSATU 0.235 -0.005 1579 0.240 — — 109.3 1.580 1.300 1.330 1.330 5075 PLENITU 1.330 -0.010 4 1.330 12.09 3.38 507.4
0.695 0.530 0.585 0.550 5048 YILAI 0.585 UNCH 9 0.577 — — 85.2 6.100 5.210 5.990 5.950 7765 RAPID 5.990 0.030 57 5.960 191.37 — 640.3
0.215 0.090 0.100 0.100 7020 YKGI 0.100 -0.005 93 0.100 — — 35.1 0.840 0.570 0.570 0.570 4596 SAPRES 0.570 -0.010 2 0.570 — — 79.6
0.360 0.200 0.210 0.205 7014 YLI 0.205 -0.025 26 0.207 — — 21.1 0.630 0.380 0.400 0.390 5207 SBCCORP 0.400 UNCH 16.1 0.394 6.63 2.50 103.3
CONSTRUCTION 0.732 0.582 0.625 0.615 2224 SDRED 0.625 UNCH 15 0.623 10.43 3.20 266.3
0.485 0.241 0.410 0.400 5281 ADVCON 0.405 UNCH 608 0.403 16.46 2.47 163.2 0.400 0.285 0.295 0.285 4286 SEAL 0.295 -0.005 74 0.290 3.53 — 71.7
0.575 0.274 0.335 0.325 7078 AZRB 0.335 -0.005 700 0.332 24.63 2.66 200.3 2.426 2.038 2.300 2.300 6017 SHL 2.300 -0.010 3 2.300 9.82 6.96 556.9
0.240 0.140 0.145 0.145 5190 BENALEC 0.145 -0.005 50 0.145 — — 125.0 1.185 0.781 0.850 0.835 5288 SIMEPROP 0.845 UNCH 2111.2 0.845 38.58 2.37 5,746.7
0.295 0.120 0.130 0.120 5932 BPURI 0.120 -0.005 464.3 0.125 109.0 — 45.8 0.220 0.130 — — 4375 SMI 0.135 — — — 42.19 — 28.3
0.811 0.706 0.795 0.795 8761 BREM 0.795 UNCH 51.2 0.795 15.14 5.03 274.7 0.535 0.190 0.215 0.200 5213 SNTORIA 0.210 0.005 1505.5 0.208 11.17 — 119.1
1.156 0.755 0.960 0.940 8591 CRESBLD 0.960 UNCH 39.7 0.945 2.52 4.69 169.8 2.588 1.330 1.370 1.350 8664 SPSETIA 1.360 -0.020 951.9 1.362 23.99 6.29 5,497.8
1.808 1.572 — — 7528 DKLS 1.700 — — — 34.55 1.76 157.6 0.950 0.580 0.650 0.650 3743 SUNSURIA 0.650 UNCH 9 0.650 3.73 — 582.3
0.880 0.360 0.725 0.695 5253 ECONBHD 0.720 0.010 4321.7 0.714 37.89 2.22 963.0 0.470 0.312 0.385 0.380 1538 SYMLIFE 0.385 -0.005 128.3 0.384 1.87 2.60 227.3
1.040 0.411 0.755 0.735 8877 EKOVEST 0.745 -0.005 22930 0.744 11.73 1.34 1,977.8 0.330 0.190 0.275 0.265 4022 TADMAX 0.275 0.005 3870.4 0.271 11.70 — 215.5
0.520 0.300 0.360 0.355 7047 FAJAR 0.360 0.005 66.8 0.355 9.33 4.17 134.6 0.269 0.222 0.230 0.225 5158 TAGB 0.225 -0.005 59 0.229 23.44 7.11 1,197.4
0.960 0.475 0.655 0.640 9261 GADANG 0.645 -0.010 1228.9 0.648 9.82 1.86 469.6 0.055 0.025 0.035 0.030 2259 TALAMT 0.030 -0.005 390 0.031 42.86 — 128.9
3.978 1.918 3.650 3.590 5398 GAMUDA 3.600 -0.060 5967.6 3.603 12.58 3.33 8,902.9 0.849 0.666 0.745 0.745 5191 TAMBUN 0.745 -0.005 10.5 0.745 6.36 6.58 322.9
1.540 0.658 1.260 1.220 5226 GBGAQRS 1.250 0.020 438.2 1.242 12.72 3.14 618.2 0.085 0.040 0.055 0.055 2429 TANCO 0.055 UNCH 15 0.055 — — 40.8
1.380 0.717 1.030 1.000 3204 GKENT 1.010 -0.020 1444.2 1.013 8.49 9.41 568.9 0.280 0.175 0.185 0.180 7889 THRIVEN 0.180 -0.005 24.2 0.182 3.40 — 98.4
0.695 0.280 0.500 0.495 5169 HOHUP 0.500 UNCH 296.1 0.500 7.94 — 187.4 0.100 0.030 0.055 0.050 7079 TIGER 0.055 UNCH 656.5 0.052 275.00 — 69.8
1.575 1.262 1.360 1.330 6238 HSL 1.330 UNCH 31 1.335 12.98 1.80 775.0 0.355 0.285 0.295 0.290 5239 TITIJYA 0.290 UNCH 576.6 0.290 11.15 0.86 390.2
2.510 1.361 2.180 2.110 3336 IJM 2.140 -0.040 2251.6 2.140 18.59 1.87 7,788.1 0.868 0.754 0.830 0.820 5401 TROP 0.830 0.005 319.3 0.825 7.24 3.25 1,220.4
0.290 0.070 0.090 0.080 5268 IKHMAS 0.085 -0.005 2832.3 0.086 — — 50.0 1.020 0.620 0.675 0.660 5148 UEMS 0.675 0.005 2233.8 0.672 27.44 — 3,062.8
0.630 0.444 — — 8834 IREKA 0.490 — — — — 4.08 91.5 2.350 1.733 1.940 1.880 5200 UOADEV 1.900 -0.030 516.7 1.908 8.44 7.37 3,737.6
1.040 0.405 0.755 0.735 4723 JAKS 0.755 0.010 3041.1 0.747 8.79 — 485.6 0.170 0.075 0.080 0.075 6378 WMG 0.075 -0.005 59.1 0.079 — — 32.0
1.490 0.975 1.310 1.260 7161 KERJAYA 1.290 -0.010 20.3 1.288 11.28 2.71 1,602.1 0.995 0.650 0.855 0.855 7003 Y&G 0.855 0.005 0.7 0.855 21.92 — 170.5
1.460 0.972 1.200 1.200 5171 KIMLUN 1.200 0.010 12.5 1.200 5.77 3.08 407.8 2.800 1.040 2.480 2.420 3158 YNHPROP 2.480 0.020 79.3 2.476 65.61 — 1,311.9
1.060 0.735 0.900 0.900 9628 LEBTECH 0.900 0.035 0.1 0.900 — — 122.8 0.730 0.190 0.195 0.190 7066 YONGTAI 0.190 -0.005 4353.7 0.190 — — 130.9
0.622 0.385 — — 5129 MELATI 0.385 — — — 51.33 2.60 46.2 0.425 0.285 0.290 0.285 2577 YTLLAND 0.290 UNCH 167.8 0.289 — — 244.9
1.050 0.700 0.750 0.750 8192 MERCURY 0.750 0.050 3 0.750 7.75 — 30.1 TRANSPORTATION & LOGISTICS
1.810 0.400 — — 5006 MERGE 0.915 — — — — — 61.3 8.860 6.481 8.730 8.390 5014 AIRPORT 8.660 0.060 773.8 8.618 32.03 1.62 14,368.6
0.895 0.605 0.645 0.640 7595 MGB 0.645 UNCH 16.2 0.640 16.75 — 320.9 1.400 1.120 1.280 1.210 8133 BHIC 1.280 -0.020 0.5 1.238 — 2.73 318.0
0.432 0.216 0.270 0.260 9571 MITRA 0.270 0.005 240.3 0.263 — 5.56 242.0 4.962 3.550 3.940 3.880 5032 BIPORT 3.940 0.040 5.5 3.896 11.15 4.06 1,812.4
0.250 0.115 0.160 0.160 5924 MTDACPI 0.160 UNCH 89 0.160 — — 37.1 0.435 0.265 — — 7187 CHGP 0.290 — — — 42.03 — 86.2
0.455 0.180 0.190 0.185 5085 MUDAJYA 0.185 -0.005 207.6 0.187 — — 112.0 0.640 0.360 0.400 0.400 7117 CJCEN 0.400 UNCH 45 0.400 — 1.88 157.7
3.108 2.370 2.420 2.390 5703 MUHIBAH 2.390 -0.020 50.1 2.401 8.25 3.14 1,159.5 0.930 0.449 0.690 0.690 5136 COMPLET 0.690 UNCH 26 0.690 8.94 — 87.6
0.370 0.220 0.260 0.250 7071 OCR 0.260 0.005 967.1 0.253 — — 85.3 0.605 0.310 0.400 0.395 5259 EATECH 0.400 UNCH 200.5 0.397 — — 201.6
0.900 0.730 0.850 0.790 5622 PEB 0.850 0.060 10.1 0.791 — — 58.8 0.718 0.497 0.600 0.600 7210 FREIGHT 0.600 UNCH 116.6 0.600 12.32 5.83 167.5
0.288 0.163 0.205 0.200 8311 PESONA 0.200 UNCH 1468 0.202 12.12 5.00 139.0 0.445 0.255 0.280 0.275 0078 GDEX 0.280 0.005 493 0.278 47.46 0.71 1,579.6
0.390 0.183 0.240 0.240 5070 PRTASCO 0.240 UNCH 259.9 0.240 — 2.50 118.9 0.420 0.265 0.335 0.290 7676 GUNUNG 0.335 0.025 11 0.308 — — 79.1
0.170 0.095 0.115 0.110 7145 PSIPTEK 0.115 UNCH 4051.2 0.114 13.53 — 49.7 0.760 0.560 0.635 0.570 2062 HARBOUR 0.635 0.015 6.2 0.620 11.01 1.57 254.3
3.430 1.986 3.350 3.300 9598 PTARAS 3.300 -0.050 42 3.318 21.02 6.06 547.4 0.065 0.030 0.050 0.045 7013 HUBLINE 0.045 UNCH 1167 0.045 34.62 — 171.9
0.510 0.255 0.260 0.260 6807 PUNCAK 0.260 -0.005 78.1 0.260 — 1.92 116.8 0.540 0.270 — — 5614 ILB 0.340 — — — — — 66.3
0.800 0.380 0.385 0.380 5205 SENDAI 0.385 UNCH 472 0.381 5.46 — 300.7 4.891 3.516 4.450 4.450 6645 LITRAK 4.450 UNCH 0.9 4.450 9.45 5.62 2,362.5
2.156 1.246 2.050 1.990 5263 SUNCON 1.990 -0.060 1986.7 2.023 18.74 3.52 2,572.9 0.115 0.055 0.080 0.075 5078 M&G 0.075 -0.005 70.1 0.075 — — 54.3
0.285 0.210 0.230 0.225 9717 SYCAL 0.230 0.005 23 0.225 67.65 — 95.8 0.785 0.410 0.635 0.610 5077 MAYBULK 0.615 -0.010 805.7 0.618 1.49 — 615.0
0.741 0.431 0.495 0.480 5054 TRC 0.495 0.015 156.1 0.488 7.78 3.84 237.8 8.040 5.244 7.960 7.790 3816 MISC 7.800 -0.040 4670.3 7.811 21.91 3.85 34,817.6
0.595 0.295 — — 5042 TSRCAP 0.370 — — — — — 64.5 1.396 0.780 1.080 1.060 2194 MMCCORP 1.070 UNCH 355.2 1.070 11.59 3.74 3,258.2
0.890 0.180 — — 0301 UNIWALL 0.890 — — — 32.13 0.02 325.5 0.360 0.160 — — 9806 NATWIDE 0.180 — — — — — 22.2
1.170 0.800 0.905 0.890 7070 VIZIONE 0.905 UNCH 183.9 0.897 7.65 — 508.9 0.045 0.025 0.035 0.030 6254 PDZ 0.035 UNCH 1451 0.030 — — 23.9
0.710 0.465 0.500 0.490 3565 WCEHB 0.500 UNCH 148 0.498 24.63 — 501.4 3.515 1.191 1.700 1.630 4634 POS 1.700 0.040 1027.6 1.676 — 2.35 1,330.7
1.220 0.647 0.890 0.880 9679 WCT 0.880 -0.020 417.7 0.885 13.92 3.34 1,247.9 0.595 0.295 0.355 0.355 8346 PRKCORP 0.355 0.005 6.5 0.355 — — 35.5
0.410 0.150 0.285 0.280 7028 ZECON 0.285 0.005 251.2 0.284 — — 41.1 0.495 0.090 0.450 0.425 5145 SEALINK 0.445 UNCH 8962.6 0.440 — — 222.5
0.125 0.025 0.075 0.070 2283 ZELAN 0.075 UNCH 400 0.075 — — 63.4 1.009 0.795 0.810 0.810 7053 SEEHUP 0.810 -0.050 2.6 0.810 — 3.89 65.1
HEALTH CARE 1.500 1.176 1.410 1.380 6521 SURIA 1.390 -0.020 23.4 1.385 9.75 3.90 480.7
0.605 0.350 0.520 0.520 7191 ADVENTA 0.520 -0.030 10 0.520 — — 79.4 0.345 0.225 0.235 0.230 5173 SYSCORP 0.230 -0.005 543.2 0.230 — — 276.0
2.404 1.950 2.170 2.130 7090 AHEALTH 2.160 UNCH 82 2.151 18.00 1.60 1,018.8 0.360 0.180 0.235 0.235 5149 TAS 0.235 -0.005 70.8 0.235 10.35 — 42.3
1.480 0.898 1.410 1.390 7148 DPHARMA 1.410 0.010 244.3 1.395 17.01 3.55 959.0 1.692 0.968 — — 5140 TASCO 1.050 — — — 22.63 4.76 210.0
6.480 4.486 5.220 5.150 5168 HARTA 5.190 -0.010 1005.5 5.198 40.74 1.58 17,438.4 1.010 0.420 0.475 0.465 8397 TNLOGIS 0.470 UNCH 87.7 0.469 — — 216.6
1.150 0.430 0.500 0.500 7218 TOCEAN 0.500 UNCH 2 0.500 — — 20.5
* Volume Weighted Average Price # PE is calculated based on latest 12 months reported Earnings Per Share
Markets 2 7

HIGH LOW HIGH LOW (RM) (RM) (‘000) (RM) (X) (%) (MIL) HIGH LOW HIGH LOW (RM) (RM) (‘000) (RM) (X) (%) (MIL)
4.270 3.172 4.240 4.170 5246 WPRTS 4.190 0.010 1203.4 4.198 24.05 3.12 14,287.9 1.240 0.334 1.240 1.110 5133 PENERGY 1.240 0.090 3556.7 1.190 40.52 1.61 399.0
0.921 0.243 0.520 0.495 5267 XINHWA 0.520 0.015 4596.7 0.512 38.81 1.92 112.3 0.540 0.175 0.305 0.300 7108 PERDANA 0.305 -0.005 1975.7 0.302 — — 237.4
PLANTATION 0.045 0.005 — — 0047 PERISAI 0.005 — — — — — 6.3
0.210 0.110 — — 7054 AASIA 0.120 — — — — — 79.2 8.395 5.140 5.230 5.140 3042 PETRONM 5.160 -0.110 147.5 5.176 8.02 3.88 1,393.2
17.332 15.400 15.800 15.700 1899 BKAWAN 15.700 UNCH 8.5 15.71 18.51 3.50 6,844.4 0.520 0.165 0.190 0.190 5256 REACH 0.190 UNCH 1025.1 0.190 — — 208.3
7.540 5.700 — — 5069 BLDPLNT 5.850 — — — — — 547.0 0.433 0.251 0.270 0.260 5218 SAPNRG 0.265 -0.005 51650.8 0.266 — — 4,234.5
1.098 0.646 0.660 0.650 5254 BPLANT 0.655 UNCH 280.2 0.653 51.98 8.40 1,467.2 0.145 0.040 0.075 0.070 7158 SCOMI 0.075 UNCH 1004.1 0.074 — — 82.0
0.736 0.490 0.500 0.490 8982 CEPAT 0.500 UNCH 27 0.499 — 3.00 159.2 0.140 0.030 0.105 0.095 7045 SCOMIES 0.100 -0.005 8776.4 0.100 — — 234.2
6.986 6.030 — — 1929 CHINTEK 6.100 — — — 14.95 2.62 557.3 4.529 3.453 4.260 4.220 5279 SERBADK 4.240 -0.020 576.3 4.246 14.19 2.11 6,226.4
0.499 0.394 0.415 0.410 3948 DUTALND 0.415 UNCH 176.4 0.413 32.42 — 351.1 0.045 0.005 0.020 0.005 1201 SUMATEC 0.010 -0.010 219844 0.011 — — 42.5
2.976 2.501 2.670 2.670 5029 FAREAST 2.670 UNCH 6 2.670 — 1.12 1,585.5 0.579 0.297 0.445 0.435 7228 T7GLOBAL 0.445 UNCH 205 0.439 48.90 1.12 223.2
1.550 0.630 0.865 0.845 5222 FGV 0.845 -0.025 5311.4 0.854 — — 3,082.7 0.075 0.025 0.060 0.060 7206 THHEAVY 0.060 UNCH 3772.8 0.060 0.62 — 67.3
10.631 8.935 9.960 9.840 2291 GENP 9.930 0.020 1517.9 9.929 80.02 1.18 8,910.8 1.510 0.550 0.935 0.900 7250 UZMA 0.930 0.015 12605.2 0.918 10.02 — 297.6
0.455 0.335 0.410 0.400 7382 GLBHD 0.410 -0.020 11 0.409 — — 91.4 0.340 0.165 0.320 0.315 5243 VELESTO 0.315 -0.005 5029.4 0.315 — — 2,587.9
0.747 0.530 — — 2135 GOPENG 0.710 — — — 47.33 3.52 191.0 1.150 0.595 0.615 0.600 5142 WASEONG 0.605 -0.010 69.2 0.607 8.64 — 468.8
0.800 0.340 — — 7501 HARNLEN 0.625 — — — — — 115.9 7.208 4.018 6.610 6.570 7293 YINSON 6.610 -0.040 1962.6 6.605 37.84 0.91 7,231.2
2.178 1.400 1.450 1.440 5138 HSPLANT 1.450 0.010 36.1 1.445 117.89 1.03 1,160.0
2.418 1.283 1.550 1.550 2216 IJMPLNT 1.550 0.020 0.2 1.550 — 1.29 1,364.9
0.694 0.550 0.595 0.590 2607 INCKEN 0.595 -0.005 7 0.593 — 1.80 250.3
0.798 0.580 — — 6262 INNO 0.640 — — — 64.65 1.56 306.5
4.698 4.064 4.310 4.250 1961 IOICORP 4.280 -0.010 1252.5 4.274 42.59 1.87 26,898.3
0.685 0.430 0.470 0.455 4383 JTIASA 0.470 UNCH 286.7 0.461 — 1.06 457.6
25.611 22.120 22.960 22.680
3.854 3.100 3.500
1.276 1.080 1.180
22.75 44.55
3.450 —
1.172 24.32
Ace Market
0.430 0.355 0.365 0.355 1996 KRETAM 0.355 -0.005 495.1 0.359 — — 826.3 YEAR YEAR DAY DAY CODE COUNTER CLOSING +/– VOL VWAP* PE# DY MKT CAP
1.100 0.670 0.680 0.670 6572 KWANTAS 0.670 -0.010 3.5 0.676 — — 208.8 HIGH LOW HIGH LOW (RM) (RM) (‘000) (RM) (X) (%) (MIL)
0.950 0.690 — — 4936 MALPAC 0.750 — — — — 13.33 56.3
0.707 0.546 — — 5026 MHC 0.560 — — — 700 2.68 110.1 CONSUMER PRODUCTS & SERVICES
2.000 1.680 — — 5047 NPC 1.900 — — — — — 228.0 0.740 0.325 0.515 0.505 0098 BAHVEST 0.510 -0.005 1198.2 0.509 58.62 — 624.7
3.490 3.082 3.320 3.320 2038 NSOP 3.320 -0.020 1.3 3.320 — 1.81 233.1 0.260 0.190 0.195 0.190 0179 BIOHLDG 0.195 Unch 106 0.194 16.25 0.56 167.7
0.470 0.250 0.270 0.250 1902 PINEPAC 0.270 0.010 48.2 0.264 — — 40.4 0.350 0.150 0.155 0.150 0205 DPIH 0.155 0.005 187 0.153 7.14 — 75.4
1.310 0.645 0.700 0.665 9695 PLS 0.680 -0.010 66 0.682 — — 238.5 0.395 0.095 0.360 0.350 0116 FOCUS 0.355 0.005 8395.6 0.355 — — 725.4
0.290 0.120 0.130 0.120 5113 RSAWIT 0.125 UNCH 460.7 0.125 — — 177.3 0.477 0.113 0.370 0.350 0157 FOCUSP 0.350 -0.010 285.5 0.356 7.63 5.37 77.0
3.582 2.732 — — 2542 RVIEW 2.830 — — — 658.14 1.41 183.5 0.125 0.075 0.095 0.090 0074 GOCEAN 0.095 0.005 40 0.093 — — 27.5
3.178 2.740 — — 2569 SBAGAN 3.000 — — — — 0.67 199.0 0.090 0.035 0.065 0.060 0170 KANGER 0.060 -0.005 610.2 0.060 8.70 — 53.6
0.428 0.241 0.300 0.275 0210 KHJB 0.300 0.010 1711.5 0.293 11.49 — 114.0
0.460 0.240 — — 4316 SHCHAN 0.240 — — — — — 31.6 0.200 0.130 0.150 0.150 0180 KTC 0.150 0.005 124 0.150 6.44 — 76.5
5.299 3.934 4.770 4.670 5285 SIMEPLT 4.700 -0.050 2213.9 4.702 92.52 2.19 32,357.5 0.165 0.090 0.095 0.090 0182 LKL 0.090 -0.005 20 0.090 — — 38.6
2.791 1.919 2.090 2.090 5126 SOP 2.090 -0.060 5 2.090 33.23 2.39 1,193.1 0.250 0.100 0.135 0.130 0140 MACPIE 0.135 -0.005 81 0.130 — — 47.7
1.844 1.310 1.450 1.450 5135 SWKPLNT 1.450 UNCH 4 1.450 23.02 3.45 406.0 0.600 0.277 0.600 0.565 0201 NOVA 0.580 0.005 2689.6 0.586 15.72 0.86 184.3
2.720 1.882 2.220 2.180 5012 TAANN 2.220 0.020 51.3 2.190 13.83 4.50 987.6 0.155 0.100 — — 0153 OVERSEA 0.130 — — — — — 32.0
0.245 0.145 0.175 0.165 2054 TDM 0.175 0.010 1821.1 0.169 — — 294.5 0.125 0.060 0.075 0.065 0022 PARLO 0.065 -0.010 3042 0.069 — — 23.7
0.700 0.290 0.305 0.300 5112 THPLANT 0.300 -0.005 755.4 0.300 — — 265.2 0.400 0.185 0.190 0.185 0171 PLABS 0.190 Unch 85.1 0.186 10.56 — 40.8
1.177 0.865 0.900 0.885 9059 TSH 0.900 0.005 44.2 0.890 32.61 1.11 1,243.6 0.539 0.434 0.510 0.495 0158 SCC 0.495 Unch 64 0.498 11.28 6.87 69.9
5.879 5.000 — — 2593 UMCCA 5.170 — — — 66.03 1.55 1,084.1 0.210 0.075 — — 0148 SUNZEN 0.105 — — — — — 56.2
27.000 24.006 25.000 24.960 2089 UTDPLT 25.000 UNCH 2.7 24.99 15.86 1.60 5,203.4 0.378 0.255 0.265 0.260 0197 WEGMANS 0.265 Unch 141.1 0.260 8.41 1.89 132.5
TELECOMMUNICATIONS & MEDIA 0.235 0.120 0.220 0.210 0095 XINGHE 0.220 Unch 556 0.215 — — 123.6
0.180 0.100 — — 0159 AMEDIA 0.135 — — — — — 32.3 INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS & SERVICES
0.700 0.605 — — 7031 AMTEL 0.615 — — — 9.40 — 33.3 0.300 0.210 — — 0122 AIM 0.260 — — — — — 69.2
1.633 0.986 1.470 1.420 6399 ASTRO 1.450 -0.020 1243.7 1.441 12.32 5.52 7,560.8 0.095 0.055 0.075 0.065 0105 ASIAPLY 0.075 0.005 464.2 0.070 — 6.67 34.2
5.280 3.161 4.290 4.230 6888 AXIATA 4.270 -0.020 4091 4.265 — 2.22 38,979.4 0.065 0.040 0.055 0.050 0072 AT 0.050 Unch 15494 0.055 — — 23.2
0.375 0.100 0.215 0.160 6025 BJMEDIA 0.190 -0.005 52.2 0.187 — — 44.7 0.250 0.140 0.145 0.140 0187 BCMALL 0.145 Unch 153 0.143 10.00 1.38 61.1
5.050 3.852 4.700 4.610 6947 DIGI 4.650 -0.050 5154.1 4.658 24.03 4.11 36,153.8 0.245 0.130 0.130 0.130 0163 CAREPLS 0.130 Unch 30.2 0.130 — — 69.1
0.340 0.180 0.200 0.200 0059 ECOHLDS 0.200 UNCH 50.2 0.200 12.90 — 62.7 0.155 0.075 — — 0102 CONNECT 0.085 — — — — — 28.0
0.775 0.300 0.725 0.700 0082 GPACKET 0.710 -0.020 9060.2 0.711 — — 647.5 0.300 0.180 — — 0190 ESAFE 0.215 — — — 39.09 8.37 51.7
5.756 4.964 5.460 5.400 6012 MAXIS 5.410 -0.060 1093.8 5.427 26.65 3.70 42,308.9 0.200 0.099 — — 0100 ESCERAM 0.160 — — — 43.24 3.75 32.9
0.600 0.325 0.485 0.470 4502 MEDIA 0.475 UNCH 565.7 0.475 — — 526.9 0.548 0.325 0.335 0.325 0039 GFM 0.335 Unch 1154.6 0.329 12.32 3.28 158.0
0.265 0.165 0.180 0.175 5090 MEDIAC 0.175 UNCH 246.5 0.176 — 6.69 295.3 0.205 0.105 0.130 0.130 0175 HHGROUP 0.130 Unch 4.6 0.130 — — 44.1
0.665 0.400 0.595 0.580 0172 OCK 0.595 0.005 3607.2 0.587 19.07 — 518.5 0.155 0.080 0.100 0.095 0160 HHHCORP 0.100 Unch 657 0.098 11.49 — 33.3
0.434 0.320 0.320 0.320 7190 PPG 0.320 -0.020 5 0.320 49.23 1.56 32.0 0.260 0.115 0.200 0.185 0188 HLT 0.195 -0.005 63.3 0.195 — — 99.8
0.290 0.165 0.170 0.165 5252 SASBADI 0.165 UNCH 259.3 0.166 86.84 — 69.2 0.085 0.035 0.040 0.040 0024 JAG 0.040 0.005 201 0.040 — — 60.6
0.700 0.450 0.520 0.500 9431 SJC 0.520 -0.030 10.1 0.520 — — 21.1 0.480 0.178 0.475 0.435 0193 KAB 0.465 -0.010 3925.2 0.457 20.85 2.15 164.6
0.837 0.530 0.540 0.530 6084 STAR 0.535 UNCH 168.7 0.533 — 5.61 395.1 0.145 0.080 0.130 0.125 0167 MCLEAN 0.130 Unch 400 0.128 — — 23.2
9.350 7.329 9.000 8.900 5031 TIMECOM 9.000 -0.040 1022.4 8.987 16.60 1.03 5,269.8 0.235 0.090 0.105 0.105 0081 MEGASUN 0.105 Unch 31 0.105 40.38 — 26.3
4.680 2.097 3.480 3.440 4863 TM 3.480 -0.010 2769.9 3.464 41.63 0.57 13,103.9 0.210 0.105 0.115 0.110 0207 MESTRON 0.115 Unch 1320 0.111 — — 90.9
0.310 0.045 — — 5754 UTUSAN 0.055 — — — — — 6.1 0.700 0.420 0.445 0.430 0213 MTAG 0.435 -0.010 15589 0.435 8.10 — 296.5
TECHNOLOGY 0.110 0.040 0.040 0.040 0177 PASUKGB 0.040 Unch 37.2 0.040 — — 32.6
0.700 0.605 — — 7031 AMTEL 0.615 — — — 9.40 — 33.3 0.205 0.105 — — 0038 PTB 0.115 — — — — — 21.4
0.190 0.115 0.140 0.130 5195 CENSOF 0.135 0.015 4430.1 0.134 450.00 — 67.7 0.380 0.165 0.185 0.180 0196 QES 0.185 0.005 708 0.180 18.14 — 140.3
0.300 0.160 0.175 0.165 0051 CUSCAPI 0.170 UNCH 843.3 0.169 — — 146.1 0.180 0.040 0.045 0.040 0133 SANICHI 0.045 Unch 106 0.041 — — 49.9
0.985 0.490 0.615 0.590 7204 D&O 0.605 UNCH 10034.3 0.605 21.23 1.65 672.5 0.180 0.090 0.100 0.095 0161 SCH 0.100 Unch 116 0.099 — — 55.6
0.285 0.160 0.160 0.160 8338 DATAPRP 0.160 -0.005 120 0.160 — — 70.0 0.982 0.429 0.820 0.815 0001 SCOMNET 0.815 -0.015 248.2 0.818 31.35 1.23 524.0
0.075 0.040 — — 0029 DIGISTA 0.045 — — — — — 29.6 0.290 0.115 0.150 0.140 0028 SCOPE 0.150 Unch 22.7 0.141 — 3.33 92.9
0.447 0.192 0.275 0.265 4456 DNEX 0.270 UNCH 5257.7 0.269 15.17 1.85 474.7 0.120 0.080 0.080 0.080 0055 SERSOL 0.080 -0.005 203.2 0.080 — — 17.2
0.959 0.277 0.910 0.890 5216 DSONIC 0.910 UNCH 2902.6 0.901 28.44 2.47 1,228.5 0.580 0.260 0.265 0.260 0211 TASHIN 0.265 Unch 184.2 0.264 7.01 — 92.5
0.775 0.380 0.460 0.430 5036 EDARAN 0.445 0.015 1264.5 0.450 — — 26.7 0.491 0.241 0.290 0.285 0084 TECFAST 0.290 -0.005 218.1 0.286 20.42 3.45 66.2
0.813 0.367 0.630 0.620 0065 EFORCE 0.625 -0.005 8235.2 0.625 37.65 2.00 384.6 0.614 0.360 0.360 0.360 0089 TEXCYCL 0.360 Unch 369 0.360 14.06 1.67 92.2
1.414 0.747 0.940 0.920 0090 ELSOFT 0.930 UNCH 1116.4 0.929 20.04 4.84 621.3 0.390 0.215 0.295 0.280 0162 WIDAD 0.295 0.010 6859.2 0.288 29.80 — 724.1
1.790 0.566 1.760 1.710 0128 FRONTKN 1.750 0.020 3638.2 1.744 27.87 1.03 1,843.5 0.180 0.110 — — 0025 YBS 0.115 — — — 15.75 — 27.8
0.220 0.080 — — 9377 FSBM 0.095 — — — — — 13.4 TECHNOLOGY
1.860 1.240 1.370 1.360 0021 GHLSYS 1.370 UNCH 178.8 1.364 37.53 — 1,026.4 0.380 0.175 0.285 0.275 0181 AEMULUS 0.275 -0.010 1692.8 0.277 183.33 0.73 151.1
0.775 0.300 0.725 0.700 0082 GPACKET 0.710 -0.020 9060.2 0.711 — — 647.5 0.170 0.075 — — 0119 APPASIA 0.090 — — — — — 31.1
0.300 0.176 0.275 0.265 0056 GRANFLO 0.275 0.005 119.8 0.270 13.41 1.82 132.9 0.300 0.135 0.140 0.140 0068 ASDION 0.140 Unch 546.6 0.140 — — 17.9
2.470 1.350 2.070 2.030 7022 GTRONIC 2.040 -0.030 3170.2 2.040 23.97 1.35 1,365.7 0.465 0.200 0.275 0.260 0195 BINACOM 0.265 -0.005 481.1 0.266 12.86 3.77 68.9
1.440 0.340 1.060 1.040 5028 HTPADU 1.040 -0.010 835 1.051 — — 105.3 0.347 0.180 0.200 0.195 0191 CABNET 0.200 0.005 75.9 0.196 7.75 4.00 35.8
2.319 1.184 1.910 1.840 0166 INARI 1.910 0.020 7067.2 1.873 31.67 2.72 6,072.1 0.175 0.090 — — 0152 DGB 0.095 — — — — — 71.8
0.105 0.065 0.085 0.085 0131 DGSB 0.085 Unch 128.5 0.085 34.00 — 63.4
0.353 0.242 0.265 0.260 0192 INTA 0.260 -0.005 466.3 0.265 5.54 2.88 139.2 0.025 0.005 0.010 0.010 0154 EAH 0.010 Unch 1224 0.010 — — 50.7
0.130 0.070 — — 9393 ITRONIC 0.095 — — — — — 12.7 0.069 0.014 0.040 0.030 0107 EDUSPEC 0.035 Unch 19094 0.035 — — 42.5
0.280 0.155 0.170 0.160 5161 JCY 0.165 UNCH 1539.4 0.165 — 3.03 342.7 2.015 1.040 1.070 1.050 0104 GENETEC 1.060 -0.020 64.9 1.060 35.69 4.72 44.8
16.818 6.660 7.000 6.880 9334 KESM 6.900 -0.100 3.7 6.916 47.59 2.68 296.8 0.100 0.045 0.065 0.060 0045 GNB 0.065 Unch 260 0.060 — — 18.8
0.205 0.065 0.075 0.065 0143 KEYASIC 0.075 0.010 3678.7 0.068 — — 71.3 1.590 0.635 1.540 1.500 0208 GREATEC 1.510 -0.010 1425.9 1.516 19.76 — 945.3
0.405 0.310 — — 0302 MCOM 0.405 — — — 36.82 — 76.4 0.045 0.015 0.020 0.020 0174 IDMENSN 0.020 Unch 683.3 0.020 — — 5.4
3.173 1.442 2.230 2.150 5286 MI 2.220 0.020 2313.1 2.211 24.45 2.70 1,110.0 0.506 0.180 0.320 0.300 0023 IFCAMSC 0.320 0.010 17916.4 0.311 17.58 3.13 194.7
1.243 0.576 0.730 0.680 0113 MMSV 0.720 0.020 2749.9 0.712 21.56 2.78 146.7 0.120 0.045 0.060 0.060 0094 INIX 0.060 Unch 64.6 0.060 — — 16.3
12.584 8.330 9.150 9.080 3867 MPI 9.150 UNCH 298.2 9.141 13.55 2.95 1,920.4 0.195 0.125 0.145 0.140 0010 IRIS 0.145 Unch 1026.8 0.143 13.18 — 430.1
1.930 0.950 1.060 1.030 5011 MSNIAGA 1.060 0.040 3 1.040 — — 64.0 0.275 0.150 0.180 0.175 0209 ISTONE 0.180 0.005 2145.2 0.176 14.63 — 219.9
1.725 0.779 1.420 1.390 0138 MYEG 1.420 0.010 11299.2 1.404 59.17 1.34 5,121.0 0.970 0.640 0.750 0.740 0146 JFTECH 0.740 Unch 30 0.749 46.54 — 155.4
0.257 0.160 0.170 0.160 0041 MYSCM 0.170 UNCH 1442.6 0.165 — — 54.2 1.430 0.805 1.260 1.240 0127 JHM 1.260 -0.010 439.1 1.250 19.00 1.59 702.6
0.743 0.460 0.530 0.515 0083 NOTION 0.515 -0.015 614.5 0.520 4.86 1.94 171.6 0.292 0.185 0.195 0.185 0111 K1 0.190 Unch 954.6 0.190 16.81 — 138.5
0.450 0.320 0.400 0.395 9008 OMESTI 0.400 UNCH 267.6 0.398 — — 191.4 0.080 0.030 0.035 0.030 0036 KGROUP 0.030 Unch 655.4 0.035 — — 15.6
4.740 1.532 4.700 4.420 7160 PENTA 4.680 0.190 2457.2 4.616 29.62 — 2,222.4 0.737 0.496 0.615 0.605 0176 KRONO 0.610 -0.005 1499.8 0.609 13.03 3.28 298.5
1.030 0.255 0.490 0.465 5204 PRESBHD 0.480 -0.010 10894.7 0.475 — 3.54 232.3 0.160 0.050 0.055 0.050 0018 LAMBO 0.050 Unch 1389.6 0.050 6.49 — 105.1
0.535 0.240 0.450 0.445 9075 THETA 0.445 UNCH 23.5 0.446 — — 47.7 0.545 0.275 0.395 0.370 0075 LYC 0.385 0.010 1969 0.383 — — 128.2
0.025 0.010 0.015 0.010 0118 TRIVE 0.015 0.005 546.2 0.011 — — 35.2 0.065 0.035 0.050 0.045 0017 M3TECH 0.045 Unch 914.1 0.045 — — 26.4
0.200 0.105 — — 4359 TURIYA 0.120 — — — — — 27.4 0.425 0.205 0.300 0.300 0155 MGRC 0.300 Unch 20 0.300 — — 31.1
3.233 1.910 2.100 2.050 5005 UNISEM 2.070 -0.040 464.1 2.074 19.03 3.99 1,519.0 0.700 0.305 0.550 0.550 0126 MICROLN 0.550 Unch 35 0.550 32.16 — 92.1
1.630 1.100 1.590 1.560 5292 UWC 1.570 -0.020 1454 1.572 15.89 — 575.9 0.314 0.175 0.185 0.185 0112 MIKROMB 0.185 Unch 65 0.185 18.88 4.32 109.0
8.444 5.667 8.080 7.850 0097 VITROX 7.960 -0.040 507.7 7.968 35.50 0.72 3,748.8 0.065 0.035 0.040 0.035 0085 MLAB 0.040 Unch 2278.8 0.035 — — 26.8
1.090 0.884 1.030 1.030 5162 VSTECS 1.030 -0.010 87 1.030 6.96 4.85 185.4 0.365 0.200 0.365 0.335 0034 MMAG 0.360 0.025 6419.1 0.358 — — 256.0
0.601 0.325 0.415 0.405 0008 WILLOW 0.405 0.005 45.5 0.405 13.97 2.47 200.9 0.125 0.035 0.055 0.040 0103 MNC 0.040 -0.020 56104.1 0.047 — — 31.3
UTILITIES 0.160 0.090 0.100 0.090 0156 MPAY 0.095 Unch 1107.4 0.095 — — 67.5
0.215 0.090 0.140 0.130 7471 EDEN 0.140 0.005 857.1 0.133 — — 56.5 0.050 0.020 0.025 0.025 0070 MQTECH 0.025 Unch 50 0.025 — — 16.1
2.960 2.587 2.850 2.830 5209 GASMSIA 2.850 UNCH 7.1 2.849 20.07 4.84 3,659.4 0.130 0.050 0.090 0.085 0092 MTOUCHE 0.085 -0.005 2434.2 0.085 — — 43.2
0.923 0.695 0.850 0.840 5264 MALAKOF 0.840 -0.005 73 0.845 14.29 7.07 4,200.0 1.183 0.691 0.725 0.705 0108 N2N 0.710 Unch 56.8 0.710 28.63 2.82 424.5
4.260 2.973 4.260 4.130 3069 MFCB 4.180 0.020 2532.8 4.189 13.38 0.96 1,778.8 0.025 0.005 0.015 0.010 0020 NETX 0.010 Unch 2443.7 0.011 — — 32.7
1.253 1.002 — — 5041 PBA 1.110 — — — — 3.15 367.7 0.025 0.010 0.015 0.010 0096 NEXGRAM 0.015 Unch 654.6 0.013 — — 31.1
19.386 14.596 16.480 16.380 6033 PETGAS 16.400 -0.060 207.7 16.405 17.67 4.39 32,451.2 0.185 0.075 0.080 0.075 0026 NOVAMSC 0.080 Unch 3684.7 0.080 — — 60.1
1.440 0.656 1.170 1.160 5272 RANHILL 1.170 UNCH 310 1.162 25.55 3.70 1,247.2 0.855 0.435 0.705 0.685 0035 OPCOM 0.685 -0.010 6115.6 0.693 — 4.74 110.5
0.298 0.211 0.235 0.225 8567 SALCON 0.230 UNCH 142.7 0.226 54.76 — 194.8 0.364 0.267 0.330 0.330 0040 OPENSYS 0.330 Unch 57.9 0.330 9.91 3.79 98.3
1.013 0.845 0.920 0.905 8524 TALIWRK 0.910 -0.010 132.4 0.914 20.45 5.27 1,834.4 0.230 0.075 0.100 0.095 0079 ORION 0.095 -0.005 2547.7 0.095 29.69 — 67.2
15.049 10.994 13.640 13.540 5347 TENAGA 13.580 -0.020 2350.1 13.577 25.39 3.90 77,227.9 0.730 0.240 — — 0006 PINEAPP 0.330 — — — — — 16.0
1.250 0.910 0.935 0.920 4677 YTL 0.920 -0.010 1075.8 0.927 37.86 4.35 10,115.7 0.095 0.045 0.055 0.050 0123 PRIVA 0.055 0.005 65.1 0.050 — — 30.7
1.027 0.685 0.785 0.770 6742 YTLPOWR 0.775 -0.010 5224.5 0.780 12.94 6.45 6,322.6 1.730 0.867 1.570 1.510 0200 REVENUE 1.530 -0.020 2350.9 1.543 39.43 — 356.5
CLOSED-END FUNDS 0.750 0.525 — — 0106 REXIT 0.615 — — — 14.01 4.88 116.4
2.760 2.300 2.400 2.390 5108 ICAP 2.400 UNCH 34 2.399 78.69 — 336.0 0.335 0.200 0.260 0.255 0202 RGTECH 0.260 Unch 857.8 0.257 45.61 — 136.6
EXCHANGE TRADED FUNDS 0.310 0.090 0.120 0.120 0178 SEDANIA 0.120 -0.005 119.5 0.120 — — 29.8
1.222 1.100 1.212 1.212 0800EA ABFMY1 1.212 0.004 50 1.212 — 1.92 1,567.0 0.610 0.370 — — 0203 SMETRIC 0.500 — — — 151.5 — 121.8
6.140 5.220 5.500 5.420 0829EA CHINAETF-MYR 5.480 0.020 10.4 5.476 — — 9.0 0.150 0.090 0.100 0.090 0117 SMRT 0.100 0.005 325 0.094 — — 40.7
1.345 1.345 — — 0829EB CHINAETF-USD 1.345 — — — — — 0.9 0.275 0.055 0.275 0.265 0169 SMTRACK 0.270 Unch 2566.4 0.270 — — 44.2
1.950 1.780 1.790 1.790 0822EA CIMBA40 1.790 UNCH 7.8 1.790 — 3.83 4.8 0.140 0.080 0.080 0.080 0093 SOLUTN 0.080 -0.005 33 0.080 — — 24.5
1.690 1.450 1.490 1.490 0823EA CIMBC50 1.490 -0.030 12.1 1.490 — — 10.7 0.340 0.195 0.210 0.205 0129 SRIDGE 0.205 -0.015 38 0.208 — — 28.8
1.910 1.670 1.695 1.685 0820EA FBMKLCI-EA 1.685 -0.005 2 1.688 — 1.96 2.8 0.320 0.155 0.155 0.155 0050 SYSTECH 0.155 Unch 132.5 0.155 — 1.29 53.9
1.070 0.940 — — 0826EA METFAPA 0.945 — — — — — 17.0 0.125 0.045 — — 0132 TDEX 0.055 — — — — — 32.5
1.000 0.790 — — 0825EA METFSID 0.835 — — — — 2.38 73.5 0.145 0.080 — — 0145 TFP 0.080 — — — — — 16.6
1.180 0.900 — — 0827EA METFUS50 1.160 — — — — — 15.1 0.335 0.125 0.135 0.130 0005 UCREST 0.135 0.005 563.5 0.130 9.12 — 62.6
0.330 0.108 0.160 0.155 0060 VC 0.155 Unch 111.4 0.156 — — 60.5
1.200 1.020 1.080 1.080 0821EA MYETFDJ 1.080 -0.015 1 1.080 — 2.26 295.8 0.775 0.305 0.420 0.400 0120 VIS 0.405 -0.005 1863.1 0.411 15.82 2.47 68.5
1.185 1.040 — — 0824EA MYETFID 1.100 — — — — 2.51 43.6 0.030 0.015 0.020 0.015 0069 VIVOCOM 0.020 0.005 2286.7 0.015 — — 113.3
REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT TRUSTS 0.255 0.060 0.090 0.070 0066 VSOLAR 0.075 Unch 135927 0.081 — — 29.0
0.820 0.654 0.785 0.775 4952 AHP 0.785 0.005 16.2 0.777 11.89 7.43 172.7 0.045 0.035 — — 0141 WINTONI 0.035 — — — — — 18.0
1.550 1.135 1.500 1.500 5116 ALAQAR 1.500 UNCH 0.8 1.500 12.14 5.90 1,104.0 0.145 0.100 0.120 0.105 0086 YGL 0.105 Unch 10.1 0.120 — — 24.4
0.919 0.719 — — 5269 ALSREIT 0.870 — — — 12.02 6.20 504.6 TELECOMMUNICATIONS & MEDIA
0.552 0.486 0.495 0.490 5120 AMFIRST 0.495 UNCH 126 0.494 16.02 7.96 339.8 0.465 0.200 0.275 0.260 0195 BINACOM 0.265 -0.005 481.1 0.266 12.86 3.77 68.9
0.834 0.755 0.770 0.760 5127 ARREIT 0.765 UNCH 96.5 0.766 33.12 7.54 438.5 0.720 0.400 — — 0147 INNITY 0.450 — — — 29.41 — 62.6
1.215 1.030 1.040 1.040 5130 ATRIUM 1.040 UNCH 1.6 1.040 11.97 7.05 212.8 0.065 0.035 0.050 0.045 0017 M3TECH 0.045 Unch 914.1 0.045 — — 26.4
1.990 1.349 1.860 1.840 5106 AXREIT 1.850 UNCH 1806.9 1.850 14.99 5.14 2,289.0 0.125 0.035 0.055 0.040 0103 MNC 0.040 -0.020 56104 0.047 — — 31.3
1.110 0.919 1.080 1.070 5180 CMMT 1.080 -0.010 72.3 1.079 24.88 6.23 2,215.9 0.130 0.050 0.090 0.085 0092 MTOUCHE 0.085 -0.005 2434.2 0.085 — — 43.2
1.123 0.955 0.990 0.980 5121 HEKTAR 0.980 -0.005 276.7 0.981 14.92 8.51 452.7 0.025 0.010 0.015 0.010 0096 NEXGRAM 0.015 Unch 654.6 0.013 — — 31.1
2.100 1.534 2.030 2.010 5227 IGBREIT 2.020 -0.020 1691.2 2.019 20.91 4.57 7,162.6 0.855 0.435 0.705 0.685 0035 OPCOM 0.685 -0.010 6115.6 0.693 — 4.74 110.5
0.863 0.698 0.845 0.840 5280 KIPREIT 0.840 UNCH 12.8 0.840 12.46 7.18 424.5 0.095 0.045 0.055 0.050 0123 PRIVA 0.055 0.005 65.1 0.050 — — 30.7
8.388 7.136 8.160 8.030 5235SS KLCC 8.070 UNCH 1193.2 8.070 19.98 4.33 14,569.0 0.165 0.060 0.065 0.065 0007 PUC 0.065 Unch 2069.6 0.065 14.77 — 145.0
1.080 1.000 1.020 1.000 5123 MQREIT 1.000 -0.010 38.8 1.009 16.61 7.21 1,071.8 0.510 0.146 0.510 0.480 0032 REDTONE 0.495 0.010 8448.5 0.496 20.29 — 375.6
1.900 1.447 1.830 1.810 5212 PAVREIT 1.820 0.010 7250.2 1.820 19.00 4.86 5,534.8 0.355 0.130 0.135 0.130 0173 REV 0.135 0.005 95 0.130 — — 18.2
1.980 1.534 1.960 1.940 5176 SUNREIT 1.950 UNCH 8382.4 1.950 14.75 4.92 5,742.9 0.310 0.090 0.120 0.120 0178 SEDANIA 0.120 -0.005 119.5 0.120 — — 29.8
0.909 0.813 — — 5111 TWRREIT 0.845 — — — 25.68 7.02 237.0 0.340 0.195 0.210 0.205 0129 SRIDGE 0.205 -0.015 38 0.208 — — 28.8
1.425 1.187 1.250 1.240 5110 UOAREIT 1.240 -0.010 45.5 1.240 14.50 7.36 524.4 0.065 0.040 0.055 0.045 0165 XOX 0.055 0.005 9318.1 0.050 — — 60.1
1.390 1.073 1.350 1.330 5109 YTLREIT 1.340 0.010 335.8 1.336 21.79 5.77 2,283.9 FINANCIAL SERVICES
SPAC 0.075 0.040 0.045 0.040 0150 FINTEC 0.045 Unch 298.9 0.045 1.66 — 28.6
0.51 0.480 — — 5270 RSENA 0.505 — — — — — 505.0 0.600 0.390 — — 0053 OSKVI 0.415 — — — — — 82.0
0.155 0.056 0.095 0.090 5115 ALAM 0.095 0.005 3076.3 0.090 — — 92.0 0.245 0.130 0.130 0.130 0163 CAREPLS 0.130 Unch 30.2 0.130 — — 69.1
0.605 0.145 0.325 0.300 5210 ARMADA 0.325 0.015 103569 0.312 — — 1,909.9 0.165 0.090 0.095 0.090 0182 LKL 0.090 -0.005 20 0.090 — — 38.6
0.165 0.025 0.035 0.030 7251 BARAKAH 0.035 UNCH 2715.6 0.030 — — 29.3 0.425 0.205 0.300 0.300 0155 MGRC 0.300 Unch 20 0.300 — — 31.1
1.150 0.212 1.150 1.100 5257 CARIMIN 1.130 0.010 5812.3 1.134 9.17 2.65 264.3 0.600 0.277 0.600 0.565 0201 NOVA 0.580 0.005 2689.6 0.586 15.72 0.86 184.3
1.370 0.735 0.945 0.935 5071 COASTAL 0.940 UNCH 143.8 0.941 34.18 — 500.0 TRANSPORTATION & LOGISTICS
0.035 0.005 0.010 0.005 0091 DAYA 0.005 -0.005 320 0.006 — — 10.2 0.110 0.055 — — 0048 ANCOMLB 0.055 — — — — — 26.0
1.750 0.500 1.680 1.660 5141 DAYANG 1.680 -0.010 5421.1 1.676 8.38 — 1,620.9 0.285 0.195 0.220 0.210 0080 STRAITS 0.215 Unch 1013.1 0.215 20.28 — 139.9
1.281 0.786 1.030 1.000 5132 DELEUM 1.020 -0.010 329.5 1.017 14.57 3.58 409.6 0.500 0.295 0.330 0.330 0199 TRIMODE 0.330 -0.020 14 0.330 15.87 3.03 54.8
3.570 2.703 3.400 3.310 7277 DIALOG 3.380 -0.020 9639.4 3.377 35.54 0.98 19,068.8 CONSTRUCTION
0.510 0.275 0.375 0.365 7253 HANDAL 0.370 0.005 646.5 0.370 — — 81.0 0.355 0.205 0.355 0.335 0198 GDB 0.350 0.015 4775 0.347 8.24 5.71 218.8
7.060 4.290 4.430 4.360 4324 HENGYUAN 4.400 0.040 308.3 4.379 — — 1,320.0 0.392 0.230 0.250 0.240 0206 NADIBHD 0.250 0.010 184.2 0.245 5.92 — 188.3
1.360 0.760 0.955 0.945 5199 HIBISCS 0.950 -0.005 5115.6 0.950 6.56 — 1,508.8 0.050 0.010 0.035 0.025 0109 SCBUILD 0.035 0.005 1608.1 0.031 19.44 — 30.9
0.300 0.115 0.125 0.115 2739 HUAAN 0.125 UNCH 3881.7 0.120 14.20 — 140.3 PLANTATION
0.175 0.040 0.045 0.040 5255 ICON 0.040 UNCH 3163.8 0.040 — — 47.1 0.080 0.065 0.065 0.065 0189 MATANG 0.065 Unch 170 0.065 72.22 3.08 117.7
0.440 0.070 0.380 0.375 7164 KNM 0.380 UNCH 9791.4 0.377 — — 994.0 UTILITIES
0.970 0.495 0.825 0.810 5186 MHB 0.820 UNCH 142.1 0.814 — — 1,312.0 0.347 0.172 0.215 0.210 0011 BTECH 0.210 -0.005 62.7 0.215 12.88 7.62 52.9
* Volume Weighted Average Price # PE is calculated based on latest 12 months reported Earnings Per Share
2 8 Markets FR I DAY OC TOB ER 4, 2 0 1 9 • TH EEDGE FI N AN C I AL DAI LY


Main Market & Ace Market Warrants 0.185 0.120 0.160 0.160 7022CY GTRONIC-CY 0.160 -0.005 200 2.040 1.700 6.86 23/01/2020
0.175 0.110 0.165 0.165 7022CZ GTRONIC-CZ 0.165 -0.010 12 2.040 1.880 16.42 30/06/2020
YEAR YEAR DAY DAY CODE WARRANTS CLOSE +/- VOL PARENT EXE PR’M EXPIRY 0.095 0.030 0.045 0.035 7676WB GUNUNG-WB 0.045 0.010 36.3 0.335 0.400 32.84 02/10/2020
HIGH LOW HIGH LOW (RM) (RM) (‘000) PRICE PRICE (%) DATE 0.235 0.145 0.160 0.160 516823 HARTA-C23 0.160 Unch 100 5.190 4.500 2.12 29/11/2019
0.555 0.220 0.230 0.220 70342 A50CHIN-C42 0.230 -0.010 5405 7.712 8.024 8.52 31/12/2019 0.080 0.040 0.050 0.050 516828 HARTA-C28 0.050 Unch 80 5.190 5.500 11.75 30/04/2020
0.210 0.115 0.115 0.115 70348 A50CHIN-C48 0.115 -0.010 1300 7.712 9.362 23.63 31/03/2020 0.155 0.120 0.130 0.130 516830 HARTA-C30 0.130 -0.010 15 5.190 5.180 14.84 31/07/2020
0.410 0.020 0.255 0.255 70350 A50CHIN-C50 0.255 -0.010 53.7 7.711 8.292 12.49 31/03/2020 0.295 0.200 0.235 0.235 7105WA HCK-WA 0.235 Unch 25 1.260 0.960 -5.16 26/09/2027
0.215 0.215 0.215 0.215 70352 A50CHIN-C52 0.215 -0.145 650 7.711 8.827 18.65 29/04/2020 0.650 0.230 0.235 0.235 5095WB HEVEA-WB 0.235 Unch 30.6 0.495 0.250 -2.02 28/02/2020
0.085 0.010 0.010 0.010 5238WA AAX-WA 0.010 -0.005 472.6 0.165 0.460 184.85 08/06/2020 0.190 0.035 0.045 0.035 5072WB HIAPTEK-WB 0.035 -0.005 844 0.190 0.500 181.58 23/06/2021
0.225 0.075 0.100 0.100 6599CR AEON-CR 0.100 0.010 44 1.510 1.450 9.27 31/03/2020 0.100 0.065 0.070 0.070 5199C7 HIBISCS-C7 0.070 -0.005 50 0.887 1.000 28.52 30/06/2020
0.045 0.040 0.045 0.040 6599CV AEON-CV 0.040 -0.110 403 1.510 1.800 27.15 15/05/2020 0.155 0.105 0.105 0.105 5199C8 HIBISCS-C8 0.105 Unch 40 0.950 1.000 22.95 31/03/2020
0.130 0.040 0.040 0.040 509981 AIRASIAC81 0.040 -0.015 199.8 1.700 1.847 16.72 31/01/2020 0.135 0.005 0.010 0.010 5199CW HIBISCS-CW 0.010 Unch 123 0.950 1.150 23.16 31/12/2019
0.265 0.090 0.090 0.090 509984 AIRASIAC84 0.090 -0.015 50 1.700 1.642 7.46 28/02/2020 0.665 0.270 0.275 0.270 5199WC HIBISCS-WC 0.275 -0.005 1775.8 0.950 1.060 40.53 19/03/2021
0.145 0.025 0.025 0.025 509987 AIRASIAC87 0.025 -0.005 100 1.700 2.326 39.36 31/01/2020 0.080 0.003 — — 5819CO HLBANK-CO 0.005 — — 2.358 22.000 836.17 23/10/2019
0.100 0.030 0.030 0.030 509988 AIRASIAC88 0.030 -0.010 430 1.700 2.053 24.97 29/05/2020 0.090 0.080 0.080 0.080 5819CP HLBANK-CP 0.080 -0.010 60 16.020 17.280 15.36 30/09/2020
0.065 0.045 0.045 0.045 509991 AIRASIAC91 0.045 -0.005 100 1.700 2.280 41.00 16/03/2020 0.180 0.015 0.020 0.020 5160WA HOMERIZ-WA 0.020 -0.005 15.1 0.645 0.920 45.74 09/07/2020
0.090 0.060 0.060 0.060 509992 AIRASIAC92 0.060 -0.010 930 1.700 1.950 23.88 31/03/2020 0.315 0.125 0.200 0.190 5160WB HOMERIZ-WB 0.195 -0.010 421.2 0.645 0.540 13.95 03/07/2022
0.140 0.110 0.125 0.125 501413 AIRPORT-C13 0.125 0.015 20 8.660 9.000 14.75 31/03/2020 0.200 0.060 0.060 0.060 50410 HSBC-C10 0.060 -0.015 9.3 31.470 36.912 19.77 20/02/2020
0.205 0.040 0.055 0.055 5014C6 AIRPORT-C6 0.055 0.005 20 8.660 8.300 1.56 23/10/2019 0.008 0.003 — — 7013WA HUBLINE-WA 0.005 — — 0.045 3.160 6,933 04/11/2019
0.200 0.050 0.145 0.135 5014C8 AIRPORT-C8 0.145 0.005 290 8.660 8.000 2.42 29/11/2019 0.015 0.005 — — 7013WB HUBLINE-WB 0.005 — — 0.045 0.200 355.56 20/12/2020
0.185 0.100 0.140 0.140 5014C9 AIRPORT-C9 0.140 Unch 257.4 8.660 8.000 5.31 30/04/2020 0.055 0.020 0.020 0.020 9601WD HWGB-WD 0.020 Unch 60 0.075 0.320 353.33 15/03/2021
0.070 0.035 0.040 0.040 5115WA ALAM-WA 0.040 Unch 2504 0.095 0.120 68.42 28/03/2022 0.045 0.005 — — 4251WA IBHD-WA 0.005 — — 0.280 1.410 405.36 08/10/2019
0.080 0.030 0.035 0.035 0119WA APPASIA-WA 0.035 -0.005 18 0.090 0.130 83.33 23/12/2024 0.670 0.290 0.410 0.355 9687WB IDEAL-WB 0.360 -0.060 22.6 1.300 1.000 4.62 30/03/2021
0.090 0.090 — — 7007WB ARK-WB 0.090 — — 0.270 1.000 303.70 30/06/2021 0.015 0.005 — — 0174WA IDMENSN-WA 0.005 — — 0.020 0.200 925.00 14/07/2020
0.295 0.090 0.235 0.210 521051 ARMADA-C51 0.235 0.010 409.4 0.325 0.235 8.46 30/06/2020 0.140 0.015 0.045 0.035 522512 IHH-C12 0.040 0.005 400 5.670 5.500 0.53 14/10/2019
0.150 0.065 0.120 0.120 521052 ARMADA-C52 0.120 0.005 50 0.325 0.300 29.23 11/02/2020 0.120 0.100 0.105 0.105 522515 IHH-C15 0.105 0.005 150 5.670 5.600 8.02 15/05/2020
0.135 0.075 0.100 0.100 521053 ARMADA-C53 0.100 Unch 28 0.325 0.280 16.92 27/04/2020 0.210 0.075 0.085 0.075 333630 IJM-C30 0.075 -0.015 385 2.140 2.000 3.97 29/11/2019
0.035 0.005 0.010 0.005 0105WA ASIAPLY-WA 0.005 -0.005 120.5 0.075 0.100 40.00 13/12/2020 0.170 0.075 0.085 0.075 333632 IJM-C32 0.075 -0.015 485 2.140 2.280 13.55 14/02/2020
0.030 0.002 0.005 0.005 639914 ASTRO-C14 0.005 Unch 190 0.740 1.800 144.59 29/11/2019 0.410 0.125 0.380 0.365 16633 INARI-C33 0.380 -0.030 0.3 1.910 1.300 -2.09 31/10/2019
0.155 0.075 0.120 0.120 639918 ASTRO-C18 0.120 -0.025 20 1.450 1.400 8.97 30/06/2020 0.130 0.030 0.050 0.050 16640 INARI-C40 0.050 -0.010 100 1.910 1.860 4.19 31/10/2019
0.285 0.140 0.170 0.150 7579WA AWC-WA 0.150 -0.005 75.1 0.600 0.880 71.67 25/12/2023 0.125 0.080 0.120 0.120 16643 INARI-C43 0.120 0.005 1000 1.910 1.780 15.18 31/01/2020
0.295 0.090 0.090 0.090 688836 AXIATA-C36 0.090 -0.010 20 4.270 3.750 -0.59 23/10/2019 0.150 0.100 0.145 0.140 16645 INARI-C45 0.145 Unch 500 1.910 1.880 21.20 30/06/2020
0.230 0.105 0.105 0.105 688838 AXIATA-C38 0.105 -0.005 50 4.270 4.440 18.74 30/04/2020 0.115 0.050 0.110 0.105 16646 INARI-C46 0.110 Unch 100 1.910 1.800 8.64 28/02/2020
0.180 0.050 0.055 0.055 688839 AXIATA-C39 0.055 Unch 410 4.270 4.880 22.66 31/01/2020 0.105 0.055 0.100 0.095 16647 INARI-C47 0.100 Unch 260 1.910 1.780 8.90 30/04/2020
0.100 0.030 0.030 0.030 688844 AXIATA-C44 0.030 -0.005 1900 4.270 5.380 30.21 14/02/2020 0.125 0.070 0.125 0.120 16648 INARI-C48 0.125 Unch 2552 1.910 1.850 15.18 31/03/2020
0.120 0.055 0.065 0.065 688845 AXIATA-C45 0.065 Unch 250 4.270 4.880 26.46 28/08/2020 0.130 0.110 0.130 0.125 16649 INARI-C49 0.130 Unch 1200 1.910 1.650 6.81 27/04/2020
0.145 0.140 0.140 0.140 688846 AXIATA-C46 0.140 -0.005 80 4.270 4.000 13.35 31/03/2020 0.150 0.100 0.105 0.100 16650 INARI-C50 0.105 Unch 219 1.910 2.080 23.19 30/04/2020
0.330 0.085 0.140 0.140 7078WA AZRB-WA 0.140 -0.010 8.6 0.335 0.630 129.85 13/05/2024 1.880 0.710 1.360 1.330 0166WB INARI-WB 1.350 Unch 206.5 1.910 0.533 -1.40 17/02/2020
0.485 0.170 0.310 0.300 0098WA BAHVEST-WA 0.305 Unch 915.9 0.510 0.430 44.12 20/08/2024 0.050 0.010 0.015 0.010 0094WA INIX-WA 0.010 -0.005 505.9 0.060 0.100 83.33 16/11/2020
0.095 0.045 0.045 0.045 4162CP BAT-CP 0.045 -0.005 501 18.300 23.500 34.56 15/05/2020 0.008 0.005 — — 196120 IOICORP-C20 0.005 — — 0.402 5.000 1,149 07/10/2019
0.140 0.085 0.085 0.085 4162CQ BAT-CQ 0.085 -0.005 50 18.300 20.000 27.87 28/08/2020 0.100 0.050 0.055 0.055 196122 IOICORP-C22 0.055 Unch 0.5 4.280 4.300 5.61 31/03/2020
0.009 0.004 — — 5248C5 BAUTO-C5 0.005 — — 0.254 2.800 1,008 14/02/2020 0.080 0.045 0.050 0.050 5249CW IOIPG-CW 0.050 Unch 350 1.140 1.280 21.05 30/04/2020
0.395 0.115 0.245 0.230 5258WA BIMB-WA 0.240 0.005 130.7 3.980 4.720 24.62 04/12/2023 0.020 0.005 — — 0024WB JAG-WB 0.005 — — 0.040 0.150 287.50 15/11/2020
0.125 0.055 0.055 0.055 0179WA BIOHLDG-WA 0.055 -0.005 0.1 0.195 0.220 41.03 05/01/2022 0.685 0.150 0.490 0.480 4723WB JAKS-WB 0.490 0.005 32 0.755 0.640 49.67 13/12/2023
0.070 0.030 — — 3395WB BJCORP-WB 0.030 — — 0.235 1.000 338.30 22/04/2022 0.080 0.055 0.060 0.060 8923WA JIANKUN-WA 0.060 0.005 130 0.350 0.320 8.57 23/12/2021
0.095 0.050 0.055 0.050 3395WC BJCORP-WC 0.055 Unch 603.6 0.235 1.000 348.94 29/05/2026 0.170 0.050 0.075 0.070 0111WC K1-WC 0.070 Unch 65.5 0.190 0.300 94.74 30/12/2021
0.200 0.080 0.085 0.080 1562CZ BJTOTO-CZ 0.080 -0.015 120 2.560 2.600 7.81 28/02/2020 0.045 0.010 0.020 0.020 0170WA KANGER-WA 0.020 -0.010 118.8 0.060 0.100 100.00 13/04/2020
0.025 0.010 0.020 0.015 7036WC BORNOIL-WC 0.020 Unch 684.4 0.045 0.070 100.00 08/11/2025 0.030 0.015 0.030 0.025 3115WC KBUNAI-WC 0.030 0.005 2012.8 0.105 0.131 53.33 20/10/2023
0.030 0.015 0.020 0.015 7036WD BORNOIL-WD 0.020 Unch 9.8 0.045 0.070 100.00 29/05/2027 0.345 0.140 0.245 0.235 7161WB KERJAYA-WB 0.245 -0.005 2.5 1.290 1.600 43.02 28/02/2023
0.175 0.050 0.065 0.065 6297WA BOXPAK-WA 0.065 Unch 50 1.100 2.040 91.36 13/03/2022 0.025 0.005 — — 0036WB KGROUP-WB 0.005 — — 0.030 0.200 583.33 01/05/2020
0.045 0.005 — — 7188WA BTM-WA 0.005 — — 0.095 0.940 894.74 20/12/2019 0.400 0.200 0.210 0.210 5171WA KIMLUN-WA 0.210 -0.060 66.5 1.200 1.680 57.50 12/03/2024
0.660 0.210 0.255 0.240 7174WA CAB-WA 0.255 0.010 59.2 0.455 0.170 -6.59 08/02/2020 0.315 0.010 0.150 0.140 7164WB KNM-WB 0.140 -0.010 8056.8 0.380 1.000 200.00 21/04/2020
0.390 0.150 0.265 0.255 7154WA CAELY-WA 0.255 -0.015 308.4 0.460 0.190 -3.26 22/04/2021 0.100 0.010 0.060 0.050 7017WB KOMARK-WB 0.060 -0.005 304.8 0.280 0.230 3.57 21/01/2020
0.130 0.005 — — 7076WA CBIP-WA 0.005 — — 0.485 2.400 395.88 06/11/2019 0.035 0.005 0.010 0.005 0018WB LAMBO-WB 0.005 Unch 520 0.050 0.160 230.00 29/04/2024
0.195 0.070 0.100 0.090 7035WA CCK-WA 0.100 0.010 1465.2 0.520 0.900 92.31 18/06/2023 0.275 0.125 0.155 0.155 9385WA LAYHONG-WA 0.155 Unch 424.6 0.425 0.400 30.59 13/10/2021
0.110 0.045 0.045 0.045 102348 CIMB-C48 0.045 Unch 500 5.010 5.200 9.18 31/01/2020 0.260 0.135 0.150 0.140 8494WB LBICAP-WB 0.145 Unch 143 0.645 0.500 0.00 24/06/2024
0.075 0.005 — — 102349 CIMB-C49 0.005 — — 0.839 5.880 603.81 04/11/2019 0.085 0.010 0.015 0.015 6633CC LHI-CC 0.015 Unch 25 0.890 1.100 26.12 31/03/2020
0.110 0.025 0.030 0.025 102353 CIMB-C53 0.030 0.005 214 5.010 5.250 7.78 29/11/2019 0.040 0.005 0.005 0.005 6633CD LHI-CD 0.005 Unch 1 0.745 1.350 82.21 31/03/2020
0.145 0.145 0.145 0.145 102356 CIMB-C56 0.145 Unch 200 5.010 4.600 6.29 30/04/2020 0.120 0.020 0.025 0.025 6633CE LHI-CE 0.025 Unch 260 0.890 1.180 36.80 09/12/2019
0.090 0.015 0.040 0.030 285217 CMSB-C17 0.030 -0.015 1229 2.590 3.150 25.10 14/02/2020 0.050 0.005 0.005 0.005 6633CF LHI-CF 0.005 Unch 1700 0.890 1.380 56.18 09/12/2019
0.430 0.110 0.210 0.210 8125WB DAIBOCI-WB 0.210 Unch 1 1.820 2.500 48.90 19/06/2022 0.060 0.010 0.035 0.025 6633CK LHI-CK 0.035 0.010 8445.6 0.890 0.950 14.61 28/02/2020
0.440 0.175 0.235 0.225 5276WA DANCO-WA 0.235 Unch 91.3 0.490 0.300 9.18 22/05/2022 0.220 0.170 0.220 0.195 6633CL LHI-CL 0.220 0.015 1296 0.890 0.750 8.99 28/08/2020
0.015 0.005 0.005 0.005 7179WB DBE-WB 0.005 -0.005 8832.4 0.025 0.050 120.00 22/01/2022 0.090 0.070 0.090 0.085 6633CM LHI-CM 0.090 0.005 370.1 0.890 0.900 15.28 30/04/2020
0.140 0.030 0.065 0.065 3484WA DBHD-WA 0.065 -0.005 9.6 0.395 0.580 63.29 27/11/2020 0.082 0.005 — — 7126WA LONBISC-WA 0.005 — — 0.100 0.800 705.00 26/01/2020
0.085 0.025 0.035 0.025 727744 DIALOG-C44 0.025 -0.010 223.2 3.380 3.400 3.55 31/12/2019 0.040 0.015 0.020 0.020 5068WA LUSTER-WA 0.020 Unch 200 0.070 0.100 71.43 03/06/2022
0.165 0.110 0.115 0.110 727746 DIALOG-C46 0.115 -0.005 80 3.380 3.280 10.65 31/03/2020 0.055 0.005 0.010 0.005 0140WA MACPIE-WA 0.010 Unch 255 0.135 0.480 262.96 17/02/2021
0.205 0.120 0.120 0.120 727747 DIALOG-C47 0.120 -0.005 100 3.380 3.150 3.85 31/03/2020 0.350 0.135 0.180 0.180 7617WB MAGNA-WB 0.180 0.005 20 0.995 0.900 8.54 04/09/2020
0.105 0.075 0.075 0.075 727750 DIALOG-C50 0.075 -0.005 60 3.380 3.380 11.09 08/05/2020 0.240 0.130 0.180 0.175 3859C4 MAGNUM-C4 0.175 -0.040 200 2.690 2.500 5.95 28/02/2020
0.140 0.050 0.055 0.050 694729 DIGI-C29 0.055 -0.010 553.9 4.650 4.800 7.96 31/03/2020 0.140 0.090 0.100 0.090 3859C5 MAGNUM-C5 0.090 -0.030 180 2.690 3.000 18.22 16/03/2020
0.140 0.060 0.085 0.085 694730 DIGI-C30 0.085 -0.005 100 4.650 4.600 9.89 30/04/2020 0.065 0.005 0.005 0.005 8583WC MAHSING-WC 0.005 Unch 468.5 0.378 2.100 456.88 21/02/2020
0.090 0.035 0.035 0.035 694734 DIGI-C34 0.035 -0.010 0.3 4.650 5.550 22.74 28/02/2020 0.260 0.040 0.045 0.040 5236WA MATRIX-WA 0.045 Unch 233 1.900 2.400 28.68 20/07/2020
0.040 0.015 — — 0029WB DIGISTA-WB 0.015 — — 0.045 0.260 511.11 04/04/2023 0.090 0.035 0.035 0.035 601210 MAXIS-C10 0.035 Unch 99.8 5.410 5.600 6.75 31/12/2019
0.150 0.045 0.060 0.060 4456WD DNEX-WD 0.060 -0.005 3259.6 0.270 0.500 107.41 30/07/2021 0.140 0.060 0.065 0.060 601212 MAXIS-C12 0.065 -0.005 360.1 5.410 5.400 5.82 29/11/2019
0.060 0.015 0.015 0.015 5265WA DOLPHIN-WA 0.015 -0.005 128 0.095 0.800 757.89 29/03/2021 0.125 0.080 0.090 0.090 601214 MAXIS-C14 0.090 -0.010 160 5.410 5.580 11.46 28/02/2020
0.330 0.065 0.145 0.135 161975 DRBHCOMC75 0.140 -0.015 58 2.340 2.000 3.42 31/12/2019 0.005 0.005 — — 5189WA MAXWELL-WA 0.005 — — 0.010 0.400 3,950 24/03/2020
0.320 0.110 0.120 0.120 161977 DRBHCOMC77 0.120 -0.005 65 2.340 2.100 5.13 26/11/2019 0.060 0.030 0.030 0.030 115559 MAYBANKC59 0.030 Unch 100 8.480 9.000 9.32 30/04/2020
0.240 0.075 0.075 0.075 161980 DRBHCOMC80 0.075 -0.025 55 2.340 2.500 16.45 23/12/2019 0.150 0.115 0.120 0.115 115560 MAYBANKC60 0.115 -0.010 250 8.480 8.880 11.50 31/03/2020
0.215 0.065 0.065 0.065 161981 DRBHCOMC81 0.065 Unch 606 2.340 2.700 23.16 20/12/2019 0.535 0.250 0.390 0.390 5152WA MBL-WA 0.390 -0.005 43.3 1.200 0.800 -0.83 28/11/2022
0.310 0.090 0.115 0.110 161982 DRBHCOMC82 0.115 Unch 90 2.340 2.100 4.49 29/11/2019 0.500 0.180 0.320 0.315 5983CI MBMR-CI 0.320 -0.005 149.9 3.980 3.880 13.57 11/02/2020
0.260 0.115 0.135 0.135 161983 DRBHCOMC83 0.135 0.005 7 2.340 2.100 12.82 29/05/2020 0.365 0.130 0.255 0.240 5983CJ MBMR-CJ 0.250 Unch 761.6 3.980 3.180 5.03 30/04/2020
0.180 0.055 0.055 0.055 161985 DRBHCOMC85 0.055 Unch 112 2.340 2.880 30.13 28/02/2020 0.185 0.110 0.115 0.110 5983CK MBMR-CK 0.115 Unch 91.9 3.980 4.600 28.58 31/03/2020
0.195 0.060 0.065 0.060 161986 DRBHCOMC86 0.060 -0.005 315 2.340 3.080 38.80 31/03/2020 0.200 0.145 0.150 0.145 5983CL MBMR-CL 0.150 Unch 450 3.980 4.380 25.13 27/04/2020
0.265 0.115 0.115 0.115 161987 DRBHCOMC87 0.115 Unch 40 2.340 2.480 20.73 30/04/2020 0.095 0.080 0.085 0.080 5983CM MBMR-CM 0.085 Unch 100 3.980 4.280 24.62 30/09/2020
0.210 0.075 0.075 0.075 161988 DRBHCOMC88 0.075 -0.005 80.2 2.340 2.880 32.69 08/05/2020 0.105 0.045 — — 5040WA MERIDIAN-WA 0.085 — — 0.070 0.500 735.71 13/08/2021
0.190 0.065 0.070 0.070 161989 DRBHCOMC89 0.070 Unch 230.2 2.340 2.700 24.36 30/06/2020 0.030 0.005 — — 5040WB MERIDIAN-WB 0.010 — — 0.070 0.900 1,200 22/04/2022
0.085 0.050 0.050 0.050 161990 DRBHCOMC90 0.050 Unch 1100 2.340 3.380 49.79 31/03/2020 0.035 0.005 — — 5040WC MERIDIAN-WC 0.015 — — 0.070 0.800 1,064 24/08/2024
0.125 0.095 0.095 0.095 161991 DRBHCOMC91 0.095 -0.010 200 2.340 2.880 35.26 28/08/2020 0.200 0.050 0.195 0.185 7234WA MESB-WA 0.195 0.010 81.5 0.405 0.300 22.22 27/12/2022
0.145 0.120 0.120 0.120 161992 DRBHCOMC92 0.120 Unch 306.2 2.340 2.300 15.21 16/03/2020 0.200 0.105 0.190 0.175 3069CE MFCB-CE 0.185 0.020 100 4.180 3.800 8.61 31/03/2020
0.470 0.050 0.430 0.415 5216WA DSONIC-WA 0.425 Unch 2438.1 0.910 1.090 66.48 05/07/2023 0.195 0.145 0.195 0.175 3069CF MFCB-CF 0.190 0.010 1365.2 4.180 3.880 11.00 16/03/2020
0.850 0.160 0.180 0.160 7165WA DWL-WA 0.170 -0.025 1208.5 0.525 0.600 46.67 07/04/2021 2.010 1.010 2.010 1.800 3069WA MFCB-WA 1.990 0.050 488.5 4.180 2.220 0.72 08/04/2020
0.090 0.025 0.035 0.025 5178WA DYNACIA-WA 0.035 Unch 26 0.080 0.120 93.75 26/12/2023 0.570 0.125 0.310 0.290 3662WC MFLOUR-WC 0.300 -0.010 162 0.615 0.680 59.35 23/01/2024
0.010 0.005 — — 0154WD EAH-WD 0.005 — — 0.010 0.050 450.00 25/10/2022 0.230 0.025 0.060 0.055 5286CD MI-CD 0.060 Unch 205.5 2.220 2.250 13.51 26/11/2019
0.320 0.070 0.180 0.180 5253WA ECONBHD-WA 0.180 Unch 1152.3 0.720 1.250 98.61 02/01/2023 0.175 0.160 0.170 0.170 381624 MISC-C24 0.170 -0.005 20 7.800 7.250 8.21 29/05/2020
0.030 0.005 0.010 0.005 8206CV ECOWLD-CV 0.005 -0.005 7184.9 0.635 0.880 40.16 30/04/2020 0.140 0.050 0.065 0.060 9571WE MITRA-WE 0.065 Unch 160 0.270 0.940 272.22 17/04/2023
0.300 0.120 0.145 0.140 8206WA ECOWLD-WA 0.145 Unch 113 0.635 2.080 250.39 26/03/2022 0.010 0.003 — — 0085WB MLAB-WB 0.005 — — 0.040 0.150 287.50 10/09/2020
0.080 0.030 0.045 0.045 7471WB EDEN-WB 0.045 Unch 252.3 0.140 0.300 146.43 13/08/2021 0.150 0.055 0.150 0.140 0034WB MMAG-WB 0.150 0.010 3630.9 0.360 0.200 -2.78 27/11/2022
0.150 0.080 0.080 0.080 8877C1 EKOVEST-C1 0.080 Unch 300 0.745 0.950 43.62 31/03/2020 0.014 0.005 — — 219413 MMCCORP-C13 0.005 — — 0.177 1.380 685.31 14/10/2019
0.095 0.025 0.025 0.025 8877CU EKOVEST-CU 0.025 -0.015 100 0.745 1.100 55.70 20/12/2019 0.025 0.005 0.010 0.005 0103WA MNC-WA 0.005 Unch 61.5 0.040 0.100 162.50 05/11/2021
0.165 0.065 0.065 0.065 8877CV EKOVEST-CV 0.065 -0.005 600 0.745 1.080 66.78 09/12/2019 0.070 0.020 0.020 0.020 0103WB MNC-WB 0.020 Unch 2729.4 0.040 0.060 100.00 05/09/2024
0.145 0.065 0.070 0.070 8877CX EKOVEST-CX 0.070 Unch 92 0.745 0.880 36.91 30/04/2020 0.025 0.005 0.005 0.005 0070WA MQTECH-WA 0.005 Unch 1705 0.025 0.100 320.00 21/11/2021
0.155 0.075 0.080 0.075 8877CY EKOVEST-CY 0.080 Unch 690 0.745 0.830 32.89 29/05/2020 0.105 0.045 0.055 0.055 165152 MRCB-C52 0.055 -0.005 400 0.705 0.980 49.15 30/04/2020
0.215 0.115 0.215 0.185 7249WB EWEIN-WB 0.195 -0.005 6093.9 0.625 0.800 59.20 24/09/2022 0.115 0.065 0.070 0.065 165154 MRCB-C54 0.065 -0.010 180 0.705 0.830 29.72 31/03/2020
0.260 0.090 0.100 0.090 5283WA EWINT-WA 0.100 Unch 705.5 0.640 1.450 142.19 04/04/2022 0.370 0.180 0.205 0.200 1651WB MRCB-WB 0.205 Unch 337.7 0.705 1.250 106.38 29/10/2027
0.110 0.005 0.010 0.005 06507B FBMKLCI-C7B 0.010 Unch 310 638.62 1,625 155.55 29/11/2019 0.025 0.005 — — 0092WB MTOUCHE-WB 0.005 — — 0.085 0.480 470.59 16/03/2020
0.155 0.030 0.030 0.030 06507C FBMKLCI-C7C 0.030 -0.010 335 867.95 1,770 104.97 31/12/2019 0.045 0.005 0.020 0.015 0092WC MTOUCHE-WC 0.020 0.005 1000.1 0.085 0.200 158.82 02/11/2020
0.215 0.050 0.050 0.050 06507E FBMKLCI-C7E 0.050 -0.015 550 1,564 1,660 7.73 31/01/2020 0.040 0.010 0.015 0.015 0043WA MTRONIC-WA 0.015 Unch 20 0.055 0.080 72.73 16/04/2022
0.080 0.005 0.010 0.005 06507F FBMKLCI-C7F 0.010 -0.005 290.4 644.95 1,670 160.02 31/12/2019 0.390 0.115 0.170 0.165 13860 MYEG-C60 0.165 Unch 100 1.420 1.100 0.70 29/11/2019
0.040 0.010 0.010 0.010 06507H FBMKLCI-C7H 0.010 -0.010 320 544.71 1,700 213.38 31/01/2020 0.240 0.065 0.065 0.065 13863 MYEG-C63 0.065 -0.005 170 1.420 1.200 -1.76 23/10/2019
0.070 0.035 0.035 0.035 06507L FBMKLCI-C7L 0.035 -0.005 347 1,564 1,600 3.86 28/02/2020 0.180 0.010 0.010 0.010 13868 MYEG-C68 0.010 Unch 100 1.420 1.850 31.90 31/10/2019
0.205 0.170 0.170 0.170 06507N FBMKLCI-C7N 0.170 -0.015 2195 1,564 1,640 8.11 31/03/2020 0.165 0.025 0.025 0.025 13869 MYEG-C69 0.025 -0.010 200 1.420 1.650 21.48 31/01/2020
0.045 0.040 0.045 0.040 06507O FBMKLCI-C7O 0.040 Unch 2342.2 1,564 1,590 3.45 31/03/2020 0.240 0.090 0.090 0.090 13871 MYEG-C71 0.090 Unch 80 1.420 1.350 7.75 29/11/2019
0.110 0.055 0.095 0.095 06508B FBMKLCI-H8B 0.095 0.005 5 1,564 1,618 9.52 31/01/2020 0.140 0.075 0.075 0.075 13877 MYEG-C77 0.075 Unch 740.1 1.420 1.750 38.03 31/03/2020
0.250 0.030 0.125 0.120 06508C FBMKLCI-H8C 0.120 0.010 136 1,564 1,650 10.86 31/10/2019 0.075 0.040 0.065 0.065 13878 MYEG-C78 0.065 -0.005 3100 1.420 1.980 53.17 28/02/2020
0.145 0.035 0.105 0.100 06508D FBMKLCI-H8D 0.105 0.015 257.9 1,564 1,625 8.59 29/11/2019 0.095 0.045 0.045 0.045 13879 MYEG-C79 0.045 Unch 450 1.420 2.080 55.35 31/03/2020
0.330 0.210 0.295 0.295 06508F FBMKLCI-H8F 0.295 0.010 148 1,564 1,610 8.60 31/12/2019 0.045 0.035 0.040 0.035 0041WA MYSCM-WA 0.035 Unch 2458.1 0.170 0.250 67.65 22/09/2024
0.210 0.120 0.205 0.205 06508G FBMKLCI-H8G 0.205 0.035 10 1,564 1,640 11.41 31/01/2020 0.305 0.170 0.190 0.190 0108WB N2N-WB 0.190 Unch 1.2 0.710 0.830 43.66 08/01/2024
0.185 0.070 0.175 0.170 06508H FBMKLCI-H8H 0.170 0.010 64 1,564 1,670 14.38 31/12/2019 0.008 0.003 — — 0096WA NEXGRAM-WA 0.005 — — 0.015 0.100 600.00 16/05/2022
0.175 0.105 0.155 0.155 06508K FBMKLCI-H8K 0.155 0.010 312 1,564 1,689 17.89 30/06/2020 0.010 0.005 — — 0096WB NEXGRAM-WB 0.005 — — 0.015 0.260 1,667 21/07/2023
0.130 0.065 0.095 0.095 06508L FBMKLCI-H8L 0.095 0.005 12.5 1,564 1,589 7.67 30/06/2020 0.015 0.005 — — 0096WC NEXGRAM-WC 0.005 — — 0.015 0.100 600.00 15/01/2024
0.320 0.285 0.320 0.315 06508P FBMKLCI-H8P 0.320 0.025 38 1,564 1,580 7.16 31/03/2020 0.335 0.100 0.130 0.125 7241WA NGGB-WA 0.125 Unch 38 0.390 0.600 85.90 18/10/2020
0.105 0.105 0.105 0.105 06508Q FBMKLCI-H8Q 0.105 Unch 79 1,564 1,590 6.36 31/03/2020 0.045 0.010 0.025 0.025 7139WB NICE-WB 0.025 Unch 30 0.055 0.060 54.55 22/01/2024
0.575 0.055 0.075 0.055 522267 FGV-C67 0.065 -0.020 932 0.845 0.800 2.37 31/10/2019 0.095 0.045 0.055 0.050 7215WB NIHSIN-WB 0.055 0.005 946.5 0.170 0.138 13.53 13/05/2022
0.150 0.015 0.015 0.015 522276 FGV-C76 0.015 -0.005 619.1 0.845 1.150 39.64 28/02/2020 0.375 0.150 0.175 0.175 0083WC NOTION-WC 0.175 Unch 3 0.515 0.840 97.09 14/03/2023
0.085 0.015 0.015 0.015 522278 FGV-C78 0.015 -0.005 839.9 0.845 1.180 44.44 31/01/2020 0.150 0.060 0.110 0.100 0172WA OCK-WA 0.110 Unch 1950.8 0.595 0.710 37.82 15/12/2020
0.130 0.045 0.045 0.045 522280 FGV-C80 0.045 -0.005 260 0.845 1.050 32.25 30/06/2020 0.100 0.015 0.025 0.020 7071WC OCR-WC 0.025 Unch 100.1 0.260 0.500 101.92 24/07/2021
0.135 0.085 0.090 0.085 522281 FGV-C81 0.085 -0.010 1920 0.845 0.950 26.51 31/03/2020 0.125 0.045 0.060 0.060 7071WD OCR-WD 0.060 Unch 230 0.260 0.220 7.69 18/02/2022
0.195 0.125 0.190 0.180 0128CA FRONTKN-CA 0.190 0.005 900 1.750 1.380 11.43 30/06/2020 0.145 0.030 0.055 0.055 0079WA ORION-WA 0.055 -0.005 1634.5 0.095 0.170 136.84 26/07/2022
0.145 0.090 0.135 0.130 0128CB FRONTKN-CB 0.135 -0.005 1520 1.750 1.680 19.14 30/06/2020 0.110 0.020 0.025 0.025 5053WC OSK-WC 0.025 Unch 265.6 0.960 1.200 27.60 22/07/2020
0.155 0.100 0.150 0.150 0128CC FRONTKN-CC 0.150 -0.005 200 1.750 1.880 28.86 11/02/2020 0.365 0.100 0.160 0.155 5260WA OWG-WA 0.160 0.005 51.8 0.515 0.800 86.41 29/09/2023
0.110 0.070 0.090 0.090 0128CD FRONTKN-CD 0.090 Unch 315 1.750 1.880 22.86 31/03/2020 0.240 0.180 0.210 0.190 8419WA PANSAR-WA 0.210 Unch 135.8 0.580 0.630 44.83 06/06/2023
0.100 0.075 0.085 0.085 0128CF FRONTKN-CF 0.085 -0.005 823.5 1.750 2.180 39.14 16/03/2020 0.150 0.045 0.070 0.065 5125WA PANTECH-WA 0.070 -0.005 45 0.490 0.500 16.33 21/12/2020
0.450 0.075 0.185 0.180 9261WB GADANG-WB 0.185 -0.005 400.3 0.645 1.060 93.02 29/11/2021 0.160 0.060 0.110 0.100 5125WB PANTECH-WB 0.110 0.010 38 0.490 0.500 24.49 21/12/2021
0.280 0.110 0.175 0.170 539867 GAMUDA-C67 0.170 -0.015 100.6 3.600 3.000 2.22 31/01/2020 0.305 0.185 0.210 0.200 1724WA PARAMON-WA 0.205 -0.010 228 1.350 1.790 47.78 28/07/2024
0.260 0.120 0.135 0.135 539869 GAMUDA-C69 0.135 -0.010 65.4 3.600 3.250 5.28 29/11/2019 0.055 0.025 0.030 0.025 7225WB PA-WB 0.030 Unch 13 0.055 0.060 63.64 17/12/2022
0.125 0.100 0.105 0.100 539876 GAMUDA-C76 0.100 -0.010 160 3.600 4.000 23.61 30/04/2020 0.150 0.005 — — 129530 PBBANK-C30 0.005 — — 2.332 26.500 1,040 23/10/2019
0.470 0.125 0.270 0.250 5398WE GAMUDA-WE 0.270 Unch 1061.2 3.600 4.050 20.00 06/03/2021 0.100 0.005 0.010 0.005 129533 PBBANK-C33 0.010 0.005 690.5 13.414 23.000 72.58 31/01/2020
0.520 0.135 0.380 0.370 5226WB GBGAQRS-WB 0.380 0.005 176.8 1.250 1.120 20.00 26/09/2023 0.265 0.010 0.010 0.010 129535 PBBANK-C35 0.010 -0.010 100 9.680 23.280 141.53 09/12/2019
0.225 0.065 0.160 0.150 5102CB GCB-CB 0.160 0.020 105 4.360 3.650 0.23 23/10/2019 0.095 0.015 0.015 0.015 129536 PBBANK-C36 0.015 -0.010 50 11.616 25.000 116.64 31/03/2020
0.170 0.045 0.110 0.110 5102CC GCB-CC 0.110 0.015 10 4.360 3.880 1.61 29/11/2019 0.115 0.055 0.055 0.055 129537 PBBANK-C37 0.055 -0.020 275.8 19.280 21.880 16.91 31/03/2020
0.200 0.040 0.045 0.045 5102CE GCB-CE 0.045 Unch 100 4.360 4.180 0.00 07/10/2019 0.150 0.070 0.075 0.070 129538 PBBANK-C38 0.070 -0.020 220 19.280 20.500 10.68 15/05/2020
0.250 0.050 0.210 0.185 5102CF GCB-CF 0.210 0.035 193 4.360 3.500 -0.46 14/10/2019 0.085 0.040 0.040 0.040 129539 PBBANK-C39 0.040 -0.045 200 19.280 22.000 16.60 29/05/2020
0.180 0.130 0.180 0.155 5102CG GCB-CG 0.175 0.015 960.7 4.360 4.100 14.11 15/05/2020 0.315 0.035 0.145 0.140 6068WA PCCS-WA 0.140 Unch 875.8 0.405 0.600 82.72 25/12/2022
0.145 0.110 0.145 0.140 5102CH GCB-CH 0.145 0.015 546.7 4.360 4.380 16.09 31/03/2020 0.115 0.005 — — 518331 PCHEM-C31 0.005 — — 2.510 9.150 265.94 31/12/2019
0.155 0.110 0.155 0.140 5102CI GCB-CI 0.155 0.020 1510 4.360 4.100 11.81 13/04/2020 0.085 0.010 0.010 0.010 518333 PCHEM-C33 0.010 Unch 300 7.470 8.880 20.08 31/01/2020
0.190 0.020 0.025 0.020 0078WB GDEX-WB 0.025 Unch 241.3 0.280 0.383 45.54 05/02/2020 0.075 0.020 0.030 0.030 518334 PCHEM-C34 0.030 -0.005 151 7.470 8.880 22.09 30/06/2020
0.300 0.015 0.015 0.015 471550 GENM-C50 0.015 -0.005 654.8 2.990 3.077 4.36 31/10/2019 0.170 0.090 0.140 0.135 518338 PCHEM-C38 0.140 0.005 32.3 7.470 6.950 8.03 15/05/2020
0.250 0.045 0.050 0.045 471557 GENM-C57 0.050 Unch 578 2.990 3.300 17.06 28/02/2020 0.120 0.095 0.095 0.095 518339 PCHEM-C39 0.095 -0.005 300 7.470 7.600 11.91 29/05/2020
0.185 0.005 0.005 0.005 471558 GENM-C58 0.005 Unch 285.6 1.515 3.650 141.98 31/10/2019 0.185 0.115 0.150 0.145 518340 PCHEM-C40 0.150 Unch 65.8 7.470 7.300 9.77 31/03/2020
0.050 0.025 0.025 0.025 471561 GENM-C61 0.025 Unch 2 2.990 4.300 47.16 30/04/2020 0.195 0.055 0.075 0.055 9997WB PENSONI-WB 0.075 Unch 10.2 0.400 0.600 68.75 20/01/2024
0.150 0.110 0.110 0.110 471563 GENM-C63 0.110 -0.005 6520.1 2.990 3.400 27.69 30/04/2020 0.540 0.195 0.515 0.485 7160CA PENTA-CA 0.515 0.050 43 4.680 2.700 1.71 29/05/2020
0.090 0.055 0.055 0.055 471564 GENM-C64 0.055 -0.005 2 2.990 3.400 21.07 15/05/2020 0.475 0.170 0.475 0.475 7160CB PENTA-CB 0.475 0.015 1 4.680 2.920 2.99 29/05/2020
0.145 0.105 0.105 0.105 471565 GENM-C65 0.105 -0.005 2986.2 2.990 2.900 11.04 29/05/2020 0.430 0.160 0.405 0.400 7160CC PENTA-CC 0.405 0.035 23 4.680 3.400 2.94 31/01/2020
0.105 0.075 0.075 0.075 471566 GENM-C66 0.075 -0.010 10 2.990 3.080 18.06 28/08/2020 0.300 0.115 0.300 0.260 7160CD PENTA-CD 0.300 0.030 923.8 4.680 3.500 3.63 20/02/2020
0.110 0.080 0.080 0.080 471567 GENM-C67 0.080 -0.005 1000 2.990 3.300 21.07 27/04/2020 0.385 0.125 0.370 0.325 7160CE PENTA-CE 0.370 0.040 2766.2 4.680 3.400 4.27 28/02/2020
0.165 0.010 0.010 0.010 318268 GENTINGC68 0.010 -0.010 400 2.850 6.600 133.33 29/11/2019 0.330 0.110 0.315 0.275 7160CF PENTA-CF 0.315 0.045 259.7 4.680 3.880 6.46 16/03/2020
0.130 0.020 0.020 0.020 318270 GENTINGC70 0.020 -0.010 350 5.690 6.700 20.21 30/04/2020 0.325 0.145 0.320 0.280 7160CG PENTA-CG 0.315 0.035 503 4.680 4.080 9.39 13/03/2020
0.150 0.025 0.025 0.025 318272 GENTINGC72 0.025 Unch 3548 5.690 6.680 20.04 14/02/2020 0.110 0.005 0.010 0.005 8311WC PESONA-WC 0.010 0.005 345 0.200 0.250 30.00 27/01/2020
0.130 0.060 0.060 0.060 318273 GENTINGC73 0.060 -0.010 70 5.690 6.880 25.45 31/03/2020 0.120 0.015 0.030 0.030 6033CT PETGAS-CT 0.030 -0.005 1 16.400 17.880 11.77 31/01/2020
0.100 0.070 0.070 0.070 318275 GENTINGC75 0.070 Unch 10 5.690 6.300 18.10 15/05/2020 0.160 0.075 0.100 0.100 886927 PMETAL-C27 0.100 -0.015 0.2 4.690 4.300 2.35 31/12/2019
0.100 0.085 0.085 0.085 318276 GENTINGC76 0.085 -0.005 10 5.690 6.080 18.80 28/08/2020 0.130 0.090 0.095 0.090 886931 PMETAL-C31 0.090 -0.015 30.2 4.690 5.000 14.29 30/06/2020
0.110 0.110 0.110 0.110 318278 GENTINGC78 0.110 Unch 30 5.690 5.750 10.72 30/07/2020 0.150 0.115 0.120 0.115 886933 PMETAL-C33 0.115 -0.010 320 4.690 4.600 10.34 15/05/2020
0.245 0.085 0.090 0.085 0039WC GFM-WC 0.090 -0.005 450.4 0.335 0.380 40.30 28/01/2022 0.105 0.085 0.085 0.085 886934 PMETAL-C34 0.085 Unch 100 4.690 5.100 17.80 29/05/2020
0.170 0.040 0.070 0.050 5220WA GLOTEC-WA 0.065 0.015 71.7 0.400 0.720 96.25 17/12/2021 0.620 0.395 0.530 0.530 7088WB POHUAT-WB 0.530 -0.005 2.5 1.530 1.000 0.00 21/10/2020
0.280 0.050 0.280 0.270 0082WB GPACKET-WB 0.270 -0.005 58983 0.710 0.400 -5.63 24/11/2023 0.240 0.005 0.010 0.005 463433 POS-C33 0.010 Unch 630.2 1.700 2.000 18.82 31/10/2019
0.070 0.015 0.040 0.035 7096WA GPA-WA 0.040 Unch 2078.4 0.105 0.100 33.33 03/06/2025 0.105 0.005 0.005 0.005 463434 POS-C34 0.005 Unch 20 1.700 2.380 41.18 29/11/2019
0.200 0.065 0.175 0.160 7022C1 GTRONIC-C1 0.160 -0.020 1642.9 2.040 1.880 7.84 14/02/2020 0.115 0.025 0.040 0.035 463435 POS-C35 0.040 Unch 1363.1 1.700 1.900 21.18 20/12/2019
0.130 0.020 0.030 0.030 7022CV GTRONIC-CV 0.030 -0.020 112 2.040 2.000 3.92 23/10/2019 0.230 0.170 0.210 0.210 463436 POS-C36 0.210 -0.015 50 1.700 1.680 23.53 28/08/2020
0.125 0.065 0.105 0.100 7022CX GTRONIC-CX 0.100 -0.015 55 2.040 2.080 16.67 06/01/2020 0.130 0.105 0.120 0.110 463438 POS-C38 0.120 0.005 820 1.700 1.700 21.18 31/03/2020
Markets 2 9

Australian — Shares lose nearly A$44 The big four banks were among the top The ADP National Employment Report such moving averages means the indexes
billlion in value as global risks hammer drags, with National Australia Bank (NAB) showed private payrolls growth in August was are likely to fall further.
sentiment losing 3.5%. The other three closed between not as strong as previously estimated, and The S&P 500 is now about 5% below its
2.4% and 2.8% lower. Morgan Stanley said “businesses have turned more cautious all-time high hit in July after coming within
SDYNEY: Australian shares dropped more downgraded NAB, and warned that all the in their hiring,” with small enterprises striking distance of the mark two weeks
than 2% yesterday, losing about A$44 billion in major banks should lower their payout ratios becoming “especially hesitant.” ago. Over the past 12 months, the S&P 500
value, as Washington’s move to slap tariffs on and target higher capital levels instead. That added to fears sparked on Tuesday when is down about 1%.
Europe and weak US data added to escalating Energy and mining stocks were also a report showed US factory activity contracted The Dow dropped 1.86% to 26,078.62 points,
fears over slowing global economic growth. among top losers on sustained weakness to its lowest level in more than a decade. while the S&P 500 lost 1.79% to 2,887.61.The
The S&P/ASX 200 Index dived 2.22% or in oil prices and commodities. Global miners “The fact the manufacturing side of the Nasdaq Composite fell 1.56% to 7,785.25.
146.9 points to 6,493, its lowest close in over BHP Group and Rio Tinto lost 3.2% and 4.2%. economy in the US and globally is doing Volume on US exchanges was eight billion
a month. Gold stocks saw support on safe-haven badly shouldn’t come as a newsflash to shares, compared with the 7.3 billion average
Overnight, the US said it will slap tariffs on buying, with Newcrest Mining up 2.8%. anybody. But the extent of the miss yesterday for the full session over the last 20 trading days.
US$7.5 billion worth of goods from the European Elsewhere, agricultural firm Webster Ltd is something that’s driven this two-day move,” The Cboe Volatility Index, an options-
Union, threatening to spark a transatlantic trade surged 54% to a near 16-month high after said Greg Boutle, head of US equity and based gauge of investor anxiety, rose 1.9
war as global markets grapple with the more it received an A$854 million takeover offer derivative strategy at BNP Paribas. points to 20.47, its highest in about a month.
than year-long US-China trade tussle. from shareholder PSP Investments. The recent weak data has shaken investor Activision Blizzard Inc dropped 1.2%
Also originating from the US was two faith in the strength of the domestic economy, after Bernstein downgraded the videogame
straight days of weak data — in the form of US — Wall Street tumbles as trade war which had shown relative resilience in the face maker’s shares to “market perform.”
manufacturing and private jobs figures — threatens US economy of slowing global growth. Confidence in the US Ford Motor Co shares fell 3.3% after the
with investors now awaiting today’s non-farm economy has helped support Wall Street this year. carmaker reported a fall of about 5% in US
payrolls for further clues about the health NEW YORK: Wall Street’s main indices “If China buys less from us, we have less auto sales for the third quarter. General
of the world’s largest economy. suffered their sharpest one-day declines to manufacture, fewer orders to fill. This Motors Co slumped 4% after its quarterly
“Numbers out of the US need to improve in in nearly six weeks on Wednesday after data is indicating we are not immune to this sales came in slightly short of US car
the next couple of months for investors to feel employment and manufacturing data trade dispute, that it’s hurting us as well as shopping website Edmunds’ forecast.
more confident that a recession is not around suggested that the US-China trade war is China,” said Sam Stovall, chief investment Among bright spots, homebuilder Lennar
the corner,” said Michael Gable, the managing taking an increasing toll on the US economy. strategist at CFRA Research. Corp rose 3.8% after the company reported a
director at Sydney-based Fairmont Equities. Adding to trade concerns, the United The focus is now on the US Labor better-than-expected profit as cheaper mortgage
Concerns about the state of the world States won approval on Wednesday to levy Department’s more comprehensive jobs rates led to higher demand for its homes.
economy led to a broad sell-off in Australia, import tariffs on US$7.5 billion worth of report today for further clues on the health Johnson & Johnson gained 1.5% after the
with gold stocks the only bright spot as European goods over illegal European Union of the US economy. drugmaker said it will pay US$20 million to
investors sought safe-havens. subsidies handed to Airbus , threatening to The S&P 500 and the Dow Jones Industrial settle claims by two Ohio counties, allowing
Just 15 out of the 200 stocks on the benchmark trigger a tit-for-tat transatlantic trade war. Average slipped below their 100-day moving it to avoid an upcoming federal trial seeking
ended the session in positive territory, with All 11 major S&P sector indices fell, with averages for the first time in about a month. to hold the industry responsible for the
financial stocks dominating losses. energy and financials each down more than 2%. Many investors believe that falling below nation’s opioid epidemic. — Reuters

ASX 200 FT Straits Times Dow Jones Euro STOXX 50 Index

Index points Index points Index points Index points
6900 3700 27500 3900

6040 3375 23025 3415

5180 3050 18550 2930

-146.90 2725 3,087.97 14075 26,078.62 2445 3,413.31
(-2.21%) -104.94
-15.48 -494.42
4,686.53 (-0.50%) (-1.86%) (-2.98%)
3460 2400 9600 1960
Mar 1, 2010 Oct 3, 2019 Mar 1, 2010 Oct 3, 2019 Mar 1, 2010 Oct 2, 2019 Mar 1, 2010 Oct 2, 2019

Bursa Malaysia Equity Derivatives

Main Market & Ace Market Warrants
0.225 0.190 0.200 0.200 463439 POS-C39 0.200 Unch 50 1.700 1.300 11.76 30/04/2020 0.460 0.040 0.060 0.055 7252WA TEOSENG-WA 0.060 0.010 89.5 1.160 1.350 21.55 29/01/2020
0.080 0.065 0.065 0.065 463440 POS-C40 0.065 Unch 1200 1.700 1.880 25.88 13/04/2020 0.105 0.030 0.035 0.030 7889WB THRIVEN-WB 0.030 -0.005 117.4 0.180 0.480 183.33 05/10/2020
0.075 0.070 0.070 0.070 463442 POS-C42 0.070 Unch 210 1.700 2.300 45.59 30/04/2020 0.025 0.005 — — 7079WC TIGER-WC 0.015 — — 0.055 0.320 509.09 11/02/2021
0.210 0.040 0.190 0.175 8966WA PRLEXUS-WA 0.190 0.005 1489.7 0.820 1.200 69.51 14/06/2021 0.255 0.040 0.045 0.040 486342 TM-C42 0.045 Unch 20 3.480 3.580 9.34 04/11/2019
0.080 0.010 0.020 0.015 7145WA PSIPTEK-WA 0.020 -0.005 1179.6 0.115 0.100 4.35 16/11/2019 0.485 0.170 0.205 0.205 486343 TM-C43 0.205 Unch 0.2 3.480 2.800 4.02 31/03/2020
0.135 0.025 0.035 0.030 0186WA PTRANS-WA 0.030 Unch 221 0.205 0.235 29.27 19/09/2020 0.230 0.050 0.050 0.050 486348 TM-C48 0.050 Unch 100.2 3.480 3.750 14.94 30/04/2020
0.120 0.035 0.035 0.035 0007WA PUC-WA 0.035 -0.005 10 0.065 0.100 107.69 25/12/2024 0.210 0.040 0.040 0.040 486350 TM-C50 0.040 -0.005 70 3.480 4.600 37.36 31/01/2020
0.390 0.100 0.120 0.110 7134WA PWF-WA 0.120 0.010 70 0.730 0.620 1.37 20/07/2021 0.150 0.015 0.015 0.015 486353 TM-C53 0.015 Unch 7992.3 3.480 4.680 36.64 28/02/2020
0.760 0.210 0.695 0.690 7237WA PWROOT-WA 0.690 -0.010 35 2.100 1.540 6.19 24/07/2023 0.125 0.085 0.085 0.085 486357 TM-C57 0.085 -0.005 18.5 3.480 3.880 23.71 15/05/2020
0.105 0.040 0.045 0.040 7084CN QL-CN 0.040 -0.015 402.4 7.100 7.000 1.97 29/11/2019 0.100 0.075 0.075 0.075 486358 TM-C58 0.075 Unch 120 3.480 4.180 30.89 29/05/2020
0.070 0.005 — — 7498WB RALCO-WB 0.005 — — 0.230 1.000 336.96 13/12/2019 0.175 0.140 0.140 0.140 486359 TM-C59 0.140 -0.005 20 3.480 3.550 20.11 31/03/2020
0.135 0.040 0.045 0.045 5256WA REACH-WA 0.045 Unch 232.5 0.190 0.750 318.42 12/08/2022 0.100 0.005 0.005 0.005 711348 TOPGLOV-C48 0.005 Unch 100 2.310 5.000 117.75 29/11/2019
0.730 0.330 0.660 0.630 0200WA REVENUE-WA 0.650 0.005 1290.1 1.530 1.250 24.18 14/01/2024 0.145 0.100 0.100 0.100 711361 TOPGLOV-C61 0.100 -0.010 5.5 4.480 4.680 15.63 28/02/2020
0.115 0.015 0.035 0.030 106613 RHBBANKC13 0.030 -0.005 150 5.580 5.600 3.05 29/11/2019 0.260 0.075 0.110 0.095 7173WB TOYOINK-WB 0.105 Unch 378.8 0.660 1.500 143.18 06/11/2023
0.110 0.015 0.030 0.020 106616 RHBBANKC16 0.020 -0.010 1104 5.580 5.500 0.72 14/10/2019 0.010 0.005 — — 0118WB TRIVE-WB 0.005 — — 0.015 0.090 533.33 28/08/2020
0.105 0.055 0.060 0.060 8567WB SALCON-WB 0.060 Unch 664 0.230 0.300 56.52 19/07/2025 0.085 0.030 0.030 0.030 514871 UEMS-C71 0.030 Unch 230 0.675 0.780 22.22 28/02/2020
0.100 0.020 0.020 0.020 521876 SAPNRGC76 0.020 Unch 38.2 0.265 0.420 69.06 31/01/2020 0.085 0.015 0.015 0.015 500516 UNISEM-C16 0.015 Unch 50 2.070 3.500 71.26 06/01/2020
0.145 0.040 0.095 0.095 521879 SAPNRGC79 0.095 -0.005 210 0.265 0.300 31.13 31/07/2020 0.090 0.030 0.045 0.040 0060WB VC-WB 0.045 0.005 841.1 0.155 0.150 25.81 06/05/2024
0.080 0.060 0.060 0.060 521880 SAPNRGC80 0.060 -0.010 100 0.265 0.280 28.30 28/08/2020 0.170 0.050 0.115 0.110 5243WA VELESTO-WA 0.110 -0.005 2764.8 0.315 0.395 60.32 18/10/2024
0.180 0.085 0.115 0.110 5218WA SAPNRG-WA 0.110 Unch 11568.2 0.265 0.490 126.42 23/01/2026 0.355 0.100 0.115 0.115 0120WB VIS-WB 0.115 Unch 323 0.405 0.750 113.58 16/11/2022
0.170 0.050 0.050 0.050 5157WA SAUDEE-WA 0.050 Unch 70 0.265 0.500 107.55 31/03/2021 0.010 0.005 — — 0069WC VIVOCOM-WC 0.005 — — 0.020 0.070 275.00 22/01/2020
0.170 0.015 0.165 0.130 7247WA SCGM-WA 0.155 0.015 791.7 1.210 3.960 240.08 31/07/2020 0.005 0.001 — — 0069WD VIVOCOM-WD 0.005 — — 0.020 0.070 275.00 08/07/2020
0.075 0.020 0.025 0.025 0161WA SCH-WA 0.025 -0.005 50 0.100 0.100 25.00 04/12/2021 0.010 0.005 0.010 0.005 0069WE VIVOCOM-WE 0.010 0.005 20432.3 0.020 0.050 200.00 22/08/2023
0.175 0.120 0.170 0.165 4731CG SCIENTX-CG 0.170 Unch 413.6 9.020 8.200 5.99 29/05/2020 0.670 0.310 0.435 0.380 7070WC VIZIONE-WC 0.435 0.040 277.6 0.905 0.700 25.41 05/02/2022
0.065 0.005 0.030 0.025 7158WB SCOMI-WB 0.030 0.005 356.5 0.075 0.210 220.00 18/02/2023 0.105 0.040 0.050 0.050 696316 VS-C16 0.050 0.005 28.2 1.320 1.200 0.38 14/10/2019
0.540 0.370 0.495 0.490 0001WA SCOMNET-WA 0.490 -0.005 18.3 0.815 0.650 39.88 19/06/2024 0.135 0.075 0.110 0.105 696319 VS-C19 0.110 Unch 257.5 1.320 1.250 15.53 31/01/2020
0.060 0.010 0.030 0.025 7073WC SEACERA-WC 0.030 0.005 3080.3 0.250 1.000 312.00 21/01/2021 0.155 0.080 0.125 0.125 696320 VS-C20 0.125 -0.005 3 1.320 1.280 15.91 30/06/2020
0.420 0.185 0.410 0.385 7180WA SERN-WA 0.400 Unch 246.9 0.800 0.400 0.00 20/03/2023 0.105 0.060 0.090 0.090 696321 VS-C21 0.090 Unch 200 1.320 1.280 17.42 11/02/2020
0.100 0.040 0.045 0.045 7246WA SIGN-WA 0.045 Unch 159.6 0.475 0.970 113.68 21/04/2021 0.115 0.090 0.095 0.095 696322 VS-C22 0.095 Unch 83.2 1.320 1.420 21.97 29/05/2020
0.110 0.010 0.010 0.010 419735 SIME-C35 0.010 -0.015 30 2.290 2.500 10.39 31/10/2019 0.105 0.080 0.085 0.085 696323 VS-C23 0.085 Unch 460 1.320 1.400 23.45 30/04/2020
0.009 0.005 — — 5285CK SIMEPLT-CK 0.005 — — 0.377 6.180 1,547 07/10/2019 0.170 0.110 — — 967920 WCT-C20 0.120 — — 0.880 1.060 47.73 29/05/2020
0.075 0.055 0.075 0.075 7155CT SKPRES-CT 0.075 Unch 0.1 1.100 1.200 27.50 31/03/2020 0.200 0.045 0.055 0.050 9679WE WCT-WE 0.050 -0.005 294.9 0.880 2.080 142.05 27/08/2020
0.115 0.050 0.065 0.050 9776WC SMCAP-WC 0.065 0.010 22.1 0.145 0.200 82.76 29/08/2023 0.180 0.085 0.090 0.090 0197WA WEGMANS-WA 0.090 Unch 50 0.265 0.300 47.17 13/01/2022
0.135 0.040 0.105 0.065 5242WA SOLID-WA 0.100 0.030 4765.9 0.335 0.210 -7.46 16/12/2020 0.180 0.050 0.090 0.080 0162WA WIDAD-WA 0.085 0.005 2871.6 0.295 0.350 47.46 05/08/2023
0.055 0.025 0.025 0.025 0093WA SOLUTN-WA 0.025 Unch 25 0.080 0.200 181.25 04/07/2021 0.160 0.135 — — 5246C1 WPRTS-C1 0.140 — — 4.190 4.000 7.16 23/01/2020
0.185 0.090 0.120 0.110 0080WA STRAITS-WA 0.120 Unch 1269 0.215 0.115 9.30 10/08/2022 0.120 0.080 — — 5246C2 WPRTS-C2 0.100 — — 4.190 4.000 5.01 29/05/2020
0.040 0.005 0.010 0.005 1201WA SUMATEC-WA 0.010 -0.005 3438.6 0.010 0.320 3,200 03/03/2021 0.125 0.040 — — 5246CZ WPRTS-CZ 0.040 — — 4.190 4.180 3.10 14/10/2019
0.450 0.210 0.380 0.370 5211WB SUNWAY-WB 0.370 -0.010 726.2 1.690 1.790 27.81 03/10/2024 0.165 0.070 0.120 0.115 7245WA WZSATU-WA 0.120 0.005 552.5 0.235 0.380 112.77 28/10/2024
0.200 0.075 0.105 0.105 710669 SUPERMX-C69 0.105 0.005 26.1 1.590 1.450 4.40 28/02/2020 0.030 0.005 — — 5156WD XDL-WD 0.010 — — 0.085 0.180 123.53 17/01/2022
0.065 0.040 0.045 0.040 710673 SUPERMX-C73 0.045 0.005 320 1.590 1.800 20.28 11/02/2020 0.150 0.005 — — 7003WA Y&G-WA 0.005 — — 0.045 1.000 2,133 16/11/2019
0.140 0.100 0.115 0.110 710675 SUPERMX-C75 0.115 Unch 160 1.590 1.500 13.87 31/03/2020 0.240 0.140 — — 7293C1 YINSON-C1 0.140 — — 6.610 6.600 12.56 31/01/2020
0.135 0.055 0.070 0.065 7186WB SWSCAP-WB 0.070 -0.005 51 0.650 0.900 49.23 19/07/2023 0.135 0.075 — — 7293C2 YINSON-C2 0.075 — — 6.610 6.750 10.06 29/05/2020
0.040 0.005 — — 7082WB SYF-WB 0.005 — — 0.195 0.700 261.54 11/11/2019 0.155 0.065 — — 7293C3 YINSON-C3 0.065 — — 6.610 7.800 24.39 20/02/2020
0.045 0.015 0.025 0.020 1538WB SYMLIFE-WB 0.025 Unch 1.7 0.385 0.790 111.69 11/11/2020 0.160 0.110 — — 7293C4 YINSON-C4 0.110 — — 6.610 6.880 19.06 30/04/2020
0.435 0.050 0.260 0.250 6139CC TAKAFUL-CC 0.250 Unch 20.5 6.000 4.600 1.67 29/11/2019 0.125 0.070 — — 7293C5 YINSON-C5 0.070 — — 6.610 7.880 27.69 08/05/2020
0.450 0.120 0.285 0.285 6139CD TAKAFUL-CD 0.285 Unch 0.1 6.000 4.400 1.83 29/11/2019 0.575 0.095 0.440 0.430 7293CW YINSON-CW 0.430 -0.040 25 6.610 4.350 -1.66 31/12/2019
0.320 0.065 0.140 0.110 6139CE TAKAFUL-CE 0.125 Unch 520.5 6.000 5.300 0.83 31/01/2020 0.130 0.095 — — 7293CX YINSON-CX 0.395 — — 6.610 5.280 9.76 07/10/2019
0.190 0.030 0.030 0.030 6139CF TAKAFUL-CF 0.030 -0.005 15 6.000 6.800 16.33 26/11/2019 0.425 0.065 0.305 0.305 7293CY YINSON-CY 0.305 -0.015 21 6.610 4.750 -0.45 14/10/2019
0.125 0.025 0.040 0.040 6139CG TAKAFUL-CG 0.040 Unch 180 6.000 7.700 32.00 28/02/2020 0.470 0.285 0.295 0.295 7293CZ YINSON-CZ 0.295 -0.005 200 6.610 5.500 3.29 23/01/2020
0.045 0.025 0.035 0.035 6139CH TAKAFUL-CH 0.035 -0.005 6 6.000 6.680 15.42 08/05/2020 0.035 0.005 — — 7020WB YKGI-WB 0.005 — — 0.100 0.500 405.00 28/05/2020
0.070 0.055 0.055 0.055 6139CI TAKAFUL-CI 0.055 -0.010 20 6.000 7.000 22.17 16/03/2020 0.475 0.025 — — 7066WA YONGTAI-WA 0.035 — — 0.190 0.500 181.58 24/06/2020
0.145 0.110 0.145 0.130 6139CJ TAKAFUL-CJ 0.130 0.005 67.2 6.000 6.200 14.17 31/03/2020 0.130 0.005 — — 467723 YTL-C23 0.005 — — 0.498 1.250 152.01 29/11/2019
0.105 0.090 0.105 0.090 6139CK TAKAFUL-CK 0.090 Unch 110 6.000 6.000 7.50 30/07/2020 0.180 0.145 — — 467725 YTL-C25 0.180 — — 0.920 1.100 39.13 29/11/2019
0.055 0.030 0.045 0.040 7097WA TAWIN-WA 0.040 -0.005 14.8 0.105 0.200 128.57 05/08/2022 0.150 0.025 0.025 0.025 467726 YTL-C26 0.025 Unch 200 0.920 1.180 33.70 31/03/2020
0.170 0.030 0.130 0.130 534757 TENAGA-C57 0.130 Unch 7.2 13.580 12.600 2.36 31/01/2020 0.075 0.040 — — 467727 YTL-C27 0.040 — — 0.920 1.280 47.83 09/12/2019
0.240 0.100 0.130 0.130 534758 TENAGA-C58 0.130 Unch 10 13.580 12.500 1.62 23/12/2019 0.045 0.010 — — 467728 YTL-C28 0.030 — — 0.920 1.080 25.54 08/05/2020
0.195 0.120 0.130 0.130 534759 TENAGA-C59 0.130 -0.005 200 13.580 13.200 6.77 06/01/2020 0.125 0.015 — — 6742C8 YTLPOWR-C8 0.015 — — 0.775 0.900 18.06 29/11/2019
0.165 0.105 0.125 0.125 534760 TENAGA-C60 0.125 -0.005 100 13.580 12.800 3.46 30/04/2020 0.020 0.005 — — 6742C9 YTLPOWR-C9 0.005 — — 0.775 1.080 40.65 04/11/2019
0.130 0.085 0.090 0.085 534764 TENAGA-C64 0.090 Unch 680 13.580 13.880 10.16 08/05/2020
0.140 0.115 0.125 0.125 534766 TENAGA-C66 0.125 -0.005 310 13.580 13.580 11.97 31/03/2020
Please refer to the Bursa Malaysia website for the prices of loan stocks, bonds and overseas structure warrants
3 0 Markets FR I DAY OC TOB ER 4, 2 0 1 9 • TH EEDGE FI N AN C I AL DAI LY


Insider moves (Filings on October 2, 2019) Trading themes

Insider Moves show what substantial shareholders are doing with their stakes, which could be a signal of their views on the company’s outlook. Top Permian Basin drillers
(DISPOSED) SHAREHOLDER AFTER CHANGE DATE Chevron has started fewer new Permian Basin wells this year than rival Exxon Mobil,
AIRASIA GROUP 300,000 DATO’ ABDEL AZIZ @ ABDUL AZIZ 989,500 30/9 which runs more drilling rigs. Both companies project they will produce around one
ABU BAKAR million barrels per day in the field in the next five years.
AXIATA GROUP (521,200) EMPLOYEES PROVIDENT FUND BOARD 1,462,941,341 26 & 27/9
AXIS REAL ESTATE (120,100) LEMBAGA TABUNG HAJI 70,064,406 1/10
BIMB 446,000 PERMODALAN NASIONAL 94,574,803 30/9
CIMB GROUP 2,311,700 EMPLOYEES PROVIDENT FUND BOARD 1,291,094,222 24 - 26/9
CIMB GROUP (521,572) KUMPULAN WANG PERSARAAN 609,629,590 30/8, 5
COASTAL CONTRACTS 168,800 NG CHIN HENG 243,787,601 30/9 & 1/10
IHH HEALTHCARE 393,000 EMPLOYEES PROVIDENT FUND BOARD 602,421,900 27/9 The Permian Basin’s largest land holders
IMASPRO CORPORATION (448,000) CHAN WENG FUI 1,748,100 27/9
INARI AMERTRON (1,000,000) EMPLOYEES PROVIDENT FUND BOARD 243,272,400 27/9 Occidental Petroleum is the largest land holder in the top US shale field, followed by
IOI PROPERTIES GROUP 101,300 VERTICAL CAPACITY 3,459,089,441 27/9 & 1/10
KUANTAN FLOUR MILLS 27,290,000 WONG SAK KUAN 27,290,000 1/10
LTKM 2,356,900 LADANG TERNAKAN KELANG 100,405,706 2/10
MMC CORPORATION 11,444,800 AMANAHRAYA TRUSTEE 567,081,000 30/9
PRICEWORTH INTERNATIONAL (1,114,000) LIM NYUK FOH 317,302,713 1/10
RIMBUNAN SAWIT (1,125,000) TIONG KIONG KING 7,549,600 30/9
1 & 2/10
S P SETIA 1,000,000 EMPLOYEES PROVIDENT FUND BOARD 482,530,566 27/9 Stocks closest to year high Stocks closest to year low
(RM) (RM) (RM) ('000) (RM) (RM) (RM) ('000)
SIME DARBY PLANTATION 1,090,300 EMPLOYEES PROVIDENT FUND BOARD 1,021,181,974 27/9 PENERGY 1.240 1.110 1.240 3556.7 TMCLIFE 0.660 0.645 0.645 119.3
SUNWAY REAL ESTATE 6,717,000 KUMPULAN WANG PERSARAAN 164,311,800 1/10 PENTA-CD 0.300 0.260 0.300 923.8 MQREIT 1.020 1.000 1.000 38.8
INVESTMENT TRUST (DIPERBADANKAN) PENTA-CB 0.475 0.475 0.475 1 KPS 0.650 0.645 0.645 114.4
SUPERLON (939,400) KUMPULAN WANG PERSARAAN 9,252,400 23 - 27/9 SALUTE 0.835 0.755 0.830 9412.2 PMETAL-C31 0.095 0.090 0.090 30.2
GENTINGC78 0.110 0.110 0.110 30 RSAWIT 0.130 0.120 0.125 460.7
KPOWER 0.995 0.985 0.990 4371.6 MAXIS-C12 0.065 0.060 0.065 360.1
TIGER SYNERGY (1,538,900) DATO’ TAN WEI LIAN 88,960,934 27 & 30/9 MFCB-CF 0.195 0.175 0.190 1365.2 MRCB-C54 0.070 0.065 0.065 180
TOP GLOVE CORPORATION 1,229,000 EMPLOYEES PROVIDENT FUND BOARD 168,321,522 27/9 MFCB 4.260 4.130 4.180 2532.8 PBBANK-C39 0.040 0.040 0.040 200
TUNE PROTECT GROUP (399,300) KUMPULAN WANG PERSARAAN 45,792,300 1/10 MFCB-WA 2.010 1.800 1.990 488.5 FGV-C81 0.090 0.085 0.085 1920
(DIPERBADANKAN) HSI-C7X 0.110 0.100 0.110 132 EKOVEST-CU 0.025 0.025 0.025 100
V.S. INDUSTRY (3,323,000) KUMPULAN WANG PERSARAAN 201,494,975 1/10
LHI-CL 0.220 0.195 0.220 1296 MAGNUM-C5 0.100 0.090 0.090 180
GCB-CG 0.180 0.155 0.175 960.7 PBBANK-C38 0.075 0.070 0.070 220
YINSON 50,000 KUMPULAN WANG PERSARAAN 105,755,000 1/10 GCB-CI 0.155 0.140 0.155 1510 FGV-C67 0.075 0.055 0.065 932
(DIPERBADANKAN) GCB 4.380 4.120 4.360 1811.4 TAKAFUL-CK 0.105 0.090 0.090 110
While every effort is made to ensure accuracy, the information presented is not an exhaustive list and is not an official record of shareholder FBMKLCI-H8P 0.320 0.315 0.320 38 AEON-CV 0.045 0.040 0.040 403
filings. Direct and indirect share are combined due to space constraints. Readers who are interested should check the official filings filed with MMAG 0.365 0.335 0.360 6419.1 AIRASIAC84 0.090 0.090 0.090 50
Bursa Malaysia. Note: * denotes Ace Market TAKAFUL-CK 0.105 0.090 0.090 110 AIRASIAC92 0.060 0.060 0.060 930
MMAG-WB 0.150 0.140 0.150 3630.9 AIRASIAC91 0.045 0.045 0.045 100
HSI-H8X 0.200 0.200 0.200 5 FBMKLCI-C7C 0.030 0.030 0.030 335

Local event to watch out for today FBMKLCI-H8Q

TAKAFUL-CJ 0.145 0.130 0.130 67.2 MAYBANKC60 0.120 0.115 0.115 250
• Nil This table shows stocks that are trading near their year high. This This table shows stocks that are trading near their year low. This
could suggest a build-up in buying momentum, or the possibility that could suggest a build-up in selling momentum, or the possibility that
profit-taking activities could set in later. bargain hunting could set in later.

Foreign exchange rates


NZ $ 0.574 0.629 0.629 0.511 0.839 0.869 0.869 0.936 2.6366 4.499 53.028 4.286 2.312 8,919 44.655 67.277 5.754 32.594 2.291 2.361 6.224 19.229 4.936
EURO 1.742 1.096 1.096 0.890 1.461 1.514 1.514 1.631 4.5928 7.837 92.371 7.466 4.027 15,536 77.786 117.193 10.024 56.777 3.991 4.112 10.842 33.495 8.598
US $ 1.589 0.912 0.999 0.812 1.333 1.381 1.381 1.488 4.1890 7.148 84.250 6.810 3.673 14,170 70.947 106.890 9.142 51.785 3.641 3.751 9.889 30.550 7.842
SWISS FR 1.590 0.913 1.001 0.812 1.334 1.382 1.382 1.489 4.1919 7.153 84.308 6.815 3.675 14,180 70.996 106.964 9.149 51.821 3.643 3.753 9.896 30.571 7.848
STERLING £ 1.958 1.124 1.232 1.231 1.642 1.702 1.702 1.833 5.1617 8.807 103.813 8.391 4.526 17,461 87.421 131.710 11.265 63.810 4.486 4.622 12.185 37.644 9.663
CANADA $ 1.192 0.684 0.750 0.750 0.609 1.036 1.036 1.116 3.1428 5.363 63.209 5.109 2.756 10,631 53.228 80.194 6.859 38.852 2.731 2.814 7.419 22.920 5.884
BRUNEI $ 1.150 0.660 0.724 0.724 0.588 0.965 1.000 1.077 3.0331 5.175 61.002 4.931 2.659 10,260 51.370 77.395 6.620 37.496 2.636 2.716 7.160 22.120 5.678
SINGAPORE $ 1.150 0.660 0.724 0.724 0.588 0.965 1.000 1.077 3.0331 5.175 61.002 4.931 2.659 10,260 51.370 77.395 6.620 37.496 2.636 2.716 7.160 22.120 5.678
AUSTRALIA $ 1.068 0.613 0.672 0.672 0.546 0.896 0.928 0.928 2.8158 4.805 56.632 4.578 2.469 9,525 47.690 71.850 6.145 34.809 2.447 2.521 6.647 20.535 5.271
MALAYSIA RM 0.379 0.218 0.239 0.239 0.194 0.318 0.330 0.330 0.355 1.0000 1.706 20.112 1.626 0.877 3,383 16.937 25.517 2.182 12.362 0.869 0.895 2.361 7.293 1.872
100 CHINESE RMB 22.228 12.760 13.990 13.981 11.354 18.648 19.322 19.322 20.813 58.6060 1,179 95.274 51.384 198,248 992.582 1,495 127.905 724.497 50.932 52.477 138.352 427.410 109.716
100 BANGLAD’H TAKA 1.886 1.083 1.187 1.186 0.963 1.582 1.639 1.639 1.766 4.9721 8.484 8.083 4.359 16,819 84.210 126.872 10.851 61.466 4.321 4.452 11.738 36.261 9.308
100 DANISH KRONER 23.330 13.393 14.684 14.674 11.917 19.573 20.281 20.281 21.846 61.5130 104.96 1,237 53.933 208,081 1,041.82 1,570 134.25 760.43 53.46 55.08 145.21 448.61 115.16
100 UAE DIRHAM 43.258 24.833 27.227 27.208 22.096 36.291 37.603 37.603 40.505 114.0547 194.61 2,294 185.42 385,815 1,932 2,910 248.92 1,410 99.12 102.13 269.25 831.79 213.52
1000 INA RUPIAH 0.011 0.006 0.007 0.007 0.006 0.009 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.0296 0.050 0.595 0.048 0.026 0.501 0.754 0.065 0.365 0.026 0.026 0.070 0.216 0.055
100 INDIA RUPEE 2.239 1.286 1.410 1.409 1.144 1.879 1.947 1.947 2.097 5.9044 10.075 118.750 9.599 5.177 19,973 150.661 12.886 72.991 5.131 5.287 13.939 43.060 11.054
100 JAPAN YEN 1.486 0.853 0.936 0.935 0.759 1.247 1.292 1.292 1.392 3.9190 6.687 78.820 6.371 3.436 13,257 66.374 8.553 48.447 3.406 3.509 9.252 28.581 7.337
100 NORWEGIAN KRONER 17.378 9.976 10.938 10.931 8.877 14.579 15.107 15.107 16.272 45.8200 78.183 922 74.488 40.174 154,996 776.031 1,169 566.434 39.820 41.028 108.168 334.162 85.779
100 PHILIPPINE PESO 3.068 1.761 1.931 1.930 1.567 2.574 2.667 2.667 2.873 8.0892 13.803 162.692 13.150 7.092 27,364 137.003 206.410 17.654 7.030 7.243 19.096 58.994 15.144
100 QATAR RIYAL 43.642 25.054 27.469 27.450 22.292 36.613 37.937 37.937 40.865 115.0666 196.339 2,314 187.061 100.887 389,238 1,949 2,936 251.127 1,422 103.033 271.640 839.173 215.416
100 SAUDI RIYAL 42.358 24.316 26.660 26.642 21.636 35.535 36.820 36.820 39.662 111.6799 190.561 2,246 181.555 97.918 377,782 1,891 2,850 243.736 1,381 97.057 263.645 814.474 209.075
100 SWEDISH KRONOR 16.066 9.223 10.112 10.105 8.207 13.478 13.966 13.966 15.044 42.3600 72.279 851.953 68.863 37.140 143,292 717.431 1,081 92.449 523.661 36.813 37.930 308.929 79.302
100 THAI BAHT 5.201 2.986 3.273 3.271 2.656 4.363 4.521 4.521 4.870 13.7119 23.397 275.776 22.291 12.022 46,384 232.232 349.883 29.926 169.509 11.916 12.278 32.370 25.670
100 HK$ 20.259 11.630 12.752 12.743 10.349 16.996 17.611 17.611 18.970 53.4161 91.144 1,074.315 86.837 46.834 180,692 904.683 1,363 116.578 660.338 46.422 47.830 126.100 389.560
Note: Run your finger down the left-hand side until you reach the country of origin you plan to exchange. Then move your finger until that line intersects with the vertical column of the currency you wish to buy. The figure is how much you will get. The above rates are subject to change and provided by Thompson Reuters.
Markets 3 1

Index futures Money market

Long Rolls - KLCI futures US Dollar Klibor
Index points Open Interest Index points USD Index Implied interest rate (%)
1980 18.00 105.0
90000 1.00
1,560.00 4.5
(-13.00) (+0.50)
1785 68000 4.75 96.5

1590 46000 -8.50 88.0

(-0.038) 2.5
1395 24000 -21.75

1200 2000 -35.00 71.0 1.5

Jan 4, 2010 Oct 3, 2019 Jan 4, 2010 Oct 3, 2019 Oct 2, 2006 Oct 3, 2019 Oct 1, 2000 Oct 3, 2019

KLCI futures close lower FBM KLCI futures US dollar recoups losses Klibor
tracking negative cash market INDEX AND FUTURES
before US data; euro steadies MONTH SETTLEMENT

The FBM KLCI futures contract on Bursa FBMKLCI 1,564.12 -10.78 87.4M The US dollar rebounded from a near OCT9 96.40 — — —
DEC9 96.40 — — —
Malaysia Derivatives closed lower yesterday, OCT 19 1,560.00 -13.00 6,383 30,292 -1,866 one-month low versus the Japanese yen MAR0 96.40 — — —
tracking the negative underlying cash market. NOV 19 1,560.00 -13.50 181 323 71
yesterday in choppy trading, with markets JUN0 96.40 — — —
DEC 19 1,563.50 -13.00 113 729 12
New spot months October 2019, MAR 20 1,563.00 -13.00 23 222 4
dogged by risk aversion before US data SEP0 96.40 — — —
December 2019 and March 2020 decreased TOTAL later in the day. DEC0 96.40 — — —
6,700 31,566 -1,779
MAR1 96.40 — — —
13 points each to settle at 1,560, 1,563.5 and “We are not seeing a big selloff in the JUN1 96.40 — — —
1,563 respectively; and November 2019 fell FUTURES
dollar as there is a broad undertone of risk SEP1 96.40 — — —
13.5 points to 1,560. aversion in the markets,” said Morten Lund, DEC1 96.40 — — —
Turnover lost 6,700 lots from 7,470 lots on FUTURES FAIR VALUE a currency strategist at Nordea. MAR2 96.40 — — —
JUN2 96.40 — — —
Wednesday, while open interest narrowed CONTRACTOCT 19
3.85 3.77 0.08
Against the yen, the US dollar pulled away SEP2 96.40 — — —
to 31,566 contracts from 32,262 contracts. NOV 19 58 7.85 6.52 1.33 from early lows and was broadly steady at DEC2 96.40 — — —
At 5 pm, the KLCI was down 10.78 points ROLL’S FAIR 1.24 ¥107.12. It was still down more than 1% from MAR3 96.40 — — —
at 1,564.12. a high of ¥108.44 hit earlier in the week. JUN3 96.40 — — —
SEP3 96.40 — — —
Southeast Asian stock markets fell Expectations that the US economy
DEC3 96.40 — — —
yesterday, as the US widened its trade war would continue to outperform other MAR4 96.40 — — —
with tariffs on European Union goods, adding major economies and put pressure on the JUN4 96.40 — — —
to fears over a global economic slowdown. US central bank to slow its rate cutting JAN-00 — — — —
Philippine shares declined 0.9% to weighed down by real estate and financial cycle were dampened this week after weak JAN-00 — — — —
their lowest close in more than 4½months, stocks. — Agencies manufacturing surveys. — Reuters

Commodities CPO prices react to various factors including soyoil prices, weather conditions and stockpiles. Open interest shows either increasing or decreasing market participation.

CPO & Open Interest CPO vs Soyoil Crude Oil Gold

CPO RM/tonne Open Interest CPO RM/tonne Soyoil US$/Ibs US$/bbl US$/troy oz
4200 6400 0.700 155.00 1980
2,136 1,506.90
(-5) (+2.80)
3450 5075 1660
152500 0.2944 0.525 121.25
2700 3750
52.66 1340
105000 0.350 87.50 (+0.02)

1950 57500 2425 0.175 53.75 1020

1200 10000
1100 (-5) 0.000 20.00
Jan 6, 2008 Oct 3, 2019 Apr 10, 2007 Oct 3, 2019 Aug 31, 2008 Oct 3, 2019
Jan 6, 2008 Oct 3, 2019

Palm oil falls as traders CPO futures Oil slips further below US$58 Commodities

await fresh leads CONTRACT

2,133 -270
as economic gloom weighs AGRICULTURE
2,136 -5
RUBBER SEN/KG MRB 518.00 -1.50
NOV-19 2,103 -6 1,276 14,195 -553
Malaysian palm oil futures took a turn to Oil slipped further below US$58 a barrel CORN USC/BSH CBOT 387.25 -0.50
DEC-19 2,136 -5 16,819 52,122 808
close lower yesterday, logging another JAN-20 2,189 -5 4,972 39,817 1,317 yesterday, pressured by concerns about
WHEAT USC/BSH CBOT 487.75 -1.25
session of declines, as traders sold off in FEB-20 2,239 -6 1,676 18,047 -49 global economic growth, oil demand and LIVE CATTLE USC/IBS CME 110.63 0.80
the last hour of trading to wait for clearer CPO FUTURES CPO/SOYOIL signs of excess supply despite Opec-led cuts. COCOA US$/TON NYBOT 2,500 5
market leads. INDICATIVE ROLL-OVER FUTURES BASIS (USD) Eurozone business growth stalled in COFFEE USC/IBS NYBOT 104.50 0.30
OCT/NOV -17 CURRENT -97.85
The benchmark palm oil contract for OCT/DEC -51 3 MONTHS AVERAGE -112.20
September, a survey yesterday showed, a SUGAR USC/IBS NYBOT 12.95 -0.05
the December delivery on Bursa Malaysia OCT/JAN day after the US announced import tariffs COTTON USC/IBS NYC 62.05 0.07
-103 6 MONTHS AVERAGE -113.23
Derivatives was down RM4 or 0.2% at NOV/DEC -34 on European Union products. US crude METAL & PRECIOUS METALS
TIN US$/TON KLTM 16,350 250
RM2,137 per tonne at the close. SGS & ITS EXPORT ESTIMATES (TONNES) inventories rose 3.1 million barrels last week, COPPER USC/IBS CMX 2.5510 -0.0195
Palm oil was trading higher for most of SHIPMENT DAYS JUL’19 AUG’19 SEP’19 more than forecast. GOLD US$/TROY OZ CMX 1,506.90 2.80
the session tracking the US Chicago Board 1 - 10TH DAYS 366/368 476/512 338/393 “It is simply impossible to predict where PLATINUM US$/TROY OZ NYMEX 898.00 4.90
of Trade (CBoT) soyoil, but traders noted 1 - 15TH DAYS 658/656 752/765 701/670
the next significant price support will come PALLADIUM US$/TROY OZ NYMEX 1,656.50 -1.70
there was a lack of positive market catalysts 11 -- 20TH DAYS
984/1028 945/917
1,379/1,365 1,103/1,097
from as the focus is firmly on economic SILVER USC/TROY OZ CMX 17.65 0.02
to bolster the upside. developments,” said Tamas Varga of oil ALUMINIUM RMB/TON SHF 13,985 UNCH
FULL MONTH 1,438/1,380 1,662/1,645 1,328/1,304
The palm oil futures contract fell more MALAYSIAN PALM OIL BOARD broker PVM. “And those are anything but
than 1% in the previous session, its largest MAY’19 JUN’19 JUL’19 AUG’19 optimistic,” he added. ENERGY
drop in over a week. PRODUCTION 1,671 1,519 1,738 1,822 Brent crude fell 13 US cents to US$57.56 HEATING OIL USC/GAL NYMEX 1.8575 -0.0054
“The market was very choppy. It was up EXPORT
a barrel, after tumbling 2% in the previous NATURAL GAS US$/MMBTU NYMEX 2.465 0.014
earlier tracking US soyoil, but buying was session. US West Texas Intermediate crude BRENT CRUDE US$/BBL ICE 57.56 -0.13
MPOB palm oil physical
overdone thus the sell-off later in the day,” gained two US cents to US$52.66. — Reuters GAS OIL US$/TON ICE 571.00 0.50
said a Kuala Lumpur-based trader. (IN RM/TON) OCT’19 NOV’19 DEC’19

US soyoil futures on the CBoT were last CPO DELD

Centrifuged Latex Rubber - M’sia SMR 20
up 0.03%, after rising to a two-and-a-half- CPKO DELD NO TRADE NO TRADE NO TRADE Sen/Kg
week high on Wednesday. RBD P.OIL FOB NO TRADE NO TRADE NO TRADE 1100 1900
“Market is not expecting robust exports for RBD P.OLEIN FOB NO TRADE NO TRADE NO TRADE
October, and there could be a slow build-up RBD P. STEARIN FOB NO TRADE NO TRADE NO TRADE 900 424.00 1475 518.00
of stockpiles, so many traders are not keen MPOB FFB REF PRICE (MILL GATE PRICE) (-1.50)

on long positions,” another trader said. REGION GRADE A GRADE B GRADE C 700 1050
Palm oil prices are affected by movements NORTH 20.00% 411 19.00% 391 18.00% 370
in related oils, as they compete for a share SOUTH 20.00% 415 19.00% 395 18.00% 374
500 625
in the global vegetable oils market. CENTRAL 20.00% 414 19.00% 394 18.00% 374
The China’s Dalian Commodity Exchange EAST COAST 20.00% 412 19.00% 392 18.00% 372 300 200

is closed this week for holidays. — Reuters SABAH

22.00% 401
22.00% 404
21.00% 382
21.00% 385
20.00% 364
20.00% 367
Jan 7, 2007 Oct 3, 2019 Jan 7, 2007 Oct 3, 2019

F U T U R E S . M O N E Y M A R K E T . C O M M O D I T I E S PA G E 3 1
G L O BA L M A R K E T S PA G E 2 9

KLCI 1,564.12 10.78 FBM ACE 4,555.53 39.49 FTSTI 3,087.97 15.48 NIKKEI 21,341.74 436.87 HANG SENG 26,110.31 67.62 DOW JONES 26,078.62 494.42

I think all great innovations are built on rejections. Market movers

— Louise Nevelson
Daily top 20 active stocks
FBM KLCI & KLCI futures intraday (‘000) (RM) (%) (RM) RATIO YIELD (%)
STOCK VOLUME CHANGE CHANGE CLOSE HIGH LOW SUMATEC 219,844.6 -0.010 -50.00 0.010 — 0.00
('000) (%) (RM) (RM) (RM) (RM) VSOLAR 135,927.4 UNCH UNCH 0.075 — 0.00
Index point
1572.0 SUMATEC 219,845 -50.00 -0.010 0.010 0.020 0.005 ARMADA 103,569.9 0.015 4.84 0.325 — 1.07
1570.4 HSI-H6S 84,001 -21.05 -0.040 0.150 0.220 0.150 MNC-PA 87,663.4 -0.005 -20.00 0.020 — 0.00
1568.8 GPACKET-WB 58,983 -1.82 -0.005 0.270 0.280 0.270 HSI-H6S 84,001.1 -0.035 -18.92 0.150 — 0.00
1567.2 HSI-C7F 56,949 11.11 0.030 0.300 0.305 0.235 GPACKET-WB 58,983.3 -0.005 -1.82 0.270 — 0.00
KL Composite Index 1,564.12 HSI-H8B 45,187 -11.11 -0.045 0.360 0.445 0.350 HSI-C7F 56,948.6 0.035 13.21 0.300 — 0.00
1565.6 (-10.78)
VIVOCOM-WE 20,432 100.00 0.005 0.010 0.010 0.005 MNC 56,104.1 -0.020 -33.33 0.040 — 0.00
KLCI futures IFCAMSC 17,916 3.23 0.010 0.320 0.320 0.300 SAPNRG 51,650.8 -0.005 -1.85 0.265 — 2.44
HSI-C7J 14,486 10.00 0.015 0.165 0.170 0.135 HSI-H8B 45,187.0 -0.045 -11.11 0.360 — 0.00
1560.8 HSI-H8E 12,553 -10.14 -0.035 0.310 0.375 0.305 BORNOIL 34,681.5 UNCH UNCH 0.045 — 0.00
1559.2 HSI-C7E 11,784 10.00 0.010 0.110 0.115 0.085 EKOVEST 22,930.0 -0.005 -0.67 0.745 11.81 1.33
1557.6 1,560.00 SAPNRG-WA 11,568 0.00 0.000 0.110 0.115 0.110 SEACERA 22,255.5 0.015 6.38 0.250 — 0.00
1556.0 DBE-WB 8,832 -50.00 -0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 VIVOCOM-WE 20,432.3 0.005 100.00 0.010 — 0.00
8:45 9:30 10:30 11:30 12:45 14:30 15:30 16:30 17:15
LHI-CK 8,446 40.00 0.010 0.035 0.035 0.025 EDUSPEC 19,094.5 UNCH UNCH 0.035 — 0.00
KNM-WB 8,057 -6.67 -0.010 0.140 0.150 0.140 GENM 18,700.9 -0.040 -1.32 2.990 — 3.63
Daily FBM KLCI TM-C53 7,992 0.00 0.000 0.015 0.015 0.015 IFCAMSC 17,916.4 0.010 3.23 0.320 17.03 3.23
ECOWLD-CV 7,185 -50.00 -0.005 0.005 0.010 0.005 MTAG 15,589.1 -0.010 -2.25 0.435 8.29 0.00
AT 15,494.6 UNCH UNCH 0.050 — 0.00
KL Composite Index Moving average - 20-day Table above is from Reuters Volume break 3x 5-day average volume, meaning the total number of shares
HSI-C7J 14,486.3 0.020 13.79 0.165 — 0.00
2030.0 1,564.12 traded for a particular counter on the previous trading day is more than triple the average volume for the
(-10.78) last 5 trading days. The table captures the build-up of interest in these companies and is thus a gauge of
market expectations for these counters. Top gainers and losers (ranked by RM)

1,593.32 KLCI ends lower after US UP


announces tariffs on Europe

1425.0 GCB 4.360 0.190 DLADY 58.300 -1.200
PENTA 4.680 0.190 NESTLE 144.500 -0.700
HSI-H8G 1.250 0.110 PBBANK 19.280 -0.420
LAFMSIA 2.860 0.090 BAT 18.300 -0.300
KUALA LUMPUR: The FBM KLCI closed down 10.78 points PENERGY 1.240 0.090 HEIM 23.860 -0.260
820.0 or 0.68% yesterday, after Asian shares fell substantially as PIE 1.390 0.090 HLFG 15.980 -0.180
Jan 2, 2008 Oct 3, 2019
the US’ announcement of new import tariffs on European SAM 7.950 0.090 PPB 17.920 -0.180
Union (EU) imports, hit world market sentiment. ENGKAH 1.030 0.080 CMSB 2.590 -0.150
900 At 5pm, the KLCI closed at 1,564.12, led by Public Bank TIENWAH 1.300 0.080 A50CHIN-C52 0.215 -0.145
SALUTE 0.830 0.060 KLK 22.780 -0.140
Bhd and Press Metal Aluminium Holdings Bhd’s share price
600 AIRPORT 8.660 0.060 PETDAG 23.440 -0.120
drop. PEB 0.850 0.060 HLBANK 16.020 -0.120
300 Public Bank closed 42 sen or 2.13% lower at RM19.28 to
be the top-percentage decliner among the 30 KLCI stocks. Top gainers and losers (ranked by%age)
0 Press Metal ended down nine sen or 1.88% at RM4.69.

Volume (’mil) AxiTrader Asia Pacific market strategist Stephen Innes UP CHANGE DOWN CHANGE
wrote in a note yesterday saying Malaysia’s Budget 2020,
FBM KLCI futures which will be announced this Oct 11, “is now being viewed PHB 0.010 100.00 AEON-CV 0.040 -73.33
VIVOCOM-WE 0.010 100.00 SIME-C35 0.010 -60.00
as the next significant catalyst which is likely keeping
PBBANK-C33 0.010 100.00 PBBANK-C39 0.040 -52.94
OCT 19 1,560.00 -13.00 1,566.50 1,558.50 foreign investors cautious on local bonds, equities and PESONA-WC 0.010 100.00 DAYA 0.005 -50.00
NOV 19 1,560.00 -13.50 1,566.50 1,560.00 currency.” TRIVE 0.015 50.00 SUMATEC 0.010 -50.00
DEC 19 1,563.50 -13.00 1,570.50 1,563.50
Earlier yesterday, Hong Leong Investment Bank Bhd SOLID-WA 0.100 42.86 MSPORTS 0.005 -50.00
wrote in a note that investors may adopt a defensive yield- LHI-CK 0.035 40.00 ASIAPLY-WA 0.005 -50.00
FBM KLCI sensitivity* seeking strategy, amid the current market backdrop. VIVOCOM 0.020 33.33 FBMKLCI-C7H 0.010 -50.00
MTOUCHE-WC 0.020 33.33 PBBANK-C35 0.010 -50.00
KLCI CHANGE CLOSE VOLUME “Overall, we will likely see defensive yield seeking to
POINTS (RM) (RM) ('000) GLOTEC-WA 0.065 30.00 GENTINGC68 0.010 -50.00
IHH HEALTHCARE 0.41 0.030 5.670 953.6
be the dominant investment style in the near term,” Hong GUNUNG-WB 0.045 28.57 DBE-WB 0.005 -50.00
K.LUMPUR KEPONG -0.23 -0.140 22.780 1193.4 Leong said. FINTEC-PA 0.025 25.00 ECOWLD-CV 0.005 -50.00
NESTLE MALAYSIA -0.25 -0.700 144.500 168.0 Globally, Reuters reported Asian stocks tumbled to a
MISC -0.28 -0.040 7.800 4670.3 one-month low yesterday, as already-growing market fears Top gainers and losers - warrants (ranked by%age)
GENTING -0.30 -0.050 5.690 3765.6 about global growth were fanned by the US announcement
GENTING MALAYSIA -0.37 -0.040 2.990 18700.9
of new import tariffs on products from the EU. CLOSE (%) CLOSE (%)
RHB BANK -0.37 -0.060 5.580 3617.7 — by Syahirah Syed Jaafar VIVOCOM-WE 0.010 100.00 AEON-CV 0.040 -73.33
PPB GROUP -0.40 -0.180 17.920 552.0
World equity indices PBBANK-C33 0.010 100.00 SIME-C35 0.010 -60.00
HONG LEONG BANK -0.40 -0.120 16.020 993.1 PESONA-WC 0.010 100.00 PBBANK-C39 0.040 -52.94
SIME DARBY PLANTATION -0.53 -0.050 4.700 2213.9 CLOSE CHANGE CLOSE CHANGE SOLID-WA 0.100 42.86 ASIAPLY-WA 0.005 -50.00
PRESS METAL -0.56 -0.090 4.690 715.2
DOW JONES 26,078.62 -494.42 INDONESIA 6,038.53 -16.90 LHI-CK 0.035 40.00 FBMKLCI-C7H 0.010 -50.00
DIGI.COM -0.60 -0.050 4.650 5154.1
S&P 500 2,887.61 -52.64 JAPAN 21,341.74 -436.87 MTOUCHE-WC 0.020 33.33 PBBANK-C35 0.010 -50.00
MAXIS -0.73 -0.060 5.410 1093.8
NASDAQ 100 7,550.79 -133.36 KOREA 2,031.91 -40.51 GLOTEC-WA 0.065 30.00 GENTINGC68 0.010 -50.00
MAYBANK -0.87 -0.050 8.480 6568.1
FTSE 100 7,122.54 -237.78 PHILIPPINES 7,545.55 -65.13 GUNUNG-WB 0.045 28.57 DBE-WB 0.005 -50.00
PUBLIC BANK -2.52 -0.420 19.280 5104.5
AUSTRALIA 6,493.00 -146.90 SINGAPORE 3,087.97 -15.48 FINTEC-PA 0.025 25.00 ECOWLD-CV 0.005 -50.00
CHINA 2,905.19 -26.98 TAIWAN 10,875.91 -71.97 FBMKLCI-H8G 0.205 20.59 A50CHIN-C52 0.215 -40.28
OTHERS -2.46
HONG KONG 26,110.31 67.62 THAILAND 1,610.69 -2.95 HSI-C7H 0.030 20.00 PBBANK-C36 0.015 -40.00
INDIA 38,106.87 -198.54 VIETNAM 992.45 1.26 CIMB-C53 0.030 20.00 GTRONIC-CV 0.030 -40.00
* How stock price changes affected the index on the previous trading day

Published by The Edge Communications Sdn Bhd (266980-X) Level 3, Menara KLK, No 1, Jalan PJU 7/6, Mutiara Damansara, 47810 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia.
Printed by Ultimate Print Sdn Bhd (62208-H) Lot 2, Jalan Sepana 15/3, Off Persiaran Selangor, Seksyen 15, 40200 Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia.

FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4, 2019 . ISSUE 2976/2019 . PP19055/06/2016(034530) PRINT + DIGITAL


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90% landowners
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According to Federal Territories
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From all the 2. Send us a WhatsApp with
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about 90% of the name in the message.
landowners agree
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The Edge Property Sdn Bhd
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Damansara, 47810 Petaling Jaya,
Khalid told Berna- Property Services (JPPH) under the RISM president Kwan Hock Hai. the country,” he told a media brief-
Selangor, Malaysia ma recently. Ministry of Finance Malaysia and “In facing global challenges in ing on the company’s strategies
Some parties the Royal Institution of Surveyors the real estate industry, we need on Oct 2.
have put the rate up to RM2,000 psf Malaysia (RISM) recently formed to work together to strengthen TC25 is a programme that for-
in the area but he stressed that the a public and private strategic al- and develop the country’s real mulates a strategic roadmap to
Managing Director/Editor-in-chief rate offered by the government was liance through the signing of a estate industry. We hope that with capitalise on the diversity of Sun-
Au Foong Yee based on the professional valuation Memorandum of Understanding the close cooperation of both or- way REIT, leveraging its strategic
EDITORIAL determined by the Valuation and (MoU). ganisations, we can push the real pillars to set mid-term goals and
Executive Editor Sharon Kam Property Services Department. The MoU will pave the way to estate market to a higher level aspirations up to FY2025.
Assistant Editor Tan Ai Leng create mutually beneficial col- and boost the national property
Deputy Chief Copy Editor
James Chong PA, PPR rent laboration between the parties market,” said Zailan in his speech Tadmax Resources
Copy Editor
Arion Yeow arrears now in the fields of research, training, at the event. to buy land for
Senior Writer
amount to RM58m
education and data information in
relation to real estate.
Meanwhile, Kwan said the co-
operation between the two parties
Rachel Chew
Writers Federal Territories Minister Khalid Representing JPPH at the sign- is now formalised into a struc- Tadmax Resources Bhd’s unit Tad-
Natalie Khoo, Shawn Ng,
Abdul Samad disclosed that the ing was director general of JPPH tured working collaboration. max Coastal Sdn Bhd plans to ac-
Chin Wai Lun, Chelsey Poh
Art Director Sharon Khoh amount of rent arrears of Dewan Ahmad Zailan Azizuddin and RISM “The different strengths and quire a 1.3ha leasehold land from
Senior Designer Jun Kit Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur (DBKL)- chairman of Property Surveying resources that each of us have can Syarikat Perumahan Pegawai Ker-
Designer Rajita Sivan
owned People’s Housing Project Division Datuk Thiruselvam Aru- now be pooled together to bring ajaan Sdn Bhd for RM36.65 mil-
For New Launches/Events/ (PPR) and Public Housing (PA) flats mugam. The signing ceremony greater benefits to both organi- lion. The purchase consideration
Press Releases/News Tips in the city now amount to RM58 was witnessed by deputy direc- sations, the profession and the is based on the price of RM260 psf.
Tel: (03) 7721 8211 Fax: (03) 7721 8280 million. tor-general (strategic policy) country,” added Kwan. The land is located along Ling-
Khalid said the arrears, identi- karan Alam Damai and has a lease
Associate Account Director,
fied by DBKL, dated back decades tenure of 99 years which expires
Advertising & Marketing and the main excuse given by the Sunway REIT to under its Transcend 2025 (TC25) on Oct 19, 2104. The location is
Heidee Ahmad (019) 388 1880
Senior Account Manager
tenants for not being able to settle
the arrears was that they were un-
grow property value initiative.
Its CEO, Datuk Jeffrey Ng Tiong
approximately 11km away from the
Kuala Lumpur city centre.
Ian Leong (012) 359 1668
Cecilia Too (012) 319 7666 employed. to RM15b by FY25 Lip said Sunway REIT’s current “[The acquisition] is in line with
Account Manager “We’ll give three to six months Sunway REIT Management Sdn property value stood at RM8.05 Tadmax’s aim to further strengthen
Joane Tan (012) 377 2885
(for the tenants to pay their arrears) Bhd, the manager of Sunway Real billion, which is managed through its foothold in property develop-
Marketing Support & Ad Trafˎc and we will see how it goes,” he Estate Investment Trust (REIT), is 17 assets. ment and construction and gener-
Madeline Tan (03) 7721 8218 told reporters after launching the targeting to grow its property val- “The target [to grow property ate long-term sustainable income,”
Wilayah Care Initiative programme ue to RM15 billion by the financial value] will be achieved through the group said in a recent Bursa
BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT at PA Desa Rejang held recently. year ending June 30, 2025 (FY2025) deployment of multi-faceted strat- Malaysia filing.
Manager Nimalen Parimalam
Account Manager Stannly Tan
Executive Nurfarah Diyana Mohd
Firhad trending How do I get past issues of this weekly pullout?
Senior Manager Elizabeth Lay
now Go to to download for free

Associate Omar Nawawi,

Ayesha Hannah Amer Ezani

For enquiries and listings LAUNCHES + EVENTS If you have any real estate-related events, email us at
Events listed here will also appear on
Tel: (03) 7733 9000
Lengkok BSC 2/4, Presint 2, Ooi and Datin Alyah. There Duta Park Residences: pullout is published
by The Edge Property Sdn Bhd. It is Bandar Seri Coalfields, Selangor will also be inflatable games, October Treats
available with The Edge Financial Contact: (03) 6039 9599 food trucks and fireworks. Date: Oct 6 (Sun)
Daily every Friday. The pullout Organised by KLK Land, a Time: 10am to 5pm
is also distributed at more than
200 ofˎces, shopping complexes, variety of food will be available Venue: Duta Park Sales Gallery,
condos, medical centres and F&B at the bazaar including pasta, 51200 Kuala Lumpur
outlets in the Klang Valley. You can
pandan cendol, rojak, fried Contact: (1800) 22 3311
also download it for free at
Little Sushi Master chicken, hotdogs, chicken rice, No tricks just treats! Visit Malton
at Ara Sendayan bubble tea, coffee and tea. A Bhd’s Duta Park sales gallery for
The Edge Malaysia Date: Oct 5 (Sat) 50% discount will be given a fun-filled day with activities
Time: 10am to 3pm to the first 100 customers. and games including face
Publisher and Group CEO Venue: Ara Sendayan Sales Blood Donation & Health painting, terrarium workshop
Ho Kay Tat
Gallery, Bandar Sri Sendayan, Twilight Walk Screening at Eco Majestic and balloon sculptures.
EDITORIAL Seremban, Negeri Sembilan at Eco Grandeur Date: Oct 6 (Sun) Refreshments will be served and
Editor-in-chief Azam Aris Contact: (012) 935 1000 Date: Oct 5 (Sat) Time: 10am to 4pm free Marvel Studios exhibition
Chief Operating Ofˎcer
Looking for a unique experience Time: 5.30pm to 9pm Venue: EcoWorld Gallery @ tickets will be up for grabs.
Lim Shiew Yuin for your kids? Join Matrix Venue: Eco Grandeur, Persiaran Eco Majestic, 1, Lingkaran
ADVERTISING & MARKETING Concepts Holdings Bhd in a Mokhtar Dahari, Bandar Eco Majestic, Eco Majestic,
Chief Commercial Ofˎcer
session to learn how to make Puncak Alam, Selangor Semenyih, Selangor
Sharon Teh (012) 313 9056
General Manager sushi hosted by Sushi King. Contact: (03) 3270 2525 Contact: (03) 8723 2255
Fong Lai Kuan (012) 386 2831 Limited seats available. This weekend, take an evening A bag of blood can save three
Senior Sales Manager walk through Avenham Garden lives. Donate your blood to help
Gregory Thu (012) 376 0614 Jom Singgah Food Truck and Graham Garden at Eco others in need. Health screenings
Head of Marketing
Support & Ad Trafˎc Bazaar & Live Band Grandeur to the Bridge of Dreams will be provided by the National
Lorraine Chan (03) 7721 8001 Date: Oct 5 (Sat) to watch the captivating sunset. Cancer Society. There will also
Time: 6.30pm to 10pm Then be entertained by stage be a talk entitled “Am I High Risk
Venue: BSC Gallery & Clubhouse, performances featuring Ribbon or Low Risk” from 2pm to 3pm.


Zuraida: Public housing could include

smart, wellness and sustainable features
BY S H AWN N G charged a set percentage of their
editor-in-chief income as per their respective in-
TOKYO: It is time to incorporate and managing come groups, as rental of a public
smart, sustainable and wellness director Au housing unit.
technologies into public housing Foong Yee (left), “For example, the rent-to-own
in Malaysia to enhance the health Ambassador of schemes that we have in Malay-
and quality of life of their residents, Malaysia to Japan sia are trying to serve all [income]
said Housing and Local Govern- Dato’ Kennedy levels of Malaysians, especially the
ment (KPKT) Minister Zuraida Jawan (third from B40 group which consists of various
Kamaruddin. left) followed by earners at different income levels.
Citing indoor air quality as an Wada, Zuraida
example, she said Malaysia could and Panasonic “Maybe there will be
learn from Japan, which has been Malaysia deputy
something that we can
regulating indoor ventilation managing
through its Building Standard Law modify to our standards in
director Hiroyuki
since July 2003. order to ensure that the B40
Muto with other
“Maybe there will be something ministry officials.
or the masses also enjoy the
that we can modify to our standards
in order to ensure that the B40 or top property development firms, is basic right to quality air.”
the masses also enjoy the basic supported by Panasonic. — Zuraida
right to quality air,” she told Edge- Prior to the briefing, Zuraida after attending a briefing Click/tap to had a meeting with Japan’s Land, “This gives me an idea to break
in Tokyo on the Japanese housing watch a video of Infrastructure, Transport and Tour- the B40 grouping down to the B20
market and building regulations by Zuraida’s meeting ism Parliamentary Vice-Minister or B10 so that it would be more ef-
officials from the Japanese Ministry with Wada Masamune Wada. They exchanged fective and targeted in solving the
of Land, Infrastructure, Transport notes on their respective countries’ homeownership difficulties faced by
and Tourism yesterday morning. public housing system. the lower-income group,” she said.
Under the Japan Building Stand- Learning about the Japanese She added that it is still not too
ard Law, all habitable rooms must public housing scheme has also late for Malaysia to adopt some
have windows and other openings Wada accepting a token of appreciation inspired Zuraida to think about of the measures that other coun-
for ventilation. Otherwise, ventila- from Zuraida. ways to improve Malaysian public tries have been implementing for
tion equipment must be installed. housing going forward. a long time.
Furthermore, buildings with These are among measures im- building materials and furniture. The public housing scheme in “With some improvising and fine
ceiling cavities that contain for- plemented by the Japanese gov- Zuraida is currently in Japan on Japan for instance, categorises low tuning, we will be able to solve the
maldehyde must be installed with ernment to tackle the Sick House an EdgeProp Malaysia Study Tour -income earners who require hous- issues plaguing the local housing
ventilation equipment designed Syndrome, which could cause in- on Excellent Building Sustainabili- ing assistance into two sub-cat- market,” she said.
to allow harmful chemical com- habitants in newly-built or reno- ty, Management and Wellness 2019. egories based on income levels
pounds to be removed when the vated houses to fall ill due to volatile The study tour, which also saw the - the B17-to-B40 group and the This article first appeared on
emission level is too high. organic compounds emanating from participation of heads of Malaysia’s below B17 group. The residents are

Mah Sing banks on ‘affordably-priced’ offerings

BY C H EL SE Y POH to 1,198 sq ft. The smallest unit has two bed-
rooms and two bathrooms, while the largest
KUALA LUMPUR: Mah Sing Group Bhd unit comes with four bedrooms and three
will continue to develop affordably priced bathrooms. A dual key option is also avail-
products going forward considering the able. Prices start at RM428,000 or RM650
challenging market environment. psf on average.
Mah Sing CEO Datuk Ho Hon Sang said Meanwhile, Mah Sing’s general manager
the property developer is committed to con- of sales and marketing Chris Chen said the
tinue rolling out good quality yet affordable two-bedroom units at M Oscar would be suit-
properties. able for bachelors or young couples, whereas
“About 81% of our full-year target sales for small families could choose the three-bedroom
2019 are from residential properties priced units. “For bigger families, a four-bedroom
below RM700,000,” Ho said at the launch of unit might be suitable for them, and inves-
M Oscar’s sales gallery on Oct 2. tors might like the dual-key units,” he said.
“Affordability has always been the key M Oscar offers unblocked views of the
focus in homeownership, and thus, there is (From left) Mah Sing executive director Datuk Steven Ng, Lionel, Tan, Chen, Hoy Kum surrounding areas as it is located in the mid-
a rising need from buyers today for quality and Ho at the grand opening of the M Oscar sales gallery dle of a low-rise neighbourhood. All units in
residential developments that are afforda- the development are north-south oriented.
bly priced in strategic locations with ready has healthy growth,” Hoy Kum added. acquired this year. The commercial-titled Each unit will be allocated with two to four
amenities and infrastructure,” he noted. Also present at the event were Malaysia’s development has a gross development value parking lots. The number of visitors’ parking
Hence, he added that he is confident that Special Envoy to China YB Tan Kok Wai, and (GDV) of about RM500 million. lots is more than 10% of the units, exceeding
M Oscar will be highly sought after. Mah Sing director of group strategy and op- There will be 910 units in two towers (32 the government’s minimum requirement.
Mah Sing Group founder and group man- erations Lionel Leong. and 31 floors) linked by a 2.7-acre facilities The project is located 800m away from
aging director Tan Sri Leong Hoy Kum who The developer will officially launch M deck. Facilities include an Olympic-size the upcoming MRT2 Taman Naga Emas
was also present at the launch event said the Oscar this weekend (Oct 5). The freehold swimming pool, wading pool, Jacuzzi, BBQ Station. M Oscar is also well connected to
developer has chosen to focus on delivering serviced apartment is located at KL’s Salak pavilion, KTV room, herb garden, gourmet highways including the Maju Expressway,
properties in the affordable range owing to South Garden, which is off Jln Kuchai Lama kitchen, jogging track, gym and yoga room, Kesas highway, the NPE, Federal Highway
the current challenging property market. and within the vicinity of the mature neigh- ping pong room, children’s playground and and the KL Seremban Expressway.
“But overall, we are positive towards bourhood of Happy Garden and Sri Petaling. multi-purpose hall.
the market as there are still many young The development will sit on a 4.63-acre Buyers could choose from four layout This article first appeared on
people in Malaysia, and the country’s GDP site which was the first land that Mah Sing types, with built-ups ranging from 708 sq ft

B UD G ET 2 0 2 0 SU RVE Y


Please review
Meanwhile, 26% or 187 respondents
said they had no issue with the current
RPGT, with one of them saying the cur-

rent rate is “not high enough”.

More catalysts needed

Among the respondents who disagreed
with the current RPGT, 148 or 28% sug-
gested that the government revert to the
previous RPGT which worked effectively
in encouraging long-term investments.
Meanwhile, 142 or 27% of these re-
spondents called on the government to
impose RPGT only on property owners
who sell their properties within three
years of ownership. About 18% or 96
respondents believed the RPGT should
only be imposed on foreign buyers
while 14% or 75 respondents wanted it
to be abolished in order to stimulate the
prolonged market downturn. Only 57
of them or 11% said the current RPGT
B Y TAN A I L E N G a better house in the future,” said one rate for property disposal in the sixth

t seems a large number of RPGT for individuals of the respondents.
Another owner opined that the Ma-
year onwards should be reduced.
Interestingly, there were also re-
property owners have been laysia property market is not as vibrant spondents who saw a need for the gov-
disturbed by the current Real Year 2014-2018 2019 as some advanced countries, hence the ernment to consider a value tax or va-
Property Gains Tax (RPGT) 1st year 30% 30% 5% perpetual RPGT will make proper- cancy property tax instead of curbing
and they are hoping to see it re- ty investment less attractive especially speculation through RPGT.
duced or removed, according 2nd year 30% 30% for those who plan to buy properties “My personal view is to go back to
to a poll conducted by 3rd year 30% 30% as a means to raise funds for their re- the previous tax regime, which is more
The RPGT which had seen a new tirement. effective in curbing speculation while
schedule of rates take effect at the be- 4th year 20% 20% One respondent noted that the RPGT encouraging people to invest in prop-
ginning of this year is hurting property 5th year 15% 15% puts a dampener on sub-sales when erties. I don’t think there’s a need to re-
owners by trimming their profit margin. the “government should instead en- duce the number of holding years,” Real
Therefore it is no surprise that a ma- 6th year onwards 0% 5% courage secondary market transac- Estate and Housing Developers’ Associ-
jority of property owners who respond- tions instead of focusing on primary ation Malaysia (Rehda) vice-president
ed to the poll conducted from Sept 12 market sales”. Datuk N K Tong tells
to 25, 2019 are hoping to see an ad- Indeed, as many as 209 respondents Furthermore, he says making RPGT
justment to the existing RPGT regime. Do you agree with the current found the RPGT has dampened market an “evergreen tax” may affect Malay-
A total of 900 respondents took part
in the poll in a run-up to Budget 2020
RPGT rates? sentiments whereas the government
should have introduced measures to
sia’s attractiveness to investors who
are looking for long term investments.
which will be tabled in Parliament on stimulate the market which has been Instead of focusing on one single
Oct 11.
Property owners formed the major-
ity of the respondents at 713 or 79.2%
while the remaining 20.8% or 187 re-
spondents were not. Among the 713
property owners, 74% or 526 of them
187 (26%)
NO 526 (74%)
experiencing a slowdown since 2015.
Although RPGT contributes to gov-
ernment revenue, 90 respondents felt
that the current RPGT has little impact
in expanding the government coffers.
It was reported in July that the gov-
policy, Rehda president Datuk Soam
Heng Choon sees an urgent need to
have more stimulus measures that could
spur market demand.
“The market looks forward to an
expansionary Budget 2020 that could
did not agree with the current RPGT ernment has collected some RM91.86 encourage more spending, especially
which was announced in Budget 2019 million in RPGT for the disposal of on big ticket items,” he said during a
whereby property transactions from the Reasons for disagreeing properties of more than five years. media briefing recently.
sixth year are imposed RPGT of 5% for
individuals and 10% for companies,
effective since Jan 1, 2019.
In the previous RPGT regimes from Unfair to Suggestions on RPGT
2014 to 2018, no RPGT was imposed
on transactions done from the fifth
owners It discourages Revert to the policy of pre-Budget 2019 (28%)
year onwards. who have property
Impose RPGT on sale of properties below three years of ownership (27%)
As many as 413 respondents said
the current RPGT is unfair to owners
held their investment
investment as a wealth Impose RPGT ONLY on foreign buyers (18%)
who have held on to their investments accumulation
for over five years as it did not take into for over five tool 273
consideration that they were genuine Abolish RPGT altogether (14%)
buyers and not speculators. years 413
Another 273 respondents said the Reduce the RPGT rate (11%)
current RPGT discourages property
investment as a wealth accumulation Dampens market Ineffective Others (2%)
tool while 130 respondents believed
the perpetual tax is not an effective
sentiment 209 in curbing
way to curb speculation. As many as speculation
98 respondents also questioned the 130 “The market looks forward to
government’s move to make the tax
retrospective. an expansionary Budget 2020
Should not be that could encourage more
One homeowner said he felt prop-
erty owners are being “punished” for
Not spending, especially on big
selling their homes to upgrade to those 98
that better suit their needs. impactful in ticket items.” — Soam
“It’s our investment, why tax us for expanding the
upgrading? We are selling the current government’s
house to get a bigger house as the size Others 11
of the family grows, selling of current coffers 90
property doesn’t mean we are getting
profit. This is an initial investment we
put in to get the funds for upgrading to

BU DGE T 2 02 0 S URV E Y

For non-property owners, are they looking Main reason for not buying
to buy one within the next 12 months? (for respondents who do not
own a property)
YES NO Don’t earn enough now but I’m saving up (48%)
In no hurry — I see a price correction (26%)
97 (51.9%) 90 (48.1%)
Can’t find anything I like (11%)

Respondents’ Couldn’t secure a home loan (6%)

Prefer renting than buying (5%)
Other reasons (4%)

The Budget 2020 survey

ran online from Sept 12 to 25, 2019. As
many as 900 respondents participated in Within 30-minutes’ The desired property type Others (2%)
the five-minute poll which was conduct- drive to city centre Landed
ed to find out what the market hopes to 22% strata (4%)
see in the upcoming Budget 2020 which connectivity
will be tabled on Oct 11, 2019.
It is also to seek their views on the
current property market, their main Landed High-rise Affordable
concerns and suggestions on how the A township strata schemes
current slow market could be given a Criteria that with safety (37%) (17%)
Among these 900 respondents, close
property and lifestyle
buyers are
to 35% of them are aged between 35
and 44 years old while close to 30% Others looking at
are aged between 25 and 34 years old. The desired Price is not an issue (1%)
About 17.8% of the respondents are 1% property >RM1m – RM2m (1%)
from the 45 to 54 years age group while >RM700k – RM1m (5%)
3.2% were senior citizens above 65 years
Close to
price Have not decided (13%)
old. There were only 2.3% who were aged amenities but has to be
between 18 to 24 years old. (e.g. school) affordable > RM250k >RM400k >RM550k
Looking at income levels, close to – RM400k – RM550k – RM700k
40% of the respondents earned above 8% 18% (35%) (24%) (21%)
RM5,000 to RM10,000 a month while
about 32% earned less than RM5,000

a month. Another 18.8% of them had a
monthly income of between RM10,000
and RM20,000, while 9.5% of them drew
an income of above RM20,000 a month.

Respondents’ age group

— the main priority of homebuyers
35-44 25-34 45-54 55-64
(35%) (30%) (18%) (12%) 65+ BY CHIN WA I LU N strata residences were almost as popular at
37% or 36 votes. Affordable housing schemes “Instead of waiting for

ut of the 900 respondents of the recorded just 16 votes (17%).
(2%) Budget 2020 run-up
salaries to increase,
survey conducted from Sept 12 Reasons for not buying homebuyers could
to 25, 187 respondents said they For those who did not plan to buy a prop- consider buying a smaller
did not own a property. However, slightly erty anytime soon, what was holding them
Income group based more than half of them or 97 respondents back? unit that suits their
on monthly gross salary (51.9%) were thinking of purchasing a prop- It mainly boils down to income as 48% of budget and gradually
erty within the next 12 months. the 187 respondents stated that they were
INCOME RANGE % A further breakdown showed that 59% simply not earning enough to afford a home
upgrade to their dream
> RM7,000 – RM10k 183 21.3 of those who planned to buy a property — but nevertheless, were saving up for one. house.” — Tong
> RM10k – RM20k 162 18.8 in the coming 12 months were looking Interestingly, about 26% said they were
> RM5,000 – RM7,000 159 18.5 for homes priced between RM250,000 to in no hurry to acquire one as they expect-
> RM3,500 – RM5,000 137 15.9 RM550,000. It is worth noting that none of ed a form of price correction to the housing
> RM2,500 – RM3,500 82 9.5 the 97 respondents wanted a house priced market in the future.
> RM20k 82 9.5 below RM250,000. Some 6% of the respondents could not
< RM2,500 56 6.5 This echoes the Real Estate And Hous- secure loans to purchase a property while
ing Developers’ Association of Malaysia’s 5% preferred to rent. Other reasons includ-
(Rehda) homebuyers’ survey conducted in ed having already obtained a property from
April 2019 where 74% of the 1,411 respond- family or having no plans to move out of a
Property owners? ents were looking for houses priced from family home and unemployment.
RM200,000 to RM500,000. Commenting on those who were yet to
These property seekers would prefer a afford a home of their own, Rehda vice-pres-
NO property in a location that offered good ident Datuk N K Tong concurs that housing
connectivity such as highways and LRT/ affordability and financing have become
policy is needed in tackling housing af-
fordability and income disparity as lifting
187 MRT/train stations (31%) while 22% want- a challenge for Malaysian homebuyers as up individual incomes alone will not solve
(20.8%) ed to stay close to the city centre — within a housing prices are beyond the majority wage the problem when the issue of escalating
YES 30-minute drive, to be exact. earners’ affordability. living costs is neglected.
This was followed closely by 20% who Income disparity is still an issue where In the meantime, he notes there are still
713 would choose well-equipped townships with salary increment does not keep up with good properties in the market waiting for
(79.2%) ample safety/security and lifestyle features, housing price growth, he adds. “The key is- buyers during this period of slowdown.
and 18% who had no particular preference sue is people’s income. If homebuyers had “Instead of waiting for salaries to increase,
as long as the home was affordable. the money, they would not want to borrow homebuyers could consider buying a small-
Landed homes remained the most desir- to buy a house,” he tells er unit that suits their budget and gradually
able with 39 votes (40%) although high-rise Nevertheless, he stresses that a holistic upgrade to their dream house,” says Tong.

B UD G ET 2 0 2 0 SU RVE Y

More than six months’ More innovative home

wait for a buyer ownership schemes
B Y RACHE L CHE W owner–occupiers now staying in their
tops Budget 2020 wish list

ooks like property owners Some of these owners (19% or 87
looking to sell their proper- respondents) anticipated the value of B Y C HI N WA I LU N
ties will have to wait at least their properties to appreciate in future,

M Budget
six months before they could hence they were not in a hurry to sell. alaysian homebuyers are open
find a buyer, according to an Edge- Another 18% or 83 respondents wanted and ever ready to consider new online survey. to keep their properties for rental in- homeownership schemes as 2020
Of the 900 respondents who took come and 5% or 24 owners wanted to long as they benefit them. More innovative wishlist
part in the survey, 713 were proper- leave their properties to their children. An online survey conducted by
ty owners of whom 36.6% or 260 of The remaining respondents decided to gauge what Malaysians
schemes to own
them said they were looking to sell to keep their properties after failing to want from the upcoming Budget 2020 a property
their properties amidst the current find buyers while others had reasons when it comes to home ownership and the
slow market. which they did not disclose. property sector found that a majority wanted 575 More current
data on housing
Notably, over a quarter (25.4%) of The online survey was conducted to to see more innovative schemes for property prices and
those selling their properties had gauge what Malaysians wanted from the ownership in the market. supply
been waiting for a buyer for more upcoming Budget 2020 when it comes to Some 575 out of the 900 respondents said
than two years now while 23.5% said
they had been trying to sell their
home ownership and the property sector. they hoped Budget 2020 would announce the
introduction of more innovative schemes that
bumiputera- 469
units release
properties between one to two years. could help them own a property. mechanism
Another 19.2% of them said they had A notable example of such schemes is
been seeking buyers for between six Owners who are looking FundMyHome which was introduced last 299 Government
months to 12 months. The rest of the to sell their properties year. Under this platform, aspiring first-time financial
respondents who were selling their homebuyers only pay 20% of the property for first-time
properties (31.9% or 83) had been (713 property owners) price to own a home while the remaining 80% Government homebuyers
waiting for a buyer for less than six of the price will be contributed by participat- RTO schemes
months. NO YES ing institutional co-investors who share the 199 282
Interestingly, a majority of these upside in the future value of the property.
property owners (40%) were trying 453 (63.4%) 260 (36.6%) Next on the people’s wishlist was for clearer
to dispose of residential properties and more up-to-date data on housing prices On this, Soam says a substantial number of
priced between RM500,000 to RM1 and supply (469 respondents). unsold properties are bumiputera units, hence
million. Another 15.5% were selling When asked, Rehda president Datuk Soam a standardised mechanism is urgently needed
properties priced above RM1million. How long have owners Heng Choon says Rehda has been pushing for for developers to release the units to the buyers.
About 29% of the property owners
were selling residential properties
been waiting for buyers? the Housing and Local Government Ministry
(KPKT) to create a central database of Malaysia
“Currently, Selangor, Kuala Lumpur and
Penang have clear release mechanisms for
(260 respondents)
priced below RM500,000 — the next property inventories, existing developments unsold Bumiputera units, Perak is now work-
most common property type for sale >2 years <6 months and approved developments. ing on it. However, other states do not have
in the market. (25.4%) (31.9%) Such data, he says, would provide a clear- clear guidelines on this,” he adds.
Only 1% to 2% respondents were er picture on housing demand and supply Next up on the people’s wishlist, according
currently selling commercial prop- in the market. They will also help proper- to the survey, were for more fi-
erties priced at RM1 million to RM2 ty developers make the right development nancial assistance for first-time homebuyers
million; and priced at above RM2 mil- decisions while offering property buyers an (282) followed by more rent-to-own schemes
lion, as well as industrial properties. insight into the future development of a cer- to be introduced (199).
Meanwhile, 63.4% or 453 respond- tain area, he adds. Meanwhile, other respondents also hoped
ents currently did not have plans to >1 year – >6 months – KPKT has commenced work on this inte- the government would allow buyers to use
sell their properties as a majority of 2 years 12 months grated demand-and-supply database and it is their Employees Provident Fund savings as
them (55% or 249 respondents) were (23.5%) (19.2%) expected to be ready over the next two years. collateral for home loan applications, extend
The survey respondents were also hoping the Home Ownership Campaign (HOC) to
for more transparent bumiputera-units release resale markets, and consider the needs of the
mechanisms to be implemented (299 responses). elderly for affordable senior community homes.
Types of properties they want to sell
Residential properties RM500k – RM1m (40%)
Residential properties < RM500k (29%) Extend incentives to secondary market
Residential properties > RM1m (15.5%)
While the Malaysian 2020 survey are hoping for housing loans. “The focus
Commercial properties <RM1m (5.5%)
government is very that the government’s shouldn’t be just on the B40
Land (4%) much focused on issues stamp duty exemptions now group. The middle-income
involving affordable housing, applicable to primary market earners also need financial
Commercial properties >RM1m – RM2m (2%)
some participants of the residential transactions, will assistance to buy a house,”
Commercial properties >RM2m (2%) Budget 2020 be extended to secondary said one of the respondents.
Survey are hoping that market transactions, To further stimulate sec-
Industrial properties (1%)
Putrajaya would not ignore the especially for first-time ondary market transactions,
Others (1%) needs of the middle-income homebuyers regardless of there was also a proposal to
(260 respondents)
group and the elderly. property value. remove the Loan-to-Value (LTV)
Property owners who are Currently, only the first ratio of 70% for the third hous-
Why some owners are not selling their units looking for buyers on the RM300,000 of the price of ing loan for buyers who have
secondary market seem to a secondary residential the financial ability to service
Own stay (55%) find themselves on the losing property transaction are the monthly instalment.
end when they compete with exempted from stamp duty The government was also
Not in a hurry to sell as price will appreciate (19%) developers offering attractive on Memorandum of Transfer reminded not to forget the
packages for their products. and Loan Agreement. welfare of senior citizens.
Keeping property for rental income (18%)
The entry costs in purchasing a Some respondents The respondents suggested
I want to leave it to my children (or family) (5%) sub-sale property is generally also suggested that help for pensioners to own
not as attractive as buying from the government allow a house and introduction
Can’t find a buyer (2%) the primary market. property buyers to use their of affordable elderly
Hence, some respondents Employees Provident Fund community homes with
Other reasons (1%)
(453 respondents) of the Budget as collaterals when applying nursing assistance.


trategically situated in Kuala Lum-
pur’s southern corridor, Sri Petaling
was first developed in the 1980s. It is
today a mature suburb where amen-
ities abound.
During the late 1990s to late 2000s, new high-
ways were built such as the Middle Ring Road
2, the Shah Alam Expressway (KESAS), Sun-
gai Besi Expressway and the Maju Expressway
(MEX) which together with the existing Kuala
Lumpur-Seremban Highway formed a compre-
hensive transportation network for Sri Petaling.
The neighbourhood also saw the completion
of the Sri Petaling LRT station in 1998.
Excellent connectivity has given Sri Petal-
ing a big lift as one can easily access all of the
Klang Valley. Key locations such as KL, PJ and
Putrajaya are less than half an hour’s drive away.
Sri Petaling has become a hot spot for home-
buyers and real estate investors, especially those
wanting a place that is close to KL city centre The dazzling rooftop infinity pool overlooking the township.
minus the hustle and bustle.
Properties in Sri Petaling have recorded con-
developments in KL’s southern corridor: Bandar of the 120,000 sq ft net lettable area.
sistent value growth. Take non-landed homes Malaysia, Tun Razak Exchange, Merdeka 118 This will bring vibrancy to the area with
for example. Data from the National Property and Bukit Bintang City Centre. professionals working and living here, making
Information Centre showed that the average Coupled with the upcoming Sungai Bu- the homes attractive to owner-occupiers and
transaction price of these homes have climbed loh-Serdang-Putrajaya MRT line, the neigh- investors, hence the future value appreciation
since the 1990s. bourhood is expected to enjoy spillover from and rental yield are assured, says chief operating
From the RM119 psf recorded in 1991 to these world class financial districts. officer Shelly Chiau.
1995, the average transacted price in the area Through the second MRT line, expected to “Notably, the homes at 8th & Stellar are
has registered 206% growth to RM364 psf in the be fully operational by July 2022, Sri Petaling designed to cater to a wide range of buyers,
2016 to end-September 2019 period. will enjoy enhanced connectivity. including professionals and multi-generational
The average selling price of new projects in The proposed Bandar Malaysia South MRT families. For instance, there is a dual key feature
Sri Petaling and in neighbourng areas such as Station is only two stations away from the Taman in the serviced apartments and three-generation
Sungai Besi has already breached RM600 psf Naga Emas MRT Station situated a few kilo- facilities which are perfect for those who wish
with some projects selling as high as RM770 psf.metres from Sri Petaling. Residents here can to live with their parents,” she adds.
reach home within half an hour if they work Meanwhile, Chin Hin Property Development
REACHING GREATER HEIGHTS in the city centre. managing director Datuk Yeo Chun Sing added
Sri Petaling is poised for greater heights with The asking price for condominiums in Sri that the developer takes 8th & Setllar’s success
its proximity to some of the most exciting mega Petaling can go as high as RM600 psf which and sustainability to heart and is working tire-
still offers decent growth potential in view of Yeo (left) and Chiau believes 8th & Stellar will bring lessly to ensure every aspect of the project is
its infrastructure, scarcity of land and rising vibrancy to Sri Petaling. taken care of, particularly its lifestyle offerings.
housing needs in the Klang Valley. “We have partnered with Melody Kindy-
There are some 1.78 million people living Instead of going high density, the develop- land, an established early childcare and chil-
in KL as at end-June this year, according to the er has crafted a mid-rise project surrounded dren education provider in Penang and invest-
Department of Statistics Malaysia. The number by landed homes with only 600 units, giving ed about RM1 million to set up a 6,000 sq ft
is estimated to hit 1.98 million by 2025. owners greater capital appreciation potential. kindergarten in the project, which is probably
Sri Petaling will become increasingly popular Another feature of 8th & Stellar is its location, the first of its kind in a high-rise residential
among homebuyers and investors which in turn where the commercial district of Sri Petaling project,” he says.
will support the appreciation of property values. is a stone’s throw away, allowing one to enjoy There will also be a 10,000 sq ft gym, a lounge,
all the conveniences without the congestion. a co-working space and F&B outlets in the cor-
FIRST OF ITS KIND The Taman Naga Emas MRT Station is also porate tower.
Interested to own a home or property in Sri 700m away and the developer will propose to “As opposed to just bringing in the operators,
Petaling? Chin Hin Property Development has the authorities to construct a covered walkway we believe in long-term partnerships with them
introduced a first-of-its-kind mixed develop- from the project to the MRT station to provide as this will ensure the success and continuation
ment in Sri Petaling called 8th & Stellar that seamless and safe connection. of the businesses in the project,” he shares.
comprises an office tower, retail shops and 660 The office tower will be the first Grade A With the first-of-its-kind concept, the project
units of apartments and duplex lofts. office in the area and three companies un- is poised to transform the landscape of Sri Pet-
It offers homebuyers all the amenities of Sri der the Chin Hin umbrella, namely Chin Hin aling into a bustling place like Mont’Kiara and
Petaling and the long-term growth of the area Group Bhd, Chin Hin Group Property Bhd and Bangsar South. “8th & Stellar aspires to serve as a
An actual showroom view of 8th & Stellar. at an attractive price from RM600 psf. Solarvest Bhd will be taking up about 70% catalyst to transform the entire area,” Yeo offers.



Yow and team have turned one The co-
of the pre-war shop houses into working space
a new destination for tourists. on the second
ːoor could be
used as event
space during


“These gave me ideas on how
to promote Klang as we felt that
here are many ways the town’s glorious past holds
to tell a story and so much value and should not
Jomy Yow feels be ignored,” Yow says.
that the best way The team chose a pre-war
to convey the sto- shophouse to start their hospi-
ry of Klang is to let tality and F&B business. Other

people experience it for them- than co-working and accommo-
selves, by staying and working dation, visitors could also drop Every corner has its story
at Play! Klang Coshtel. by Play! Klang Coshtel for a cup- Every corner, wall and even

Inspired by the concept of pa or rent its space for events. the stairs were used to high-
co-working spaces and poshtels Despite the limited 18ft by light unique aspects of Klang.
(upscale hostels), Yow and four 70ft available, the team turned For instance, the metal doors
friends who was each involved three large rooms into dormi- at the entrance are inspired by
in different industries decided tories with a total of 17 beds in the Klang Railway Station that
to set up their first “Coshtel” choices of four beds, six beds played a key role in opening up
in the Royal Town and former and seven beds. Storage lockers the royal town.

in a little
capital of Selangor. for each bed occupant have been The open kitchen’s modern
“Being the Royal Town of created under the staircase. hood and hob are paired with
Selangor, Klang has so many Leveraging the high ceilings, vintage wood and rattan kitch-
stories to tell, but we are not the four- and six-bed dorms en cabinets filled with retro ta-

going to do it by talking. What with double-decker beds sport a bleware. To symbolise one of
beats the fun of experiencing minimalist look. The seven-bed Klang’s signature dishes Bak
it?” said the 30-year-old who dormitory has three decks with Kut Teh, used clay pots have
has travelled to over 40 coun- the highest deck offering one been recycled for potted plants
tries and has now settled down single bed. This, says Yow, is in the kitchen. The kitchen now
in his birthplace. the favourite dorm of groups draws guests to stay awhile to
As a degree holder from or families. share stories of their stay here.
Taiwan majoring in cultural and “We serve simple Malaysian
creative industries, he under- Each bed is laid with a premi- Repurposing a breakfast here — bread with
stands the importance of in- A latte um mattress with bedding and a pre-war building kaya spread, half-boiled eggs
tegrating historic places and nostalgically reading light as well as thick cur- Play! Klang Coshtel is located and salted cream crackers with
culture with modern marketing presented tains to reduce noise and light. at Jalan Raya Timur in Klang Milo. These are common Ma-
and branding to create vibrancy “This is part of our brand po- old town centre around five laysian fare which many for-
in an aging town. sitioning — to provide patrons minutes’ walk to the popu- eign tourists find interesting,”
“I have been to many coun- with a luxurious yet afforda- lar Chong Kok Kopitiam and he says.
tries and learnt some things ble hostel living experience,” Klang KTM station.
about marketing tourist desti- says Yow. The two-storey shophouse Bringing in the crowd
nations. Some places are amaz- Play! Klang Coshtel also fea- holds around 110 years of histo- Since it opened in August last
ing with rich cultural value while tures an information corner for ry in what was once the busiest year, Yow said Play! Klang
there are others with less cul- guests. Yow and the team have street in Klang. Coshtel has done surprising-
tural or historical content but designed and printed a travel According to Yow, shop- ly well.
could still do well with the right map to introduce their list of houses on the street were built “During peak seasons, all
marketing effort. must-go places in Klang. by Loke Yew — a well-known the beds are fully booked. But
businessman and philanthro- tourism is a seasonal thing. In
pist during Colonial Malaya and order to ensure revenue sus-
The coshtel Yow integrates historic
this one was used as a hostel for tainability, we organise events
concept is an places and culture with
Chinese migrants who worked and activities that draw peo-
inspiration modern marketing
at Port Swettenham (renamed ple to this quiet part of Klang,”
from co- strategies to bring
Port Klang in 1972). he says.
working space vibrancy to an aging
“To let people understand One was the Egg Cracking
and poshtel. town.
and appreciate Klang’s history Festival on May 25 this year
and culture, one must begin which attracted over 2,000 peo-
with Jalan Raya Timur,” stress- ple to the coshtel. The event
es Yow. also gathered local artisans and
However, the two rows of craft makers who participated
shophouses on the street be- as vendors at the pop-up stalls.
came mostly unoccupied and Yow hopes such events could
left to decay. spur the growth of the local cul-
Nevertheless, Yow and his tural and creative industry while
friends took on the challenge attracting the younger genera-
to retrofit the building to meet tion to stay and appreciate the
modern needs. historical value of Klang.

S POTLIGH T F R I DAY AU G U S T 3 0 , 2 0 1 9
Click/tap on
each listing
Commercial Residential to visit the
Properties for sale and rent listing’s page

RM2,290,000 RM690,000 RM2,500/mth RM3,600,000

Taman Desa, Kuala Lumpur Ken Jimbaran Sek 16, Arnica, Tropicana Gardens, Damansara Jaya,
Type: Semidee house Tenure: Freehold Shah Alam, Selangor Tropicana, Selangor Jalan SS22/23, Selangor
Built-up: 3,900 sq ft Land size: 3,960 sq ft Type: Terraced house Tenure: Freehold Type: Condominium Tenure: Leasehold Type: Shoplot Tenure: Freehold
Bedroom: 5 Bathroom: 3 Built-up: 2,300 sq ft Land size: 1,430 sq ft Built-up: 605 sq ft Bedroom: 1 Bathroom: 1 Built-up: 6,600 sq ft
Bedroom: 5 Bathroom: 3

Agnes Tai (REN 10576) Aiman (REN 20482) Ann Soh (REN 03232) Bernice Lim (REN 19013)
SDN BHD (VE (1) 0294)
+6017 617 5161 +6014 669 6250 +6018 369 8650 +6012 660 1616


RM1.15 million (RM1,057 psf) deal
Courtyard apartment, Adora,
Desa ParkCity, KL
Concluded by: Susan Woo (REN 16613) of Oneworld Real Estate
(+016 206 6060) When: March 2019

RM1,460,000 Noteworthy
Adora is a 2.3ha gated-and-
guarded neighbourhood
“It was a good deal as
the unit fitted all the buyer’s
Kiara 9, Mont’ Kiara, • Built-up: 1,087 sq ft
located in Desa ParkCity, the requirements. The property Phileo Damansara,
Kuala Lumpur award-winning township is situated amidst lush Petaling Jaya, Selangor
Type: Condominium Tenure: Freehold • Ground floor which offers amenities such landscaping and the price psf is Type: Office Tenure: Freehold
Built-up: 2,175 sq ft Bedroom: 3 Bathroom: 3 • Courtyard concept as an international school, stable even in this slow market,” Built-up: 1,360 sq ft (ground floor) and 1,308
apartment supermarket, F&B outlets, parks Woo shared with sq ft (1st floor)
and commercial hub. As at Oct 1, there were five
• Partly furnished
Caren Wong (REN 22846) Adora comprises courtyard Adora apartment units for sale Glenn Mak (REN 22639)
with furniture and terraced homes with walled- listed on Their
home appliances in private gardens as well asking prices ranged from
+6016 282 3223 +6012 868 3563
• 2 bedrooms and 2 as apartments which were RM814.24 psf to RM1,183.97 psf.
bathrooms completed in early 2007. Meanwhile, there was only
• Freehold According to Susan Woo one similar unit for rent at an
from Oneworld Real Estate, asking monthly rent of RM3,400
the property negotiator who or RM3.07 psf.
concluded the deal, the seller
of the apartment unit was an
investor who sold to realise
capital gains.
Meanwhile, the couple who
bought the unit was downsizing
from a 3-storey townhouse.
The couple was also looking
for a new place that offered

RM2,600,000 more open spaces such as a

park, for their pet dogs. As the RM489,000
Nadia Parkhome, Desa ParkCity, unit was located on the ground Casa Tiara, Subang Jaya,
Kuala Lumpur floor, it came with a small Selangor
private garden.
Type: Terraced house Tenure: Freehold Type: Condominium Tenure: Freehold
The buyer also liked the unit
Built-up: 2,600 sq ft Bedroom: 4 Built-up: 953 sq ft Bedroom: 3 Bathroom: 2
as it was furnished and came
Bathroom: 4
with home appliances such as
Grace Chew (REN 24975) kitchen cabinets, toaster oven, John Oh (REN 07002)
fridge, cooker, dryer and washer,
RGROUP 6 SDN BHD (E (1) 1707/6) IQI REALTY SDN BHD (E (1) 1584)
dining table set and curtains.
+6016 233 1796 +6012 298 6266

RM2,065,000 RM450,000 RM880,000 RM1,699,000

St Regis, KL Sentral, Avenue D’Vogue, Bandar Nusaputra Puchong Andes Villa, Bukit Jalil,
Kuala Lumpur Petaling Jaya, Selangor (Kinrara), Puchong South, Selangor Kuala Lumpur
Type: Condominium Tenure: Freehold Type: Condominium Tenure: Freehold Type: Terraced house Tenure: Malay reserved land Type: Bungalow Tenure: Freehold
Built-up: 766 sq ft Bedroom: 1 Bathroom: 1 Built-up: 799 sq ft Bedroom: 2 Bathroom: 1 Built-up: 2,200 sq ft Bedroom: 4 Built-up: 3,537 sq ft Land size: 2,200 sq ft
Bathroom: 2 Bedroom: 7 Bathroom: 6

Josephine Tan (REN 05324) Keat Lim (REN 16681) Kelvin Tan Khai Yik (REN 31324) Kenny Lew (REN 25411)
+6012 390 9498 +6013 299 8992 +6016 403 2222 6012 247 4805

Find your dream home from more than
250,000 listings at

Commercial Residential

Properties for sale and rent Pro Agents, get your listings featured here! Email or call 03-7733 9000

RM990,000 RM4,600,000 RM280,000 RM2,400,000

Kiaramas Sutera, Mont’Kiara, One KL, KLCC, Anggerik Residensi Apartment Setia Prima Shoplot, Setia Alam/
Kuala Lumpur Kuala Lumpur Bandar Teknologi, Kajang, Selangor Alam Nusantara, Selangor
Type: Condominium Tenure: Freehold Type: Condominium Tenure: Freehold Type: Apartment Tenure: Freehold Type: Shoplot Tenure: Freehold
Built-up: 1,675 sq ft Bedroom: 4 Bathroom: 3 Built-up: 3,285 sq ft Bedroom: 3 Built-up: 1,008 sq ft Bedroom: 3 Built-up: 4,950 sq ft Land size: 1,650 sq ft
Bathroom: 4 Bathroom: 2

Michelle Tang (REN 35926) Ian Tang (REN 22803) Mohd Faiz (REN 04003) Ravin Binwani (REN 13799)
+6012 603 0866 +6018 278 3154 (VE (1) 0249) +6013 308 3063 +6012 388 7100


RM910,000 deal
3-storey terraced house,
Halamanda @ Gombak, Selangor
Concluded by: Hayati Husin (REN 01018) of Reapfield
Properties Sdn Bhd (+6019 359 6969) When: August 2019

RM580,000 Noteworthy
Halamanda @ Gombak is
developed by Briswood Sdn Bhd
pricing was also reasonable.
“Initially, the buyer paid a
Sri Ampang Hilir, • Freehold, Malay
and was completed in 2015. This visit to this unit and fell in love Bukit Bandaraya, Bangsar,
Ampang, Selangor reserved land
low-density project (about 100 with it at first sight. Less than a Kuala Lumpur
Type: Condominium Tenure: Leasehold units) comprises 2-storey and week later, she paid the booking Type: Bungalow Tenure: Freehold
Built-up: 1,042 sq ft Bedroom: 3 Bathroom: 2 • Land size: 1,300 sq 3-storey terraced houses built deposit. Then, her loan was Built-up: 4,000 sq ft Land size: 6,280 sq ft
ft on Malay-reserved land along approved within three days after Bedroom: 5 Bathroom: 4
• Built-up: Jalan Halamanda, Gombak. It is a the submission of the relevant
Jimmy Ng (REN 02015) 2,322 sq ft gated-and-guarded project. documents. Suzanne Shoo Kim Looi (E2069)
REAPFIELD PROPERTIES (KL) SDN BHD (E (1) 0452/1) The houses sport a modern, “It was a smooth transaction GRIFFIN PROPERTIES (E (3) 1792)
• Semi-furnished, contemporary and minimalist throughout. Everything went
+6016 257 0886 4 bedrooms and +6016 248 1679
design and are nestled among well,” Hayati told
4 bathrooms lush greenery. Residents are Hayati noted that both owner
• Amenities: Within treated to a view of the quartz and purchaser were cooperative
5km radius of ridges of the popular Bukit and were able to achieve a
educational Tabur or Klang Gates Quartz mutual agreement quickly.
institutions Ridge located nearby. “The house was in very good
such as Sekolah Halamanda is accessible condition, very nicely designed
Berasrama via Jalan Gombak, Jalan Batu and came with an attractive
Penuh Integrasi Caves, the MRR2 and the price. In fact, at that time, there
(SBPI) Gombak, DUKE Highway. It is also within were two other serious buyers
close proximity to the Karak who were willing to pay the
Expressway. The Gombak LRT booking deposit should my
Islamic University
station is about a 15-minute buyer’s loan be rejected,” she said.
Malaysia (IIUM),
drive away. Halamanda units were priced
Setia Budi
RM160,000 schools (primary
Notable educational
institutions like the International
from RM580,450 when they were
launched. RM590,000
and secondary),
Bukit Segar Flat, SMK Sungai
Islamic University Malaysia Data from EdgeProp. Taman Nusantara Prima,
Cheras, Selangor Pusu, Giant
(IIUM) and Setia Budi schools my showed that the average Nusajaya, Johor
are also a short drive away. transacted price for Halamanda
Type: Flat Tenure: 99 years Built-up: 650 sq ft Hypermarket Batu Type: Terraced house Tenure: Freehold
According to Hayati Husin units was RM935,667 between
Bedroom: 3 Bathroom: 1 Caves, Gombak Built-up: 2,228 sq ft Land size: 2,240 sq ft
of Reapfield Properties Sdn the period from 2015 to 2018.
LRT station, Bukit Bedroom: 5 Bathroom: 4
Bhd who concluded the sale, And as at September 2019,
Terence Tih (REN 01644) Tabur hiking trail, the main pull for this sale is there were eight sale listings Usha Sha (REN 17124)
40km to Genting its striking interior design and with asking prices ranging from
Highlands. ready-to-move-in condition. The RM950,000 to RM1,600,000.
+6017 668 2669 +6016 720 0135

RM2,000/mth RM1,300,000 RM550,000 RM4,400,000

Eco Santuari, Kiaramas Cendara, Saujana Puchong (Kinrara Puteri), Binjai On The Park,
Kota Kemuning, Selangor Mont’ Kiara, Kuala Lumpur Puchong South, Selangor KLCC, Kuala Lumpur
Type: Shoplot Tenure: Freehold Type: Condominium Tenure: Freehold Type: Terraced house Tenure: Malay reserved land Type: Condominium Tenure: Freehold
Built-up: 1,500 sq ft Land size: 1,600 sq ft Built-up: 1,650 sq ft Bedroom: 3 Bathroom: 3 Built-up: 1,800 sq ft Bedroom: 3 Built-up: 2,250 sq ft Bedroom: 3
Bathroom: 2 Bathroom: 3 Bathroom: 4

Wilson Lim (REN 29646) Yat Min (REN 31294) Kelvin Tan Khai Yik (REN 31324) Ian Tang (REN 22803)
+6016 353 0201 +6018 661 3088 +6016 403 2222 +6018 278 3154

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